#roland mills
ouatnextgen · 3 months
If Descendants characters were apart of the next gen, what do you think their relationships with the other next gen would be (assuming they were the younger siblings of the next gen).
This is finna be a looong one.
Obviously all the siblings love each other, and all the older siblings are protective of the little ones, so I tried not to be too repetitive with the details.
The Mills:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Bobby is slightly more of a handful than he's used to, so he (and Lucy) keep him on his toes
Henry always asks Regina if he was like that as a kid, and her answer is always a smug "Yes"
Bobby likes spending time with Henry's other families (ie, his own and the Swan-Joneses)
Evie's a lot quieter, so he appreciates that
He's very protective of Evie specifically
She could ask him for the moon and the stars, and you know that Henry would find someway to bring them down for her.
He knows damn well that Bobby looks up to him a lot, so he tries to put on his best act when he's around
Unfortunately, he is more susceptible to The Eyes than Henry is, so Bobby ends up getting away with waaaaay more stuff with Big Bro Roland
Like Henry, he is also very protective of Evie, and will be the one who teaches her how to kill a man when she's older
Basically, Evie is their little princess, and you don't wanna fuck with her
While Evie doesn't like camping, she will tolerate it when she goes with her father, brothers, and sister.
Robyn's just glad she's not the baby anymore lol
She's the least busy of her siblings, by default of being younger, so she's the one who gets to babysit Bobby and Evie when the adults are busy
She and Bobby like to practice archery and eat dirt together or whatever it is kids do
She's never been very girly, so she and Evie have trouble bonding at times
The Nolans:
Leo likes hanging out with little kids, so he never minds babysitting Chad
He's very bossy, however, and seems to be allergic to fun, so Chad doesn't like it when he babysits
Leo can also be kind of preachy about the rules, so Chad will end up getting more lectures from Leo than their parents sometimes
Despite the minor animosity, Leo always wants to be a role model and someone to look up to for Chad
He likes to teach him sword fighting and archery, even when Chad has zero interest or skill for those things
Beck (I can't pick a name for this kid, for now it's Beck):
He and Chad go together like two peas in a pod
Beck's sarcastic outlook paired with Chad's optimism make a fully rounded duo
Beck encourages Chad to commit Crimes, and Chad is the Voice Of Reason
The Hermans/Boyds:
Alex is pretty chill with Chloe
Alex feels like a disappointment to their parents, so she is kind of worried that Chloe might be their "replacement"
Chloe basically hero-worships Alex, and dyes her hair blue like how Alex dyes theirs pink
In the future, Chloe ends up being a jock instead of a girly girl, and she and Alex bond over their mother not knowing what to do with either of them
He and Chloe argue (a lot)
Charlie hates sports, and Chloe hates boring nerd junk, so they don't get along
They are the epitome of "only I'M allowed to make fun of my sibling!" If anyone else makes fun of either of them, they get the wrath of the other one
The Briarwoods (Aurora's Family):
PJ gets along fine with both Ariana and Audrey
He and Ariana specifically love to banter back and forth, which is hilarious to witness since Ariana wins 99% of the time
He will have tea parties with Audrey and dress up like a princess, and he will slay whichever princess dress she forces on him
The girls aren't actually triplets (Ariana isn't even their sister), but they're so close in age and act so similar, that they're always called triplets
They all love princess stuff, and adore being actual princesses; they all want to move to the Enchanted Forest and have balls
When they get older, they sing a different tune, but stay close
The Swan-Joneses:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Harriett has given Henry a lot of gray hairs; more than Bobby, almost as much as CJ
He likes playing pirate with all of the kids
He always calls Harry 'Killian Jr.'
He's the one who bought CJ her red leather coat, to be more like Emma
He spoils them so much (The Mills kids too, but Regina already spoils them a lot) and always brings them gifts when he visits
She loves having such a big family and so many little siblings
She shares her love of books with Harriett, stargazing with Harry, and painting with CJ
She's the sibling that gets sacked with babysitting duty, but she never minds
Hope is the "cool" sibling, aka, she lets them get away with more shit than Henry and Alice do
She's part of the reason CJ is Like That
For whatever reason, she's Harry's favorite sibling, which sucks for her, since she's not a fan of little kids
The Golds:
Ben is very quiet, so he'll tag along with Gideon everywhere and no one will even notice
Gideon and Ben have a book club between the two of them
He feels kind of weird that Ben still has that "my dad is the best" attitude, but doesn't have the heart to tell him the whole truth
They tell each other everything, and despite the age difference, are very close
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victoriously-regal · 2 months
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vizreef · 2 years
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Roland TR-909 Rhythm Composer // Drum Machine (1983 !! )
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queenofglassbeliever · 10 months
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Regina + her boys.
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hannahhook7744 · 5 months
Ouat Next Gen (Part 1);
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Henry Mills.
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Jacinda Vidrio (also known as Jacinda Mills, Ella Mills, Cinderella, etc).
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Lucy Mills.
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Grace Hightop.
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Violet Morgan.
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Gretel Ava Zimmer.
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Hansel Nicholas Zimmer.
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Wendy Darling.
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Alice Jones || (but as a Captain Swan baby).
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Hope Swan Jones.
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Neal 'Leo' Nolan.
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Gideon Gold.
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Margot Hood-Mills.
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Roland Hood.
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Prince Philip || (aka P.J).
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Alexandra Boyd.
Look, I'm not the biggest fan of season 7 but I am a fan of a couple of the characters. So. Here we are. This is canon divergent because in this version of adult Henry is main Henry and Lucy is his daughter. Alice is Hope's twin here. Robin didn't die. And the descendants characters may or may not exist in this world (I haven't decided yet). Inspired by @ouatnextgen .
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chess-blackmyre · 2 years
Okay top five plot points I would have to change about Once Upon a Time:
—Keep Marian alive. Look I love Zelena as a character but when she came back in season 4 it felt forced and not a great plot twist overall. (Not to mention another character of color completely screwed over.) A more interesting story would have been to have Marian AND Robin figure out that they’re not the same people they once were and while they do still love and care for each other, they’re not IN love and trying to force a marriage that isn’t working isn’t good for Roland.
—Have Lancelot get the attention and story focus Merida did in season 5A. Seriously why’d they even bring him back if they weren’t going to do anything with him?? Including an explanation for how the heck he tricked Cora, a sorceress so powerful and scary that even Rumple didn’t like messing with her???
—In season 6 reveal instead of the Black Fairy, have the Blue Fairy revealed to be actual villain. She’s had shady vibes for seasons now, and it would have been a HELL of a reveal. SHE designed the curse, and she gave Baelfire the bean knowing the Dark One wouldn’t go through on it.
—Instead of Regina doing the whole Jekyll and Hyde thing which was fun but we’d already had PLENTY of Evil Queen content, how about Killian splitting himself? Baby boy has the self loathing for it and All I can think about is a Barn Cat Feral Captain Hook that is DESPERATELY in love with Emma but also REALLY REALLY wants his revenge against Rumplestiltskin and it’s so neat <3
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ekktoplasm · 4 months
Once Upon a Time is messy as fuck
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dinneratgrannys · 2 years
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ONCE UPON A TIME 3.15, Quiet Minds
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sunflowerromcom · 6 months
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The Littlest Outlaw a Missing Year/OutlawQueen fic.
Roland wasn’t too sure why they would want to kill the witch, but he wouldn’t eat her. Hunting was where his papa and the merry men went to kill things for them to eat. His little nose scrunched. He would not eat the witch or her monkeys and he was surely not going to be in the kitchens where they would cook her!
This is just me going through my old fics and missing my ship. I’m going through it, apparently.
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OUATtober2023 Day 19: Mother -> Regina protecting both Henry and Roland
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hardfloor · 8 months
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Movement Detroit 2007
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ouatnextgen · 3 months
Get to Know: Roland
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I stole the character template used in this fic, because I thought it was really thorough, and a good exercise for character building. So thanks ao3 user StarkPark!
Roland Locksley Hood. Marian named Roland. His name means “brave land,” and he was named to honor his father somewhat. His middle name is his father’s former last name.
RoRo (by his friends)
Boss (by the Merry Men)
Hoodie (by his friends, to annoy him)
Dark curly hair
Tan skin
Brown eyes
Scars on fingers from bow work, and on arms from dagger training.
Got the same tattoo that his father had on his left arm
Wears Enchanted Forest clothes until he officially moves in with Regina at age sixteen.
He wears warm flannels, baggy jeans, plain t-shirts, and converse.
Face claims
Raphael Alejandro (young)
Noah Centineo (older)
Is usually very laid back and chill. The person his friends turn to if they need a break from their chaotic lives.
He is a generous and trustworthy friend, but independent, and most of the time, prefers to think with his heart rather than his head. He can sometimes come off as irrational because of this.
He is family oriented first, anything else later. He would gladly give his life to protect any of the Merry Men, Regina, Henry, and Robyn.
He has violent vehemence of respect for his (soon to be not) late father. Any slight against him or Regina leads to punishment. He longs to make his father proud, and will often hide parts of himself to accomplish that.
Camping and hiking
Playing acoustic guitar and writing music
Baking and cooking, but mostly baking
Teaching Robyn archery and survival skills, like how Robin taught him
Electro pop music
Video games
No magic, and greatly distrusts magic.
Literally ate dirt as a child, so very good immune system. Only has gotten sick a handful of times
Might be on the spectrum, definitely has some type of nerodivergency
Aromantic Bisexual. No romantic inclinations, but is sexually attracted to all genders
Disappointing his father
Letting his family down
Loud noises
Showers once a business week (Enchanted Forest habits die hard)
Picks his nose
Snores like a son of a bitch
Movies: Likes nature documentaries, but not much else
TV Shows: Not fond of TV
Music: Only likes acoustic, and listens to acoustic covers of all genres
Books: Not much of a reader, but likes reading his father’s tales
Parent: Very close to Regina
Family member: He loves his baby sister, Robyn, obviously
Sport: Archery (duh)
School subject: Never went to Storybrooke High, but he would have loved P.E
Food: The Meats. Mutton, lamb, beef, and even haggis.
Sweet treat: Regina’s cookies
Colors: Red, Orange, and Yellow
Animal: Loves to bird watch. His favorites are the robins, though
Toy: Stuffed puppy dog Regina gifted to him when he was four
Game: Hates video games and games of skill, but will play chess with Alice if she begs
Least favorites
Movies: Anything loud and with flashy visuals. Gives him headaches
TV Shows: Anything loud and with flashy visuals. Gives him headaches
Music: Screamo, rap, electro, pop, basically anything with a lot of moving parts
Books: Any book series longer than three books
Parent: Little John is on his shit list for Reasons
Family member: Zelena for…obvious reasons
Sport: Never understood american football, no matter how many times Leo explains it
School subject: Never went to Storybrooke High, but he would have hated History class
Food: Hates tofu on principle
Sweet treat: Not a fan of sweet ice cream, but likes sorbets
Colors: Grey, blue, purple
Animal: Bears. They are deceptive. They look cute and pettable, but can kill you
Toy: Baby toys that make obnoxious sounds
Game: Hates video games and games of skill
Career aspiration
Secretly wants to open a bakery in Storybrooke, but is currently being trained up to lead the Merry Men.
Social life
Mainly hangs out with the Merry Men, or Robyn and their friends
Not the Mom friend, but the Dad friend. He lets his friends do the stupid thing, but helps them clean up afterwards.
No pets, but will sometimes nurse baby animals at the Storybrooke Shelter
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victoriously-regal · 7 months
Henry: Ma! Roland hit me.
Emma: What am I, your bodyguard? Hit him back.
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suseagull04 · 1 year
What was he thinking? 
His men must think he's crazy, leaving Roland with her. She loves it though, though it reminds her painfully of Henry. She wishes every day that her little prince was with her.
"Gina, can we bake cookies?"
She laughs. "Of course." 
Chocolate chips are stirred amongst flour and brown sugar, milk, vanilla and eggs, and the dough is formed into loose balls. Roland can't do it without getting some on his nose, of course, making her chuckle. Afterwards, she reads to the sleepy boy as his eyes slowly close.
Maybe babysitting isn't so bad after all.
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queenofglassbeliever · 10 months
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After Robin's death, Roland is adopted by Regina. Years later, Roland travels with Regina to the Magical Forest where they are both reunited with Henry. At ten years old, Roland is the youngest member of the Resistance. (Don't worry, he's kept far away from any fighting) When little Robin arrives in the Magical Forest, she's not so little. In fact, thanks to growing up in another realm, Robin is now older than her young teen brother. Roland grows into a young man in the Magical Forest with his family.
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
Father's Day Edits;
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1. Killian Jones with an au version of Alice, Kid Hope, and Baby Harriet. As well as Emma.
Killian Jones with Emma, Little CJ Hook, and Little Harry Hook.
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Killian Jones with Emma and baby Hope and baby Alice for my and @ouatnextgen 's 'out of a world' verse.
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2. Gold with Belle, Neal, Ben, and Gideon.
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3. Henry and Neal at Graduation.
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4. Henry with Lucy.
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5. David with kid Emma.
David with teen Chad and baby Emma.
David with baby Leo, kid Chad, and teen Emma.
David with teen Chad, baby Leo, and adult Emma.
David with kid Emma, toddler Leo, baby Chad, and Emma.
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6. Old Robin with teen Margot, Teen Evie, Teen Bobby, and Adult Roland.
Robin with baby Margot, kid Evie, Kid Bobby Hood, and Roland.
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