The Voyages of the USS Fairytale
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
The USS Fairytale's research lab.
Narrator: Tinkerbell spends her time in the lab, trying to figure out how to harness the power of ki blasts. As time progresses, the former fairy grows frustrated as she doesn't have what she's looking for. Nothing happens; no clues, no way of learning. Her only option seems to be to talk to someone, but who could help her with this? She doesn't understand what she's doing wrong.
Tinkerbell: "What can I do? I haven't had a break, and the Daleks could attack at any moment?"
[Tinkerbell hears the faint whoosh sound of the door sliding open, turning her head to see ensign Lily coming in, holding a tray with cups.]
Ensign Lily: "Sorry to interrupt, Ma'am, but I brought you some coffee."
Tinkerbell (with a smile): "Thank you, Ensign."
Lily: "So how are things going? Are we any closer to harnessing it?"
Tinkerbell: "Not good. I can't do it. Only one man has ever defeated the Daleks, but who knows when I mean he has family here, but he hasn't been here in a while."
Lily (Confused): "Did you say… When? Not where, right?"
Tinkerbell: " I know it's confusing but if he ever returns, you'll know why it is confusing."
Lily: "How do you know this?"
Tinkerbell: " I've been around, and so has Belle. We both met him a while back."
Lily (Excitedly): "Come on, who is it? We can get him here, and he can help us."
Tinkerbell (sighing) : "It's not that easy to contact him."
Lily (Shocked, drops her cup) : "A DOCTOR?! Are you serious, Commander?"
Tinkerbell: "I am. He isn't the type of Doctor you're thinking of."
Narrator: The two science officers went back to work on their project as their conversation was over. Lily was still shocked that a Doctor was the one to have defeated the Daleks previously, and it was a surprise to find out that both Belle and Tinkerbell had met the so-called Doctor.
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
newest threat part 2
Snow White returns to her ready room and sits behind her desk. She contemplations her next course of action. She is concerned for her crew's safety but needs to figure out a way to defend them and take out the Dalek threats.
The warning alarms blared as the USS Fairytale came under attack. At the same time, Snow White heard explosions coming from outside the ship. She quickly went to the bridge.
Lieutenant Aurora: "Captain, we are under attack from an unknown source."
Commander David: "We're on it. They won't get through us so quickly. The shields are holding for now, but we need to find out what's attacking us."
Snow White: "It's obvious who's attacking us. It's the Daleks. They've come to finish the job. Lieutenant Aurora, evasive maneuvers. Commander David, send us into red alert. We're in for the fight of our lives."
Lieutenant Aurora: "Yes, ma'am!"
Commander David: "On it, Captain!"
Snow White: "Good. How are we holding up? What's the power level on our shields? Return fire and use everything we've got."
Lieutenant Aurora: "Shields at 87% and failing. We need to transfer power to the shields."
Commander David: "We're firing everything we've got, but nothing is damaging the Daleks."
Snow White: "Can you take us out? We need to make a tactical retreat."
Snow White: "That's fine. We will find a way to get the Daleks off our backs. Fire photon torpedoes.
David: "Firing photon torpedoes. They hit their target."
Aurora: "Shields down to 70%. The radiation from the photon torpedoes is damaging the shields."
Snow White: "Keep firing. We need to make it to Warp speed, or we'll be sitting ducks."
Lt. Aurora: "Our power is going down fast. We've never encountered anything like this before."
Snow White: "Helm, can you take us into Warp speed to get away from the Daleks?"
Ariel: "Yes, ma'am. I'm on it."
The ship began to accelerate towards warp speed, trying to get away from the pursuing Daleks.
The USS Fairytale successfully escaped the pursuit of the Daleks for now. The crew knew that it was just a matter of time before the Daleks discovered their whereabouts again, but for now they were safe.
Snow White had been thinking about her fight with the Daleks and had an idea. If she could somehow use the energy blast that Saiyans use and add it to her missiles or torpedoes, then just maybe they could win against the Daleks. She knew she needed to talk to Tinkerbell about this.
Snow White: "Tink, I need to ask you something."
Tinker Bell: " yes Captain what can I do for you?"
Snow White: "Is there a way we can harness ki , chakra or energy blasts, and use them in our missiles and torpedoes?"
Tinker Bell: "That's an interesting question. While it is possible to use Ki, chakra, or energy blasts to enhance missiles and torpedoes, it would take a significant amount of time to develop such a system. I can start the research though, if you like."
Snow White: "Excellent. If you need any help, let me know Tinkerbell."
Tinkerbell: That's great. I'll get to work on that right away.
Tink went to work on the new strategy, which hopefully would give them an edge against the Daleks. Only time would tell if this would be enough to defeat them.
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
The newest threat
The crew of the fairytale continued their mission to explore and meet new civilizations in the newly discovered Zeta quadrant, after their confrontation with the Frost demons and their adventure in Krypton space.
Commander Cinderella: "Captain Snow White, we have a distress call coming from an unidentified planet."
Snow White: "On our way. Let's set course for the source of that transmission and see what's going on."
The crew of the USS Fairytale quickly headed for the unidentified planet. What could have happened to cause a distress call to go out?
Captain Snow White: "On screen."
Lieutenant Aurora: "I'm trying but the language is strange."
Lieutenant Commander Ariel: "Have we tried using translator devices?"
Commander Cinderella: "We haven't."
Commander Cinderella: "Let's turn on the translator devices and see if they can pick up the alien language."
The crew of the USS Fairytale quickly activated their universal translator devices, hoping that it would be able to understand the language they were hearing on the communication. What did they hear?
The crew of the USS Fairytale listened closely to the communication. All they heard were screams of pain and agony, and nothing more. The translator suddenly went quiet.
Captain Snow White: "Commander David, take Lieutenant Philip, Lieutenant Commander Eric, and keep the Comms on at all times. Let me know what you see."
Commander David: "Aye aye, Captain."
Lieutenant Aurora turned to Philip: "Come back, my love."
Philip replied, "I will return to you."
Ariel turned to Eric: "That goes double for you, mister."
David: "Okay, boys, we stick together and check out what we see. Once we finish our mission, we can return to our girls."
Eric: "Yes, commander."
Philip: "Understood, Sir."
As the trio explore the planet, they see a strange creature that resembles a robot. It looks like a humanoid-shaped machine, with a round domed body on top of a single tentacle-like leg. It seems to have no eyes or facial features and its surfaces are covered in silver armor plating with black details. It wields a laser.
Commander David: "What's that? It's species is not in our database."
Lieutenant Philip: "Well, this is a new sector and a new planet. We can't expect to have everything in our database."
Eric: "Logically, we wouldn't have it in our database."
Dalek: "I am a Dalek and we will kill your entire race."
Commander David: "We will not allow that to happen."
The trio of officers aimed their phasers at the Dalek. Commander David took charge.
Commander David: "You are threatening a Federation vessel and we are authorized to use force if necessary. We demand an explanation for your actions. Tell us who you are and what you are doing on this planet."
Dalek: "I am a Dalek and nothing affects me. We Daleks are the superior race. All your species are inferior to ours. We shall definitely destroy everything you cherish. We never heard of the Federation before today. Your words have no meaning to me."
Commander David: "Well, let me introduce you to the Federation. It is a confederation of several species who work together in peace and harmony. We value life and diversity and strive to improve the lives of all sentient beings. Perhaps we can convince you that your words have no place in our galaxy. What do you think?"
Dalek: "This is not your galaxy. This is my galaxy, as we are in the Zeta sector. You have no authority here and even if you did, we Daleks wouldn't care very much. Prepare to be exterminated."
Commander David: "So you are going to destroy us, regardless of what we say to you? That is not very rational. Your behavior towards us seems to only be motivated by a desire for destruction. Is there anything to you besides aggression and violence? And is there any way we can negotiate with you?"
Dalek: "This is not your galaxy. This is my galaxy, as we are in the Zeta sector. You have no authority here and even if you did, we Daleks wouldn't care very much. Prepare to be exterminated."
Commander David: "So you are going to destroy us, regardless of what we say to you? That is not very rational. Your behavior towards us seems to only be motivated by a desire for destruction. Is there anything to you besides aggression and violence? And is there any way we can negotiate with you?"
Dalek: "I do not answer to you. I serve the Dalek supreme. He is the Dalek in charge of us. As for your other question, no; we will never stop exterminating lesser Life forms. You cannot defeat us for we Daleks are in charge and stronger than you puny humans."
Commander David: "Then I am afraid that we will have to fight you. And we shall do so as long as it takes. We won't let you harm a single innocent species in this sector. We are the Federation and we stand for peace and understanding, not for violence and destruction."
Dalek: "Prepare to be exterminated."
The Dalek began firing his laser at the officers. They quickly took cover and began returning fire, trying to hit the Dalek and disable it. It was a close battle, but in the end, the trio of officers were able to defeat the Dalek and protect the planet. They then transmitted a distress call, hoping that other ships in the Federation could come to their assistance.
Commander David: "We have defeated the Dalek. We are transmitting a distress call, requesting assistance from any other ships in the area. We are standing by and awaiting a response."
With that, the Dalek left, leaving the three officers baffled and unaware of the Daleks' true intentions. David and the other two officers beamed back to the Fairytale.
Commander David: "Well, that was certainly strange. We have no idea why the Dalek retreated or what its true intentions might be. We should stay vigilant in the future."
Captain Snow White: "Agreed, Commander David Nolan. Dear husband."
Emma: "Wait, Dad, did you say Dalek?"
Commander David: "Yes, Emma, I did. We encountered a Dalek, which attacked us and claimed to be in charge of this sector. We defeated it, but its behavior was quite strange and we have no idea what its true intentions are. This is something we should keep an eye on in the future."
Emma: "It's just that I've heard rumors about the Dalek. I thought it was a rumor, but Karra insisted that the Daleks were real. She told me what she heard."
David: "That's interesting and Kara would obviously know what goes on in this sector considering she originally comes from the Zeta sector."
Snow White: "That's very true. I might talk with Rapunzel and Kara tomorrow and I'll report the discovery of the Dalek to Starfleet Command."
Snow White went to her ready room to contact her mother, Admiral Regina Mills. Captain Snow White started to contact her.
Snow White: "Hello, mom. It's me, Snow White."
Admiral Regina Mills: "Hello, dear. How are you?"
Snow White: "I'm doing well. We've just discovered something interesting. We encountered a Dalek and they claimed to be in charge of the sector."
Admiral Regina Mills: "What? A Dalek? Are you certain that it was a Dalek and not just something that resembled one?"
Snow White: "It called itself a Dalek, but the strange thing is that it retreated without being defeated. Mother, I don't know why, but I feel like this Dalek may have bigger plans for us. I always thought that the Daleks were a myth."
Admiral Regina Mills: "Snow, are you telling me that you encountered a Dalek and it retreated without being defeated? And what do you mean by 'bigger plans'? Are you saying that this Dalek left of its own accord and that this is not a coincidence?"
Snow White: "Yes, Mother. I know it. The Dalek was testing us; it probably scanned us for its own diabolical plans. We might want to prepare for a war with the Daleks. "
Admiral Regina Mills: "Snow, a war with the Daleks? That's a frightening prospect. But we can't be too careful considering the power of a Dalek. I want you to gather information on this Dalek and its intentions. If it is planning a war, we need to know when and where it plans to strike. I'm counting on you, Snow. Now get to work."
Snow White: Yes ma am." with that the transmission ended and now Snow was going to give her crew the bad news. She just wondered how things would go. "Attention to all personnel please listen this is your Captain speaking." Snow White used the speaker to communicate with the entire ship.
Captain Snow White spoke to the crew, trying to reassure them in the face of the news about the potentially hostile Dalek.
Captain Snow White: "I have very, very bad news. The news is that the Dalek may wage war on us, but don't fret, my friends. We are the Fairytale crew, and we can beat anyone and anything. We took on Kryptonians and Saiyans, as well as Frost Demons and came out victorious. We can do it again. I won't lie, this will be our toughest mission yet."
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
School Day
The next day arrives, and Kara wakes up from her deep sleep. She stretches, yawns and sits on her pillow. "Mom, is it time to get up yet?" she asks playfully.
Rapunzel: "Yes sweetie. Get changed. You have school today. I'll be taking you to the school quarter at least until you learn to make it on your own."
Kara: (mumbling to herself in bed) "But… school is so boring." She stretches her body and yawns before deciding to get out of bed and get changed in the bathroom next to her room.
Rapunzel: "How would you know that it's your first day at school in a space ship? What would you like for breakfast?"
Flynn (playfully): "You haven't even gone to school yet and you are complaining about the boredom? Do you want to hear stories about boring homework and even more boring classes?"
Kara: "Mmm… can we have pancakes? I like pancakes."
Flynn: "Sure, there are pancakes in the fridge. Go eat, I will be in my room and get changed. I'll be there in a second."
Kara: I don't like school
Rapunzel: "Really? You don't? According to our files, Kryptonians are supposedly smarter than Vulcans. "
Flynn: "That's true, but our files also claim Saiyans are a violent race. And yet we've met friendly Saiyans. "
Kara: "So, I don't have to go to school?"
Rapunzel: "Of course, you have to go to school. You can't waste your potential, Kara."
Flynn: "Come on, Kara. It's your first day at school. It will be fun!"
Kara: "It's never fun for the new kid."
Rapunzel: "Tell you what. You go to school and Flynn will buy you anything you desire but you have to get good grades too."
Flynn: "Do we have a deal?"
Kara: "fine..."
Rapunzel: "At a girl."
Flynn: "That's my girl." (He ruffles Kara's hair.)
Rapunzel serves breakfast for the family to enjoy. Everyone sits down at the table and starts eating. Kara is feeling a little down because of her day ahead, but she still looks forward to Flynn's promise of buying her whatever she wants.
Rapunzel: "Of course, baby."
Kara: "Mmm… these pancakes are delicious."
Flynn: "They are not just good, they are Kara-licious."
Kara: "Dad, Really!"
Flynn: "What? As a Dad, I have a right to make one terrible Dad joke a day, kara bear"
Kara: "I don't even know what a bear is."
Flynn: (jokingly) "That's all right, Kara Bear. I'll teach you. Now eat your pancakes before they get cold."
Rapunzel: "Flynn, stop teasing our daughter. Also, you need to take Kal-El to the daycare."
Flynn: "Relax, Rapunzel. I'm off duty today. I can watch Kal-El."
Rapunzel (to Kara): "Your father is right. He's off duty today, so he can spend some time watching you go to school. We are both proud of you, Kara."
Kara: "Hmmm… Alright."
Rapunzel: "Alright, dear husband."
Rapunzel (to Kara): "Are you ready, sweetie?"
Kara: "Yeah I'm ready. Can we go already? What time is it, anyway?"
Flynn: "It's 7:30 a.m. That is 30 minutes before you're supposed to be getting to school. Let's go, Kara, or you'll be late."
[Scene: School Ship, Classroom]
Rapunzel: "Okay sweetie, this is your classroom. I promise you will really like the teacher. Now off you go."
Kara: "Okay. I am excited to meet the teacher."
Rapunzel: "Good luck Kara. I'll come visit you at lunchtime."
Kara: "Thanks mom."
[Scene: Kara'S Classroom]
Kara walks into her classroom and sits down at her assigned desk. The teacher walks in, and asks the students to introduce themselves.
Kara walks into her classroom and sits down at her assigned desk. The teacher walks in, and asks the students to introduce themselves.
Rapunzel (in class): "Hello everyone. I am Ms. Rapunzel. Now, I know this is not a normal first day of school, but I am going to do my best to help you feel comfortable."
Kara (in class): "Hi Ms. Rapunzel… Or should I just call you Rapunzel?"
Rapunzel (in class): "You can call me whatever you would like."
Kara (in class): "Okay mom."
Rapunzel (in class): " I promise that this time in school won't be as dull as normal school, so please don't be shy. Okay? (She smiles at her students.) "Now, it's your turn. What are your names?"
Kara: "My name is Kara Zor-El, or Rider, as I am the adopted daughter of Flynn and Rapunzel Rider. I am from Krypton."
The class is a mixed bag of species from all over the universe. There are humans, Vulcans, Klingons, Romulans, Andorians, Cardassians, and many more. The diverse array of species makes this classroom seem more like a United Federation of Planets council meeting rather than a first-day at school.
Gochi: "My name is Gochi. I am part Saiyan, part Klingon.
This class seems like the perfect opportunity to learn more about the vast, diverse cultures of the Federation of Planets. The differences between sayians, Klingons, Andorians, and humans, for example, could make for an interesting class discussion.
Rapunzel: "Okay, class. Everyone please take out a holographic pad and pen, for note-taking purposes. Once you are ready, go ahead and log into
The class follows Rapunzel's instructions and takes out their holographic pads and pens. For many of Kara's classmates, this new form of learning is more difficult, especially for those species who do not have access to the latest technology. For Kara, however, it is easy because she is familiar with more advanced technology and classes. Nevertheless, it is still hard for her to adjust to the primitive ways of Earth.
Rapunzel: "Once you are all logged in, let's begin. You will notice that the topic of the day is 'Diversity of Culture in the Federation of Planets.'"
Kara: "Uhm… what's the Federation?"
All the kids laugh at Kara.
Rapunzel: (with a smile on her face) "That's a very good question, Kara. The Federation is a group of planets that have decided to work together for the benefit of everyone. The Federation is an alliance between species that promotes peace, cooperation, and understanding."
Kara: "I have never heard of it."
(The other students in the class chuckle at Kara's ignorance of the Federation. Rapunzel smiles and continues to explain.)
Goshi: "Mrs. Rider, how come Kara has never heard of the Federation?"
Rapunzel: "Kara, would you like to answer her?"
Kara: "Krypton had advanced technology. We were a race of science, but our leaders chose to ban space travel… even though we had the capability for it."
Goshi: "Sounds like your leaders missed out on a great opportunity. Imagine if Krypton, a planet of advanced technology, had joined the Federation. You could have helped advance it even more."
H'ana a Vulcan girl: "Didn't Krypton get destroyed because of the incompetent captain Snow White?"
Rapunzel: "H'ana, don't call our captain incompetent and don't you see you're upsetting Kara."
H'ana: "It is illogical to be sad over the destruction of your planet."
Kara: "It wasn't just Snow White's fault. The whole council was responsible for the destruction of Krypton. As for me being upset… how can I not? Krypton was my home, my whole world."
H'ana: "Are Vulcans the only species in the universe that have achieved emotional control?"
Kara: "When your planet gets blown up, then and only then you can talk to me about emotion and logic. And for the record, Captain Snow… did everything in her power to try and save my people."
H'anna: (rolls her eyes) It's still illogical to be upset.
Kara: "I'm not just upset, I am really angry. I don't know… maybe it's illogical… but that doesn't make me feel any better."
Rapunzel: "H'ana, that's enough."
H'anna: "And why is that? I am just stating the logical facts, Kara does have a right to get upset, but I do question the logic in her emotion-driven view of things."
Rapunzel: "H’ana, what you said is true. However, let’s remember that we are learning about diversity in this class. In my opinion, it takes more than learning facts to truly become diverse. We must also learn how to be empathetic toward people who have different views than us. Alright, class. Let's get back to the lesson on diversity. We were talking about how the Federation of Planets promotes peace and understanding among different species "We're all different, but that's okay. That's what makes us diverse. Our differences make us stronger because we can learn from each other. We can also help each other overcome our weaknesses. The most important thing is to be open-minded and respectful of everyone regardless of their species."
Kara: "Uhm… No… What I mean is that there are more differences among species than just skin color."
Rapunzel: "That's true, Kara. Each species is unique - not just in appearance, but in attitude, culture, and behavior. The key is to understand the differences between each other and to respect them, even if they are different from our own."
Goshi: "But it's almost like every species is human. I mean, I'm Saiyan but my skin is human color. The only difference I have between a human is my tail. And Kara is Kryptonian but she can pass for a human."
Rapunzel: "It is true that the humanoid species of the Federation tend to look similar. They often share common traits of culture, behavior, and even language. However, it's important to remember that every species is unique in their own ways. Even if they look alike, they are still diverse and special in their own way."
H'anna: "Like what?"
Rapunzel: "Here's one example: each species within the Federation has unique views on philosophy, morality, and culture. Even if their appearances are similar, their inner thoughts and beliefs are not. Each species within the Federation brings their own unique perspective to the table when discussing issues. Additionally, each species has a distinctive genetic code and natural biological system, each adapted to their own world."
Kara: "What if beliefs clash with each other? I mean, I get being open minded, but what if a species believes they are the superior race. Do we just accept that and bow down?"
Rapunzel: "Accepting that another species believes they are a superior race is one thing. Agreeing with it is another. And bowing down to it is not an option. When it comes to dealing with a species that thinks they are superior to others, we should acknowledge their beliefs and try to understand why they feel that way. But we should never back down or submit to them."
Goshi: "But doesn't that go against being open minded?"
Rapunzel: "No, Goshi. Being open-minded means that you are willing to consider and respect other points of view, not that you have to agree with them. So we can acknowledge the beliefs of a species that considers themselves superior and work to understand their point of view, but we do not have to accept it as a truth or follow it ourselves."
H'anna: "That is illogical. If we are to accept them as the superior beings because we are open minded, then logic dictates that we must bow to them."
Rapunzel: "No, H'anna. It would be illogical to bow to a species just because they think they are superior. The whole point of being open-minded is to think for ourselves and not let others decide our thoughts or actions. We may consider their opinions, but that doesn't mean we must follow them blindly."
Kara: "Okay. But what happens if their beliefs become a danger?"
Rapunzel: "It is true that there have been cases in the past where a species' beliefs have caused harm to other species. In those situations, it is important for us to act quickly and decisively. We need to do whatever is necessary to protect the Federation, its citizens, and its values. One way that we can do that is by trying to understand the beliefs that are causing problems in order to find any underlying issues or misunderstandings that we can work to resolve."
H'anna: "So what you're telling us is in those cases we don't have to be open-minded?"
Rapunzel: "No, H'anna. It's one thing to be open minded; it's another to be reckless. In cases where a species' beliefs become a danger to the Federation, we still need to be aware of them and try to understand them, but we may need to take more decisive action to protect the Federation as well."
Gochi: "Why?"
Rapunzel: "It is because open-mindedness does not mean we accept everything as correct or true. We still need to think for ourselves and make our own choices based on our own beliefs and values. However, we also need to be aware of other views, so that we can consider them and learn from them. This is what being open-minded is all about."
Gochi, Kara, and H'Anna nod.
Rapunzel: "Good, everyone is understanding this. Let's move on to the next topic of 'Emotional Development in the Federation'."
Kara: "What does that mean?"
Rapunzel: "Emotional development means that we learn how to regulate our emotions and communicate with others. We also learn how to express and manage our emotions in a healthy and productive way. This is important because it helps us to build strong relationships with others and maintain our mental and emotional wellbeing. In the Federation, we place a strong emphasis on emotional development, as it is essential for creating a diverse and inclusive society."
H'Anna: "That is quite amusing seeing a human regulate their emotions."
Rapunzel: "Human beings are complex beings, just like any other species in the Federation. Some of them can be very passionate and emotional, while others are much more calm and controlled. It really depends on the person. However, humans are also very curious and have a tremendous potential for emotional growth. We can all learn from each other."
H'Anna: "I believe that you have no idea what your talking about. Tell me, are you accepting my beliefs?"
Kara: "Hey, that's my adopted mother your mocking."
Rapunzel: "Of course, H'Anna, I am accepting your beliefs, even though I may not agree with them. The whole point of this class is to understand the different beliefs that species have within the Federation and to learn how to communicate with them and respect them. I'm not trying to convert you to my beliefs, but I am trying to understand yours."
H'Anna: "You're my teacher; your job is to correct me when I am wrong. But because of your open mind, you won't even do that."
Rapunzel: "H'Anna, I am a teacher but also a learner. I am not perfect, and I still have a lot to learn. Also, it is not my responsibility to correct anyone, it is my responsibility to teach and to understand. I cannot correct your beliefs because there is nothing to correct. You believe what you believe, and that is fine. It's important to respect each other's beliefs and build understanding."
H'Anna: "I believe that I only get straight A and will pass this class with minimal effort."
Rapunzel: "Well, H'Anna, that's a bold statement. I can appreciate your self-confidence and willingness to challenge yourself. Let's see… How about you give me a short presentation in class on one aspect of emotional development in the Federation? We can talk after class and see if your statement holds up."
H'Anna: "So now you require proof of my belief. Where is your open-mindedness?"
Rapunzel: "H'Anna, I have always been open-minded, as I stated in the lesson. I am just asking you to present your belief in class so we can discuss it further. It would also be a good opportunity for you to share your perspective with your classmates and to listen to their thoughts and opinions as well."
Kara: "Mom, I can't believe I am saying this, but I kinda agree with H'Anna."
Rapunzel: "That's okay, Kara. As I said before, the whole point of being open-minded is to listen to other points of view and to learn from them. You can agree with H'Anna all you want. In fact, what is important is that we discuss each other's beliefs and learn from them! Even if we don't always agree, we can still find value in them."
Kara: "But if we are open minded, then that would mean we have to be okay with everyone. I'm not saying we agree with them but just accept them. Imagine how chaotic that would be. Crime would run rampant."
Rapunzel: "You're completely right, Kara. Being open-minded does not mean accepting everything. It just means being willing to listen to other points of view and consider them. We must still take action when needed, and we must still make decisions based on our own beliefs and values."
Rapunzel: "Well, class is almost over. I would like a report of your culture and beliefs and how they affect others. You may work in teams of three to compare your unique cultures and experiences and how they compare to each other. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask."
Kara: "Mom"
Rapunzel: "Yes, Kara?"
Kara: can Gochi and H'anna come over tonight for us to work on our project?
Rapunzel: "Of course, Kara. Gochi and H'Anna are always welcome here. Are you sure that you'll have enough time to work on your project? Remember that it's due by the end of the week."
Kara (hugging Rapunzel): "Thanks, Mom, and don't worry. That's plenty of time for us to do our project."
Rapunzel: "You're welcome, Kara. And I'm sure that you and your friends are responsible enough to complete your project in time, but I still worry. Please make sure to also have fun and not overexert yourselves."
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
Rapunzel and Kara
Rapunzel, the teacher for the children onboard The USS Fairytale, saw her lessons cancelled due to the recent attacks from hostile alien species. Rapunzel, the teacher, was walking down the corridors of The Fairytale, when she bumped into the young Kara Zor-el and her infant cousin Kal-el. It was difficult for Kara to adjust to life in The Fairytale, due to the destruction of her home world. She was depressed.
Rapunzel: "Sorry Kara, I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?"
Kara (angsty): "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!!"
Rapunzel: "Kara. Wait, if you want to talk I am here."
Kara: "How could any of you understand the pain I am going through? I lost my family, my friends… the only one I have is this little guy."
Rapunzel: "We may not share your trauma, but we each have pain, and if you'd like Flynn and I would be honored to take you in our custody both you and your cousin. "
Kara: "It's a nice offer and I guess it beats staying alone, but what if I am a burden? You should raise Kal-El at least he won't have the trauma I do."
Rapunzel: "Oh sweetie, you'll never be a burden. I know there might be times where you misbehave or do something that I might need to ground you for, but you won't be a burden. "
Kara: "Promise."
Rapunzel: "Of course, sweetie."
Kara: "I accept."
A week passes since Rapunzel and Flynn took Kara and Kal-el in and the new family dynamic is beginning to settle in. Kara and Kal-el have adjusted to their new home, and Rapunzel and Flynn are working on helping Kara overcome the trauma from the destruction of her home world. Now, it's time for Kara to start schooling, and she's a little nervous about meeting her classmates for the first time. Flynn and Rapunzel comfort her, and they all set out for Kara's first day of school.
Kara (worriedly): "What if they don't like me?"
Rapunzel: "I am sure they will love you. Just be yourself. "
Kara: "But I'm weird."
Rapunzel: "Baby, we all have our quirks and you're not weird. "
Kara: "You're just saying that cause you're my adopted Mom and you have to say that."
Rapunzel: "No silly. I'm not just saying that. Want to know weird? I lived 18 years in a tower until Flynn rescued me. Flynn's real name is Eugene."
Kara (shocked and curious): "What?!? That's crazy! Why were you living in a tower?"
Kara: "You're just saying that cause you're my adopted Mom and you have to say that."
Rapunzel: "No silly. I'm not just saying that. Want to know weird? I lived 18 years in a tower until Flynn rescued me. Flynn's real name is Eugene."
Kara (shocked and curious): "What?!? That's crazy! Why were you living in a tower?"
Kara: "You're just saying that cause you're my adopted Mom and you have to say that."
Rapunzel: "No silly. I'm not just saying that. Want to know weird? I lived 18 years in a tower until Flynn rescued me. Flynn's real name is Eugene."
Kara (shocked and curious): "What?!? That's crazy! Why were you living in a tower?"
Rapunzel: well it's hard to explain but see when my mom was pregnant she ate a flower to heal herself as she had been very ill but the flower embodies me with magical hair. and to activate its power you just need to sing a song and my hair shall glow.
Kara: "O…kay. That's even more bonkers. So you have magic hair because your mom ate a flower to heal herself while pregnant. And to activate it all you had to do was sing a song, and your hair would glow?"
Rapunzel: "Pretty much. Sweetie, what would you prefer: dresses, skirts, or pants? "
Kara: "Hm… well, dresses seem cool, but I'll probably trip over them and I hate tripping over dresses, so umm… skirts,
Rapunzel: "Tell you what, we'll get you all three and you can alternate for whatever you feel like now. Let's get you to the, ummm… section, shall we?"
Kara: "Thanks, Rapunzel." (Kara smiles.)
Kara looks excited to browse through the clothing sections. Flynn and Rapunzel help Kara find a few outfits that she likes.
Flynn (carrying a huge pile of clothes): "Babe, I can't see. Are we done yet?"
Rapunzel: "Almost. We just need to get some bras for Kara." (Rapunzel grins with her signature smile.)
Kara: "MOOOOOOOM!!" (Kara covers her face and blushes in embarrassment.)
Kara realized what she had called Rapunzel. She started to run away in embarrassment. Rapunzel and Flynn chased after Kara, but the Kryptonian ran too fast for them to catch up to her.
Kara (to herself): "Aaaarrrg! I'm so stupid! Why did I call her mom? She can't replace my mother."
Kara realized what she had called Rapunzel and she started to run away in embarrassment. She knew she could never replace her mother, and she was ashamed of herself. Rapunzel and Flynn looked at each other and realized that Kara had run away. Flynn called out to her, but Kara was too fast for him to catch up.
Flynn (calling out for Kara): "Hey! Wait! Kara! Where are you going?"
Rapunzel (worried): "Flynn, we have to find her, and fast! It's a big ship and people get lost. But we're not in the ship, we're in a store and Captain Snow's departure is soon. I'll go explain the situation to Captain Snow, and you search for Kara."
Flynn: "Got it, Rapunzel. I'll look for her as fast as I can."
(Flynn gives Rapunzel a quick kiss on the lips and starts to search for Kara.)
Flynn: "KARA KARA"
He calls out search every nook and corner, not letting go. He sees some people and excuses himself. He shows them a picture he had taken of his family when they adopted Kara and Kal-el.
Flynn: "Excuse me. Have you seen this girl? This is my daughter Kara and my son Kal-el."
The people look at the picture and then shake their heads. They have not seen Kara. Flynn is desperate. He searches higher and higher, eventually climbing to a tall shelf where he finds Kara hiding.
Flynn: "KARA KARA"
He calls out search every nook and corner, not letting go. He sees some people and excuses himself. He shows them a picture he had taken of his family when they adopted Kara and Kal-el.
Flynn: "Excuse me. Have you seen this girl? This is my daughter Kara and my son Kal-el."
The people look at the picture and then shake their heads. They have not seen Kara. Flynn is desperate. He searches higher and higher, eventually climbing to a tall shelf where he finds Kara hiding.
Kara (crying):
Flynn doesn't say anything. He just wraps his arms around Kara and cradles her, letting Kara cry it out. He holds her close and tries to comfort her. After a few moments, Kara wipes away her tears and looks at Flynn.
Kara: "Flynn… I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to call Rapunzel my mom. I don't want to replace my real mother… I don't know what to do…"
Flynn: "It's okay Kara. We love you just the way you are."
Kara (depressed tone): "You should just leave me… I am a burden. You're better off raising Kal-el at least he's a baby and won't have all my baggage."
Flynn: "Kara, don't be silly. We want both of you. We understand that there are things like this, but you don't have to call us Mom and Dad if you don't want to. "
Kara: "I want to call you Mom and Dad, but I feel like I am replacing my parents. It's hard… It's really hard. "
Flynn: "I know it is. It's hard… I may not have lost my entire planet, but I never knew my real parents."
Kara (surprised): "You never knew your real parents?"
Flynn: "No, I didn't. I was in an orphanage most of my life. And well, I became a thief before I met Rapunzel. She helped turn my life around."
Kara: "Wow, I didn't know that. I'm so glad that Rapunzel helped turn your life around. How long have you been together now?"
Flynn: "About five years, now. What do you say, want to come back home with me for a nice home cooked meal? You might be Kryptonian, but you have the appetite of a Saiyan."
Kara (amused): "You think this Kryptonian girl can out-eat you? You're on!"
The father and daughter return to the ship with Rapunzel hugging Kara and showering the girl with motherly kisses. Kara is no longer upset, but she is feeling happy and loved. She is grateful to have Flynn and Rapunzel in her life. As for eating, both Kara and Flynn are eager to have a good challenge to see who can eat more.
Kara: "Rapunzel, I'm sorry I ran away and worried you."
Rapunzel: "It's okay dear. Just tell me next time that you need some space. I love you and I am always here for you."
Kara: "Yes Ma'am, now I am going to kick Dad's ass in the food challenge."
Rapunzel: "Language, young lady."
Flynn: "Awwww, come on, I am the champion." (Flynn and Kara grin playfully.)
While Kara and Flynn are competing over who can eat more, Rapunzel is feeding baby Kal-El.
Rapunzel: "Here comes the train. Choo choo."
Kal-El: (baby noises)
Rapunzel (singing to Kal-El): "All aboard the Kal-El train. Destination: Yum Yums Town!"
Kal-El giggles as Rapunzel is feeding him. Rapunzel takes this opportunity to feed him. Kal-El enjoys the food and Rapunzel coos and praises him
Rapunzel (cooing): "That's a good boy. Who's a good baby boy? You are! Yes, you are!
Kal-El continues to enjoy his food and giggles some more.
Both Kara and Flynn have finished their food challenge, with Kara winning. Flynn is a sore loser.
Flynn: "Okay, okay, you win. Well done. But you're only winning because my stomach is smaller than your Kryptonian one." (Flynn sticks out his tongue playfully.)
Kara: "Whatever. Just admit defeat. You can't handle my appetite!" (Kara grins victoriously.)
Flynn: "I'm starting to think you're part Saiyan, Miss Kryptonian, but time for bed."
Kara: "You're only sending me to bed because I won."
Rapunzel: "Kara, you have school tomorrow so it's time for bed."
Kara (whining): "Awww, Rapunzel, I don't want to sleep! Let me play just a little more!"
Rapunzel: "Sorry, Kara. On a weekend, you can stay up as long as you want. But on weekdays, if you have school, you have a bedtime."
Kara (pouting): "Fine…"
Rapunzel: "I'll tuck you in, okay, Kara, besides, you'll love the teacher."
Kara: "How would you know that?"
Rapunzel: "It's a surprise, sweetie." (Rapunzel smiles at Kara, and strokes her cheek lovingly.)
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
The Tremaine family
Anastasia: "Why do I have to listen to you?"
Cinderella: "Because I'm your commanding officer. We've been through this, Anastasia. I am Captain Snow's first officer. You are Lt Jr grade, be glad you're not an Ensign like Drizella."
Anastasia: "But you used to work for us."
Cinderella: "Yes, when you all treated me like a servant, but those days are over. Now get Drizella, we have to visit mother."
Anastasia: "We're going to the brig?"
Cinderella: "Yes."
Lady Tremaine, with arms folded: "If it isn't the three ungrateful bastards I raised."
Anastasia and Drizella: "Hello mother."
Cinderella: "Hello stepmother."
Lady Tremaine, with her arms folded: "What do you ingrates want?"
Cinderella: "I have some good news and bad news."
Anastasia and Drizella: "Please mother, for once, listen to Ella."
Anastasia: "It's not her fault, mother, it's mine."
Lady Treamaine: "Anastasia, don't cover up for Cinderella."
Anastasia: "I am not."
Cinderella: "Stepmother, I have been talking with Captain Snow for your freedom."
Lady Tremaine: "Let me guess, she said 'no' and you gave up."
Cinderella: "Actually she did say 'no' but I never gave up. "
Lady Tremaine (shocked and guilty): "After everything I did to you, you still fought for my freedom. Why?"
Cinderella: "Because despite everything you are the only mother figure I have ever known."
Lady Tremaine: "Then you're a fool, Cinderella. I am your stepmother but I never loved you, never will."
Cinderella: "I am well aware stepmother. As much as it pains me to know that you will never love me, I'll always love you."
Lady Tremaine: "Well hurry up and tell me you brat."
Cinderella: "The captain said she would let you out in two conditions. One, you return to the Enchanted Forest or you stay in the Fairytale and will be its janitor."
Lady: "I shall not do either of those. You're a disappointment as a stepdaughter and as a lawyer. Get a better deal."
Cinderella: "That's your only option, stepmother."
Lady Tremaine: "What about Anastasia and Drizella?"
Anastasia: "We're staying here, Captain Snow has been very nice to us."
Drizella: "Yeah."
Lady Tremaine: "Traitors."
Drizella: "You're the one that started a mutiny against Captain Snow when she was a very nice lady. She fought frost demons allied with Saiyans and Kryptonans. She even faced the likes of General Zod and Brainiac."
Lady Tremaine: "And I'll do it again."
Anastasia: "Please mother, we're trying to help you."
Lady Tremaine: "Don't make me laugh. You're just trying to get rid of me. If you were truly trying to help me, you'd keep me aboard and Cinderella in the brig. "
Drizella: "Why do you despise Cindy so much?”
Anastasia: "Yes, why? Ella never did anything to hurt us. We've hurt her more for no reason."
Lady Treamaine: "Because that little nothing doesn't deserve love."
Drizella: "Mother that was uncalled for."
Anastasia ran to the side of Cinderella to comfort her.
Drizella: "If it wasn't for Cindy, Captain Snow would have sent you to an actual prison. You're lucky they let us see you."
Lady Treamaine: "When did you two become so pathetic? My own daughters Drizella and Anastasia."
Anastasia: "Come on Ella, let's go. You don't have to take this. Mother may not appreciate your efforts, but Drizella and I do."
Lady Treamaine, talking to herself: "I don't deserve Cinderella's love. Why won't the girl just hate me already?"
Anastasia: "Ella, don't let what mother said get to you. You're a good girl."
Drizella: "Cindy, you're a hardworking one too. I am just sorry we didn't see how badly we treated you before."
Cinderella: "Thank you, sisters." (She hugs them.)
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
Love in the air
Interior Holodeck of the USS Fairytale. Emma, daughter of Captain Snow White, and Ensign Balefire, son of Dr. Belle, are on a date.
Emma (enjoying herself Shooting at the hollo image of enemies they encountered before) : this is very romantic.
Balefire: i don't see how but if you're happy I'm happy.
Emma: "This is very romantic."
Balefire: "I don't see how, but if you're happy I'm happy."
Emma: "You always know what makes me happy
Balefire: of course I do."
As the two ensign embrace each other for a passionate beep the intercoms Go on line Ensign Emma Nolan report to the captain's Ready room
Baelfire: Every time
Emma (giggling) is not often Bae.
Bae: "What did you do this time?"
Emma: "Nooooothing." (innocent look)
Bae: "Emma, your mother only calls you when you're in trouble."
Emma: "Oh, okay, you got me. I did do something."
Bae: "Tell me."
Emma (flirty tone): "Guess."
Bae: "Oh, come on. What did you do?"
Emma (flirty): "I cannot tell you. I might just have to show you later."
Bae: "Emma!" (with a chuckle)
Emma: "It's a surprise, bae. You'll love it, honest."
Baelfire: "Last time you said that we were stuck cleaning the bathrooms of the Fairytale."
Emma: "This time I promise it will be better."
Baelfire: "Fine Em. I am looking forward to your surprise."
Emma: "Oh, you won't be disappointed."
Bae: "Okay, but you should get going."
Emma: "Yeah, I know. I am headed there right now. See ya later."
The two give each other a kiss, and then Emma makes her way to her mother's ready room.
Snow: "Emma, I called you here an hour ago."
Emma: "Sorry, mother. I was on a holodeck date and didn't even hear the intercom. It is a huge ship."
Snow White: "Emma don't lie to me. I am well aware that everyone heard the intercom."
Emma: "Okay, but if this is about Ensign Lily, she started it."
Snow: "I did not know that."
Emma: "Well if its me about changing the label on the salt and sugar that was just a prank."
Snow: "What? I didn't know that either."
Emma: "Then why did you call me here, mother?"
Snow: "I called you here because I wanted your opinion. I was thinking of redecorating my ready room but now I am considering grounding you."
Emma: "Mom, I am 20 years old you can't ground me."
Snow: "Wanna bet, young lady?"
Emma: "I am not a child mother.
Snow: "And yet you insist on acting like one."
Emma: "Oh, come on, mother."
Snow: "Don't give me that young lady. If you are going to act like a child, then I will start treating you like one."
Emma: "Mother!"
Snow White: "Yes daughter."
Emma: "Mother! I'm a grown woman."
Snow: "Then prove to me you are. Because if I catch you behaving like a child again, I will treat you like one.
Emma: "Mother, no!"
Snow: "No, you don't want to prove to me you're a responsible adult?"
Emma: "Mother, I am a grown woman. I go on holodeck dates. I do my duties. I'm responsible."
Snow: "Emma, you're a good officer. I won't lie, you are better than me when I was your age. But you're reckless, impulsive, and don't think things through. You took a shuttle to play chicken."
Emma (blushingly): "That was because of a dare."
Snow: "My point exactly. What kind of grown woman risks her life like that? So, until you prove to me you are an adult, you will be treated as a child."
Emma: "No fair!! But fine, treat me like a child."
Snow: "Glad we understand each other."
Emma: "Mother, you are a cruel woman."
Snow: "I love you too sweetie."
Emma: "Mother, you know I love you, but I will be out here proving myself. That way you don't have to treat me like a child anymore."
Snow: "I know Emma, but you are my child. Just try and remember to be more responsible."
Emma: "Promise, mother."
Snow: "Good girl."
Emma: "Mother, I've got to get back to my date."
Snow: "Alright dear, just remember to be more responsible."
Emma: "I will mother. See you later."
Emma returns to her date and tells Baelfire everything her mother said.
Baelfire: "I think you'd look cute in pigtails and dresses."
Emma (playfully): "Shut up."
Baelfire: "What? Just saying."
Emma: "Whatever. You are still annoying."
Bae: "And yet you love me."
Emma: "Yes, I do. Let's get married."
Baelfire: "What? You can't be serious."
Emma: "Why not? We've been on a dozen dates. We love each other. Why not get married?"
Bae: "For starters, your parents would kill me."
Emma: "Dad was just saying that to scare you. It won't be a problem."
Bae: "Your mother could fire me."
Emma: "I know, but if you keep me happy, she won't have a reason to fire you, right?"
Bae: "Fine, let's get married then."
Emma: "Yay! I'm so happy. Now, what should we do for the wedding?"
Bae: "Well obviously invite our families, but we also have to search for space for you and me on this ship."
Emma: "Oh, right. So, we have to plan a wedding. Hmmm… Should it be on a holodeck or in the cargo hold? I think the holodeck would be nice. What do you think?"
Bae: "What about on the moon, or Planet Vegeta, or in the Enchanted Galaxy, our home world?"
Emma: "Hm, those are good ideas. But don't you think we should stay close to our families since we are planning on inviting them to the wedding?"
Bae: "We work and live with our family and friends. All we have to do is put in a request and your mother might say yes. If she says no we will do a holodeck wedding."
Emma: "True. Okay, we'll put in the request. I hope she says yes."
Bae: "What about food?"
Emma: "Hm, maybe we should eat something from the replicators. Oh, I've heard that there is an amazing pastry that they make on the bridge. Or I could ask one of the chef-officers to make us a meal."
Bae: "What about food?"
Emma: "Hm, maybe we should eat something from the replicators. Oh, I've heard that there is an amazing pastry that they make on the bridge. Or I could ask one of the chef-officers to make us a meal."
Baelfire: "You're right. Remember to get Tiana, the chef-officer."
Emma: "Okay, will do. What about our clothes? Should we stick with uniform or get something more formal?"
Bae: "I prefer formal."
Emma: "Okay, I guess we will have to ask a fashion officer for help. Or maybe mom will know what we should wear."
Bae: "If you say so, but I suppose we could do that. who's going to officially marry us?"
Emma: "Hmmm… Let's think… Should it be the captain? Or maybe the ships priest?"
Bae (surprised): "The ship has a priest?"
Emma: "Of course, many of the crew members have a faith. The priest is there to provide guidance and assistance when needed."
Bae: "Well then, I suppose the priest can marry us. What else do we need to plan?"
Emma: "Hm, the invitation. Do we send them out? Or just make them on the holodeck? Should everyone on board the ship be invited?"
Bae: "We could just use the intercom to invite everyone."
Emma: "Hm, we could do that. But what if we wanted some privacy or wanted to only invite a few friends?"
Bae: "That's true. Well, I guess the holodeck it is. We just need to settle on a date."
Emma: "Okay, when do we want the wedding to take place? I was thinking sometime soon, but is there a particular date you had in mind?"
Bae: "We need time to send all of this out, so what do you think in two weeks on a Friday night?"
Emma: "Sounds good to me.
Bae: "Am I going to tell my mom, you'll tell the captain or do you want us to tell them together?"
Emma: "I'll tell my mom You can tell your mom.
Bae: "Okay, love."
Emma: "And you should also tell the priest, so that he can get ready."
Bae: "Yes dear."
Emma: "This is exciting. I never imagined I would be getting married so soon."
The day of the wedding arrives. The ship's priest stands at the front of a beautiful area on the holodeck. A crowd of crew members are seated in the audience. In the front row are the bride, Emma, in an elegant white dress, and the groom, Baelfire, in a dark suit.
The priest: "Brothers and sisters, we are gathered here today to witness these two enter the holy bond of matrimony. Ensigns Baelfire Gold French, do you take Ensign Emma Ruth Swan Nolan Blanchard Charming Mills to be your wife, protect her, cherish her in life until death do you part?"
Baefire: "I do."
Priest: "And Ensign Emma Ruth Swan Nolan Blanchard Charming Mills, do you take Ensign Baelfire Gold French to be your husband, protect him, cherish him in life until death do you part?"
Emma: "I do."
Priest: "Then by the powers invested in me by the captain, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
(Baelfire kisses Emma. The audience erupts in cheers and clapping.)
Baelfire carries Emma bridal style out of the holodeck and throws the bouquets of flowers. Ensign Lily Page (Emma's best friend) catches it.
Baelfire: "That's my wife, everyone!"
Emma: "That's my husband everyone!"
The audience cheers and the celebration begins.
Baelfire dancing with Emma at the party.
Emma chatting with her friends.
Emma and Baelfire talking in the bridge.
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fanficstartrekouat · 10 months ago
The aftermath
Snow White: "Alright, time to get back to work. Let's do what we can to help those injured. I'll work on making sure the ship is repaired to fly again."
Aurora: "Captain Snow, what should I do?"
Snow White: "You and Cinderella go help the injured. I will work on repairs."
Aurora : "On it, Captain."
Snow White: "Thank you Aurora."
Snow ( still sad defeated tone): i fought general Zod and he would have one had Ariel not beamed up. i lost an entire planet the destruction of krypton just seemed unavoidable. How can i be captain when i can't do anything right
Chief of security Elsa: Sorry captain but i couldn't help but overhear, and you're wrong. You are an incredible captain.
Snow White takes a deep breath, trying to remain composed.
Snow: "Thank you, Elsa. But I don't see how I am so great when I can't seem to do anything right. I lost Krypton. I could've done so much more to prevent its destruction."
Elsa: Captain your wonderful and incredible you are the best there is you out shine every other captain. According to what you told us the council didn't even take their most brilliant scientist seriously. with them in charge anyone would have lost krypton. but look one planet got destroyed but we have cities that need restoring let's focus on that .
Snow White: "Elsa, thank you for your kind words. You are right. Krypton is gone, but the cities on the other worlds can still be saved."
Aurora: "The council's hubris and refusal to listen to reason, to listen to their most brilliant scientist, led to the destruction of an entire planet. But what we can save is in our hands. We can do this."
Cinderella: "That's right. We can't let the mistakes of others cloud our judgment. The cities can be saved."
Snow: "Girls, thank you."
Elsa: "This might be a bad time to ask but am I off probation for reckless behavior against the Frost demon?"
Snow: "Sure Elsa, I'll take you off probation."
Elsa: "Thanks captains. I won't let you down."
End for now.
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fanficstartrekouat · 11 months ago
Cinderella at command part 3
Commander Cinderella (skeptical): "Really? You expect us to believe you? You could be working for Brainiac for all we know. What kind of proof do you have that you know our captain?"
Stranger: "My name is Jor-el, and I've requested refuge on the Fairytale. Your captain agreed, but she's in grave danger."
Aurora: "Right now is not a good time to take refuge in the Fairytale."
Jor-el: "I have a way to save you all. As for proof, your Captain's name is Snow White, and she can be terrifying when need be.
Ariel, Cinderella, Aurora: "Yup, that's the captain alright."
Cinderella: "What is your way of stopping Brainiac, and what did you mean that our Captain Snow is in danger?"
Jor-el: "She's currently fighting General Zod, but when I saw what was going on, I knew I had to warn you and help since your Captain is willing to save my people from our own hubris
Jor-el: "What I have here is a frequency box. You attach it to your ship's main computer, and it will alter a frequency and give you the edge you need to fend off Brainiac."
Commander Cinderella: "What do we have too-"
Aurora: "Don't jinx it, Commander."
Commander Cinderella: "Back to the bridge, girls."
Aurora: "Alright."
Ariel: "Yes, Commander."
Jor-El attaches the frequency box to the main computer and Commander Cinderella doesn't waste time.
Commander Cinderella: "Fire all weapons on the Brainiac and make sure to beam up every shrunken city!"
Aurora: "Yes, Commander."
Ariel: "Right away, Commander."
The Battle between Fairytale and Brainiac is harsh and close. The Brainiac ship seems to have the advantage. Suddenly, Ariel yells out "Commander, it's Captain Snow!"
Commander Cinderella: "That's a relief. Beam her up right away."
Aurora: "Yes, Commander." The trio beam up Captain Snow.
Captain Snow: "Report. What's the situation?"
Aurora: "Shields down to 50 percent."
Ariel: "Our weapons are doing the minimum damage."
Cinderella: "We're in real trouble here, Captain. We need to get those shields up."
Snow: "I see. Okay. On my command, I want you to ram the ship."
Aurora: "WHAT?"
Ariel: "Are you out of your mind!?"
Cinderella: "That's suicide!"
Commander Cinderella: "Captain, as your first officer, I must implore you to reconsider. There is no way we would survive."
Snow: "I have a plan."
Ariel: "With all due respect, I think you lost your marbles Captain."
Aurora: "What are you planning, Captain?"
Snow: "Are you all ready?"
Ariel, Cinderella, Aurora: "No!!!"
Snow: "RAM NOW."
Ariel rams the ship into the Brainiac.
Aurora: "How are we still alive?"
Cinderella: "Are you sure you know what you are doing? That could have ended badly."
Snow: "No time to explain. I know what I am doing."
Ariel: "Are we inside the Brainiac ship?"
Snow: "Yes."
Aurora: "Is this all part of your plan?"
Cinderella: "Do you have another plan if this doesn't work?"
Snow: "I know what I am doing."
Commander Cinderella: "Alright, I trust you Captain."
Lt. Commander Ariel: "I still think this is insane, but you've never led us astray before, so I'm in."
Lt. Aurora: "I believe in your captain."
Captain Snow: "Alright, let's go in. We've got to save everyone. No one dies, understood?"
The four women explore around inside the Brainiac ship when they run into a green, muscular man who looks hostile.
Brainiac: "What are you doing in my ship?"
Snow: "I'm here to save everyone you shrunken."
Brainiac: "I will not allow you to take my collection."
Ariel: "I knew it!"
Cinderella: "Ariel, now is not the time."
Ariel: "Sorry."
The four women engage in battle with Brainiac but as they fight Ariel noticed something.
Lt Commander Ariel: "Captain, it looks as if the ship and Brainiac are one. We should probably attack the ship while Commander Cinderella and Lt Aurora keep him busy."
Captain Snow: "You are very right."
With that said, Snow and Ariel began to shoot the ship's main control and save the people aboard the ship by beaming up all the shrunken cities. Then they retreated back to the Fairytale to report their latest adventure.
Snow: "Aurora, hail Starfleet command."
After a grueling battle the heroes managed to defeat Brainiac they made their way back home to celebrate another victory but Snow still had to report to star command.
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fanficstartrekouat · 11 months ago
Cinderella at command part2
Aurora: "Turn everything off! Life support, technology, weapons, the warp core, everything!"
Ariel: "We wouldn't survive, Commander Cinderella. It's your call."
Commander Cinderella: "How many EV suits do we have?"
Ariel: "About 500 maybe more. Why?"
Commander Cinderella: "Well then. I think it's time to shut everything down. We can all suit up in EV suits, then open the emergency airlocks to escape the ship. Hopefully, everyone will make it out safely."
Ariel: that's a good plan but there's a tiny flaw in it.
Commander Cinderella: what's the flaw Lt Commander Ariel?
Ariel: The flaw is we still need the ship to respond to our command but it won't obey.
Ship: "Precisely. Hello, am under the control of Brainiac and it is time for you to die…"
Commander Cinderella: "Great. So, the ship can respond to us, just not in a way that we would want. Okay, I know what we have to do. Ariel, can you activate the self-destruct protocol for the ship?"
Ariel: "Yes, Commander. The ship is now on a timer. We have 10 minutes until it self-destructs."
Commander Cinderella: "That should be enough time to get everyone off the ship. Let's go!"
Fairytale: "Your self-destruct method is obsolete! You are not going anywhere. The entire ship responds to the all-mighty Brainiac. And what part of 'you can't even get the doors open don't you understand' don't you understand."
Ariel: "It's right, I can't get the doors unlocked! We're trapped, Commander."
Commander Cinderella: "Is there anything in your station that you can use to force open the door? Maybe using the main control panel?"
Ariel: "Commander, all of our tech does not respond to us. It doesn't matter if it's the main panel or not. It's only responding to the alien ship commands. It's like we have a virus in our systems."
Commander Cinderella: "Then we only have one option, Lt Commander Ariel."
Aurora: "What's that?"
Cinderella: "Brute strength. We pry the doors open if we have to."
Aurora and Ariel: "On it."
Aurora: "Where's a man when you need one?"
Ariel: "I know, right."
Commander Cinderella: "We can debate about that later."
All three women try to break the door.
Lt Commander Ariel: "If Eric my husband was here, this door would have been broken in a minute."
Lt Aurora: "That's nothing. Philip my husband would have taken down this door in seconds."
Commander Cinderella: "Could you ladies stop comparing husbands and help me out? Besides, if Thomas my husband was here, this door would have been broken by now."
Ariel and Aurora: "Sorry, Commander."
Cinderella: "Better. But has anyone noticed that the men aboard the ship are hardly ever around?"
Aurora: "That is weird, but we have to get the door open."
Ariel: "Finally, I will never doubt Eric again about fixing doors."
As the three women pry the door open and run down the corridor, the ship's auto-defense system kicks in and begins firing at everyone inside the ship, specifically targeting those wearing Starfleet uniforms.
Commander Cinderella: "We have to get to engineering. Tinkerbell can help us; she's the chief engineer."
Aurora: "What about Elsa? She's still recovering from her fight with Ice, the Frost Demon."
Ariel: "We have too many people to save, and without our tech, what are we going to do?"
Commander Cinderella: "I'm thinking. I'm thinking! We need someone reckless, brave, and impulsive."
Ariel Aurora Cinderella: "We need EMMA!"
Ariel: "Yes, but I don't think Captain Snow would be happy with us sending her daughter to this dangerous mission."
As the three women run down the corridor looking for a solution to their problem, they bump into a strange man.
Male Stranger: "And you won't have to."
Commander Cinderella: "Today is just not our day."
Ariel: "Who are you?"
Aurora: "Yeah, and what are you doing here?"
Stranger: "I am a friend of your captain."
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fanficstartrekouat · 11 months ago
Cinderella at command part 1
Meanwhile in space Commander Cinderella has issued a red alert as the ship has been attacked by the Brainiac. Commander Cinderella: lieutenant Commander Ariel what is going on who's attacking us and why. Lt Commander Ariel: I don't know commander our scans are reading something weird in that ship. we've lost communication with the landing party.
Ariel: "The ship looks like a huge brain with tentacles but the strangeness is the readings. According to our readings that ship has life from all of the zeta quadrant but it's as if they have been shrunken."
Commander Cinderella: "What? That doesn't make sense. How can an entire species have been shrunken? And what do you mean 'all of the zeta quadrant'?' That sector covers countless species and planets. How is it possible that Brainiac has them all on one ship?"
Ariel: I'm not sure commander. I dont understand it myself. I mean thats it seems that our enemy has been collecting parts from all over the zeta quadrant and we need to stop it. I'm not sure I'll keep investigating.
Commander Cinderella: "Interesting. Do we know who or what is controlling the ship? Could it be a new species that we have encountered? Or a new piece of technology that we've never seen before? Either way, it's important that we take care of this threat, as it could prove to be a danger to not only the USS Fairytale, but the entire Alpha Quadrant."
Ariel: "Why the Alpha Quadrant? We are in the Zeta Quadrant, the new one we just discovered two months ago."
Commander Cinderella: "You're right, I misspoke. I meant to say the Zeta Quadrant, thank you for your correction. It's important to remember that we are in the new Zeta Quadrant and that we still don't know much about the civilizations and species that inhabit it. The ship could be controlled by a new species or technology that we have never encountered before, so we must be careful in our approach."
Ariel: "I have a theory about that, Commander Cinderella. I believe that the ship is just shrinking the main city of each planet in the Zeta Sector and possibly destroying the rest of the planet."
Commander Cinderella: "Intriguing. Why do you think this is the case, Lieutenant Commander Ariel? And how can we be sure that they are not shrinking entire planets and civilizations?"
Lt Commander Ariel: "I believe that because we lost communication with the captain the moment that ship showed up. What if she was in one of Krypton's cities and it's no longer there? Plus, if you take a look at the planet, it looks like there is a huge crater where the city used to be."
Commander Cinderella: "Hmmm. That is concerning. If the ship was able to shrink an entire city within seconds, it's possible that it could do the same thing to an entire planet as well. We need to figure out a way to stop them."
Ariel: it's possible but it doesn't look like it wants the entire planet just one city am not sure why it would abduct one city. Commander Cinderella.
The ships weapon fire.
Commander Cinderella: Lieutenant Aurora why did you fire at the moon?
Aurora: "I didn't fire at the moon. I lost control and the ship is not responding to my command."
A symbol appears on the ship: a triangle with one circle on top and two on the bottom, connected to the triangle.
Aurora: "I… I don't know what's happening. There's a symbol on the ship. A triangle with one circle on top and two on the bottoms, connected to the triangle."
Commander Cinderella: "Okay, we need to investigate this. Ariel, can you analyze that symbol on the ship and see if you can find out what it means?"
Ariel: "Commander that's a negative."
Cinderella: "WHAT? WHY?"
Ariel: "The Fairytale is not responding to anything! I can't even get the doors of the turbo lift open! No wonder why it's not responding to my commands."
Commander Cinderella: "We need to investigate this further. Lieutenant Aurora, is there anything you can do to try to get the ship under control and restore communications?"
Aurora: "It's as if the Fairytale has a mind of its own. The only thing I can think of would probably get us all killed."
Commander Cinderella: "Well, what is it?"
Aurora: "We have to shut everything down."
Commander Cinderella: "What do you mean 'shut everything down'? Can you elaborate on that?"
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fanficstartrekouat · 1 year ago
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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fanficstartrekouat · 1 year ago
Captain vs General
With no other options left and with General Zod closing in on her position, Snow reaches for her Phaser and sets it to stun. She knows that she is only the captain of a vessel and that Zod is a general of a military force. This puts her at a significant disadvantage, and the odds of her survival seem grim.
Snow: "I don't want to fight, I want a peaceful resolution!"
Zod: "Peace is for the weak. That's something Jor-el never understood."
Snow is trying to avoid any kind of violence and hopes to come to a peaceful solution with General Zod. However, Zod's opinion of her peaceful resolution is one of disdain and he is unwilling to even consider it. It seems he may not have any intention of letting Snow survive this encounter.
Snow: "Sorry." She fires, and although the shot hits Zod it only minimally damages him.
Zod: "Come out little girl come out!"
In response to Snow's feeble attempt to hurt him, Zod has become completely enraged and is now determined to hunt her down like a predator hunting its prey. She doesn't seem to have much of a chance against the superior Zod.
Zod: "Look. You'll spend the rest of your life in the Phantom Zone with all of the dangerous criminals from Krypton. You fit right in hahaha!"
He seems to be relishing his own victory against Snow. His amusement at her misfortune and joy at trapping her in the Phantom Zone paints a darker picture of how this encounter will end. It seems like she is truly doomed to a life in the Phantom Zone without any hope of escape.
Snow has not given up yet. She has noticed that stunning General Zod has had no effect and is now wondering if using a lethal setting will work. She is in hiding and studying her surroundings in order to make a plan and hopefully escape her current predicament. Time is of the essence and she will have to act quickly before Zod finds her and takes her to the Phantom Zone.
Zod is clearly enjoying the hunt. He wants Snow to have hope so that he can take it away and destroy her spirit. Meanwhile, Snow has noticed a fancy futuristic fan, which she shoots at. The fan falls on top of Zod, possibly providing her with an opportunity to make an escape. However, Zod is a very powerful individual and Snow is aware that this is probably only a small setback for him. She needs to act quickly and find a way to completely immobilize Zod so that he cannot pursue her further.
Snow: "He survived, but how am I going to save everyone? Despite the Fairytale being a very large ship with high-tech equipment for deep space exploration, it can't fit an entire planet on it."
Snow is concerned that despite the resources of a large and sophisticated vessel, it is not enough to save the population of an entire planet. With Jor-El's family and the people of Krypton still trapped on the surface of their planet, it's unclear how Snow will be able to help them. She will be forced to think creatively in order to find a solution.
Snow "I can do it. I just need an opening. " As she finishes speaking, she realizes that Zod has caught up to her. The problem is she has nowhere to run, as she is near a very deep pit.
Zod "The hunt is over and I win." He says this with a smirk, now more confident than ever that Snow will not be able to escape. Snow is completely surrounded and without many options at this point. The hunt is indeed over, but who is the real winner here?
Snow and Zod enter into an intense fight. Snow uses her phaser to attack Zod, but to her surprise he is able to easily evade it. Zod then fires back at Snow with his own gun, forcing her to take cover. Their fight is now a battle of wits as each tries to outsmart the other. Snow desperately needs to find a way to incapacitate Zod and prevent him from taking her to the Phantom Zone.
Snow takes advantage of her surroundings and shoots a tree, which almost hits Zod but he stops it with his bare hands. Snow seizes the opportunity while Zod is occupied and shoots his legs, temporarily preventing him from walking. Now that Zod is disabled, she grabs this chance to run for her shuttle. However, her hopes are quickly dashed when she arrives at the shuttle and sees that it is gone. It seems like the situation has hit a dead end for Snow and there doesn't seem to be any hope to prevent her from being taken to the Phantom Zone at this point.
Snow takes advantage of her surroundings and shoots a tree. The tree almost hits Zod but he stops it with his bare hands. She takes the opportunity and shoots Zod's legs, stopping him from walking. Snow runs in the hopes of boarding her shuttle, but to her surprise, it's gone. With Zod temporarily disabled, it seemed like a possible chance for escape. However, once she arrived at the shuttle and saw that it was gone, it seemed like her hopes were quickly dashed.
Snow wonders if Jor-el betrayed her and saved only himself and his own family, ignoring her request and the fate of the people of Krypton. She quickly considers the possibility that Jor-el might have been captured as well, in which case she certainly doesn't stand a chance against the entire military. With Zod temporarily disabled and the shuttle gone, this situation seems hopeless for Snow.
Snow: "Where are Ensign Jane Potts and Lieutenant Merida? I know I came here with them."
Snow is trying to find her friends and crew members, but it doesn't seem like they are with her. They must have been separated during the conflict with Zod. As the captain of the ship, Snow would feel responsible for their safety, and the fact that they are missing is concerning.
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fanficstartrekouat · 1 year ago
The Strange Voyage part 2
Council "We appreciate your concern, but our decision about space travel is final. If you could, please leave immediately and refrain from interfering with our planet further."
Snow, now back with the Council, repeats what Jor-El has told her about the looming explosion. She asks the Council to listen to him and evacuate the planet before it's too late. However, the Council seems adamant in their decision and refuses to change their mind. They ask Snow and her crew to leave immediately and to not interfere with their planet further.
Council "JOR-EL is a brilliant scientist but he has gone insane. We checked his claims and according to Brainiac our planet is fine."
Snow White "I don't think this Brainiac guy is telling you the truth. The man I spoke with, Jor-El, is a level-headed, responsible man. I doubt he would make such an urgent claim if it wasn't true. Please listen to me."
Council: "We've heard enough. Who do you think you are walking in here and making demands!?" They were about to say more before an earthquake shook the council room and Snow White suddenly found herself on the floor. The Council members looked just as surprised as her, but they quickly regained their composure and continued their meeting.
Council (continuing) "You're just as crazy as Jo-" Before they could finish their sentence, an earthquake shook the Council room and Snow White suddenly found herself on the floor. The Council members looked just as surprised as her, but they quickly regained their composure and continued their meeting.
Snow White "Are earthquakes normally this common in this area of the planet?"
Council "Lately we've had more but the answer is no, the planet is not doomed. It's safe now, so leave before we label you a criminal and sentence you to the phantom zone."
The Council members seem more convinced that their planet is safe and are no longer even considering the possibility of a threat. They dismiss Snow's questions about the earthquakes and are concerned more about her actions and potential punishment for interfering with Krypton.
Snow White "I represent the Federation and merely wish to help you."
Council "There's nothing wrong with our planet."
Snow White "So you're just going to let it happen?"
Council (irritated) "We warned you Miss Snow-White! General Zod, please escort this crazy woman to the phantom zone."
Snow White finds herself quickly in a tense situation as her words and actions have angered the Council. General Zod is asked to take her to the phantom zone for her safety and it seems like she is running out of time to try to convince the Council to evacuate.
General Zod (enjoying himself) "My pleasure."
Snow is in trouble. She has angered the Council to the point that they are now calling General Zod to take her away to the phantom zone. Zod seems to be enjoying himself as he takes delight in Snow's situation and now that he gets to take her away. It is unlikely that Snow will be able to convince the Council to listen to her, and this seems like her final opportunity to try to save Jor-El's family and the people of Krypton before it's too late.
Snow quickly kicks Zod in the weak spot of all males, causing him to be in pain. Zod, however, actually seems to enjoy this and says "I love it when the prey runs." It seems like Zod enjoys the thrill of the hunt and sees himself as the predator, and Snow only furthers his excitement by attacking him. This exchange seems to confirm her fears that General Zod is not friendly and is intent on taking her to the phantom zone regardless of her reasoning or attempts to save Jor-El's family and the rest of Krypton.
Snow is now on the run from General Zod, trying to communicate with her ship to let them know of the situation, but her attempts are futile and communication has been cut off. Meanwhile, her ship, the Fairytale, is currently engaged in a battle with enemy ships belonging to Brainiac. Snow is completely unaware of this fact and her efforts to communicate and warn her ship are going unheard.
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fanficstartrekouat · 1 year ago
The Strange Voyage part one
One month passes and Elsa still feels the effects of Ice's blast. Her scars have healed, but she still has difficulty doing physical activities and is taking it easy as she tries to recover. Anna is always by her side, cheering her on and encouraging her to keep trying, while Captain Snow has been visiting her regularly to check on her progress. The healing process is slow, but Elsa is grateful for the support of her friends and is determined to fully recover.
Captain Snow is on the bridge when her Navigator, Lieutenant Jr. Grade Wendy, speaks up.
Wendy "Captain, we encountered a new planet- well actually solar system, and their sun seems to be red. Should we make first contact?"
Captain Snow is alert to this report and is now faced with a big decision about whether they should try to make contact with this new planet. They don't know anything about this solar system and there could be potential dangers involved, but it's also an opportunity to explore a new world and make contact with aliens. What should they do?
Captain Snow turns over control of the bridge to Commander Cinderella as she sets out to meet the alien race on the new planet. She is accompanied by Ensign Jane Potts and Lieutenant Meridia. They are charged with making first contact and exploring the new planet.
As they land on the alien world, they see that the technology is far more advanced than their own or that of the Federation. Snow sees a Man walking towards her with a look of surprise on his face.
Male "Who are you and why are you in Krypton?"
Snow is taken aback by the level of technology on this new planet and is caught off guard when this Man asks her about why she and her crew are here. She takes a moment to gather her thoughts and prepares to tell the Man why she and her crew have come to visit their planet.
Snow: "We've come in peace."
Male: "Space travel is forbidden in Krypton."
Snow: "We were not aware of that."
Snow is taken aback by the Man's statement that space travel is forbidden on Krypton. She wasn't aware of this law and now she is wondering if she and her crew have made a big mistake in trying to visit this planet. She wants to reassure the Man that they mean no harm and are here in peace, but she has to figure out how to talk her way out of this difficult situation.
Male (angry) "It makes sense that you're not aware of it. The Council of Krypton are a bunch of morons for scientists. They don't realize that by preventing space travel, they have stunted the growth of our people!"
The Man is obviously angry and seems to be speaking his mind despite the presence of Snow and her crew. He seems to be frustrated with the Council of Krypton and their decision to prevent space travel. He goes as far as to say the council are a "bunch of morons for scientists." His anger speaks volumes about his feelings towards them.
Snow "Sorry about your Council, but if you want, you're welcome to come with us and join us on our space travel. Oh by the way, my name is Captain Snow-White of the fairytale. "
Male "I appreciate the offer but I can't leave…. Save my son, wife, my brother, niece and my brother's wife please, if you can save my planet please do. I beg of you.
Snow (confused) "Save your planet from what exactly?"
The Male seems desperate for them to save his family and planet from a threat that Snow is still unaware of.
Jor-el "My name is Jor-el, and both my people and planet are near their end. The green plague has caused our resources to become limited, forcing our leaders to use the planet's core. This made the planet unstable and we only have two days before it explodes. The only hope for our survival is evacuation, but the Council won't listen."
Jor-el reveals his full name and makes the situation even more dire. He says that not only are the planet's residents in danger, but they only have two days before the planet explodes.
Snow (shocked and now realizing the dire situation) "I'll do everything in my power to help you, even if it means breaking the Prime Directive. First thing's first, get your family in the shuttle just in case we fail. I don't plan on failing, but it seems your government is a stubborn lot. "
Jor-el hurriedly brings his family aboard, including Lara-el with her infant Kal-el, Zor-el and Alura, as well as Kara Zor-el, a teenage girl. Meanwhile, Snow heads to the council to talk to them.
Snow (to the Council) "Jor-el says that his planet is set to explode in two days and his people are in danger. He says that the council hasn't listened to his pleas for evacuation and that he needs our help. We need to find a way to communicate with the Council and convince them to listen to him."
To be continued...
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