#Cinderella at command
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fanficstartrekouat · 11 months ago
Cinderella at command part 3
Commander Cinderella (skeptical): "Really? You expect us to believe you? You could be working for Brainiac for all we know. What kind of proof do you have that you know our captain?"
Stranger: "My name is Jor-el, and I've requested refuge on the Fairytale. Your captain agreed, but she's in grave danger."
Aurora: "Right now is not a good time to take refuge in the Fairytale."
Jor-el: "I have a way to save you all. As for proof, your Captain's name is Snow White, and she can be terrifying when need be.
Ariel, Cinderella, Aurora: "Yup, that's the captain alright."
Cinderella: "What is your way of stopping Brainiac, and what did you mean that our Captain Snow is in danger?"
Jor-el: "She's currently fighting General Zod, but when I saw what was going on, I knew I had to warn you and help since your Captain is willing to save my people from our own hubris
Jor-el: "What I have here is a frequency box. You attach it to your ship's main computer, and it will alter a frequency and give you the edge you need to fend off Brainiac."
Commander Cinderella: "What do we have too-"
Aurora: "Don't jinx it, Commander."
Commander Cinderella: "Back to the bridge, girls."
Aurora: "Alright."
Ariel: "Yes, Commander."
Jor-El attaches the frequency box to the main computer and Commander Cinderella doesn't waste time.
Commander Cinderella: "Fire all weapons on the Brainiac and make sure to beam up every shrunken city!"
Aurora: "Yes, Commander."
Ariel: "Right away, Commander."
The Battle between Fairytale and Brainiac is harsh and close. The Brainiac ship seems to have the advantage. Suddenly, Ariel yells out "Commander, it's Captain Snow!"
Commander Cinderella: "That's a relief. Beam her up right away."
Aurora: "Yes, Commander." The trio beam up Captain Snow.
Captain Snow: "Report. What's the situation?"
Aurora: "Shields down to 50 percent."
Ariel: "Our weapons are doing the minimum damage."
Cinderella: "We're in real trouble here, Captain. We need to get those shields up."
Snow: "I see. Okay. On my command, I want you to ram the ship."
Aurora: "WHAT?"
Ariel: "Are you out of your mind!?"
Cinderella: "That's suicide!"
Commander Cinderella: "Captain, as your first officer, I must implore you to reconsider. There is no way we would survive."
Snow: "I have a plan."
Ariel: "With all due respect, I think you lost your marbles Captain."
Aurora: "What are you planning, Captain?"
Snow: "Are you all ready?"
Ariel, Cinderella, Aurora: "No!!!"
Snow: "RAM NOW."
Ariel rams the ship into the Brainiac.
Aurora: "How are we still alive?"
Cinderella: "Are you sure you know what you are doing? That could have ended badly."
Snow: "No time to explain. I know what I am doing."
Ariel: "Are we inside the Brainiac ship?"
Snow: "Yes."
Aurora: "Is this all part of your plan?"
Cinderella: "Do you have another plan if this doesn't work?"
Snow: "I know what I am doing."
Commander Cinderella: "Alright, I trust you Captain."
Lt. Commander Ariel: "I still think this is insane, but you've never led us astray before, so I'm in."
Lt. Aurora: "I believe in your captain."
Captain Snow: "Alright, let's go in. We've got to save everyone. No one dies, understood?"
The four women explore around inside the Brainiac ship when they run into a green, muscular man who looks hostile.
Brainiac: "What are you doing in my ship?"
Snow: "I'm here to save everyone you shrunken."
Brainiac: "I will not allow you to take my collection."
Ariel: "I knew it!"
Cinderella: "Ariel, now is not the time."
Ariel: "Sorry."
The four women engage in battle with Brainiac but as they fight Ariel noticed something.
Lt Commander Ariel: "Captain, it looks as if the ship and Brainiac are one. We should probably attack the ship while Commander Cinderella and Lt Aurora keep him busy."
Captain Snow: "You are very right."
With that said, Snow and Ariel began to shoot the ship's main control and save the people aboard the ship by beaming up all the shrunken cities. Then they retreated back to the Fairytale to report their latest adventure.
Snow: "Aurora, hail Starfleet command."
After a grueling battle the heroes managed to defeat Brainiac they made their way back home to celebrate another victory but Snow still had to report to star command.
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losthavenmine · 1 year ago
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Russell Crowe Filmography Series || The Eyebrow
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sailorsenshishitposter · 8 months ago
JJK X Disney Crossover
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"You are hereby invited to the royal ball at the magic kingdom."
Cinderella read the note again. Surely this couldn't be right? Why would the king invite a lowly commoner like herself to such an extravagant event?
It turns out that Kenjaku had found Walt Disney's frozen corpse and hijacked it. Frankly, he was still bored and just looking for more people he could bring into the culling games. He was also forcing Sukuna to participate (how he got him to agree we shall never know).
Cinderella was too dazed to notice the ugliest step sister's approaching.
"What's that in your hand!?"
"Mother, Cinderella is stealing your mail!"
Out came a haggard old woman who looked like she got lost from the set of corpse bride.
"Wretched girl, let me see this!"
She snatched the envelope from the poor girls hands and read the contents aloud.
"Drizella, Anastasia, it turns out that the king has invited the two of you to a royal ball! I must prepare the two of you if you are to woo his son. Come along, we must find the perfect dresses for the two of you at once!"
She then turned towards her stepdaughter.
"If you clean the entire house I may entertain whatever stupid question it is that you are thinking. Now get started!"
Cinderella began scrubbing the floor but decided it would be better to scrub her ears first due to Drizella's god awful singing.
"Why couldn't the good lord make me deaf?" ______________
Cinderella noted that she had extra time left so she asked her animal friends if they could help her with her dress. There may have been rat droppings and bits of a birds breakfast in the finished product but she had to admit that it was nicer than the rags she was currently wearing. She then ran downstairs to find her stepmother.
"Mother, I have finished all the household chores."
"I thought I told you to never call me that!"
Lady Tremaine then stopped what she was doing and gave a sneer.
"What are you all dressed up for?"
"What do you mean? I thought you said that I could go?"
Her stepmother than snapped her fingers.
"Girls, do you think something seems familiar?"
One of the girls let out a scream.
She then ripped them off. Looks like Drizella wasn't getting her $4.50 back.
Anastasia then tore it off which was easy since it was made by sweatshop workers who were no older than eight and had little sewing experience.
To add insult to injury, Lucifer then raised his hind leg and began to pee on the remaining fabic.
"Toodleloo, Cinderella! When I get back I expect you to have finished cleaning the toilets!"
"But I just cleaned them three hours ago!"
"Yes, well we stopped at taco bell on the way home and you know how well Anastasia takes to mexican food."
The door then shut and Cinderella began to sob. She didn't notice the card on the floor as her tears began to hit it and suddenly there was a burst of light.
"Who are you?"
Standing before her was a masked man in robes with white hair.
"Why sweetie, I'm your fairy godmother."
"Aren't you a boy?"
"And you're asking too many questions. Now do you want my help or not?"
Cinderella stopped sniffling.
"Help? How can you help me!?"
The man then took out a wand and began to move it.
"Like this. Bibbity boppity boo, I call upon blue!"
Cinderella was then knocked back by a magic ball of blue light.
"Oops. Looks like I used too much..."
The girl then removed herself from the human shaped hole in the concrete wall and began to rub the dust off her shoulders.
She was now wearing a powder blue ball gown along with a pair of glass slippers.
"If you think that's cool then check out this! Red!"
The man sent a spark of red energy at the garden, causing the pumpkins to explode.
"Shit! I guess I'll have Ijichi drive you..." ______________
Cinderella got in the car and the man knocked on her window. "The names Gojo by the way. Now, before I forget, you need to be back home by twelve or-"
Ijichi was already driving away.
"That's it, I'm going home!" ______________
Cinderella was in the ball room when her mouse scampered out of her dress.
"Wait, come back!"
As this was happening, Naoya was making his complaints about the server to the knight on duty.
"I refuse to eat something that she has touched, Nanami! You tell Gojo that I won't tolerate the presence of a ni-"
Before the man could finish, he was being punched by Nanami.
"Don't you dare insult Tiana again!"
He then dropped Naoya off into the Kitchen.
"You now have everything you need to make Sukuna's meal."
Uraume then got started on the banquet. ______________
"I wonder where the prince could be..."
"I think he's around here somewhere."
Cinderella then jumped back.
"That's my name, don't wear it out. Now if you don't mind, I'm off to find Suguru!" ______________
The two men were dancing when another voice cut in.
"Gojo, how could you cheat on me like this! Especially right in front of our son!"
Killua then cried and ran off to find Gon.
"Satoru, who is that?"
A third voice then cut in.
"If anyone's looking for a mouse, I stepped on it. You should really hire some cleaning staff, Gojo."
It was none other than Sukuna.
"I think I'm going to faint..."
Cinderella then fell to the floor.
"Why is my dinner on the ground? You know I like my meat well done! Oh well, I guess that's why they call it the five second rule. Malevolent Kitchen!"
Sukuna then roasted the girl into nothing but cinders.
"My bad, I guess I left the oven on too long. I'm going to see if Uraume has anything else to eat..."
Geto then slapped Gojo.
His son Killua was now gorging on chocolate robots.
"Gojo always seems to be inserting himself in others lives doesn't he? You know he took custody of my son right?"
Buzz's wing popped out. He couldn't believe he was so close to such a handsome man.
"I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name?"
The man smirked.
"It's Toji. Toji Fushiguro and you better remember it!"
He then began to kiss Buzz passionately.
Megumi then gave a disgusted look.
"Gross dad! I told you not to embarrass me in front of Ariel!"
Bagdamagus was never born rip
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romancemedia · 1 year ago
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Disney Girls getting Makeovers
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wildsaltair · 6 months ago
Due to the fact that I am a sunken wreckage of a human being for Russell Crowe, I'm working on collecting all the books related to his movies! Here's what l've discovered so far, but l'd love to know if y'all know of any others! :)
Books that were made into movies:
Master and Commander (Patrick O'Brian)
L.A. Confidential (James Ellroy)
American Gangster (Steve Zaillian)
A Beautiful Mind (Sylvia Nasar)
Les Misérables (Victor Hugo)
A Good Year (Peter Mayle)
The Silver Brumby (Elyne Mitchell)
Three-Ten to Yuma and Other Short Stories (Elmore Leonard)
Winter's Tale (Mark Helprin)
An Exorcist Tells His Story (Gabriele Amorth)
Body of Lies (David Ignatius)
Tenderness (Robert Cormier)
Hammers Over the Anvil (Alan Marshall)
Miss Shumway Waves a Wand (James Hadley Chase)
True History of the Kelly Gang (Justin Kurzel)
The Greatest Beer Run Ever (John "Chick" Donohue and J.T. Molloy)
The Book of Mirrors (E.O. Chirovici)
The Nazi and the Psychiatrist (Jack El-Hai)
Strip (Thomas Perry)
Novelizations of movies:
Gladiator (Dewey Gram)
The Quick and the Dead (Jack Curtis)
Virtuosity (Terry Bisson)
Cinderella Man (Marc Cerasini)
The Next Three Days (Jennifer Krediet)
The Water Diviner (Andrew Anastasios and Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios)
The Nice Guys (Charles Ardai)
Proof of Life (David Robbins)
Noah (Mark Morris)
Man of Steel (Greg Cox)
Robin Hood (David B. Coe)
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tincanwreckedpulp-agere · 5 months ago
characters that i am ADAMENT about being agere because i jsut foudn this blog hi logan
- curt mega :3
- commander up :33
- charlotte sweetly:333 (i have a tedchar fic idea for this one. If only rhrer was someeeeeeebody to write it :( )
- father tto !!!!!!
- tadius :3 :3 :3 :3 sniles so sneetly :3 :3 :3 :3
need to watch starship.. all of these are so real.
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dactyli0nn · 1 year ago
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Hange picked their Halloween costumes
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duck-newton · 2 years ago
I like the idea of a post-Story and Song world where, in many planes, the Tale of the Seven Birds is passed down through the generations and becomes a popular folktale. Parents put their kids to sleep by telling them stories of Taako, Magnus, and Merle; families gather around the campfire to tell the legend of the two liches who saved the world with their love
after a while most folks consider it to be entirely fictional - who ever heard of magic, planar-traveling people and elves and dwarfs anyway?
and I like the idea that, in one of the planes, storytelling force and corporate giant Dentonic took the liberty of licensing their own version of the popular fairy tale, adding their own trademarked embellishments, and incorporating it in a campy Ephemera restaurant
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raurquiz · 11 months ago
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#HappyBirthday @russellcrowe #russellcrowe #Actor #director #producer #gladiator #theinsider #abeautifulmind #romperstomper #virtuosity #laconfidential #masterandcommander #cinderllaman #robinhood #thenextthreedays #themanwiththeironfists #manofsteel #TheMummy #thorloveandthunder #thepopesexorcist #kraventhehunter #landofbad @streammaxla @marvelstudios @disneyplusla
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fanficstartrekouat · 11 months ago
Cinderella at command part2
Aurora: "Turn everything off! Life support, technology, weapons, the warp core, everything!"
Ariel: "We wouldn't survive, Commander Cinderella. It's your call."
Commander Cinderella: "How many EV suits do we have?"
Ariel: "About 500 maybe more. Why?"
Commander Cinderella: "Well then. I think it's time to shut everything down. We can all suit up in EV suits, then open the emergency airlocks to escape the ship. Hopefully, everyone will make it out safely."
Ariel: that's a good plan but there's a tiny flaw in it.
Commander Cinderella: what's the flaw Lt Commander Ariel?
Ariel: The flaw is we still need the ship to respond to our command but it won't obey.
Ship: "Precisely. Hello, am under the control of Brainiac and it is time for you to die…"
Commander Cinderella: "Great. So, the ship can respond to us, just not in a way that we would want. Okay, I know what we have to do. Ariel, can you activate the self-destruct protocol for the ship?"
Ariel: "Yes, Commander. The ship is now on a timer. We have 10 minutes until it self-destructs."
Commander Cinderella: "That should be enough time to get everyone off the ship. Let's go!"
Fairytale: "Your self-destruct method is obsolete! You are not going anywhere. The entire ship responds to the all-mighty Brainiac. And what part of 'you can't even get the doors open don't you understand' don't you understand."
Ariel: "It's right, I can't get the doors unlocked! We're trapped, Commander."
Commander Cinderella: "Is there anything in your station that you can use to force open the door? Maybe using the main control panel?"
Ariel: "Commander, all of our tech does not respond to us. It doesn't matter if it's the main panel or not. It's only responding to the alien ship commands. It's like we have a virus in our systems."
Commander Cinderella: "Then we only have one option, Lt Commander Ariel."
Aurora: "What's that?"
Cinderella: "Brute strength. We pry the doors open if we have to."
Aurora and Ariel: "On it."
Aurora: "Where's a man when you need one?"
Ariel: "I know, right."
Commander Cinderella: "We can debate about that later."
All three women try to break the door.
Lt Commander Ariel: "If Eric my husband was here, this door would have been broken in a minute."
Lt Aurora: "That's nothing. Philip my husband would have taken down this door in seconds."
Commander Cinderella: "Could you ladies stop comparing husbands and help me out? Besides, if Thomas my husband was here, this door would have been broken by now."
Ariel and Aurora: "Sorry, Commander."
Cinderella: "Better. But has anyone noticed that the men aboard the ship are hardly ever around?"
Aurora: "That is weird, but we have to get the door open."
Ariel: "Finally, I will never doubt Eric again about fixing doors."
As the three women pry the door open and run down the corridor, the ship's auto-defense system kicks in and begins firing at everyone inside the ship, specifically targeting those wearing Starfleet uniforms.
Commander Cinderella: "We have to get to engineering. Tinkerbell can help us; she's the chief engineer."
Aurora: "What about Elsa? She's still recovering from her fight with Ice, the Frost Demon."
Ariel: "We have too many people to save, and without our tech, what are we going to do?"
Commander Cinderella: "I'm thinking. I'm thinking! We need someone reckless, brave, and impulsive."
Ariel Aurora Cinderella: "We need EMMA!"
Ariel: "Yes, but I don't think Captain Snow would be happy with us sending her daughter to this dangerous mission."
As the three women run down the corridor looking for a solution to their problem, they bump into a strange man.
Male Stranger: "And you won't have to."
Commander Cinderella: "Today is just not our day."
Ariel: "Who are you?"
Aurora: "Yeah, and what are you doing here?"
Stranger: "I am a friend of your captain."
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poetdeco · 7 months ago
HEAR THE CANARY CRY / dinah laurel lance.
SHE'S LAWNIQUE / elle woods.
SEVEN TIME BEAUTY / evelyn hugo.
THE DEMON'S DAUGHTER / talia al ghul.
13 TIMES BETTER / sharon carter.
THE SLAVIC SHADOW / natalya romanova.
EMPEROR OF LATVERIA / victor von doom.
THE BRAT PRINCE WOLFKILLER / lestat de lioncourt.
BUBBLY BABYGIRL TECH / penelope garcia.
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losthavenmine · 2 years ago
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Russell Crowe Filmography Series || Food
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proudly-a-killjoy · 1 year ago
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This is the best Cinderella movie. The songs are great, the casting is perfect, it’s got great comedic moments and somehow still puts more development into Cinderella and the Prince’s relationship than any of the other movies I’ve seen, and the set designs and costumes are beautiful. What else can I say
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hgmason-hellion · 1 year ago
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iamliquid · 2 months ago
Damian and Jason yelling at each other. Arguing about something again.
The yelling continues.
"..You met baby Damian?"Bruce says with a little sadness. He also wanted to see his little boy as a baby :(
Jason gasps dramatically, tears welling up in his eyes (He cries on command) "HOW DARE YOU, FINE YOU DON'T CARE THATS FINE BUT YOU WILL CARE AFTER I FUCK YOUR MOM AGAIN"
Damian stops in his tracks, and so does Dick.
"..You fucked Talia?" Dick says with a worry in his voice "I knew you liked older women but-"
Then Damian starts yelling again in retaliation.
"Steph no." Tim says but it was too late
"Like father like son."Stephanie says before bursting out in laughter doubling down on the floor.
"SO WHAT I FUCKED YOUR MOM!? AND I HEARD THAT" Jason yells from the living room
"So how did this start?" Duke asks while drinking from his cup.
"Jason found out Damian dog tagged his copy of the great Gatsby." Tim says while being dragged down by a dying Stephanie.
Alfred in the meanwhile is mixing sedatives into the batch of cookies he's making, and the coffee, and the whiskey because he knows that Jason will down that entire thing after the argument.
Yes Bruce is still on the baby Damian thing.
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cielomist · 1 year ago
bbs command board continues to make me call cinderella a stupid fucking cunt bc she keeps STEALING MY PANELS THE STUPID FUCKING CUNT
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