Love, Laugh, Grow
770 posts
Hoping to collect lovely fanart and memes, maybe some social justice!There are a lot of problems that can be fixed with a smile :)
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foxirori · 16 hours ago
Forbidden whack-a-mole
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foxirori · 17 hours ago
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foxirori · 19 hours ago
If dragons were real we’d probably treat them just like we treat large mammals like bison or elephants or tigers, which is to say sometimes with respect but also often with poaching and harvesting until they’re in decline
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foxirori · 20 hours ago
I spent a lot of time handcuffed and in a cage in high school, for a charity bit the grocery store I worked at would do
the bit was that I was "put in jail for having too big a heart" and customers could donate to my bail to get me out (and the money would go to a children's hospital or something)
now. I was very clearly a teenaged employee handcuffed inside a large cage. and I would honestly tell people that I had been in there for hours. and people would say, that's terrible! that's awful! and I would show them my wrists red from the tight handcuffs, and say but I'm sooooooo close to making bail.
and then they would dump some cash in the basket, I'd thank them, and they'd walk away.
and every so often, one of the managers would come by and collect some of the cash, so I could keep being soooooo close to making bail.
I was very good with this bit. Parents with small kids would pay $5-10 if I told their children I had been placed in jail for not cleaning my room/doing my homework, etc. For people in their 20s, I'd threaten that I was very bad at playing the harmonica, but I WOULD play it and we'd all suffer unless they paid me. and for the most amount of money, older men in suits would almost always pay $20s if I avoided eye contact and stammered a lot.
eventually, the managers started to feel bad because I was in the cage so fucking long and often, that I'd need someone to brace me when I got out because I'd have no feeling in my legs. wobbling like a newborn giraffe.
but I would also rake in at LEAST $100 an hour in charity.
so they were like, hey champ. can we, uh, give you a pillow to sit on. in the cage. would you like a pillow so you're not just sitting on a cold metal slab. can we give you a pillow.
and I had to explain to them that if they gave me a pillow, people would think I was more comfortable, so they wouldn't feel as bad, so I'd bring in less money.
the compromise was that they'd bring me a nice coffee every couple hours, which I would have to try to block with my body from the customers.
all this money went to charity. that's what the money was for. it's what was on the sign. but how much they were willing to pay was very contingent on how comfortable I looked, never mind the fact that I was still a teenaged employee handcuffed inside a cage.
and out of the dozens of shifts I did this on, not ONCE did ANYONE say, hey kid I'm going to go talk to your manager because what the fuck is going on here. they would just drop money in the basket, and I'd thank them and sip from my secret drink.
I actually had people get MAD at me that I told them I was far away from bail, they donated like $15, and then 20 minutes I got let out because my shift ended.
again. the money was for charity. it was on the sign that was very clearly placed on the upper half of my cage.
so yeah. even when people think they mean well. people can be really, really fucking stupid.
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foxirori · 2 days ago
Sorry I know too much and like sharing. It's very possible that the older homes are not just full of mold due to poorly controlled moisture in basements (and ventilation), but super drafty because they didn't even know about air sealing - so you're right on the money about holes causing whistling. Creaking because they weren't built to brace against the wind they ended up having, since we build to minimum standards as capitalism has been our way of life for hundreds of years. Boilers DEFINTELY make a shit ton of noise through creaking (metal reacting) radiators around the pipes, and then the unit, especially older oil ones. Gas furnaces, however, found in newer homes, also make a shit ton of noise through the ducts. You may not know
That air sealing is a newly understood important technique that keeps the interior walls of our homes from being cold/hot from air traveling to/from the attic or basement. Pretty much stuffing foam (anything non porous that fills the cracks) in the wall top gaps where the top plate wood has two sides of drywall, or around the wooden sills & rim joists of the foundation of the basement. Wind pressure sends air through our homes if we don't do this, so a lot of cold spots were due to that shit.
As for carbon monoxide, new homes are more likely to have that problem because they are sealed tight to be more energy efficient. Although ventilation is now mandated and basements are more water tight, the problem of air quality has become more drastically at risk with minimal code about it in the modern days (imo). All that's required is a constant running bath fan and a CO detector on each floor. I've seen new ovens put off way more CO than older ovens (unless they haven't been cleaned).
By 1978 (usa at least, probably earlier in europe) insulation was mandated to fill the wall of a home (at least in MA, where I worked and had to know this). 2014 to 2018 has seen the implementation mandated air sealing in progressive states.
Sadly, however, The toxicity is more recent and ongoing than we like to talk about. The building codes have massively overhauled, but out of mandated safety concerns and fire codes more than anything, with a little energy efficiency because our monopoly conglomerate energy mega-corporations want to burn less fuel. Up until 1990 asbestos was coming out of the mine in USA selling vermiculite and there is still a class action lawsuit that anyone can send a sample in for testing to get a grant that could help remove this toxic rocky insulation from their home. Asbestos has been re-legalized by the trump administration in 2016 and it is unknown to me how embedded in materials it is/will be. Sure, VOC and lead is possible to avoid, but it's been a thin window of time we've known this.
Cellulose that is now a huge amount of the insulation we use (i've recommended its use), is coated in borax which is toxic to life and meant to repel rodents and pests as well as be fire retardant. -itchy
Fiberglass also makes me itch and its literally tiny (fibers of) glass coated in a resin made from oil, you know, petroleum, that shit from the ground that we need to stop using. Yet fiberglass is everywhere despite being very comparable in price to recycled cotton / cellulose (similar), and not much cheaper than wool / mineral wool (also not the same), all of which are better than fiberglass. I warn people about touching it and sending it airborn, how seriously you should be geared up beforehand and running a filter/washing your clothes several times after. I will never get rid of the itchy feeling after working with it for years.
I wouldn't buy a haunted house.
I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in mold and carbon monoxide.
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foxirori · 2 days ago
Farmer girlies and peoples unites!!
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foxirori · 2 days ago
really curious about this actually
the generational gap between me and the people my age who use chat gpt
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foxirori · 2 days ago
not sure if this will make sense to anyone besides me but: the antidote to negativity is not positivity, its warmth
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foxirori · 2 days ago
Blessing your timeline
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foxirori · 2 days ago
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ah yes, my favourite lads. Henry, Hans,
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foxirori · 3 days ago
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foxirori · 3 days ago
holding yourself accountable and tearing yourself down are two different things
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foxirori · 3 days ago
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I left out my reply in between his replies because it wouldn't have mattered whatever I said/ their speech is like a pre-recorded voicemail and no one's home
To Elon Musk who saluted like Hitler
"A man stood on a stage and pledged allegiance
To a horror show of Genocide and Might
So don't try to assuage Our cries of malfeasance
When he's breaking laws In (god damned) plain sight"
Fucking fight Nazis, be ready folks.
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foxirori · 3 days ago
"I Know What You Did Last Summer" retelling: a teenage boy riding his bicycle down a dark country road is hit by a car, which speeds off instead of stopping to help. The deputy stationed at a small checkpoint notes the speeding car and goes to investigate, finding the bicyclist, his younger brother, dead. [Extra guilt/symbolism: the kid was bringing his brother dinner, including a slice of cherry pie, which is smeared across the road.]
For years afterwards motorists report sightings of the boy, several stopping at the sheriff's checkpoint to report striking a bicyclist that disappears when they pull over to try to help.
Eventually a detective comes to town investigating several odd murders. The one thing all the victims have in common: they were killed in their cars, and issued hefty speeding tickets by the deputy. [Perhaps a smell of cherries lingered in their cars, or a small bit of cherry pie filling is smeared on the bodies.]
The detective suspects the deputy, who even after all these years hasn't risen above the rank of deputy and militantly guards the checkpoint and surrounding roads against speeders, joyriders, drunks, and bicyclists without the proper safety gear/reflective vests required by law. He's hugely unpopular in town and plenty of people would be happy to see him gone, eagerly sharing their grievances and exposing old gossip.
However, something eventually becomes clear: he couldn't have done the murders, because he never leaves his post. He's on duty 12 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, doesn't even take off for holidays. He's too angry, they say, about letting the driver that killed his little brother get away, to ever let anyone pass unticketed, even if they're only going a single mile over the limit.
A very kind and sympathetic old lady in town, famous for the cherry pies she sells, tells a slightly different story: his brother is still there, riding that road, getting hit by many an unwary driver. The deputy isn't the executioner, he's the priest taking confessions, giving sinners one last chance to repent before they die for their crimes. Everyone who reports hitting a kid on a bicycle drives away free. Anyone who keeps quiet unwittingly goes home with an extra passenger, and dies before they leave the car.
The only lady serves the detective some pie, and we cut to the deputy finishing his own slice before heading out into the night, walking down the darkened road until he sees the ghostly figure of his brother riding towards him, carrying the dinner bag, but disappearing before they reach each other. He returns to his post, ready for another night of saving people from his brother's vengeance.
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foxirori · 3 days ago
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foxirori · 3 days ago
I am an animal. I hate hiding the fact that parts of being an animal are vicious, upsetting, gross, even unwanted.
If you are not a human in literally any way, please play into your animalistic side. Being an animal is dirty, unclean, wild, chaotic, and so so much more than how it is presented on the surface of a lot of therian/otherkin/etc communities.
Animals have animal instincts, I am not wrong for having these instincts, whatever they may be.
There is nothing wrong with not being this but so many creatures and beings are this and should not be afraid of who they really are.
Be your true wild self.
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foxirori · 4 days ago
When I was a child, anytime I heard about treatment for autistic people, I couldn't relate to it at all. That could be a major reason why I never considered the possibility that I'm autistic.
Now, as an adult, when I go online and read blogs and channels run by autistic people, I relate easily.
I now realize it's because the vast majority of the treatment that autistic children receive is for the purpose of making them obedient. Meanwhile, the content created by autistic adults is to help autistic people be their authentic selves.
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