#victoria fisher
nofatclips · 1 month
When we are Dogs by Jaye Jayle featuring Bonnie Prince Billy and Patrick Shiroishi
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yzeltia · 2 years
Letters from the 3 WOLs
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CW: Strong Language
Whoever came up with the phrase "blessed by light" can kindly stick a crystal up their ass.
I'm not going to say I've never benefited from my so-called "gift". It makes P.I. work a hell of a lot easier having a built-in bullshit detector. But when the whole greater destiny kicked in, my shit life became shitier. I was an orphaned searat, kicked out of The Stadium, and sent back to the docks of Limsa to develop a taste for ale and men with their own ships. 
Once the Echo kicked in, I had an easy means of Gil. Solving shit people's, shit problems. Infidelity, missing people, stolen property. In my kind of work, a girl can eat well in a city of pirates. But of course, once the word gets out you've been given Mother's gifts, everyone comes around and demands more and more. 
I probably wasn't as cynical to start. It was easy to get caught up in having a greater purpose aside from working, drinking, and bedding randos and I was always fond of cats. Locally notorious to locally famous wasn't a bad look either. You partner up with your witch friend, take out an Earth primal, and the Admiral uses your name in a sentence and suddenly everyone's your best friend. No longer the "bitch" that ruined their marriage, or the "little girl" who led to your arrest. Victoria, Hero of Limsa, wasn't terrible to hear. Hell, I even made a few real friends.
Then the shared destiny kicked in, the Warriors of Light. Mother calling to me. Men in gaudy cloaks cackling wildly about their god. Betrayal by a pussy whipped sad boy possessed by, said guy in cloak. Felling yet another primal terrorizing Limsa. Being a blonde's personal retainer. Saving, said blonde, for the umpteenth time. Dismantling Garlean occupancy and uniting Eorzea, twice. Then being framed for the dismantling and attempted assassination of one of their leaders. And then of course watching your friends die and sacrifice themselves endlessly, some not staying down, others revived to pine and simp over your every good deed. Going to another shard. Going back in time.  Going to the fucking space. 
And endless list of tedium that I did not sign up for, but was pulled into less Mother invade my headspace. The list goes on and on. Trauma after Trauma, Loss after Loss.  At the very least, Hydallyn had the sense to choose three of us to not give the title one face to lean on and be constantly harassed. 
If saving the entirety of the source wasn't enough, I am still called upon, my rest delayed so that I may voyage on with my snappish Miiqo'te besty and one of the others that share my title. Hopefully, it's the rigid Elzen and not the fuckboy. 
Hopefully this you and the twins well, but I said I'd write since you've made sure the ale was plenty for my journeys, and I'm rather fond of your two little scions....We'll have tea or something when I return from Radz-at-Han. Clearly, I’m not much of a letter writer, so I send my condolences for my colorful language.
Best Wishes,
Victoria Fisher
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Hey U'khuba!
What's good friend? Are the ladies missing me yet? Things have been wild since I saved the world, you know, again. I'm sorry I haven't made time to come home to see everyone, but someone has to keep the smiles on the Scion ladies' faces, and the competition is just as weak as it as at home. I'm so popular I'm even getting attention from a G tribe Tia, but they're a bunch of nerds so it's not surprising that even the guys would want to coil tails. I guess I'm popular with everyone now that I think of it. Probably Cause I'm. Such. A. Stud.
I wish I could satisfy them all but there's not been much time. The little Elzen guy that looks up to me said the Scions are taking a break for a while so I went off to look more into my Ascian friend's suggestion of figuring out where The Twelve the Twelve went. (Wow, that's really weird to write. But really, he was a cool guy). Figured I'd hit up Miss Krile and that Tia who worships the ground I walk on. I owe him a little adventure anyway. We're good buddies and I want to make sure he's okay with us just being friends. Maybe I can set up with one of the lady WOLs, he's got it bad for them too. I'm the world's greatest wingman as you know. Guess it comes with being the world's greatest hero. No one can resist my charm.
Anyway, I'm about to grab a boat and figured I'd write home to let you know I'm alive, though I'm sure stories of my heroic battle at the end of the universe has already reached your ears! Yes! That was me again! Send the ladies my love and be sure to let the old man know I’ve one upped him yet again in the hero department.
U’rahn Nuhn
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Dearest Lucia,
I have treated you poorly in not making an effort to write sooner. I hope the sari that I have sent with the courier will make up for my neglect. It has been some time since we parted in Garlemald, and as I’m sure you know, the actions of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and my fellow Warriors of Light have halted the Final Days. I imagine this comes as a great relief for yourself and Sir Aymeric.
I am due for a long overdue visit home; in fact, I was set upon it until moments ago. It seems that my abilities are needed back in Radz-at-Han. While I was looking forward to a visit with you and Aymeric, as well as the rest, my journey as one of Hydaelyn’s chosen, as always, comes first. Duty before all else is a sentiment we share.
At the very least, I am relieved my peers seem amenable in helping our friends in this latest challenge. Miss Fisher is accompanying me to further assist Y’shtola in her efforts to travel between shards while I seek an audience with the Vrtra in hopes to follow up upon a passing suggestion made by a departed friend. As for the rake, he is off with his fellow Seeker. It feels rude to say, but I shall enjoy his absence. His constant philandering hasn’t cooled down, even upon witnessing the majesty of the end of space. It is a wonder Miss Fisher hasn’t irreparably harmed him in retaliation over his scandalous and quite exaggerated comments on our relationship with him. He has never besmirched our honor; however, we do not want his stories to get out of hand and leave room for interpretation.
Anyway, I do hope you will take time to regale me of your exploits in Garlemald. With your sari, I have also a pouch of gil to help that angry young man we encountered on our visit. I ask that you see he gets it and remains well cared for. Mayhaps guide him forward into the Temple Knights? You found yourself there, and I imagine he will gain much from your and Aymeric’s tutelage...On second thought though he might not be keen on leaving his homeland. Whatever the case may be, I again ask that you see after his well-being and send me expenses.
Yours in Halone,
Jannie Eyradoux
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matchtheminrenown · 17 days
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historical costumes + purple
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missfisherandjack · 3 months
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Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012-2015) ↳ 1x04 Death At Victoria Dock
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glimersims · 4 months
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post 5
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foxspirit1928 · 3 months
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Miss Fisher Snippets (185)
Meet a sweetheart whose name begins with “H”, the most adorable Constable Hugh Collins.
(Posted 30-Mar-2024)
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gogmstuff · 9 months
1909 in Portraits & Images -
Left 1909 Signora Diaz Albertini by Giovanni Boldini (auctioned by Sotheby's). From their Web site 2880 X 3111.
Right 1909 The Japanese Fan by Walter Ernest (private collection). From Gandalf's Gallery's photostream on flickr 1638X2000.
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Left 1909 The Web of the Golden Spider by Harrison Fisher (location ?). From tycheantiques.tumblr.com/image/171350466136; doubled size 1664X2216.
Right 1909-1911 Victoria Eugenia, Reina de España by Luis Menéndez Pidal (Palacio del Senado - Madrid Spain) From spanishroyals.tumblr.com 1125X1920.
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Left 1909/1911 Lyudmila Borisovna Rayvich (Severtsova) by Nikolay Petrov. From tumblr.com/russian-room/720937676224741376/portrait-of-lyudmila-borisovna-rayvich? 590X800.
Right Anita of New Jersey, Princess of Bragança seated removed captions with Photoshop 658X894.
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Left ca. 1909 Georgine Shillard-Smith by Hugh Henry Breckenridge (Philadelphia Museum of Art - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA). From their Web site via pinterest.com/sanushsergeev/художники 860X1472.
Right ca. 1909 Julia Fons by Ramon Casas (Museu Pau Casals, Fundació Pau Casals - Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain). From artsandculture.google.com 1058X2624.
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Left ca. 1909 Princess Victoria Adelheid, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg Gotha. From eBay; fixed spots, scratches, & flaws w Pshop 970X1538.
Right ca. 1909 Queen Elena card. From eBay; removed spots & flaws with Photoshop and fixed mono-color tint 929X1511.
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1909 Promenade by the Sea by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida (Museo Sorolla - Madrid, Spain). From the discontinued Athenaeum Web site 1039X1076.
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1909 Laura Pearson and Alison Cunninghame by ?. From tumblr.com/antiquebee/730070355255918592/laura-pearson-and-alison-cunninghame-1909? 1343X1762.
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detournementsmineurs · 3 months
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“The Wagner Girdle" by Alexander Fisher for Mrs Laura Isobel Horniman in steel with gold inlay and set with enamelled plaques and assorted stones (circa 1893-96) presented in “A History of Jewellery: Bedazzled (part 6: Jewellery of the Arts and Crafts Movement 1890-1914)” by Clare Phillips - Curator at the V&A Museum - for the V&A Academy online, march 2024.
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 years
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Black and White October
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries / Essie Davis as Phryne Fisher
This beautiful coat with Chinese-style designs is one of my favorite pieces that Miss Fisher wears. It seems to be one of her favorites too, considering how often it turns up, and with a variety of hats and accessories! Apparently, it was in the personal collection of the designer, Marion Boyce.
The long outer coat features embroidered floral designs, while the shorter under-jacket has birds. I am indebted to @phrynefishersfrocks for several of these screenshots.
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muse-oleum · 1 year
Blind Dates OC Challenge: Lady Victoria Crawley
Fandoms: Downton Abbey/Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
Time period: 1920s/30s
Face claim: Elisa Cifuentes in Las Chicas del Cable
So, hum, I haven't written on here in a veryyyy long time, forgive my rustiness. I've been toying with an idea for a crossover between Downton Abbey and Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries ever since I first watched the shows, because it just makes sense lol. This is my introduction to Lady Victoria Crawley, fourth and last child of Lord and Lady Grantham.
I wanted to participate in @mercurygray 's Blind Dates OC challenge, and thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to write something *not* academia related. I hope you enjoy this first snippet of Victoria and perhaps there shall be more...
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Victoria missed the Antipodes. She missed Christmas in the sun, the hustle and bustle of the city, the constant activity she had known for the past two years, living far away from home and yet as alive as she had ever felt. But she missed her friends the most.
She missed Phryne’s laugh and Dot’s sweet smile; she missed Jack’s skepticism and Hugh’s clumsiness, and even her two favorite commies had found a place in her heart, though she would deny it if anyone asked. They would happily throttle her if they ever heard her use that word, but she couldn’t help it, annoying them tickled her. 
But most of all she missed Mac. 
Mac and her stern attitude hiding a softness that few people ever truly got to witness. Mac and her sardonic replies to Phryne’s less than stellar ideas—and there had been many; how she’d survived this far, she’d never understand. Mac and the way she smiled softly just for her, even when she thought Victoria couldn’t see. 
She missed that smile most of all. 
Here, in England, it was so much harder to let herself truly be. But with Mac, tentatively at first, and then more fully once they’d both understood the coast was clear, that they would be safe with each other, it had been different. With her almost two decades more of experience, Mac had been a friend, at first, someone whom she could trust with her most damning secret, before it had morphed into something more. 
And just as quickly, Victoria had been called back to England, her grand-mother on her deathbed, asking for her. She hadn’t seen her once in the last two years, not since she’d left Downton behind after yet another row with her father, neither willing to bend before she’d decided to break instead. But the Dowager Lady Grantham was not someone to be refused and when she had demanded of her youngest grand-daughter that she should write to her, Victoria had made a half-hearted promise that she would. 
She regretted not keeping it, now. 
1928 was proving a difficult year for her family. Between her grand-mother’s illness, her mother’s tiredness (a false alarm, thankfully) and her own problems to face, returning to Downton in mourning had not been something to look forward to. She had left angry and she'd returned apprehensive. 
Mac would have helped, but she could hardly bring her to England while her family mourned yet another passing. She had offered, of course, wanting to be there for her as Victoria had been in the past, insisting that she could take a room at the Grantham Arms, that no one would be the wiser… But it was a lie and they both knew it. Lying, after all, was an art they had mastered; anyone in their position had to be a damn good liar in order to survive. 
And now, as she sat in the library, alone with the fire cracking in the grate, the quiet of the Abbey playing with her nerves, she wondered why she’d come home at all. And could she still call it home? It wasn’t anymore, not really. Home was with Phryne and Mr Butler, waiting for the next case to drop so they could make sure to crash down at the station, taking perverse pleasure in eviscerating Jack’s well-laid plans in moves that would have had her parents tying themselves into knots. He complained—a lot—but she knew he secretly loved it. 
She also knew that he was not so secretly half in love with Phryne, but she had an inkling that he’d rather be caught dead than admitting it. So she hadn’t pushed… yet. 
The door to the library opened, pulling her back to the present. 
“I thought I’d find you in here,” Edith said, closing the door softly behind her. 
Once upon a time, if someone had asked her which of her three elder sisters she’d most looked up to in her youth, she would have said Sybil. But after her death, she had grown closer to Edith, finding a source of comfort in her sister’s embrace, and amusement at the shrewdness she so easily disguised as passiveness. She had admired that; her ability to hide what she was feeling almost to the point of quasi-invisibility. A wallflower, that’s what Mary had called her, once, when she was feeling particularly vindictive. 
Edith may look like a flower, with her honey-blonde hair with a dash of red, which they’d both inherited from their father, her pink lips and beautiful green eyes, but she could be a thorny one too, and Mary often seemed to forget that. Victoria, on the other hand, had always been much quieter than either of her dark-haired sisters, trying to find her place as the youngest of four—and the disappointment of everybody’s hopes. But she and Edith were alike, and it had only become more apparent as they grew from girlhood to womanhood. 
Perhaps because of the age difference between Mary and herself, Victoria had never found herself on the cutting edge of her eldest sister’s sharp wit. If anything, she suspected that Mary was quite fond of her, if a little distant, as was natural for an eldest facing much larger troubles than the rearing of her littlest sister. While their twelve years difference had put a certain distance between Mary and herself, Edith and Sybil had loved to play with her, and, when the time came, taught her much more than their mother when it came to matters of the heart. And she'd learnt much.
Or at least as much as she could learn from two sisters for whom there had never been the slightest doubt that they would marry a man.
In truth, if Victoria thought long and hard about it, she remembered certain looks and allusions that Sybil had dropped, which made her think that perhaps she had known, just a bit, what her little sister was only just discovering. But then she'd died and left a gaping hole in their family that would never truly heal. 
But Edith, Victoria thought, would understand. Edith, she could tell, one day. 
“I’m very predictable,” she answered, smiling, laying her long-forgotten book on her lap. 
Her sister threw her a disbelieving look. “I wouldn’t say that,” Edith said, sitting down on the sofa next to her. “I still remember the shock on Mama’s face when you hurled yourself out of the door two years ago. Personally, I applauded you.”
“Of course you did,” she laughed, rolling her eyes. 
They fell silent, Edith lost in contemplation of the fire and Victoria pondering the qualities of sisters. On the tea table, a picture of her grandmother, all blonde curls and so young, taunted her. She quickly averted her eyes, unsettled by the clear blue gaze of a woman who was not here to scold her anymore. She noticed her sister looking at her, her eyes saddened by their recent loss but heavy with something else.
“There’s something I’d like to tell you.”
Victoria looked up from the cover of her book which she’d been fingering absent-mindedly, the silence between them natural enough that she had almost forgotten her sister’s presence. 
“It’s about Marigold.”
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rickchung · 8 months
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Beckham (prod. Fisher Stevens).
Netflix's four-part documentary series chronicling the famous English football star's public life and athletic career in and out of the British tabloids brings further dimensions to the depth of his lasting stardom. Told in his own words, it's an intimate and illuminating dive into the mindset and obsession of a global superstar living in the limelight. Beckham offers and open and honest look back at the footballer's many highs and lows while maintaining a friendly personal distance.
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Some Ladies, who were really aged gracefully in Hollywood. 😉😘
Jamie Lee Curtis
Susan Sarandon
Kelly McGillis
Phoebe Cates
Michelle Pfeiffer
Catherine O'Hara
Carrie Fisher
Lindsay Wagner
But, also in my list are (without a gif or a pic).:
Bridget Fonda
Lauren Bacall
Linda Gray
Bo Derek
Victoria Principal
Stockard Channing
Annie Potts
Delta Burke
Kate Burton
Karina Lombard
Julia Ormond
Madchen Amick
Sherrilynn Fenn
Gina Gershon
[The list is endless, but these are all examples.]
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sneekpeekinspired · 1 year
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03x 05
VICTORIA BECKHAM Striped cotton-poplin shirt
ROCHAS Stretch-crepe flared pants - $285
Kurt Geiger Mini Kensington Sequins Crossbody Bag In Purple - $135
Marc Fisher Halter Sling Back Pump (Women) - $49,99
Panacea Raffia Statement Earrings (EUR 18.99)
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missfisherandjack · 3 days
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Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012-2015) ↳ 1x04 Death At Victoria Dock
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movienized-com · 2 months
Beckham (Mini-Serie 2023) #DavidBeckham #VictoriaBeckham #FisherStevens #SandraBeckham #EricCantona #GaryNeville Mehr auf:
Mini-Serie Jahr: 2023 Genre: Doku / Biografie / Sport Hauptrollen: David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, Fisher Stevens, Sandra Beckham, Eric Cantona, Gary Neville, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, Geri Horner, Melanie C, Anna Wintour, Landon Donovan, Roy Keane, Alex Ferguson … Serienbeschreibung: David Beckham: Als legendärer Sportler verehrt, mutiert er im Laufe der Jahrzehnte zur Stil- und Modeikone.…
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