#population class 9
gkfinder · 2 days
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bisolationist · 1 month
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This is the part that makes me go. Oh. Hmm.
The response seemed more along the lines of "well OBVIOUSLY it's true that men being sexually assaulted is an immeasurably lesser crime on the spectrum but we should be nice because maybe individually they're really hurt by it uwu"
This is what I mean by how I'm tired of subjectivity-of-experience being a vaguery by which people concede that our trauma (subjective response) might be great while the harm (objective crime) is vastly lesser. I already wrote a very off-hand post about this and I can't believe we even got another assault comparison. Now this response wasn't nearly so bad as what I was referencing to there, but it's still the same pattern of buying into that rhetoric.
The OP's response is seemingly compassionate (and I think there's genuine compassion behind it!), but imo is a rhetorical dead-end and hollow of meaningful criticism.
Saying that someone's trauma-response to something might merit compassion is good of course, but it does nothing to combat the implication that it should be a far lesser crime in terms of punishment, and seems to implicitly concede the anon's rhetoric on it being a different magnitude of harm. People already know different people react to events differently. But if they see you reacting strongly to something they seem mild, they see you as weak, manipulative, or both. So to people like anon, I think this response doesn't refute any of the beliefs they are espousing, it just reinforces the idea that male SA victims that exhibit trauma responses are reacting strongly to something mild and should be treated accordingly.
All of this to say... uhm, like sorry but sometimes the correct response is to say "being sexually assaulted is not like breaking a fucking ankle being sexually assaulted is not like breaking a fucking ankle being sexually assaulted is not like breaking a fucking ankle", not to plead the case that broken-ankle victims might FEEL as bad as someone who was violently hatecrimed, because that implicitly concedes the premise.
Note on that: not lost on me that the example chosen, a broken ankle, is something more associated with accidents. I've also written before on how people are determined to view victimization they think is unimportant as accidents/collateral and go out of their way to examine it as such (I talk about biphobia being talked about this way too, but I think it carries over to a lot of experiences).
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meyhew · 9 months
im not disagreeing with you but what did jessica chastain do before this (supporting israel) to be considered rotten?
she starred in zero dark thirty and her character is fucking evil. i had to watch the movie during class while i was in college and it made my stomach turn—i had to walk out of class bc i couldn’t take it anymore. and playing an evil character doesn’t rly mean anything most of the time but this movie… spat on the millions of innocent pakistani and afghanistani and iraqi and syrian and yemeni civilians who were killed by the US post 9/11. it’s a propaganda movie through and through, and jessica chastain knew that when she decided to be part of it. to me, that’s really indicative of her politics. and if it’s not in alliance with her beliefs, then it shows that she in the comfort of her privilege doesn’t care about the social influence of her work—which is worse. and now that she’s siding with israel in what is clearly a settler vs occupied situation, u can’t convince me it was a coincidence she ended up in that heinous role
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Do the batfamily members ever get too into their undercover work? (Undercover in an office and theyre worried about spreadsheets, working in a warehouse and coming home complaining about missing parts)
Bruce: Status updates on your undercover missions. Dick, you first. What have you got down at the docks?
Dick: I haven't confirmed the Killer Croc sightings yet, but more importantly, our catch hasn't been measuring up to last year's. Tuna we're doing okay on, but the salmon population seems to be on the low end. I've contacted the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries but it'll be another 3-5 business days before they can come down and check it out.
Bruce: At least you're doing something to help. Jason?
Jason: Class was okay. I think the kids are warming up to me as their substitute while Mrs. Maloney is out on maternity leave. The average on the last vocabulary quiz was 83.53% so either I'm doing my job right or they need to be challenged. I'm worried about Tristan Lancy, though. He's normally a good student but his grades have been dropping recently and his parents don't seem like safe people to tell. I'll talk to him tomorrow and try to pair him up with a peer tutor if he needs it.
Bruce: Also see if he has any alternate contacts besides his parents. Tim, any updates at the chemical plant?
Tim: If by updates you mean OSHA violations, I could go on all week. We got a batch of new recruits today and they were just thrown into the work—no PPE, no safety training, nothing. This is what happens when you place production over employee well-being. I'm gonna file a complaint after this meeting. Also, I think the union will have something to say about the manager cutting people's lunch breaks short.
Bruce: I see. Damian? Please tell me you found something volunteering at the zoo.
Damian: Depends on how you define "found." While I have not obtained evidence of a mutant larvae black market, I did help some of the animals at the sanctuary make progress with their recovery. Bobo the monkey is healing from his broken arms and we're gradually getting him re-acclimated to climbing higher surfaces. Suzie the black bear was born a little prematurely but seems to be catching up to her peers in terms of growth. Lastly, we got a grant for additional wildcat research and enrichment. As an aside, we are having an educational seminar on European mountain goats this Friday at 3:30 and I expect all of you to be there.
Bruce: I'll put that on our calendars. Steph?
Steph: It's not really undercover work for me, just work. Anyway, yes the newest Batburger location is being used for money laundering. But I really need to vent about the customers for a sec. We don't open until 10 and at 9:30 this morning some moron was banging on our door demanding Jokerized cheese fries. Then right in the middle of the lunch rush, Janie got sick so I had to fill in as the cashier and it was hell. After that, I had to step in between a fight at the drive-thru because the customer claimed we only gave him nine pieces of his ten-piece Robin nuggets and tried to beat up the kid who took his order. And to top it all off, an entire high school hockey team came in five minutes before closing.
Bruce: Cass?
Cass, blowing balloons: Can't talk. Arranging bat mitzvah.
Bruce: Duke, you're my last hope.
Duke: Margie's bringing a peanut butter chocolate cake to the bake sale. I swiped her recipe and we can easily beat her. Her ganache is way too watery and just runs off the top of the cake, which isn't even leveled. She's also trying to do something with a raspberry filling that isn't working at all. It's like she couldn't decide on what to bring. The bake sale committee also asked if we can bring some apple pies because the original baker has to go out of town for a family emergency. I think we'll win if we bring them with some ice cream and a touch of caramel, even though this isn't a contest.
Bruce: Thank you. At least our most critical case has been taken care of.
Barbara: ...I'll save my book launch for later.
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syn4k · 7 months
if tumblr existed in empires s1 then the dashboard would look a little bit like this i think
🏜️ cactus-abolitionist
🌿 theres-no-place-like-gnome Follow
oh no are they okay?? i don't know how serious sandstorms are but maybe you could go after them?
🏜️ cactus-abolitionist
Sand blowing past you at upwards of 75kmh. It's also really hot sand. It's been known to literally strip the flesh off of bones wait post cancelled my cat just walked back in she's fine guys
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🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
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visiting the Mythlands today and me and my family found a neat lil natural floating island while hiking
🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
to the people in my notes going "what the fuck": have y'all never heard of physics?
🥀 remorse-is-remorse-of-course Follow
🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
western mezalea?? lol
🔧 verylostmechanic Follow
well that explains a lot.
🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
Can I Help You
🔧 verylostmechanic Follow
ain't emperor joel dating a fish
🏺 clay-the-dirt-man Follow
yeah, they're married. Isn't Emperor Joey a demonfucker????
#dude why are the notes arguing over the ethics of being ruled by a demon 😭 what the fuck #op im so sorry
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🌸 prismarined Follow
...i'm in this class thats being taught by the headmaster today and she smells like weed. i'm not gonna say anything but like. what
🦦 i-like-otters
yeah the academy's just like that. as long as she's not like, actively dying or anything she's probably fine??? idk o7
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⌛️ thelittlesandthatcan Follow
🐟 kelpieselkie Follow
I DONT KNOW I DONT LIVE THERE BUT apparently nobody expected it either?? like some people are saying it was the Dragon Fight that did it (i know Emperor Joey came out with statements that Emperor Riffs actually helped kill the dragon and unleash the demon but its been two days and we all know that he hates that guy so idk) but nobody actually knows anything. it's crazy bro
⌛️ thelittlesandthatcan Follow
my mom said the royal housekeepers found a note from him alongside like everything he owned but they're not saying what's on the note yet. holy shit
237 notes
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🐠 fishfucker997
this will definitely have an impact on the local trout population
🏰 all-the-kings-hen Follow
the Guardian of the Thirteenth Empire just died and you're worried about fish???? be for real omg
🐠 fishfucker997
have you people never heard of references in your life
🏰 all-the-kings-hen Follow
why are you interacting with me i literally have "codlanders dni" in my bio
🐠 fishfucker997
my brother in cod you literally reblogged this from me??
🐠 fishfucker997
they blocked me lmao
#how is this post only 2 days old
197,233 notes
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🐪 camel Follow
she dragon fight on my copper king til i disappear
who the hell let a camel onto this site lol
🐪 camel Follow
You will die at age 87 with nobody to mourn you and no stars still shining to watch you go.
#911 i just witnessed a murder
87,546 notes
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🌻 helantheia
anyone know who made emperor pearl's dress? it's really pretty :0
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📷 desertphotography
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West of the River of Plenty, Pixandria
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storiesfromafan · 9 months
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A/N: Hi everyone, been a little while. I have been working on various stories in an attempt to break the writers block. Finally finished something, though I'm not 100% on how I feel about it. Hope you enjoy.
Mattheo x Fem!Reader
Spin The Bottle
How the Hell did you get here, starring down at an empty glass bottle. Which was pointed at you, and on the other end was none other than Mattheo ‘God’s gift to every Hogwarts girl’ Riddle. That pointed, smouldering gaze boring into you, making you want to slink back to oblivion.
Ah yes, good old days where you weren’t on anyone’s radar. Not even Mattheo fricken Riddles radar. The bliss of not being notice, blending into the students around. Free of social queues, or being social in general besides you’re few friends. It was such a nice existence, and this past month you began to miss it.
But like every teen girl, towards the end of fifth year, you began to feel a bit restless. The need to feel pretty, to be seen by the opposite sex as something to desire. So, during the break you had taken a trip with your parents to Paris to visit family. While there you sort out advice from your older female cousins. They were beautiful, graceful and everything you wanted to be. They took you under their wings. Guided you, and made you over.
So, when it came time to gather on Platform 9¾ and head back to Hogwarts for sixth year, you were nervous but excited. Joyous but also filled with dread. For the invisible nerdy girl finally took off her glasses and used contacts. No longer boxed in by framing bangs, now they are slowly growing out. Along with the growing out your bangs you had ditched tying your hair up every day, instead letting your (colour) locks flow over your shoulders in soft curls, all thanks to your cousins and their tips. Finally, your frumpy clothes were gone, replaced with more fitted and fashionable ones.
Your sixth year was your fresh start. New year, new you. That’s what you told yourself. Unfortunately, your lack of social queues made you oblivious to notice all the eyes that saw and followed you. You were the shiny new penny, with a gleam catching everyone’s eye. Including the Syltherin heart throb that’s gaze was currently all you could notice.
Now back to the question at hand; how the Hell did you get here. Chalk it up to teen insecurities, some ambition and lack of male attention. That’s how you got here. Along with your friends pestering you to finally go to a Slytherin House party. They had begged, no pleaded with you. And reluctantly you gave in. Though a small part was intrigued. The stories over the years of House parties always piqued your interest. And going from an ugly duckling to a beautiful Swan made you think you should go. But you did not expect to play spin the bottle, nor have Mattheo land on you!
The boy should be outlawed for being so good looking, as well as charming and over all dangerous to the female population! And just like all the other girls, you had a small crush on the guy. But what female student didn’t? And if they said they didn’t, they are lying. For Mattheo was every girl’s type. All girls like a bad boy, and Mattheo was the definition of bad. He had the looks, the attitude, smokes, drinks, skips class, pulls pranks...you get my drift. Mattheo was the bad boy every girl wanted to save, or sacrifice themselves in the process.
“It’s you” Ella, one of your friends whispered nudging you.
Her words brought you back to reality, which also made time seem to return to normal. Releasing the breath you had been holding you looked to the bottle and then back to the Slytherin before you. Now came the time for the game to claim your first kiss, and with Mattheo.
Shakily you moved to your knees and moved to lean over the bottle, Mattheo following your movements. You both met over the bottle. He looked into your eyes, which no doubt showed how frazzled you were. A soft, sweet smile formed on his lips, which seemed to settle your nerves.
“Eyes on me” Mattheo said softly. “Forget everyone else, it’s just you and me...”
With some ease in your eyes and body, Mattheo didn’t wait for that spell to break, for he was the one to close the distance. The feel of his soft lips against yours brought you back to reality. Mattheo Riddle was kissing you! (First name) (Last name) were locking lips with the most crushed on male in your year, no school!
Slowly Mattheo moved his lips against yours, his tongue coming out to run along your bottom lip. Your body stiffened. First your first kiss, and now your first French kiss he wants to take!? Who did he think he was?
Noticing your hesitance, Mattheo pulled back and looked at you with questioning eyes. He hadn’t forced his tongue into your mouth, nor did he take your first French kiss. Part of your heart skipped a beat at how the bad boy had some gentleman in him. The ohhhs around you both brought you back to the present. You had just kissed Mattheo. In front of a group of your peers.
Feeling the heat in your cheeks, you averted your eyes while moving back to your spot. But before you took your turn you decided to make a quick exit. You couldn’t play on. You shouldn’t have played in the first place! Some groaned and protested of your choice to leave. But Ella saying she’d spin instead helped ease those around you.
It didn’t entirely matter to you. You were a mixed bag of thoughts and emotions. Escaping the party, which was in fine form, you headed to a bathroom. You need a moment of as much silence you can get so you could sort yourself out. Once in the nearest bathroom, you turned on the tap at the sink. Cupping the cold water you were about to splash your face but stopped, you remembered the make up you wore. Instead you let your hands cool before placing the cool, wet hands on the back and around your neck.
‘I’m an idiot!’ you thought with a groan, as reality sunk in.
After kissing Mattheo you practically ran from the circle of your peers. Who does that? No one had ever done that before. You knew that because there has never been any gossip of someone kissing and running. Until now. You will be the talk of the school. How pathetic you are to kiss the schools heart throb and then run away like a baby.
Then you replayed the kiss in your mind. Mattheo had been gentle, and not forceful. From the way other girls talk about him, he was meant to be some scoundrel that takes what he wants, but does it in a way that makes you want more. He might be a bad boy, but he still was respectful. You touched your lips with your fingers. It was a perfect first kiss. You smiled at that. Only for it to fall knowing you’d had ruined your chance by taking off like a spooked animal.
‘Good job’ you scolded yourself, looking at your reflection. “Just perfect” you huffed.
“You or the kiss?” Came a curious voice behind you, making you turn around and clutch the sink behind you.
Upon turning around you were greeted by the boy on your mind, Mattheo Riddle. He gave you a soft smile placing his hands in his pockets.
“Personally, I think both are perfect” his voice was soft and slightly echoed against the walls.
It took a few minutes before his words sunk in. Mattheo Riddle just said not only was your kiss perfect, so are you. No doubt the look on your face marked with confusion and some horror. He thought you to be perfect. Was he crazy? Possibly. Or was this some big joke? More likely.
“I...I don’t understand...” You said in disbelief. “I’m far from perfect...”
Mattheo gave a soft, genuine smile. “I think you are”. He slowly moves across the bathroom. “I think your caring, smart, thoughtful, attentive, adorably cute...and that was all before your change”.
He stopped before you as he finished his words. Once again you were floored. Mattheo has noticed you all along! He saw you when you thought you were invisible, or rather thought you were invisible. You always thought your friends, some of your house mates and teachers always saw you. You had only became visible when in your first broom riding class in first year when you fell off your broom while a few meters off the ground. Also the numerous times you had been a klutz and fallen down staircases, quiet ungraceful too. Being uncoordinated and smart, every mistake or accident got your peers laughing at you.
“I-I don’t understand” you said softly. “You noticed me before?” You asked, needing an explanation.
Mattheo brought his hand up and moved a bit of hair out of your face. “It’s hard not to when you were the first person I encountered on the train in first year. You were all alone in a carriage. Dressed like a boy with crazy hair” he chuckled.
A light bulb went off in your mind. How had you forgotten that moment? He had asked if he could share the carriage, and you had meekly said yes. You both sat quietly, studying the other. Finally Mattheo took the initiative to talk, though he had been rude. After seeing you jump, he realised you were nervous, maybe a bit scared.
“First time away from home?” He had asked with a sigh.
You nodded your head watching him with big (E/C) eyes.
“It’s like that” he offered with a softer tone of voice. “Your parents were sad to watch you go. But they were just like you, leaving their family to go to Hogwarts”.
Once again you nodded your head, but slowly.
“Look at it like this, you’re on an adventure” he sat back further with a genuine smile. “Every moment away from home you are learning, exploring and making memories, all stories to tell your parents when you see them”.
Mattheo had shown a moment of kindness to you. But looking back over the years there were other times he had been kind to you. From opening a door and letting you enter first, to helping take potion ingredients that are too high on a shelf down for you, to stopping you from falling into the lake a few times when students had tried to push you in. Mattheo Riddle had always noticed you and had been so kind.
“You were always kind to me...” You said slightly dumbfounded.
Mattheo playfully rolled his eyes. “Don’t let everyone hear you say that. I have a bad boy rep to keep intact”.
You laughed at his words. “Sorry, I won’t go broadcasting it”. Mattheo then laughed.
Once you both stopped laughed, you both looked at each other. You took this time to study the boy before you. He had changed so much since first year. He was cute back then but now he was handsome. Much taller now, you had to tilt your head up to look at the male before you. His gorgeous brown eyes shining with humour and delight, a rare sight to be seen, as they usually show coldness and boredom.
“You’ve changed so much since the tomboy with crazy hair” Mattheo chuckled.
You rolled your eyes, “shut up” you chuckled playfully pushing him.
Before you could retract your hand, Mattheo reaches out and took your hand in his. Watching you closely he brought your hand to his lips, leaving a chaste kiss to your knuckles. You felt your breath hitch at his ministrations. He was being charming, like he would with many other girls, but with you it was real.
“I didn’t mind the tomboy you. Nor did I mind the frumpy, nerdy look you had going” Mattheo stated, thumb caressing the back of your hand that was still in his hold. “But I would be lying if I said I didn’t like your new look. I want you to know I have always like you, the you on the inside”.
If your brain was working you would have either melted, knees would have gone week at his confession and actions. He was making it hard not to fall head over heels for the boy before you. Than you asked yourself why he followed you? Why he has said what he has?
“Why? W-why tell me this now...” You thought out loud.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Mattheo asked. “I thought I was being apparent, and I thought you were smart” he joked. “(Y/N/N), I like you”.
You were shocked. The school bad boy just admitted to liking you. And possibly liked you for sometime. Any girl would swoon and kiss Mattheo for such a confession. But you weren’t like those girls. You pulled back your hand and moved away from Mattheo, thinking of running from the room. Running was something you liked to do recently.
“Where are you going?” He asked watching you with slight worry but a lot of hilarity. “Going to run away again? Might have to call you Cinderella”.
You stopped and shot Mattheo a dirty look. “I’m not like Cinderella”.
“Yes you are, you ran after we kissed” he stated matter-of-factly walking towards you.
“I-I” you spluttered trying to figure out what to say as you move backwards, Mattheo moving with you.
Feeling your back coming in contact with a wall, you jumped. Mattheo taking no time, placing a hand on either side of your head blocking you in.
“No running away this time Cinderella” he said softly, holding your gaze with his deep brown eyes.
Seeing as you weren’t going to speak, or run, Mattheo moved his left hand to caress your cheek. The contact made you jump, but the soft movement slowly soothing you.
“I serious (Y/N/N). I like you. Past, present and future” his words held sincerity that made your heart flutter. “And I hope I’m part of that future...”
Mattheo’s words left you speechless. You had never heard him speak so much to you, let alone hear how much depth he had in him. The Hogwarts bad boy, Slytherin heart throb was opening up to you. Mattheo Riddle likes you. The ugly duckling, turned beautiful Swan, as stated by your friends.
“Are you going to say anything?” Mattheo asked, fear leaking into his voice. He of all people was the last you’d think to be self conscious.
Snapping out of it, you stood up straighter. “I like you!” You blurted out not thinking. Once realising what you just did you groaned and hung your head.
Mattheo started to laugh, but it wasn’t malicious. It was hearty and warm. As his laugh died down, Mattheo lifted your head up. He looked you in the eyes, nothing but warmth and joy in his eyes.
“You are too cute love” he said softly. “And I’m glad you like me back”.
You smiled threw your embarrassment. Before you could say anything, or try to say anything, Mattheo took the opportunity to capture your lips. Shocked you tensed up, but feeling him lace his fingers in your hair relaxed you. He was soft, tender with you. But then his tongue ran along your bottom lip, causing you to jump a little again.
Pulling back Mattheo looked at you reassuringly. “It’s alright love, no rush”.
Mattheo took you into his arms and held you close. You rest your head against his chest, muttering sweet things in your ear.
Unfortunately that was the moment a few girls walked into the bathroom, and came across you both. You all looked at each other, before you felt your face heat up and you pushed Mattheo away. Not waiting for him or the girls to speak, you took off out of the bathroom. Without skipping a beat, Mattheo took off after you and the girls found themselves giggling at what they walked into, or what they could have walked in on. If Mattheo’s reputation was correct.
Feeling a tad humiliated you didn’t listen to Mattheo and his calls to slow down or stop. You had decided you were done for the night. And hoped tomorrow’s gossip mill isn’t about you.
A/N: as always, happy for feedback :)
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jawz · 6 months
i’ve been thinking a lot lately about the way my ethnicity affected the way i was gendered as a child, my drive to transition, and even my detransition…
as a hispanic growing up with my white mom and white stepdad and white brother and white extended family in scandinavian hell (minnesota), i always felt different, always felt wrong. (my parents divorced as a baby, and my dad and his family, cuban and italian, all live in florida.) my neighborhood wasn’t so bad; it was way more diverse than the metro area itself. growing up i had mixed friends, i had friends with curly hair… but us trailer park kids were only a fraction of the population of our schools and district. a sea of blonde hair. there were times in elementary school i would literally pray to god to make my hair straight, make my eyes blue. grown-ups touched my hair and always asked “is it naturally curly?”. my classmates urged me to straighten it and by age 13 it was part of my ridiculously time-consuming “feminizing” beauty rituals.
much earlier, by the age of 8 or 9, i already had thick, dark hair growing on my legs. other kids, boys and girls alike, called me “gorilla girl”, faked gagging when i wore shorts, insisted i was actually a boy. that one became more and more common as i came into my personality: bold, class clown, competitive with the boys. (always wanting to charm the girls, but i didn’t recognize that back then.)
my mustache was there by 8, as well. just a little peach fuzz above my lip but dark enough to notice. are you even a girl? my mom would spread wax over her own face and soon began waxing my stache as well. it hurt so badly. i put up with it because she said it would make the kids stop teasing me. of course i was a girl- she was a woman and she had peach fuzz too!… but i felt self-conscious at the fact that my body hair was so much more noticeable, even as a child. my mother’s hair is very thin, straight, lighter brown; her complexion is warmer than mine, pink where mine is olive, green and yellow. i worried you could see the strands about to burst through. i was worried that to be a girl- a woman- i must hide parts of myself every day. i must cover the shoots of grass, the weeds that reveal that i’m not fit for society, that whisper i’m wild and untamed.
it wasn’t actually until i was 18 at least that i actually started to consider myself latino. i had sometimes said ‘hispanic’ growing up, as that’s what my family in florida called themselves; they referred to themselves as “spanish”, which i found out was not quite true after compiling my family tree and discovering that those ancestors emigrated from havana. in their minds they were white: “descended from spanish royalty” (as if!!)… i had spent my youth constantly trying to claim solely whiteness, confused as to why everyone was asking me “are you mexican?” “are you jewish?” “are you middle eastern?” - even though inside i think i knew. i knew my family didn’t look like me. i resented my surname being changed to Lind when i was five, my stepdad’s name, in order to give me the same name as the rest of them. despite my apparent envy of swedes and norwegians i knew it wasn’t my name; i still stood out terribly. i glared at myself in the mirror every day, i never could move past how the kids at school said my eyes were the color of shit, that my hair looked like pubes, that i must have had a sex change without being told because that would explain the mustache, the aggression…
by the time i was fourteen i was entirely primed to accept an alternative explanation to what was “wrong” with me. my sexuality was becoming more and more apparent but before i could ever come out as lesbian or even bi, i had discovered what it meant to be trans. i was so immediately certain that this was the key, THIS was why everyone said i didn’t fit in, THIS was why my behavior wasn’t girly, THIS was why i wanted to date girls. it was 2011, still deep in the “brain sex” era of the trans community, and i was sure without a shadow of a doubt that i was physically female, mentally male. all that needed to be done was to “correct” my body and bring it in line with my brain. despite the fact that very few people knew what transition actually was back then, i genuinely assumed it would make sense to everyone else, too: they had told me i wasn’t ‘really’ a girl so many times i had no trouble believing it.
transition, of course, did not suddenly de-latinize me LOL. first i became a total Other, outside of both the minnesotan ethnic norms and the gender+sex norms; eventually, with hormones and surgery at a very young age, i was able to pass as a boy, but by the time i could grow actual full-on facial hair, i realized i was still the pan-latin american enigma to people around me. multiple times someone would call me “sanchez” as some sort of attempted insult or joke. police looked at me differently than they had before. shop owners followed me, accused me of shoplifting. and sometimes, the white girls i dated told me that i was way cooler than all the boring white boys they knew. one girl even called me “exotic” to my face. it was, apparently, a compliment.
when i was 21 i heard that my girlfriend had referred to me to others as “a POC who identifies as white”. it felt as though she didn’t even know me at all. i’d never claimed either of those things to her.
moving to the west coast (socal specifically, where being latino/a is not considered ‘abnormal’) illuminated a lot of the bizarre and unnatural racial expectations of my midwest upbringing; i think by this point i was beginning to realize what so many things from my childhood had meant. that they weren’t really saying i was a boy. they were saying we don’t like girls who look like you, and we’d rather not have you included in our category.
it took me another three years to fully reckon with this. by the time i decided to detransition i had a much better understanding of the circumstances of my life; conversations with close friends who are also latina and have walked similar paths to me, heard similar insults, similar “compliments”, opened my eyes to the fact that i was not alone. i no longer feel weird for thinking the race/ethnicity boxes on government forms are hopelessly reductive. i know who i am and who i am not.
(around this time, i happened upon some old pictures of my dad’s side of the family. beautiful and glamorous women: adela, my uncle’s mother, the piano player; melanie, my aunt, the wife, hostess, and addict; lauren and andrea, my cousins, the restauranteurs; stella, my dad’s mamma, the widow and matriarch. and on all their faces, thick dark eyebrows, and, yes, that ever-familiar peach fuzz. i swear it healed something in my soul. despite my lack of beauty and glamor, we are not so different after all.)
that’s not to say all things are easy now. i’ve spent three years living as a GNC woman and if that wasn’t enough to confirm most all of my hypotheses on people’s perceptions of me, i don’t know what is.
detrans spaces (like most trans spaces) are overwhelmingly white- or at least that’s who dominates conversation. i see SO much downplaying of the things that naturally hairy women go through societally. i see trans allies who purport to be “okay” with detransitioners, saying “what’s the big deal? if you took testosterone you can just go off it and get laser hair removal!! :)” as if laser isn’t expensive as hell, painful as hell, and also WAY more of a process for a woman with dark curly hair than it is for one with straight blonde hair lmfao!!! i see detrans women obsessed with removing all traces of hair from their bodies (even though most of them clearly don’t have a neverending five o’clock shadow like some of us do! my lower face has a constant blue-green disturbance under the surface which makes female spaces incredibly daunting) and insulting the rest of us for being ugly and hairy and making no effort to look like women or what the fuck ever. basically, a lot of people who claim to support us are just racists and essentialists and believe that sex is visual and not biological…🤨
anyway… i guess my main takeaways from all this are:
1. please stop acting like detransition is an entirely internal process and that it’s easy for all of us to be seen as our sex again (some of us like. actually transitioned and passed as the opposite sex), or that potential physical interventions aren’t incredibly invasive and difficult
2. stop assuming all transition and detransition journeys follow your own experience of lifelong whiteness and hairlessness
3. it is a distinct experience to be regularly de-gendered or denied your sex, PRIOR to ever thinking of yourself as literally trans. many trans/detrans people had this happen to us (we were once the vast majority of trans people). but many did not, and generally shock others when they begun breaking gender norms. i really think people from the second group often have trouble understanding that for the first group, changing gender expression is basically a bandaid over an abscess… we have lived entire lifetimes being denied our sex, being told our bodies are not “truly” ours, that there is someone else inside trying to break out. kicked out of the bathroom, the changing room, alienated from single-sex peer groups. transition just flips this experience and instead separates us from our preferred gender group, reinforcing the feeling that we have no place, anywhere.
race/ethnicity, being homosexual or bisexual, mental illness stigma, disability, and low economic class all play an additional role in this. stop perpetuating this and denying us our biological sex.
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danieyells · 27 days
If you could, could you post Alan’s lines? I like him but he’s so stone cold at low affinity it’s hard to sus out his personality
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SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG ANON AND @otomelover23 so many things got in the way. . .mostly myself lol. . . .
Honestly that stone coldness is a big part of his personality. He's not great at expressing himself and he's very to the point. But as his affinity goes up, he's more. . .concerned for you. And he wants you around more, trusting himself to have you around more.
I posted all of them again this time! A lot of his have similar energy because of his stiffness, so I feel like being able to see them all helps to idk see the gradual change i think.
"Get your things. We're going."
"...What do you want?"
"Don't get involved with me."
"I'm going out. You guys get back to work."
"Get back. It's dangerous."
"Slack off once, and you'll find out how hard it is to get back in the game."
You've got mail:
"Some letters here for you."
Affinity 1:
"Oh, you're awake."
Affinity 2:
"I don't eat in the cafeteria. Portions aren't big enough. That's the only reason."
don't feel awkward in there or like people find you too intimidating to be near or anything? aren't worried about seeing Dante? if you say so.
Affinity 3:
"My wallet? Yeah, it's pretty beat up. Can't bring myself to chuck it though. Got some good memories with it."
reminds me of my brother, who kept our dad's old wallet. It's basically in tatters, held together by rubber bands, but sometimes what you have is what you have. . . .
Affinity 4:
"I'm going to the Pit. You should go back to your house, {PC}."
he doesn't want you to see him punch a man into oblivion.
Affinity 5:
"That sounds like a bike engine, but it's not one I know. ...Be right back."
INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT much like Tohma he's probably pretty security conscious. Maybe he's more security conscious because Tohma isn't around. Or maybe he's not used to how Bonnie sounds yet.
Affinity 6:
"Was that class really revision...? I didn't think I missed that many..."
my boy is not book smart, he is fist smart and maybe street smart. please study with him. he needs flash cards. pretty sure the only reason he's passed any grade is because he goes on plenty of missions.
Affinity 7:
"Lunch? Huh. I forgot to eat. Guess I'll just grill some meat and have it with rice and miso soup. That's my go-to."
y'know what i'm glad someone here eats proper meals. even if you forget at least you're eating eventually!!!
Affinity 8:
"One of the Vagastrom guys asked me to add him on WickChat... Do you know how to do that?"
Affinity 9:
"I don't want to get anyone mixed up in my life."
He looks sad when he says this. . .he's really worried about how being close to him will affect others huh.
Affinity 10:
"Better sleep. Got an early day tomorrow."
Affinity 11:
"497... 498... 499... 500... Phew..."
don't mind pc they're just gonna watch you do 500 sit-ups/push-ups/pull-ups/whatever. . .no no they don't mind the sweat at all please continue--
Affinity 12:
"Bandana seems to disappear right around this time every day lately... What's he doing?"
this chat's between 11am and 4pm. . .pretty sure Sho would be busy with the food truck around that point. . .does Alan not know Sho runs a business lmao. . .I mean I guess Alan doesn't go into the more populous parts of Darkwick much.
Affinity 13:
"The first-years've each got their own strengths. Both can do stuff I can't."
Affinity 14:
"Bandana's got potential. He's quick, and he's strong. Rest comes down to motivation."
I think Sho's motivated, just motivated to do his own thing. Although I'm sure he'll develop more interest in the world and actions of the Institute and anomalies eventually. . .maybe. Or maybe Hyde's interest will keep him away lol.
Affinity 15:
"I'm heading out. Mission. Make sure you go to class. ...I'll let you know when I'm back."
alright mom i'll go to class gosh. does this feel like a headpat or forehead kiss line to anyone else? he just doesn't want you to worry about him. He knows he's doing something dangerous. But he promises he'll come home. He won't be reckless because you're waiting. Maybe I'm reading too much into it lol.
Affinity 16:
"Where am I...? Guess I should tell them I'm gonna be late. WickChat was this picture, wasn't it...?"
poor boy is so lost lmao please help him get where he needs to go. . .how does this man go on hikes in the mountains and shit. . . .
Affinity 17:
"You're still awake? Don't stay up too late."
Affinity 18:
"Oh, didn't see you there. I'm heading out for a run, but... Could you wait here for me?"
He wants to spend time with you, so please be waiting when he comes back. . . .
Affinity 19:
"I pat people on the head a lot? Didn't notice. I'm doing it again? ...Sorry."
IT'S HARD NOT TO WHEN PEOPLE ARE SO MUCH SHORTER THAN YOU also that wasn't a complaint please give them lots of pats :'3
Affinity 20:
"I'm taking some of the Vagastrom guys to the mountains today. ...You want to come too?"
Affinity 21:
"This one's all fixed up. I'm gonna take a shower. Wait there."
there like in the shower or--(he uses そこ which refers to someplace near the listener, so he just means 'where you're sitting' but still.)
Affinity 22:
"{PC}. Got time after this? A friend of mine gave me some fresh boar meat."
He wants to cook for you! He cooks in a very wilderness style, but still! He wants to share his bounty! He's showing you he can be a good provider. No, he didn't hunt it himself but good community connections are also important!
Affinity 23:
"You're you, not someone else. You're doing a good job. Hold your head high."
he doesn't want you to fall into a cycle of self-loathing or of trying to be anyone but yourself. Maybe what others do feels more impressive to you, but you aren't them and you can't compare yourself to them. Even if you're 'weak' in one way or another, you have your own worth in other ways. So be proud of yourself, instead of trying to get the pride of somebody else. I think he really cares about your mental wellbeing and he doesn't want you to lose yourself. Because he's lost himself--and he doesn't want that for you. Don't wallow in self-pity, don't agonize over the past. Be proud of how far you've come and walk your own path.
Affinity 24:
"Can't sleep? ...I'll take you for a drive. Quick run should help you reset."
Imagine falling asleep in his car and he has to figure out. . .does he wake you up, does he carry you somewhere. . .he could bring you back to your place but he doesn't know how to get there so. . .you wake up in his room, in his bed. . .does he have the understanding that "you probably shouldn't sleep in the same bed as somebody without them okaying it first" and he sets up his tent and sleeps in it or uses his sleeping bag or sleeps somewhere else in the dorm or maybe in his car. . .frankly even if he doesn't he'd be afraid of hurting you in his sleep. There's no way he'd sleep in the same bed as you. Maybe lie awake in there with you or something. But he'd be too scared of what harm he could cause to fall asleep.
Affinity 25(max):
"I'm lucky I've got you, {PC}. As long as you're with me, I feel like I won't lose sight of who I am."
HE SMILES WHEN HE SAYS THIS. 99% of his lines have his usual expression, but this one he really smiles and that's how you know how much he appreciates you. I feel like he kind of gave up on himself--he's a big, dangerous brute, he's not someone worth getting close to, it's dangerous to even want to. . .but you make him feel like maybe he has a chance again. You make him look in the mirror and see someone he hasn't seen in a long time, and he realizes that person is himself and he would have never seen the version of him who isn't dirtied with blood again without you.
"Don't get lax just 'cause it's warm out. Stay focused."
"... Good camping weather."
"Oh, it's you. Must've dozed off. Better get back to work."
"The cherry blossom illuminations? ...That kind of thing's not for me."
"It's getting hot out. Make sure you stay hydrated."
"Looks like we've got another mission order. There's more anomalies out there in summer."
"The Pit's getting noisy. Those guys better not be pulling stupid shit again..."
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you again... I was just going for a jog. Didn't think you'd be round this corner."
Alan turning a corner and slamming straight into you and being shocked aw--
"Good season for a workout. Want to join me?"
"...Maybe I'll go check out the fall leaves."
"The days are getting shorter. You should get home before it gets dark."
"...Long nights make me think about stuff I'd rather forget."
he killed dante in the autumn or winter. noted.
"Cold out in the mornings lately. Guess I'll warm up with a coffee."
"The first-years ditched... What do they mean, "too cold"?"
"As long as you got some muscle, you can handle the cold."
i handle the cold well because i'm fat, myself. my brother, who's plenty muscular, gets cold much easier than i do U:
"It's freezing... Guess I'll break out the kerosene heater. Gotta make sure you ventilate if you use it indoors, but it works real fast. Can't do without it in winter."
His birthday:
"Whose birthday? ...Mine? Oh... Forgot all about it. ...Thanks."
Your birthday:
"Today's your birthday, yeah? ... Get your stuff. I'll take you for a drive."
New Years:
"You helped us out a lot last year. Hope you'll stick around."
Valentine's Day:
"This chocolate's for me? Do everything proper, don't you? Thanks. I appreciate it."
HE SMILED AGAIN. I wonder if he's ever been given valentine's chocolate before. Even if he thinks it's just out of obligation, I think he must be really happy. . . .
White Day:
"White Day's when you repay people for what they got you on Valentine's Day, right? Sorry if these aren't your thing... Didn't really know what you like..."
. . .my first thought was that i read that sometimes lingerie is given as a white day return present. . .and i just imagined that Alan asked what he was supposed to do if he liked the person he got a valentine's day gift from on valentine's and Leo saw an opportunity for chaos and said to get them some sexy white underwear and Alan just. . .believed him. And it's a very embarrassing moment for everyone involved. pc absolutely wears them when alan asks them out for things tho. waiting for the day alan finds out they're wearing it.
April Fool's Day:
"I'm actually a dog. Woof. ...Sorry, that was a lie. Forget I said anything."
he's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
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"Saw an anomaly I'd never seen before just now. Ran away when I tried to stop it. That's when I realized it was a human."
i would not be surprised if his upbringing was sheltered and he just did not know about halloween to begin with haha
"...You should spend Christmas with family."
Well everyone's stuck at Darkwick so that's not likely to happen. Also don't tell that to Sho. . .but we can be family now! And spend Christmas together!
"...You okay?"
"...You seem busy. Let me know if you need anything."
"...You came back. You look all right. We're gonna need you for the next mission."
SO YOU SEE HE'S A LOT KINDER AND SWEETER WHEN HIS AFFINITY GETS UP THERE. . .BUT HE'S STILL COLD. BECAUSE HE'S AFRAID. . .but you make him feel more comfortable. You help him feel less like a destructive monster and more like a person. Where he pushed you away before, he keeps you closer now. Still a little at arm's distance but much closer than before. I HOPE THIS HELPED YOU SEE MORE OF HIS PERSONALITY, ANON o/
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ystrike1 · 8 months
Red Mansion - By Nanggaek (9/10)
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Crime rings are so boring. We've all seen the same stale "gangster" settings before. This is a really dark crime webtoon. Both men are yanderes and the real evils of the story are landlords, debt, and exploitation. It kinda gets too real. The simmering evil is top tier.
Sungkyung, or "Mini Mart", runs Mini Mart number 3 in the Red Mansion complex. The Red Mansion isn't a collection of regular apartments. It's very cheap. Very old. Very moldy. Very populated by criminals and people in debt etc. Our protagonist gets robbed. He gets scammed. His store is a dirty joke, and there's constant fights in the halls.
Make no mistake.
The Red Mansion is a prison for the desperate poor.
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Mini Mart is underweight. His little business barely makes any money. Most of the residents don't pay their tab. Mini Mart occasionally has to take dangerous side jobs to pay for his parents meds.
Mini Mart was BORN in the Red Mansion. His parents fell into debt when their business flopped. Their son has never known normalcy, or the luxury of safety.
He's also a total hottie under the grime and dirty hair, but that doesn’t matter when your life is debt.
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They were loving parents, so Mini Mart feels compelled to care for them. Both parents have fallen victim to some mysterious disease. They won't eat and they just sleep in cots all day, covered in flies.
You may have already guessed the plot twist. It looks like his parents aren't really sick, by definition. They have lost the will to live in the Red Mansion. They were once a prosperous middle class couple. They've...given up, even though Mini Mart hasn't given up on them.
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The Red Mansion is a family business. It's been making money off of people in debt for years. The second generation owner is the handsome Mr. Kwon. The younger of two brothers.
He's handsome and he's a scary gangster.
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Mini Mart has a crush on him because....well...duh? Mr. Kwon is a well dressed and reasonably polite man who visits Mini Mart about once a week. He doesn't abuse Mini Mart.
By the way I'm calling him Mini Mart because Mr. Kwon doesn't know his name.
It's all very creepy. Mr. Kwon doesn't KNOW Mini Mart. He's not interested in Mini Mart..........but he totally is. Mr. Kwon has never slept with a man. He doesn't KNOW he has a crush on Mini Mart. He just shows up. He gives Mini Mart money. Gifts. He visits when he has lower thugs for that, and he's nice to Mini Mart. He also licks cheap lollipops while he stares at Mini Mart. Yeah definitely a dense closet Bi guy. Classic repressed alpha male. You get it.
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Mini Mart has noticed the flirting. You see, he has an observation note book. Mr. Kwon is his only friend and his only crush. Mini Mart is super obsessed with him. He sort of figures out that Mr. Kwon is interested in him...in some way. Maybe it's pity. He's not sure, but he's willing to do anything. Mr. Kwon is literally the coolest, most handsome, richest, nicest person in his life.
Of course he's obsessed to an unhealthy degree. His visits are the one bright spot in Mini Mart's routine. He has to spend the rest of his time working and caring for his depressed parents.
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Mini Mart is weird but he's a nice guy. He fights a bloody battle to get pills from a quack doctor for his parents. Mr. Kwon eventually sees the injuries. His "gifts" start to get bigger. He seems to like how "pathetic" Mini Mart is. That kinda sucks because Mini Mart is a resilient and kind hard worker. Who really doesn't deserve to be looked down upon for supporting his entire family but...whatever Mr. Kwon is done for.
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Mr. Kwon kinda invites Mini Mart over. Kinda. Mini Mart is in debt. He has to pay interest directly to Mr. Kwon. Usually that's done in the Red Mansion, but Mr. Kwon invites him to his real home when he's kinda drunk.
He notices Mini Mart is turned on by him. He confronts Mini Mart about his stolen jacket, and he's turned on by that and.....Mini Mart stole the jacket to sniff it and he admits it.
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Mini Mart is happy.
Mr. Kwon is mostly confused but he's got spirit. I'm not saying he's awesome, but he's never outright awful. He does things for Mini Mart that actually help him a little bit. He's interesting because he falls for Mini Mart very, very slowly. He's crass. He's rude. He thinks he's into women, but then Mini Mart blushes at him and suddenly he wants to do chores. He settles the debt tabs for the mart, just to help out his new lover.
Is he a nice guy? No, but Mr. Kwon isn't moping around the mart trying to abuse the object of his interest. The story is very dark in general, so it's easy to see that Mr. Kwon gives Mini Mart special treatment.
He's a soulless demon with everybody else.
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It's also nice??? That Mr. Kwon really enjoys uh...pleasuring Mini Mart? It's messed up that he doesn't learn Sungkyung's name for a while, but at the same time there's enthusiastic consent and both men enjoy themselves fully. I think this is the superior "kept man yandere" webtoon. I can actually see this relationship progressing. Mini Mart would absolutely, willingly become Mr. Kwon's submissive lover. No prison keys required.
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endless-weightless · 1 year
E42!Miles Morales x Reader headcanons
Both headcanons of him and of him being a romantic partner cos I'm bored teehee. Also no nsfw cos he's a minor and sorry if the Spanish related hcs are inaccurate or smth like that, I only speak English but please lmk if I got smth wrong!
TAGS/WARNINGS: Fem!reader, fluff, minor angst, cussing
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Just Miles headcanons
⚜Always smells fresh. He probably uses the perfect amount of Axe body spray or just wears a good cologne.
⚜E1610!Miles is taller than E42!Miles by a few inches because the spider bite most likely affected his growth.
⚜Piggybacking off of that last hc, he probably wears insoles to make himself a lil' taller, but he definitely tells Aaron it helps with the "pain of being on his feet all day", which he knows is bullshit because he's been doing Prowler work for years and has never once considered wearing insoles.
⚜If high maintenance was a guy, it'd be Miles G. Morales.
⚜Had to use a shitbox of a speaker for YEARS until he started making money as the Prowler. Rio would come home from work only to hear some bullshit by Playboi Carti playing at full volume on the worst speaker you've ever heard.
⚜Takes bathtime VERY seriously.
⚜Made his voice way deeper in front of E1610!Miles and probably has a much more calm voice, almost soothing.
⚜Will occasionally forget words in English and will just replace them with a Spanish word and leave you looking confused as fuck.
"You know the thing I'm talking about, it's the uh... rizador!"
"The fucking what?"
⚜Randomly got popular one day in 8th grade/year 9 for no reason, like one day everyone just started dabbing him up.
⚜Speaking of which, if you ever go anywhere with him and he sees anyone he knows, you best believe you'll be awkwardly standing next to him as you wait for him to finish dabbing up the entire population.
Now for romantic headcanons
⚜Was bold asf when he was pursuing you. He'd purposely stare at you in class so you'd make eye contact, and he'd always be the last to look away. He didn't ask for your snap from his or your friends. Instead, he walked right up to you and asked you himself, and he wasn't dry when it came to the snaps either.
⚜Constant compliments, even before you became official. He'd always go out of his way to let you know he liked your outfit, your hair, or even just to say you looked beautiful every single day.
⚜Miles will always give you his jacket if you start to look cold. He can always sense when you're going to get cold and he will not take no for an answer, so don't bother.
⚜This next hc is for my afab pookies. He'll keep track of your cycle and will toss a bag full of pads and tampons at you the second your period starts, which he always knows before you for some reason. He always remembers what brands you like, and he knows all the tricks he learnt from his mother to help you with cramps, headaches or mood swings.
⚜He knows calling you mami makes you fall face first for him, so he'll use it to his advantage to make you less mad when he has to cancel plans.
"Miles, baby, this is our third date this month we've had to reschedule :/." "I know, mami. I'm sorry." He'd say as he places a kiss on your forehead.
⚜Not too big on PDA. Of course, he'll constantly be either holding your hand or having his arm around you and kiss you goodbye, but he'll never go out of his way to shove his tongue down your throat in front of everyone.
⚜But my GOD, he is affectionate in private. Miles cannot keep his hands to himself to save his life. He'd pick you up and dip you to kiss you if he could.
⚜He constantly feels guilty about having to ditch dates for Prowler work, so to make up for it, he'll take you on massive shopping trips. The mf won't take no for an answer either. He couldn't give two flying fucks if you couldn't go around spending hundreds of dollars on clothes, he wants you to know he'll do anything for you despite his mysterious job he never speaks about.
⚜The biggest gentleman ever. He probably learnt it from his mother since she was his only parent, and he definitely has some feminist ideologies ingrained into him, though he does prefer to be the provider and for you to stay safe at home/school.
⚜Miles would occasionally daydream about settling down with you and having a child together, but he knows his job is too dangerous for that despite his longing for a family.
⚜He shows his affection by buying you gifts and spending any and all of his free time with you in return for just your touch and the sound of your voice. He'd prefer to spend every day by your side but he knows you can't get involved in his work and he'd prefer you to stay safe despite how feisty you may be.
⚜If you two went to prom/formal together he'd fall head over heels the second he sees you all dressed up. He'd take as many photos as possible and brag the whole night going "Yeah that's my girlfriend." with a stupid grin plastered across his face.
⚜Almost never talks about how he feels or opens up, he probably would only share how he feels if he broke down in front of you, which he would hate because he likes to feel like he's the protector and provider so if he's not showing you strength he feels weak and unworthy of your love.
That's all I can think of rn lmk if you want any other characters!
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gkfinder · 22 days
Read and Download NCERT Notes for Class 6 to 12, NCERT Notes for UPSC geography, SSC, UPPCS, MPPCS, Haryana PCS, CDS and Banking Exams.
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chimaerakitten · 7 months
Malaria, Sickle-Cell, and Dragons in the Temeraire Universe
so I've been thinking about sickle cell all day because of the very cool real-life FDA crispr treatment approval news, and also I'm just about done rereading empire of ivory so thusly it is time to write the sickle cell/malaria/dragons/benefits of human-dragon mutualism breakdown I mentioned ages ago.
Standard disclaimer that I am not in fact anywhere near an expert on this, this is mostly recall from ANTH 102/215 classes I took five years ago, the info is very simplified and possibly somewhat out of date. I'm doing some quick checks and I write this but only enough to make this an appropriate fantasy novel fandom post, not enough to make it actually reliably informative. I do have a couple citations, but mostly for the parts I'm lifting straight out of a class assignment I wrote, and they're a short documentary hosted on YouTube and the textbook for the class. also none of my links are live because I want this fandom post to actually show up in the fandom tag lol.
second disclaimer is I'm starting at the basic obvious stuff because I genuinely have no idea how much most people know about this and better safe than confusing.
Intro and Background
So the first thing to know about any of this is that human genetics for the most part to not operate on mendelian inheritance. So the punnet squares in high school biology that did human hair or eye color as basic dominant/recessive one-gene traits were totally lying to you. Like they're a teaching tool for a very simple model that works well enough but they're not accurate. Most human phenotypes are way way more complicated genetically than that.
That said, there are exceptions. Mendelian traits (Characteristics that are influenced by alles at only one genetic locus) do exist in humans, a number of them being related to genetic diseases. The list in the ANTH 102 notes I just dug up was: Wet (dominant) or dry Earwax; Albinism; Brachydactyly (dominant); Blood type (ABO, not the positive/negative part); Hereditary breast-ovarian cancer syndrome (BRCA-1, BRCA-2, unknown genes); Huntington’s disease; Lactase persistence (dominant); and Sickle-cell disease (recessive).
So the sickle cell punnet square looks like this for two parents who both have one copy of the sickle cell gene:
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Sickle cell is a very painful and life threatening disease, (That's why the FDA approving a crispr treatment for it allowing patients to be their own bone marrow donors is very exciting.) and from an evolutionary perspective, one that very often prevents people from reproducing. It's also not strictly dominant/recessive, in that people heterozygous for sickle cell can have some symptoms like the possibility a sickle-cell crisis triggered in low-oxygen situations (high altitudes, intense exercise, etc).
So one might think that Sickle cell would be a vanishingly rare disease, since having it can be deadly and even having the trait can in some cases cause problems. Only it's not rare by genetically inherited disease standards, not at all.
And to make a long story very short, the reason is malaria.
People who are heterozygous (possessing one sickle cell gene and one normal gene) for sickle cell anemia are resistant to malaria. In areas of the world without a high incidence of malaria historically, there is a strong selection against the sickle cell gene, (Biointeractive Malaria and Sickle Cell Anemia, 9:33) but in areas with malaria, both having sickle cell disease (homozygous HbSS) and not having the trait at all (homozygous HbAA) are selected against. People with sickle cell were historically less likely to reproduce, and people who were not resistant to malaria were more likely to die of malaria and also not reproduce. Because being heterozygous with sickle cell is selected for, the gene persists in the population.
The implications of that are best summed up from this map that I just stole from Britannica.com:
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I dunno if the percentages on that second one are accurate tbh, other infographic maps I'm looking at give different ranges. but sill, you get the gist about how common it is in equatorial Africa. In the modern United States Black children are much much more likely to be born with sickle cell than white children—the genes don't just go away when the threat of malaria is removed. (And yeah, that's a historical consequence of the slave trade.)
There's some other stuff wrapped up in here too about bio-cultural evolution: There's indications that malaria was not a “significant problem until humans abandoned food foraging for farming” (Haviland, W. A., Prins, H. E., Walrath, D., & McBride, B.). Humans cleared away the forest, which had kept the soil absorbent. Without the vegetation, more water built up on the surface, forming stagnant puddles which were a perfect environment for malaria-causing mosquitoes to thrive, thus creating the conditions for sickle cell anemia to be advantageous. Farming creates caloric surplus which is great for humans, but it also changes the environment in ways that can be detrimental. Malaria is one way, creating the conditions for other epidemic diseases to thrive is another, etc. etc.
But if you've read this far you're probably going "Chi, you promised this would be a fandom post but so far this has been a serious and kind of sad post about disease. when are you going to get to the dragons?"
The Dragons
So the first time malaria comes up in the Temeraire books is in Throne of Jade, when a bunch of the sailors on the Allegiance come down with "malarial Fevers."
Jane, I must ask you to forgive the long gap in this Letter, and the few hasty Words that are all by which I can amend the same now. I have not had Leisure to take up my pen these three weeks—since we passed out of Banka Strait we have been much afflicted by malarial Fevers. I have escaped sickness myself, and most of my men, for which Keynes opines we must be grateful to Temeraire, believing that the heat of his body in some wise dispels the Miasmas which cause the ague, and our close association thus affords some protection. But we have been spared only to increase of Labor: Captain Riley has been confined to his bed since almost the very first, and Lord Purbeck falling ill, I have stood watch in turn with the ship’s third and fourth lieutenants, Franks and Beckett. Both are willing young men, and Franks does his best, but is by no means yet prepared for the Duty of overseeing so vast a Ship as the Allegiance, nor to maintain discipline among her Crew—stammers, I am sorry to say, which explains his seeming Rudeness at table, which I had earlier remarked upon.
I do not know enough about what people thought about malaria in the 19th century to be 100% sure that this is actually malaria, but I think Novik wouldn't want to confuse her readers by calling something malarial that isn't you know..malaria. So I'm going to assume thats what it is. Google is not giving me figures on malaria survival rates before modern medicines for it which is driving me kind of nuts and means I can't say how lucky Riley and Purbeck were to survive with apparently no complications, but that's not the point here anyway. The point is the comment about the aviators not getting sick.
And not only (mostly) not getting sick, but not getting sick even though they aren't actually always near Temeraire. Laurence for example has been working watch shifts near constantly because he's the only one left on the ship who knows what he's doing. That means probably less read & cuddle time than is normal for him and Temeraire, and yet—no malaria.
We modern readers (and Novik) know that malaria is not caused by "miasmas" but by parasites carried by mosquitos. And lo and behold when we get to Empire of Ivory we get:
Mosquitoes sang happily as dusk drew on, though they did not come very close to Temeraire; the flies were less judicious. The shapes of the trees were growing vague when Temeraire woke with a start and said, “Laurence, there is someone coming, there,” and the grass rustled on the opposite bank.
So yeah, the dragons are keeping the mosquitos away. I know fuck all about why—it's probably not heat since you know, mosquitos like warm blooded organisms, but maybe it's an oil or a chemical or some artifact of the way some of them can breathe fire that's present in all dragons or something, they're described as smelling weird a few times, so who knows. If it's a substance like an oil in their skin that could explain why the aviators don't get sick even when they're not nearby, since they could have some on them from contact, but that's just speculation. The point is not the mechanism, just that it's happening.
The Point
This whole post grew out of a throwaway comment I made about the benefits of mutualistic symbiosis with dragons from the human perspective in that one post about how the series has some interesting stuff obviously going on psychologically/biologically. The point of going in-depth on malaria and sickle cell is to show how this is really impressively solid worldbuilding in relation to the Tswana.
See, Empire of Ivory describes locations that seem like they're in modern day Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, regions which will have had long-term problems with malaria-causing mosquitos. That's not the densest area for sickle cell, but still definitely in the region where malaria would have exerted selective pressure.
Selective pressure which, in a universe where just being around a dragon is going to drastically reduce malaria rates, is going to leave dragon-friendly populations a lot healthier than dragon-unfriendly ones. A community that has a dragon stay every night and work alongside humans during the day is going to have a lot less malaria even without the sickle cell resistance than a community which has no dragon. And considering that malaria is bad enough that sickle cell genes persist despite it also having a high chance to cause a deadly disease, whereas a dragon that's a fully prosocial member of the community is not going to cause more death and instead will probably help with defense and create more caloric surplus (at the cost of consuming most of that surplus) a dragon is just obviously the better option. From there, it's extremely easy to see how the Tswana in the series could develop such a dragon-centric culture and have it be so wildly successful. The dragons provide fertilizer, the dragons allow for fully domesticated elephants, and the dragons render malaria—one of the deadliest diseases in history—nearly a nonissue. Of course they're family.
Biointeractive. (2014, August 26). Malaria and Sickle Cell Anemia - HHMI BioInteractive Video. Retrieved October 3, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsbhvl2nVNE
Haviland, W. A., Prins, H. E., Walrath, D., & McBride, B. (2017). Anthropology: The Human Challenge (15th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.
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wilderebellion · 1 year
Calorum Lore Shared in the Dropout Discord
Thank you, Past!Brennan.
Some of them might re-contextualize a thing or two about TRW series. Typically in response to specific questions, but I focused solely on posting Brennan's responses.
Lore on The Ravening War (from April 20, 2020 1:02am ET)
In 1188, a conflict broke out because Count Jacques Tomaté, a Fructeran noble, was by birthright next in line for the throne of Greenhold!
Culture of the Meat Lands (Feb 21, 2020)
Brennan: Meatlanders have clan delineations based on bloodline and their worship/propitiation of The Great Beasts, which is a pagan, polytheistic faith! Warfare between various clans goes back centuries and centuries, a lot like the ancient Celts, so while some Meatlanders might feel kinship with other Meatlanders over outsiders, it's just as common for a given Meatlander to feel THE MOST animosity to a member of an enemy meat clan. So "The Meatlands" doesn't really have a national identity in the same way that, say, Ceresia does, and individuals there are much more likely to define their loyalty by family, clan and faith than by nationality.
(May 18, 2020 8:14pm ET)
The Meatlanders are like ancient Celts: The fact that they don't wear shirts lets southerners stereotype them as barbarians, but their culture is equally as beautiful, ancient and complex as any other land's. Carn is a metropolis full of architectural wonders, beautiful art, etc. Meatlanders rule!!! Labeling them barbarians, like in real life, is a tool artistocrats use to breed xenophobia and hatred into their homleands population, making them more malleable and compliant
The Rocks Sisters (May 1, 2020 11:46pm)
The four sisters were the four archetypal classes! Fighter, Wizard, Cleric, Rogue!
Magic Items (April 20, 2020 9:44pm ET)
Magical items aren't quite as prevalent in other nations as they are in Candia!
Amethar's Mom (April 20, 2020 1:21am ET)
Amethar's mother, before she was Queen Pamelia Rocks, was Pamelia Pomegrana, a Fructeran noble!
Magic and Miracle Workers (from April 20, 2020 1:04am, 1:06am, 1:15am)
Brennan: Just like in normal D&D, it takes SPECIFIC training or divinatory magic to tell if magic is arcane or divine, or where its power source originates from! People's reactions to magic are LARGELY based on uninformed prejudice, and aesthetic. This is how Lapin is mostly able to con people.
Even within the Bulbian Church, 99+% of its clergy CAN'T cast magic. Being a miracle worker is a REALLY big fucking deal, and almost always guarantees ROCKETING to the top of the church hierarchy
Liam's magic truly getting him in trouble depends on context! Obvious spellcasting would get him in a lot of trouble, but Candian's magic items usually get a pass from commonfolk because it would be viewed as "alchemy," which isn't seen as being heretical at all!
Leadership in Calorum (from May 6, 2020)
5:32pm ET
Brennan: Plumbeline is the Sovereign Ruler of Fructera, yes! Gustavo had to abdicate in order to become Concordant Emperor! Plumbeline's title is still Lady though, Fructera doesn't have a monarchy, it has a complex consortium of Noble Houses that rule through an orchestrated bloc of alliances, kind of an aristocratic bureaucracy!
5:40pm ET
Brennan: Dairy Islands ALSO a monarchy, just doesn't confer the title of King or Queen to its monarch (uses Prince or Princess), also Ceresia HAS been a monarchy at times, has vacillated between Republic and Imperatorship MANY times, with some dynasties of Imperators lasting a dozen generations or more!
Social Categories
Brennan: All the food nations have weird edge cases, so the delineations are DEFINITELY social and not biological/botanical. Pie people, a combination of grain, butter and fruit, are overwhelmingly Candian. In Calorum, these edge cases would be much like they are in our world, the result of historical wars of conquest, marriages, alliances, etc!
Genetic Complexity (from April 20, 2020 2:14pm ET)
Brennan: Popping in here like a goddamned troll to say that Calorans' DNA are powerfully influenced by more than just their parents genetics, but also by the geographical location of their conception, their gestation and even their childhood dwelling place up through puberty! I suspect that every question I answer only serves to raise further questions, for which I am deeply sorry!!
Other Monarchies in Calorum (May 6, 2020 5:40pm ET)
Brennan: Dairy Islands ALSO a monarchy, just doesn't confer the title of King or Queen to its monarch (uses Prince or Princess), also Ceresia HAS been a monarchy at times, has vacillated between Republic and Imperatorship MANY times, with some dynasties of Imperators lasting a dozen generations or more!
Queer Rights in Calorum (from May 18, 2020 8:23pm)
Brennan: Candia is the MOST permissive of all the nations in terms of most issues, but no nation in Calorum is openly homophobic. However, it's important to remember that archaic concepts like bloodlines, political marriage, heirs and primogentiure [sic], etc. still exist in this world, and are more emphasized and expected in nations outside of Candia, which puts a lot of pressure on the nobility from that end of the spectrum. In a weird way, that means peasants are a lot freer in terms of who and how they love and marry than aristocrats and especially royals, which there is also some interesting IRL research and precedent for!
Post-War Events (May 18, 2020 8:07pm ET)
I don't think any of these are spoilers, but Amethar and Caramelinda married shortly after the war ended. King Jadain died shortly after the war, after the establishment of the Concord!
Funeral Rites of Calorum's Faiths (May 18, 2020 8:04pm ET)
Bulbians practice burial and very formal funereal rites, and have a sharp delineation between body and spirit, so the body which is crass and material goes back into the ground, and the soul joins the Bulb. Meatlanders practice cremation, and have different beliefs based on religious affiliation, but most Great Beast faiths belief that an afterlife is EARNED through great deeds, otherwise you're reincarnated and get to try again!
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I'll give you some more numbers:
2,200 servicemen killed at Pearl Harbor. We go on to kill 3.5 million Japanese, including 100,000 in one night.
2,800 Americans on 9/11. We go on to kill 400,000 people in Afghanistan and Iraq. We weren't accused of genocide.
You had-- if Mexico had elected a Jihadist cartel to run their country, and then they incurred into Texas and on a per capita basis, killed 35,000 people, or the population of the University of Texas, and on the way back took the freshman class at SMU hostage and hid them under tunnels, what would we do? It'd be the great Sonora radioactive parking lot.
But Jews are not allowed, and Israel is not allowed to prosecute a war. And they are prosecuting a war more humanely than we have done. The ratio of combatants to civilians is... of civilian death to combatant mortality is lower than it was in Mosul, lower than it was in Japan, lower than it was in Germany.
So, there's just a different standard for Jews in Israel when it comes to prosecuting a war. They're allowed to fight back to a truce, but unlike America or any other western nation that is attacked this viciously, they're not allowed to win a war.
It's a double standard.
Israel has absolutely nothing to apologise for.
Hamas killed 1200 and kidnapped 200 in one day. But pro-Hamas supporters don't consider 1200 per day a "genocide."
So, let's do some math.
If we take the current numbers of ~35,200 throughout the current 224 days of the war (since Oct 7), that's 157 per day, which is somehow a "genocide." A number which includes Hamas combatants, who are fair game. Estimates are about 13-14,000 combatants killed, which makes it ~21-22,000 civilian deaths.
In 224 days, that's roughly ~100 civilians per day, versus Hamas racking up 1200 civilians per day. And you're delusional if you think Hamas wouldn't salivate at killing 1200 or more every day... by hand. They've explicitly said they intend to repeat October 7 "again and again."
Let's go further.
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In the sixty years between 1960 and 2020, the "Palestine" population rose 4.0m. 60 years = ~21,900 days. That's a net gain - i.e. births minus deaths - of 182 per day. And that's an average across all sixty years. As the graph shows, the slope of the green line rises noticeably indicating a greater change over time, so it would be higher more recently.
But, even taking only this average of 182, the change of "Palestinian" population isn't even in the negative.
There's no definition of "genocide" that sees the population continuing to grow faster than it declines, where births exceed deaths.
genocide | ˈjenəˌsīd |  noun the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group: a campaign of genocide | [count noun] :  news of genocides went unreported.
If Israel wanted to "genocide" the "Palestinians," they're doing an extremely piss-poor job of it. Especially when they drop evacuation warnings and set up safe areas that will be free from military operations.
Civilian deaths are unfortunate, but they're a fact of war. Nobody was wringing their hands over whether the bombing of Dresden was justified.
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[ A pile of bodies before cremation after a bombing raid on Dresden, 1945 ]
It's only been Israel going obsessively over and above what international law requires that's kept the civilian deaths so low compared to every other urban warfare campaigns. Because it sure as shit hasn't been Hamas.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 3 months
Do you have any fics where john or sherlock are mutants/ have powers?
Hi Lovely!
OOOOOOOHHHH I love this; I have a few fics that could be qualified as "CLOSE" to mutations and superpowers, but not 100%. I have a lot more "changelings" than anything else. I've compiled together some of the ones on my MFL list as well, but I can't guarantee that they're mutants in them since I haven't read them.
If anyone has any fics that they can suggest, please do! I'm kind of into MCU fics right now so if I can have Sherlock-style in there too, that would be awesome! PLEASE let us know if you have mutant or Superhero Johnlock fics!!!
See also:
Magical Realism Where John is the Powerful One
Telepath / Empath AU
Hybrids and Shapeshifters
Soaring Above by Corporate_cards (G, 394 w., 1 Ch.  || TRF, Light Angst, Superpowers) – "Have you ever though about having a super power...?" Part 2 of the Random Things I've Written In Class -- Johnlock series
The Frost Child by twistedthicket1 (M, 9,994 w., 2 Ch. || Frozen-ish AU || Magical Realism, Christmas, Angst, Fluff, Powerful John) – In a world where people are born with a Gift of varying levels, simple John Watson is the last person one might look at when thinking of any strong Magick capabilities. Hiding comfortably in the shadow of Sherlock's brilliant deducing abilities, John is content to keep it that way...
Conductivity by Coquillage Atlas (K,11,051 w., 8 Ch., FFNet || Fantasy and Friendship) – John Watson, alone in London with a healing power he can hardly bear. A description of his life with magic, before and after Sherlock. SEQUELS: Resistance || Reciprocity
Invisible by chappysmom (K+, 25,947 w., 11 Ch., FFNet || No Slash, semi-canon compliant) – John had had the knack for as long as he could remember. It wasn’t that he could become invisible, exactly. The laws of physics worked quite well in his vicinity, thank you very much. It was just that people tended … not to see him. SEQUELS: Still Invisible (ASiB) || Too Visible (THoB) || Invisible Once More (TRF)
Left by lifeonmars (M, 45,153 w., 9 Ch. || Magical Realism, BAMF!John, Slow Burn) – John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible.
Out There by DiscordantWords (T, 131,695 w., 10 Ch. || X-Files Fusion || Past Soldier John, Panic Attacks, POV Alternating Present Tense, Anxious John, Canon Adjacent, Deductions, Obsessive Sherlock,, Travelling, Sherlock’s Family, Jealous Sherlock, Mind Palace John, Awkward Flirting, Kidnapped/Abducted John, Semi-Reverse Reichenbach, Worried/Anxious Sherlock, Hospital, Slow Burn, UST, Case Fic, Government Conspiracy, Aliens, UFOs, Mutants, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Coma John, Forehead Touching, Hand Holding, Drinking/Bars, Past Jolto) – FBI Special Agent John Watson, medical doctor and army veteran, is assigned to assist eccentric genius Sherlock Holmes with paranormal investigations on the X-Files project.
How to Build a Heart out of Ashes by Teumessian (E, 144,931 w., 31 Ch. || Changeling AU || Slow Burn, Drug Use, Mentions of Child Abuse / Bullying, Mentions of Student/Teacher Relations, Uni-Age) – In an AU where a small number of the population become Changelings at a young age, at 17 John Watson believes he's destined for Normal life but then the Change takes him and he is sent to the Baker Institute. There he meets Sherlock Holmes.
(I Love You) Infinitely by helloliriels (T, 20,072+ w., 14/16 Ch. || WiP || Marvel Cinematic Universe AU || Post-TRF, Post Infinity War, Not Endgame-Compliant, Super Humans, Happy Ending) – With a snap of his fingers, Thanos had caused the heartache and loss of half a planet's population. And Watson, of all people could have kissed the glove that did so. Part 2 of the Liriels Chaptered Fics series
Trenchcoats and Capes by jomochi (T, 35,275 w., 3 Ch. || Superhero AU || UST/URT, Mutually Unrequited, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Love Confessions, Secret Identity, Hero John) – He’s twirling a strand of hair around the finger of his other hand. His coat, which honestly looks more like a cape than anything, is spread out beneath him. His chest rises and falls slowly with calm breaths, the tight black material of his suit stretching to accommodate the movement. John has seen many pictures of him but not one did him any justice. The sight before John is breath-taking. It isn’t right. Evil shouldn’t look this good.
The Alchemystics by elwinglyre (E, 69,014 w., 16 Ch. || Full Metal Alchemist Omegaverse AU || Non-Traditional ABO Dynamics, Major Character Injury, Angst, Human Transmutation) – Since youth, Sherlock was forced to hide who he was from the world. That time has ended. With the world torn apart, he must embrace who and what he is: an alchemystic and an omega. Fortunately, he finds another, John Watson, who is a true compliment to himself. With Watson’s help, Sherlock strives to obtain what’s needed to right the world. But the past, present and future aren’t aligning, and what is needed to succeed comes at a high cost: for to gain, something of equal value must be lost--that is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. No one knows this lesson better than Sherlock. He’s lost his father, his brother and his arm attempting to bring his mother back from the dead. What will he need to sacrifice to save the world?
The Destruction of Ice by All_I_need (E, 91,682 w., 28 Ch. || Psy - Changeling Crossover/Fusion || Changeling John, Psy Sherlock, Murder Investigation / Case Fic, Slow Burn, Touching, Forced Lack of Emotion, Silence Protocol, Sci-Fi Elements) – The year is 2081 and Sherlock Holmes never expected to encounter a threat to his Silence, the conditioning that keeps him sane and unfeeling. John Watson, on the other hand, never thought he'd find a flat in London. He certainly didn't expect to find one that comes with a Psy flatmate: brilliant, emotionless and more intriguing than John would like. When a series of brutal, random murders shakes London to its core, it is up to them to stop a vicious psychopath - preferably before Sherlock's latest experiment gets them both killed.
A Vintage Exceptionally to Your Liking by EmmyAngua (E, 95,334 w., 19 Ch. || Alternate Dimensions AU || S3 Fix It, Lies, Angst, Pining Sherlock, Superpowers, Domestics, BAMF Mary, Hiatus, First Time, Magical Realism, Slow Burn, Colliding Universes, Moral Dilemmas, Betrayal, Mary’s Past) – Sherlock and John met seven years earlier than canon and fell in love. When John dies, Sherlock is introduced to the concept of alternate dimensions and given the opportunity to visit a different universe where he can have a second chance with a new John Watson. A love story across alternate dimensions.
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menalez · 3 months
things i’ve been accused of lying about on this hellsite:
1. being raped
2. facing CSA
3. being traumatised
4. being part black
5. my sister being my full biological sister (bc i’m not allowed to have a sister who is more visibly part black?)
6. my economic status
7. my father’s childhood
8. my asthma
9. my life in the UK
10. my abusive ex gf
11. my gf’s existence
12. my hospitalisation
13. the loss of my brother
14. where i’m from
15. where i grew up
16. being middle eastern
17. being middle class
18. not having slaves (u might notice a theme with racism in these accusations. & ur right)
19. speaking arabic
20. being exposed to tear gas
21. housing prices in my country
22. standard of living in my country
23. cost of living in my country
24. my skin colour ???
25. not having had lip fillers
26. not having had a nose job
27. being from a village
28. not being religious
29. coming from a communist family
30. my sex (accused of actually being male)
31. my sexuality
32. my sexual history
33. the size of homes in my country
34. my explicitly stated beliefs
35. being coerced
36. being abused
37. not having abused my ex
38. facing racism
39. internet being accessible to almost all of my country’s population
did i forget something
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