#pluralpunk is RIGHT there
delphientropy · 4 months
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moonpool-system · 4 months
being a sysmedicalist bootlicker isn't punk. I'm so glad that I have DID and I'm traumagenic yet I'm also not making a mockery of punk history by parroting a piss-poor anti-research pro-psych imitation of real punk ideologies. #pluralpunk lets goooo
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not a DID collective (a collective that is ultimately defined and created by their DID) but a collective that has DID (we are plural and our plurality is modified by our DID, but is not defined or created by it) in the same way that we aren't traumagenic (with our origins and our collective being defined by the trauma we faced) but rather adaptive (with our origins and collective being defined by how we adapted not just to the trauma we faced in the past, but other things we still experience, such as our schizophrenia and personality disorders)
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We kinda feel left out because a lot of thebplural community seems to use headmates or alters for those a part of their system and it's like...
The terms just don't fit at all for us.
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v-is-for-vivienne · 3 months
"endos just make me uncomfortable" ain't the neutral stance some of y'all think it is. if we don't tolerate "otherkin makes me uncomfortable" or "x group of trans people make me uncomfortable" or "gay people make me uncomfortable" why do we tolerate this? those are people, with an identity they likely did not choose and would be rid of* in an instant if they could to get rid of the hate they receive for it. living, breathing people, with lives, who vary, and have different opinions and personalities, and many of which are indistinguishable from a traumagenic system if you actually spoke to them for a minute, especially without knowing.
endos do not make you uncomfortable, the idea of them do. I have a hard time believing any of you have ever spoken to or even seen one outside of the context of the content used to hurt them. shut up about being neutral and "just uncomfortable". nothing neutral about it.
*the endogenic or otherwise highly controversial origin, less so the being plural
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normalmcguy · 1 month
HELLO HELLO my name is Normal Guy because i don't care to publicly go by my source name and i kind of just didn't care to find a real name to replace that original placeholder, you can also call me Norm or Marty being that they're both short for Normal Guy.* pronouns wise, you can call me he or like if you really want it or they or actually pretty much whatever, mostly just that he/him stuff
i'm one of like 5 current hosts in my system and i'm like woah i just checked it turns out on this day i've turned 100 days old in this system that's actually crazy to me. i mean woah. anyways i'm a factive of an old old friend's fictive** which means i have a connection to a source we know like nothing about except what we learned through osmosis back when we were friends and so basically i picked up a lot of what is probably just some sect of fanon
i'm a HUGE bike guy like that's my main hobby i have to bike like every single time i front type thing, that's gonna be like. my 'get to know me' fact for this intro post. i have an E-bike that i love more than anything in this world it has a name you can dm me and ask. i say this both to create mystery and allure about myself and to provide an adequate conversation starter. because i'm so nice and all that.
i do my best not to get into discourse of most types, but real quick i wanna make it clear that i believe in and support endogenic systems and don't care to debate on that. in case that's something that would prevent you from reaching out or whatever, feel like i oughta make that one clear
*i'm sorry that bit's a lie, Marty is not actually short for normal guy. if you didnt know.
**i have the source in the tags i'm not putting that shit out in the open because it's like a whooole complex thing for me (i mean i have a good few friends outside of the system and literally not a single one knows my source. i have genuinely only ever shared my source with people within this system so you're gonna have to work (open the tags and read like 2 more lines of yapping) to see that one) also i'm not that connected to begin with just basic pseudomemories
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doomsvampire · 1 month
The rest of the system can snicker at me listening to monster high music at my big age all they want it won’t stop me from getting absolutely loose to it.
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sharkfeed-sys · 3 days
so would anyone happen to have any advice or whatever on how to talk to people like. In Real Life about being a system? like not family or anything but yk. potential friends or something
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hyacinthcollective · 14 days
That's how long it took for us to be fake claimed
we've been aware of being plural for seven days and just got fake claimed for the first time!!
Whoo!! We really are plural!! We have strangers deciding they know more about our experiences then we do!! Fuck yeah!! /silly
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sovereignsystem · 3 months
Systempunk was made to specifically have a space away from endos, not even to exclude them from the general punk space. They already had a punk tag (pluralpunk) and yet they still insist on invading systempunk.
What? Is it because it has "punk" in the name? No, obviously not, because even when we made tags that didn't have punk in them, they still invaded the space, took it over, and mocked us while doing so.
It doesn't matter if being endo is punk or not, what matters is the outright disrespect of boundaries that endos present.
If someone was triggered by something you said, so they moved to a different space/stopped talking to you in order to not be triggered again, YOU WOULDN'T FOLLOW THEM RIGHT?
So why do endos consistently insist on invading spaces that are explicitly not for them, and then turn around and say that they are the ones being harassed hm?
Make it make sense.
-💤/🧟‍♂️ (It/Hy/Him)
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moonpool-system · 1 year
Only in fucking Tumblr discourse can widely used, important words like pluralphobia and pluralmisia that dictate a significant type of oppression suddenly be under question as to whether or not it actually EXISTS. Like, these are not new words. Saying it doesn't exist is a direct attack on ALL systems/plurals, disordered or not, in an attempt to shut us into silence. This hypocrisy is an exact example of why plural rights movements struggle to move forward. Sys/meds are a danger to plural rights as trans/meds are a danger to trans rights and I'm really tired of anyone pretending otherwise.
[This post was made by a trans disordered system with traumagenic members. Do not screenshot and claim otherwise.]
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
A New Anti-Endo Systempunk blog trying to explain what systempunk is...
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Oh? Change and a better world? Fighting against stigma?
You might want to tell some of the other people in your tag that because they're writing stuff like this:
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That doesn't seem like fighting against stigma to me.
That seems like the opposite.
Anyway, back to this blog...
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"All DIDOSDD and traumagenic systems are welcome here."
"Unless you're mixed origin or use labels I don't like or support endogenic systems or non-disordered systems. Then you're not allowed."
You notice the subtle trick they're using here, right?
The othering of pro-endo traumagenic and CDD systems who don't agree with them. Because if they support all traumagenic and DIDOSDD systems, and exclude supporters of non-traumagenic systems, then it implies those supporters aren't real systems.
While this, to be fair, is part of their personal boundary and not the systempunk definition, this is very much exactly what anti-endos wanted the systempunk tag to be. A place to spread hate that excluded any systems with beliefs that were too abnormal or individualistic for them.
Pluralpunk was too radically inclusive and accepting, so the anti-endos wanted a place to go where they could still pretend to be punk without dealing with all the systems who were too different for them from their idea of the medical model of systemhood.
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Here’s some positivity for systems who are punk or pluralpunk!
Punks of any movement play key roles the movements they are a part of. Plural punks and those who are pluralpunk are not only important members of the plural community, but they helped make it into what it is today! Here’s to all the pluralpunks out there, and the punks who are plural!
🖤 Shoutout to systems who are part of the pluralpunk subculture!
🩼 Shoutout to systems who are a part of madpunk, cripplepunk, crustpunk, solarpunk, straight edge, anarcho-punk, or other punk subcultures!
🤘 Shoutout to systems who push against oligarchy, monarchy, colonialism, imperialism, and authoritarianism, who are involved in leftist politics in their cities, and who fight back against unfair establishments!
🌿 Shoutout to systems who are poor or live in poverty while still finding ways to live punk lifestyles!
☀️ Shoutout to systems who take part in mutual aid and give back to their communities!
🪡 Shoutout to systems who sew, cross-stitch, repair furniture and appliances, and know other skills to help prolong longevity of every day items!
🎵 Shoutout to systems who are inspired by alternative and punk fashion and music!
♿️ Shoutout to disabled systems and those with chronic pain whose disabilities prevent them from learning DIY skills! We promise you’re just as punk even if you can’t practice DIY!
📖 Shoutout to systems who create flyers and zines, table at events, and help spread the word of the punk movement in their spaces!
🎨 Shoutout to systems who are punk artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers, and other creatives!
🌟 Shoutout to systems who are Black, Indigenous, or Asian punks, and to all punks who are people of color! Y’all are the pillars and cornerstones of these movements - have always been and always will be!
🌈 Shoutout to individual headmates who are punks in systems who aren’t! Your punk identity is not invalidated in the slightest by not sharing punk culture with your system!
📢 Shoutout to systems who stand up against and readily call out transphobia, homophobia, racism, xenophobia, and other forms of bigotry in their spaces!
Remember punk is a culture, a mindset, and a way of life! There’s no one right way to be punk - punk is by nature refusing conformity and living life on your own terms outside societal standards! So please embrace your identities as plural and punk, and feel free to express yourself and be yourself in punk spaces!
We’re wishing the very best for you and your system in all that you do! Remember to stay safe and anonymous when engaging in direct action, keep yourself hydrated at punk shows and events, and give yourself plenty of breaks when crafting if you need them! It’s punk to take care of ourselves in a world that’s actively working against us! Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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jjsventblog · 3 months
your asks are on now :D!
im not sure what you need help with specifically so feel free to keep asking but you mentioned endos specifically so
Endos or endogenic systems are people who claim to be systems without the trauma that forms them. Which is pretty much like having a scab without a wound since did/osdd is a result of trauma causing a ton of dissociation and separating different “parts” of the consciousness (i believe thats the right way to describe it? Sorry i just woke up)
the reason a lot of systems hate them are because they invade actual system spaces (#syspunk for example was made by systems to have their own punk space where endos had #pluralpunk. within days endos had flooded in insisting that theyre going to take over the tag) and some refuse to acknowledge actual medical documents like the dsm-5 and instead present super thin “proof” that endos can exist as systems without trauma. some claim “we arent saying we’re systems, we’re saying we’re plural!!!” but invade spaces and steal terms made by/for systems
*its worth noting that not every endo just spawns out of nowhere. did/osdd is a disorder largely based on memory lapses/loss and dissociation which can make someone forget trauma entirely, giving the impression that they’re a system “without trauma”.*
hope tjat covered everything, like i said we jist woke up and arent MEGA into the sysblr stuff this is just what i know from browsing like a little jellyfish drifting around
Thank you!!! This has been very helpful for us <3
~ Zed ⭐️
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wayward-aeon · 8 days
two* new arrivals, and the lessons they bring
as a system, our rate of growth is generally quite steady. i would say we get a handful of new folk each year, never enough to overwhelm. oftentimes, new headmates form with specific purposes, such as to handle a specific stressor, or fulfill some manner of niche that isn't already being filled by another member.
since this past june, two* newcomers have arrived specifically to challenge what systemhood means for us.
despite not being the original, i am as prone to doubt and denial as anyone else. our overall inner activity levels are very low - i am alone in here the grand majority of the time. there is a bit of a "chicken or the egg" situation there - i doubt us because things are quiet, but what if it is quiet because i doubt? either way, i'm working on it, and i would like to think i have made a lot of progress lately. still frontstuck, but to my recollection, we've co-fronted and generally communicated more this year than we have since our post-discovery boom back in the late 2010s.
yet, in many ways, i am still subconsciously resisting this change. there is part of me that is afraid. afraid of being wrong, afraid of losing control. afraid that someday this might not be "my" life anymore, not that this life was ever mine (or at least not mine alone) to begin with. our previous primaries/hosts have all either gone dormant or integrated, and it has been stressful each time, adapting to the changes that come with confronting the world with a different face than before. i worry, deep down, that it's only a matter of time before i follow in their footsteps. i worry that i might lose everything.
i am also grappling constantly with internalized pluralphobia. i was unfortunate to be introduced to systemhood through the exclusionist side of the community, and in my confusion as a newly aware system and my desperation to have my experiences validated, i ate up every awful, hateful piece of rhetoric that they fed me. although i am now staunchly pluralpunk (at least towards others, if not yet for myself), much of what i saw and was told during those times clings to me like a parasite. despite firmly believing there is no right way to be plural, i still fall into the trap of thinking myself to be the unique exception - that i must do systemhood the "right way", or else i have been lying to myself all along.
these are the biggest hurdles in the way of our health and function as a collective, right now. and that's where our newcomers come into play.
firstly, they are both fictives. this already ruffles the feathers of my "inner sysphobe", who tries to tell me that each new fictive we form is a point against our validity. never mind the fact we have always been a fictive majority.
secondly, they are both extremely plural-coded in their respective sources (hence the asterisks when i say there are "two" of them), and for both, it is a huge part of who they are and how they interface with the world at large. for both, it is a source of pride and strength rather than something to skitter around the edges of like a nervous cat. one of them in particular sees it as a form of art, viewing the consciousness as the clay with which to mold countless priceless artifacts of selfhood. this goes against everything i have told myself for years: that we cannot be proud, that we cannot be visible, that we cannot present in a fashion that falls outside of arbitrary parametres invented by people who view us as mere symptoms of a disease.
it has been a lot for me to take in.
to an extent, i see a reflection of myself and my own median-ness in them. they are many, all sharing the same face (and often the same name), yet each is uniquely different, even if only to the most minute details. the version of them i speak to today may not be the same as who i spoke to yesterday, but that isnt a bad thing. this is probably a big part of why they showed up here in the first place. whether or not i want to accept it, i need them. they have come to me with outstretched hands, offering to teach me plural joy, and all i have to do is let them.
and that is a process in itself, but we persevere. even if it is centimetre by agonizing centimetre, or even if we move backwards at times, progress is progress.
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kipandkandicore · 4 months
Systempunk was made to specifically have a space away from endos, not even to exclude them from the general punk space. They already had a punk tag (pluralpunk) and yet they still insist on invading the systempunk tag.
What? Is it because it has "punk" in the name? No, obviously not, because even when we made tags that didn't have punk in them, they still invaded the space, took it over and mocked us while doing so.,
It doesn't matter if being endo is punk or not, what matters is the outright disrespect of boundaries that endos present.
If someone was triggered by something you said, so they asked you to stop using that word around them, or moved to a different space/stopped talking to you in order to not be triggered again, YOU WOULDN'T FOLLOW THEM RIGHT?!
So why, why on this beautiful planet do endos consistently insist on invading spaces that are explicitly not for them, and then turn around and say that they are the ones being harassed hm?
Make it make sense.
alright, this doesn’t really seem like it’s asking in good faith, but we’ll assume it is anyway.
- looks to us like systempunk was coined by an exclusively anti endo system who explicitly states that all endo systems are either faking or denying their own trauma. seems pretty exclusionary to us.
- yes, we and others have posted in the tag because of the word “punk.” because being anti endo is not punk. we have been active in the punk scene for almost a decade at this point, and are pretty sure we have a good idea what punk does and does not mean or stand for. punk is a pretty loose concept, but at its core, it is about rejecting the establishment, embracing diversity, and living boldly, authentically, and unapologetically… which is kind of the opposite of what many anti endos stand for.
- what other tags have endos invaded? show us one please.
- the block button exists. posting in a tag is not something exclusive to certain groups. any system who is punk should feel welcome to post in a tag that is literally called systempunk if they want to. if someone is bothered by others identifying as a system in ways they don’t agree with, that is their own problem.
- also what endos are posting in that tag? like where are they? because we have mostly seen trauma-formed systems using those tags.
we aren’t fond of the anti endo tendency to call anyone who disagrees with their views endogenic. by doing this you are denying and fakeclaiming the trauma histories of many of us traumagenic systems who uplift, affirm, and support other forms of plurality. calling fellow trauma survivors endogenic just because you don’t agree with their beliefs only stands to further polarize us and stoke anger and bitterness. it’s not cool and, well, it’s not very punk of you.
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