#peter pettigrew x sybill trelawney
nevvaraven · 2 years
Peter Pettigrew x Sybill Trelawny
(I blame @messrfeli for making me become obsessed enough with this ship to actually write something for them and am also crediting them for inspiring the entire damn thing.)
Summary: Peter Pettigrew, seconds after the death of James and Lily, and minutes before he’s caught by Sirius Black, runs into one Sybill Trelawny, the woman who saw this all coming and the only person he’s ever truly loved
Only moments after the deaths of James Potter and Lily Evans, Peter Pettigrew runs, it’s not a very well thought out plan or a particularly good one but he’s improvising. Through a mix of fear and desperation, he apparates without a destination in mind but rather a thought, a word really. Home.
So it’s no surprise he ends up here. She brought him here that one Sunday morning, the sun had barely risen and Peter had been complaining about wanting to go back to bed, but allowed himself to be tugged along to a suburban looking street with fancy Georgian houses and wide front lawns, all manicured to perfection, slightly concerned as to whether or not they were about to break into someone’s house, you never really knew with Sybill, but if she said jump Peter would ask how high. They stopped in front of the house with red bricks and white shutters with multicoloured tulips planted along the walkway, Sybill looked as though she wanted to run up the driveway and hug the damn thing, eyes bright and running all over the exterior, curls blowing about in the morning breeze, and glasses perched crookedly on her nose, Peter honestly couldn’t have cared less about the house, in that moment, Sybill was truly the most breathtaking individual he would ever lay eyes on. He remembered pulling her into his arms and snogging the daylights out of her after she told him that this was the house she wanted them to live in, how warm he had felt inside with their foreheads pressed together, muttering promises about their future they couldn’t even fathom wasn’t guaranteed. It was truly one of the happiest days of Peter’s life. 
So it’s not a surprise at all to him that when thinking of home, it led him here, in his head this is where he was always supposed to end up. 
What is a surprise however is the sight of bright blonde hair and vivid green eyes behind wide familiar glasses, that block his view of the home the minute he lands. Even here, under the torrential rain, and dimly lit street, with the weight of what he’s done suffocating him to the point of there being no breath left in his lungs, the sight of Sybill Trelawny still manages to take his breath away.
It’s ridiculous really, they haven’t spoken in months, the last time they were together was the night she had confronted him about her visions of his defection whilst Peter had begged her to join him. She called him insane, a traitor, said he’s chosen the wrong side and that she didn’t recognise him anymore, he told her she was naive and a fool, a martyr for a cause that wasn’t worth fighting for. They had both screamed until their throats had been sore but he’ll never forget what she said to him after he told her he didn’t have a choice anymore, the memory coming back to him like punch to the chest.
She looked at him with the kind of anger you can only really have for the people you love, it was withheld, contained, blocked. No matter how bad it got, it was never real anger with them, because it was mixed in there with all that love and desperation and hope, but that night it was the closest Sybill had ever gotten to having nothing but pure anger, maybe even pure hatred, towards the man she loved. It was laced within her words when she spat them out to him with tears streaming down her cheeks, and hands resting above her chest,
“You had a choice Peter. You had me!” She slammed her hands against her chest again and cried impossibly harder, her words seeming to cause her just as much pain as they were causing him, but as her breath hitched in her throat, she slowly straightened up, looked into his eyes and uttered the words that would haunt Peter until his own last breath, “and you chose wrong.” 
So despite their bitter ending and the memory of Sybill’s cries as he walked out the door, he can’t really help himself now, not when he’s scared and alone and James and Lily are dead, and it’s his fault, and he’s lost and cold, and it’s Sybill, she’s here, she’s home. As much as he doesn’t want to be right now, he’s weak. And she’s not looking at him like he’s a man who just murdered his best friend, so he runs to her. 
He doesn’t expect to and it’s clear she doesn’t either because she opens her arms for him like she’s forgotten she would ever choose not to. It’s like muscle memory for them both, a routine so easy to fall back into, that they feel like matching puzzle pieces when he reaches her.
Even now, on a nearly deserted street, in the pouring rain, where the echo of another life of him running into her arms after a long day of work laughs at them, he stands there shivering from the rain but warm in her embrace, he lets himself cry over the finality of what has just occurred, hoping foolishly that if he could just stay here nestled between her arms then he could pretend like everything is still ok and that James isn’t dead. That Lily isn’t dead. That he didn’t just do what he did to them.  
But war is rarely fair, and because of Peter, war is over. 
And he chose wrong. He chose wrong.
So when Sybil nudges his head and asks him what’s wrong, he clings to her for a little while longer, delaying the inevitable, keeping her for just a few more seconds, please forgive me, he thinks as he raises his head and stares into those familiar green eyes, eyelashes wet from the rain but forever feeling an invitation calling him home. She asks him again, hand coming up to cradle his cheek,
“Tell me Peter,” her voice as soft and lovely as it always has been, saying his name with the kind of tenderness he hasn’t felt for months. Oh I’ve missed you. Let me stay here. Despite her vision likely obscured by the raindrops on her glasses she stares straight into his eyes and draws the words out of him.
With the minimal amount of bravery he has left in him, he takes a deep breath and tries to go home. “James and Lily are dead.”
He knows there’s no beating around the bush, so he just says it, he plans to explain himself more, how he was just following orders, how he didn’t think it would end like this, that he wants her to know he’s ready to fix this for her now, that they can run away somewhere, start fresh, but as soon as the first words are out of his mouth it feels like a vinyl scratching to a stop. Like the rain has just halted and the droplets are holding still in the air, the people aren’t moving, the world isn’t spinning, all the air has been sucked out and for just a second, Peter isn’t sure his heart is even beating, because Sybill’s hand drops from his face and she steps back, she’s not looking at him like he’s a man who just murdered his best friend, she’s looking at him like he’s a man she doesn’t even recognise, and oh it is so much worse, as if he’s dangerous, as if he’s going to hurt her, oh no, no, she’s looking at him like she’s scared for fucks sake. Which is just ridiculous, he’d never hurt her in a million years, a fact he’s about to remind her of when- 
‘You need to go,’ Sybill spoke like she had just seen a ghost, face pale, voice all shaky and panicked, it reminded him of the way she’d get after the comedowns from some of her more invasive visions when they were young. He tried to reach for her as he’d done a million times before, offer her the safety and comfort of his hands, the place she always goes to for refuge, only this time she steps even further away from him. 
Peter stares at her, feeling slightly betrayed, eyebrows furrowed, hand left dangling in the air, it’s even colder now, though it has less to do with the rain and more with the emptiness of Sybill’s eyes as she looks frantically around the street. Like she’s thinking of a million things all at once, she probably is.
Peter wants desperately to just hold her and go back to that Sunday morning, before it all went to shit, when they were laughing and kissing in the morning sunshine, not falling to pieces in the midnight rain, ” Look I know you’re upset, but what’s done is done, we ca-“ 
He doesn’t get to finish before she’s grabbing him by the collar of his coat, eyes wide and manic, wet hair stuck to her cheeks, lips turned blue from the cold, merlin she’s gorgeous, even when she’s shaking him like a crazy woman.
“You need to go Peter don’t you understand they’re gonna come for you any second now you need to go!” Her voice was turning higher with every word, practically begging him at this point. And he knew she was right, it wouldn’t take long for Sirius to connect the dots once he sees the wreckage of the house, if he wanted to get away he’d have to go now. 
So he grabbed her hand and got ready to apparate them. He closed his eyes and imagined his uncles house in Germany, the one his mum had taken him to when he was 12 in the summer, it was in the countryside, surrounded by acres of fields, blue painted walls and a brown picket fence, he’d explain to his uncle that he needs a place to stay and then he and Sybill could plan where they could go next or maybe they could settle there even, who knows, they can discuss it later. 
The memory of the house is hazy and the distance was sure going to take a lot out of him, especially doing side along apparition, but as he’d begun to focus his energy, he felt Sybill tugging away from his hand. He turned to look at her and found her no longer staring at him with that panicked look in her eye, but with something much more devastating and reminiscent of that night everything fell apart for them. 
Sybill looked him dead in the eye, no longer inviting him home, but banishing him with 5 simple words that felt like daggers in his chest, “I’m not coming with you,” her voice wasn’t shaking anymore, it was assured, but Peter knew her well enough to know her calm demeanour was always a mask for the things she never believed herself capable of handling. This time he wasn’t sure if it was anger, or fear, or heartbreak, or all of it, but whatever it was, it was enough for Peter to know that he wasn’t going to be able to change her mind.
And there it was, life singing that familiar old tune it had been playing since that first day James Potter sat down in the same train compartment as Sirius Black, as Peter had watched from behind the door, when two became one. Peter Pettigrew, always the fool. 
And now Peter watches again, this time as Sybill Trelawny, his Sybill, his heart, takes more and more steps away from him, every step making the air around him seem as though it’s getting thinner and thinner, until he’s not sure he can even breath. And like that day on the train compartment, watching what he thought was his future move out of reach, he feels as though he’s been left with nothing. 
It’s that same song playing, and those same images Peter sees, when later that night Sirius Black finds him, in the middle of the street, with murder in his eyes and with an audience worthy of the spectacle, it’s as he cuts off his finger, mutilates the part of himself his lover found solace in, chips away at the part of himself that allowed him to connect to his one source of happiness and love, that he feels as though he’s finally living up to only thing he was ever going to be, giving up on trying to be anything better. 
I’m setting you free, he thinks, as he carves through skin and bone, transforming into a version of himself he would not dare to escape for another 12 years, time in which he will spend, pondering over who exactly he was referring to when he made that Final Cut. 
Peter Pettigrew, always the fool.
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zazzander · 2 months
Peter belongs to Peter Pettigrew. Not Regulus and Sirius, like what, no. Sybill waited. She never married, even when it was offered. She waited and he never came. He was lost to the lost boys chapter of his life. Let Peter have this one y'all.
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dogwaterpoopyboy · 8 months
lets look at the stats i got the facts my money like lizzo
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bowiesversion · 28 days
How I think Marauders Era Couples got together
Dorlene: Slept together for a couple months, Dorcas refused to admit she had feelings but Marlene was head over heels. Eventually Marlene went to Dorcas' one summer and they worked it out (this is heavily inspired by casual and red wine supernova by chappell roan)
Wolfstar: very natural, they were roommates so it was lingering touches and staring just slightly too long. When Remus (bc siri is baby) confessed he liked Sirius (they were drunk) the only thing that changed was that they started sleeping in the same bed and kissing.
Marylily: Kinda the same as wolfstar, but they were more mature about it. Lily opened up to Mary as soon as she felt like she liked her more than just friends.
Jegulus: oh my babies. Pining, so much pining. They would glare at each other across the hall, and Regulus would be such a little punk on the quidditch field (James found this very hot, but he also got PISSED). They got detention together one night, and as they were cleaning the trophy's James asked Reg why he hated him sm. Reg was dumbfounded and it spiraled into them making out somehow.
Peter and Sybil (idk the ship name): they were friends for a while, and they got together after a game of spin the bottle (Peter didn't want to play but Sirius convinced him to) oh and Sybil knew it would happen for a while, she was just waiting.
Rosekiller: Definition of no homo. They would literally mess around and say no homo after. They would blow smoke into each others mouth while holding eye contact. Evan fell first, Barty fell harder. They ended up dating after Regulus got mad at Barty and started yelling about how they were so annoying and just needed to have sex.
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moonytoasted · 4 months
marauders era sexuality headcanons
james potter: unlabeled. he had a crush on frank but it didn't compare to his crush on lily. he can't be bothered to label himself.
remus lupin: gay gay gay
sirius black: bi. can pull every gender and does. him and marlene were each others' first kisses.
peter pettigrew: demiro + demisexual :3
hestia jones: she loves her nerd boyfriend
amos diggory: he loves his strong quidditch girlfriend
lily evans: bi. dated emmeline vance (for like 3 days before they broke out in a screaming match. enemies to lovers speedrun)
marlene mckinnon: lesbianest lesbian to ever live. her, emmeline, and sirius combined have probably flirted with everyone in gryffindor.
mary macdonald: bi (and married dean thomas' dad rahhh)
dorcas meadows: bi/ace :3
emmeline vance: lesbian. or alternatively, sapphic enemies to lovers plot point.
regulus black: thought he was aroace. turns out he's demiro + ace
barty crouch (jr): evan. / evan: barty.
davey gudgeon: straight, acts gay w his friends
sybill trelawney: bi w a HEAVY preference for women.
xenophilius lovegood: straight. #1 ally
pandora: ace + straight but made out w sybill when they were high.
frank longbottom: bi + the crush of every new first year coming in
alice fortescue: straight + the crush of every other new first year.
caradoc dearborn: benjy. in love w him but not out :(
benjy fenwick: bi. he's out.
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 year
peter: sirius and remus are queer as in gay, sybil and i are queer as in peculiar
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tiredangrydyke · 2 months
Should be sleeping but I’m thinking about the marauders (surprise surprise)
The great hall, circa 1976
James- “You are a brotherfucker too!”
Remus- “you have no siblings James?”
James- “Not biologically! But you are my fucking brother Remus, and you (pointing at Sirius) are fucking my brother!”
Sybil- “it doesn’t really work that way James”
James- “You are just as bad as him”
*dorcas walks in, with Mary beside her*- “what’s up?”
James: “don’t even think about it sistershaggers”
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jackie4dinner · 2 months
I literally love sybill sm!! You cannot tell me she wasn’t an it girl in high school and that everyone thought she resembled Stevie nicks to an uncanny degree. (You can’t tell me Taylor didn’t write that one verse in Clara bow about her 🙄🙄)
I also think her practice with magic would have been very different to what people were used to seeing, bc I believe that sybill would have loved incorporating old practices from other countries into her work and I think people would have thought that was so cool and different.
And to go off my previous post I think she would have been really smart and it wasn’t until after Peter obliterated her, people started to take her less serious, because with so many years being taken from her memory I feel like it would have set her back a couple years in her personal development and I believe she knew something was missing but didn’t know how to explain it to herself, so fed up with people not listening to her she turned to her craft - causing her to become the person we see in canon.
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suzieloveships · 1 month
Sirius and Remus as Deadpool and Wolverine
James and Regulus as Spider-Man and Human Torch
Mary and Lily as Gambit and Rogue
Dorcas and Marlene as Cloak and Dagger
Barty and Evan as Eddie Brock and Venom
Pandora and Xeno as Scarlet Witch and Vision
Peter and Sybill as Antman and Wasp
Ted and Andromeda as Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman
Alice and Narcissa as Professor X and Magnito
Fleamont and Euphemia as Captain Britain and Iron Lady
Bellatrix and Rita as Mystique and Destiny
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moutainrusing · 3 months
dark fic
911 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
Study sessions usually went predictably for Remus. Some thick kid would ask him a question, he’d pretend to care, they’d leave happy. The only reason he did them was to boost his credit; by being a werewolf, he automatically had none.
He was in the middle of a session with Sybill (she was struggling with her Charms NEWT, and he had no idea why someone so oblivious would even continue with NEWTs), when Sirius sauntered in, claiming he was bored.
Smirking at Sybill, Sirius threw himself into Remus’s lap, and began laving his tongue over Remus’s throat, eyes fixed on her as electrifying storms brewed inside them.
He kept his gaze on her lips as he grinded against Remus, and his heart swelled hearing Remus laugh when her mouth fell open, tongue lolling out as if she were in a trance.
“You bitch,” Remus whispered in his ear.
But then Sybill began speaking. Her voice was quiet and eerie, yet solid and firm. “James Potter is going to die.”
Sirius froze. Remus pushed him off and turned on Sybill. “The fuck?”
“James Potter is going to die,” she continued, deaf to their confusion. “He will be betrayed by one of his dearest friends. Dog. Wolf. Rat. One will betray him. James Potter is going to die. He will be sent to his grave by the one to rat his secret out.”
Sirius finally got his voice back. “IS PETER THE TRAITOR?!”
But her trance-like state had vanished. She blinked at them, eyes huge behind her glasses. “Huh?”
Sirius leaned across the table to grab her tie. “IS PETER THE TRAITOR?!”
She stuttered. “I don’t know. What are you—”
“Sirius,” Remus pulled him back. “I don’t think she can remember her prophecy. But yes, the traitor’s Peter. The rat’s the one who rats James out.”
“Oh.” Sirius turned around and slammed his mouth onto Remus’s. He opened their lips to murmur, “We need to kill him.”
Remus nodded, and sucked the words deeply into his lungs as he kissed Sirius even harder.
They were going to kill him.
- - -
The glint of the knife Sirius was sharpening matched the glint in his eyes and the glint of his grin. Remus kissed him, knife in between them, blade honed on Peter.
- - -
They crept out of their bed in the dead of night. Remus opened the curtains of Peter’s canopy, while Sirius towered above the sleeping boy, drool falling from his gaping mouth as his snores permeated the air.
Peter may look innocent. But he was a killer. Sirius didn’t look innocent at all. He was also a killer.
But he didn’t mind being a killer, because he was doing it with Remus. They were killers together, beautifully barbaric and barbarically beautiful.
Together, they raised their wands, and cast the spell to force Peter into his Animagus form. Rat. He squeaked at them, curling into himself as his small, beady eyes widened at the knife in Sirius’s other hand.
Peter tried to transform back, but Remus and Sirius held the spell, wands fixed on him. With his free hand, Remus grabbed Peter—
- - -
“What are you doing?!” James cried, flinging his curtains open.
Sirius kept his wand trained on Peter, now squirming in Remus’s hand. “Saving your life.”
“How is this saving my life?!” James rushed to try and pry Remus’s fist around Peter open.
“Because, James.” Remus simply stretched his arm out of James’s reach. Sirius smiled. He always knew his Moony’s height was an asset.
“We love you,” Sirius finished. “Now, let us kill him for you.” He raised his knife to Peter’s head, poking out of Remus’s fist and twitching horrifically.
“What the fuck?” James stared in horror. “Put the knife down.”
Sirius hummed. “I don’t think I will. I only want you to live. You’re my brother, and I’ll do anything for you.” He grinned violently. “Especially killing.”
“Mm, yeah,” Remus smiled. “We love killing almost as much as you, James.”
James was speechless. He lunged for the knife in Sirius’s hand. Sirius had to drop it in order to punch him away.
They both looked over James’s body, sprawled across the floor. Remus nodded appreciatively. “Mean left hook.”
Sirius looked at him adoringly. “Thanks, Moons.”
Remus’s gaze softened. “You’re lovely.”
Sirius smirked. “I know. Now let’s kill him.”
But as he crouched to pick up his knife, the direction his wand was pointing shifted.
- - -
Peter sunk his teeth into Remus’s hand, and Remus yelped, letting go of both Peter and his wand.
Peter transformed back to his human form, grabbed Remus’s wand, and Obliviated him. Remus collapsed next to James.
Sirius growled in outrage, moving to plunge his knife into Peter’s throat with such momentum that it was easy to dodge. It sank through the wall, and in that time, Peter aimed Remus’s wand at him, and cast, “Obliviate.”
His three friends lay unconscious next to each other.
He’d get revenge for this.
He’d be nice to James. Give him a way out of this cruel world.
He’d punish Sirius. Get him locked up. Dementors would be a nice touch.
He’d scar Remus. More than how the wolf did. Remus would be abandoned and alone for the rest of his life.
- - -
Next morning, James woke up and rubbed his aching skull. “Did we drink too much last night?”
“Yeah,” Peter replied quietly.
Sirius frowned. “Why is my—”
Remus slapped a hand over Sirius’s mouth. “Why’s there a knife in the wall?”
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trohpi · 5 months
i can feel the lawnparty (peter x sybill x barty) brainrot setting in yall,,,,,,,
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
☆ Introduction ☆
Hi! You can call me Starz! (I have a few other names but this one is funky lol)
I'm 22 years old, I use them/them pronouns and if you just give me a nudge, i Will talk your ears out about my hc about the valkyries and the black sisters. Oh also fuck Joanne, hope you choke <3
Working on a register of marauders nicknames because it gets confusing :(+ new idea for the girls.
I'm mostly into:
✦ The Valkyries
✦ The Black Sisters (and their parents & partners)
✦ The Marauders
✦ And a sprinkle of Slytherin Skittles, Batfamily and Golden trio era (mostly Drarry)
(✦ Merlin is always in my mind but also I don’t wanna interact with it too much bcs they genuinely make me sick like I feel so strongly about them.)
Favorite ships:
Dorlene, Marylily, Pandalily, Jegulily, Quillkiller (+ Zabini on the weekend), Nobleflower, Noblesilver (Narcissa x Zabini), Wolfstar, Poppy x Minnie, and Sybill x Peter.
But honestly I can be sold anything that isn't icky (big age gap, power imbalance, INCEST, etc) if you’re convincing enough. I’m not a big fan of straight ships tho I’m gonna be frl… but any queer ship? Slay!
Fav platonic ships: Marlene & Peter & James, Marlene & Sirius, Moonflower
Favorite characters:
✶ Marlene McKinnon
✶ Peter Pettigrew
✶ Narcissa Malfoy
✶ Evelyn Zabini
✶ and honestly all the girlies ( Lily, Pandora, Mary, Dorcas, ...)
Beliefs, favorite headcanons and stuff under this (take a peek) :)
Things i believe in that can be controversial(?):
Begging people to stop making Peter fucking skinny I'm being so serious, I WILL block you. (also when people don't include Pete as a member of the group like he was chosen as Secret Keeper because he was their BEST FRIEND be frl)
Lily Evans is polyamorous and she's so real for that (with maybe a hint of aromantic vibes tbf)
PANDORA DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME PERSONALITY AS LUNA *cries* no but frl like Xenophilius is right there being a fucking Luna clone and you're gonna give her personality to Pandora?? (i need to get more into how i see her, will make a post at some point lol) Also I don't believe in the hc that she's a Rosier and Evans twin.
If you're gonna redeem Barty and Evan, you cannot go and shit on Bellatrix like let's be serious. You definitely can not like her but why are you over there calling her a psycho (derogatory).. have you seen your boys? (also people are sleeping on the Black Sisters as a whole)
Sybill Trelawney is such an interesting character and I think giving so much of her characteristics to Pandora water them both down. Also the angst is so good? Like come on guys (more on this)
I actually think Severus Snape is an interesting characters.
You shouldn't buy official merch or tickets to events or anything that would give money to jkr because that makes her believe people support her in her views about Trans People.
Favorite headcanons:
✮ Peter, James and Marlene being childhood best friends
✮ Fat Lily my beloved <3
✮ Dorcas and Marlene doing each other's hair every month after getting together (Dorcas dye Marlene's hair blonde and Marlene learn how to braid so she can do new protective styles for Dorcas)
✮ Bellatrix, Rita and Evelyn being the Diamonds and terrorising Hogwarts when they were there.
✮ Peter k!lling Marlene :)
More about me:
My first language is French. I have the shittiest sleep schedule known to man. I am a professional yapper.
I'm absolute shit with tone so might use tone indicator (but tbf the wonder of # here are making this much easier)
If you couldn’t tell from my choices up there, I fucking love angst. I’m writing sad shit and giggling, I’m writing happy shit so the angst is sadder. I Will make you cry (hopefully).
I’m also mad silly.
I have a few others account in the marauders community (Insta, Tiktok, Ao3, ...) but it's a secret (lol)
If you’re interested in what I like to say here, just look up the #starz yap tag, it’s what I use when I have ideas that I write more deeply about. :) + #starz hc for when it’s a personal add on headcanons. Using @starztakes for reposting just my hc and yapping without all the extra stuff.
Alright i think that covers it up. Hope you enjoy my account! P.S: idm stalking of my page and spamming lol so go for it (I do it by accident all the time… #starz struggle)
oh also i'm a Marlene kinnie. kiss.
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orchideous-nox · 13 days
Talk more about Peter please!!!!
Okay I've let this sit here for a hot minute while I think.
I think Peter is not only underutilised by the fandom, but also a victim of his own future. So many headcanons about Peter come from what he does years down the lines as if his past is a consequence of his later betrayal. I hate this because it means he's never truly made his own character.
I'm going to try my best to yap about him in my own way and not just whatever I ingest from conversations with @futurequibblerjournalist about him.
Yes, Peter is fat. I don't want to talk about that though, but we're getting it out of the way because I won't stand for an Dane DeHaan fancasts when I feel like we're better than making fat characters skinny.
I love that idea that Peter and Marlene were friends before Hogwarts, his limited muggle knowledge comes from her family. They know each other through their parents and Marlene is just glad to have someone her age to play with and Peter is used to being around girls because of his older sisters.
When they got to Hogwarts and found other friends, they weren't necessarily as close anymore. Peter shared a dorm with the boys and they all became friends. With Sirius and James being so loud and energetic, Peter felt drawn to the quieter Remus and they became friends, and he ultimately was the reason Peter became part of the Marauders.
Peter is an observer, he notices so much because people either ignore him or don't think much of him. He sits in corners and listens and this is his contributing factor to the pranks. While they're planning them, he'll notice weak spots like "well this won't work because X said that they were going to the library at that time so won't be in the dorm". When they realise how good he is at spying for them, they start sending him off to scout information in the lead up to pranks.
I think there's so much emphasis on the other Marauders and music, but I like to think Pete was really into music too. He would have loved Madness, Ralph McTell and he gained a love of Fairport Convention from his dad who had discovered muggle music, they were hiting up Cropredy Festival every year. I think he would deny his love of folk music to his friends though, that was something he kept to himself.
Okay and now for the fun part that's been brewing for a little bit. Peter and Sybill were an unexpected couple, I think the Marauders noticed that he was sneaking off sometimes and would go missing in Hogsmeade and started placing bets on who it was but none of them had said Sybill Trelawney. They hadn't crossed paths very much, she's a Ravenclaw and he's a Gryffindor, but she'd noticed him in the library struggling to find a charms book. Sybill was known to have been able to produce a non-corporeal Patronus at some point so was gifted in charms and helped Peter to become more confident in his own capability.
I think there was a gentle quietness to their relationship, they weren't loud like Rosekiller or as affectionate as Wolfstar or as tragic as Jegulus. They would sit together at meals or in the library, they'd talk walks by the lake. Peter would love sitting with Sybill while she yaps enthusiastically about divination and prophecies because he loved seeing her light up. He shows a lot of interest when she talks about Cassandra Trelawney who she is proud to be a descended of, which is new for her.
We know that Sybill ends up (briefly) married to another man after Hogwarts but I don't see these two having a big eventful break up, they have different priorities for their futures and decide that after school ends they will go their seperate ways fairly amicably. I think Sybill doesn't particularly like the Marauders and thinks they make Peter reckless, and Peter doesn't like her cat (for obvious reasons) but she won't part with it. There's no drama, they still love each other but they don't want to sacrifice a part of themself for their relationship to work. We know Sybill ends up divorced in canon because she won't change her surname, she knows what she wants, she's stubborn and I love that for her.
After Hogwarts, Peter dates but never really settles down and does feel a bit of regret about Sybill, especially all those years later returning to the school and seeing her there.
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rmoony12 · 18 days
Peter: "am I weird?"
Sybill: "yeah, but so what everybody's weird."
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marylily-my-beloved · 2 months
This came to me in a dream last night:
Death eaters kidnapped Peter and was trying to get him to take the dark mark and be a spy. Peter kept saying no. A death eater brought out Sybill and threatened to kill her if Peter didn’t get to the dark mark and become a spy. That’s how Peter became a spy because he will do ANYTHING for his Sybill.
😭😭 I started crying. Your brain is amazing of thinking of this but it’s also so sad and makes soooo much sense 😭😭
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aabernants · 6 months
“tranfem Sybill x transmasc Peter ,” I say into the mic.
The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.
"They’re right," they say. I look for the owner of the voice. There in the 2nd row stands: Sybill and Peter themselves.
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