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padfootsaphrodite · 13 hours ago
Barty and Dorcas are chaotic. Regulus and Evan are unsettling. Pandora is chaotic and unsettling. They all work so well together and people are very on the edge around each of them because you never know what to expect especially if they are in pairs or all together.
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padfootsaphrodite · 1 day ago
Sirius Black likes his hair braided because it not only makes him feel pretty but because Remus braids it for him and that's the most beautiful part.
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padfootsaphrodite · 3 days ago
Lily kissing all of her friends on the cheek, skipping James while glaring at him, kissing Regulus on both of his cheeks and then full on making out with Mary.
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padfootsaphrodite · 4 days ago
Give me demiromantic/sexual Sirius Black who only ever felt romantic and sexual attraction to Remus and came to terms with this when he was fifteen years old. Give me terrified of his own feelings for his best friend Remus Lupin who realized he was in love with Sirius when was fourteen but never spoke up about it because Sirius never said anything about who he was into and only made the occasional remark that he found Mary very beautiful and so Remus assumed that Sirius liked Mary. It wasn't until their sixth year that Sirius got the courage to kiss Remus and in that one simple kiss they both thought oh because yes that's exactly what they've been seeking for in each other that friendship couldn't fulfill. Their next kiss was much more enthusiastic and their next conversation was filled with much more understanding of each others feelings.
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padfootsaphrodite · 4 days ago
Marauders + Co as my on repeat (Spotify
Sirius- Tangerine by Led Zeppelin
Remus- Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd
James- One of These Nights by Eagles
Peter- I Feel Free by Cream
Mary- D'yer Mak'er by Led Zeppelin
Lily- Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
Marlene- Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones
Dorcas- Soul Kitchen by The Doors
Barty- Romance by Fontaines DC
Evan- Weekend by Mac Miller
Regulus- Under the Milky Way by The Church
Pandora- Breathe (in the air) by Pink Floyd
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padfootsaphrodite · 5 days ago
Twist and Turn by Cardinals... that's how I imagine Remus sounds when he sings.
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padfootsaphrodite · 6 days ago
Remus Lupin is not a cuddler and only hugs when he finds it really necessary but the minute Sirius Black steps into the room that all flies out the window because Remus will get his hands on Sirius and Sirius absolutely loves this.
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padfootsaphrodite · 7 days ago
Remus gifting Sirius a sweater he had knitted (Hope taught him how when he was young) during their third year and Remus being nervous about it becuase what if Sirius didn't like it but Sirius took one look at the sweater and fell in love, not with the sweater itself but in love with Remus or at least he realized what he felt truly was. He felt his heart swell up and grow warm and he got butterflies and he knew then that he wasn't just imagining them like he had been telling himself he had. Remus apologized to Sirius because Sirius had just been staring down at the sweater with an unreadable expression but Sirius shut him up immediately. It was the most special sweater because Remus had made it for him and he wore it to sleep every night until he grew out of it but he never ever got rid of the sweater. During their fifth year Remus caught eye of the sweater and felt the same warmth in his chest and butterflies in his stomach and realized he too was in love with Sirius. It wasn't until the beginning of their sixth year that they were both finally brave enough to confess because by then they both felt so much for each other they felt like they were suffocating in it.
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padfootsaphrodite · 7 days ago
As a Marylene and Dorlily shipper I am fighting for my life.
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padfootsaphrodite · 9 days ago
Remus and Sirius never thought each other as the traitor, the thought never crossed their minds. When Sirius was sent to Azkaban they wrote to each other everyday and were occasionally allowed to visit and that was when they'd trade their letters with each other. When Sirius escaped Remus hid him in their apartment without question and helped him bathe and helped him fall asleep in their bed and Sirius asked Remus to hold him all night and Remus made no complaint becuase he'd hold on to Sirius even after his death.
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padfootsaphrodite · 10 days ago
Remus sits with his legs crossed, Sirius manspreads, Peter sits crisscrossed, and James... he's hanging upside down off of any seat for real.
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padfootsaphrodite · 11 days ago
As much as Sirius needs to be held due to nightmares and as much as he likes to be held by Remus and James because it makes him feel smaller and safer, that man is the big spoon. He loves to just grab and hold and snuggle for as long as possible. He loves to know that he is doing the same thing for his friends as they do for him on his bad nights but he also just loves to hold.
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padfootsaphrodite · 12 days ago
TW eating disorder
Sirius who struggles with eating and would constantly find excuses to skip meals and James is aware and does his best to help but he doesn't want to seem too insistent and push boundaries so he shies away from telling Sirius he needs to eat and Remus who catches on and slowly starts to learn what would help Sirius. At first it starts with him leaving cans of applesauce for Sirius to eat and then solid fruits like bananas and strawberries every morning because he doesn't want him going through the day on an empty stomach. It eventually turns into him offering to share Sirius' plates of food so Sirius is not overwhelmed with all there is to consume and he never pushes Sirius to eat more than he can handle, so if Sirius can only stomach two bites of his meal Remus always smiles at him encouragingly and proudly and finishes for the two of them.
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padfootsaphrodite · 14 days ago
"Barty has a knife kink!"
"Barty has a blood kink!"
"Barty has a biting kink!"
No. Barty has an Evan kink. Evan's into this? Cool. So is Barty now. He could find it the most utterly foul thing when he hears about it, but the moment Evan's doing it? He loves it.
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padfootsaphrodite · 14 days ago
Sirius waking Remus up with the sweetest birthday kiss to his forehead and Remus humming in acknowledgement and letting Sirius know he's awake so now Sirius is kissing all over his face telling him happy birthday and that he loves him between each kiss and Remus scrunching his face up and giggling.
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padfootsaphrodite · 14 days ago
Sirius always gifts Remus something he spent days planning out and weeks making. They're always Remus' favorite gifts and he thinks each year they get better and better and he loves Sirius a bit more with each one simply because he put thought into it and took the time to make something himself and it makes him feel deeply loved and cherished.
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padfootsaphrodite · 18 days ago
I just know when Sirius would sleep in James bed they'd be all giggly and loud and telling each other to be quiet constantly and would proceed to be loud and Remus hated it because he's grumpy when he's tired but when Sirius started sleeping in Remus bed James was irritated about it because they were loud. They had the decency to use a silencing spell when they were having sex but they never did beside that. Remus and Sirius would talk loudly for the night about anything and they'd be lovey dovey and you'd hear James complain "when did he speak like a poet? He doesn't even like poetry like that" and Remus and Sirius would just burst out laughing at his grumbling complaints until they'd feel bad enough to finally quiet down.
(Peter has no trouble sleeping through all this. Put him in a literal battlefield and he wouldn't even budge.)
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