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the-colourful-witch · 3 months ago
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Another sketch for The Cadence of Part-Time Poets :) I finished the book. My God, I loved it so much. That's a full five weeks of reading that I'll cherish forever. I wanted to draw the girls from the Rowena dorm, because they're lovely and I wish I was friends with them :) I had this idea to draw them in their early teens (about 13 y/o)... Don't ask me why, I just had the urge. Aren't they adorable?
Anyway, happy new year everyone! I hope 2025 will bring nothing but beautiful things for all of you!
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padfootsaphrodite · 12 days ago
Remus sits with his legs crossed, Sirius manspreads, Peter sits crisscrossed, and James... he's hanging upside down off of any seat for real.
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reguluswife28 · 8 months ago
Can you write something about how the Sirius, James, Remus and Lily try to get close to Slytherin reader (who is really shy and muggleborn). They decide to try through a prank, since with Lily worked but instead they angered Regulus (the reader's only close friend) for making her cry. They decide to change their approach: complimenting her, reading with her and watching Muggle films. After some hesitation, the reader decides to give it a chance. (I hope it's okay for you to write about Lily too, I haven't seen many posts here on Tumblr involving her, although I think it comes up with something super cute☺️). The rest is up to you 🤍
Ps. The marauders and Lily are already in a relationship with each other
Thank you for requesting this! I had a lot of fun writing it!<3
Warnings: prank taken too far?
Have you ever been scared of something so much the sight of it makes you want to cry?
Well I am. To be specific, I'm scared of Doxy's. They're nasty little creatures that could kill you with their venom quickly.
The only reason why I had an encounter with these creatures once is because I may or may not have walked far too deep into the forbidden forest one day but thankfully my closest and only friend Regulus Black was there to save me before anything happened.
I shook my head out of my thoughts about the creature's as I sat at the Slytherin table. Right after that Regulus sat down next to me.
It was dinner time. "What took you so long?" I asked him as we put food onto our plate. "Slytherin quidditch captain started talking to me about plays for our next game." He replied as I started to eat so I just nodded. We fell into a conversation about the books we were reading that week.
Suddenly we were interrupted by rather loud laughter coming from the Gryffindor table that was beside the Slytherin table. Regulus stopped talking looking annoyed as he looked over to the table to see his brother's obnoxious laughing. "He never shuts up I swear." Regulus muttered causing me to chuckle a little.
Soon we finished eating and both decided to go back to the Slytherin common room. “You’ll have to let me read that book you’re reading once you’re done with it.” Regulus said to me with a small smile. “The Outsiders isn’t it?” He asks as we reach the painting to the common room. “Correct.” I say then say the password to get in and we walk through into the common room.
After a quick conversation we said goodnight to each other and headed to our dorms. When I got to mine I changed into pajamas and got in bed going to sleep.
The next morning I got and opened my dresser to get my regular clothes. But, with doing that out of my dresser came doxy’s. The one thing I was terrified of.
I tried to scream for help but nothing would come out of my throat. My heart was racing and I ran from them as they started to come after me.
While running I tripped and fell over one of my books for classes. I scrambled back against the wall starting to cry and hyperventilate. They came after me causing me to put my arms up crossing them in defense which really wouldn’t do anything. I closed my eyes waiting for impact but it never came.
I lowered my arms, opening my eyes and still crying to see absolutely nothing there now. What? I could have sworn they were just there. Was it all just some allusion?
“Y/n, are you up yet? We need to eat breakfast.” Asked Regulus just walking into my dorm. I assume he hadn’t seen me so he looked around confused. As he turned his head he saw me.
Immediately getting concerned he came over to me pulling me into his arms. “What happened?” He asked in a whisper. “I..” I try to speak but my voice is hoarse. “Take your time.” He says and I smile gratefully at him.
“I went to go get my clothes for the day…” I started looking over to my dresser. “Then when I opened it I had those doxy’s flying at me and then they just disappeared like they were an allusion.” I said shaking my head as I hugged Regulus.
“Are you okay now?” He asked still with a soft voice. I nodded then got up with his help. “Do you think it was the other Slytherins playing some mean prank? Just because I’m a muggleborn?” I ask as I walk to my dresser finally grabbing my clothes. “It could have been. I’ll try to find out.” He said then walked out the room so I could change.
I changed into my clothes and brushed my hair and teeth then met Regulus out in the common room and we walked together to breakfast. When we got there sitting down at the Slytherin table the marauders including Lily Evans walked up to us looking like they were laughing.
“What could you guys possibly want?” Regulus asked in a cold voice as I got some pancakes on my plate.
“Just came here to ask Y/n a question little brother.” Sirius replied and I looked up at them confused. “How was that doxy prank?” James asked and I tensed up. It was them? How did they get into my dorm let alone the Slytherin common room?
“Oh… uh…” I started then notice Regulus seething with his nostrils flaring. “Don’t look so gloomy. It was just a prank!” Peter said and I looked at them shocked then they walked to Gryffindor table and sat down.
I turned around and quietly ate my food quickly ignoring everytime Regulus tried to start a conversation about something. After I was done eating I got up walking out of the great hall and to the astronomy tower to calm down and read.
Regulus POV
After my stupid older brother and his friends or whatever they all are said they were the ones who pulled the prank on Y/n I was angry. I tried to talk to her throughout all of breakfast but she ignored me and when she was done she got up and walked off somewhere.
I though waited until the supposed pranksters got up and walked out to follow them. Following them down the hallway once we were far enough away from any teachers I quickly grabbed Sirius by the collar slamming him against the wall.
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t hex you right this second.” I seethed angrily pointing my wand at his throat. “Woah! Why the hell are you so angry?” He asked giving a confused look. “That little ‘prank’ you pulled on Y/n made her have a panic attack!” I spat at him letting him go but still holding my wand to my side.
“It what?” Asked Remus now looking panicked. “It was just supposed to be a little prank. I swear!” Sirius barked out quickly. The rest of them looked shocked. “We all like her and didn’t think the prank would cause all of that.” Lily said with concern lacing her tone.
“She’s absolutely terrified of doxy’s. She almost got attacked by real ones once.” I said now calmly but still slightly angry.
“How can we make it up to her?” Asked Peter quietly. “Well, if you really liked her you’d know she liked muggle books and movies. She may be up in the astronomy tower right now. She likes to read there.” I say walking off to the Slytherin common rooms.
Y/n’s pov
As I flipped the page in my book I was almost finished with I heard footsteps coming up the steps to the tower.
“Y/n?” I heard the voices of none other than the marauders and Lily ask. I close my book after bookmarking it and stand up to face them. “What?” I ask tiredly waiting for them to probably start tormenting me. “We’re sorry for the prank.” Lily said first and the others all had an apologetic face. “We truly are.” Remus said.
“The truth is.. we all like you and thought a prank would show that.” James told me and I tilted my head confused. “We were obviously wrong. Regulus made sure we knew of that.” Sirius said rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“We’re asking for another chance possibly?” Peter asked and I scoffed. “You prank me with the thing I’m terrified of most and ask for another chance? You’re going to need to make it up to me first before I ever decide if you even get that.” I tell them in a slightly upset and annoyed tone.
“We will.” They all say in unison.
“You like the outsiders?” Lily asks pointing to my book and I give a half smile. “It’s my favorite book and movie.” I inform her.
“Would you want to watch muggle movies with us today? To make up for what we did?” James asks and I nod. “Well let’s go!” Sirius says loudly throwing his arm around me. I manage to let out a little chuckle and lead the way to my dorm room.
When we got there I set up a place for us to all sit/lay and put in a muggle movie for us to watch. We watched quite a few muggle movies and joking around causing me to get tired so I ended up leaning my head on Lily’s shoulder stifling out a yawn.
They all weren’t that bad really and I forgive them for what happened. They all looked truly sorry when apologizing. “I think I’ll give you guys a second chance after all.” I say tiredly then end up falling asleep.
Sorry if the end felt rush I’ve been up for a while writing this!!
My masterlist!
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theravenflawed · 4 months ago
what’s the worst marauders fanfic you’ve read? i’ll go first:
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feinfeinfeinfeinfein · 6 months ago
Heart of a Traitor - Peter Pettigrew
What makes the heart of a traitor? Peter Pettigrew should know. It was, after all, the heart beating in his chest, pumping the traitorous blood that kept him alive. Lately, his heart rate has felt less human, more rat-like. He was more rat-like. Years of being Scabbers has taken an obvious toll on him. The Peter Pettigrew that called himself a marauder, studied James’ quidditch moves, gleefully cast aguamenti to wake up Sirius, and snuck down to the kitchens to feed Remus’ never-ending appetite, was scarcely there anymore. Being a Death Eater on the run would do that to you. Now he was constantly twitching, flinching at every movement and loud sound and (possibly worst of all) reduced to acting as a servant of the one and only Severus Snape. Sitting down miserably in his cellar after a long day of being belittled and listening to thinly disguised quips about his dignity and intelligence, he reminisced. Of his long-gone Hogwarts days; days of freedom and laughs and pranks and never-ending homework. Back when he was Pete, one of the marauders, the good guys. Those were easily the happiest times of his life, when things were simple and happiness seemed to be everflowing. 
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Regulus Black felt like he was going to explode. As if he had swallowed a hundred lit candles and he was full of matches. Ready to explode. He was nervous. He was hopeless. He was alone.
He had never looked for friends outside of the Death Eaters. He had never felt the need. Until now. He had done everything wrong.
He stopped in the middle of the bridge, leaned on the railing, looked down. He liked to stare at the water. It gave him peace of mind.
-There seems to be something very interesting about the river
Regulus gasped.
A figure stopped beside him. His throat was dry. He reached into his cloak pocket for his wand and squeezed it.
-When I'm sad, I look at the river too
She was a Muggle, with ash-blond hair, a flat nose, and lively green eyes. Regulus couldn't deny that she was beautiful. Unlike other Death Eaters, he had never looked particularly favorably on hatred against Muggles. Yes, of course, the purebloods deserved supremacy, but that didn't necessarily mean that the Muggles should be slaughtered, did it?
-Are you sad?
-I'm… disappointed
That's what he'd never told anyone. Disappointed in his friends. Disappointed in his family. Disappointed in Voldemort. And most of all, disappointed in himself.
-Mmm, is there a girl involved?
-I wish it were that simple
-Things are simpler than people think
-Not in this case- it was nice to have someone to talk to, even if he couldn't tell her everything. She would think he was crazy. Or she would get scared and run away. Or both.
-Believe me, everything will work out one way or another
-I'm not sure
-Mmm, it's not easy to advise you if you don't tell me anything
-Let's just say I made a bad choice- he rubs his eyes. He's never felt so tired.
-Did this choice hurt anyone?
-A lot of people- Reg didn't even want to think about the harm he had done unintentionally.
-Find a way to apologize
-A way to apologize?- it seemed like a sensible thing to do. Why hadn't he thought of it before? And then it occurred to him that it wouldn't be easy.
-Yes, you have to find a way to apologize, you'll see, it won't be difficult
He wasn't so sure. Despite his doubts he smiled at her. -You must be thinking that I'm a hopeless case
-We are all hopeless cases
-You… how can I find you again? To tell you how this story will end
The girl smiled. -I often pass on this bridge- she moved away from the railing.
-You didn't even tell me your name
-Next time- and walked away, shaken by laughter.
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ziggstar · 1 year ago
i need more awkward puberty-esque things in marauders fanfiction, like bad skin, and braces, like NORMAL teenagers, because i'm not sure why we imagne that they were perfect, they all definitely had embarassing phases like the rest of us
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prongs1311 · 3 months ago
# stop the peter pettigrew erasure
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moonwalkingprincess · 17 days ago
Harry's godmother part 2
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A/N: I hope it isn't confusing with the flashbacks...
Y/N walked along King's Cross Station with Harry beside her. He had his cart full of bags and Hedwig's cage. Y/N looked around. No sign of Remus. She had received a letter from Remus saying he had become the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Her relationship with Remus... was... complicated.
"Harry!" a voice called out. It was Harry's best friend, Ron Weasley. He also happened to be Y/N's cousin's child, but she was so close to Arthur that he used to call her... "Hi, Aunt Y/N," he said, hugging her. "Hi, Ron," she said, looking at his cart. He had a small cage with a little rat in it, nibbling on something. She couldn't help but recognize it...
"Y/N!" said Arthur Weasley, walking up to hug her. Behind him came his 100 children with the typical red hair. Fred and George Weasley rushed up to Y/N with sparkling eyes and broad smiles. She had always been their favorite aunt. She was the cool adult who actually laughed at their pranks instead of just trying to "educate" them.
"Aunt Y/N!" George called out while Fred was already starting to tell her something.
"You should have seen what we did to Percy!"
Y/N raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms with a serious expression. "What have you been up to now?"
Fred and George exchanged a quick glance before bursting into words:
"We enchanted his quill!" George said.
"So every time he tried to write, it started singing 'I'm a Little Teapot'!" Fred added, his face lighting up with a mischievous grin.
Y/N tried to stay serious, but giggles escaped regardless. "Oh, boys... How long did it go on?"
"Long enough for him to scream that he never wanted to see a teapot again," George giggled.
Fred nodded eagerly. "Mom was about to burst with anger, but Percy... He sat there, red-faced, trying to act unfazed. We did him a favor, really. No one needs to be that serious."
Y/N was now openly laughing and pulled them both into a hug. "I don't know if I should scold you or congratulate you."
Fred leaned back and smiled. "We'll gladly take congratulations."
George nodded. "And maybe some Chocolate Frogs if you have any?"
Y/N raised her eyebrows; she really loved Fred and George. They reminded her so much of Sirius and the other three. "Unfortunately, no, but here..." She rummaged through her bag and gave a Galleon to each of Arthur's children. "Oh, thank you, Aunt Y/N," they said in unison before boarding the train. Y/N and Arthur stayed until they saw all the children on the train. He looked behind her, tilting his head as if he wanted Y/N to look. She turned around. Remus had arrived. He was loading his bag, and Y/N quickly hid behind Arthur. "You still haven't..." he said.
"Not since Sirius was arrested," she said with a sigh, waiting until he boarded the train.
"What are you going to do? You’re both teachers at Hogwarts; are you going to avoid him?"
"If that’s what it takes..." she said.
As she said before, their relationship was complicated. She didn't hate him; she sent him Christmas cards every year, but that was all. You would understand if you knew her story.
Flashback to 1976
The Great Hall at Hogwarts was filled with laughter and screams as chickens suddenly ran wild over Gryffindor's table. Clucking from the hens echoed as students tried to help catch them, but everything only got worse. Bowls were knocked over, and food spilled over students and their schoolbooks. James looked at Sirius and laughed hysterically.
"It's not funny, Potter!" snapped Lily, who sat further back at the table. "Arresto Momentum!" she shouted, and suddenly the chickens slowed down so the students could catch them. "My goodness, we are a bunch of wizards, and no one thought to use magic to catch them?" she said, then called out, "Evanesco," and suddenly they were gone again.
Sirius glared at her. "Now my chicken wings are gone," he said irritably, though with a hint of humor.
"You had the entire spell backward. You're supposed to transform chickens into chicken wings," Remus explained while the others cleaned up after the chickens.
Sirius sighed. "Well, I don't exactly have a chicken, do I?" he said grumpily.
James raised his eyebrows.
"What's wrong with you?"
"You're off today and not saying much. What's wrong?"
"What do you mean, off? I'm learning, aren't I?"
James shook his head.
"We're the best in our class at Transfiguration. We're actually..." he leaned in, whispering, "Animagi ourselves." He straightened up again. "What's the matter?"
Sirius rolled his eyes and gave in.
"Y/N," he said.
James smirked. "She turned you down, didn't she?"
"It's not funny," Sirius said. "This has never happened to me before."
James chuckled, and Sirius punched him on the arm. Remus observed Sirius; it was unusual for him to even care about being rejected. Usually, he would just give up and move on to the next girl. But something about this girl made Sirius persist.
"You need to show her you care," said Remus, causing Sirius to look up.
"What did you say?" Sirius asked.
"Talk to her. Get to know her. Give her something she would appreciate. Be her friend first," said Remus.
Sirius groaned. "But that takes forever."
"Or you could give up and pay me directly," said James, extending his hand.
Sirius shook his head. "Never," he said.
Back at Hogwarts, 1993.
Y/N walked briskly through Hogwarts' stone corridors, her cloak billowing behind her. It had been a long day of Alchemy lessons. She just wanted to get to her room, pull a blanket over herself, and find a moment of peace.
But the peace shattered like glass when she saw him at the door to her office.
Remus Lupin.
His face, tired and lined with age, showed a cautious joy when he saw her. "Y/N," he said softly, as if her name was something fragile. Her grip on the scrolls tightened.
"Professor Lupin," she replied coldly.
For a moment, something flickered in his eyes, but he held his composure. "I was hoping to talk to you."
"So you talk to me now?" She scoffed. "You could have talked to me when my world fell apart?"
Remus sighed and ran his hand through his graying hair. "I understand why you're angry. I should have said something—"
"You knew," she interrupted, her voice low and dangerous. "You knew about their bet. You knew he only approached me to prove something to James."
He opened his mouth to protest, but she raised her hand. "And yet you set us up. You, of all people, who should have warned me."
"It was never just a bet for him," Remus said quietly. "He loved you."
"And yet," she said, her eyes icy, "that's all I was. A game. A bet. And when everything fell apart, when Sirius... when he killed them..." Her voice cracked at the thought of James and Lily. "Why did you say nothing? Why did you leave me there, alone, without an explanation?"
Remus looked down at his hands, his lightly trembling fingers betraying more than his face. "I thought... I thought he was guilty. Just like you did."
"And yet you were the one who set us up," she hissed. "You, who knew what he and James planned. Why, Remus? Why play with my heart as if it meant nothing?"
He took a deep, shuddering breath. "He cared when you turned him down. I think you... he liked you too much to give up."
Her lips pressed into a thin line. "Or maybe he just wanted to win," she said, and Remus shook his head.
"I don't think so. He got better when he was with you. You changed him," Remus said.
Y/N scoffed. "He got better? He betrayed us all. He killed my friends. And you, you did nothing to stop it. Nothing to warn me."
Remus fell silent with weighed down by the chain of guilt around his chest, Remus spoke softly, "I have no excuses, Y/N. Only regret."
She stared at him for a long moment, then shook her head. "Regret won't change anything. You may be a professor now, but to me, you'll always be the one who let me fall apart."
She turned and walked away, her footsteps echoing into the silence. Remus stood still, with nothing but the shadow of his past for company.
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siriusblackirlreal · 2 months ago
HEADCANNON: Sirius and James would always talk of possibilities of where Remus was when it was full moon, during class.
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concept: severus snape with a child
i had a thought, what if severus snape had a child.
i can't really picture snape ever settling down with someone and starting a family in a war/canon-compliant timeline. but if he did have a child, i would imagine it being the result of a drunken one-night stand with a muggle woman. i think he would also have had to have some personal development away from the wizarding world for that event to occur.
imagine after the war, severus has sort of let himself go in a lot of aspects, it's hard to get a job and his group of friends (pureblood slytherins) have all sort of distanced themselves from severus. or are sort of leading him on that they'll get him in touch with someone to get a job or join the dark lord, as many of them have joined or allied themselves with. but they never really get back to him, and snape sort of gets the hint and distances himself too and realizes that maybe this is for the better. this isolation may lead to deeper self-reflection and getting some muggle job and getting himself by.
around this same time, i like to think that his mother, eileen, is struggling with dementia in a nursing home. his father would have already passed away during snape's school years. eileen is constantly seeing either snapes father, tobias, when he was young in snape or is in shock that her little sev is so grown up due to her strained memory which is only getting worse. i think this also would lead to a change in severus and sort of a maturing and realizing that he needs to get his life together because he's getting older and his parents are dying off.
so about for a year (he would be about 18 years old now), he works really hard, changes a lot as a person in terms of his views and values. he starts trying to find potential for life outside of the muggle world. and then one day he finally decides to go to a bar and have a good time with a few work buddies, and after a few nights out like this, one day he meets someone. he sees a pretty woman, who in my mind looks significantly different from lily (because this is my headcanon and in this his mind diverts from a lot of things associated with his school years, and lily is one of them. he also matures in the sense that he realises he has zero chance with lily and comes to terms with the fact she has married james, and perhaps with time he also lets go of his hate for james but i think that would take longer). anyways, back to the woman that snape finds really beautiful. in my mind she is a pretty korean woman names young-hee and she is a few years older than snape. snape is usually pretty introverted by this point but he is a bit drunk and with hype from his buddies he decides to approach her and asks to buy her a drink. despite expecting rejection, she allows him to and they immediately hit it off.
the two talk all night and then head to snapes apartment where they do hanky panky. and in the morning they have a pretty intimate moment and then young-hee leaves. only issue is that snape doesn't hear from her for about two months until one day he gets a knock at the door pretty early in the morning and it's young-hee. she tells him she's pregnant and that she's keeping it (mostly due to pressure from family), snape is very conflicted but almost leaves young-hee to raise the child on her own but as part of his character growth he decides he will stay and be a better father than his own (because his not very good relationship with his father). he does his best to help support young-hee and their child, with help from her side of the family as well, and it is very clear they don't approve of snape. but snape still wants to be there for them. snape is just 19 when this child is born and after a few months of raising this child, young-hee decides to talk with snape.
minor detail: child is a girl (though i do have a timeline for if it a boy, slightly different but might make a post about that too) and her name is eileen after snape's mother
in this talk she basically tells him that she has no interest in raising the child and asks his thoughts on putting the child for adoption. snape is very against it even if admits raising the child has been hard, and then young-hee drops the bomb that she wants to give up her parental rights and leave the child to him. she later moves to america with a different boyfriend.
snape is now a single father of his daughter and raising her has become very difficult. this is when a lot of his character development happens, he has to deal with things like changing diapers, making meals, cleaning, learning to have patience, taking care of a little girl in general. he has to grow because now he is responsible for a life other than his own. and when he is about 21, snapes mother dies. despite his grief, he still has to persevere and keep going and this makes him stronger than he was before. this is also right about the time the war ends and the potters die but in this special timeline i would rather have the potters alive so by some miracle they are alive but harry is still the chosen one. (i am aware that this isn't really possible but too bad it's my headcanon) and right as the war ends, jobs are easier to get in the wizarding world, so snape, seeking a better life for himself and his daughter, applies to hogwarts for it's defense against the dark arts post and a couple other places which won't really be relevant. he gets a job at hogwarts but as the potions professorr.
snape is a smart man and picks up the job pretty quickly and is a pretty good professor, still strict but not plain cruel as he is in the books. also less creepy vibes and a bit more understanding. he would still be pretty stern though. no more drawling voice and talking with his mouth half closed though, when he talks he talks like a regular person. his clothing also changes a bit and he tends to wear a wider variety of robes instead of just the dramatic billowing black robes. he instead opts for just regular suits like the other professors but in colors like black, grey, and other darker grey-tone colors. his hair would also be a bit more well-maintained, not as greasy and rough. probably cut shorter as well.
this job pretty much turns snape's life around, and now he has a stable source of income, can provide more for his daughter and can ensure her a better life. they no longer live on rent in the apartment and can instead buy a small house for the two of them. i can imagine this home because a comfortable size, about three bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a nice living room with a good amount of windows, all one story, and just generally nice and cozy. i also think snape would send eileen to muggle school till she is old enough to go to hogwarts because he values her education. life becomes very stable for the two od them.
then eileen turns 11 and she will attend hogwarts. i think that even though snape was in slytherin and his head of slytherin house, she would be a ravenclaw. i can see the sorting hat considering putting her in slytherin but she is generally a pretty creative and curious person and that outweighs any slytherin traits she has. her curious and creative nature is definitely embedded into her by snape, making her also prioritize her education and learning, and since she was raised by a professor, it's not shocking to think that she might have a thirst for knowledge. also to give an idea of her age, she is about two years older than harry potter, and the same age as the weasley twins.
she wouldnt be very close with harry during her school years either, and would know each other through quidditch. in this timeline, eileen plays quidditch. at first i think she would have just tried out because her friend, roger davies, did too. but they both ended up getting on the team and she realized how much she genuinely enjoyed the sport. in her second year she gets placed as a seeker but is replaced by cho chang the year after (cho is a year younger than her) and is then a beater. this is also how think she would become friends with cho chang, but this is my headcanon so cho chang is going be katherine chang because i like that for her and think the name katherine suits her.
snape would definitely support her in quidditch, even though it's funny that he's supporting a ravenclaw despite being head of slytherin house. his support wouldn't really be wearing ravenclaw colors or anything but more wishing her good luck, giving her feedback after games, and just other gestures like that. this is also something i want to emphasize, how snape shows his care as a father and just how different he is from canon because of all these events and how they've developed his character.
he would still be a pretty quiet at home with just eileen but not awkwardly or in a way that makes him seem cold. just more of in a calm way, they can still have conversations where they laugh and talk but they're just more calm and very understanding. they can be loud, usually more from eileen's side because she is def more extroverted than snape. snape would still listen and smile. he would definitely smile more in this timeline and even laugh. he would just generally be more happy and open because of eileen. he would also be a bit more okay with physical affection like hugs and kisses (on the cheek and forehead wtv) because of eileen (he raised a child ofc he's more open ab things). i also like to think of little cute things that probably happened when eileen was younger, like snape trying to tie eileen's hair and wtv.
also romance-wise wise i want to pair her with fred weasley because i love the "professor's daughter x the kid the professor hates" trope. and think it could be very cute and funny since i think snape would be a very protective of eileen and fred just tripping on his feet around snape after he starts dating eileen is just hilarious to me. also in this timeline, george is the one who asked angelina to the yule ball not fred, which also works better with their canonical marriage. i also have a very nice ending planned for fred and eileen heehee.
another detail: eileen is infertile and suffers with endometriosis. she has very painful periods and they've only gotten worse as she got older. (even if she got her period kind of late at like 15) sometimes it's so bad she has a hard time getting up, and literally just cries. and she also struggles with the fact she is infertile. and in my mind there are a lot of scenarios where snape really supports eileen through these things and takes care of her
and then now we can get to her meeting the potters (and remus and sirius, peter has still betrayed them) at an order meeting. this is the order meeting from the beginning of the order of the phoenix. eileen isn't allowed to be inside and hence sort of sticks with the other kids. this is where the potters will briefly meet eileen. snape wants to leave shortly after the meeting ends but gets caught up talking to some other members and eileen wants to talk to people from her school a bit and gets caught up talking to tonks. and then eileen finishes up her conversation with tonks and starts talking to harry a bit, until both harry's parents and eileen's dad, snape come over to tell them it's time to leave. snape has to talk to james a bit and they talk to eileen a bit too, just small talk. by this point though, james and severus are civil with each other, both being adults who've matured and changed. and are able to be polite and have a small chat.
minor detail: the marauders (except peter) have bumped into snape before when they were in their early 20s and have seen snape struggle with raising eileen in public and so they've all gained some sense of empathy for him, especially james since he also had harry pretty young and in that he gains some kind of respect for severus since he raised a child by himself earlier than him. and meeting eileen just multiplies that respect seeing that he's raised a good kid and has progressed in life greatly. so that at least lessens the hate from james' end.
anyways fast forward a bit, this is eileens 7th year and umbridge is around and war 2 tensions are back. when harry starts dumbledore's army i can imagine him approaching eileen due to their now established "friendship" from meeting at the order meeting. and he talks to her about this dumbledore's army idea and asks for some help with content to learn since she's very smart and tutors people, and is older so she of course knows a good deal more than him. and she is very open to this idea and agrees to help him. this is her last peaceful year though btw.
in this timeline i dont think snape would be a double agent or kill dumbledore, mostly because it wouldn't really add up with his character now. and also because of his daughter's blood status being like 75% muggle. dumbledore would just end up being killed by a different death eater (draco or a different one). snape would also leave his job and start working as just an order member due to his and eileen's being threatened multiple times while he was a professor due to his old ties from school and death eaters trying to recruit.
somewhere after eileen has graduated and become an order member and before the battle of hogwarts, eileen has to go on a mission where she loses her eye and snape almost dies but is saved by eileen. this is a big change in their character due to eileen's now realization of how real this war is and snape's new perception of eileen and her strength. there are other missions as well of course but this is just one i wanted to mention.
so now we're at the battle of hogwarts. just to make it clear, the marauders are all still alive by this point, other than peter. during the battle most of the regular casualties still happen, remus does die. fred dies. but since snape is no longer a double agent, he does not die. however, eileen does die.
post-war, snape eventually retires from teaching and lets go of his heath due to his grief and eventually dies about fifteen years later at the age of about sixty five.
anyways so that's just a whole storyline I've made up, this gives snape a redemption arc and I've added an oc.
also dni if youre going to leave hate, I'm open to discussion though.
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the-colourful-witch · 2 months ago
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Almost a year ago, I made three illustrations for the fic 'All the Young Dudes' by MsKingBean89 on A03. Now, I finally finished putting in the titles. It's been a long time, but better late than never, right?
I have some proces photo's here, too:
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These are the original illustrations. I have barely done any editing, only highlighted the contrast where necessary.
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And the original sketches...
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padfootsaphrodite · 3 months ago
Skater Peter, barty, Evan, and Dorcas and James is there with a damn razor scooter with light up wheels.
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reguluswife28 · 5 months ago
Drunken Confessions~James Potter
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Request? No
Pairings: James Potter x fem!reader, platonic!Sirius Black x platonic!reader, platonic!Remus Lupin x platonic!reader, platonic!Peter Pettigrew x platonic!reader
Requests are closed
A/n: I’m getting back into a James phase so this was really fun🤪
Warnings: mentions of drinking/drinking, drunk James Potter, slight angst
Being apart of the marauders was always fun no matter what. Being in love with one while he fawned after another girl? Not so much. That’s the life of Y/n Weasley. In love with James Potter while he was in love with Lily Evans.
It was Gryffindor vs Slytherin quidditch day. So it’s bound to be an eventful one.
Currently the marauders were sitting at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast and talking about the upcoming quidditch match.
“It’s going to be a good match. Gryffindor winning of course.” Said James Potter throwing his arm around Y/n as he spoke.
“The party after will be even better.” Y/n grinned after she finished her toast.
“Did anyone get the fire whiskey?” Asked Sirius to which everyone nodded. They had stashed it away last night for the party they were sure they were going to have the next day.
Soon after it was time for the match. Remus and Y/n commentating with Peter sitting with them. “Alrighty witches and wizards todays match is Gryffindor versus Slytherin!” Y/n yelled into the mike happily.
“Gryffindor will win obviously we’re much better than those-.” Remus started but was already cut off by McGonagall knowing what he was going to say.
The match started and Slytherin were winning by 20 points. 10-30. The three Gryffindors in the teachers stands all shaking their heads trying to not go off.
Suddenly there was a bludger heading right for Sirius. “Move Padfoot! Those sneaky fucks sent a bludger for you!” Y/n yelled angrily warning Sirius but earning a scolding from McGonagall.
“Minnie you know it’s true!” The redhead said to her professor away from the mic.
“Come on James get the bloody snitch!” Remus shouted after Sirius had dodged the bludger.
Eventually the score was tied up 30-30 with James Potter and Regulus Black looking for the snitch. “Come on.” Y/n whispered to herself watching as James started to go after something. The snitch. Soon after Regulus followed in pursuit.
“James Potter has spotted the snitch and is going after it! Regulus Black follows soon after.” Remus and Y/n yelled into the mic.
Y/n pulled Peter up next to them as the three of them linked arms as they cheered in anticipation for James to get the snitch. “Come on Prongs.” The three yelled to him into the mic.
Both of the seekers reached out to grab the snitch but only one got it. James. “James Potter has got the snitch!” Remus shouted almost louder than before.
“Gryffindor fucking wins!” All three yelled. McGonagall just laughed and shook her head this time. She always did if Gryffindor won a match.
The three marauders who weren’t on the quidditch team quickly ran down to the field as fast as they could. They ran to James and Sirius who were in the middle of the crowd starting to form around James.
“James!” Y/n shouted as they got to them. “Vixen!” He shouted back hugging her and spinning her around. Y/n blushed hard even though it didn’t mean anything. Atleast he thought it didn’t.
She shook her head out of it and congratulated him as he set her down. She noticed Remus looking towards her with a sad type of smile, knowing her feelings for James.
The five marauders gathered up together again after James and Sirius changed back into regular clothes. They all walked back to the Gryffindor common room cheering and thinking up new pranks.
They got back to the common room and started setting up for the big party they were going to have a little bit later on in the evening. They set up quickly only having to set up the speakers for the music and getting the cups out for the fire whiskey, using magic to make it go quicker.
They sat on the common room couches just chatting now while other Gryffindors seemed to be out of the common room currently minus a couple others.
James was talking to Sirius and Peter and Y/n couldn’t help but stare from the couch herself and Remus sat on. She loved the way his curls fell or his dimples when he smiled. She probably looked like a lovesick fool to everyone but him. He was too infatuated with Lily to notice no matter how many times Y/n thought that maybe he liked her.
“You know you shouldn’t waste your time on him.” Remus said quietly to her snapping her out of her dazed staring.
She looked over to him giving him a slight frown. “It’s hard though Remmy.” She told him only talking loud enough where they could hear each other. “I know. But it hurts you more than anything.” Remus told her softly.
“I know.” Y/n sighs glancing over to James then back to Remus. “I’ll get over him tonight. That’s what I’ll do.” The redheaded girl said determination on her face although in her mind she wasn’t as determined.
“I hope you can to save you the hurt that may come.” Remus told her with a slight small sad smile.
“I’m going to go get ready.” Y/n told the boys standing up.
“You should probably go invite everyone else and make sure they’re coming.” She suggested to them. “Aye aye Captain.” Sirius joked saluting her. Y/n rolled her eyes chuckling.
She then walked to her dorm room which to her shock Marlene or even Lily weren’t in there currently.
Y/n went to her trunk and pulled out a simple dress that wasn’t too short. It was new. She had actually gotten it last week when the Marauders went to Hogsmeade.
She changed into the dress then went over to the vanity all the girls shared since the dorm was kinda packed.
As she went to it Lily and Marlene walked in. Lily looked annoyed. Probably James again. “You okay Lily?” Y/n asked finally sitting down at the vanity.
“It’d that stupid James Potter again! He won’t stop asking me out! He’s so frustrating!” Lily exclaimed confirming Y/n’s suspicions. “James can tend to be quite stupid.” Y/n chuckled grabbing her brush and brushing her hair.
“You two are coming to the party though, right?” She asked changing the subject while continuing to brush her hair out.
“We are. Gryffindor did win the quidditch match today.” Marlene, a chaser on the team said proudly. “Beat the Slytherin scum.” Y/n said with a slight smirk putting her brush down and using a spell to curl her hair, too lazy to actually do it herself.
The other two girls started to get ready too. After Y/n finished her makeup then Marlene did hers then Lily did hers.
Eventually it was time for them to head down to the party. All three girls linked arms as they got to the steps going down into the common room. The two redheads and blonde walked down the steps.
They all got drinks when they got down into the common room. Eventually all three separated to do their own thing.
Y/n went off to find atleast one of the other marauders. Oddly enough despite trying to get over him tonight she found James first. She was hoping to find her older brother Arthur Weasley.
He beckoned her over to which she did walk over to him. They were still friends and she couldn’t just ignore him.
“You’re looking gorgeous, darling.” James complimented grabbing Y/n’s hand getting her to do a spin. “Thank you, Prongs.” Y/n thanked him blushing but James didn’t seem to notice.
Or so she thought but James had noticed. He had noticed every time she blushed around him. He loved it but didn’t say anything in fear of that he was just thinking up silly things so he just went after Lily.
“Y/n right?” A boy asked coming up to Y/n who still stood beside James. “Yeah.” Y/n said lightly giving him a small smile. “Dance with me?” He asked shyly holding out his hand. “Of course.” The girl said much to James’s distaste but she didn’t have to know that.
The boy dragged her to where everyone was dancing, starting to dance with her. “What is your name? Sorry I don’t recognize you.” Y/n asked then apologized feeling a bit embarrassed she didn’t recognize him.
“You’re fine. My name is Dylan.” He said to her over the music. They continued to dance together and Y/n was actually having fun. Maybe she could actually get over James.
Meanwhile James slightly mad and extremely jealous at the situation was drinking and getting as drunk as ever.
It seemed to be that eventually James was on the couch drunk whining about wanting someone. He was surrounded by Sirius, Remus, and Peter.
“I want her Padfoot! With her pretty green eyes and red hair!” James cried out to him. “I don’t think Lily wants you Prongs.” Sirius told him trying to go easy on him.
“Lily? Who said I wanted Lily?” James said to him making the three marauders that were there confused. “I want Y/n! But she doesn’t want me. She’s off with that guy dancing and not caring about me!” James cried covering his face with his hands causing shock to spread across Sirius, Remus, and Peter’s faces.
Remus then left to go grab Y/n who was now sitting somewhere else with that guy having a conversation with him. “Sorry to interrupt but it’s James. He’s drunk out his mind calling for you.” Remus told her grabbing her arm to pull her up.
Y/n instantly got concerned. She turned to Dylan and apologized then ran following Remus to James.
“Jamie?” Y/n asked quietly as she got to the couch where he was. Now all the marauders were there. “Y/n?” He said uncovering his face.
Tears were in his eyes making Y/n’s heart break. Suddenly James attacked her with a hug. Y/n hugged him back and ran one of her hands through his curls.
“Why’d you leave me? Why did you go off with that guy? Don’t you know I love you?” James rambled off. “What? You know I love you too James.” She said to him.
“No! I’m in love with you!” James exclaimed shocking Y/n. There’s no way this is true. He’s just drunk right now. “We can talk about this when you’re sober James. Okay?” Y/n said in a slightly now shaky voice.
“Peter, Remus, Sirius. Help me get him up to your dormitory.” The girl asked standing up with James also standing up leaning almost all of his wait on her. The three boys did as asked helping her. They got up to the dormitories laying James in his bed.
“Cuddles?” James asked reaching out and grabbing Y/n’s hand. The other three had already walked out.
“I can’t stay up here. I have to go back to my dormitory.” Y/n tried to tell him but he just pouted at her letting go of her hand and crossing his arms.
She noticed this obviously and felt bad so she gave in. “Fine. Only tonight.” She said getting into the bed with James.
She never thought this would happen like this if it ever had happened.
“Good.” James said mumbling throwing his arm around her waist nuzzling his face into her neck. Her breathing hitched but eventually calmed down and they both fell asleep.
The next morning James woke up yawning with a pounding headache. He then noticed the girl beside him sleeping peacefully. Y/n. He started to freak out.
“Vix? Vixen?” He said quietly shaking the girl awake. The girl swatted his hand away slowly sitting up.
“What happened last night?” James asked her frantically worrying that they did something they’d both regret.
“Don’t worry James. It wasn’t anything like that. But, you did get drunk as hell.” Y/n told him. “What… what did I do? Why are you in my bed with me?” James managed to get out.
“Remus had came to me saying you were calling for me. You um… said you were in love with me? We all got you up here and you wanted cuddles and wouldn’t stop pouting until you got them.” Y/n explained slowly and softly.
“Oh..” James said red in the face with horror in his expression. “Do you.. not feel the same?” James asking putting his head down in embarrassment.
“Prongs. If I didn’t feel the same I wouldn’t have cuddled with you.” Y/n told him admitting her own feelings now causing James to shoot his head up quickly with a smile which quickly turned into a frown because of his headache.
“Be careful. You’re going to have a massive headache today.” She said to him with a slight chuckle.
“Can I kiss you?” James asked quietly to which Y/n nodded.
James wasted no time after that and kissed Y/n who instantly kissed back.
It was short and sweet but it was enough for the both of them who were relieved that they admitted their feelings to each other finally.
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helianthus22 · 5 months ago
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Una perfecta señorita [VOL. I] [Theo Nott] - Capítulo 1 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1285577781-una-perfecta-se%C3%B1orita-vol-i-theo-nott-cap%C3%ADtulo-1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Masddye69 "Una buena chica es amable. Una buena chica es tranquila. Una buena chica sonríe. Una buena chica solo habla cuando se le pide. Una buena chica es educada. Una buena chica mantiene ordenada y a su feliz a su marido" Cordelia Euphemia Potter había sido educada como se esperaba de una señorita. Obediente, amable, silenciosa, cuya única prioridad en la vida era casarse bien y ser la perfecta ama de casa. Descubrir que era una bruja no cambiaba para nada los planes que su tía Petunia había trazado para ella desde ese mañana de noviembre que apareció en su puerta. El mundo mágico pensaba encontrase con una bruja que estuviera dispuesta a luchar por la luz, pero se encontraron una con una señorita con los ideales de los años 50, con el sueño de tener bebés y un esposo. La idea original es de ZeroGravityInq y su historia Skirt. La sociedad sangre pura está basando en el "canon" elaborado por Ellory
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saja20 · 8 months ago
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The Light Side is Doomed {HP WTM} - The Arrival (on Wattpad) 
It was a normal day in Hogwarts in the 1970s-not. Everybody was in shock of the quietness from the Marauders. Regulus Black had noticed a change in his brother and his brother's best friend, many had noticed. The Gryffindors wouldn't stop talking about the incident with James Potter and Sirius Black. Everyone noticed an immediate change when James Potter didn't announce his love for Lily Evans in the middle of the Great Hall. Everybody jumped as disks landed between the two center tables with a note from the future. Family members stroll in, and two people appear at the front of the Hall, one teenager familiar to Dumbledore, and a small girl whose eyes lit up at James Potter. They were supposedly from the future and everyone was going to watch how the Light Side screwed up. Fem! Harry Potter x Tom Riddle Wicked Woman Reaction *I do not own the Harry Potter series
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