#parental guilt
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For Whumptober 2024 Prompt 1: Panic Attack
tw for implied bullying, panic attacks, undiagnosed PTSD
“As far as I’m concerned, this is a good thing!” Knuckles said petulantly from his place at the very back of the car. “Now I won’t have to go back to that school!”
“You’re suspended, not expelled,” Tom said, his hands clenching and unclenching around the wheel. “Means once your suspension is up, you’re going right back to school.”
Looking in the rearview mirror, Maddie could see Tails staring deeply at his shoes. Sonic was wincing, eyes flicking between Knuckles and his parents in the front seat. He was obviously debating joining in the fight, but keeping out was the better option here. Maddie was in no mood for him to make light of the situation or try to cover for his brother.
Maddie felt overwhelmed. Too much had happened that day and it all centered on her eldest. She’d never regret adopting her kids, but out of all of them Knuckles made her feel like she was in over head. She didn’t know what she was going to do with him! She couldn’t believe he’d gotten himself suspended.
She was apocalyptically angry. Even Tom was mad. He was trying to stay calm though. Trying to keep being the fun parent. Maddie was usually all for that, but not today.
“When we get home, you are grounded!” She said. “That means no–” here’s where she would rattle off the fun things he was suspended from: TV? He didn’t care about TV. Video games? He didn’t play any. Going out with friends? He didn’t have any except his brothers (and Wade). Knuckles didn’t do fun things in his free time unless they made him. They’d grounded him from grapes in the past, but he could totally get by without them. Grounding him from training he’d just ignored . But they couldn’t just not punish him. He’d broken a kid's arm and blown up a bathroom for Christ’s sake.
“No going outside!” She said.
“Yeah!” She’d found a good one, she thought. Judging by his angry gasp, she’d actually found a consequence he would actually feel. “No training. No runs. No hiking. Unless you’re with me or Tom–”
“Or the house is burning down!” Tom cut in.
“--or there’s an emergency like the house is burning down! You are housebound, young man!”
Several things happened very quickly after that.
Knuckles yanked on his seatbelt. It locked. He yanked again and broke it completely from its socket.
There was a chorus of ‘Hey!’ ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Dude, chill!’ ‘Knuckles, calm down–!’
Then the back of the car exploded.
The front end was blasted forward into the other lane. Tom jerked the wheel, tires and passengers screaming. The wild swerve had the car tipping violently to the side. Just when Maddie was sure they would flip, it swung back the other way and the car landed, with a jerky bounce, right-side-up, stationary, and seemingly fine. Except the back of the car was gone.
And so was Knuckles.
There was a click as Sonic unbuckled and then he vanished as well. Maddie could see a blue blur vanish off the side of the road, following a burst of red electricity.
She turned to the youngest first. “Are you okay?” She asked Tails in the back.
“I’m fine,” Tails was flinging off his own seatbelt and jumping out of the wreckage of the car, tails spinning.
Maddie turned to Tom just as Tom turned to her. “Are you okay?” They asked each other at once.
“I think so,” Maddie answered, rubbing her neck. She definitely had some whiplash. It hurt now, it would kill tomorrow.
Sonic reappeared at her window. “Something’s wrong with Knuckles!” He cried.
You don’t say? Maddie thought, pressing at the tense muscles of her neck.
“I think he’s having a heart attack or something!”
“What?!” Tom demanded.
Maddie forgot about her neck. She unbuckled and jumped out of the car. Sonic led the way and she ran after, her mind racing along with her feet. Knuckles couldn’t really be having a heart attack, could he? He was far too young and fit. But he had also lived a rough life. Could he have a hidden cardiovascular problem from some old illness or injury? Her vet brain was taking over, mentally flipping through the possibilities.
Tails stood at the top of a short ridge, marking their way. He turned, hands wringing as they approached. “Something’s really wrong with him!” He said. “I don’t think he can hear me.”
Maddie crested the rise and saw Knuckles at the bottom, back pressed against a tree, crouched down with his fists up, blocking his head. Even from where she stood she could tell he was shaking. His quills were glowing slightly. He didn’t look at them.
Maddie stumble-ran down the rise. “Knuckles!” She slowed as she approached. He didn’t acknowledge her, but she could see his side heaving as he gasped for air. “Knuckles?” He still didn’t respond. She wasted a second debating what to do. But she couldn’t give him space. Not when he was breathing like that. “Knuckles, honey, it’s going to be okay–” She touched his shoulder and his whole body jerked away, slamming into the tree.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” He roared.
For the second time that day, Maddie got whiplash. Sonic yanked her away at speed just as an explosion of red lightning erupted from the echidna’s body. She was lifted off her feet and crashed into Tom, who managed to keep his footing at the top of the rise. At this rate, she was gonna be in traction tomorrow.
“Sorry,” Sonic said hastily. “Saw where that was going.”
“Knuckles!” Tom yelled, tone caught between concerned and sharpness. “What are you doing?!”
“What did you do–What–” Knuckles wheezed and gasped for breath. Maddie righted herself. He was hyperventilating. “ What did you do to me?! ” He demanded.
“Woah, we didn’t do anything, Knuckles!” Sonic said, zipping down closer to the echidna. “You’ve got to calm down and let us help you.”
“Get away from m–me!” Knuckles face scrunched, teeth grit as he continued to gasp for air like a drowning man. Red electricity fizzled off of him warningly and Sonic took several steps back. He looked up at Tom and Maddie, his helpless gaze matched by the one Tails was giving them.
“This doesn’t look like a heart attack,” Tom said so just Maddie could hear.
“I didn’t think so either,” she said. “You guys just keep back a second, okay?” She stepped out of Tom’s grip. She didn’t see the look Tom shot to Sonic, but she saw Sonic nod, resolve in his eyes. She had a feeling if Knuckles exploded again, she’d find herself yanked back at warp speed once more.
She approached the trembling echidna, cautious but not afraid. She faced down bulls, pregnant beef cows, and feral cats on a near daily basis. And this was her kid.
“Stay back!” Knuckles roared at her approach. “I’ll hurt you!” He said it like it was both threat and fear. Electricity arced off his trembling body.
“Don’t call me that!” Knuckles yelled, his voice strangled and breathless. “ You gave yourself away! I know your game–” he wheezed “--you use sweet words so I don’t no-notice you locking the cage door–”
“We’re not locking you up,” Maddie said. “We’d never do that, no matter how much trouble you’re in.” She kept advancing forward, stooping at the waist so she wouldn’t loom over him. “But that doesn’t matter now. I need you to calm down–”
“No! No! ” He growled, sucking air rapidly through his grit teeth. “I need–I need to get away…” He fumbled with his hands, movements made clumsy by his shaking fingers.
“Do you want to go home?” Maddie asked. Maybe he would feel better if they were in a familiar environme–
“I need off this planet!” He ripped at the cuff of one glove and a golden ring flew out and disappeared into the grass. Knuckles let out a sound that was half growl, half sob. He pushed himself into the tree, looking anywhere but at her. “ What did you do to me ?”
Maddie shook her head. “Nothing, honey, you’re just… I think you’re just having a panic attack.”
“I’m being attacked?!”
“No. You’re safe,” she said firmly. “But your mind is tricking you into thinking you’re in danger. But you’re not. You’re safe .”
“Yo- you’re tricking me! I can trust my–my mind!” His words fumbled around his rapid breathing. “I can trust myself! I–” His eyes flitted around, seeking escape.
He squeezed his eyes shut tight again. He was beginning to list to one side. Maddie feared he might actually faint if he couldn’t get his breathing under control.
There was nothing she wanted nothing more than to reach out and right him. Then maybe grab him up into a hug. But she couldn’t. Helpless and overwhelmed, she didn’t know what to do. Hugs and kind words were her go-to methods for Sonic and Tails. Knuckles had spat at her kind words. He’d screamed at her hug. Her big tough boy was falling apart and there was nothing she could do.
“I can’t–I can’t–” Knuckles gasped for breath, clutching at his chest and swaying slightly. “I can’t breathe .”
“I know,” she said miserably. “I know, honey, but you have to. You’re so strong, Knuckles, I know you can. You have to take a deep breath like–” For her it would be yoga, but for Knuckles? “--when you meditate? Try to meditate. Focus on your breathing and nothing else.”
“I want it to stop,” Knuckles said.
“It will,” Maddie promised. “It’ll be over soon.”
Maddie had had panic attacks before, in vet school. She didn’t think they’d been this bad though. Or maybe this was just what it felt like to be on the other side. She’d need to ask Tom.
She resisted the urge to try and get him counting his breaths. When Tom had done that she couldn’t do it and then she’d just felt more stressed for failing to be helped. She doubted Knuckles would feel the same way, but he was so independent–like ‘decides to break the arm of a kid that’s bullying him instead of telling literally anyone’ levels of independence–that he would probably be stressed most that he couldn’t control himself.
No, they just had to ride this out. Maddie remembered it always felt like her panic attacks took forever to go away. It was the same when watching one.
Knuckles’ face scrunched as he breathed forcefully through the nose and out the mouth. It was still too fast. She worried, was he getting enough oxygen? One of his hands fell away from his head and to the ground, propping him up. Maddie squashed the urge to rub his back. She wanted so badly to be able to soothe him, but all she could do was crouch beside him and whisper that it would be okay. It would be over soon and then they could go home.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry I started this.” She was sure she was the cause. It made her feel even more awful. “It’ll be over soon. I promise. We’ll go home and you’ll feel better.”
“Will I…” Knuckles’ breathing was a tiny bit slower. “Will I still be g-grounded to the house?”
“No,” Maddie said quickly. Her bright idea didn’t seem so bright now. “I’ll– We, you, Tom, and I, will talk about what would be a fair consequence later.”
His voice pitched up and shook. “Will you break my arm?”
“What? No!”
“I broke that boy’s arm.”
“We will never punish you by hurting you,” Maddie said firmly. “Don’t worry about that now, okay? Just focus on breathing and feeling better. That’s all you need to think about right now, okay? Nothing else matters.”
Maddie didn’t know how much longer it was before Knuckles was breathing normally again. Long enough that she saw a flash of red and blue on the other side of the rise. Someone must have found their empty, destroyed car. At the top of the rise, Tom had the other two boys in some kind of huddle. He left to deal with whoever had just arrived.
Beside her, Knuckles straightened. She glanced over at him. He was sitting more normally, breathing more normally, and looking absolutely awful. Maddie remembered that post-attack feeling. Like a soggy, wrung out dishrag. Even someone as strong as Knuckles wasn’t immune to tha. But it was over.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Maddie said in her softest, ‘approaching a scared dog’ voice. “We can go back up with the others.”
Knuckles didn’t look at her or answer. He just stood up and started trudging up the little hill. Maddie followed after, watching him. His movements were a little unsteady, like his limbs had forgotten how they worked. Knuckles always carried himself like he was eight feet tall. Seeing him off balance and shaken felt wrong.
Knuckles didn’t acknowledge Sonic or Tails. Sonic opened his mouth to say something as he stalked passed, but cut himself off. Instead he and Tails fell in line, flanking their brother as they all headed back to what remained of their car.
Tom was talking to an officer. Maddie couldn’t remember his name at the moment. The man was looking at their destroyed car and scratching the back of his head as Tom spoke to him. He lifted his head so Maddie could see his confusion clearly. His gaze swept over to them and when his eyes landed on Knuckles his expression cleared. He nodded like Knuckles’ presence had just answered a question for him. Maddie was almost offended before she remembered that this was Knuckles’ second act of destruction that day. This was his m.o. Their insurance premiums showed the scars.
Tom turned away from the accident and came jogging over. He watched Knuckles just a little too long as he approached. Maddie could see the moment he realized he was staring. Tom looked away and avoided looking at him again.
There was an awkward pause as the whole family seemed to be waiting to see if anyone would acknowledge what just happened. Maddie was of the mind that they weren’t going to do anything that made Knuckles uncomfortable until he looked less visibly shaken. And Knuckles looked like he wanted everyone to forget the whole thing. So, for now, that’s what she was going to do.
“Uh…” Tom broke the silence. “Wade’s going to come pick us up.”
Oh, Maddie felt a genuine flash of relief. “Oh, Wade?” She looked at Knuckles. “That’ll be nice, right?”
Knuckles wasn’t even looking at her. He was staring at the car with a look of deep confusion.
“Knux?” Sonic asked, his voice softer than usual.
When Knuckles finally spoke, his voice rasped: “What happened to the car?”
All the Wachowskis looked at him with varying levels of confusion, concern, and dismay. Maddie’s heart plummeted and for the first time in this whole incident she felt a flash of true fear. She looked into Knuckles’ genuinely baffled face and knew she was truly, deeply , in over her head.
#whumptober2024#no.1#panic attack#Sonic the Hedgehog#fic#bullying#parental guilt#trauma#flashbacks#PTSD#post traumatic stress disorder#whump#angst#mental illness#panic attacks#paranoia#trust issues#parenting mistakes#hyperventilating#Knuckles the Echidna#knuckles wachowski#maddie wachowski#tom wachowski#sonic wachowski#tails wachowski#wachowski brothers#scu#sth#sonic fanfiction
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Dick on the phone, at 3 pm in the afternoon: Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Bruce, just woken up, squinting at the alarm clock: Dick it's 3 pm. what is this.
Dick, tearfully: My confession! I couldn't sleep, Bruce. I was the one who drove my hamster to suicide! I didn't feed him malt cookies like I was supposed to! He climbed on the exercise wheel and didn't stop running until he died.
Dick: *continues sobbing*
Bruce: okay so first of all.
Bruce: I'm not a priest.
Bruce: And second of all. Animals don't commit suicide.
Dick: Mari did!
Bruce: You named your male hamster after your mother...?
Dick: but yes.
Bruce, sighing: There's so much to unpack here I don't know where to start.
Dick: I killed him, Bruce. I should have died along with him!
Bruce: It's possible that you've associated your hamster's death with the trauma of your parents' death, possibly because of shared names, and you've displaced your survivor's guilt from the first onto the second.
Dick: So what should I do.
Bruce: In my experience, the best way to deal with survivor's guilt is to save as many people as you can, possibly people in the same situation as the loved ones you have lost, hoping that the heroic nature of your deeds lets you sleep at night.
Dick: And what if that doesn't work?
Bruce: Then you drink. Get shitfaced drunk every time you feel a pang. Or you can pray to a nonexistent god and an uncaring universe.
Dick: If I come over, will you break out the good whiskey.
Bruce: I thought you'd never ask.
#batman#dc comics#bruce wayne#crack fic#dc fanfiction#funny#humor#batfamily#batkids#crack post#dick grayson#nightwing#robin#trauma#survivor's guilt#One shot#drabble#my fic#original#incorrect batfamily quotes#incorrect dc quotes#incorrect batman quotes#batman and robin#bruce wayne is a good dad#bruce wayne is a good parent#? i guess
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Put that thing back or so help me.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#jiang cheng#wen qing#a-yuan#I had a few different ideas for what do for 'JC visits WWX in the burial mounds' but I must say...#JC's genuine baffled outburst at why the hell WWX has a child running around really took me out.#WWX for his credit isn't much of a fatherly figure. More of a 'cool uncle that occasionally plays but has work to do.'#I know it is a common fan headcanon to put WWX as a surrogate parent to A-yuan. It's cute though I don't really see it!#All the Wen remnants and WWX have something a lot more complex than a straightforward found family thing going on.#It certainly isn't a little western nuclear family unit. They are bound by trauma and guilt and they will *not* talk about it.#A-Yuan is the representation of all the children lost to the war. He is also a little seedling that there is hope for the future.#And he is an opportunity for WWX to reconnect with his own displaced childhood.#Right now his rather dismissive of him but we'll get there. Wei Wuxian will have his unhealthy coping mechanism moment with this child.#I sure hope nothing bad happens to them! I hope Jiang Cheng just comes by for a nice visit!
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I neglect all of them because periodically... The guilt resulting is profoundly damaging. Where is the "village"?

We can’t have it all!
For me it’s always personal hygiene & diet that falls first.
Soouse: https://www.instagram.com/p/CqszvcptShd/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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Cough Syrup
written for @steddiemicrofic August
prompt: plug || wc: 437 || rating: M || cws: sick fic, reference to child neglect, references to sex
"Baby," Eddie sighs, "just plug your nose. I promise it'll go down easier." Steve keeps his mouth sealed and shakes his head as he leans further back into the pillows propping him up against the headboard. Eddie’s very carefully holding the spoon in front of Steve’s face, syrupy red liquid on the verge of overflowing onto their comforter.
“You say that every time,” Steve complains. He moves his head to the side as Eddie makes his move and misses. “But it smells, and it’s gross, and it felt thick and disgusting in my mouth yesterday, and I’ll be fine without it.”
Steve watches as another thread of Eddie’s patience unravels. After three days wasting away of fever and bone-wrenching aches, he’s surprised Eddie hasn’t just dropped him off on the hospital curb in a cardboard box, sign affixed to the side reading ‘Oversized baby for adoption. May need extra care. Fully vaccinated’.
“Steven James Harrington.” Full government name– with his correct middle name– means he’s in deep trouble. “You’ve inhaled nasty, probably radioactive, floating Upside-Down ash. You’ve accidentally swallowed demobat blood. You’ve drank shitty beer out of a communal bong, had your tongue down every girl’s throat in Hawkins, and inside my asshole–”
“Oh my god Eds, don’t say it like that.”
“–yet for some reason, you refuse a tiny bit of cough syrup to help you sleep.”
Steve rolls his eyes and sighs. In his attempts at being dramatic, he breaks into another coughing fit that has him reaching for the water glass on the nightstand next to all of his used tissues.
“I’ve been sick before and I’ve never needed drugs.”
“Never needed it,” Eddie leads, grabbing his hand, “or have your parents never offered it before?”
The question hits like a punch to the gut. He’d never thought about it that way. How his parents told him he’d get better soon, that he just needed some soup and crackers. If he focuses on being sick, it’ll just make him worse. How if he ate healthier he wouldn’t get sick in the first place.
“Stevie,” Eddie says gently, running his fingertips across Steve’s sweaty, overheated forehead. The fondness floods over him like a tidal wave, washing away all thoughts of his parents’ lack of love and care, something that's always so obvious from Eddie.
“The medicine will help you sleep. And if you sleep better,” Eddie says, and Steve can already see the trap forming, “then I’ll sleep better.”
Eddie smirks as Steve swallows around the spoon, nose plugged. They know Steve would do anything to help Eddie, even if it means helping himself too.
#steve harrington having absolutely no idea how to take care of himself#eddie guilting steve into doing it by making it seem like it's actually helping someone else#eddie will always take care of his baby#steve harrington's parent are shitty as per the usual#sick fic#steddie microfic#steddie ficlet#steddie#queeniewritesstories#steve harrington#eddie munson
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I'm so not normal about this right now but this NEEDS to be said
Ethari knows
We don't know exactly how the lotuses work, but I hc that when Rayla went to save her parents and Runaan, she essentially 'died'
Ethari is watching Rayla's flower sink into the water, similar to Runaan's, and just being overwhelmed with grief. She was alive just days prior. She returned his moon bather thing? He's lost his daughter and husband. Then, through the tears, her lotus rises again, and then through the corner of his eyes, he sees something he thinks he'd never see again . Runaan's lotus slowly rises to the top. He doesn't know how it's possible, but Rayla brings her husband back from the dead.
Certifiable roller coaster of Emotions for Ethari in less than 10 minutes.
#the dragon prince spoilers#the dragon prince season 6#i love them#rayla made the best choice imo#she absolutely couldnt separate her parents or leave them dancing in limbo after 3 years#but she also HAS to save Runaan. hes consumed by guilt. for attacking his daughter.#for leaving Ethari. they both needed him and he broke his promise#Ethari#Runaan#Ruthari#tdp s6#tdp spoilers#tdp s6 spoilers#spoilers#gay dads reunite ftw
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Unknown, the Wandering Hero
So! We all know the typical Vivisection AU, right? Danny is revealed to his parents and they take it in all the wrong ways. They capture him, Vivisect him, and eventually he manages to escape with the help of his friends.
But what about his Rouges?
Sure, we all like to think of some of the more friendly ones like Ember, or Sydney, or Johnny 13 and Kitty, but he has WAY more Evil Rouges than good ones.
Without Danny there to reign them in, the Rouges spread out across the world to fulfill their obsessions, unhampered by the Heroes and Villains of the world that have no means to fight them.
And Danny? He feels responsible. He was the one to open the Gate, he was the Sacrifice, the one to let them through. And when the going got tough he just up and left? No, that won't do.
His Obsession is Protection for a reason, and nothing has changed. All he needs to do is expand his area of focus a little.
Danny, after healing up, starts wandering the world in search of the Ghosts who have escaped into the Mortal Realm. He battles all of his old foes, as well as many new ones who he hadn't met before.
His travels take him far and wide.
He defeats Skulker in Metropolis, as he is trying to hunt down the Super Family for their pelts. They are the last of their race after all, so he is inclined to try and hunt them. Honestly dealing with Skulker was easy, dealing with the Rich Asshole who was funding him was a nightmare.
He chases down Spectra in Gotham as she tries to feed on the misery of an entire City. (Thanks to @impyssadobsessions for the idea, this Prompt specifically). She is actually a very tough fight, especially powered by both the Misery of an Entire City as well as his Own Misery, but he manages.
He defeats Technus is Central City, as he tries to Raid Star Labs for their advanced Tech. It actually took a while to beat him after he amped himself with all that Power, and he did need help from the Local Hero to deal with him. He's just thankful Technus is one of the more "Harmless" ones.
After every Victory, he sends them back to the Realms using the Banishing Spell that Sam taught him a while back (the only bit of magic he ever really managed to master).
He knows they'll eventually find their way back out, but it's all he can do anymore. It's his eternal Punishment for unleashing them out into the World in the first place. He was the Catalyst for this Situation, now he was tasked with Fixing it, no matter how long it took.
The Justice League is caught in a tricky situation a the moment.
In the past few months, they have been encountering more and more of these Extra Dimensional Beings known as Realms Ghosts across the World.
Justice League Dark has had some success in battling them, but even they are getting tired of having to deal with every single incident alone.
They did get approached by a Government Agency known as the Ghostly Investigation Ward that seemed to want to help, but it didn't take long to realize that their main Aim was to Genocide the entire Race. The JLA had quickly cut ties after realizing that, and took what little Tech and Information they had been able to gather.
Still, it wasn't easy to deal with these Entities.
Thankfully, they have had some outside help. An Unknown Being has been routinely showing up whenever a Realms Ghost appears and defeating them, before using a (as described by Constantine) "Rudimentary Banishing Spell held together by willpower and luck" to send them back to their home Dimension. There's honestly no way it should be functional, but he did make it work either way.
They don't know much about this Unknown, aside from the fact that he seems to be the only one able to consistently damage the Realms Ghosts. His Powerset leads them to belive he may be from the same Dimension, or at least drawing his power from the same Source, but as he actively avoids the League and takes every opportunity to not talk to them, they know they aren't getting any answers any time soon.
Over the past few months, they had affectionately started referring to him as Unknown, creative they know, because they could never get his Real Name. Sure, some of the Realms Ghosts seemed to recognize him, but they always called him stuff like "Whelp" and "Punk" and "Usurper", which were not very good names to use when referring to him. Although the last one was a bit concerning.
They had only managed to trade a few quick words with Unknown in the past few months, but it was enough to get the Gist of it. He was just doing his job, sending the Realms Ghosts back where they belonged. There was apparently a Tear in Reality letting them through, but he seemed hesitant to reveal what he knew about it.
After a few months of sparse interactions, they eventually managed to convince him to at least take an Emergency Communicator. Just in case. They even let him take it apart to look for any Tracking Devices, which earned them a small bit of trust. They took whatever wins they could.
Fortunately, it seemed he never did need it. In fact he was getting more and more efficient with every battle, defeating his foes in half the time it would have taken before.
Unfortunately, it didn't last forever. One day, the Communicator went off, a distorted voice quickly saying, "Need backup, some of them decide to Team Up" before cutting out.
They quickly rushed to his location, finding an active battlefield with no less that a dozen Ghosts battling Unknown. And he seemed to be on the ropes.
With their arrival, the combined force of the Justice League and Unknown eventually managed to defeat the Group of Ghosts. Justice League Dark volunteered to work on the Banishing Spells while the others cleaned up the damage from the Battle.
One of them approached Unknown to make sure he was ok, and froze.
During the battle, Unknown's Mask had been Torn off, and they could finally see the face of the Hero they had been working with for the past few months.
And he was a Child.
#Dp x dc#Dpxdc#Dc x dp#Dcxdp#Danny Phantom#Dc#Dcu#Vivisection AU#Wandering Hero AU#Danny's Hero name is Unknown#Danny isn't in a good place right now#He has an unhealthy mix of a Savior Complex and Survivors Guilt#He believes that this is all his fault and none of this would have ever happened if he hadn't been stupid enough to step in the Portal#Danny is of course Wrong since he parents would have eventually made the Portal work whether he stepped in it or not#And in that scenario there would have been nobody who could stop the Ghosts at all and they would have run rampant#The JLA is horrified that they let a child fight their battles for this long#Of course they understand him since they are the exact same but they still feel bad for not supporting him more#(As if Danny would have let them)#Whether Danny let's himself be taken in by the League or runs away from his problems again is up to whoever picks up this post#I leave it humbly in your hands
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Shakespeare: I will create two teenage characters who are explicitly proto-postmodern examinations of the nature of character and fate within fictional narrative. I am their creator and - like their parents within the narrative - I exercise complete control over their fates, no matter how much they struggle against it. They are born like Athena from my mind and doomed to die by my pen, by my complicity in the narrative negligence of them, by my own actions and wishes-
Actor: cool, what's their names?
Shakespeare, father of twins named Judith and Hamnet: uhh…. Juliet and Hamlet.
#obsessed with the Juliet/Hamlet parallels#And how they’re victims of narrative#romeo and juliet#hamlet#shakespeare#willy shakes#these plays are not Shakespeare’s therapy sessions nosiree#dealing with the grief of a child’s death by writing stories where teenagers die because of their parents’ lack of care…. heartbreaking ngl.#the guilt and anguish and horror is just leaking out of the page
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maxiel my beloved

#f1#maxiel#only its parental guilt not catholic guilt maybe#max verstappen#daniel ricciardo#formula 1#formula one#f1 memes#f1 text posts#mv1#mv33#dr3#f1 textposts#danny ric#danny ricciardo
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You know Bruce signed that check so fucking fast
#absent parent guilt hitting a little hard isn’t it Bruce??#Bruce thinking all I gotta due is pay him and he’ll hang out with me? Hell yeah#wealth as plot armor? more like wealth as a proxy by which I can bond with my formerly deceased son#dc#dc comics#batman#bruce wayne#batfamily#Jason Todd#jason todd is a menace#jason todd comic panels
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am I getting too convoluted if I said Johnny dies Dallas lives n Pony loses his hearing as a result of the way Dallas hits him (to put out the fire) when he pulls him out of the church au??
#idk man#this idea has been rotting in my head for a long time#i have like a terribly rough outline#where basically the events of the book happen exactly as canon up until post church fire#so pony johnny n dallas are in the hospital#n ponys reeling from literally everything that just happened#n he reunites with soda n darry n suddenly realizes like oh fuck#i cannot hear sodas hysterically releived laughter#or darrys voice as he thanks god ponys fine#n then the dr pulls darry aside n tells him that pony has profound hearing loss as a result of an injury sustained during the fire#the last voice he will ever have heard clearly is johnnys#johnny dies canon complicent#but before dallas can get himself shot by the cops darry gets to him first#so dallas survives#pony learns asl from a deaf woman who their family has always been familiar with#since their parents were always real keen on including people that the rest of the world looked down on#dallas has to deal with not only surviors guilt but feeling like he took something from Pony that can never be given back#he has his own arc with the woman#but it basically all boils down to deafness is not the LOSS of something#but rather just the ADDITION of a new community n language n experience#plus dallas learns sign n is just utterly overwhelmed by feelin like his hands can be used for somethin soft n good#UGH#if yall wanna hear more about this lemme know#bc i have been thinking about this for a WHILE#the outsiders#sodapop curtis#ponyboy curtis#darry curtis#dallas winston#the outsiders 1983
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Custody Battle: START
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#jin guangyao#jin ling#wei wuxian#jiang cheng#lan xichen#Jiang Cheng did NOT care to talk to anyone else. He just straight up hones in on finding his nephew.#Jin Ling has had a tummy ache from all the guilt though. Look at that face. You have to be nice JC.#The third panel should have had a more chaotic energy. But onwards we go!#I feel like I have seen very little about the shared custody relationship between JGY and JC.#It's pretty evident that JC has had a large role in raising Jin Ling. As too has JGY. They also seem to have a very familiar banter here.#JGY has 'the nicer parent in the divorce because he only sees the kid(s) every other weekend'. JC is dealing with everything else.#Anyways. This is how xicheng-ers can still win. Jiang Cheng is the 4th in the 3zun polycule.#He might just not know it yet.
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For the purposes of this poll, money guilt is when you buy a thing and don't use it, and then you feel guilty about buying it in the first place. For example, anon's parents have money-guilted anon when they (the parents) bought anon things anon wanted but anon didn't use them very much.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
#polls#incognito polls#anonymous#tumblr polls#tumblr users#questions#polls about money#submitted june 8#money guilt#guilt#money#parents#finances#shopping
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how ironic is it that housekeeping and childcare cost so much money but when a mom does both she’s “just a stay at home mom”
#just things I notice now that I’m a SAHM#there’s so much guilt about being a SAHM#and for what#this job is so hard lol#so so rewarding tho#SAHM#parenting
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#the wild robot spoilers#can we talk about kit connor's acting here?#god he nailed the heartbroken delivery wonderfully#the wild robot#roz the wild robot#brightbill#then there's Roz's speechless reaction to you're not my mom#deep down somewhere she felt an understanding of what it means to be a parent#making that line sting all the worse for her#those eyes were a mirror into Roz's soul reflecting insurmountable guilt#from having to look her kid in the eye and confess to accidentally killing his biological family
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The Helena diaz of it all has me fascinated. I’ve said for a long while that Eddie’s real issues are his mommy issues and this episode just cemented for me that we’re gonna explore that and deal with it.
Because it’s Helena who forced Eddie to grow up to fast - because her husband wasn’t around much - so she pushed Eddie into de facto parent and husband role ls - selfishly filling her needs and ignoring the damage it was doing to her son (it is a form of abuse in my book).
Eddie then had the audacity to fall in love with and marry Shannon and get her pregnant. It’s why Helena was always so off with Shannon - she was punishing her. She is also punishing Eddie for all of this and his refusal to return to El Paso only cemented further her bitterness and resentment.
Now she does have Ramon back she doesn’t need Eddie any longer to fill that role so she is still punishing him and part of that is tied into her glee over now getting to parent Christopher - something she has always been intent on doing the doppelgänger just gave her the opportunity- as well as allowing her to further punish her son and his love of Shannon.
Her barbed comments about building a pool were all about showing what she can provide Christopher - how she is parenting him better than Eddie - it’s part of her mind games - making Eddie feel like more of a failure as a parent to his son.
The reality of course is that the reverse is true - Helena’s parenting is all superficial, flash and showy - it isn’t the hard day to day parenting when things get tough and you have to be the bad guy. While Eddie has made mistakes, there is nothing superficial, flash, or showy about his parenting. It’s why bucks comments about Eddie being a great dad are so important.
Eddie feel like a failure right now and that he is entirely to blame for everything. But in reality, while he does bear a bit of the responsibility, the truth of the matter is that he needs to learn and deal with the fact that all of it actually stems from Helena and her abuse of her young son - Shannon never stood a chance just like Eddie never has.
#genuinely don’t see how she can get any sort of redemption arc#but this is 911 so maybe they’ll find a way 🤷🏻♀️#Helena’s treatment of Eddie is a form of child abuse - it has done so much damage to him psychologically#I do really hope we finally get to meet Sophia and adriana as part of this arc beciase I think it might be very revealing#I am also wondering if Ramon had a stache in the past - and that is what Eddie is subconsciously trying to mimic#and that is about him trying to regain his mothers affection - trying to fill that husband role she forced him into#and that shaving it off is a part of his dealing with that and choosing to free himself from her clutches#and in doing that - standing up for himself etc - it will be the trigger that v ring schristopher back#the catholic guilt and Eddie’s queerness is also all tied up in this - the church reinforces and condones Helena and her actions#the Catholic Church has a long history of abuse of children in all it’s horrendous forms#so Eddie seeking solace in that direction think it will help him find away back to Helena’s good books only for it to open a few doors he#has bolted shut#as for the queer aspect - forcing Eddie to grow up too fast and fill this role of husband to his mother and parent to his siblings means#Eddie never got the chance to learn who he actually is - to explore his sexuality and all that goes with that - at the age one normally#would - as a teenager and into your 20’s. it explains so much around his relationship with Shannon and dealing with the helana of it all#and the queerness of his identity - will also allow him to actually let Shannon go#Eddie’s arc is going to be incredible - heartbreaking and gut wrenching - but incredible#Helena diaz it’s on sight - she is evil and cannot be redeemed in my eyes!#911 spoilers#Thinky thoughts#eddie diaz#911 abc
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