#pantheon deserved better
koifishanonymous · 2 years
i cannot express how mad i am at the utter disrespect the industry gives to animation
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a-great-tragedy · 4 months
The year regulus black died:
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the year pool noodles were invented:
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Why couldn't he just wait a year??
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hedgehog-troops · 5 months
✨marauders era cbaracters as conversations ive had✨
Regulus: I'm so hot.
Barty: yes you are!!
Regulus: i feel warm.
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sarafangirlart · 3 months
Honestly, it feels unnecessarily cruel when ppl depict Andromeda’s relationship with Perseus as abusive, like I’d understand if we didn’t have any sources telling us that she loved him but we do, in fact ancient playwrights used their story to write romantic dramas, including Euripides and in his play Andromeda (which survives in fragments) she makes the decision to leave family and country to live with Perseus. Ppl have this warped perception of Perseus thinking that bc he killed Medusa therefore he’s mean to all women which literally not true if you read the damn source material.
It doesn’t help that those negative depictions portray Andromeda as black, you did enough research to know she isn’t yt yet you still want to depict one of the only WOC in mythology as having a tragic unhappy life when she actually had a happy one? C’mon.
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angst-and-fajitas · 2 months
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A sketchbook Maddie while I rotate her in my mind
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nixnight1 · 5 months
That's all there is to this story ch 5
Slytherin skittles before the catastrophe...
The image that is on display before it starts is him and Barty cuddling on the sofa, Barty practically asleep against his chest while Regulus is touching his hair. The one recording is Pandora. “You two look so comfy, I’m almost jealous,” She says, she sounds happy, happier than he remembers her. She can’t see her face, but she can see parts of her blue floral dress that don’t match with her orange Converse. Barty doesn’t even register she’s speaking, but the Regulus of the video rolls his eyes and stops playing with his boyfriend’s hair. “Count to three, he’s going to wake up now,” Evan appears out of nowhere, Regulus can’t really remember what he was doing, probably playing with Barty’s Rubik cubes collection. “If he does, Regulus must appear in our next videoclip,” “Pandora, I will not,” “1…2…” Barty opens his eyes even before Evan has the opportunity to say three. Pandora starts giggling and the Regulus of the video directs his gaze to his now very-awake-boyfriend and his eyebrows arch in an amused face. “Why did you stop? You can’t stop doing that,” Barty just takes the hand that was petting his head and the Regulus of the video resumes what he was doing. “They are in love your honour,” Pandora’s voice whispers to the camera microphone. Evan is laughing but sits beside them and lays his head on Barty’s arm. “This should be our next video introduction, you’ll be famou–” The record ends when the Regulus of the video hits the camera with a pillow.
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siriuslygay1981 · 6 months
Regulus and his last words | word count: 1015
Tw- Drowning and Death
Regulus figured his last words would be angry, maybe sad or even vindictive. A last hit to those who wronged him. Maybe even something to those he loved, some sort of 'ill miss you but I'm still going to do this' or just a simple 'i care for you deeply, goodbye'.
He forced himself to push that to the back of his mind, what use was it to him? He was 18 , he wasn't going to die anytime soon so why should he care? He was a skilled fighter but even then he was rarely on the battlefield. He had no real reason to worry.
Well- he got to know his last words sooner than he thought. He also had assumed he'd die with someone by his side he wasn't wrong per se...just not entirely correct either.
His throat hurts, it felt like he ate burnt wood and someone set a fire and like if he didn't get a drink now he was going to die. Acid crawled up his throat stinging and burning and so so painful, he coughed and crawled to the cool water below him. Of course he knew this is what might kill him, the trap was a bit obvious but he didn't care, he was going to die like this if he didn't get water.
He knows what his mother would say, what his father would say if they witnessed this moment because blacks do not beg, they'd sneer down at his squirming form and lecture him. They don't lower themselves to such low standards. They are above it, to suggest they would do something so low was just preposterous. In his desperation, his last futile attempts though...he couldn't care less about what he had been raised to believe
"Please- please I don't want to go-" his voice cracked as he struggled to hold onto the rocks properly, the hands tugging at his legs weren't getting stronger but he was getting weaker. Regulus tried kicking back at the hands but it just pulled on his arms and made him lose his grip more. He felt his fingers slipping and his bottom lip wobbled, his ragged breaths were coming out unevenly and his eyes stung.
His throat hurt so much and he just wanted to go home. He wanted to see his brother and his friends. He didn't want to die, he still had so much to do and Pandora was waiting for him. Evan and barty were counting on him. He hadn't gotten to really live.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry- I was so stupid- please I don't want to die- I just- please I'm scared-" he sobs out and he looks up at the gap in the cave, just above him where the stars peek through, a shudder goes through him.
"Siri-" he gasps as his hand slips off the rock and slices into his palm he cries out which only causes him more agony when he's inevitably pulled under water.
The water forces it's way into his mouth and he chokes and screams as it takes all the air from his lungs and filling it with cold, murky sludge. It soothes the burning in his throat only to replace it with ice cold hell. It's painful, it hurts and he can't do anything. He thrashes around, his arms waving wildly around attempting to swim up, his nose burns and his ears pop.
Regulus blinks his eyes harshly, hoping to see a way out. He can only see shadows, thin human like shadows from all over. It isn't clear but he swears he sees limbs and he might be hallucinating from that dreadful potion.
He tries to close his mouth without inhaling more water only to scream out again, razor sharp nails dig into his skin and maybe it was some type of monster down there. His shoulder is roughly pulled back, a soundless scream leaves him, his mouth opening wide, he sinks lower and lower, the water around him turning darker. Not just from the lack of sunlight but from the cuts that don't stop coming, he's being dragged through his blood.
His eyes sting from the disgusting water so he squeezes them shut, he can't see a thing anyways. It makes it all so much worse, the dark, the pain that amplifies, that doesn't stop as he's yanked around and dragged under further and further. His mind was starting to slow, he couldn't think properly, he forced his lips closed though. He had plenty of practice keeping screams in, even when it felt like he might die if he didn't.
He's being torn to shreds, choking on water and sludge, everything is dark and there's water in his nose and in his ears and he's losing this fight. And he's so so scared and he was fading...his head felt as if it was going to burst, his lungs burned and he knew that right before he passed out he'd open his mouth and his lungs would fill with more water and he'd drown. He would drown and he was going to die. It sent a jolt of pure terror down his body, his stomach clenching and oh God he was going to die. He was really truly about to die.
It wasn't like on the battlefield when he was nicked with a curse that could be easily reversed, it wasn't doing dangerous experiments with Pandora and cackling when their fringe was burnt off, no no this was it.
Maybe it wasn't so bad, if he ignored the claws ripping him into ribbon, the water in his lungs, the throbbing head, the terror of everything just...ending.
So..he stopped fighting, the hands gripped him firmly now, the tugging and pulling barely registering because of the stinging throbbing pain, he went weightless.
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andrewmoocow · 2 years
Between Inside Job getting cancelled, Pantheon being put on a streaming service that basically no one uses before being taken off that service, and everything involving The Owl House, would it be rude for me to say the 2020s has basically been animation genocide so far?
I mean, seriously, this just reeks of Judge Doom! Sociopathic businessmen killing innocent cartoons for no reason other than corrupt business practices. And just like Judge Doom, they need to be gotten rid of with extreme prejudice.
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goldenrosesun · 2 years
Me and my doubts/anxiety: Do I really deserve happiness???
4 of wands in my reading with Dionysus, 4 of wands the next day in my reading with Apollo, nothing but reassuring words during meditation with Artemis.
Me: yeah but do I???
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Home Again
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Most gods would be happy that they were back in the paradise realm after previously being banished and stripped of their divinity, but Fallen God!Ghost aches for you.
His nights are spent dreaming about you, the mortal who showed him what love was. He dreamt of sleeping beside you, kissing you, even cooking with you. He dreamt of your beautiful hair, your breathtaking eyes, your jaw-dropping smile. His dreams were filled with memories of your laughter, your smooth and lyrical voice.
Paradise realm is a paradise, sure, but nothing could compare to you. Your beauty outshines the paradise realm's, your presence calms Ghost in a way the paradise realm can never. The air was always lighter when he was around you, the colors of the world always brighter. You are his light, his world, and everything is dull without you.
He spends week after week searching for how to get back to the mortal realm and back to you. His power is potent, he can just teleport himself down to the mortal realm to see you but that doesn't seem like a satisfying answer to him.
Ghost would eventually have to leave you and go back to the paradise realm, forced to be able to only visit you from time to time. He didn't want that, he can't bear the thought of leaving you. Of sleeping in his own bed, alone.
He also couldn't make you a concubine of his, bring you to the paradise realm. It didn't feel right for him to ask you to leave everything you knew behind just so you could spend hours alone in his temple while he worked. You deserve better than that.
So what else was there to do?
It takes Ghost a few days to realize what he must do. What he has to do in order to see you again.
He is standing in God!Price's temple, all of the deities summoned there for the monthly update of what the pantheon has been doing since they last convened. He can barely hear what the others are saying, it being meaningless as his mind finally reaches an answer to his burning question.
"I'm stripping myself of my godhood and powers, permanently," Ghost says, interrupting the conversation.
The entire temple is silenced at once, everyone turning their heads to stare at Ghost in disbelief.
A god deliberately turning himself mortal? That was unheard of. It was absurd to even those deities who loved the mortals so much.
Price frowns, clearly thinking Ghost has gone mad. "Now, Ghost, let's think about this," he says, his words slow and carefully curated. "You can't just abandon your godly duties, you're the God of Warfare. If there's one thing that the mortals do the most, it's engaging in war."
Ghost scoffs. "My duties can easily be done by our Goddess of War," he replies, gesturing with his hand towards said goddess. "I no longer want to be a god."
His words ignite a flurry of murmurs between the other deities, all of them shocked beyond disbelief. They don't understand why he wouldn't want to be a god, especially after centuries of hearing him look down on mortals.
"Is this because of the mortal you met during your banishment, {Name}?" Price asks, peeved now. "I hadn't thrown you down to them for you to fall in love with them, Ghost."
"No, you did it so I could learn the importance of mortals and I have," Ghost cuts in, his power flaring up as his anger spikes. This isn't up for debate. "I'm doing this no matter what any of you say, I was doing a courteous thing by giving you all a heads-up."
Price shifts in the seat of his throne, itching to get up and slap some sense into Ghost. "Enough of this, Ghost. You don't even know if they will take you if you're not a god. Perhaps that was the only reason they fell in love with you in the first place."
Ghost snarls in rage at the accusation and assassination of your character. "Even if that's the case, which I doubt it is, it is my choice. I'd rather spend the rest of my mortal life heartbroken if they turn me away than spend eternity aching for them," he says defiantly.
Immense power fills the temple, all of it Ghost's as he pools it all in his veins. Stripping himself of his godhood and powers is excruciating, the pain almost enough to stop him, but he keeps pressing on with the action.
It was worth it, for you.
"Someone stop him!" Price bellows at the other deities, but it's too late.
Just as God!Soap reaches for Ghost to try and stop him, Ghost's godhood and powers are stripped from him, his last act of being a god is to send his mortal form where it needs to be: at your doorstep.
His second fall seems euphoric, a laugh bubbling up in his chest as he falls through the clouds and lands on your front porch just like he had done months ago.
He looks to the side just as you open your front door, a smile gracing his lips at the sight of you. The weight on his chest is lifted, everything falling into place once more.
"Ghost?" You ask, surprised. You had thought you would never see him again. "Did... Did you get your godhood taken away again?"
Ghost stands with your help, his skin thrumming at the sensation of your hands on him again. "I took it away myself," he murmurs, breathless as he stares in your beautiful eyes.
Your face twists into confusion, which makes sense since he had been itching to be a god again the first time he fell. "Why?"
"For you, love. I couldn't bear to live eternity without you," Ghost says, secretly nervous that you won't take him now that he's not a god. "I love you, {Name}."
"I love you too," you reply, making him relax. You step closer, happy that this isn't a dream. "I don't care that you're not a god anymore, I only ever wanted you."
"You will always have me, for as long as you will have me."
Ghost steps closer as well, reaching up to gently cradle your face between his hands. He can't wait for you to lean in as well, though you do so as he gently presses his lips against yours.
The kiss can only be described as heavenly, all of the noises of city life fading away until there was only the sound of you two kissing. It's so gentle and slow, Ghost savoring what it's like to kiss you. He pours every ounce of love into the kiss, needing you to be filled with his love.
It feels like you are kissing for hours before you both pull away for air. Your soft pants fill the air between you two, you smiling at him.
"Come on," you say, gently grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers together. "Let's go inside and have dinner together."
Ghost nods and follows you inside the house that truly feels like home now. He lets you lead him into the kitchen, not even complaining about having to cook with you.
He had been a fallen god when he had first met you but now, he was neither fallen nor a god. He was just Ghost. A man you loved.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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a-great-tragedy · 4 months
every Regulus kinnie should be legally required to go to therapy
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hedgehog-troops · 3 months
havent been able to write for the past few days so heres a snippet for the james getting serenaded oneshot for @fuck-i-love-october
enjoy :)
James can feel his hands shake as he reaches forward to pick up the bouquet. He reads the note on it which causes him to want to jump off the roof because how else can he continue with his life with the amount of happiness and euphoria that's filling him.
The note just simply says,
“Mon amour, I’ll make it up to you, I promise. -your star”
Oh my, James wants to–
He wants to take Regulus in his arms and squeeze him until he combusts from the sheer pressure because James is sure that he is about to explode.
See, the thing is. The thing is, James has never gotten flowers before, not from any of his partners at the very least, or any thoughtful Valentine’s Day gifts or anything. It’s usually James going out of his way to do grand gestures, to knock on doors, to plan dates and gifts, to do it all.
And oh.
Oh, he’s so in love with the man in front of him because he’s given James so much love, love he didn’t know he could have.
James looks up and Regulus just smirks at him with soft eyes. He looks down at the bouquet, then at Regulus again, with every passing moment he can feel himself getting warmer and warmer so he decides to get up and out lest his blush threaten to actually show.
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sarafangirlart · 8 months
See, when media overemphasizes Hera’s jealousy towards Zeus’s infidelity as well as make Zeus more sympathetic than Hera it sends the impression that cheating is the worst thing Zeus had done to her and that he’s actually a good ruler and Husband beside that actually, and so ppl think that all their problems would be solved if they had an open relationship, even though if you humiliate and neglect your partner multiple times knowing full well how much it angers and upsets them then obviously you don’t fucking deserve them and you are an abusive pos even if that’s the “only” bad thing you did to them.
Not to mention that Zeus has been verbally and physically abusive to Hera multiple times in mythology but even then the cheating alone is abusive and somehow the cheating is fine if Hera was a whiny bitch and Zeus is just a guy that tries to do his best.
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deconstructthesoup · 4 months
Okay, everything about this finale made me ricochet through a thousand different emotions (and seeing the Cathilda art was just the icing on the cake), but what it did give me, first and foremost, is a concept for a season with the High 5 Heros.
It really is just the five of them now, and they're still processing Kipperlilly's betrayal and the lasting effects of the shatterstars. In an attempt to fully reconnect as friends and prove themselves as adventurers, they retake their spring break quest... and things spiral out from there.
Ruben (played by Raphael Chestang) doesn't remember anything from when he was shatterstared, but he still has all those fans who want to hear more of the emo music he wrote... and even though having attention is good for a bard, he's very upset about the fact that nobody wants to hear his real music. Ruben's starting to get a lot of self-confidence issues based on the fact that the guy that he doesn't even know but who he briefly was was so popular, and he's trying to be himself, but, well... it's hard.
Ivy (played by Mariah Rose Faith Callias) is... well, actually, the fact that she wasn't shown as often in the season means that her player can make up an arc from scratch for her, and I like that. Let's leave that up in the air. Maybe she's trying to reconcile her stint as a mean girl with her true self, or maybe her mean-girl self is closer to her true nature than we think.
Mary Ann (played by Katie Marovich) is still, at her core, Mary Ann, and I like the idea of her arc being less of an arc and more of a reassurance thing---this is who she is, she's not apologizing for it, and that doesn't mean that she doesn't deserve the same amount of respect. That'd be pretty cool to see.
Oisin (played by Joey Richter) is dealing with... a lot. Seeing as his actions led to getting his great-great-great-great-whatever grandmother killed, his family has not outright disowned him, but there's a lot of snide comments and clear disrespect being thrown his way. He's trying his hardest to prove that he's better than that, but, uh... yeah, I think it would end in a "fuck my rich asshole family" thing, much like Adaine's arc.
And lastly, Lucy (played by Ashley Johnson) is, of course, very shaken by the fact that she legit died, and spent a good chunk of her death in a hellish state. Her connection to her goddess has wavered after her experience, and she's very much in a space of doubt---maybe a space that's big enough for her to connect to Cassandra, and maybe share in Kristen's four-deity pantheon. Not to mention, it's still very hard to interact with her friends when she still remembers the night of her death, even though they were possessed.
So, uh... yeah!
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kikitakite · 4 months
I was going to reblog some of your posts because I wanted to discuss your takes on Mystra, but then I found out you're a Christian conservative who hates gay people.
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No gay person thinks their sexual orientation is their identity, but it's absolutely PART of their identity, just as being straight is part of yours. You can claim otherwise, but it determines who you might love and marry and that person will one day become a part of you and your identity. It's inevitable. As a wife and mother of three, you should know that better than anyone.
But people from groups like yours shame gay people for exploring that part of themselves and that's why Pride Month exists. Pride isn't "propaganda". It's about marginalized people showing the world they exist and they're not ashamed of it. Parades are also a great way for gay people to meet each other. My bestie met her wife at a march 15 years ago and they've been together ever since. It's beautiful. They have two happy, gorgeous children who wouldn't exist without Pride, because their moms never would've met.
Pride also raises money to help gay teens who've been cast out of their homes and gay refugees who've had to flee their country because being gay is illegal there. It also provides support for gay people who need medical help, therapy for abuse, suicide prevention and more. It's a safe space for people who are often discriminated against and even KILLED just for being who they are. So sorry that seems to bother you.
Your take isn't brave, it's just ignorant and hateful. You didn't have to write that post. Nothing provoked it. You just WANTED to to air your allegiances. And then you turned off comments and reblogs lmfao. For the majority of the year, gay people survive just like us straights. They go about their day and don't even mention being gay. You picked the one month in the entire year that's dedicated to them to complain about their existence and call them "deranged". And then you have the audacity to say you "bear no ill will" towards them? Bullshit.
I can only assume the word "pride" scares you because you're a Christian and it's a sin, am I right? Well here's something ironic: lust is also a sin, yet your entire blog not only consists of Gale thirst posts, but you're also stealing Tim Downie's voice to make audio clips using AI. Hmmm, I wonder if God would approve of a married woman posting NSFW content and using a man's voice for her hedonistic writings without his consent. 🤔
And by the way, as a veteran DnD player I can tell you right now that Mystra has done some absolutely VILE shit to her followers. She's not perfect. None of the gods in DnD are. They're flawed and often cruel. I've seen you compare Mystra and Gale to stories in the Bible, but that almost feels blasphemous. Mystra has a history of evil deeds. She orchestrated Elminster's rape, made sure he had kids and never told him about them. She turned Volo into an anchor without his knowledge. She tortured a peasant because he refused to sleep with her, then killed his wife and punished him for crying about it. And don't even get me started on the "daughters" she created. The third Mystra (who has Mystra and Mystryl's memories) is cruel to Gale as well and the game gives so much context for that. Plus ALL the companions agree she's unreasonable and tell Gale to reject her, and if he does it leads to one of his most satisfying endings. He's happy, he's a teacher, he marries tav and everyone approves. Your way of playing isn't the only right way and people aren't wrong for criticizing Mystra. There's plenty about her that deserves to be criticized, as is the case with every god in the pantheon.
Speaking of, I have nothing against Christians, but I do when they use their faith to shame people and act like total hypocrites.
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Dear mutuals.
Try this and tell me which are your celestial greek parents! 👀
These are mine <3
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Tags: @bluecoolr @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @soupbabe @devil-doll13 @rottent33th @slaasherslut @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @goldrose-star @hersweetrevenge @visceravalentines + any mutual I forgot 🥲
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