#or is that superman. tbh i have no clue
bilbao-song · 1 year
I used to think Paul Simon and Carly Simon were the same person pre and post transition but I could never remember which direction they transitioned in...turns out they're two separate individuals
i like how simon is a relatively common surname but child(?) you was still like “no surely there can only be one”
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alltheshadesofamber · 2 years
Have any characters truly recovered from the New 52?
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suzukiblu · 1 year
your kon soulmate aus… he’s just a baby he needs love
I have SO MANY Kon soulmate AUs I wanna write at this point and they are almost all about how much he is a baby and needs love, hahaha.
Do you want to know how many I actually have concepts for though 'CUZ I'M GONNA TELL YOU:
the one where Kon thinks his soulmark is a fake copy of Superman's, and Clark and Lois don't know where their soulkid is
the one where Kon's soulmark IS a fake copy of Superman's, and then he meets Lex Luthor
Tim finds out Superboy is his soulmate five minutes into knowing him and just kidnaps him from Hawaii and puts him up in Drake Manor
the pocket-soulmate AU with the Core Four where everyone gets a tiny Kon in their pocket, except his identity issues keep happening to them
the one where Lex accidentally made his bodyguards a soulkid and now trans!Kon has a pair of Amamoms to look up to and aspire to become
the one where Tim and Kon are dating and Jason and Kon are soulmates, and Kon is not in possession of the latter information
TimBerKon where Tim and Bernard have no fucking clue who this "Kon" is and were already way too busy having a sexuality crisis about each other BEFORE an extra name popped up on their respective skins
brand-new baby "Superman" meets this very nice older couple from out of town while the original Superman is dead and whoops okay guess he's got soulparents now, and wow huh they sure know a lot about Kryptonian stuff, don't they??
. . . this is a lot but tbh I could come up with a few more, hahaha.
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optionalgs · 1 year
TBH I did NOT think it they could pull off holding off for so long on Superman learning his origin, but I actually really like what they're doing, he's got no idea, he has to learn about his powers on his own, has no clue that the sun helps him or what he can or can't do. He does not know his weaknesses either.
And this episode explored what it means for him emotionally to have no clue as he catches glimpses of violence from his past. Most Supermen would not have this problem because they have Jor-El dump the lore on them long before other Kryptonians become an issue.
In a way, it's a reverse-Invincible kind of thing, where because he doesn't know his origin he assumes he's been sent as an agent of invasion.
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yingchuchang · 1 month
About the Superman Absolute power tie-in
Haven't bothered to read Superman #17 (once again, I'm reminded that I really don't find Superman/Clark interesting), since there's no Kon (I miss him😔). I only skimmed through it but didn't process the story at all, loves seeing Zatanna though. Hope Kon, Bart, and Kenan are chiling in wherever they are, at least they are with the fun ones.
A little headcanon I discussed with my friend (from the TimKon angle): Me: I don't know what Tim has been doing/hiding since Waller makes herself every superhero's problem…Kon and Bart are captured! and he's doing what? sucking face with that boyfriend of his? Or did he lay so low that even Waller forgot about him? Friend: You know what? If I were the writers, I'd make Tim disappear off of the radar prior to Waller's plan because he had a whiff of her schem and went undercover along with getting a boyfriend as part of the disguise (because everyone knows being an undercover requires being low profile, and tbh, I have not a clue what Tim's BF looks like other than he's blond, can't be more low profile than no one remembers what you look like), so when Kon was sent to the prison, Tim was there (the boyfriend could be later catagorized into the backup support list of the Bats; he's really queer though). Since the event hasn't been interesting enough I have to entertain myself.:)
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nowordsformylove · 6 months
Jolenzsmith date idea where Mike and Micky take Davy to a comic book shop. Davy was never into comics so he hasn’t a clue who half the superheroes are or what the comics are about. Mike shows and explains his favourites while Micky is running around explaining plots like “and then POW and when the thing opens BANG and and no Davy you’ll LOVE it!”
They each pick out a comic or two for Davy to read so they can all have a shared interest (aside from music) <3
yippee!!!! Micky would be enthusiastic running around and picking up comics and flipping through them while Mike walked around with Davy and pointed things out he might like and Micky would come up with a stack and start shoving things at Davy like “oh you’ll love this one!” and suddenly he’s got a big stack in his arms.
I think Micky would like superheroes like Green Lantern bc he would be really into the sci-fi space elements I can see him also liking characters like Swamp Thing or Doctor Strange, or any other miscellaneous monster/horror type elements (like stuff that ran in early Strange Tales or Tales of Suspense or Supernatural Thrillers)
I think Mike would like superheroes like Superman and Batman and would probably like Worlds Finest. He just likes a good clever story about the good guy beating the bad guy :)
Davy hmm I’m not sure what I can see him reading tbh. I have never read an Archie comic in my life so I might be way off the mark but maybe he’d be into that kind of stuff (I can see Peter liking these too, I think he’d like to read silly funny stuff)
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please imagine with me now Mike and Davy dressing up as Batman and Robin for halloween
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protect-daniel-james · 11 months
I'm too curious to know how Jamie and Frank would have dressed for halloween rn
Husband and Wife of course, ha ha ha! Tbh, Jamie seems like the type to dress up as a superhero, very generic, you know... Superman or something. (or maybe he doesn't like dressing up for Halloween because when he was six, maybe something Bad happened... maybe someone wanted to touch his costume or something, look too closely...). Franko would absolutely hate dressing up. I'm sure Frank Sr. told him Dressing up is for silly people who don't know who they are! You're a Lampard, you won't be making an idiot out of yourself... besides, all these sweets are only gonna make you Fat. *sips on his whiskey*
I have no clue what Franko would dress up as tbh! He'd rather stay home with Jamie and play a beautiful pregnant bride ooopsss
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ectonurites · 2 years
Do you think Tim will be skipped as Robin for Bruce to be younger in the new DCCU like they did in the New 52
i honestly have no clue tbh! considering that bit of info i saw circulating twitter today about how supposedly the Superman for this new movie universe is gonna be about 25 years old, that makes me... feel that perhaps they're gonna try to have Bruce be as young as possible while Damian's existence is feasible, which may mean crumpling the timeline to try to make things fit. Who knows. we shall see....
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batcavescolony · 2 years
Teen Wolf Movie I've finally watched it, here's my thoughts:
Are we just keeping the triskelion box in a restaurant on a shelf? Like the thing that's holding the Nogitsune? A dark evil spirit of chaos. Just on a shelf like 20ft from the door?
Aww Scotts a vet, good for him. "We call him The Alpha" cute. He's such a good vet
Did everyone but Malia leave Beacon Hills....that was her s5 fear oof
Jackson paper sorting scene is giving me Stiles vibes
Eli's cute. I like him.
Tyler H, giving me Superman vibes, he plays 'Dad who loves their kid but also feels like they're completely messing up' so well
Oh we can swear now!
Since when could you expel the Nogitsune with riddles, that would have been nice to know before.
Eli sleep walks? Knows where the tree is? Snooping in the woods? 👀 a clue? (Spoiler it's not)
The Nogitsune is back to Rhys form.... Rhys doesn't deserve that. I think he's been through enough
Did Allison come back with red nail polish on, completely naked but painted nails?
So nice of Chris to keep clothes in Allison's size in the bunker
Peter lol dramatic as always
Malia seems off to me, like maybe shes just pissed at everyone for leaving her but still somethings off.
Did someone read Liam up on the Oni because he wasn't around for Nogitsune? He didn't come around till the next season
I'M SORRY Eli+Scott are SPRINTING and Allison is like 🚶‍♀️taking a stroll
Chris, Peter, Melissa 👀👀 hear me out
Why does Liam have like no lines?
CAN DEREK STOP GETTING HURT FOR FIVE MINUTES also like 'remember who you are' ok Mufasa
I mean this as nicely as possible why is Jackson here?
Peter wtf? *SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF* "theirs blood here" no shit
Liam wolves out every scene but Jackson can't have his tail?
Victoria/Nogitsune is a jump scare
They really broke up Stiles and Lydia? I don't even really ship them and I'm upset.
I'm sorry I can't get over the swears like Malia can say fucker now
Hey so I get the sentimentality and shit but like respectfully it's been 15 years and how long did they know Allison? What 3 years? I don't want to be a ass but FIFTEEN YEARS
also is Allison still like 17? She remembers her life up to 17 when she died? Like yeah she looks older because the actress aged but she's 17 mentality right?
Hey what about The Shugendo scroll? "You can't be a fox and a wolf"
BULL SHIT B-U-L-L S-H-I-T I call BULL SHIT fuck that I'm sorry why the fuck? I knew he died but that is the STUPIDEST way wtf
Am I the only one that doesn't think Scott should adopt Eli? Like he hasn't seen him in 12 years and he's gonna be dealing with Allison. And does Scott live in Beacon Hills? Like tbh Noah should take him just because at least they know each other better?
Over all: I want to know what happened to everyone (Isaac, Theo, Alec, Kira, Monroe and her hunters, Kate, Cora, Stiles, Corey, etc). I feel like some of it was iffy. Idk like it's been over 10 years since the end of the show but Malia and Scott are still weird around each other? What happened? No mention of Kira? Liam and Scott didn't interact at all? A lot of unanswered questions. I'd watch it again for Eli and Derek but overall, it's fine.
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kittenninja14 · 4 months
So first of HIIII!!!
so like i have quite a lot of followers now loll and tbh i honestly have no clue why yall are following me for lol. Like is it for EPIC? or MAWS? Ninjago? LMK? Christian content? i don't know lolll
but if yall havent noticed already i am in A LOTT of fandoms loll
and i do know a few followers of mine who are new to tumblr so i decided to make this post for yall lol
so if yall are following me for a certain fandom and arent interested in another fandom I'm in feel free to filter that tag out lol.
all you hafta do is go to settings and scroll to get to the filtered tags/content loll
i do make sure all my posts are tagged lol
usually for reblogs i used: #REBLOGGED
christian stuff: #word of god
random stuff: #no fandom
and random rambles/rants: KN14 rambles
writing-related stuff: #writing stuff/#writer stuff
as for the other fandoms im in its usually: #My Adventures with Superman/#MAWS, #ninjago, #lmk/Lego Monkie Kid, #epic the musical.
loll hope this helps yall :)
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
What is everyone's groupchat/text chat name? Like how Hal is Ring Ring Motherfucker etc etc
Tbh the list grows every day, but here’s what I have as of right now (as a side note—in the early chat posts all the batkids had just their usual vigilante names, so some of the ones I’m about to list might not be in a post yet):
Roy/Arsenal -> Arse/Arse ~ It just fits him so well it had to be used twice
Harley Quinn -> Aunty Harls ~ Bruce does not approve.
Bruce/Batman -> B/Batman ~ He refuses to participate
Barbara/Oracle-> Barbie/Know-it-All ~ She’s the mastermind behind all this and makes sure that Bruce keeps all the contact names.
Clark/Superman -> Smallville/Big Blue ~ His names were chosen by Lois and Dick.
Damian/Robin -> Demon/Blood Son ~ Jason voted to call him lollipop guild, Damian violently refused.
Cassandra/Black Bat -> Caassssssss/Silent but Cuddly ~ Her original Vigilante nickname was Snëki snäkē, but the new one is more fitting.
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy -> CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL ~ She picked this, but Harley will probably give her a new one soon.
Selina/Catwoman -> Crazy Cat Lady/Kitty kitty ~ I’m probably gonna change hers soon but idk what to yet.
Dick/Nightwing -> Dickhead/The Good, the bad, and the booty ~ His vigilante name was v recently changed from Flippy Boi.
Constantine -> Gutter Mage ~ He has canonically been called this, also his recent increase in appearances is due to me reading a lot of the old hellblazer comics (they can be a bit problematic at points but some are surprisingly relevant to current events in the US)
Diana/Wonder Woman -> Prince(ss)/Jason’s favorite ~ She’s a proud aunt who adores Jason.
Jason/Red Hood -> Jaybird/Pew pew ~ He likes to mock Bruce by saying ‘I am Pew pew’ in a Batman voice.
Kon/Superboy -> Konkonkon/Token Punk ~ When Constantine saw Token Punk he asked Kon about it and they ended up bonding over punk music.
J’onn/Martian Manhunter -> TBD/Lean Green Fighting Machine ~ I don’t often think of him interacting with everyone as a civilian so he might not get a civvie name.
Barry/Flash -> TBD/Lightning McQueen ~ I’ll probably have a civilian name for him soon, just hasn’t come up yet.
Killer Croc -> Monch and Cronch ~ Don’t ask me why/How Waylon has a phone.
Oliver/Green Arrow -> Olly Olly Oxen Free/The Other Green One ~ He was a little bitter about his civilian name but Babs won’t let him change it (she is the keeper of names).
Duke/Signal -> Pretty Pretty Shiny Shiny/The Duke ~ Apollo might change his name soon. Ik they haven’t interacted in comics (at least not that I know of) but I like to imagine Andrew (Apollo) is to Duke as Diana is to Jason.
Steph/Batgirl -> Stephers/Pörple people eater ~ I always forget that I was reading her batgirl arc when I first added her so I made her batgirl instead of spoiler, Ik this lines up better but i do prefer the traditional spoiler Costume.
Riddler -> Riddle Me this, Why am I Here?? ~ He doesn’t understand why he is in their contact list.
Hal/Green Lantern -> TBD/Ring Ring Motherfucker ~ He hasn't entered civilian conversation yet, but maybe soon.
Dinah/Black Canary -> TBD/Scream Queen ~ Right now her civilian contact is Scream Queen, but I'm gonna switch that around and use something else for her civilian name
Billy/Captain Marvel -> TBD/Sparky Sparky Boom Man ~ Billy still thinks no one knows who he is. He is wrong.
Damian's Bestest Friend/Superboy 2.9 ~ The first one was just to annoy Damian. The other was supposed to be Superboy 2.0 but he messed up and now Barbara won't let him take it back.
Wally/Kid Flash -> Walls/The Real Speedy ~ Roy does not find this amusing.
Tim/Red Robin -> Timber/Yum ~ Now if Tim ever passes out they yell Timber, he is not amused.
Zatanna -> Witchy Woman ~ She's the only reason John joined the group chat. She's also the only reason why he no longer has a flip phone. He now has a Blackberry Curve.
Right now that's all of them. I am going to add Boston Brand, no clue how or why he'll have a phone, I just like him and want him to be along for the ride. His name will probably be something like "I GOTTA PHONE" or "Ghosts Have Rights Too". I'm definitely gonna add others (Midnighter and Apollo, my favs) just don't know who or when yet. But if there's anyone you rlly wanna see just lmk and I'll see what I can do :)
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Can you explain the whole baby guardian thing?
Sure, but like all comic things, its a bit... Convoluted af
Okay, so, first off, this all takes place during Our Worlds At War, which one of those major DC Crossover events that nearly destroyed the universe and yadda yadda yadda
Anyways, during all of this, President Lex (because, thats a thing) puts Amanda Waller in charge of Cadmus because that was a thing and Kon and she did not get along in the slightest to put it... Mildly
Warning: Some of Kon’s insults here are specifically about Waller’s weight
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And, right now you’re probably thinking ‘Okay? Why does Waller being there matter?’
Waller, at the time, was working with Amanda Spence, who, during that continuity (bc DC comics loves retcons) was technically Kon’s sister, since Kon originally wasn’t cloned from Superman, but from the old director of Cadmus, Paul Westerfield
Spence herself blames Kon for the death of her dad even though Kon himself wasn’t involved and is a major antagonist throughout the Superboy run. She’s responsible for both Match’s existence, Sins of Youth, and Tana’s death, but that’s another whole can of worms
Now, after this, Kon decides to go bother Robin and Batgirl in Gotham because Kon (tm) which leads to these amusing panels
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Because Dorks (tm) However, unfortunately, that also leads to the following:
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Now, at this point, Kon was exhausted and Waller tried to line him up for a mission, and he passed it off the Guardian because Batman put him through the wringer 
Now, here’s were we start to get things that are not specifically stated, but pretty heavily implied
Since Guardian takes Superboy’s mission, he ends up getting killed by Shrapnel
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Now, here’s the thing
The first time I read this, I skipped the larger Our Worlds At War issues bc tbh there were so many I couldn’t be bothered
However, the second time around, I decided to read them for context clues, and discovered one very startling fact
At the time Shrapnel killed Guardian, he was actively working for the Suicide Squad under Amanda Waller
Again, I repeat At the time Shrapnel killed Guardian, he was actively working for the Suicide Squad under Amanda Waller
Guardian’s death wasn’t an accident. It was an assassination that no one ever really caught on in-story because of all the other chaos going on with the Imperilex war, but Waller put a hit on Guardian and killed him, which means Shrapnel would have shown up for whichever mission Guardian was on, since he and Kon were meant to be on separate missions that day anyways
However, since Kon asked Guardian to take the mission, he a) blames himself b) everyone at Cadmus is also blaming him and c) Kon goes and takes out Shrapnel in single combat, which is impressive since Shrapnel can apparently go toe to toe with Superman, which I wasn’t even aware of since the guy seems like a minor villain but anyways-
After this, Waller inexplicably manages to clone Guardian back to life with his soul intact which uh- Tbh, its not really stated anywhere, but the only person shown to be able to do this (as far as I know) is Anita Fite’s grandfather, who is an antagonist in the later arc of the YJ Comic, and how Waller managed to basically reincarnate Guardian is never explained but, here’s Kon’s summary
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This all leads to Mom!Kon bc Mom!Kon
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Now, after this, Kon decides he’s gonna get back up from Cadmus because, hello? Of course, they’ll want to help, except-
The facility is completely abandoned and everyone went underground and left Kon behind, and he’s left to deal with the mess by himself since all of them were like ‘Yeah, fuck Waller and Luthor, Kon should be fine on his own’ which would normally be the case, but, Guardian was now a baby because of course he was, and instead of finding help at Cadmus, Kon finds this:
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Now, for the record, Tim doesn’t have all the clues
On the other hand, his specific response to Kon saying he rescued a baby was calling it ‘government property’, which? Tbh, I’m just filing that away as the writers going ‘okay, we don’t want anyone helping Kon here with the baby, lets add wildly occ dialogue since Young Justice already attacked more than one Government run meta prison for children’
Before this can go anywhere, though, YJ gets flung through time and space because of course they do and nothing is ever really addressed until they land on Apokolips since Kon insists on going there after they spot Steel getting dragged over there by the Black Racer
Which leads to this heated exchange:
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Now, because Comics, at the same time that this is going on, Tower of Babel is also apparently also inexplicably going on??
I can’t really comment there since I haven’t read the arc, but it basically boils down to ‘Batman contingency plans go wrong’ and, lets be real, Tim more or less implied above that he did have a contingency to take down Kon, and that he had it on him at the time
Did he? Likely not, but his words imply he does, and Kon, of course, is already paranoid of Tim since yeah, he managed to get him to back off on taking the baby by force solely because the Imperilex War is going on, but he’s still weary
Is Kon in the right? Nay, but this is a case of ‘emotions running high and Why Are These Kids In A War Zone’, and Tim doesn’t really help himself with all the lies he told to his team because Batman made him tell them
Honestly, the whole thing was just a powder keg waiting to blow, its a surprise it didn’t earlier-
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Tim’s thoughts on the whole thing does show him going ‘okay, Kon fucked up but I guess so did I and I kinda wanna talk things out’, but they never really got that talk and the comics just ignored it
Also, Tim did apparently tell Oracle the situation sometime in between, who helped Kon out for a bit
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The details are fuzzy on what else went down there since a lot happened off panel, but I found it weird that Tim would respond to the whole thing by having Oracle help Kon while making sure the rest of YJ wasn’t aware of what was going down and being pissed that Kon was ‘undermining his authority’ with the whole thing, which I still chalk up to OCC for plot reasons 
Now, Waller more or less got away scott free
Kon himself thinks that the whole thing was organized by Amanda Spence, and, well-
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He fucking murdered her over it, which uh? I guess Tim got off lucky with threatening the baby- On that note, baby Guardian aged very rapidly because they’d designed him to, and ends up fighting in the Imperilex War after this 
Guardian himself doesn’t show up at all anywhere until after Infinite Crisis, along with the rest of Cadmus, so I took it to mean he died. Its not stated anywhere that he did, but Infinite Crisis did reboot reality, and thats the impression I was left with (Since Infinite Crisis also specifically retcons this storyline entirely by stating that Guardian didn’t die at Shrapnel’s hand in the first place and was only wounded by some other random Cadmus employee who shot him for whatever reason)
Anyways! There you go anon! That took. Longer than expected but eh
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
Bucky doing that cute thing where he lifts his bf into the air by balancing him on his feet? (Sorry if you have no clue! It is a thing)
lol, doing the superman thing! Tbh, I don't think Bucky would see much point to it, but would do it if his bf insisted and he'd have an amused grin on his face.
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greycappedjester · 2 years
Hi :D, a while ago I made an ask about AFTO, but I think Tumblr deleted it or something, it was about which characters (of the JL and the young justice team) would agree with Jay Garrick and which ones would agree with Dick on the matter of the titans and young heroes in general.
Oooh, that's a really good question.
The funny thing is...without the Invasion/mass death of heroes, I don't think even Jay Garrick would have agreed. It was just such a shock for the heroes, that it's really hard to imagine what they would think.
Oddly enough I think Batman would be the hero that's opinion would change the least since he's, of all of them, probably the one who has always known exactly how dangerous being a hero can be. Hawkman and Hawkwoman would probably disagree w/ Jay Garrick and the JSA, likely along with Wonder Woman, since their cultural backgrounds have more to do with chilren training as warriors from a young age. Mera obviously would disagree with Jay Garrick.
I feel like Superman and the Flash would be most likely to agree with the JSA as I feel like they probably aren't big fans of kid superheroes in the first place. Central City's Rogues I doubt were ever really, really dangerous for Wally because of their moral code and tbh Reverse Flash (Eobard) would have targeted him whether Wally was an active hero or not so hard to say being a kid-hero would've put Wally in that much more danger there.
Green Lantern(s) and Green Arrow I think it would be really hard to say where they would fall. Same for Aquaman--I think he'd be morally aganist but might be swayed by Mera.
Martian Manhunter...I've got no clue.
Honestly, I think the JLA and Young Justice looking in on the post-Invasion world would mostly just be shocked that something like the Invasion could happen at all.
I think Wally would be the most deeply hurt and torn about Jay Garrick's actons for obvious reasons. Young Justice would definitely agree w/ Dick and the Titans, I think.
Fun ask! Thank you!
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Dude dude dude crane dancing weirdly and laughing like a maniac to himself is such rogues vibes I love it so much 😅 I want all the gc and cc rogues to hang out in a big warehouse somehere like this hahaa
I'm so confused about jason being buried there's no way bruce buried an empty coffin I feel like bruce 100% would have looked at jasons body in the coffin just to like cement the grief and physiologically torture himself tbh, Bruce couldn't have buried an empty coffin so ahh maybe he did but like how would he not have known it was empty!? Honestly I was not expecting the lazarus pit until I saw the episode name and I dunno what comic it's from but I'm pretty sure there's one where jason did die was buried and woke up in the coffin alive for like no reason no pit needed, I dunno I just like the version of him actually being buried and coming back to life just for some pure unknown mystery reason or maybe I just made that up in my head I have no clue lol
Crane sent one sad upset little kid messed up on anti fear toxin to The Joker! BOY WHAT Crane knew he was gonna get killed so did crane know that bringing him back to life and drugging him would allow him some level of control over jason, it seems like crane is masterminding the entire thing and j is just basically his pet/henchman, also in the future when he's hopefully off the anti-fear toxin is he still gonna be not quite himself cuz of the effects of the pit?
The phone to call to hank I really want jason to have meant that like maybe he hadn't dosed up on toxin yet and he was able to actually feel and sought out hank to help him but then took the toxin after the call and just did a 180 and decided to do that bomb thing instead or was that all cranes idea
Bruce telling him he's not robin anymore in an attempt to save him from the dangers of Gotham is literally what gets him killed, poor Bruce, I NEED a scene of bruce and jason together again or at least just Bruces reaction to the fact that jason is still alive BRUCE CALLING HIM SON 😢 and technically jason admitted to seeing him as his dad in the word association thing with doc thompkins
THE DREAM THING WITH DONNA I freaking LOVED that (she looked so cool) but it was like he was being warned by the universe/weird dcu magic or maybe even donna herself warning him about his future as redhood to try to stop all that from happening to him because those dreams were happening before crane/joker killing him, I need to rewatch that, THAT IS SO COOL! was he able to see the redhood suit in his dream cuz if he did maybe that's why he chose the suit cuz he seen it in a dream and was afraid of it and now he's all about not being afraid so that's why he chose that as his suit, I'm assuming his suit choice was his idea and crane didn't plan the outfit for him 😅
BRO CRANE DANCING LIKE THAT WAS EVERYTHING HOLY CRAP. LIKE THATS SO FREAKING IN CHARACTER (almost Fanon tbh xD). That made Scarecrow loving butt so happy omg xD Dc is finally giving people what they want!!! Lmao, can you even imagine the chaos of the gotham and CC rogues all together like that omg, someone needs to make art or fic of that man xD
Oh yeah, I guess that is the one thing they didnt address. Idk, this Bruce was disassociating from Jason dying so much that Im not sure he would look in the coffin cause that would be acknowledging the truth which he was in clear denial in until he snapped and killed the joker. But yeah, that would have been cool. Yeah that is the comics version, the explanation was superman messing with the universe or some typical dc crap like that xD They went with the animated movie version, well, closer to that version, in terms of the Lazarus pit bringing him back. I like how like a month ago we were talking about how we doubted they were gonna use the Pit but look at that they did!
I freaking KNEW Crane was the mastermind behind most of it(and used Jason's already messed up self and emotions ), like from that first episode when he took the gas I was like I BET THAT IS ANTI FEAR TOXIN! xD But i loooveee how they are giving us a manipulative af Crane, you rarely see that in media!
Oooh yes the phone call, I do wish they had like def confirmed that it was Jason off the gas, which like i think they implied but i want confirmation lol. But yeah, I am def thinking he was off his drugs when he first made that call cause his demeanor during the 2nd call was a lot more like when he is on the gas.
THE BRUCE AND JASON SCENES KILLED ME OH MY GOSHHHHHH. AND WE FINALLY GOT A MEDIA VERSION OF BRUCE CALLING JASON HIS SON! IM LIKE SOBBING! THATS ALL WE EVER FREAKING WANTED! and YASS jason calling bruce his dad in the word association omg, I didn’t think they were actually gonna have him say it. and then they have the AUDACITY to show him getting better ONLY TO DESTROY IT UGGG.
Oooh yeah, that dream thing with donna was interesting, I wonder if they are gonna like fully explain it or leave it vague.
Curran just blew it OUT OF THE PARK THOOOOO
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jacks4eva · 4 years
reaction to the lost hero by rick riordan
imma be honest this is a long time coming, okay so here’s the timeline we’re looking at so you understand me. i read lightning thief in middle school, dropped it and read it again in ninth grade. then i read sea of monsters, but never started titan’s curse. then for some reason in 11th grade i bought the second book in heroes of olympus and started to read it and got confused so i started to read titan’s curse and got to when percy took artemis’s place and then dropped it...again. very sad that time considering it was LEGIT THE END SO CLOSE. anyway yesterday i read the whole thing again and the battle of the labrinyth in like 6-8 hours. idk i can’t remember if i started at 10pm or midnight but i finished at 6am. anyways today i read the last olympian, and now i’m starting the lost hero. i thought it’d be funny to do my reactions.
this timeline is just funny because i have read so many books, and yet the most popular ones like percy jackson and harry potter, didn’t wanna finish lol. i still haven’t finished goblet of fire yet i read 100 pages an hour and could probably finish it in a day. anyways.
let the reactions begin
okay i’ve heard of jason but i was not expecting a pov already
woah electrocution
he’s already got a love interest what
he said the coach is 5’0 i now imagine the coach as danny devito i have no choice
piper and leo yes i recognize these names
(i’ve seen a lot of posts about percy jackson okay)
i like leo i don’t like dylan
i love the starwars reference
oh look guys we got popular girls that are racist, can they get their asses beat in this pls
dylan is also racist for smiling-asswipe
we love the cherokee representation
i hate them so much can they please leave
“i had to say something” i like coach hedge is this bad
i hope percy is the storm but i just know i wouldn’t be that lucky
ofc dylan is a racist monster
danny devito never returned :(
who is the bulky dude
i’m sorry i’m laughing he’s a big scary dude with his head shaved and A RAINBOW TATTOO and his name is butch
oh so that’s why percy isn’t here
okay usually when reading i can form some kind of theory or connection but at this point i literally have no clue what is happening
i just knew as soon as he asked that he had abilities with fire but i was not expecting fire fingers
wow what a first impression “you should be dead”
wait so all i remember from the son of neptune was the beginning had percy alone i think and i’m not sure if he had his memory or maybe not and he was running away from monsters, so is what’s happening to jason similar to that? and WILL PERCY NOT BE FOUND IN THIS BOOK?
“That also was necessary. Long ago, your father gave me your life as a gift to placate my anger. He named you Jason, after my favorite mortal. You belong to me.
“Whoa,” Jason said. “I don’t belong to anyone.”
Now is the time to pay your debt, she said. Find my prison. Free me, or their king will rise from the earth, and I will be destroyed. You will never retrieve your memory.”
... okay theories, um a goat skin cloak was mentioned to have been owned by Zeus’s foster mother and that he owned it so the woman could either be the foster mother or Hera. If it was Hera, it would make sense that Zeus gave his son to placate her anger at his cheating or whatever. They are also trapped in Olympus, so prison would make sense. Hera was brought up a lot too, and according to wiki Hera persuaded Aphrodite to make her son make Medea fall in love with a mortal named Jason, so more than likely the lady is Hera. Their king will rise from earth could be the king from the battle of the labrynth, maybe. Or another king ya know there are so many.
Wait a minute
Something else I know about their names is Jason’s last name...JASON GRACE I thought it sounded familiar, because of Thalia Grace. Hah look at me being correct. That explains the flying and not being burnt by a lightning bolt—oh I’m stupid for not seeing it sooner.
Now just gotta figure out who Piper’s parent is.
Aha so I was right it was Hera.
Chiron not being able to give the information they need is kind of annoying.
Enceladus? So a giant offspring of Gaia, um...no bueno. Not a king tho.
“Child of lightning, beware the earth, The giants’ revenge the seven shall birth, The forge and dove shall break the cage, And death unleash through Hera’s rage.”
Okay theory time, child of lightning is obviously Jason. Beware the Earth...yeah no clue. The giants’ revenge the seven shall birth, the giants are probably the children of Gaia since that one giant was her child and it’s the seven are probably the seven half bloods from the great prophecy. The forge and dove shall break the cage, um maybe Leo is the forge since he’s hephaestus’s child (probably butchered the spelling). Doves are typically associated with aphrodite/venus, so idk about that. Maybe Piper is Venus’s child, I mean her God parent is her mom and it’d be funny since she was judging the other aphrodite kids. Also I assume Hera will kill whoever trapped her or someone involved since she’s so mad. Idk.
Could kill Drew btw.
Wait. This woman looks like Hera, her clothes are made of Earth and she said Leo would fight her children trying to wake her. They’re gonna try to wake Gaia, which would make sense that it said stay away from Earth if she’s the Earth Goddess
I like the wolves thing because Romulus and Remus, ya know the twin boys who were raised by wolf and started Rome.
“You are our saving grace, as always. The she-wolf curled her lip, as if she had just made a clever joke”
I mean yeah his last name is grace
“She must really like this Percy guy to search for him so hard, and that made Jason a little envious. Was anyone searching for him right now? What if somebody cared for him that much and was going out of her mind with worry, and he couldn’t even remember his old life?”
so what if Percy’s just chilling at the Roman version of camp halfblood without a clue to who he is? bro.
Imagine reading this and seeing all of things I get right and wrong and wanting to slam your head into a wall.
Okay like idk why Annabeth was freaking out we kind of knew they were siblings, I mean they have the same dad. Unless this is saying they have the same mom or are twins or something. That’d be cool. That’s probably what he’s saying tbh but still, could’ve emphasized it more than “that’s my sister” like dude.
Anyway, they look very different so that’s funny.
King Boreas? uh.
Oo French
Let’s see what I can translate from the very little duolingo I did. Bienvenu, maybe a greeting. Idk which tho. Je suis Piper, I am Piper. Et c’est Jason, fils de Zeus, and this is Jason, son of Zeus. Vous parlez francais? tres bien, you speak french? good. Hey not bad, not shockingly good but considering I did the duolingo lessons 4 years ago, not bad. Vrai? Truth? Yeah I just looked it up.
Danny devito is alive!
“Leo scratched his head. “Well, I dunno about Enchiladas—”
“Enceladus,” Piper corrected.”
Leo is me omfg
“Leo stepped out next. “You’re catching me, too, Superman. But I ain’t holding your hand.”
this made me laugh ok moving on
Uh fight a sea monster? bro is Jason just Percy 2.0
“Aphrodite’s message was clear: This one needs no improvement.
And Piper agreed.”
I wonder if you can hear me squealing from hundreds or thousands of miles away
Did you miss the fact that he’s thirty feet tall— I DIED
Who slew titan k-what now? So basically yes. Percy 2.0
Okay I recognize the name Hazel, and all I ask is that she is not involved with Jason because Jason and Piper are really freaking cute.
an exchange of leaders, SO THEY DID SWITCH THEM
The way I called it
anyways. time to read son of neptune
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