#tbh this doesnt even get into them (as far as I know) not giving Roy a response to the whole thing
Can you explain the whole baby guardian thing?
Sure, but like all comic things, its a bit... Convoluted af
Okay, so, first off, this all takes place during Our Worlds At War, which one of those major DC Crossover events that nearly destroyed the universe and yadda yadda yadda
Anyways, during all of this, President Lex (because, thats a thing) puts Amanda Waller in charge of Cadmus because that was a thing and Kon and she did not get along in the slightest to put it... Mildly
Warning: Some of Kon’s insults here are specifically about Waller’s weight
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And, right now you’re probably thinking ‘Okay? Why does Waller being there matter?’
Waller, at the time, was working with Amanda Spence, who, during that continuity (bc DC comics loves retcons) was technically Kon’s sister, since Kon originally wasn’t cloned from Superman, but from the old director of Cadmus, Paul Westerfield
Spence herself blames Kon for the death of her dad even though Kon himself wasn’t involved and is a major antagonist throughout the Superboy run. She’s responsible for both Match’s existence, Sins of Youth, and Tana’s death, but that’s another whole can of worms
Now, after this, Kon decides to go bother Robin and Batgirl in Gotham because Kon (tm) which leads to these amusing panels
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Because Dorks (tm) However, unfortunately, that also leads to the following:
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Now, at this point, Kon was exhausted and Waller tried to line him up for a mission, and he passed it off the Guardian because Batman put him through the wringer 
Now, here’s were we start to get things that are not specifically stated, but pretty heavily implied
Since Guardian takes Superboy’s mission, he ends up getting killed by Shrapnel
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Now, here’s the thing
The first time I read this, I skipped the larger Our Worlds At War issues bc tbh there were so many I couldn’t be bothered
However, the second time around, I decided to read them for context clues, and discovered one very startling fact
At the time Shrapnel killed Guardian, he was actively working for the Suicide Squad under Amanda Waller
Again, I repeat At the time Shrapnel killed Guardian, he was actively working for the Suicide Squad under Amanda Waller
Guardian’s death wasn’t an accident. It was an assassination that no one ever really caught on in-story because of all the other chaos going on with the Imperilex war, but Waller put a hit on Guardian and killed him, which means Shrapnel would have shown up for whichever mission Guardian was on, since he and Kon were meant to be on separate missions that day anyways
However, since Kon asked Guardian to take the mission, he a) blames himself b) everyone at Cadmus is also blaming him and c) Kon goes and takes out Shrapnel in single combat, which is impressive since Shrapnel can apparently go toe to toe with Superman, which I wasn’t even aware of since the guy seems like a minor villain but anyways-
After this, Waller inexplicably manages to clone Guardian back to life with his soul intact which uh- Tbh, its not really stated anywhere, but the only person shown to be able to do this (as far as I know) is Anita Fite’s grandfather, who is an antagonist in the later arc of the YJ Comic, and how Waller managed to basically reincarnate Guardian is never explained but, here’s Kon’s summary
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This all leads to Mom!Kon bc Mom!Kon
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Now, after this, Kon decides he’s gonna get back up from Cadmus because, hello? Of course, they’ll want to help, except-
The facility is completely abandoned and everyone went underground and left Kon behind, and he’s left to deal with the mess by himself since all of them were like ‘Yeah, fuck Waller and Luthor, Kon should be fine on his own’ which would normally be the case, but, Guardian was now a baby because of course he was, and instead of finding help at Cadmus, Kon finds this:
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Now, for the record, Tim doesn’t have all the clues
On the other hand, his specific response to Kon saying he rescued a baby was calling it ‘government property’, which? Tbh, I’m just filing that away as the writers going ‘okay, we don’t want anyone helping Kon here with the baby, lets add wildly occ dialogue since Young Justice already attacked more than one Government run meta prison for children’
Before this can go anywhere, though, YJ gets flung through time and space because of course they do and nothing is ever really addressed until they land on Apokolips since Kon insists on going there after they spot Steel getting dragged over there by the Black Racer
Which leads to this heated exchange:
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Now, because Comics, at the same time that this is going on, Tower of Babel is also apparently also inexplicably going on??
I can’t really comment there since I haven’t read the arc, but it basically boils down to ‘Batman contingency plans go wrong’ and, lets be real, Tim more or less implied above that he did have a contingency to take down Kon, and that he had it on him at the time
Did he? Likely not, but his words imply he does, and Kon, of course, is already paranoid of Tim since yeah, he managed to get him to back off on taking the baby by force solely because the Imperilex War is going on, but he’s still weary
Is Kon in the right? Nay, but this is a case of ‘emotions running high and Why Are These Kids In A War Zone’, and Tim doesn’t really help himself with all the lies he told to his team because Batman made him tell them
Honestly, the whole thing was just a powder keg waiting to blow, its a surprise it didn’t earlier-
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Tim’s thoughts on the whole thing does show him going ‘okay, Kon fucked up but I guess so did I and I kinda wanna talk things out’, but they never really got that talk and the comics just ignored it
Also, Tim did apparently tell Oracle the situation sometime in between, who helped Kon out for a bit
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The details are fuzzy on what else went down there since a lot happened off panel, but I found it weird that Tim would respond to the whole thing by having Oracle help Kon while making sure the rest of YJ wasn’t aware of what was going down and being pissed that Kon was ‘undermining his authority’ with the whole thing, which I still chalk up to OCC for plot reasons 
Now, Waller more or less got away scott free
Kon himself thinks that the whole thing was organized by Amanda Spence, and, well-
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He fucking murdered her over it, which uh? I guess Tim got off lucky with threatening the baby- On that note, baby Guardian aged very rapidly because they’d designed him to, and ends up fighting in the Imperilex War after this 
Guardian himself doesn’t show up at all anywhere until after Infinite Crisis, along with the rest of Cadmus, so I took it to mean he died. Its not stated anywhere that he did, but Infinite Crisis did reboot reality, and thats the impression I was left with (Since Infinite Crisis also specifically retcons this storyline entirely by stating that Guardian didn’t die at Shrapnel’s hand in the first place and was only wounded by some other random Cadmus employee who shot him for whatever reason)
Anyways! There you go anon! That took. Longer than expected but eh
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littlewheat · 6 years
Wally West Headcannons
Because I love him and I can:
- He plays the piano really well. He learned because of his superspeed; since his perception of time also got affected, Alfred suggested to Batman to suggest to Barry that he learns the piano in order to have a tangible outlet for staying in real time. Wally doesnt broadcast it that much since it’s more of a stress reliever/coping mechanism all his own- but it is an occassional party trick he’ll whip out to surprise and impress people. Also, Alfred most definitely went “undercover” to teach little, freshly speedstered Wally the piano (as that was just a few years before he knew Batman’s secret identity)
- Wally ( and Barry ) speak a lot of langauges. I mean, they run around the world a lot and Wally relies heavily on food to sustain his speeds. It makes sense that he would stop for food a lot and as Flashes, the two would like to chat or help out with some local trouble, etc. So every year, Barry and Wally learn a new language together. They started with the “love languages” and quickly broadened their horizons.
-The language thing is actually an unspoken competition for them to speak more languages than Batman (I looked it up- he speaks 24 languages including Kryptonian) So of course the majority of the Justice League wants to help out their favorite speedsters. Superman lets Wally study in his Fortress of Solitude, Wonder Woman teaches them Greek and Latin, Shayera teaches them Thanagarian, M’Gann teaches Wally enough Martian to get by, Green Lantern sends language videos/books from fellow Green Lanterns to help Barry and Wally learn random alien languages that Batman isn’t likely to speak, etc. By age 23 Wally can speak 32 languages with imperfect fluency ( he’s awful with proper accents but has impeccable grammar )
-Bonus: Shayera basically refuses to teach Batman her langauge and her and Barry mock Batman by speaking it together whenever he’s in the room.
-Before Wally got his speed, he had a motor tic where he would blink a couple times and duck his head occassionally with an arm twitching out.That tick transferred over after he got superspeed but now its really fast and looks like a really fast spasm/cold chill. No one mentions it but they all think its incredibly endearing.
- Sometimes Wally slips into “relative time” where everything slows down. This tends to happen most while he’s reading or problem solving or doing homework and things like that- Sometimes he’ll be reading a book at what seems like a normal pace for him... until the pages are burning from the speed he was flipping them at. From an onlooker, Wally will start to blur along the edges and books genuinely appear to spontaneously combust.
-For his birthday one year, Dick Grayson tried to get Wally a really fast kindle that could match Wally’s “relative time” reading speed- after three versions blowing up, Wally and Dick agreed that books might be safer/less expensive anyways.
-People quickly learn that if they loan Wally a book... its likely to come back toasted or in ashes. So... no one really loans him books more than once.
-Wally runs in his sleep :)
-It’s not so much a headcannon as it is pure cannon, but Speedsters can’t get drunk since their metabolism is so fast that their body runs right through it. On Wally’s 21st birthday, GL brings him some alien booze thats like crazy strong and Wally hoofs it (as he is used to doing with no repercussions. ) He’s drunk for, like, three days.
-Also, on a sad note: While Wally’s powers are on the fritz and sort of killing him, He doesn’t tell anyone about it. Dick Grayson figures it out when he plays a drinking game with Wally where he takes normal alchohol shots and actually gets a little tipsy. 
-Also, in regards to the Young Justice universe: I think Wally ( a guy who willingly got struck by lightning and doused in chemicals ) would not give up the hero biz. His powers were killing him and Barry and Artemis benched him- and out of solidarity, Artemis benched herself as well. Wally didn’t want to tell anyone - and as it was already majorly difficult for him and in the understanding that he deserves some control- Artemis and Barry agreed to keep it secret. Basically: Batman, Iris, Barry, Artemis and Hal Jordan know. Hence some frustration when he would jump in to help in “emergencies” - though anyone who knows Wally basically knew he did that with that exact reasoning in mind. That- in an emergency- he wouldn’t want anyone knowing he shouldn’t be helping...
- Wally can’t vibrate through solid objects for a while... He learns how to do so when he gets kidnapped or something and is super desperate. But when he does vibrate through things... they blow up. This is something he honestly can’t control for about as long as he couldn’t initially vibrate through things- but when he does learn to control it, he can still blow things up if he wants to ( eh, some pseudo science about speed and particles and things. )
- Wally is basically always covered in ice and plastic wrap, especially his shins.
- Wally is pretty nervous around storms. He sort of hates lightning. I suppose, if you were struck by it then it makes sense to understand and be wary of it happening again. That doesn’t stop Dick and Arty from making fun of him every time he flinches at a flash of lightning. It’s actually them trying to distract him as they know he’s low-key ready for it hit him (and with his enhanced perception, they know he watches the entire path the lightning takes to be sure it doesn’t arch towards them.)
-Wally loves Shazam and all but because of the lightning thing... the two have a sort of agreement ( enforced by a protective Robin ) where Billy/Shazam avoids switching personas near Wally. Or at least warns him when it happens.  This of course is after the first time Batson shows everyone how his powers work and Wally sprinted to another state leaving a lingering yelp behind.
-Wally carries a lot of static with him. He shocks people sort of a lot. He touches something metal? There’s a jolt. He tries to harness this “bonus power” as something he can do at will (like Barry can throw lightning if he runs fast enough type of thing ) and after some practice, Wally can do what Barry does. But he has terrible aim. And his intent was to not have to run to use it. At best, he just gives a really strong static shock. He definitely uses it to annoy everyone.
-Alternatively, Wally also shocks people when he’s nervous. Many of Artemis and Wally’s first kisses resulted in numb lips for our blonde archer.
-Wally also vibrates when nervous, angry or excited. Take that in as many directions as you’d like. ;)
-Wally is a little bit terrible at swimming. Like he won’t drown. But water isn’t the same as air and super fast water treading has mixed results and his accelerated heart-rate makes holding his breath difficult and also, it’s only fair to have this super world function as ours does where swimmers hate to run and runners hate to swim. Trust me on this. Even outliers have one they’re better at. I would know.
- Wally is sort of the couch-surfer of the hero world. Maybe a small part of it is rooted in him trying to dodge his parents, but he genuinely likes to visit his friends. And as a speedster, he really doesn’t do well with staying in one place. So as the Team and everyone gets older, Wally tends to pop into Roy’s apartment, Dick’s flat, Alfred always has cookies for him at the Mansion, M’Gann and Conner’s house (and so on) entirely un-announced. He brings random “souveniers” along the way and basically everyone has taken to keeping extra foods just in case.
- I honestly think Wally is bisexual but he just genuinely never realized it and doesn’t care much. Like, maybe I’m projecting, but I’m bisexual and I never realized it until my first kiss was a girl and I just rolled with it. Like I didn’t even bat an eye- I was just like, “oh, of course.”- I’d been saying how pretty girls are for years and always thought it was an artist’s eye for beauty in all forms or something but like... bruh, I am bi. But also, its not a huge deal. And I think Wally is the same? Like he doesn’t realize it but also- I think his first kiss was a boy. And he just blinked and rolled with it. I also think that he wasn’t all that good at committing to one person (speedsters got places to be and people to see or something) Like he is far from “getting around”- I think he had like three kisses before Artemis and that she was his first relationship. The first was a guy, the second was maybe some chick he kissed at a school dance, the second was a stranger that Dick dared him to kiss on some random summer day when they were in civvies hanging out together and the fourth was Artemis. I think he’s just so casually bi that no one else even suspects it except those who know his kissing history or whatever.
I could honestly go on forever! If you guys write or draw anything based on this please let me know! I just wanna see my ginger more, tbh.
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