#one month till s3
stupidhany · 2 years
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Quick render doodle thing cause OMG S3 TRAILER S3 TRAILER!!
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willosword · 5 days
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killmebythebeach · 2 years
So was anyone gonna tell me that s5 is so unbelievably sad or was I supposed to find that out myself.
#like obviously i knew itd be sad but im two episodes in and ive heard tim for the first time in 40 eps and sasha for 120#and gerry. ze boi. i didnt even realize it was him till the comics. why does he read like a teen protag in a ghost hunting story.#the leitner jumpscare to. sir. half the people in the institute would kill you on sight please go back to the tunnels.#elias being weird at jons birthday for no reason. like. i swear he wasnt that strange before the pipe murder dropping stuff for no reason?#'i like to keep an EYE on these things' sir with all due respect (none) shut the fuck up?!#idk why but tim and sasha talking like that just makes me so sad. of course its understandable for them to be frustrated#but also its not jons fault jonah chose him cuz he was traumatized by a spider book :( id be angry if i was sasha though#its also funny cuz i thought tim/sasha was a pyre fandom thing. no. tim literally calls it a 'will they wont they'. hes like a sitcom#gurtrude recording that tape to sasha basically lmaoooo#and i saw someone point this out in the comments but. gertrude keeping the place messy might have killed people.#not having easy access to information that could have saved them. such as her tape. ough#one thing i missed about tim in s3 is the charm. of course he was angry at. everything but it was heartbreaking to see tim change#so the tapes really made me just yearn for the like. two times tim was there in s1.#also the fact sasha knew about tims brother. and martins application. and that tim knew too.#i never really understood the fandom 'expert hacker' sasha but i think i get it now#i cant even remember if she hacked anything in s1. feels like so long ago even though i havent even been listening for 2 months#on that note martin and jon are going over to kill elias woo!#martin: hey this house is evil we should butn it#jon: nah. theres a lot of evil#holy fuck i forgot how stupid these characters can be sometimes. like even if you think it wont wotk just try? hello?#sasha calling gertrude a bitch is giving me life. yeah. she sure was. idc what she did she put micheal in the distortion#but im still so just. distraught by how somber the tone is. even with the s1 crew goofing around its just so. oof.#the funny quippy s1 crew cutting off to jon trembling alone in a corner does wonders for the tone#martin really went: i found the tea lets get this bread#king shit honestly. go get that bread and kill elias and stop the apocolypse or somethung. idk the goal of the season yet#like s1 focused on prentiss. 2 on stranger. 3 on the unknowing and elias. 4 on extinction and peter. im excited to see what 5 is#i dont even think weve met her but gertrude mentioning agnes. mwah. love you baby. doing great. shouldve gotten a coffeshop au.#sigh. statement ends#the magnus archives spoilers#the magnus archives
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This keeps escalating and I'm sooooo here for it!
S1 → Carmy gave her a job and his trust.
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S2 → Carmy gave her a restaurant and a jacket.
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S3 → Carmy gave her an agreement to share his family business and possibly an award, (although that would be shared, because if he gets it, they actually get it together, not just him because she's also busting her ass at that restaurant) which we haven't seen yet bc S3's time span was only 3 months, and a year's run is required to even be considered. So, the awards are most likely gonna start coming in next season as I anticipated → here. That being said, he wants to give it to her, that's why he leaves her out of everything and she resents him.
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S1 → Her patience, forgiveness, and trust.
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S2 → Her patience, work, forgiveness, and trust.
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S3 → Her PATIENCE, work, and we are not so sure about whether she will continue putting her trust in him and therefore forgive him and stay by his side till he changes for her. Well, actually I am.
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So there's a pattern here. An escalation.
He keeps giving her more and more as time goes by. Maybe it's not what she wants from him... Wait, it sure isn't. But it's definitely more and more every time, that's undeniable, whether she appreciates it or not.
We all know by now that this is how Carmy expresses how he feels because words are not his forte. After all, he's avoidant and transferring his undealt-with feelings for Syd to a more attainable prospect, or at least that's what he tried to do last season, and failed and it's quite clear why. More about that failure → here.
Now, what's next for both?
Is he gonna keep on giving her more until he has nothing left to give -and if so: what does that look like?- or will the star be the limit?
Will he be able to give her that star before she has enough of him giving her what he thinks she wants but not what she really wants?
Will she be able to actually clarify for him exactly what is it that she wants from him?
Does she know that herself by now?
Is she willing to admit it?
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Or will she just give up on him, on them?
If so: Does that really solve anything for both?
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The answer to ALL those questions was given by Storer already in:
The loop:
Bonus track: There is a chance the review is not exactly what the montage shows, maybe it's actually good. We know this because Carmy's perception is altered. His mental space tends to alter reality, we saw that → here. So we shouldn't 100% trust everything we think we see through his eyes. Those missed calls and texts could be congratulations because the review was not bad or not that bad, or good enough for Cicero to continue funding the restaurant, etc. Carmy's “motherfucker!” could be his overachiever talking, maybe he focused on the one word that wasn't amazing and disregarded the rest, and in his head, he actually read a terrible review. Which is common in people with the mental disorders he has. It wouldn't be totally farfetched.
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Even if the review was as "mixed" as the montage shows, right after that we see the L.
We're looping back.
Hopefully to a more Sydcarmy-friendly place. Because this was rock bottom. Now we gotta bounce back.
This means that Carmy's escalation will continue.
He will keep on giving her more, better, bigger, more meaningful, deeper, and more intense in both a bad and a good way because the change will not be clean, it will be messy, till all he can give her is the one thing he hasn't yet.
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The truth.
Either because she stayed and signed the agreement (my money is here) or because she left and he got her back WITH A BIGGER DEMONSTRATION OF HOW HE FEELS, WHICH MIGHT INCLUDE WORDS AT THAT POINT BECAUSE HE HAD ALREADY TRIED PRETTY MUCH EVERY OTHER NON-VERBAL ALTERNATIVE (then she'll sign the agreement anyway). The breaking point they got to already is not just emotional → The crying game. It's also practical. None of them can go on like this much longer and if this keeps escalating like their pattern indicates it will, the next logical progression is to admit and uncover what has been covered for 3 seasons now. It's time. Maybe Luca will be one of the catalysts too for this to happen. Most likely, actually. But that's not necessarily a bad thing if we take into account Carmy's escalation tendencies.
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Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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gold-pavilion · 1 year
Hanafuda references in Izana & Kakucho
I love how full of references all of Tokyo Revengers is, so here's a thread about the links to hanafuda around Izana and his kingdom!! Cause it's a week till S3 and I'm excited!!
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As expected, his earrings are the best place to start from.
So first of all, I'll explain what the hanafuda deck is and which card from it they're representing.
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Even though they only contain pictures without any visible numeric value or indicator, hanafuda are playing cards. They surfaced exactly like this in order to avoid prohibitions around gambling way back in the Edo period, when foreign playing cards were banned. These slipped much more easily under the radar.
As such, hanafuda became kind of a discreet symbol of the illegal. Peony cards were a sign of prostitution, for one, and the whole deck was a staple of gambling. Which is why, even though that time passed and hanafuda cards did stay as regular playing cards, it's fun to have the leader of a criminal group wear one. 
Izana's card is the Full Moon, a highly-ranked card within the game (one of the 5 "lights" or "bright cards" which give the most points).
The hanafuda deck is distributed by months, in 12 groups of 4 cards each; each month also has an assigned flower/tree that appears in the 4 cards, visually tying them together. This card of the full moon over the pampa is part of the August set, matching Izana's birthday month!
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But the hanafuda references aren't only around him. Moving on to his servant:
Kakucho's name (just Kakucho, mistakenly believed to have a surname due to a faulty fantranslation) is made of the kanji 鶴 (kaku) and 蝶 (chou), which mean "crane" and "butterfly". Both hanafuda cards.
The crane card is part of the January set and is one of the Lights, as it also depicts the sun over the pine trees. Being a Light, getting it alongside the full moon card is really advantageous and can build you some of the most point-earning hands. The butterfly card is part of the June set, depicting butterflies over a peony flower.
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Both cranes and butterflies are thematically assigned to Kakucho! Taking a close look at his volume cover outfit, a crane pattern can be seen on the fabric, as well as a butterfly wing shape on the bottom of the jacket. Motifs that Wakui selected carefully for him.
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( scan/translated commentary from @yokohamabeans )
What's more… take a look at Izana's recent illustration for the Nov 2023 TR Expo, 'cause it's pretty interesting in this regard.
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Aside from the peacock motif and the yin-yang that were used for this outfit, there's a little cameo on the inside of the jacket: a crane. If you zoom in and take a good look at the bird's head, you can tell it apart from the peacocks. And another one, even harder to spot, so tiny that @anantagonist had to point it out to me: a butterfly, right above that.
No other Tenjiku member is linked to hanafuda references (the Haitani brothers have their assigned flowers, neither happens to match the flowers depicted in the deck), but Izana and Kakucho sure are closely linked through it. It's something they alone share.
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Isn't it cool? Let me know if you dig this kind of reference-listing posts, 'cause with TR there is so much to dig into.
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Just a few things on my mind that I haven't seen anyone talking about yet for The Umbrella Academy season 4......
1). I think it would have been drastically cooler if, when Ben spiked the sake with the marigold, everyone's powers got switched around. At least for a bit. Allison gets the knife thing, Viktor getting Ben's tentacles, etc. Mainly Diego getting Five's blink ability. That way the whole Lila-getting-lost-in-a-time-subway-with-a-Hargreevees actually makes sense. Her and Diego could have used that time to actually talk and spell out their grievances with each other, instead of the three sentence bullshit they got. Maybe they didn't speak to each other for a few months. But they slowly realized, hey. I do love you. I love you lots. Our lives aren't perfect, given all the trauma we've been through and how we were shoved into this normal domestic life (which isn't a bad thing, but definitely requires an adjustment time after what they're used to) but I still love you, and our life together. And our three kids, who all actually have names and importance.
2). The mothers. They weren't all impregnated and gave birth on the same day, but that doesn't mean they possibly wouldn't go on to have children. And while the kids they had would have human/real fathers, that doesn't mean the Umbrellas couldn't have still been born. I think the ending would have been so much better if it showed all 8 of them in their respective homes living out their lives had their mother's given birth to them normally. Klaus in the Amish community, Ben in Korea, Viktor in Russia teaching violin, hell, maybe a few of them still managed to meet up somehow. Maybe we see the Sparrows too. Who knows. But just because this version of them "had" to die (that's obviously a whole bunch of bullshit on its own) doesn't mean they wouldn't somehow exist later, when and if their mothers decided to have kids.
3). I think Diego should have been there when Lila saw the kids off in the subway. Five being there and being the one to chase after her/comfort her was part of the whole grossness that was their relationship. Diego should have been able to say goodbye to all of this kids/family as well.
Other thoughts that don't particularly pertain to just season 4....
If Reginald was on Earth in the 1800s, why did it take him till 1989 to release the marigold and cause the Umbrellas/Sparrows/Phoenixes to be born??
What is the purpose of marigold??? Why did Abigail invent it??
If Durango is the side effect of creating marigold, are there others out there who have Durango instead of marigold?? Could some of the other 40 something kids born in 1989 have Durango instead of marigold??
If the whole goal was to eventually use marigold to.... reset the timeline? in the end of s3, why use it to impregnate women in the first place???? Why not just use the fucking marigold as is??!
What was the purpose of the league of generic men in season 2?? Why assassinate Kennedy?? I had originally thought the other 12 men were aliens like Reginald and they were in the rockets seen fleeing the other world. But clearly not
There's definitely more, but these are the most pressing ones I can think about right now. In conclusion season 4 was trash with a few good highlights thrown in and would have been better if the cast just put on a stage production in a high school auditorium
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munsons-melody · 8 months
the russian starlette (prelude)
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summary: after taking a job at starcourt, you accidentally get entangled with russians underneath the mall who decided to experiment on you, causing you to gain telekinetic powers
pairing: female!henderson!reader x eddie munson x steve harrington?
cw: none
word count:  1.0k
a/n: this part of the fic takes place in s3/the summer of 1985 and follows the storyline of s3 closely
✰ part one: the prelude
✰ part two: the experiment
✰ part three: the return (coming soon)
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission
god you wish you never took that stupid job at starcourt mall, but steve was a little too convincing...
"c'mon y/n, we'll go in, apply to a couple of places and if we hear back that's great and then you can save up for a car and i'll save up for college or whatever" steve explained as you sat in his car outside the mall
the engine was turned off, leaving you to contemplate in the silence, your head leaning against the window and your body facing him in the drivers seat
"i don't know steve... a job at the mall?" you questioned and he looked at you with eyes sweeter than honey
"look, you've been saying yourself you feel bad i'm driving you everywhere and that your mom would meet you halfway on the price of a car" he said, using your own words against you
"yeah and eddie's not around to drive me too" you said sadly
you sighed
okay fine, part of the reason you didn't want to get a job at starcourt was because your boyfriend eddie was touring around america with some new band called guns n' roses and it made you feel like the biggest loser that you're stuck in the the middle of nowhere indiana working at a mall
but you knew steve was right, and that you couldn't depend on eddie to drive you to school anymore, and that you felt bad that steve had been driving the two of you around the past few months
you knew you needed the independence so you sighed, and got up, your back cracking a little in the process
"fine, let's go get a job but i'm not dealing with anything with food" you said as the two of you got out of the car and shut the doors
"yeah i'm sorry but you really just can't cook for shit" steve laughed and the two of you started walking inside
after a month at working at the gap, and seeing your paycheck, things weren't too bad working at the mall
steve got his job at scoops ahoy and luckily, his schedule somehow coincided with yours so he would drive the two of you
you had talked to eddie a few times over the past week, last time you guys spoke he said he was somewhere on the east coast and he was very happy for you and your new job
of course, you still felt like a loser working at the gap in hawkins while your boyfriend is an actual rockstar but steve made the mall bareable
plus, you finally became friends with robin, a girl you would always see around school but never talked to
the three of you would hang out constantly, and you were just happy in your little life of sneaking into the movies with them, or when steve would finish up before you and bother you in the store by trying on random clothes to keep you entertained till you left an hour later
that was until dustin came home from summer camp
you had finished up early at your shift at the gap, and walked over to scoops ahoy to bother steve and robin for the remainder of their shifts
it was nearing dinner time, meaning, most people weren't getting ice cream to eat, leaving the shop empty but you heard the three of them bustling around in the back
you rang the bell, and steve opened up the small window that separated the back room from the front counter
"oh hey y/n, we're just uh- doing stuff back here..." steve said, glancing behind him and then back to you
"wait it's y/n?" you heard dustin say and suddenly his face appeared next to steve's
"come back here, quickly and calmly, i need to tell you something huge" dustin said and you did as you were told
a few minutes later, dustin had explained how he picked up a russian transmission, and that they were trying to crack a secret russian code
hours after hours, you continued to listen to the same message over and over again till eventually you all figured out they were talking about the mall
which led you to the next problem, getting past the big scary russian with a big gun guarding the door
"or i could take him out" steve said nonchalantly
"take who out?" robin questioned
"the guard?" steve replied
"did you forget the part about the big gun?" dustin asked with an annoyed tone
but that guy was the least of your worries
after the secret elevator plummeted down to a crash on the bottom floor, and all five of you slipped through the elevator doors, you were on to finding more of the russians underneath starcourt
after walking for what seemed like miles, you all stumbled upon the hub full of russian guards, scientists, doctors, along with the comms room
and of course chaos ensued again
once in the comms room, you were taken aback by seeing someone in the room with you
robin tried to say the code to the russian man before steve started screaming and charged at the man, knocking him out
"you did it! you won a fight!" dustin exclaimed before a bigger issue caught your eye, the russian's were attempting to open the gate with a large machine which instantly made your stomach drop
alarms started blaring when the guards noticed the five of you, causing panic to ensue and everyone started running
your heart was pounding as everyone scrambled to outrun the guards, steve knocking over giant steel barrels in attempts to slow them down when you all ran into a room, slamming the door behind you
steve pressed his body against the door to keep it shut
"help me!" he yelled as the you and robin ran to him, pressing against the door with all your might
you watched as dustin and erica climbed up stairs and started descending into a hole in the floor
the weight of the guards pushing back seemed to be getting greater and greater
"i'll never forget you!" dustin screamed
"go!" you all screamed in unison as dustin shut the hatch
the guards eventually pushed open the door, causing everyone to go flying
it all went in slow motion as they opened the door, the weight of the push had sent your body flying to the wall, knocking you into complete darkness
to be continued…
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sometimes i think about the fact that thru u (and rather indirectly through myself) i’m technically only one degree of separation from the actual real neil gaiman. my eleventh grade english teacher would be fangirling so bad right now. but he hasn’t answered any of my emails in the past two months so i fear the 7th graders may have eaten him.
anyway. that’s not at all the point of this.
the point is. my point. is. i read good omens five days before you somehow got stuck in this fandom. i have also never watched the tv show. who the heck is this muriel. why is there ice cream. what is going on. where are my four other horsemen off the apocalypse.
anyway. in summary. hello from the direct opposite but parallel half of the fandom. it’s been a doozy trying to keep up with things and maybe maybe maybe i’ll finally cave and watch the show. until then-
“actually, it was bloody beautiful.”
Hello anon maggot! Well, yes, I suppose that is true...? I remember back in the middle of Jan one of my mutuals said they were mutuals-in-law now with Neil. I'm afraid I have no bloody clue about how mutual culture actually works on tumblr.
I've nearly been two months on here now, but my, uh, vaguely downwards saunter on this hellsite doesn't seem to be the norm. Add to that the fact that during my first summaries of Good Omens, during the first week of Jan, I was questioning whether Neil was fictional or not.
Yeaaaaaah my life's always kinda strange I've learned to roll with it by now. I hope your (former?) English teacher has not, in fact, been eaten by 7th graders. Unless he was a tool, in which case, I hope they feasted on his mortal frame. I'm hoping that since he's a Neil fan he was not a tool and has not been consumed for sustenance by 12 year olds.
The ice cream is a brief scene in the first season, it's an easter egg for the plotline of Sadie and Dottie's whirlwind romance in season 2. I don't think that was included in the book, probably not, because they're actually a nod to characters in one of Terry Pratchett's novels I believe. Their romance is honestly the cutest, to the point that Neil resorted to using ridiculous plot threads of them to ward off people asking for S3 spoilers. But their canon romance, I mean, it's just insane. Muriel is an angel in season 2, they officiate the Sadie-Dottie union. I think they're a scrivener.
Absolutely bloody watch the show it's amazing. Really. It broke me and healed me in the best way and I need to rewatch the first season without the chaos of being newly kidnapped.
Hello to your side of the fandom from the dubiously elected official good omens mascot!! I'm terrified of reading the book because of how every time I see Crowley's name I get emotional, so it's currently sitting by me on my desk till I gain some pretence of stability (it's not possible for show fans to ever have real stability).
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nxathyx · 9 months
Help I love your work so much omg- it's literally my type of thing like a little bit of Crack but in a yk😁 way. Anyways are your requests open? If so, and if your comfortable hb giving bsd men (such as fyodor, dazai, at sushi etc whoever you can) the silent treatment for a day. It can be nsfw or just crack your wish. Love you bye!! ⋆˙⟡♡
Okay okay!!
Tw: nothing but the usual cursing, and mentions of sex and intimacy
Atsushi Nakajima
°why would you do that to him 🤨 🤨
°personally I headcannon that Atsushi has stopped dwelling as much on his emotions (around the s3 timeline due to Akutagawas words)
°that being said I doubt he'd cry but it's quite obvious he's upset or just confused why you're giving him silent treatment
°overthinks a lot
°bro is almost fucking harassing you cause he's desperate to know what he did wrong 😃😃
°definitely goes to Dazai or Kyouka for advice
°can't focus that much on work and ends up getting scolded by Kunikida
°you better fucking apologise.
°definitely no like sexual "punishment" cause he genuinely thinks it's morally wrong to punish someone through sex and it should be an act of love and affection or some shit like that (same though)
°he'd definitely be confused and might be afraid to fuck up for like the next 3 months so he needs a bit of reassurance after that
Dazai Osamu
°he knows but will play oblivious and just stick to you like a literal fucking magnet
°he will just annoy you till he gets what he wants (which is for you to snap and break the treatment)
°makes a sexual joke or few but doesn't mean them
°finds it entertaining when you try not to snap at him
°however he would probably prefer to sit down and just question why the fuck you were acting like that
°definitely suggested a lot of intimacy as a form of making up for it but it's fully up to you whether you want to or not
Akutagawa Ryuunoske
°he cried cause he's a little bitch (/j)
°gives you the silent treatment for twice as long cause he's a dick (fails after 5 hours and starts complaining about everything)
°deffo calls you pathetic and then literally nags you for like 10 minutes and then goes back to doing his work (he legitimately doesn't know what to do in his spare time now
°he sleeps on the couch that night (or throws you out on the couch)
Chuuya Nakahara
°just leaves you to it and patiently waits till you have calmed down and then you two sit down and decide on a mutual agreement
°(he's starting to doubt himself but will just keep it to himself until it's "the right time to talk about feelings")
Fyodor Dostoevsky
°I'm sorry but he doesn't give a fuck
°"ah yes this is all according to plan😈😈" (he didn't plan shit)
°give him silent treatment till he treats his lice💋💋
°he will just sit in his discord moderator cave being a sugar daddy on roblox or something I don't fucking know
°after a while he'll legitimately get annoyed why you're acting like this "what did did I do wrong, baby girl ☹️👿😕😕
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buffyfan145 · 8 months
Fellowship of Fans have released their take on The One Ring Net's article last week about those major "Rings of Power" season 2 leaks. Was curious if they would and glad they did as it's interesting to hear what FOF has heard too. They actually confirmed some of these they have also heard and they've also debunked a few too, but there are a few they don't know about so could be possible as the show did keep a few things secret for s1. Again we won't know if any of these are true, including what FOF has said, till s2 finally airs later this year. But will say they also included more about Charlie Vickers' screen time in s2 and it's good news as I know some of us were worried about it, and they're suggesting something we wanted to happen actually is. I'll break down their take between what they've also heard and what they've debunked and/or haven't heard at all.
ETA April 2024: A lot of these spoilers have been confirmed as false now including some that were leaked on purpose from Amazon to catch the leakers.
The first major thing is it is possible Amazon got the ok from the Tolkien estate to use some of "The Silmarillion" to explain Sauron's backstory. This likely is mostly the use of names like Mairon, Mirthrander for Gandalf, Melkor/Morgoth, and show the Valar and Maiar.
There are flashbacks telling Sauron/Mairon's story but they haven't heard anything about what this leak said with the details. Possible the Valar and Maiar are shown on-screen in the opening, similar to Galadriel's opening in s1.
Sauron is in every episode.
Charlie Vickers filmed almost all the flashbacks and FOF seems to suggest that the Halbrand form is the human-like form of Mairon. Like above we might see what Mairon actually looked like fully as Maiar and Charlie is playing him. There likely is a flashback to his time with Adar, as Adar know Gavi Singh Chera's version, that Charlie won't be in but sounds like Gavi is mostly being used only as the Annatar version.
The 3rd actor playing Sauron very well could be Calam Lynch. They have also heard that Sauron will pretend to be Celeborn when he goes back to Eregion too, as well as shifting into Annatar when needed, but will pretend to be Galadriel's husband. They haven't posted this scoop though yet as they were waiting to get more confirmation but it is possible this is correct.
Is possible The Stranger being Gandalf/Mithrander will be revealed in the flashbacks with Charlie's Mairon/Sauron.
Sauron does use his connection to Aule to convince the dwarves to his side.
Tom Bombadil and Goldberry likely will appear.
The One Ring likely is getting made in the finale and Galadriel might make a huge choice for the cliffhanger for s3.
There are no bottle episodes.
Shadowfax will not appear.
Amelia Kenworthy is not playing Celebrian and there is no evil Celebrian, but Amelia's unnamed character is a villain.
That thing about the same actors playing Morgoth and Ungoliant playing Tom Bombadil and Goldberry is false, and they are not the same characters.
While the Valar and Maiar might be shown in the s2 premiere it's not what this leak described.
Things they haven't heard at all:
That Sauron has a son. That was the first time they ever heard this and they think it's false. However they aren't ruling out anything as again s1 did have leaks come out this exact same way and like they said TORT has the right to post these if they want. Will point out too TORT has doubled down on all these leaks, including this one about Sauron's son and that Adar killed him. I posted my other posts how this makes sense and I kind of do want this to happen, so if it doesn't I might write a fic about it as it weirdly works. LOL
So again we'll know for sure once season 2 airs which of these leaks/scoops were true. But again I'm really happy that it seems like Charlie is playing Mairon after all as so many of us thought he should.
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rafecameronzwhore · 1 year
Warning: fighting, fluff, I don't know if there's anymore but if there is please let me know
May be some s3 spoilers
You and Rafe woke up wrapped in each other's arms
"G'morning sweetheart," he says, placing a kiss on your hair as he tightens his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body
You didn't respond all you did was turn around and cuddle yourself into his chest
Suddenly the door flew open and there stood a guard the same one that took you and Rafe to your room
"Oi get up and get dressed mr Singh requested to see yous" then he walled out closing the door
"Well thats 1 way to wake up" you said as Rafe just chuckled and kissed your head again
Soon enough the 2 of you got out of bed and got dressed
And both of you walked downstairs to see full meals and Carlos
"Mr Cameron, Miss L/n please take a seat you both must be starving"
You and Rafe both sat down next to each other and didn't even touch the food knowing that it might be poisoned
Time skip
You and Rafe had a talk with Carlos and now he thinks your gonna help him
You and Rafe were escorted back to your room
"What are we gonna do now" you say clearly stressed
Rafe doesn't respond instead he keeps thinking
Soon he looks at you "i got an idea if your willing"
"Is it do able" you ask
Rafe comes closer and kisses your lips
"Of course it is baby"
You and rafe started yelling at each other
But behind closed doors
You were all over each other
Rafes hands explored your body
As yours wrapped around his neck
The 2 of you pulled away and got in position as soon as you heard footsteps
Rafe was behind the door and you sat on the bed
The door came open and Rafe quickly jumped the guy
Knocking him out and putting a cloth over his mouth
As you just sat there
Admiring him
He looked up at you
"If onky i had my phone to picture and frame that"
You giggled as you and rafe got out of the room
You and rafe heard Carlos saying he was going somewhere and that he was talking most of his men with him
God knew where he was but it was the perfect time for you and rafe to get the hell outta there
You and Rafe were almost at the exit until it caught your eye
Your phone
Rafe noticed you stopped
"What happened sweetheart we have to go"
"Wait" you say going to grab your phone
As soon as you grab it the door swings open
Carlos and 2 of his men were back
Rafe grabbed you and pulled you 2 down to hide
"Fuck" rafe swore under his breath
The 2 of you waited for Carlos and his guards to leave
Then the 2 of you slowly made your way outside, then made a run for it
You kept running till you both saw this truck full of heigh
You and rafe heard their conversation about how they were planning to go to dock
Rafe told you he had a boat at dock he used to get here in the first place
Rafe helped you climb onto the truck before he climbed up himself
The two of you got under the cover to hide the fact that you were there
Time skip
You guys made it to the dock and got on the boat safely
Rafe got the boat working and you were set to go
Rafe started to drive the boat out of the Port as he did
You were in front of him
Not necessarily in his way
But instead you were cuddling yourself into him
Soon your phone starts ringing and you answer it
"Hi baby"
You felt rafe tense
You kept your head on his chest and bit your lip
God you forgot how much you missed jealous rafe
Somewhat throughout the call rafe heard you say Primrose untensed just a bit
You knew what was going through his head
But you didn't want to address it right that moment
All you wanted to do was enjoy the boat ride with your lover
Hi sweets
I just got so busy and then I got covid
[And I'm a slow writer]
Hope you enjoyed
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Musa’s Discography Pt.2
First Full Album. Written throughout the second half of s3 and the first month of summer. Published int he summer between s3 and s4
This one again didn’t have a specific theme though I did try to go for a vibe. Like, this is Musa writing to cope with everything that’s going on whilst trying to ignore her mental health issues so there are one or two ‘darker’ songs when she couldn’t write smth happy or at least not act like everything is fine.
Not sure if I worded that correctly. Here goes:
Afterglow by Taylor Swift.
This is perfect to me as an opening track right before Rivusa have made up she writes this because well… it just fits a lot and I think it’s perfect to open an album that’s kinda Musa just trying to look at the brighter side and ignore the bad shit going on or trying to act like everything will be fine
The Louvre by Lorde.
I see Musa writing this towards the start of summer as a fun summer track to distract herself as she tries to figure out where to stay
Best Friend by Conan Gray.
This was written in bits and pieces over s2 and s3 and it’s just about the squads, I can see her basing it off of the platonic soulmates, like the final part is a super old recording of Sky when Stella told him an ex called her before s1
New Romantics by Taylor Swift.
Another fun summer song to cover up the sadness in an iconic way. I love this song way too much, it deserves more hype
Blue by Madison Beer.
Another track co-written by Helia, story-based. This is the first time the tiniest bit of darkness slips through mostly on the production
Exhale by Sabrina Carpenter.
One of few songs where Musa is fully honest and lets herself go a bit, but I still don’t really count it as one of the ‘darker’ songs. She wrote this before gaining Enchantix
Tornado Warnings by Sabrina Carpenter.
This one was one that she wrote in one night with Helia when neither could sleep and after Musa had lied to her therapist pre-Enchantix, so they just took the phrase ‘lying to my therapist’ and made up a little story as they do
Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift.
This song is peak Rivusa s3 for me, like- just both of them being so bad at relationships but wanting to be in one regardless and just UUGGGGHHHH love them
Sober by Lorde.
First slightly ‘darker’ song, was meant to be a summer bop but turned a bit darker. Here is where the album goes on a tiny spiral. I say tiny cause she won’t really go ‘dark’ till the second album
Stay Numb and Carry On by Madison Beer.
First song she wrote after gaining Enchantix. Kinda wrote a few nonsensical lyrics before pulling them together for the verses and the chorus is just how weird she felt after gaining Enchantix
Follow the White Rabbit by Madison Beer.
Another song she wrote soon after gaining Enchantix. Co-written by Helia cause that song to me is Helia-coded when he’s in a bad mental space…
Tell Em by Sabrina Carpenter.
More light-hearted, wrote it after Tecna ranted about Timmy and about how if they did started dating she’d be stressed about people knowing. Started writing it in s2 while Tecna wouldn’t shut up about Timmy. ‘Cause I’m falling down like I’m summer rain’ Idk why but to me that’s such a Tecna-coded line
idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish.
Probably the darkest Musa gets in this album, I almost see this as the mirror of Exhale. This was after she kinda processed everything that happened after gaining Enchantix and a few intense therapy sessions
Shadows by Sabrina Carpenter.
It just fits so well at first. I can see her writing this about lit the whole squad before gaining Enchantix, it doesn’t fit as much after that.
Giant by Yuqi.
This would kinda be her way to close the album in a more ‘positive, don’t worry I’m totally fine, I’ll be alright ajajaja rise up like a giant yeah…’ way. Basically she wrote it as a way to tell everyone don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine
Now, on to, the extra tracks of the deluxe version! Oh yeah we’re getting way too specific!!!
The deluxe version comes out after she’s taken in by Tecna’s family.
Deluxe version includes:
skinny dipping by Sabrina Carpenter.
Wrote this during her time at the Wujin Festival whilst the squad went backstage to chat and have fun, performed it on her last day. Little details about almost everyone ‘Oatmilk latte in your name’ is Stella. ‘Arguments in your garage’ is Riven/Timmy, ‘Shannon’s being Shannon’ imagine she said Lexie. Etc.
Bigger Than the Whole Sky by Taylor Swift.
Wrote this while Tecna was in Omega, didn’t want to publish it originally but Tecna cried when she heard it and said she should
i love you by Billie Eilish.
Written during the Rivusa fights and the reconcilation. Very vulnerable so she was hesitant to include it at first but decided to go for it
Labyrinth by Taylor Swift.
Written by Helia about Flora, it was originally a poem. Musa loved it and together they modified a line or two to make it into a song
The Best Day by Taylor Swift.
Musa wrote it whilst sobbing after the Crystal Labyrinth, she wanted to write about the good times she remembered and kinda just sing about her mom’s life instead of her death if that makes sense. Decided to include it in the deluxe version last second cause it felt so personal
decode by Sabrina Carpenter.
This is about her dad. Written after the Wujin Festival and Musa choosing to stop trying to mend their relationship.
That was a long one phew… that’s the first album!!! Yay!!!
Part 1
Winx Rewrite Masterlist
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charlottetheharlot22 · 6 months
i have set out on a seemingly impossible mission. once part one of bridgerton s3 is out, i will try to avoid any and all spoilers till june 13th. and once ive got all my little episodes in one spot, i'll commence the binge watching. i would literally wither to dust if made to wait a month for part 2. so i will definitely delete tumblr and instagram. but i genuinely dont think i can live without tiktok for a month so i'm praying that im able to avoid spoilers on tiktok by some miracle. wish me luck everyone.
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nalyra-dreaming · 8 months
You give me faith, but I can't help thinking that Amc original plan was to not have Louis in TVL season...
… AMC knows they struck gold with their Jam Reiderson.
Everybody comments on them and their pull.
Jacob said in the podcast that Loustat are a couple book 2 on and married in the later ones. TVL is the second book.
They set up the show over at least 6 books from the start. Including Prince Lestat, where there’s more Louis again.
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Like, I don’t see it. Loustat are endgame (according to Jacob, his word…), and Loustat is what is at the heart pf the show, as has been reiterated again and again.
And there simply is no Loustat without Louis 🤷🏽‍♀️
As a note: Jacob does not sign options bc of his experiences with GoT and the break till s3 filming is 6 months at least. He loves Louis. It must be a loss for an actor?
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Their expiration dates have already been announced
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The C Person: "September 2023"
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C will stay in Chicago till September 2023 or shortly after when she will be relocated once she completes her residency in Chicago after studying in NYC, where she might come back after her "official" breakup/closure with Carmy. Relocation is super common for Resident doctors once they finish their residency.
Because the C person was only supposed to be in Carmy's life for 6 months.
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They run into each other at the store in March 2023 (02X02) and by the end of S3 (August 7th, 2023) only 5 months or less have passed:
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So my prediction is that that last month to complete the 6 month run she was supposed to have in the plot, will be shown to us in S4. Not sure if this will include a short-lived reconciliation with Carmy or not even that (I hope not even that TBH), but she will complete that 6-month run and then she will be gone. I have been mentioning that her role was about to become useless soon since Carmy has already had his breakthrough in several previous posts now:
The catalysts
Back where he belongs
The C file & her reverse psychology
But I came to this conclusion now after reading a comment by brilliant chef @ago0112 that pointed out that her exit from the show might have something to do with her residency, which makes total sense. Then I remembered that her deadline had already been announced from the very get-go: September 2023.
And that reminded me of these other 2 characters having similar expiration dates hidden in plain sight for us, as well:
The Eye Candy: "A few months Less than a year"
"A few months" only. Vague and ambiguous as their whole relationship is gonna be because he knows he's not here to stay.
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The Joker: "Quickly".
He "wants to move quickly". How charming! That means that his arc is the shortest of the 3. He will be gone before he can get started. Not even months like in C's or Luca's case. We're talking days or weeks here. Fuck you, Shapiro!
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Syd will shut him down "quickly" (as soon as S4 starts) and then she will sign The Bear's agreement and we'll go from there.
Bonus track: Comparative analysis of the agreements Syd has been offered in S3
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So, the only difference is the starting point's offer which is 80K annually in Shapiro's case, whereas Carmy's is HIS HEART, A STAR, HIS FAMILY, HIS FAMILY BUSINESS, FAMILY STYLE, 2 TOPS, BOOTHS, HIS BABY BLUES, HIS BICEPS, ETC 70K, but Carmy's offer may be even more solid/better financially speaking and emotionally because we don't know the % of the bonuses he offers her, and we know that in Shapiro's case it's just the one bonus upon review but Carmy offers her 2 a year, which she will never not collect, who are we kidding? So, actually, Carmy's numbers might be better than Shapiro's after all. But even if they aren't, this begs the questions: Is Carmy only worth 10K for Syd??? Would she choose Shapiro over Carmy just because this Jocker offers her +10K a year? Is that all Carmy's worth for her? If she doesn't choose based on the $$$ then but she considers Shapiro's offer out of spite for Carmy or to get out of The Bear in a desperate attempt to start clean elsewhere, is Shapiro the best option anyway? Or is she just exchancing one problem for another? Does she know this guy? And more importantly, does he know her? I answered SOME of those questions here already.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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shc2c · 1 month
The Mysterious Case of Sonic Movie 3 Marketing
An Op-Ed by Malzilla
Let me say this right off the bat, I am not an expert in marketing. I took Marketing classes in college for my business minor but most of it was pretty entry level but it gave me a solid foundation to understand most companies' marketing plans. Or at least try to see the method or goal behind the madness to get a scope of what they’re trying to do. But Paramount’s treatment of Sonic 3 is bizarre. We got toys, plushies etc out in stores before the first trailer. 
Sonic Movie 3 has me utterly baffled. Because here we are exactly four months/120 days (122 days at the time of this writing) and do far zip zilch nada. 
The last OFFICIAL news we got for the movie was back on Feb 2nd when the twitter released a little teaser showing the logo as well as some of the additional human cast members. Sure Jon Campea on his Podcast YT show announced that Keanu would play Shadow and was pretty much confirmed by official Hollywood outlets in April but no official word from Paramount has been given. They’ve been radio silent for months know, save for a few weeks in April to promote the Knuckles TV show
So why the wait? Some folks I have talked to may think there may be some internal stuff going on, but I doubt it. Yes Paramount is getting ready to merge with Skydance and some layoffs have happened but I don’t think that would affect much of the Sonic movie day to day. 
So here we are at four months till release and we’re all wondering “It’s go time right? RIGHT?” 
I would think so. And so has the rest of the Sonic Fandom. But alas we’re still waiting for the green light to go. So when is that green light coming? 
I hope.
Honestly, I don’t know. But looking at two other films marketing that run some parallels to S3 as well as some key dates in the next  four months. I'm going to throw some ideas out there. 
First off let's look at the marketing on Sonic 2. Movie was released April 8th 2022, and its first official trailer was released on Dec 9th at the 2021 VGAs (it also had a poster released the day prior on the 8th). So right at the four month mark. They followed up with some TV spots and a special Pre Super Bowl TV spot in February AND then the final Trailer March 14th. So a fairly dense four month marketing campaign. 
The other film to look at is Spider-man No Way Home, which like Sonic 3 had a December release date. NWH after months of rumors and lack of promotion (sound familiar) debuted its first teaser trailer on August 23rd 2021; roughly four months prior to its Dec 17th release date. It also had another final trailer on Nov 16th; roughly one month prior. 
So if we look at both of them we see a very similar four month marketing campaign. So what does that mean for Sonic 3? Let's work backward from the release date till now. The following are dates of significance, IMO to both Paramount, Pop/Nerd/Game culture etc: 
Dec 20th - Release Date 
The Long Wait will be over and we all bask in the Living and Learning of it all 
Nov 28th - Thanksgiving - Possible 2nd Trailer.
Given that Paramount has put Sonic TV spots before Football games before, I would not be surprised if we got the 2nd Trailer during Half Time of the CBS game that airs in the morning of Thanksgiving. This also aligns with the roughly 1 month prior benchmark as seen with both S2 and NWH. 
NYCC Oct 17th-20th - TV Spots/Behind the Scenes/Movie Clip
While this date kinda is little too soon for a second trailer, it would be a great time to bring out the whole cast and do some promotion with the masses and maybe some TV spots or a small clip. 
Transformers One Release Sep 20th - PONR for First Trailer 
I think I can safely say that the absolute LATEST we can expect a trailer for Sonic 3 would nex month with the release of Transformers One. Paramount would have to be utterly brainless NOT to have a trailer for Sonic playing in front of their other Family Nerd Oriented IP.
Gamescom 2024 Oct 20h - 25th - Trailer Release 
Kinda funny how the Opening Night Ceremony for Gamescom just so happens to fall on both the four month till release mark AND a Tuesday (Paramount usually releases trailers on Tues/Thurs)? We KNOW SEGA will be there with more SonicXShadow Generations, but really the movies are more Paramount’s game than SEGAs so there is no guarantee it will be released. BUT Paramount has passed on both Summer Game Fest AND San Diego Comic Con. Everything seems aligned for a reveal on Tuesday. I guess we’ll know if we get a poster revealed  tomorrow. 
Now personally I would have started ramping up the marketing with SDCC. Because right now the two biggest competitors that Sonic 3 is going to have in Dec are Kraven and Mufassa. And both of these movies have had TWO trailers released for it.  With Kraven it makes sense since it was originally supposed to be released back in 2023 but then got pushed back 3 times. So I guess Sony thinks it can rack up a solid week one before the family holiday push. Mufassa on the other hand is going to be the big one to beat as family’s will no doubt flock to the much anticipated origin of Mufasa! That last part was sarcasm but this part is not: they need to get the word out to the casuals. I’ve talked to a lot of Non Sonic who are genuinely excited to see Keanu play Shadow. And the time is right to get them hooked. 
So in the end, I will say that I’m like Jon Snow and I “know nothing” but I do know we're getting to the point where it’s time for paramount to lace up its sneakers and get going. Whether it's this week or the next or maybe till the opening of Transformers One. But I would recommend Paramount not dilly dally. Sonic Fans are easily frustrated and can turn rabid quickly. 
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