#winx rivusa
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skylaryozora · 5 months ago
Couldn't download with audio, but it's just music anyway so if you wanna check it, go to my IG ♥️
It was a reel for Riven's birthday yesterday sooo 💅
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mu5a · 8 months ago
i am ctfu i saw this post on pinterest and reddit at riven moving his hands lower to musa’s ass
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i don’t know if it was intentional but i did notice that riven usually has his hands on musa’s lower back/waist! compared to the other guys they usually have their hands on the winx’s arms/shoulders.
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bitchthatstank · 6 months ago
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I think this is the first time I actually complete a piece with a guy in it..
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redfountainpostin · 10 days ago
I wrote several times about Musa's faults relationship wise including cracking of jokes about her having a "I can fix him" issue, but I'm slowly getting inspired to expand and write about the ways she's GOOD for Riven and to Riven. Because she does need to be. And as much as I like season 4 giving me inspo for her faults, it 1) doesn't address it properly and 2) doesn't give her any redeeming qualities.
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fairy-dust-trash-can · 1 year ago
Musa: I could fix him
Darcy: And I can make him beg like a whore. What’s your point?
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darlenicy · 5 months ago
matching tattoos
Once Musa and Riven start dating and things are getting more explicit (ya know 😏) Musa discovers a small tattoo on Riven's shoulder. A delicate, little D.
Musa: "pfff what does that stand for? D*ck?"
Riven: "uhm no, it's for Darcy"
Musa: ...
So I think Riven and Darcy spent way more time together, than shown in the show. You know, they were fresh in love, they did couple things and with the time passing both learned to trust each other. Which is a big step for both of them. Darcy is a control freak, this is why her biggest fear is losing control in front of other people. A.k.a that's why she would never get drunk and is no alcohol person in general. Riven has trust issues too, because of his backstory.
So one day they were together overnight, Darcy got slightly tipsy because she could finally really open up to Riven and he was like "we should get matching tattoos" and she's like "haha yes why not". So they got them the same night. Both got the initials of the other on the shoulder. Small but visible. Darcy an R and Riven a D.
They both keep them because getting rid of tattoos is as difficult in Magix than on earth. Also both still don't want them to disappear. They hold on to them like holding on to the other. Both don't want to let go.
One day in s3 when the Trix finally got over Valtor and their sisterhood is complete again Stormy suggests to get matching tattoos on the shoulder too to underline their bond. And Darcy is like: "uhm.. I already got one." Icy and Stormy never noticed it because Darcy's long hair usually covers it. When Icy says, Darcy could just make another one out of it, she refuses. She doesn't want to let go. So doesn't Riven, who has a big argument with Musa because of it. And Musa has certainty, that Riven will never fully be hers.
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picture source on pinterest
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year ago
I know this has been asked before but what's your favorite scene for each couple you've written so far
Bloom and Sky- Their talk after Sky tells the truth of his curse season 3, Chapter 34; The Truth is a Grotesque Animal
I just feel it captures how despite loving each other so much, things just keep getting in the way and (in a parallel with Daphne and Valtor) they are also a tragedy
Stella and Brandon- I don’t think I have a specific one but if I had to chose their moment in Season 4, Chapter 2; Love or Like, It’s Like Hide and Seek
It’s just very domestic and shows how much they just get each other. Also Brandon loving it when he gets to see Stella with her glasses is UUUGGGHHHH- they’re the cutest
Flora and Helia- I’m between the love confession in Season 2, Chapter 34; See the Light and… their scene in Season 3, Chapter 27; Show me the Places Where the Others Gave you Scars. Also, honorable mention to their moment in Season 3, Chapter 31: I’ll Stare Directly at the Sun but Never in the Mirror
They’re just so soft, I love writing for them but these 3 specifically where just… ugh- love it
Musa and Riven- I got 3 favorite scenes, first Season 1, Chapter 21; Lightning can Strike Twice, when they’re at Zenith because I feel like this is the first time they truly connect. Then, Season 2, Chapter 40; But Tonight I’ll be the Happiest Girl in the World, you’ll see, Like it Never Happened, since this is when they get together.
But THE SCENE for them is season 3, Chapter 45; Fairy Soiree, because this is when they realize that they’re in it for the long haul and they’re finally learning to communicate and it was just very soft and fun to write
Tecna and Timmy- there is only one possible option here, their talk in Season 3, Chapter 39; Would You Hold Me and Just Forget the World? Because I feel like it’s these two at their purest and the best way to see their relationship and what they mean to each other
I just loved writing that scene for them
Aisha and Nabu- their scene in Season 3, Chapter 27; Show me the Places Where the Others Gave you Scars, since this is when Aisha first realizes that she’s falling in love with Nabu
Honorable mention to Nabu backing her up when she goes up against her mom in Season 3, Chapter 57: Things Work Out, Except for the Ones that Just Won’t
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crescentmoon-flower · 2 years ago
Rewatching winx season 4 for nostalgia and realizing how wierd some things are
Why is this intro actually fire??!
Ah yes, now they're the teachers
I actually admire season 4 for allowing the protagonists to grow up
"it almost makes me miss the trix, even they were less agressive"
Grizelda, How exactly were they supposed to know that the room has been changed?
Also, ROOM singular? Are the teachers grouped too? Why don't the girls get their own rooms?
...griselda don't encourage students to be like the winx,  you don't want more girls to put themselves in mortal danger
Are the keys to the hall of enchantment custom made for each teacher? What about no fairy teachers? Do they just not get access?
Why is this hall inside a school? Actually maybe the building became a school after
Blooms picture is in the book of fairies, Why exactly?
"A level above enchantix" and here begins the contradiction
The animation here looks wierd?
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Yes bloom just walk off mid speech
Why was the wizard's painting covered?
Wait.... were they trapped in the painting? This brought up way too many questions
musa ruffling rivers hair
helia being a perfect jentleman
stella poking Brandon
Oh right He's king now. Ah plot consistency, may you rest in peace
Grizeda rocks that look though ngl
No previous planning? To shame bloom, to shame.
Yeah I honestly wouldn't be all that impressed with those tricks either
Actually good lesson here, good job techna and aisha
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Why don't bloom and Stella know the damn course plan?
Why is clarice saying this infront of several people?
How don't the teachers notice clarice just walk off?
How didn't Alice feel the box being put in her bag???
I like the original enchantix song more
What is the physics of that morphics surfboard?
Also Why did she use/make it? Feels useless to me
Why detonate it on the punching bag flora's turn?
Why did they have no protection in the first place? There was open fire?
Jeez, obviously alfea and cloud tower have very different punishments, the trix got away with so much worse, 
...actually maybe that's why the repercussions are so harsh now
Rip alfea's barrier (season 1 episode 2)
Ogron's so pale,  like did they forget to colour in his face??
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And here begins anagan x flora, with a single hello
Smh flora you naïve girl, did you learn nothing in these last three years?
Gantlos has anger issues confirmed, he's the stormy of the black circle
Why the flora abuse this episode??
How exactly does that magic work? Were the wizards invisible? Or did they teleport? And if they teleported how did they know to do it right then?
They know blooms name and not her face? Even more questions...
I like this version of duman's voice, it fits him (rai's wierd accent)
I'd actually like a musa- gantlos rivalry, being immune to each others sound based spells, sounds like a good plot point
"Well that was fun"
Ogron is a masochist confirmed
..Merlin? Did he exist in the magical universe?
...Dodging is impossible? Get Stella a basic self preservation class please
Ogrons magic is actually an interesting concept, too bad they don't use it to its full potential
Hold up are their fingers black? Why?
...but what if they last earth fairy is in alfea? Why give up on it so quick?
But why did clarice admit it?
"It's an ancient story"
Time line go brrrrr
Did faragonda give the girls an ancient important book? Why???? They didn't need the whole thing
...I'm not saying anything on faragonda's explanation mainly because of the utter confusion and amount of questions it brings up
Musas up for a fist fight
...maybe all of roxy's confusion would have been ended if she mentioned morgana's name,  the girls know she's the queen now
Again, Time line go brrrr
How does making humans belive in magic weaken the wizards? this was never actually explained? Like they still had power before humanity forgot fairies?
"Where are we even going?"
Why don't you start with,  oh I don't know... EARTH???
Drama King helia, love it
Word spread to the boy's that fast? Wow
Aaaawwwww rivusa, Riven picking up musa and lifting up her mood, even if he didn't think up of it himself
Riven king of common sense
Sky's entrance was actually adorable, and hilarious
The change of music really made my heart drop for a second
Why the secrecy though? Couldn't they just go with the winx ?
When did techna copy all the books without the others knowing?
A teacher is a teachers pet
Oh poor wizgiz
oh right the pixy plot, yeah I'm not comenting on it beyond it was stupid and pointless
What luck,  they just so happen to come across a randomly rare magic butterfly
"Light and darkness in perfect harmony"
And yet the tree shows only fairies?
Also what luck that roxy just so happen to be in......
Actually, theory time:
What if when daphne sent bloom through the portal aiming for earth, she opened it close to a strong magical source, Morgana.
That would make more sense that a huge coincidence of two of the only magical beings on earth being in the same city
A promise never fulfilled, I wish we actually saw roxy bond with a pixy
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skylaryozora · 2 years ago
Oh boy, this is so precious, I'm so in love with every picture
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oh also my insta is azi_makes_art
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faytalepsy · 3 months ago
The touch of your hand
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(1) Silrah (Farah Dowling/Saul Silva) (2) Skloom (Bloom/Sky) (3) Katerra (Kat/Terra) (4) Rivusa (Riven/Musa) (5) Stellatrix (Stella/Beatrix) (6) Greysha (Grey/Aisha)
All my Fate Hand Touch drawings so far! Which one is your favorite?
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cuttoncandyhair · 11 months ago
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I tried designing a Magic Winx base transformation for the specialists. Unfortunately I have no sense for fashion at all. Long story short, I doodled Rivusa.
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skylaryozora · 5 months ago
APT but it's AU Rivusa 🩷🖤
Did everyone see that bcos I am not doing it again lol
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mu5a · 9 months ago
now why are people on twt saying musa became more feminine for riven
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bitchthatstank · 2 years ago
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Made a silly little tumblr to post art on, so here’s musa sitting at a bus stop in Magix
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redfountainpostin · 13 days ago
Darcy had a hissy fit and nearly broke up with Riven bc he shaved his head for a Pitbull concert.
Years later when he did it again Musa did it as well and they went together.
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yantarnii · 1 month ago
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happy valentines day to everyone including toxic couples 💕
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