#npd + questioning system culture is
npd culture + questioning median system (of unknown origin, i have No Idea) and thinking "oh im even more special now teehee<3"
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borderline-culture-is · 7 months
BPD + ?NPD + system culture is second-guessing yourself. It's been a year since we started suspecting BPD and yeah it fits but realistically how fucked up could we be? The trauma wasn't that bad I'm pretty sure
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narcissism-positivity · 6 months
So we’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how npd might present differently with different alters in our system
And one of our protectors was wondering about this, and what npd traits he could possibly display
Our system had to remind him that in headspace he’s LITERALLY INVINCIBLE 😂😂😂
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identifying. documenting. mapping. tedious. laborious. indigenous. dissociative. self medication. modalities. spirituality. it’s all coming together. who are we? who are you? where are we? when are we? what are we? we are a collective
-Pågo 🌺 Narcisa 🌔 and Apathy ❓
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syscultureis · 1 year
Welcome to our System culture blog!
Every other plural culture blog we've seen has always been pro endo, tulpa, and other non-traumagenic systems.
We are not, while our views from alter to alter vary, we consider ourselves as a whole anti-nontraumagenic
We use plural because we've used it to describe ourselves since before we even knew what a system was. It is not us "reclaiming" or "stealing" the term, it's us using a term we have always, and will always, use. Stop sending asks about it (please)
About us and our blog!
Submit asks about how being plural affects you! We'll post it either with a response to it, or just on its own.
Non-traumagenic and their supporters are not welcome here. Mixed orgins systems included with that. (Being neutral on endos is fine, just be aware that we are anti endo here)
Don't be worried to submit the more negative stuff, we'll try to add trigger warning best we can
We're bodily 19, and a system of about 40 known alters.
This blog is for any kind of traumagenic system. OSDD, DID, P-DID, Polyfragmented, etc. If you want to start your ask with your specific type of system go for it!
We don't want to be a syscourse blog, but we can't promise there won't be any. We will tag it as syscourse though
Singlets (non-systems) are welcome to follow and interact (politely) and if you have questions you can ask! We may not have all the answers but we'll answer what we can
This blog is to share experiences with our community, the good and the bad
Swearing is okay, but please try to keep slurs out of asks. You can censor them if they need to be used.
We are bodily disabled, so don't be mean about physical disabilities
Go ahead and send in things about comoridity as well! Example: "Plural autistic culture is..."
This system uses neo pronouns!! And supports xenogenders!!
This blog supports people with all disorders, and we will do our best to avoid posting asks that use terms like "narcissistic abuse" as we believe it adds stigma to disorders such as NPD
Please don't use the term "Core" in our asks when referring to the first host. It's an outdated term that basically means "first and original alter" which isn't really a thing, and we don't like promoting misinformation like that, especially when it very often promotes the idea that one alter is more real and important than the others
Feel free to spam the ask box as much as you want
Please also note that depending on who's fronting our views may vary, one alter does not speak for our entire system. Not even if they claim to, there is almost nothing we all agree on wholeheartedly. If an issue arises we will do our best to control and adress it.
Brief summary for those that can't read long things:
- xeno genders welcome
- cluster b disorders supported
- non-traumagenic and supporters not welcomed
- not every post has to be positive
- singlets welcome
- try to avoid syscourse
- self diagnosis is valid
Link to our discord servers (let us know if it doesn't work):
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crows-templets · 2 months
Hello! Welcome to crows templates!
Been making templates since January 2024!
Requesting rules
I make many types of templates!
Alter templates
Subsystem templates
System templates
Singletsona templates
We won’t make searching templates and display names are only for mutuals.
My DNI list. If you are on this list I ask that you don’t interact and don’t use my templates. Don’t claim that “these are for everyone” because they aren’t.
- endos and supporters
- radqueers (including MAPs)
- proship or any other word for it
- basic DNI (transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racist, etc)
- believes NPD abuse exists/uses the word narcissistic negatively
- Endo neutrals are on thin ice. If you lean towards supporting endos then get out of here. Otherwise it’s ok.
- anti m-spec lesbians and other contradictory labels. Here we support contradictory labels.
Alter intros part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Collective intros
Misc info/other:
Slightly more personal intro
Please don’t ask us random questions that aren’t relevant to our blog, we aren’t a system help blog, we just make templates.
My queue is very long, it takes about a month until a request is posted
Tag list: @404-systemnotfound @lovesomesys @constellation-sys @antiendo-persecutor-culture
The tag list is when requests open or close, if you want to be added send an ask or dm!
If our templates aren’t your style my great friend beehive makes amazing templates!
We have a server!! Moderated by us and @lovesomesys here!
Thanks for comin round here! Appreciate all of ya!
Original pinned
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goobersnart · 6 months
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Image description of flag is tba
I want to preface this coining post with the following:
This blog is not a discourse blog or a coining blog! We don't take requests for this stuff. If you start shit you will be blocked and ignored! ^_^
The emojicode (cus we're a sucker for 'em): 🌤️🌈
Feel free to do whatever the fuck you want w/ this flag, it's a pretty flag, have fun with it!
This is a long post, be prepared HELP
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Joyqueer is essentially a blankqueer term where one prefers to focus on positivity. They try and look on the bright side of things, even in the darkest of hours.
Even though Joyqueer focuses on the positivity, it doesn't condone toxic positivity. We're not naïve, the world isn't sunshine and rainbows 24/7. We look on that side when applicable to ease life and stress because focusing on the bad 24/7 and being drowned in misery is painful and hurts.
This stance is for good faith terms/identities, follows P.L.U.R (Peace, Love, Unity (and), Respect), and users might spread positivity and joy amongst others.
This stance is supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Mspec queers (ie mspec lesbians, gays, biles, bipan, etc.), gender anarchy (being a girlboy, transfemasc thing, having no gender while having gender, etc), & relationship anarchy (being aplatonic, being loveless, having sex with your friends and or doing things with friends that others consider "weird", polyamory, being with objects and or stuffed animals, etc)
System inclusive with the respect of cultures and against spreading misinformation.
Inclusive of ones with cluster B disorders and to educate about them and spread joy to the ones with the disorders that are suffering. NPD abuse doesn't exist, and pw HPD/BPD/ASPD aren't bad for existing!
Anticontact paraphiles that are just existing in a world that sadly doesnt understand them. attraction isn't action and no matter how ""harmful"" the attraction is (attracts cannot be harmful as thought crimes dont exist), you aren't a bad person for something you cannot control.
Anti-censorship in art and storytelling; fiction freedom in the largest of sense. Fiction isn't on the same level as reality, characters are the dolls you play with.
Youth liberation; realizing that the youth isn't stupid and that children are people too.
Atypical dysphoria and the ones that're nonhuman and or alterhuman, extranthrope, altsex, therian, objectkin, conceptkin, etc. A means to spreading positivity and joy to the ones suffering with odd and unusual dysphoria. This includes transhumanism and the personal choice of deciding what one does to ones body; this includes things that you'd find personally uncomfortable/harmful.
This stance is not supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Transitioning to harmful transids (transnazi, transracist, transblack, transasian, etc.)
any sort of harassment
antitheism/abolition of religion
Like I said above the cut, any sort of hate will get deleted. Spread positivity to the ones that need it, the world needs more positivity. If one has any questions, feel free to ask! :]
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transgender-culture · 4 months
Blog Info!
This blog is for anyone who isn't cisgender, if you are a demigirl/demiboy or bigender or genderfluid you can still send in asks to this blog <3
Please send in any asks starting with "Trans culture is" or a varition of that (specifics can be included like "transfem culture is" "genderfluid culture is" "disabled trans culture is" "autistic trans culture is")
You can send in questions to but please state that it is a question and I may not be able to answer it myself but I'm sure others may help you <3
"Trans Eggs" are very much welcome on this blog, you can send in asks and ask questions to people and hopefully this blog can help you figure some things out <3
I might be able to post too often since I am in highschool but I will try to keep an active queue and respond to things when I can <3
- transphobes obviously
- homophobes
- racists
- ableists
- zionists
- "narc abuse" believers
- anti-pd
- endo systems
About The Admin:
I'm a queer trans boy in highschool
You can call me Alex or Bunny
I use he/it/star/bun pronouns :3
I have autism and ADHD, I have a special interest in psychology, marble hornets, scene/emo culture and LGBT history
I have symptoms of BPD and NPD and have fairly low empathy so I'm sorry if I'm not good at helping with certain things
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the-npd-culture-is · 9 months
Updated 28/06/24
this blog is run by someone who has self dx is now diagnosed as npd (narcissistic personality disorder) and bpd (borderline personality disorder).
why i made this blog. do not ever ask me about it again.
i will be the only admin here, but if that changes other people will sign the posts as well.
this blog runs on one post per day queue for the moment.
no more dni i ran out of fucks to give.
asks currently open for submissions.
hate won't be answered and will be deleted.
discourse will be deleted.
vents are ok but will be tagged #vent and or #npd vent.
also, if you simply want to ask for compliments you can, but the rule is you have to give one back </3
additionally, this blog worked with a 3 posts per day queue system but I've now decided to switch it to 1 post per day because i'm taking some time offline. although stuff unrelated to npd culture or more urgent asks may be answered off queue.
Questions :
"can we follow if most of us express other cluster b disorders but we have one fairly active guy that we think aligns more with NPD than others?"
"can non-npd with npd traits send submissions?"
"can we ask for advice relating NPD on this blog?"
"is it possible to have NPD without trauma?"
"is it ok to follow your blog even thought i'm not sure if i actually have npd? </3"
"not culture but how do you feel about low empathy npd havers??"
main tags :
#mod talk
#op (original post)
#npd culture is
#not npd culture
#npd questions
#npd playlist
#q (the queue)
trigger tags :
#tw ableism
#vent / #npd vent
taken anon tags :
#🦈 // #🐈‍⬛🔪 // #🩵🎭 // #👑🥀 // #⚜️ // #mayhem // #🌨️ // #🐌🪷 // #🕊️ // #🐍☀️ // #✨🥀✨ // #🐈 // #☦️💕 // #🦠💉 // #🦚 // #🦷🍄🩸 // #🌿✅ // #🪐🪽 // #pyre // #💙💊 // #🦷🥩 // #🦇
blinkies under the cut :
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source : https://www.tumblr.com/silly-mantis-creations/733367112830255104/cluster-b-disorder-blinkies
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b1gr4tm4n · 8 months
Hello, we are the vessel.
We are a traumagenic polyfragmented system with AuDHD, BPD, NPD, CPTSD, OCD, TS, SZD, and more.
We are firmly anti non traumagenic + their supporters, and we will not be debating it. Anyone attempting to do so will be blocked immediately. We are looking for more traumagenic sys friends. If you're interested in learning more about us, keep reading, follow us, and/or send a question(s) to our inbox.
Collectively: If you are speaking about us as a whole or us as the body, call us the vessel. You may use he/him to talk about us collectively. If you are speaking about individual alters, use their names and pronouns. We will most likely sign off with emojis and or names in our posts.
Frequent Fronters: Jack (host), 🔒, and 🎀
DNI: endos/tulpas, syscourse, transmeds, fake claimers, terfs, radqueer, conservative, racist, sexist, homo/transphobic, cringe culture, anti self dxing, anti neopronouns
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Suspected npd + fictive culture is getting an ínstense high from looking your source character up on Spotify and seeing the sheer amount of playlists and ASMR podcast episodes dedicated to you!! Like of COURSE people are simping for me, and yearning to be me, and having brainrot over me!! I’m hot, I’m unstoppable, I’m a god
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divine-collective · 2 months
What can I get you?
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We're the divine System!
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Basic info
Our collective names is Vincent & Gabriel. We use he/it/they/she <-order of preference. We are trans demiaroace gay man and are bodily 16 year old. We have dyslexic, autism, bpd + npd, arfid and c-did. We are taken so don't flirt with us unless we are close and is a joke. We have a headcount of 30+.
Below cut: byi + dni, interests.
Byi: We use we/us and i/me interchangeably, we need tone indicators alot of the time, we take longer to process stuff, we might disappear as we have a low social battery, we struggle with our memory alot, some alters might not say they are fronting but you can ask.
Dni: basic dni list, -13 % +25 y/o, non-traumagenic systems, hates our interests/favs /srs, supports problematic medias, acts weird around introjects, cringe culture, if you think you're better than me/or likes interests more /srs, disorder abuse (e.g. npd abuse), NSFW blogs.
nso, dead plate, ddlc, omori, sharks, cats, birds, pjsk, genshin, r1999, vocaloids, spiderman(itsv + atsv), i saw the tv glow, hello kitty, tyler the creator, mitski, car seat headrest, twf, gen loss, ranboo, jack manifold, the smiths, chappell roan, fashion.
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[text from top left to bottom right: "This system identifies with Rabies Pride". "This system splits fictives easily due to being autistic." "This system uses I/me and we/us pronouns interchangeably". "This system is often blurry." "This system has very poor memory, please be patient". "This system LOVES talking about their system. Please ask questions about them!"
We will do alter intros soon so people know who's who!
Credits: dividers by dissociativeplate (cant find og links), Rody graphic is by llocket, and userboxes has links to them!
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borderline-culture-is · 10 months
Daily click for Palestine(and the other causes)
Blog introduction post
Who is this blog for?
This blog is for anyone with BPD and/or BPD traits. Other cluster B disorder havers and those without who want to learn are also welcome, although submissions are preferred to be BPD focused and sent by pwBPD and/or BPD traits.
Why this blog?
I'm not sure what happened to the other BPD culture is blog, but it was either nerfed or deleted, and I haven't seen any sign of return or a new blog, so I decided to make one. If the original account owner didn't want a creation of another one, please tell me!!!
DNI/BYF [do not interact] [before you follow]
Anti-recovery peeps
General DNI criteria
Cluster b abuse believers
We accept self-diagnosis.
You can vent, but we may not always know how to respond. We are a person, too.
We will also try to tag triggers accordingly.
Sending asks
Start every ask with "BPD culture is," "BPD traits culture is," "questioning/suspected BPD culture is," or something along those lines.
Extra info under cut
About the mod 🌕🥃
Hello, we're the moonshine collective. Bodily 16 y/o, collectively he/they, traumagenic system. We have BPD and NPD, among other things. Our main blog is @deepmilkshakepeach. If you want to visit it, it also has a masterlist of alters and their sign-offs and blogs.
About the other mod
Hello! I'm mod ghost. I'm in my 20's. I volunteered to help moderate because this is a heavy undertaking. I don't interact with the other mods much, I'm just here to help lighten the load. I have BPD, C-PTSD and a bit of depwession. My personal blog is private because I split a lot there and I prefer to keep it in my own little corner of the internet.
About the third mod
Hi! I'm the Fandom mod(I don't know what to put here). I'm a non-binary(they/them unless specifically stated otherwise) minor w BPD, most likely HPD and questioning for more PDs. I'm also autistic and have ADHD. I volunteered to be a mod because there are a lot of submissions here and I wanted to help. I won't share my personal blog because I feel like it'd be awkward with some of my mutuals.
Take care everyone!
info posts
FP definition
Splitting definition
BPD and BP
BPD and autism
our experience determining BPD self dx
supporting a pwBPD
Misc posts :]!
#bpd culture is - asks and submission posts
#bpd questions - questions about BPD
#bpd information
#bpd positivity
#not bpd culture
Blog boosts
@narcissisticpdcultureis @hpdcultureis @pluralcultureis @aspd-bpd-culture @ppd-culture-is @cluster-b-culture-is @host-culture-is
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pda-culture-is · 11 months
About Blog
Welcome to pda-culture-is!
Inspired from other culture blogs such as @autism-culture-is @ndcultureis @cluster-b-culture-is @narcissisticpdcultureis and more!
This blog is for autistics with Pathological Demmand Avoidance to share their experiences.
Examples of starting off an ask:
PDA culture is
Autistic PDA culture is
PDA + (other disorders) culture is
Questioning PDA culture is
Informed self diagnosis is accepted here, even if you don't plan on getting a professional diagnosis
basic dni (racism, sexism, ableism, queerphobia, fatphobia, ect.)
transmeds, TERFs, exlusionists, transID
anyone who demonizes stigmatized disorders, believes in "narcissistic abuse", participates in "cringe culture", misuse terms such as intrusive thoughts, narcissist, sociopath, delusional ect.
pro-contact/anti-consent harmful paras
NSFW blogs, ED or SH blogs unless they are based on recovery
Other things to add:
don't say "going nonverbal/semiverbal" as they are pernament states, what you can use instead is verbal shutdown or speech loss
you can swear in asks but don't use slurs
in the case your ask mentions abuse, ableism, ed, s/h, suicide or anything of the like, its appreciated if you put a warning on top. we tag with both "(x) tw" and "tw (x)" just in case
in case you send an image with text, it is appreaciated if you add an image description if able
you can also add signatures (emojis, names), we'll keep track of them
we're open to questions but it is unsure wether we can answer
hate messages will be ignored and deleted
About Admin
Collective Info: Dave, he/they/it, Transmasc Non-Binary AroAce
We're a DID system with NPD, BPD, and of course Autism hence this blog. We won't be sharing much about us.
Our stance on syscourse doesn't matter on this blog so anyone can send in questions and interact
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ppd-culture-is · 1 year
What are '[XYZ]-culture-is' blogs?
Hello! Thank you for checking out this blog. '[XYZ]-culture-is' or related blogs are where people send asks/submissions of the subject where the community of said subject may share solidarity, relate, or learn more of the subject.
What does this blog cater to?
This blog caters to a disorder, specifically personality disorder, called Paranoid Personality Disorder [PPD]. It is a Cluster A Personality Disorded where each PD in that cluster is characterized by odd or eccentric thinking or behavior. However, allies and PPD-trait havers are welcome. I encourage that allies don't send asks nor submissions since this blog isn't for them.
Tagging system for triggering content?
I will tag any triggers or warnings for content like "tw cyz," "cw xyz," "xyz," "xyz tw," and "xyz cw."
DNI? BYF? BYI? [Do not Interact, Before You Follow, Before You Interact]
This blog does not have a DNI but understand that:
We accept neopronouns, xenopronouns, PNCists
We accept neogenders, xenogenders, and related
We accept M-Specs, M-Spec Veldians/Lesbians/Etc, SAM, and Non-SAM users
We accept those who are under the plural umbrella or questioning, regardless of origin or lack thereof
We accept Alterhumans, ChoiceKin, IRLs
We accept general good faith identities
We accept Self-Diagnosis [even if you don't have plans to get clinically diagnosed]
How do I send an ask?
Click the "ASK ME ANYTHING" button visible on the front blog page. Otherwise, click the message icon with the plus sign and click 'Ask' or 'Submit'. Start every ask or submission with something related to "PPD culture is."
Be nice, and be kind. We will block on sight and have no problem doing so. You may vent, but please be mindful that we're just a person, too. We can not, nor will not, give out medical, legal, or general advice that may put someone at risk for anything dangerous.
What else?
You may call us Mx. Paranoia. Our pronouns collectively are She/Her, He/Him, and It/Its. I am a system who is disabled. I am being assessed for PPD with StPD traits and AsPD with NPD traits. I would prefer tonetags, but they're not needed. The banner image is the Sunset PPD flag.
Tagging system [OLD]
》 ppd culture is [submissions and asks]
》 ppd questions [questions related to ppd, not ask nor submissions]
》 ppd reblogs [reblogs related to or about ppd]
》 ppd information
》 ppd other [terms, flags, history, etc]
》 other [non-ppd related]
》 reblogs [non-ppd related]
》 ppd positivity [pwPPD being happy, joyful, or sharing something positive]
》 poll
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krossys · 6 months
Okay so like, we booped each other over inbox a few times and now we're mutuals, so I might as well annoy you with some questions too~
What are your favorite things having to do with fandom? What are your favorite things that don't have much to do with fandom?
I'M SO SORRY FOR LATE REPLY I've had the shittiest week possible RRRRRRR (mfw we're moving houses... 😔😔😔)
QUESTIONS NEVER ANNOY ME WAHHHH!!!!!! :DDD I love attention!! SOOO THIS IS SOPH!!! we're a system but my oh so kind sysmates waited for me 2 be back in front so I could reply to them myself since I was the one who booped u!!!!! So tbh whoever you ask might have different answers but . these are mine...!!!!!!!
WHEN IT COMES 2 FANDOM I love interacting with people!!! Seeing peoples amazing art and theories and just brainrotting over their favorite characters..... I LOVE THAT and I love making friends w/ people..!!!! Sadly my main fandoms are niche as HELL to the point I barely know anyone in them BUT I love talking to them and meeting new people it's soso fun‼️ My fav fandoms at the moment are Atelier Series (niche) and Fire Emblem (not rly niche but I like Engage so that makes it super niche in a way JFGSRJGSFH)
When it's not fandom related I LOVE OC stuff and art stuff, I like brainrotting over characters yes but I like brainrotting over my own characters too. NDSGJFSJF Might be the NPD speaking......... I also rly rly rly love history and literature studies personally I love learning dumb shit that happened in the roman empire LMAO and just . learning abt the culture of the past like medieval stuff etc. I also want to learn ancient latin just because it'd be so cool to speak the dead language people only use to compose final boss themes in RPGs. GMGSTJFWTJ
HOW ABOUT YOUUUU >:DDD I ask u the same questions feel free to answerrr!!!! >:DDDDD
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