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identifying. documenting. mapping. tedious. laborious. indigenous. dissociative. self medication. modalities. spirituality. it’s all coming together. who are we? who are you? where are we? when are we? what are we? we are a collective
-Pågo 🌺 Narcisa 🌔 and Apathy ❓
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crippled-native · 1 year
Idk how common this experience is, but because of my disabilities I can’t wear shoes. I’ve been barefoot and chancla exclusive for the last 4 years
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indigenous-gender · 2 years
white cis women and trans people push back against androphobia because they don’t want to admit they have the power and privilege to oppress Black and Brown men. cause they’re always lumping us in with white men and claiming we oppress them? while they stand on our stolen lands soaked with the blood of our people?
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enaidaderyn · 6 years
International Women's Day
L G B T Q A N and S and ?
Wherever we are in the alphabet soup of identity, it cannot be said often enough:
You, we, are VALID
You, we, are DESERVING
You, we, are WONDERFUL
You, we, are LOVED
All days, always. Thank you for being you.
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wakraya · 4 years
biden better make lgbtqan+ obstruction a national offense
We all have a lot of work ahead to make Biden and the whole of the US Not Sit Down On Their Asses and actually push for a change on everything for the better.
But also, it’s okay to take a while to just, breathe in and bask in the fact we’ll probably get to see the cheeto dragged off the White House kicking and screaming.
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aranyaphoenix · 5 years
PSA for some hypocrites I been seeing around the net
If you are following me but your general mindset includes
Fuck cisgender people
Cisgender people need to just die
Other than “unfollow me now before you get blocked” I have this to say to you on your way out:
WTF were you ever doing following a cisgender person like me if THAT’S how you really think?
If you really could hate me THAT MUCH just for being the way I was born, you are a goddam hypocrite. Fuck off and fuck you.
All other LGBTQAN+ friends who just love me for my humanity instead of caring about my gender identity may stay. I appreciate you.
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crystal-methionine · 5 years
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Happy 🌈Pride🌈 to all my fellow LGBTQAN+ mutuals, followers, and friends from me and the bf. Stay #queerd y’all.
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indigenous-gender · 2 years
At the end of the day I don’t really give a fuck, but there are moments where I just feel so fucking lonely and crushed by the fact that I have to deal with racism on my own. I don’t expect everyone to agree with every aspect of my opinions but it’s fucking lonely having people be racist to me and have everyone gaslighting me when I KNOW I don’t deserve these experiences. I just have to deal with people admitting they want to gendercide my culture and identities because I challenge white supremacy and colonialism and their racist rules about lesbian and other identities. I don’t have anyone to talk to about this. I don’t have community. I don’t have any other Black or Brown people to tell about these things I go through on a daily basis. Like I said idgaf because I have no choice but to not care but it wears me fucking down and it’s exhausting. “racism is wrong” until my cultural genders and sexualities challenge your white supremacist rules and constructs. “racism is wrong” “ableism is wrong” until you use my identities as justification for being racist and ableist to me and just straight up bullying me and people like me. it’s fucked up. I’m sick of it.
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