priyabhati123 · 11 months
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 Living the dream in the Neitherland! 🇳🇱✨ Work permit secured, ready to conquer new horizons! 💼💪
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jeevanshaktihospital · 11 months
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PCOD के लक्षण👇👇
अनियमित पीरियड्स
चेहरे पर मुंहासे चेहरे पर अत्यधिक बाल
अंडाशय का बढ़ जाना
पीरियड्स के दौरान हैवी ब्लीडिंग
वजन बढ़ना
त्वचा पर काले धब्बे For more information, 🤙🤙Call 📞 : +91 87089 16596, +91 82220 29985 Visit : Jeevan Shakti Hospital, In front of Guru Nanak Sr. Sec. School, Rishi Nagar, Hisar, India, Haryana
PCOD के लक्षण👇👇
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callrings · 3 months
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manifesting a season 2 AND another comic run this 2024 👻🔎
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shaylogic · 1 month
Season 2 Predictions: Niko, Charles & Monty in the Neitherlands ; Niko & Charles' Parents
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Borrowing this shot direct from @captainfantasticalright's fantastic Niko costume design breakdown post
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Aurora Borealis is often associated with folklore about spirits travelling the sky.
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Highlighted excerpt above from here.
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In the Toby Litt/Mark Buckingham comics, the Neitherlands are a place between life and death, shown with bird bone snow (I have a theory we will see Monty bump into Niko again in season 2 in the Neitherlands like when they first met).
There's no Niko in the comics, but the combination of Hana & Rosa proxy over to Niko in the show.
Charles saves Rosa from the Neitherlands in the comics.
Charles and Niko are both shown foreshadowed with the bear, probably an allusion to Nanuk.
Walrus = Mick => Niko's costume design parka in the last scene
Aurora Borealis => Spirits of the Dead
I also have a theory that one of Charles' parents will die in season 2 and he'll see them there, like Niko will see her dad
I have a much more in-depth post on my theories about Season 2 and Afterlife Worldbuilding here.
And here's my theory on Charles' parents in season 2, based off of comic book parallels to the show that I've picked up on.
Update 1: Here's a post on some afterlife lore I scanned from a J Non-Fic book called "An Atlas of Afterlives"
Update 2: George Rexstrew Cameo reading the last two stanzas of "Sack of the Gods" by Rudyard Kipling (the last stanza of which was read in episode 1 of season 1). He did this cameo on the last day, before people could ask followup questions (and later in the week when he would have had time to get permission from higher-ups to drop hints?)
Update 3: George posted a vid of the Collar Scene with the caption "As long as the red Earth rolls <3"
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Update 4: George Rexstrew Cameo where someone asked about DBD International Cases (season 1 already was in America vs London) and GEORGE ANSWERED JAPAN (Niko family lore).
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courtorkourt · 3 months
f1 men are so fine
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nosidekickspod · 8 months
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Turns out Penny was a nerd all along. I'm not shocked, just livid.
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jocelynmakenna · 5 months
You know I'm happy at least that Niko's body is no longer around because if she's gonna be a stand in for Hanna in the Neitherlands arc because I DONT WANNA SEE HER POSSESSED BY A DEMON but also dealing with Charles's sister and maybe even Rosa from Crystal's backstory could be SO FUN.
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state-of-being · 1 year
Characters: Zelda Schiff/Eleanor Lipson
Rating: Explicit
Professor Eleanor Lipson just wants a library card. Head Librarian Zelda Schiff takes her to the Neitherlands to expedite the process. They turn out to have quite a bit in common, and each ends up with much more than she bargained for.
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asidian · 22 days
A little heartbroken by the news, not going to lie.
But I'm going to keep creating for this fandom, because the characters have made a place in my heart, and I suspect they'll stay there for a good long while. This show and the fandom have been such a joy to partake in during a really rough time in my life, and I appreciate that more than I can say. I appreciate all of you who make the fandom what it is, too.
I guess in the end, Season 2 gets to be whatever we make it. So you know what? Let's all share our Season 2s. Nobody's going to stop us or tell us we're wrong.
So here we go. The Season 2 in my heart, in no particular order:
Desire shows up and puts Charles Rowland through the absolute wringer. He is losing his entire mind, he wants Edwin so bad. This boy has 17 different crises and finally a realization that he has been head over heels for some decades and he is just an idiot, actually
Payneland confession and a first kiss
They get Niko back from the Neitherlands. She's some flavor of undead, and she is having a grand old time, actually
Jenny sets up a butcher shop in London and goes on a date that doesn't try to kill her. With the Night Nurse
Crystal has a corruption arc with David buried in her soul-tree soil and at first they don't realize what's going on, but in the end the boys find a way to go into her heart-space and help her resolve the problem
The boys dance on-screen with some of those skeleton choreography dances
Mick mysteriously also has a shop in London. It straddles time-space and also realms. The characters are all ????? but no one ever figures out wtf is going on with that
Tragic Mick saves the day like a big damn hero with a bazooka like in the comics
The Cat King is around, generally being his trickster self, causing problems for funsies. He dies again and comes back as a fluffy white cat with glam white fur clothes
Charles gets kidnapped somewhere and Edwin has to go and save him. It's very dramatic and parallels S1 Ep7
Monty makes a showing in crow form. He has so many cute bird mannerisms. He gets fluffy in the London cold
The boys return to St. Hilarion's. They find their respective remains and come to terms with their deaths. They decide that, however tragic their deaths were, it led them to the only place they'd want to be: together
Crystal and Niko lay the boys to rest side by side, under the same headstone
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Valid until 28 Aug 2023
"More Interesting Data..."
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jeevanshaktihospital · 11 months
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🤔 कौन कहता है की नहीं बढ़ती है हाइट ❓
📌 कौन कहता है की हाइट प्रॉब्लम का कोई सलूशन नहीं है
आज ही पाए सलूशन और बढ़ाये अपनी हाइट👆⬆ सोलूशन्स जान ने के लिए संपर्क करे जीवन शक्ति हॉस्पिटल में 🤙🤙🤙
For more information, 🤙🤙Call 📞 : +91 87089 16596, +91 82220 29985 Visit : Jeevan Shakti Hospital, In front of Guru Nanak Sr. Sec. School, Rishi Nagar, Hisar, India, Haryana
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Day 1 - Painland Week
Day 1 of Painland Week 2024: August 5th - August 11th by @painlandweek
Prompt: Language of Love
Tags:  Post-canon, Slice-of-life, Alive Niko Sasaki
TW: None
“And that is another case closed,” Edwin says, moving the card to the correct column. “Charles, you were brilliant. Very good job.”
“Crystal, add another one to the list.” Niko doesn’t raise her head from the sofa, so the words are a bit muffled, but Crystal nods, busying herself with her phone.
“Will you explain what it is you two are doing? You’ve been talking about this list for days now,” complains Edwin, not liking the feeling of missing pieces of information.
“Not yet, we will explain when we have significant statistical data,” Crystal says cryptically. Her smirk only makes Edwin’s unease grow.
Charles puts a comforting hand on his shoulder and laughs. “I’m sure it’s nothing to be worried about, mate.”
Crystal and Niko nod at each other in silence, and the former focuses back on her phone.
Edwin’s eyebrows furrow. It’s been six months since they came back from Port Townsend, they have managed to save Niko from the Neitherlands and have created this new normality in which Niko and Crystal live next door to their office in London, go to school in the mornings and solve cases with them in the afternoon. And while it is probably true that this secret list they are keeping is something harmless - otherwise they would be more secretive about it - he has a bad feeling about it.
“Crystal, I’ll have you know that people have been speaking behind my back for the entirety of my human life and I am not keen on repeating that experience now with people I consider actual friends.” He knows it is a very low blow to use their friendship as a leverage like this, but he is tired of not understanding.
It has the expected result, because Crystal grimaces, and Niko’s lips turn downwards. The two exchange another look and Crystal huffs. “Ok, fine, I’ll tell you. But you are no fun.”
He can’t help the pleased smile from his face.
“We are keeping score of how many times a day you two say ‘I love you’ to one another,” Crystal continues. “For now, Charles is winning.”
“What?” He and Charles say at the same time.
“Yeah, look,” says Crystal, turning her phone to show a blank screen with two columns marked ‘Edwin’ and ‘Charles’. There are twelve tick marks under Charles’ name and eight under Edwin’s.
“I know you don’t like me very much, Crystal, but I didn’t think you would be so cruel.” Edwin told them all in confidence about his unrequited feelings and Charles’ response that nothing would have to change, because he thought it was fair, and to avoid awkwardness with Crystal in case she and Charles wanted to continue to pursue their relationship. It was not something he thought would be used against him.
“Didn’t you hear what I just said? Charles is winning.”
Charles levels her with a stare, as if in warning, slowly removing his hand from Edwin’s shoulder - he pretends not to be disappointed.
Niko, who had been silent until then, stands up solemnly. “We love you, and we want you to be happy, but your dancing around each other is getting worse every day, and we think you need a push.”
“I don’t understand, surely I did not say that I love Charles eight times since you started that list.” He doesn’t add that most definitely Charles did not because they all know how things stand between them.
“There are more ways to say ‘I love you’ than just the words,” Niko continues. “We have been observing you, your love language is words of affirmation” - she points to Edwin - “while Charles uses all of them except that one. This is why you don’t understand each other.”
Edwin has never been more confused in his life. “What is a love language?”
“It’s the way you express your love, there is gift giving, words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of services, and quality time,” she counts with her fingers. “For example, you just complimented Charles on a job well done, that’s ‘word of affirmation’, and yesterday when we were leaving, he asked you to read to him while you two rested, that’s ‘quality time’.”
“Two days ago, at the art exhibition, Charles made me buy three art books he thought you would like, ‘gift giving’,” Crystal continues. “And I am sure I don’t need to explain ‘physical touch’, right?” she looks pointedly at his shoulder where Charles’ hand had been just a moment prior.
Edwin smooths out a nonexistent wrinkle from his jacket with his hands. “That means nothing. We are best friends, of course we show various forms of affection to one another. It is not a romantic thing to comfort someone or buy them a gift.”
Niko takes his hands in her own to stop their fidgeting, which he is grateful for because it gives him something to focus on other than the way his head is spinning.
“You’ve been best friends for an entire lifetime,” says Crystal, “and you still can’t go one day without swearing eternal devotion to one another. We were just trying to give you two some solid evidence to mull over, you are detectives, deduce what you want.” With that, she shoves her phone in Charles’ hand and turns to the door. “Come on, Niko, let’s go to sleep, it’s late and I still have some readings to do for school.”
Niko squeezes Edwin’s hands reassuringly one more time before letting go and following Crystal out of the door, with a cheerful “see you tomorrow”.
“I apologise, Charles, I did not anticipate they would try to pressure you like this when I told them about my feelings. I just meant to clear the air between me and Crystal, to explain my initial jealousy.”
Charles is unusually still, looking at Crystal’s phone in his hands.
“Are you okay?”
At his concerned tone, the easy smile instantly reappears in Charles’ face. “Sure, aces.”
“So, you are not cross at me?”
“Course not, why would I be?” Charles continues, but he does not meet his eyes.
“I will talk to Niko tomorrow, and try to get them to drop this.”
Charles looks distant, like he is not really listening to him. He decides to give him some space and goes to check their new potential cases on the board in order to change the subject.
“What do you think about this haunted house? It’s probably just children pulling pranks, but maybe we should check it out?”
“They’re right, aren’t they?” Charles says.
“Who? The children?”
Edwin turns to look at him, confused, and the smile that appears on Charles’ face is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He would clutch his heart if he still had one.
“I noticed it too, I just didn’t want to stop and think about what it meant, but that’s not fair.”
“I- what?” Edwin’s mind seems to have stopped working.
Charles looks sheepish. “I have been more flirty and affectionate towards you after, you know…” He doesn’t say Hell, because it’s a word they try not to pronounce too often, but he doesn’t need to.
“Charles, please, let’s not reopen this discussion. Yes, you love me, as a friend, I have never doubted it. It is different from the way I love you and things are perfect the way they are.”
“No, that’s the thing. I am not good with words, but I have been thinking about it, and I have been showing it, with actions, I just didn’t realise I was doing it until they pointed it out. I will have to buy Crystal and Niko the biggest cake ever.”
This is the last straw, the prank has been going on far too long. “So what, now you are buying them a gift, in this stupid scenario they planted in your head does that mean you are in love with them too?”
Charles seems to break out of a daze at the words. “No, of course not. I don’t spend every moment of every day thinking about what could surprise them, or make them happy, or what new things we could try together, that only applies to you. It has always applied to you and it always will.”
Edwin is having an increasingly hard time in not letting hope consume him. “Please, let’s be serious.”
“But I am!” Charles shakes his head, walking closer. “When you confessed to me, I didn’t really know what ‘being in love’ meant, but I do know this feeling. And maybe if I stop pretending that nothing changed, I can find the right words to express it, too.”
“Is this a very elaborate way to ask me to hug you more in return?”
Charles grins mischievously. “I mean… I wouldn’t complain.”
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shaylogic · 1 month
Season 2 Predictions about Afterlives
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I wanted to include my formatting, so I'm snipping from my personal fanfic notes, but here are my thoughts on it.
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luteddecoction · 27 days
Okay, I have a theory. I think I know how Niko is going to be rescued in S2 of Dead Boy Detectives
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I don't know if the #DeadBoyDetectives writing team did some research on Canadian folklore before they came over to film and that somewhat became some sort of source in their writing to add some extra elements to the story; but bet they did because there 𝘐𝘚 a Canadian Inuit legend that 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 could connect to the open ending of Episode 8: 'The Case of the Hungry Snake'
And please do correct me if I’m wrong: According to the Canadian Constitution there are 3 primary groups of Indigenous people. These being the Inuit, the Métis and the First Nations. Each of them having their own legends and fair amount of local stories to share. The Inuit are mostly located on the Northern regions of Canada. The Métis live amongst the Metropolitan areas while the First Nations are situated on the Northwestern territories.
I’m going to focus on a very particular folklore tale from the Northern territories of the Inuit here, which revolves around whistling at night. Out of all the world-wide folklore tales about night time whistling I find this one to be the least scary. This Inuit legend says that if you whistle at night time you will risk calling the spirits of the Northern Lights to come down and swipe you up to carry you elsewhere into the sky. And 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘚 is where I think that Canadian Folklore connects with Dead Boy Detectives and Niko’s potential rescue in S2. They leave us with the image of Niko sitting inside an igloo right by the Dandelion Sprites. And we get to see the Northern Lights shining 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 right above them.
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The Northern Lights could by the sky’s path for the boys to connect with wherever Niko’s at (this being the Neitherlands in the comics).
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In the comics, we see Charles going into the Neitherlands to help Rosa. And in order to achieve this he enters into a half-living, half-dead state by merging back with his bones. I highly doubt that Netflix will take this route if Netflix!Charles is the one ending up going after Niko to parallel his comic version. I think that if they do go with the parallels, they will achieve this by linking in the Inuit folklore. The boys will probably be adventuring out at night time and Charles will start whistling. It’s at this point in which he will probably end up being swiped up and end up somewhere nearby where Niko’s potentially at.
I know that the bear talisman is important and it must have some sort of key part to play. If it belonged to Mick's shop then, there must be a good use to it. I just can't exactly pinpoint 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵. To finish this thread, I want to link a poem written by Kate Tuthill titled: "Labrador in Winter". (which I'm guessing refers to the Aurora Borealis that happen strongly in Labrador Newfoundland).
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I couldn't find the full poem but only pieces of it
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nosidekickspod · 9 months
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deconstructthesoup · 2 months
Things that I desperately need to see in DBD season 2:
-Niko coming back (and hopefully the confirmation that she is in the Neitherlands)
-Crystal dealing with her past (again, connected to the Neitherlands theory---maybe her friend from the comics will come into play?)
-Crystal doing cosplay
-Edwin and Charles becoming official (obviously!)
-Edwin being 100000x more confident and flirty around cute boys
-The gang learning more about Edwin's past pre-Hell
-Charles's monk sister and scientist niece
-Monty getting to become human again
-Jenny and the Night Nurse being the lesbian moms of the gang
-Niko getting some cool powers as a result of almost dying twice
-CAMEO FROM DESIRE (bonus points if they shapeshift to look like Edwin)
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