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Narrative Therapy is all about the stories we tell ourselves—and how we can rewrite them. It’s a therapeutic approach that helps you view your life through a new lens, focusing on your strengths and values. By reframing your narrative, you can break free from negative patterns and create a more empowering story. Ready to be the author of your own life?
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This book proclaims: “The pen is mightier.” Narrative determines your life, for we all live in one narrative or another; this character or that; pushing the plot forward, written by ourselves or someone else. If the narrative is ill-fitted to our character — as personality or novelistic creation — we suffer. White and Epston propose that we rewrite the story we live in and invite the people who care about us to participate in its realization. These two social workers show through their seminal work that the transformative literary prowess we’re so enchanted by in creative literature may be summoned in the therapy room, through the artful translation of life into story. The story we tell ourselves about our own life decides how we envision, interpret, and interact with our lives. It is the story that ails and heals the people in it. Great writing throughout, with the only annoyance being that in the later half the authors spent too much space demonstrating the point using much of the same type of materials — letters. Regrettably, however, these letters can come off as conceived, wanting of more heart. Otherwise, a very enjoyable read! . . . #narrativetherapy #greatreads #bookrecommendations #psychology #familytherapy https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq5bEcvOg__/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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“The Universe Allusion” is a MAC deck, that may be used by psychologists, psychotherapists, coaches, and those who are interested in self-knowledge
🖌️The deck is diverse as it reflects each side of any single person’s life. 150 pictures were selected to get associations about self-esteem, health, wealth, intimacy, parent-child relationships, self-development, etc ☄️
👥The deck is widely used in family therapy, art therapy, couple herapy, counseling, supervision, coaching, systemic work, etc. Moreover, the deck enhances the storytelling process, transformational games and training. This set can be used in combination with any other deck of metaphoric cards.
#AssociativeCards #CreativeTherapy #PsychologicalTools #StorytellingCards #MindfulnessCards #ArtTherapy
#InnerJourney #TherapeuticArt
#SymbolicCards #HealingJourney
#ExpressiveTherapy #PsychologicalInsights
#SelfDiscoveryTools #TransformativeCards
#NarrativeTherapy #EmotionalExploration #MetaphoricArtistry #TherapeuticJourney
#mental health#metaphoric cards#therapy#coaching#metaphorical cards#psychology#therapy cards#self care#Instagram
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Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Exploring the efficacy of combining self-help therapeutic methods" https://t.co/4l7T4zJpuU via @SurveyCircle #anxiety #PronounUse #selfhelp #NarrativeTherapy #AnxietyLevels #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/6HZW7CiPS3
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Apr 16, 2023
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I love y’all. I believe in y’all. Your stories are complex and worthy of being shared and heard, first and foremost by you. ✨ [Image description: white writing on black background with white and yellow floral edging that says: One day I will teach more people how to tell their stories, stories of harm, stories of healing, stories of surviving it all, stories of laughter and joy. We deserve more beautiful stories, more telling of them, more sitting with them, more loving our own stories fully. End image description.] ✨ #storytelling #shareyourstory #yourstorymatters #storyteller #learningtolisten #listeningtostories #listentolove #storytellers #goodstories #writingcommunity #journalingcommunity #tellyourstory #tellyourtruth #healingthroughstorytelling #narrativetherapy #traumarecovery #traumacare #iamhealing #iamwhole #healingincommunity #thehealingcollective #thehealingcollectiveAL #newstories #healingstories #thegoodstoriesproject #spreadlove #sharethelove #storytellerscafe #lifestory #tellyourselfthetruth https://www.instagram.com/p/CY7UIM9ProI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Distortions can change once we recognize them❣️❣️😃🤟🏼💞❤️💖💪🏼💖💖💖💖 #distortedpeople #distortedthoughts #allornothing #catastrophizing #mindreading #mindreader #overgeneralization #selffulfillment #selffulfillingprophecy #thoughtprocess #youareworthit❤️ #youareenough #youareworthit #narrativetherapy #changethenarrative #yougotthis #yougotitright https://www.instagram.com/p/COj_Vx5JLmt/?igshid=w0ynz3qww9nr
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Posted @withregram • @adeclarationofsentiment I’ve been thinking about the power dynamic that exists between therapists and clients (and let’s admit it, therapists are usually the ones in the position of power). How do we operate from our positions of power? We are often placed in an expert position and thus given a legitimacy that clients don’t often give to their own experiences. We are asked for advice and suggestions based on the understanding that we have some knowledge that will define people’s realities and what is right for them. Even on Instagram, when we make posts, often these posts carry power and influence, which comes with responsibility from our end to share power, de-centre ourselves and be respectful and collaborative in our approach. • There are many ways to break down this power dynamic. One way I do this is by letting the people I work with know that I’m not an expert in their lives, and that I’ll actually be consulting them to make sure I’ve got things right. I encourage them to disagree or to give me feedback about what’s working or not because I’m human, and sometimes that means I’ll get things wrong or make mistakes. You’re allowed to tell your therapist when you feel unsafe, upset, overwhelmed or like you aren’t being heard or understood. You’re allowed to disagree with what they say. You’re allowed to correct them if their understanding is different from your experience. • Have you ever wanted to say any of these things to your therapist? What held you back? If you said them, how did the conversation go? • If you’re seeing this post, follow @adeclarationofsentiment for more content on mental health! 💜 • #therapy #therapistsofinstagram #therapist #therapysession #therapyiscool #therapyworks #feelyourfeelings #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthindia #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #counselorsofinstagram #psychology #psychologist #narrativetherapy #counselorlife #traumahealing #traumarecovery #ptsdrecovery #cptsdrecovery #bpdrecovery #anxietysupport #anxietyrecovery #panicattack #therapeutic #selfcompassion #empoweryourself #vulnerabilityisstrength https://www.instagram.com/p/CCmktsmDzmcQP3q0tFX6NyMZSFQvwo4Mm9MirQ0/?igshid=cfnnbeenyu66
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Zagloba vs. Pluck: robbing Madonna run by Jeff W. In Vistas Saturday afternoon. An amazing game of personalities, egos, bribery, treachery and I think there was a siege in there somewhere. My personal favorite. #28mm #miniaturewargaming #narrativetherapy #storygames @hmgs_inc Fall-In 2022. (at Wyndham Lancaster Resort and Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckn0TIFuvAx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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“We ask ourselves, ‘Am I understanding what it feels like to be this person in this situation, or am I beginning to fill in the gaps in her story with unwarranted assumptions? What more do I need to know in order to step into this person’s shoes?’ If our internal conversation tells us that more information in a specific area would help us to step more fully into a person’s reality, we ask her to tell us more.” Jill Freedman and Gene Combs, 1996, Narative Therapy, p. 45 @Bradyesque #Psychology #NarrativeTherapy (at Bradyesque) https://www.instagram.com/p/COx4Oa_hqYE/?igshid=hwovjr2nkiew
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Years ago I would write a dozen words on myself to help reprogram the inaccurate stories I was telling myself. ✍️I even had Mona write half of these words on herself in The Dark Matter of Mona Starr to model this practice. 🌠I’m happy to report that I’m down to only ONE WORD which I’ve been writing on myself daily during my Rest*idency: WORTHY. 💓 It’s amazing how many different “issues” really boil down to self worth, giving me a clear target to focus my energy & attention on. 🎯 If YOU have inaccurate labels for yourself in your head, I ARTNER DARE you to identify the more accurate label & write it on yourself daily and see how long it takes to sink in.🙏 . . . #thedarkmatterofmonastarr #lauraleegulledge #graphicmedicine #restidency #artistrestidency #narrativetherapy #selfworth #selftalk #worthy #worthiness #reprogramyourmind #healing #writeyourstory #changeyourstory https://www.instagram.com/p/CESYPDIFPU8/?igshid=lx975bprf8z0
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Cómo plasmar un objeto en una obra personal y expresiva? A veces, no sabemos con qué inspirarnos. Otras veces, debemos trabajar bodegones o fotografía 📷 de objetos y lo único que se nos ocurre es colocarlos en el típico fondo blanco o negro. Esto puede funcionar si lo que quieres es hacer un catálogo 📜, pero si queremos conectarlo a nuestra marca personal para acercarnos íntimamente a nuestra audiencia, hay que escarbar más a fondo, aunque con gentileza. 🍃Narrar con objetos, especialmente si somos productores de #artesanía o de #sustentabilidad y #ecologia puede brindarle una nueva dimensión a nuestra marca. 🌊 Más aún, esta técnica también se utiliza con un enfoque puramente expresivo en la #arteterapia y en la #fotografiaterapeutica . Conectar con otras narrativas alternativas respecto a una historia nos ayuda a intimar más con nosotros mismos, fomentando el #insight o #autoconocimiento . Ser #reflexivo nos ayuda a conseguir la libertad, pues nos liberamos de #creenciaslimitantes 💫Quieres saber cómo utilizar los objetos narrativamente con mayor amplitud? Te lo contamos más a fondo en el nuevo artículo de técnicas de #inspiración Naufragia. Link en la bio! 🌬️🌸 #ansiedadegeneralizada #flow #psicologiapositiva #psicologianarrativa #narrativetherapy #terapianarrativa #arteterapia #fluirconlavida #depresion #narrativa #fotografiaconceptual #diseñográfico #procesodediseño #procesocreativo #ecopsicologia #ecologia #objetos #objetosdecorativos #diseñodeinteriores (en Mérida, Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBCNBgcHF-J/?igshid=1cenbs49lzb8q
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A few years ago I hosted an intimate event for people impacted by sexual abuse. Only 45 people, so I wrote 50 different messages so each person got their own special message. Yesterday, while swapping purses, I came across the message I’d ended up with. True for me and I hope its truth blesses you, too. ✨ [image description: black writing on white background with orange floral edging and yellow stamens that says: Even if you never use words to tell your story, your beauty tells a story of survival. Your kindness tell the story of someone who needed kindness. Your sacrifice tells the story of someone who is brave. Keep living and loving, and your story will tell itself! End image description.] ✨ #traumarecovery #traumacare #storytelling #yourstory #kindness #loveyourstory #loveallofyou #yourstorymatters #storyteller #sacrifice #brave #bravery #storytellers #goodstories #selflove #selfacceptance #tellyourstory #healingthroughstorytelling #narrativetherapy #traumarecovery #traumacare #youarehealing #youarewhole #healingincommunity #thehealingcollective #thehealingcollectiveAL #wholehearted2019 #healingstories #wholehearted #lifestory https://www.instagram.com/p/CZm9Yk1FcJl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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there are parts of you i recognize, the part of you that wants to hide- the part of you that feels too broken to pick up the pieces and walk another mile. I have worn those shoes. your story is my story, is herstory too. in every new chapter and plot twist, I cheer you on, reading the best intentions of you- despite the evidence to the contrary. your story is unfolding just as it should. we meet just as Life itself reminds us to wake up to breathe in possibility and breathe out attachment to outcomes, for our stories are inextricably tangled in a beautiful mess. you, the beauty and I the mess. . . . . . . . . #beautiful #mess #femaleempowerment #female #herstory #narrativetherapy #therapist #therapistsofinstagram #counsellingpsychology #healing #journey #recovery #bettertogether #believeinyourself #selflove #relationshipgoals #kelowna #instagram #intentionalliving #womenempowerment #women #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #cheeringyouon #yourstorymatters #tellyourstory (at Kelowna, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Wu7frDp0Z/?igshid=yl4i550iyj4p
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I’d like to open up a little door in my chest
Shrink down small and climb inside
I would like to go and visit my heart and tell her she’s going to be alright
I’d like to do that because I think that she is lonely
You see it can be hard to go about a day sometimes
And I think it’s because she is pining from inside me
Pining and pining, that’s what I feel
Not coming from my brain no, it’s coming from deep down inside me.
I wish I could climb in my chest through a little door and bring her flowers
Its important to have things looking nice around you
Yellow flowers, yellow and pink
Open up the windows and let the sun shine in
That would be nice, I think.
Maybe my heart needs a little cat
I couldn’t bring my Fee because I need him outside with me
If I could find a fairy kitten and smuggle her inside
She can cuddle into my heart and purr
Yes, that would help her feel alright I’m sure
I would sit down beside her with a glass of wine
And say don’t mind that boy, my darling child
He didn’t treat you right
you love him still and wish him the best
I know I know baby, I know, I do, but now it’s time to lay those days to rest.
You’re a beautiful, beautiful heart, you know
Just look how much you have grown
“You have felt a lot of hurt!”, she said. Do you hear them words! And so you have!
But look at you go
Here come on now, let me sing you a song
I love you lots and lots
I’ll take you to the icy sea and I’ll dive right in
I can feel you beating hard and fast as I swim
You’re laughing from the inside, feeling wild and alive,
There is lots of magic still to be seen isn’t there!
All around the world and into outer space
And we are together every step of the way
I’ll mind you now, I’ll mind you from now on
I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you like that again
I’m sorry I didn’t stop him being cruel to you, his kisses were just too nice
He knew it all, and I knew nothing,
him; a scientist and me; one of the lab mice
So of course, I needed him to mind me and teach me or I else would be left alone with them
I realise now that I cared more for someone else’s heart than my own,
Even though his had more than enough love already, from his family of scientists and kings
How many A’s did you get in the leaving cert? His doctor sister asked me, knowingly and cruelly, sitting in silence when it wasn’t impressive to enough for her. “Pleb, you’ve never had bruschetta”. And his dad had no time for me.
It was you that needed nurturing, my heart, it was you that needed love, and he used that to his advantage,
So he would forever be on the other side of your bridge.
“Here lets swap, you have my heart and I’ll have yours”.
He tricked me you see, he said that’s how love is supposed to be.
There I was holding his heart in my hands all day,
But it turned out that all along it was just imaginary
That heart of his, I don’t think I ever had it at all.
Some sort of pretend plastic one that he gave me.
Where is it now, after I filled it with all my love?
Away across the sea, far from me
In some new girl’s hands probably.
Oh, but he was funny, he really, really had me
I miss him sometimes too, but it’s not meant to be.
I should have held you closer, and cared that you, my heart, were bleeding
Bleeding in his hands, he’d say “What?!!! No that’s red paint! Are you crazy? How dare you, how dare you. Shows what you think of me!”
“Are you deaf? Are you blind? You don’t appreciate me!”
No I think you’re the best, you’re the best in the whole wide world, I really don’t think there’s anyone as good as you, I want to marry you and be with you forever please stop its nothing to do with that please listen I’m bleeding right now, I’m bleeding please
“You’re an eijit. I don’t deserve this. I’m breaking up with you”.
I’m sorry. I am crazy, I am. I’m just crazy.
I still don’t really get why he needed to own you so completely
When he never wanted to give the same back to me
That plastic heart just hid that there was something up with his real one
Though I know you would have loved that one just as wholly.
It must have been scarring to have been treated like that
He finally discarded you and broke you in half,
when he left you on the cold hard chair,
To get up and ask her to dance, and never came back.
Meanwhile I was off in Edinburgh, unknowing, whispering devotion to his plastic heart, not connected at all to my own. You were all alone, freezing slow.
It took me so long to find you again
When he came over to end things, he didn’t bring you with him.
Oh, how he saw me cry, a shell of a thing,
He had you buried in the sand on a beach, just so he could still come by and get his kick,
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”
You see, sometimes when a boy can’t let you go, it has nothing to do with love for you at all.
I see now, for a love to last; I need to love me.
I allowed my puzzle to burn away
The picture and the box, dropped into the fire
Until I was just one tiny puzzle piece
Made to fit into his success story, conveniently
And so naturally,
He used me like a football
It’s really no surprise at all
In fact, I needed to have this fall
To see just how special you are after all
Now I see the picture on the box again
I’m a statue, a piece of art on the mend
Always growing, always changing
But no guy will ever be able to come with a chisel and chip me away again
They’ll look and know that I’m not messing but still know that I am kind
I know who I am, and I have true friends
We play our tune loud and proud
We encourage everyone to crazy dance, love and laugh
That’s what brings the right people in.
Oh love, don’t you cry, let’s get a good sleep tonight
I know how strong you are throughout the day
So, it’s okay, that now that everyone is sleeping, you admit that right now you wish there was someone to hold you.
Oh, my heart, you are what is most important and I know that now
If I could climb inside and give you kisses I would
I would dance around you in circles and hype you up
You beautiful, incredible, magical beast
You’re not broken at all
No, you are mending fast now and you are so strong
I don’t want any other heart but you
I am so proud of you
when I play songs, you’re the one who sings them
when I listen to music, you’re the one who feels it
when I look at a person, a poem, a movie, a view you’re the one who sees them
when I’m laughing, you’re the one who swells for a minute and reminds me to feel blessed
where there is evil, you can search and find the love
I haven’t given you enough credit all these years
You’re the one who helps me live
If I do some day meet a man in many years to come
I won’t be giving you away easily
I will not let him keep you in his pocket
No, you are staying with me.
But if he’s right
It won’t even matter anyways
Because he’ll have the key to the little door in my chest won’t he!
But most importantly now I see
The one you love the very most
Is me!
you have been with me for my whole life, beating fast and beating slow, through every song and every show
you exist to help me BE
It’s me and you throughout this life
And we will make it great
we have a lot to give,
Let’s live and love all around us forever
And try to spread magic and shine so bright
You deserve the world
And so do I
Oh, if I could climb right in my chest and give you a hug
For everything that is past and all that is yet to come,
know that I would, know that I would.
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June is Audiobook Month. Narrators are supposed to post photos of themselves and their audio booze. #audiobook #audiobooks #audiobooknarrator #audiobooknarration #audiobooknarrators #audiobooknarratorlife #audiobooknarratordayinlifeof #narrative #narrativeart #narrativeartist #narrativeartiste #narrativetherapy #narrativemedicine #juneisaudiobookmonth #juneisaudiobookmonth2019 #audio #booze #audiobooze https://www.instagram.com/p/BzH531JhLIr/?igshid=xln3lcxmk95j
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One Drop of Love has landed in Honolulu, Hawaii! This is the first year of Lili'uokalani Trust's 'Innovation Huddle' - bringing social innovators, visionary leaders & impact makers together with the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty for Hawaiian children. We're so looking forward to being part of such an important initiative. #OneDropofLove #LTihuddle #community #socialjustice #artivism #innovation #socialchange #narrativetherapy
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