iosandwebtech · 2 years
Amazon Fulfillment: The Benefits and How to Maximize It?
Amazon Fulfillment allows businesses to store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers and have Amazon handle the shipping, packing, and handling.
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cheaphousespending · 1 year
Pygmalion effect: The self-fulfilling prophecy
The expectations we put on people can have a direct impact on their performance. Often, and authority figure placing higher expectations on someone, like a teacher having high expectations for a student, or a manager having high expectations for an employee, can result in both the authority figure and the person in question changing their behaviour, perception of challenge and ultimately the…
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angstics · 2 years
transphobia in youtube comment section, fork in kitchen
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satancopilotsmytardis · 8 months
Moth God Shigaraki! Yes!
Oooh, the hinted backstory is nice so far! I like magic AUs :)
A bit different from your usual writing style, probably because it's a God AU. God AUs are always a bit different. But I like it a lot! It still has your characteristics, but the general vibe is a bit more fairytale like? Dark fairytale, but still. More mythical than your usual fics.
I like the nicknames Shigaraki gives Dabi. The little spark that starts the fire. The kindling that sets the forest ablaze.
I want to wrap Dabi up in blankets and keep him safe. I think Shigaraki might agree with that idea.
Dabi, you are such a simp. Not that Shigaraki is any better.
"Will you feed me to the roses?" "Would you like to be roses?" I love the conversations in this one.
Shigaraki has such a sad existence. I mean, yeah, he wants to kill everyone who lives on his land and destroy their homes, but they locked him up for so long. I feel like his story might be a selffulfilling prophecy. They anger him, so he wants to take revenge, so the keep him locked up. A, to Shigaraki, neverending cycle.
And even still Dabi manages to find a way to cook. Nice.
For once Shigaraki can handle the cold better than Dabi.
They are both lonely and desperate for good connections :(
Oh Dabi. Shigaraki doesn't want him to die. I think the other sacrifices made their choice quicker. I don't think he interacted with another person for as long as he did Dabi in all the time he was trapped. He doesn't want Dabi to die, so he gives him the chance to save who he wants to protect.
"I can't just let you kill everyone." "Yeah, but what if we were boyfriends, would that change things?"
Ugh, this whole fic is a tragedy. They are both so, so desperate to protect who they love. Shigaraki would become a monster a hundred times over to help Dabi. Dabi would give up his life, his choice, to the ambition of others if he believes that to help his siblings. He is still so caught up in "his purpose".
Oh, stabbed by his own father. Ouch.
And Shigaraki gave up his destruction for the person he loves. That's a theme in your fics, him willing to give that up for the League, even when they would never ask that of him. Just like it's always Shigaraki accepting Dabi's plan, trying to give him options that allow him to survive but ultimately accepting his choice.
Honestly, it's impressive how this stays the same even in an AU so different from what you usually write.
They are so in loveeeee. And now they can spend eternity together ;-;
"I will give up my weapon to save you. I will give up revenge as long as I can have you." "Then let me be your weapon, let me destroy what harms you."
The last time Fuyumi sees her brother is next to her mother's bed, with golden blood on his face and hiding in the shadows after he was supposed to be gone forever. Then she's away and her mother wakes up and her father is dead and her brother is gone (and who knows what happened to her village). How is she supposed to explain that to her brothers? (What happens when mortals spot Dabi, one of the two monsterous Gods of the forest? Will his siblings look at him and realize what happened?)
(the comment is so long because that was my prompt request and I love fantasy AUs. Amazing work! I love this one.)
Thank you so so much! I'm so glad that so much of this story resonated with you!
I'm glad that the change of tone came across! I definitely wanted this one to read like a poem/fairytale, so I'm glad that the writing achieved that!
Shigaraki's situation was absolutely supposed to showcase that self-fulfilling prophecy, and it was inspired by the imprisonment of Morpheus in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman!
Dabi was definitely the sacrifice Shigaraki spent the most time around, but not the only one who took the full week to make their decision. But Dabi is among a very small handful who ever entered his prison and stayed with him during that time.
I like to play on the theme of love and sacrifice in my works, I think it's romantic for a character so devoted to a specific goal, to choose the person (or people) they love over that goal when it comes down to it. It often shows most with Shigaraki because I usually really want to avoid any final confrontation with Endeavor, but in my writing, Dabi would do the exact same thing for Shigaraki and the League. In fact, in this fic, the final thought he has before killing Endeavor is not about him getting his revenge, it's about protecting Shigaraki and all of the innocent people who would have been used as kindling to fuel the stone in his father's plan. He was killing to save people, not for his own revenge, they just happened to coincide in this instance!
Poor Fuyumi had a NIGHT. While Rei was being seen to by healers, and reeling herself from the fact her young daughter is now a full-grown woman, Fuyumi would be sending arcane messages back to the house through a magic mirror. Of course these would get no replies, she would try the guard station next and be informed that the house had burned down and that her father was dead. She would jump to the right conclusion that Dabi killed him and burned down the house, but she would have no idea why because, like Dabi guessed, she was not told he was sent to be the sacrifice that year. She would try to reach out to him, but of course he's not home either. From there she would call Natsuo and Shoto to get them to come see their mom and the three of them would try and figure out what to do next from there. Ultimately, I don't think they could be stopped from going back to their village when Rei is well enough to travel, but it wouldn't probably be until the following spring!
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siraquila · 1 year
One thing I keep circling back to is how revachol has just been occupied. The Moralists crushed the revolution and then sat around doing nothing with their victory. History has ended... and yet the people who ended it clearly don't believe it did.
They didn't even try to nationbuild in revachol, we hear no tales of a failed moralist government, we only hear of warships in the harbor, ready to bomb Revachol into even finer rubble the second the corpse twitches too much.
And I find this utterly fascinating. Is this a sign of the moralists being so focused on the status quo that without an innocence they cannot even concieve of creating a new government?
Are they so afraid that a moralist government in revachol would fail? Something that almost certainly has become a selffulfilling prophecy by now.
Also if anyone out there has any comparable historical example, where the victors of a war just... sat around doing nothing with their spoils besides keeping them occupied, please tell me
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howlslikeahound · 2 months
im js staritnt to think i cant be hooptpt. had the firsy interview todah n i think it went welll but i tjougnt my face was melting . isne guys face was melting. im just making this shit up to deel special but it seemed real it did. n the interview went well i went out wirh my friends for lunch we took pics at a photobeootb n my mom got pizza for dinner hit i cant do it.’i wanlited too fucking long. ill be a brat if i die if im accepted. who fucking cares ur not getting accepted i butch this shit is so selffulfilling ur not getting shit fucking file ir teeth with a and plcuk out ir nails u stipid fuck i haye tou i haye yojjsjsknnjiujjjjjjjfuclduxoudocudlcuduckfuckfuckfuifkcuflcufickfucksjjwemnsndnd im koo
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ronnydeschepper · 9 months
Theo’s Buitelingen (60): Hoge Pirelli's en Liggende Achten
“Hoek Hobbemastraat-Stadhouderskade daar werd hij in de vroege ochtend vanEerste Pinksterdag op de fiets geschept door een auto.” Zo opent de rouwadvertentiein de Volkskrant van 29 mei 2010. Tonio van der Heijden is verongelukt. Eenentwintigjaar, geboren in 1988, het jaar dat een andere jonge Van der Heijden ook verongelukte.Was het een selffulfilling prophecy, een verzoeking der goden, wie zal…
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babyawacs · 9 months
#and #now #nowyouknow @all @world @bbc_whys  .@law @law @harvard_law when a tri ck fails they doomthem itis germany witnessprotect youhandle criminal governance intel criminal securitypolicy serious checkon misguided and guilty witnesses // // checkduress peril killtrickery and repair evenmoremykids intel operates by smear crap over howthem rule whatthey did allalong how all is what them control itis always make selffulfilling prophecy force acceptance nut psychiatrisation criminali sation scapegoat victimblame fliptrick crazymom inthe woods its alljust a dream n uts nuts nuts b a t s h i t n u t s meadows in thesunshine theeencame thatguy satan ic demonisation kraenkung to make nuts including spreizung pohlwanderung and su ch yourenotyou stigma selfrenounciation to avertpain rarestcondition reframed as h ollywood nutsness with inteldrugs and ifnot itis slap a hooker on it pedo is the new gay andifnot itis weenie fool teenieweenie by dig sth inthe ashes to setup ano ther trick I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS - Raw Independent Sophistication #THI NKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] F [email protected] Helpful? support. donnate. pay. https://wise.com/share/christiank426 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/christiankiss
#and #now #nowyouknow @all @world @bbc_whys .@law @law @harvard_law when a trick fails they doomthem itis germany witnessprotect youhandle criminal governance intel criminal securitypolicy serious checkon misguided and guilty witnesses //// checkduress peril killtrickery and repair evenmoremykids intel operates by smear crap over howthem rule whatthey did allalong how all is what them…
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111 Angel Numbers Awakening: Unleash Your True Self & Dreams with the Power
#111Awakening #AngelNumbers #MiracleNumber #SpiritualAwakening #PersonalGrowth #ManifestDreams #HighQualitySound #TidalHiFi #CelestialGuides #Transformation #SelfFulfillment #SpiritualRealm #UniversalEnergies #ManifestYourTrueSelf #Subscribe
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fate-tumbles · 1 year
Finally learned to get high off my own supply. And I have all the resources for unlimited access now baybeeee #selffulfilling #financial #prophecy #but more importantly #DREAM <3
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chatonmagique · 1 year
My adhd was bad before but at least I used to be able to force myself to do things eventually enough to the point that I could get by. Now I can't even explain how much I'm stuck in the glue that is my mind. I went full avoidance after bad associations with doing certain mental tasks accumulated and it's one huge selffulfilling prophecy that I should have more control over but I don't.
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“If you are excited to learn a proven positive process for creating anything you want in your life and work, this is Your Book. It is absolutely Brilliant!" - John Milton Fogg, author of the million-selling "The Greatest Networker in the World". #provenprocess #create #selffulfilling
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rainbowgal · 2 years
De 5 axiomas.
Watzlawick heeft in zijn werk De pragmatische aspecten van de menselijke communicatie (1974), vijf axioma’s opgesteld. Deze niet-bewezen stellingen, die wel als grondslag worden aanvaard, zijn de basis voor iedere communicatie.
Axioma I
Het is onmogelijk om niet te communiceren.
Alles wat je doet, ook ‘niets’ doen, heeft invloed. Ieder gedrag is een vorm van communicatie. Omdat er niet zoiets bestaat als anti-gedrag, is het onmogelijk om niet te communiceren.
Twee soorten taal:
Digitale taal = overeengekomen
Voorbeeld: Gesproken, geschreven taal, gebaren waarover regels zijn opgesteld, waarvan iedereen weet wat en hoe.
Digitale taal heeft geschiedenis.
Analoge taal = niet overeengekomen
Vooral non-verbaal (lichaamstaal), onvoorspelbaar, anders in verschillende groepen.
Analoge taal is er alleen in het hier en nu.
Storing in de communicatie kan ontstaan als:
de communicatie ontkend wordt (niet antwoorden);
de communicatie afgewezen wordt (‘Met jou wil ik niets te maken hebben’);
de communicatie eenzijdig wordt beëindigd.
Axioma II
Iedere communicatie bezit een inhouds- en betrekkingsaspect. Laatstgenoemde classificeert de eerste en is daarmee dus een metacommunicatie.
Naast de inhoud van een interactie speelt ook altijd de relatie tussen de personen in de communicatie een rol. Als deze goed is dan is er meer wederzijds begrip en dat heeft invloed op de inhoud.
Als ik wat zeg, zeg ik iets over hoe ik wil dat de ander met mij omgaat
Inhoud: letterlijke boodschap Betrekking: de relatie met de ander
Storing in de communicatie kan ontstaan als:
een slechte relatie het praten over de inhoud bemoeilijkt;
onenigheid over de inhoud op de relatie wordt overgedragen;
men probeert de relatie uit de communicatie te houden.
Axioma III
De aard van een betrekking is afhankelijk van de interpunctie van de interacties tussen de communicerende personen.
Interpunctie is het interpreteren van interacties in termen van oorzaak en gevolg. De zender en ontvanger interpreteren hun eigen gedrag als een reactie op dat van de ander. Een voorbeeld hiervan is een conflict waarbij er steeds heftiger op elkaar wordt gereageerd. Er wordt bijvoorbeeld boos gereageerd omdat de ander dit ook deed. Op een gegeven moment kan niemand meer vaststellen wie of wat de oorzaak van de ruzie was. Men is dan geneigd om toch een punt te noemen dat de oorzaak was van de ruzie. Dit verstoort echter de communicatie. Men heeft een keuze in de manier waarop men reageert op de ander. Dit biedt de mogelijkheid om afstand te nemen, in gesprek te blijven, de inhoud niet uit het oog te verliezen en de relatie veilig en goed te houden.
Ieder zijn waarheid: Wat ik bedoel is niet per se waar voor de ander
Bij interpunctie wordt de oorzaak niet meer circulair gezien, maar wijst men 1 oorzaak aan (dezelfde werkelijkheid wordt door 2 personen op een andere manier verklaard)
Storing in de communicatie kan ontstaan als:
het eigen gedrag gerechtvaardigd wordt door het gedrag van de ander;
er selffulfilling prophecy optreedt: men neemt een houding aan waardoor een reactie wordt uitgelokt, vervolgens ziet men zich bevestigd in zijn mening en verandert de houding niet.
er onder dwang een punt in de communicatie wordt genoemd als oorzaak.
Axioma IV
Mensen communiceren zowel digitaal als analoog.
Niet alleen het gesproken woord, ook wel digitale communicatie genoemd, maar ook niet-verbale, analoge uitingen, zoals lachen en wegkijken, hebben een boodschap. De digitale communicatie is gericht op de inhoud en de analoge communicatie zegt meer over de betrekking/relatie. Deze twee moeten bij succesvolle communicatie overeenstemmen met elkaar. Men moet dus non-verbaal ondersteunen wat men met woorden zegt. Gebruik dit als voorbeeld voor gedragswetenschappen.
Storing in de communicatie kan ontstaan als:
Inconsistentie tussen communicatiekanalen: de analoge communicatie verkeerd wordt geïnterpreteerd;
Inconsistentie in 1 communicatiekanaal: een van de gesprekspartners zich niet bewust is van zijn eigen analoge communicatie;
Paradoxale opdracht: de analoge en digitale communicatie niet overeenstemmen;
Dubbele binding: als een van de beide vormen overheerst.
Axioma V
Communicatie tussen mensen is symmetrisch of complementair, afhankelijk of de relatie gebaseerd is op gelijkheid of verschil.
In de communicatie kan er sprake zijn van het weg proberen te nemen van verschillen, er moet overeenstemming worden bereikt. Ook kan er nadruk worden gelegd op de verschillen, zodoende kan men elkaar aanvullen en tot inzichten of leren komen. Beide vormen zijn nodig om communicatie succesvol te laten zijn.
Vormen van communiceren die steeds terugkomen:
Complementaire actiepatronen
Symmetrische actiepatronen
Storing in de communicatie kan ontstaan als:
de gesprekspartners enkel overeenkomsten zoeken;
de gesprekspartners te veel op hun standpunten blijven staan en geen overeenkomsten zoeken;
er gebruik wordt gemaakt van macht, hierdoor ontstaat afhankelijkheid of onzelfstandigheid.
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pushing others away as a test is a toxic coping mechanism i learned to challenge the love ppl in my life have for me. i’m so afraid of being abandoned, if i push them away and they go then its not as painful as if they randomly leave me. its like a controlled selffulfilling prophecy
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rfarrokh · 3 years
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Distortions can change once we recognize them❣️❣️😃🤟🏼💞❤️💖💪🏼💖💖💖💖 #distortedpeople #distortedthoughts #allornothing #catastrophizing #mindreading #mindreader #overgeneralization #selffulfillment #selffulfillingprophecy #thoughtprocess #youareworthit❤️ #youareenough #youareworthit #narrativetherapy #changethenarrative #yougotthis #yougotitright https://www.instagram.com/p/COj_Vx5JLmt/?igshid=w0ynz3qww9nr
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savagelyawesome · 3 years
Never be embarrass self love ❤💪💯 #loveyourbody #allbodiesaregoodbodies #selffulfillment #beautiful #selflove #womenempowerment #transformationtuesday #lol #comedy #never #thereisnostandard #feelgoodfitness #mindyourbody #fitness #femalefitness #entrenamiento #womenswellness https://www.instagram.com/p/CQOhKkfjoHt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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