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vertigoartgore · 7 months ago
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Thanos by Olivier Coipel & Matthew Wilson (from 2016's Unworthy Thor #2). Words by Jason Aaron & lettering by Joe Sabino.
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arabdoll · 7 months ago
“Why do you style yourself "your worthless and insignificant brother"? You recognize your insignificance? . . . Recognize it before God; perhaps, too, in the presence of beauty, intelligence, nature, but not before men. Among men you must be conscious of your dignity. Why, you are not a rascal, you are an honest man, aren't you?
Well, respect yourself as an honest man and know that an honest man is not something worthless. Don't confound "being humble" with "recognizing one's worthlessness."
Anton Chekhov, The Letters of Anton Chekhov
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thesilliestrovingalive · 5 months ago
To meet oneself - part 3
The previous chapters: 1 and 2
Chapter 3: Let's talk
“Wh-Who are ya? What dooooo ya w-want?” Marchrius calmly slurs his words, forcing himself to blink slowly as his eyes narrow, straining to focus.
The man he questions eyes Marchrius warily, sensing that he’s struggling to trust him. This realisation sparks curiosity, and he wonders what’s running through Marchrius' mind. Letting out a deep sigh, he carefully sets the heavy machine gun on the ground and crosses his arms, signalling that he means no harm.
“The name's Marco,” he says stoically, his tone polite. “There is nothing I want from you. I'm simply lost. I have no idea where I am.”
Marchrius lowers his combat knife slightly, stumbling backward as he casts a bewildered glance around, his expression cloudy with confusion.
“Uhhh… Hoooww the hell do y-ya havvvve my… errr, common nickname?” he asks with a raised eyebrow and a slight tilt of his head to the right, his voice low and his words barely intelligible.
Marco's eyes widen in shock as he scratches the back of his head, asking incredulously, "You also go by Marco?"
“Y-Yeah! Of coursssse! Aaaaallll of my b-buddies call me ��Marco’, except for Nadiaaaa, and it just s-sticks, ya know?” Marchrius responds loudly, his speech slurred, and lifts a shoulder in a nonchalant shrug, yet keeps his combat knife at the ready.
Marco strokes his chin thoughtfully, his expression transforming as Marchrius' mention of buddies ignites a brilliant idea. A gentle smile spreads across his face, and his turquoise eyes shine with passion. Sensing the lingering emotional pain and distrust etched on Marchrius' face and reflected in his eyes, Marco seizes the opportunity to steer the conversation in a new direction.
“Say… What are your friends like?” he asks respectfully, hoping the question might lift Marchrius' spirits.
Marchrius' grasp on his combat knife relaxes marginally, but his facade of nonchalance falters. His gaze drifts downward, his breathing grows shallow, and his heart swells with emotion. However, the lingering ache within him obscures his thoughts, and he can't shake the fear of being abandoned if his friends discover his secret: his solitary binge drinking habit. The haunting thought that he's unworthy of their meaningful friendships crosses his mind, and his grip on the knife tightens once more. Tears prick at the corners of his eyes, but his expression twists into a fierce scowl, a desperate attempt to mask his vulnerability.
Marco's eyes widen, regret washing over him for asking the question. He hadn't anticipated his raw emotional response, or the deafening silence that followed, heavy with unspoken pain. Shame creeps onto his face as he averts his gaze, his eyes drifting to the blood-stained combat knife still clutched in Marchrius' hand. The sight sends a jolt of concern through him; he hadn't realised Marchrius' inner turmoil ran so deep or that it might drive him to self-harm.
“I’m sorry… You don’t have to talk about your buddies if it makes you feel uneasy,” Marco speaks reassuringly, doing his best to make Marchrius feel comfortable.
He maintains a safe distance from Marchrius, searching for the perfect words to say. Not wanting to come across as pushy or insensitive, he recognizes that approaching someone as emotionally fragile as Marchrius requires tact. Taking a deep, measured breath, he launches into a heartfelt and enthusiastic conversation about his friends, hoping to distract Marchrius from his inner turmoil and provide a much-needed respite.
"Wow, where do I even start?" Marco pauses, collecting his thoughts.
Marco's gaze drifts downward, his eyes tracing the gentle contours of the grass-covered earth beneath his feet. He strokes his chin thoughtfully, his back resting against the rugged trunk of the great oak. A moment of contemplation passes, and then his face slowly brightens with a gentle, introspective smile. Lifting his gaze, his turquoise eyes lock onto Marchrius', burning with a quiet, unwavering passion.
"I love my friends more than words can express. I'd do anything to keep them safe. We've got our differences, and yeah, we butt heads sometimes, but that's just life. The amazing part is, we work through it together, like a team. They're my rock, my everything. Honestly, they're the reason I'm still going strong," Marco begins, his voice filled with emotion, as he pours his heart out.
Marchius closely listens, the grip on his combat knife loosening slightly, as Marco talks about all of his friends, many of whom share similarities with Marchius' own companions. Marco enthusiastically discusses his best friend and brother-in-arms, Tarma, whose breezy, slightly sarcastic attitude is a refreshing presence during intense moments. He gushes about Fio's baking, and admires her cleverness and optimism. Marco also appreciates Eri's dry sense of humour, which he finds amusing and funny at times. He views Trevor's computer expertise like an intellectual work of art, while praising his gentle heart and intelligence as well as his phenomenal taekwondo teaching skills, particularly with his android student, Liane. Marco is equally impressed by Nadia's exceptional marksmanship skills, her love of food, and her fantastic fashion advice. As Marco speaks about his friends, it's clear that he holds them in high esteem and loves them dearly.
He shares a playful, brotherly dynamic with Tarma, often engaging in lighthearted banter and sibling-like squabbles. He values his friendship with Eri, enjoying conversations about everyday life and shared experiences. Fond memories of reading together are especially cherished. Marco harbours a significant crush on Fio, which renders him tongue-tied in her presence. When alone, he struggles to resist the urge to show affection, often finding himself wanting to kiss her cheek. Although he doesn't frequently interact with Nadia, he appreciates her company and enjoys discussing various topics with her. His close friendship with Trevor revolves around a shared passion for computers and software.
Marco continues, sharing stories about individuals Marchrius hasn't met, but listens intently nonetheless. He begins with Derek, another close friend, whom he values for their camaraderie. However, he acknowledges Derek's quick temper, recalling a memorable altercation during their cadet days. His relationship with Raymond is strained due to the latter's short fuse. In contrast, he maintains a neutral stance towards Noah, despite frustration with his lax attitude towards militant duties and leadership responsibilities. Among the android unit, Marco singles out Iria for praise, appreciating her enthusiasm for learning and enjoying their conversations whenever possible. Regarding Liane, he expresses concern, citing her impulsive nature as a source of worry.
As Marchrius listens with utmost curiosity, his piercing glare at Marco gradually yields to a softer expression. He lowers his combat knife, the tension in his body easing. His loyalty to his friends runs deep; he'd willingly risk his life to keep them safe. However, beneath his resolute exterior, the ache of loneliness lingers, seeding doubts about the sincerity of those around him. He observes Marco, swiftly concluding that this man is no imperfect clone or cyborg. The subtle nuances of his expression, the depth of his emotions, and the uniqueness of his character all scream one thing: humanity. Marchrius shakes his head, his gaze drifting to the wilted grass before slowly lifting to meet Marco's, his eyes probing the depths of his soul for answers.
“Do ya thhhink I’m w-worthy… of the fri-friends I havvvvveee?” Marchrius asks, his voice low and slurred, yet tinged with genuine interest and soothing calmness.
His voice cracks as he continues to speak, the words tumbling out in a desperate, ragged whisper. His lower lip quivers beneath his nervous bite, and his chest heaves with laboured breaths. The combat knife shakes in his unsteady hand.
“I-I… I dunno knowwww if… if I can tru-trust theeemmmm or n-not,” he tells Marco, his voice swelling as a sob threatens to take over, shaking his entire frame. “I’m just a b-b-burden! How c-can they puuut up with me?! Whoooo wants to de-deal with a stttuuuupid drunk like meeee?!”
Marco watches as Marchrius drops his combat knife, its weight sinking into the grassy earth with a muted thud. Marchrius' chest heaves with ragged breaths, his hands trembling as he covers his face and succumbs to uncontrollable sobs. He stumbles backward, collapsing against the sturdy trunk of the oak tree, his body wracked with emotion. Marco's expression softens in shock and sympathy, recognizing the depth of Marchrius' pain. Having struggled with his own addiction, Marco understands the crushing weight of self-doubt and the relentless grip of alcoholism. Despite his own ongoing efforts to overcome his habit, Marco's empathy for Marchrius is palpable.
Marco carefully approaches Marchrius and sits down beside him, giving him a tender pat on the back. Marchrius subtly turns to face Marco, gently parting his fingers to stare at him, and tries to quiet his sobbing as he sniffles, wondering why Marco even bothered to sit down next to him. Without a moment's notice, Marco places his hands on both of Marchrius' shoulders, encouraging him to fully look him in the eye. This startles Marchrius, causing his muscles to tense as he turns further to face Marco. He lifts his hands from his face, his eyes widening in surprise and confusion as he stares at the man before him.
"I know we're strangers, but I want you to know something. I don't think you're a burden, and I don't think you're stupid either. You're worthy of the friendships you have! It's hard to find genuine friends, but I know you're lucky to have made some amazing ones. If they didn't value you, they wouldn't still be around. I assume it's because they deeply care about you. That's what friends do—they stick together like a loyal pack, always having each other's backs!" Marco gently reassures Marchrius, boosting his confidence and sense of belonging among his friends.
Marchrius is taken aback by Marco's heartfelt words, and before he can process them, Marco envelops him in a warm hug. The sudden gesture catches Marchrius off guard, leaving him wondering why this stranger, who bears an uncanny resemblance to him and seems to understand his friendships, is showing him such kindness. As Marco's arms wrap around him, Marchrius' hands tremble and tears well up in his eyes once more. His breathing becomes shallow, and his body succumbs to overwhelming emotion.
He hesitantly returns the hug, embracing Marco and burying his face in the crook of his right shoulder. Uncontrollable sobs rack Marchrius' body as he struggles to comprehend the stranger's selfless act. Amidst the emotional turmoil, a spark of gratitude flickers within him, but it's shadowed by the crushing weight of his sadness. The pain of expressing thanks feels too much to bear.
Marchrius sobs frantically, his body racked with convulsive shudders as he pours out every last tear of anguish and sorrow. Beside him, Marco offers what little comfort he can, periodically patting Marchrius' back as his wails give way to sporadic hiccups. He weeps, overwhelmed by emotions he's never before experienced, as the pain in his right forearm begins to subside. Blood from Marchrius' raw wounds continues to trickle steadily, silently staining the military-issued backpack draped over Marco's back, unseen by either of them. In this moment, he yearns to remain forever, surrendering to tears that purge his heart of every regret and anguish that have left him shattered.
Marchrius clings to Marco, his arms tightening around him in a desperate embrace. The enhanced strength of his cybernetic prosthetic and rippling muscles flex as he holds on, his grip almost overwhelming. It feels like an attempt to hold Marco in place, fearing he'll resist the embrace and swiftly slip away, leaving him behind. His deep-seated fear of abandonment gnaws at him, the last thing he wants to exacerbate his already fragile state. All he yearns for is liberation from the shackles of loneliness. He longs for someone to stand by his side, offering emotional solace and support. Marco, taken aback by the intensity of the hug, begins to struggle for breath. Seeking to calm Marchrius, Marco gently rubs his back in soothing circular and linear movements. But despite his efforts, his tears continue to fall, dampening the skin of Marco's right shoulder and chilling it in the night air.
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the-clumsywitch · 2 years ago
Worthiness Affirmations 
The Clumsy Witch Podcast Affirmations Episode No. 1
I am worthy of happiness
I am worthy of receiving and giving love
I am worthy of peace
I am worthy of money & prosperity
I am worthy of meaningful relationships
I am worthy of having what I desire
I am worthy of setting boundaries
I am worthy of being protected
I am worthy of being seen in a positive light
I am worthy of living a balanced life
I am worthy of receiving an abundance of goodness
I am inherently worthy as I am right now, in this moment
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kamala-laxman · 1 year ago
I believe that owning our worthiness is the act of acknowledging that we are sacred. Perhaps embracing vulnerability and overcoming numbing is ultimately about the care and feeding of our spirits - Brene Brown
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eloquence682 · 4 months ago
My mother always asks me why I struggle to ask others for help. Why I would rather free-climb my own mountain than ask someone to hand me a rope. But how I could I? How could I, when I am but one small mind in a world of a billions? I am smart, but not especially so. I can be kind, but can’t everyone else, too? I am reckless, but in all the wrong ways. I put my foot in my mouth—speak before thinking and then question a hundred times the words now spoken into the folds of collective consciousness. I am not special. Not when there are others—bigger than me, smarter than me … holier than me.
How could I be worthy of help under the shadow of everyone else? Each of us are climbing our own mountains. Wind screaming, cold-knuckled grips on sheer rock faces. One slip, one wrong step, and …. well, how could I ever ask someone to let go—even for just a moment—to assure that I make it to the top?
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jasminemoes · 2 months ago
‘I like me so much that it no longer matters to me how you feel about me, which means I’m now free from trying to get your approval.’
the big payoff is when you really feel that free and you really feel that worthy, you’re delicious to be with and everyone who’s with you gets to benefit too.
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ascendantevolution · 1 year ago
Fear, Belief, and Abundance
Fear is not meant to be a natural part of our makeup. If we think about the function of fear, fear was designed as a survival mechanism. There were to be moments of fear, such as when a predator was hunting us. But then the fear was meant to be released and life returned to normal.  
Human beings have created a culture for which the economy is fear. There is no returning to feeling “normal.” Anxiety has become the norm.  
For every physical action, there is a psychological consequence, whether good or bad. A culture built on fear-based competition leads to a culture built on suspicion. The lack, the feelings of lack, of not having enough money, creates desperation and crime. A culture built on fear of how one is going to live day-to-day is a culture that is ripe for revolution.   
A culture consumed with these concerns is one wherein its constituents see themselves as separate when, in fact, we are all part of the same Source. A part of the objective right now is for us to unlearn those feelings of separation. And the first step is to step out of the fear.  
One may laugh and say,” But how do I do that? I would love to not feel fearful.” And we would congratulate them for their honesty because, in that statement, they admit that they are at least aware of their fear. There are so many who are not, those who do not think they have any fear. They need to believe that they have it all together, when deep inside, there is an anxiety of all their blessings disappearing from them overnight.  
We are speaking to both groups here. For those of who beg the question about how to stop fearing, know that fear is a figment of the mind. The mind must be adapted and disciplined to discontinue fear. For those that are not yet aware, let the vibrational resonance of the truth of these words be received in their hearts so that they may awaken. This is a choice they must make that no one can force on them.  
The sooner all awaken, the better for us as a collective, and the All. We are here in support of their abundant living. We are here in support of their karmic release. When we say “karmic release,” we refer to the experiential state that individuals find themselves in when they have broken natural laws. Now, Dear Ones, it is time to awaken. And to release. So that all may step in to fully abundant living.  
Abundant living is a right and of one’s own making. Think of it as the flipside of karma. One must believe in their abundance, but what does it take to believe in that? Feelings of worthiness? Feelings of calm, compassion, unity with the All? When we believe in our own worthiness, not as a matter of how others perceive us or the status hoops we learn to jump through in a culture such as ours – when we know our worthiness, our mind and heart follow.  
Knowing creates intention, motivation, commitment. That impacts vibration, which is communicated to the Universe. The energetic field that receives the waves of energy we send out receives those messages, and, as a cooperative, co-creative Universe, immediately goes to work on fashioning our projected reality.  
So often, when one’s belief is that they are unworthy in some way, that belief will mirror for us a life that feels lonely (especially internally); painful, terrifying, one full of scarcity (whether scarce of money, love, acceptance, being seen and heard); competition and conflict; which feeds a negative feedback loop of unworthiness, scarcity, and fear.  
It is not the Universe that decides what one receives. When the Universe receives our vibration, It thinks that what is contained within that energetic communication is what we want, so it creates more of that for the one sending the energetic message.  
Ironically, at the soul level, we could very well be “needing” the lessons those energetic messages carry which, through struggle and suffering, will eventually help us to value ourselves. So, if this be true, why bother? 
Often, this life on Earth is referred to as a game. It helps to know 1) that there is a game; 2) a little about how it works; and 3) that in the end it is to our benefit. If we know these things, we can, through our growing awareness, add intention, discipline, and right work to “the work” we are here to do, thus speeding up our processes.  
But, before we can do anything with intention, we must examine our beliefs. People cling to their beliefs out of insecurity and, again, fear because beliefs act as a system of rules for us playing our game. They give us a semblance of having control over the game. However, oftentimes, they can be based on other’s perceptions and pressures as well as illusion. 
If one’s beliefs are not serving them, it may be time to examine them closely, release what no longer serves, and recalibrate. Perhaps it is time to accept worthiness, do work internally to support that vibration, and to fashion new beliefs about who we are and what we “deserve.” 
For those who have been locked into this drama of being locked into beliefs that do not serve, leading to fear and its energetic, are you not tired? Have you not grown wary of it?  
Is hanging on to your current beliefs about yourself, your status, your life so important that you are willing to sacrifice your own abundance and happiness?  
Have you ever considered that just maybe you do not know what you do not know? Can you let that vibration into your heart and your mind, to open doors of curiosity and, in the process, invite in abundance, and feeling of freedom, beyond your wildest dreams? 
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vertigoartgore · 9 months ago
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2018's Old Man Hawkeye Vol.1 #3 Mighty Thor variant cover by artist Olivier Coipel & colorist Jason Keith (done in 2017).
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eatclean-bewhole · 6 months ago
As we get clear about our needs, where they originate from, and how to meet them, we will naturally distance ourselves from relationships or remove ourselves from environments that no longer align with our authentic Self.
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drivelikeaminister · 7 months ago
Faith, Challenged
This week has been a challenging one for my faith.
A few days ago I took my children to a local Goodwill store, where we can buy secondhand books/toys/clothing and support a great organization. They really enjoy playing with many toys and were excited to buy something. Sadly, this was not to happen. My son put down his wallet to look at a board game... and although only left alone for a few minutes, when he picked up his wallet again all the money he had in it had been taken. Someone saw an unguarded children's wallet, opened it up, took the cash and then put it back. We felt very, very sad and frustrated, not to mention angry, confused and betrayed.
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Just this morning I had a few contacts from my church members saying that they had received fraudulent e-mails. Someone was pretending to be me, asking for gift cards to support a widow in our congregation. Sadly, this is a classic example of phishing and houses of worship are targeted because so many people want to help those in need. Again, I felt betrayed and angry at people taking advantage of others.
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The problem with my two negative interactions this week was that they both go against my religion. That is: I believe people are inherently good. My national religion states that "every person is inherently worthy" and I personally agree. I feel deep in my heart that everyone (yes, even that person with whom you are angry or who has hurt you) is a divine creature of worthiness and value.
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This week I was faced with two pretty obvious counter-examples: stealing from a child (my child!) and trying to steal from well-intentioned people (my well-intentioned people!) There was a gap between what I held in my heart and what I saw happen. These two examples were also both faceless. I have no way to find the person who took my son's money, nor can I track down the people behind an e-mail phishing scheme. With this dichotomy, what do I do next? How do I reconcile the gap between belief and life.
I see a few different options. Do I: - alter my theology to fit the "not so good people"; - ignore these (and all subsequent) counter-examples; - look for more examples in support of my beliefs; - remember that faith doesn't always align with facts; - try to rationalize why people do bad things (financial need, difficult upbringing...); - write a blog post publicly exploring my thoughts; - trust in this world or otherworldly consequences for those who act poorly; - rationalize away bad actions through the existence of free will; - something else...?
I'm not sure what to do - so I chose writing a blog post and crowdsourcing a theological response.
There may be quite different response depending on the experience. It could be that some experiences are so foundation shifting that our faith must also shift (ex: near death experience, spiritual epiphany...) While other interactions might have less impact on our belief system and can easily be ignored or rationalized (ex: meeting people of different faiths; disagreeing with a religious leader...) There may be experiences of challenge which actually deepen and strengthen our beliefs.
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What do you do when a deeply held belief of yours is questioned? Has your belief in an all-loving and all-power God ever been challenged? Has your belief that there is no God been challenged? Have there been times when you questioned the veracity of your scripture? Have you ever disagreed with your Rabbi/Priest/Pastor/Imam? What difficulty has changed your beliefs, what difficulty has strengthened them?
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houseofcatwic · 8 months ago
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raffaellopalandri · 1 year ago
What Makes Us One of a Kind?
Daily writing promptWhich aspects do you think makes a person unique?View all responses So, what truly makes a person unique? To me, it’s the beautiful ensemble woven from the different threads of our holistic being. It is the unique way the fusion of a body, mind, and soul live together in every being, each of such vital threads shaping the unique picture that is us. Photography by Raffaello…
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I don’t want what doesn’t want me.
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