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Juozapas, Priyanka, Yohanes, Zdravko, and Dezső
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, human experimentation, eugenics, SA, sexual harassment, transphobia, abandonment, child abuse, and kidnapping.
Real name: Jūratė Balčiūnas
Nickname: Juo and Zapa
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop for the Regular Army and a special forces operative for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: Get the necessary requirements to work in the field of nuclear energy
Abilities: Due to the experiments he has undergone, he's highly resistant to nuclear radiation. His body can also harness and convert nuclear energy into a form of bio-energy. His bloodstream contains modified cells that can process radioactive materials, producing heat. This heat is converted into electrical energy, which is directed to the lungs. There, it's mixed with oxygen, hydrogen, and methane, which are ignited upon exhalation, allowing him to breathe fire.
He possesses limited control over his metabolism, enabling him to flawlessly repair damaged tissues and regulate his body temperature to withstand extreme conditions. Additionally, he can enter a state of heightened metabolism, increasing his speed and agility to that of a cheetah. However, staying in this state for over 10 minutes significantly increases his hunger and fatigue.
Hobbies: Topiary, studying botany and physics during his leisure time, and going on wildflower trips and hot air balloon rides with his friends
Likes: Hope, making flirty attempts with comrades to simply tease them, and the beautiful companionship that people have with dogs
Dislikes: Eugenics, the destructive mishandling of nuclear energy, and being betrayed by those he holds closest and trusts the most
Favourite drink: Mead
Sexuality: Biromantic sapiosexual
Gender: Intersex and trans (identifies as a boy)
Age: 17 (in 2022), 23 (in 2028), 25 (in 2030), 27 (in 2032), 29 (in 2034), 36 (in 2041), 38 (in 2043), 39 (in 2044), and 42 (in 2047)
Design: He’s a 5’ 6” (167.64 cm) Lithuanian ectomorph of Russian and Swedish descent with a weak musculature and double incision top scars. He wears the Ptolemaic Army special forces operatives uniform, but with a distinctive right-side vermilion armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. His gas mask has yellow-tinted lenses, and he wears a flame-coloured belt with a silvery white buckle. He wears a left-side goldenrod drop leg holster, housing his Bersa Thunder 9, and a dark brown bandolier above his belt, stocked with .40 S&W cartridges for his semi-automatic pistol.
He has limestone skin, heterochromatic eyes (his right eye is light blue and his left eye is bronze), and reddish-brown freckles scattered across his face, neck, and hands. His hair, with its voluminous waves, falls above his waist, framing his face with medium-length, middle-parted bangs. He often styles his long platinum blonde hair into four braids.
Character summary: He's generally a passive individual, preferring to relax and take things slowly at his own pace. However, he occasionally becomes aggressive in response to chaotic situations, particularly when events seem to be spiraling out of control. Despite his deep care for everyone and everything, he often gets emotionally burnt out, leading others to misinterpret his exhaustion as apathy. Unlike Souma, he's extremely patient and daydreaming helps him block out the stresses of reality and prevents anger from getting the better of him. Even in the face of extreme difficulty and pessimism, he remains steadfast in his hope for positive change.
However, rare instances can prompt him to lose his composure and lash out, particularly if someone he cares about is being threatened, harmed or made uncomfortable. He has a lighthearted attitude and enjoys engaging in Souma's mischief and Harvie's jokes, often adding a touch of dramatic flair. As a shrewd and loyal opportunist, he's constantly on the lookout for the next great opportunity, seeking to advance his own interests, safeguard his identity and well-being, and protect his comrades. He has zero tolerance for betrayal because it fills him with overwhelming regret and a deep sense of rejection, particularly when perpetrated by someone he considers a loved one. He’s good friends with Harvie, Souma, and Priyanka, and has a cordial relationship with Gyeong-Hui.
Backstory: Jūratė Balčiūnas was born on November 24, 2005 in Visaginas, Lithuania. Her father, Motiejus Balčiūnas, a Lithuanian nuclear physicist, had a passion for ancient studies. Her mother, Synnöve Vinogradova, was a botanical researcher of Swedish and Russian descent. She grew up in a household where careful observation and patience were highly valued, taking precedence over hasty decision-making. Her workaholic parents were overprotective, often isolating her from society. They feared something terrible might happen and, as a result, only allowed her to go outside when one or both of them were available to supervise closely, ensuring her safety and shielding her from potentially corrupting influences. She was homeschooled by her parents, receiving instruction in core subjects like mathematics and writing as well as specialised topics related to their own fields of expertise. Additionally, her parents imparted their unconventional beliefs and values, which included militaristic ideologies.
Her childhood home, situated on the edge of dense Lithuanian pine forests, had a nearby greenhouse and an underground laboratory. Synnöve would study native plants in the surrounding forests. However, Jūratė was forbidden from entering the laboratory as her parents feared she might accidentally harm herself with the dangerous chemicals and scientific tools stored there. However, she was allowed to visit the greenhouse, which was filled with an array of beautiful plants from across Europe. Whenever she ventured outside, she would either play with Dovilas, the family's protective, energetic, and cuddly fawn brindle Estrela Mountain Dog puppy, or spend hours mesmerised by sunlight filtering through leaves. She discovered that the patterns found in nature helped her make sense of life's chaos. The forest became her first teacher, instructing her in the art of slowing down and revealing how growth unfolds imperceptibly yet inevitably.
Once the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant was decommissioned, Motiejus was out of a job as he used to work there. While her father navigated a career change and her mother helped him find reliable work, Jūratė intently watched this period of life transform a challenge into an opportunity. Her father transitioned into renewable energy consulting, while her mother expanded her research to include the rehabilitation of industrial sites through native plantings. When Motiejus' proposed renewable energy projects faced fierce opposition from traditional energy advocates, the family endured intense public scrutiny. However, this caught the attention of the Amadeus Syndicate, which decided to hire Motiejus to work on their nuclear energy tests, an offer he readily accepted.
Once she started menstruating at the age of nine, and a month before her tenth birthday in November, her parents revealed that she was a perfected clone of a woman who had become too politically powerful within the Earth Federation. The original was a female representative of Lithuania, related to the influential Balčiūnas family, known for their accomplishments in science and religious scholarship. The eggs and genetic material of this Lithuanian politician were implanted into Synnöve, making her a surrogate mother. Now that her parents were aware of Jūratė's menstruation, they decided it was nearly time to initiate her into the Ptolemaic Army and provide her with a sense of direction. Previously consumed by existential dread due to feelings of anonymity, she began to harbour a glimmer of hope at the prospect of forging her own unique identity.
At the age of 10, her parents freely handed control of their daughter to the Amadeus Syndicate, granting them access to their underground laboratory. She recalls feeling nauseous and afraid as she lay restrained on an operating table, surrounded by intimidating equipment, sterile surfaces, and harsh fluorescent lighting. Over the next three weeks, she endured painful experimentation, including the injection of unknown chemicals and multiple surgeries. These experiments resulted in altered physiology, which manifested as limited metabolism manipulation, nuclear radiation resistance, and the ability to breathe fire. Physical modifications also occurred, such as a more masculine build, Müllerian agenesis, and a malformed penis with hypospadias. Having reached her breaking point, she utilised her new abilities to escape the Amadeus Syndicate scientists and flee her family's home.
As she attempted to flee into the dense pine forests behind her family's home, she was promptly captured by her parents, who revealed themselves to be members of the believers, an elite cult within the Ptolemaic Army with close ties to Ptolemaios and Anastasia. This traumatic event would become her first betrayal, leaving emotional scars that would last a lifetime. Despite this, she held onto the hope that there were trustworthy individuals in the world, and that she would one day meet people who would remain loyal to her. She was indoctrinated into the Ptolemaic Army at a young age, initially serving as an organ harvester for the cult, and received training to become a special forces operative at 13.
During this time, she was treated as a man despite being born female, which led her to adopt a masculine identity and rename herself Juozapas to signify this life-changing milestone. However, he faced harassment and mistreatment from his comrades, who made lewd comments and engaged in unwanted physical contact, but he firmly stood up for himself and asserted her boundaries. Once he turned 16, he was reunited with Dovilas during a private visit from his father, who had undergone a significant transformation at the hands of his parents and the Amadeus Syndicate. Dovilas now resembled General Morden's wolf pet, Enobarbus, but retained his original build and fur coat. However, his transformation had also granted him prominent, fleshy fangs capable of delivering a venomous bite and a diminished need for eating and digestion. He can also breathe a ray of misty snow and freezing icicles that explode upon impact, encasing people in blocks of hard ice.
After a masked soldier attempted to sexually assault him, who had asked to borrow organs for a mission, Dovilas intervened and killed the assailant, prompting Juozapas to conclude that positive change was necessary. He joined Eri's short-lived revolt, which, although unsuccessful, he views as a partial success. The revolt reunited many individuals dissatisfied with the Ptolemaic Army, allowing them to fight together in solidarity. After the revolt, he decided to visit Nida, where he met a middle-aged red-haired, grey-eyed fisherman around his age. The fisherman, named Vaclovas, complimented how beautiful Dovilas looks, and they struck up a conversation about their future aspirations. Vaclovas even taught Juozapas how to fish, offering him encouraging words and wise advice on resilience and overcoming emotional turmoil. He was kind enough to offer Juozapas a place to stay in his home, and as a result, they became good roommates with a strong father-son bond.
Real name: Priyabrata Bhaumik
Nickname: Priya
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop and combat medic for the Regular Army and Hover Vehicle pilot and a special forces operative for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: To become a horticulturist
Hobbies: Collecting Asian and Western cultural memorabilia that capture her attention, watching bad Bollywood movies after a stressful day, feeding stray cats
Likes: Respecting the wildlife, the core teachings of Krishna, and the fulfillment she feels from assisting sick and injured animals and people
Dislikes: Street violence, poorly made tea, and experiencing physical and sexual abuse due to her gender identity
Favourite food: Falooda and kala bhuna
Favourite drink: Sugarcane juice
Sexuality: Questioning
Gender: Trans (identifies as a girl)
Age: 13 (in 2022), 19 (in 2028), 21 (in 2030), 23 (in 2032), 25 (in 2034), 32 (in 2041), 34 (in 2043), 35 (in 2044), and 38 (in 2047)
Design: She’s a 5’ 4” (162.56 cm) Bengali mesomorph with a lean yet athletic build and saline breast implants that give her a petite bust. She wears the Ptolemaic Army special forces operatives uniform, but with a distinctive left-side robin egg blue armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. Her gas mask has blue-tinted lenses, and she wears a pair of sapphire-hued combat boots with cerulean laces. She has two dark grey bandoliers slung over both shoulders, forming an X-shape, with the left one holding chili grenades and the right one containing Stielhandgranate.
She has bronze-hued skin, amber eyes, and a Gaudiya Vaishnava Urdhva Pundra, which is located in the centre of her forehead. She has shoulder-length chocolate brown hair with subtle curls, which she often ties into a braid. She has creamy white vulgaris vitiligo and a slash scar that runs from the centre of her right cheek to just below her deltoid.
She’s in possession of a Hover Vehicle, and carries around tea-making equipment, glass vials of various tea plants she collected, and first aid and surgical tools in her load-bearing backpack.
Character summary: She has a profound affection for people, feeling a deep connection with everyone. She enjoys people-watching, learning about others, striking up conversations, and listening to their unique life stories. She wants to be friends with every animal in the world, which occasionally gets her hurt and causes unnecessary problems for her and her comrades. She's incredibly confident and self-assured yet humble enough to avoid coming across as overconfident or arrogant. However, when it comes to proudly embracing her gender identity, she fears rejection and worries that she won't be validated as a woman. She can be quite crass, abrasive, and playfully teasing, especially when interacting with new allies or experienced individuals she's never met.
With a good sense of humour, she often cracks jokes to diffuse tense situations, although this doesn't always come at the most opportune moments. She's fiercely loyal to Eri and her comrades, never questioning their orders or plans. She’s a fairly intelligent, cautious, friendly, and kind optimist who harbours a secret envy towards Thandolwethu’s height and physique. She avoids dwelling on devastation for too long as she doesn't want to waste precious time reminiscing about what could have been, potentially harbouring grudges. She’s good friends with Harvie, Souma, and Juozapas, and is particularly close with Yohanes.
Backstory: Priyabrata Bhaumik was born on March 3, 2009 in Kurseong, West Bengal, India. His mother is a wildlife veterinarian, while his stepfather manages a tea plantation. His biological father passed away a month before his birth due to health complications from primary pulmonary hypertension. Following Hindu funeral rites, his ashes were scattered in the Ganges River, as he had requested. Although his biological father had humble beginnings as a poor labourer, his mother and stepfather knew he was a conscientious man. They believed he was destined for reincarnation into the Vaishya caste due to his hard work accumulating wealth and successfully establishing a tea plantation in Kurseong. His family are dedicated followers of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, a sect of Hinduism and a branch of Vaishnavism that worships Krishna as the supreme being and the source of all avataric incarnations of God. To signify his adherence to his faith, he received his Urdhva Pundra at the age of three, made from the mud of Vrindavan.
His childhood home, situated near his biological father's tea estate, stood at the crossroads of various bustling markets and the edges of the Himalayan foothills. From his bedroom window, he was able to watch the steady stream of traders, tourists, and locals navigating the narrow streets, while occasionally spotting a leopard slinking through the tea gardens at dusk. Priyabrata would come up with silly stories about the lives of these strangers, letting his imagination run wild as he intently observed them. Beyond people-watching, his daily routine consisted of household chores to keep everything tidy and making time for daily worship of Krishna. He also assisted his stepfather in tending to the tea gardens, cultivating an assortment of tea plants, including pineapple sage, orange mint, and holy basil.
At the age of 8, his half-aunt and uncle from Tamil Nadu were visiting, and he spent the day playing with his two younger cousins near the Himalayan foothills. After a round of choa chui and a game of marbles, Priyabrata heard a high-pitched mewing sound nearby. Investigating the noise, he came across a mountain goat kid with an injured leg that had wandered near his family's tea garden. Despite the mother's aggressive attempts to protect it, he calmly approached the kid. Speaking softly to the adult goat, he treated the kid's wound using his mother's first-aid kit, while his two younger cousins watched in awe. The incident soon became a local legend, and the tea plantation workers came to recognise him as fearless.
At 11, he became disillusioned with his male identity, having always struggled to fit in with the male crowd and feeling more comfortable and accepted by his female peers. In private, he began exploring gender-nonconforming behaviours and attitudes, such as trying on his mother's clothing, as a means of discovering what felt most authentic to him. Ultimately, he came to realise that he wished to be validated as a girl and break free from the constraints of boyhood. Two months before his 12th birthday, he bravely came out to his parents after dinner. However, they reacted poorly to the revelation, promptly disowning him and kicking him out of the house. They refused to accept a son who didn't conform to traditional masculine norms, citing his perceived effeminacy and cowardice as a stark contrast to the fearlessness that had become legendary. Devastated by his family's rejection, he nonetheless tried not to dwell on the pain for too long.
After renaming himself Priyanka and embracing his female identity with matching pronouns, he was forced to rely on street economies to survive. She found support among food vendors willing to give her work, but also resorted to temporary sex work and petty theft. Through careful observation, she gained valuable street knowledge and insight into the struggles of sex workers. One day, she encountered a man injured in a street fight, unaware of his connection to the Ptolemaic Army. Her compassionate nature led her to help him, and utilising her first aid skills, she tended to his wounds while sharing stories about her life and listening intently as the man recounted the events that led to the fight.
The man, grateful for her kindness, recognised that her life on the streets was precarious and unlikely to be sustainable. He offered her a way out, promising safety, acceptance, and eternal life, and took her to a Ptolemaic Army base located beyond the Himalayan foothills. During her time with the Ptolemaic Army, Priyanka was indoctrinated into their militaristic and cruel ideologies. She underwent specialised training as a special forces operative and developed expertise as a skilled Hover Vehicle pilot. Over time, Priyanka utilised her medical skills to become an invaluable asset to her comrades, functioning as a combat medic who performed complex tasks such as surgical removal of bullets. She would also brew cups of tea for her patients whenever she had access to the necessary equipment and could forage for the right plants.
She faced mistreatment from a small handful of comrades due to her gender identity, ranging from transphobic comments to violent physical beatings. When the abuse became more severe and sexual in nature, she decided to join Eri's revolt after learning about it from Yohanes, a trusted friend and former patient. Following the rebellion, she joined the Regular Army and dedicated her medical expertise to caring for wounded soldiers and special forces operatives. She also began exploring horticulture and formed meaningful friendships with accepting comrades who valued her for who she was.
Real name: Yohanes Hasyim
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop for the Regular Army and a sniper and special forces operative for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: To become a knife sharpener and own a chili pepper and onion farm
Hobbies: Polishing his throwing knives outdoors on sunny days, watching girly and messed up films and TV shows, and growing his food
Likes: The architecture of Buddhist temples and Islamic mosques, knowing about the latest drama, and waterfall tours
Dislikes: The sensation of being constantly observed, people stripping away his autonomy, and broken blades
Favourite food: Goat meat gulai and durian ice cream
Favourite drink: Grapefruit sparkling water
Sexuality: Bicurious heterosexual
Gender: Male
Age: 20 (in 2022), 26 (in 2028), 28 (in 2030), 30 (in 2032), 32 (in 2034), 39 (in 2041), 41 (in 2043), 42 (in 2044), and 45 (in 2047)
Design: He’s a 5’ 7” (170.18 cm) Indonesian endomorph of Arabic and Balinese descent with a chiselled musculature and a partially noticeable roundness to his abdomen. He wears the Ptolemaic Army special forces operatives uniform, but with a distinctive right-side heliotrope grey armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. His gas mask has rosy-tinted lenses, he carries a bolt-action scoped rifle slung over his left shoulder, and he wears a pair of spike-soled palatinate paratrooper boots. He wears a greyish-green bandolier slung over his right shoulder, holding razor-sharp throwing knives.
He has porcelain skin, sparkling leaf-green eyes, a horizontal scar just above the centre of his left outer thigh, and subtly wavy mocha brown hair styled in a medium-length shaggy crop.
Character summary: He's not one for drama himself, but he has a guilty pleasure in watching the dramatic unfoldings of those around him. He's easily forgiving and readily offers second chances, believing in the potential for redemption in everyone. However, there are certain individuals he makes an exception for, such as Doctor Amadeus, firmly believing they don't deserve forgiveness and should be painfully eliminated. He's willing to bend the truth when it's convenient, but only does so to spare someone's feelings or navigate a difficult situation. He remains eerily calm under stress and ensures those around him stay composed and relaxed, even in the most intense situations.
Although he values his autonomy, he occasionally struggles with decision-making and often relies on others for suggestions to ensure he makes the best choice. He's a dependable and humbled individual with a somewhat complacent nature, accompanied by a sarcastic sense of humor. He's a profound nature lover who's driven to attain enlightenment and live a good, meaningful life. He treats everyone and everything with utmost respect, but he struggles to extend the same compassion and respect to himself. He’s good friends with Mikuláš and Thandolwethu, and is particularly close with Priyanka and Harvie.
Backstory: Yohanes Hasyim was born on July 22, 2002 in Sembalun, East Lombok, Indonesia. His Arabic-Indonesian father was a chili pepper and onion farmer, while his mother, a Balinese immigrant, worked in Lombok's electricity and gas industry. On his father's side, he had a small number of Sasak and Arabic relatives, and on his mother's side, many Balinese Hindu family members. His father practiced a blend of Buddhism and Islam, while his mother was Hindu, influences that would shape Yohanes' own spiritual beliefs. Raised with love and encouragement, he developed a deep respect for nature and a strong sense of self and reverence for others and the divine. As a child, he often assisted his father in harvesting and preparing the chili peppers and onions to be sold on the market.
While being babysat by his Balinese aunt, who was visiting her sister, his parents were busy transporting chili peppers, onions, and gas tanks. Tragically, they died in a car accident when the road, poorly repaired, collapsed under the weight of their truck and a passing semi-truck carrying heavy logs. The news left 7-year-old Yohanes utterly devastated, almost too much for his young mind to comprehend. His relatives quickly had to figure out who would care for him. As no other relative volunteered, leaving Yohanes feeling unwanted by both sides of his family, his paternal grandmother, Nirmala, took him in.
He struggled with decision-making and relied heavily on others for suggestions due to his upbringing by Nirmala. Whenever he made a decision that didn't align with her expectations, he faced physical and verbal abuse, forcing him to conform to her will. This cycle left him feeling powerless and incapable of making his own decisions. To avoid conflict and potential abuse, Yohanes would often seek his narcissistic grandmother's approval before taking action. If she agreed, she would closely supervise him to ensure compliance with her expectations. If she disagreed, he would abandon his plans to avoid angering her.
At 13, while walking to school, he suddenly collapsed from excruciating pain. His grandmother had brutally beaten him for watching the 2012 TV show Cherrybelle: Chibi Chibi Burger, which she disapproved of. When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a secluded, privately-owned bungalow on the outskirts of his village. A woman dressed as a Christian nun tended to his wounds, nursing him back from the brink of death. After feeding him brunch, as he had missed breakfast, she introduced herself as Sister Lucy. With compassion and interest, she listened intently as Yohanes shared his life story, prompted by her gentle inquiry about the events leading up to his collapse.
After he finished explaining everything, Sister Lucy manipulated him into accompanying her, leading him deep into the Indonesian jungle. This marked the beginning of his involvement with the Ptolemaic Army, who would indoctrinate him into their militaristic and twisted ideology. Despite his training as a special forces operative, they exploited his indecisiveness and taught him the fundamentals of sniper work, allowing them greater control over his actions.
Not much is known about his time in the Ptolemaic Army, but he often describes it as heavily oppressive due to constant monitoring and isolation. As a sniper, he worked independently with little involvement in special forces operations. Despite this, he developed expertise in handling and polishing throwing knives as well as performing routine maintenance on his rifle. The isolation eventually took its toll, and he grew tired of being unable to make his own choices. Seeking change, he ultimately joined Eri's rebellion. During the revolt, he received his scar when a special forces operative attempted to ambush him. Fortunately, Priyanka intervened, saving his life by slitting the enemy's throat.
Real name: Zdravko Trajkovski
Nickname: Dravki
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop for the Regular Army and MH-6J Masknell Ver. P.M. pilot and special forces operative for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: To spend the rest of his life with Mikuláš and become a freelance medical illustrator
Hobbies: Frequenting medical museums and art galleries with his friends and romantic partner, drawing anatomical diagrams and surrealistic imagery, and collecting filigree jewellery
Likes: The Nerodime River, bowling competitions with friends, and receiving affectionate kisses from Mikuláš
Dislikes: The idea of losing his loved ones without knowing their cause of death, people viewing art as a financial object, and social discrimination
Favourite food: Moussaka
Favourite drink: Rakı and gin
Sexuality: Sex-favourable gay
Gender: Male
Age: 23 (in 2022), 29 (in 2028), 31 (in 2030), 33 (in 2032), 35 (in 2034), 42 (in 2041), 44 (in 2043), 45 (in 2044), and 48 (in 2047)
Design: He’s a powerfully built, slope-shouldered 6’ 4” (193.04 cm) Macedonian mesomorph of American and Turkish descent who wears the Ptolemaic Army special forces operatives uniform, but with a distinctive right-side amaranth armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. His gas mask has purple-tinted lenses, and he wears a cerise belt with a golden snap-on buckle.
He has umber skin, dull teal eyes, and slicked-back brownish-black hair with neatly trimmed sideburns and a soul patch goatee. His face is asymmetric due to hemifacial microsomia, which has caused deformity on the right side.
He’s in possession of an MH-6J Masknell Ver. P.M., and carries an electric violet sketchbook and a metallic pink case full of various sketching pencils and a kneaded eraser in his load-bearing backpack.
Character summary: He's a very responsible and enduring individual, taking care of tasks promptly and rarely taking breaks until they're complete. As a logical and analytical person, he’s intellectually focused, constantly pondering various subjects from complex concepts to life's simple pleasures. However, despite his intellectual confidence, he often feels awkward and insecure in social interactions. He’s a reserved individual who firmly stands up for what is right and places great emphasis on politeness and good manners. He has little patience for rudeness and the abuse of creativity, often speaking up to correct others.
He's artistically inclined and passionate about the world of art. He encourages others with artistic talent to experiment, appreciate the meaningful value of creation, and embrace failure as a natural part of the creative process. He's a self-disciplined person who strongly condemns political and militant corruption as well as ineffective leadership. He’s deeply emotionally invested in Mikuláš and highly values their time together, willing to go to great lengths to ensure his happiness. He’s good friends with Amilcare, particularly close to Thandolwethu, and in a romantic relationship with Mikuláš.
Backstory: Zdravko Trajkovski was born on April 30, 1999 in Ferizaj, Kosovo. His Macedonian father was a former thief turned worker at a sunflower oil manufacturing company, and his Turkish-American mother was a U.S. Army Colonel stationed at Camp Bondsteel. He had a baby sister named Bisera, whom he often babysat when his parents were at work and he wasn't in school. Although neither of his parents had artistic skill, Zdravko developed a fascination with art after visiting his first museum during a family vacation in Connecticut, specifically the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, when he was 7. His parents encouraged his interest, which evolved into a love for biology art, abstract art, and particularly surrealism. His father shared street wisdom with him, hoping he wouldn't follow in his footsteps and pursue a life of crime. Meanwhile, his mother shared stories about her military career, along with some of her distrust of the U.S. government.
He deeply cherished his family and was fiercely protective of Bisera, enjoying quality time with her whenever possible. Despite facing bullying due to a facial deformity, he never dwelled on the negative opinions. Instead, he drew strength from his parents' unconditional love and acceptance. As he grew older, he became assertive enough to stand up for himself, politely but firmly shutting down those who tried to mock him. If that didn't work, his mother would intervene, speaking sensibly to his bullies and, if necessary, informing their parents about the situation.
He rarely speaks about his life before joining the Ptolemaic Army, but has shared a few details with a select few. Before his mother could retire from the U.S. Army, she, his father, and Bisera would be murdered under mysterious circumstances inside their home. He was at a sleepover at his best friend Klajdi's house at the time. Once he was driven back home and discovered the tragic news from the police and investigators at the scene, Klajdi's parents decided to take him in, feeling uneasy about leaving behind an orphaned child. Klajdi became like a brother to Zdravko, and his adopted parents treated him like a cherished member of the family. During this time, he struggled to find love, often facing exploitation or fleeting romantic encounters that went nowhere. Additionally, he discovered the plight of the Albanian people in North Macedonia, where social segregation and mistrust persisted.
At 18, he walked home from the local convenience store, taking a shortcut to avoid being late for his friend's birthday party. However, his journey was brutally interrupted when an unknown assailant knocked him out cold and stuffed him into the trunk of a vehicle. Two hours later, he regained consciousness in a dingy basement, tied to a chair with rope and surrounded by intimidating figures wearing gas masks. That day marked the beginning of Zdravko’s indoctrination into the Ptolemaic Army as he faced psychological manipulation that exploited his emotional vulnerabilities stemming from the loss of his family and struggles with love. He underwent rigorous training as a special forces operative and learned to pilot the MH-6J Masknell Ver. P.M. As he progressed, he was steadily indoctrinated into the Ptolemaic Army's militaristic and close-minded ideology.
He endured verbal abuse from some comrades due to his facial deformity, prompting him to wear his gas mask at all times, removing it only when absolutely necessary. On one occasion, he suffered severe injuries after standing up to a group of masked soldiers who mocked his appearance and bullied the few friends he had managed to befriend. They spared his life, recognising his potential as a loyal servant to the Avatar of Evil. To cope with the pain of bullying, abuse, and indoctrination, Zdravko turned to smuggled gin and Rakı. He also used alcohol as a means to ignore the heinous actions he was forced to commit as the moral weight became too much to bear.
Upon discovering his artistic talent, the cult coerced him into creating art pieces, providing a fleeting distraction from his misery. However, upon completion, the cult would seize his work and sell it on the black market for exorbitant sums. As he was nearing his breaking point, Zdravko was approached by Mikuláš, who was seeking companionship for comfort after a near-fatal encounter with a masked soldier. After striking up a conversation and sharing a bottle of Rakı, he found himself drawn to Mikuláš' kindness and empathy, feelings that both thrilled and intimidated him. As their connection deepened, they formed a strong bond, eventually expressing their feelings and deciding to start dating.
He joined Eri's rebellion alongside Mikuláš, driven by similar motivations and a deep-seated frustration at being treated as a freak of nature. A small group of friends he had formed during his time in the Ptolemaic Army joined him, but tragically died at the hands of the Phantom Strike and masked soldiers during Eri's short-lived revolt. In the aftermath, he attended rehab with Thandolwethu, a move that aided in his recovery and reduced his reliance on alcohol. He also reunited with Klajdi and his adopted parents, who had feared the worst and were overjoyed to see him alive and well.
Real name: Dezső Sárközi
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop and technologist for the Regular Army and Ptolemaic Saucer pilot and masked soldier for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: He's unsure about his post-military plans because he's searching for a sense of purpose in life
Abilities: During his time as a masked soldier, he received magical training, granting him mastery over the arcane disciplines of abjuration, earthly divination, theurgism, dream walking, glamouring, and nominative manipulation.
As a former member of the Ptolemaic Army cult, he was required to form a pact with the Avatar of Evil, granting him a unique ability infused with a hint of psionic energy, a trait shared by all masked soldiers who have undergone this ritual. In a gesture of dignified respect, his left arm was amputated, but it rapidly regenerated into a new limb. This replacement arm is covered in spiky, waterproof fur that features a marbled pattern of purplish-black and green-grey. Notably, his hand boasts saffron-yellow digital and metacarpal pads, while his slender fingers culminate in slightly curved turquoise claws.
In the middle of his forearm are three concentric rows of ten 1 cm holes, from which he can produce thread-like fibres generated from his own blood, which can be utilised to stitch wounds. The blood from his left arm has an ink-like consistency, being semi-thick, and it partially coagulates when exposed to air, yet retains some flexibility. However, the threads are extremely sharp and constricting. If mishandled, they can cause harm to both himself and the person he's trying to heal due to the blood's hardened state.
Hobbies: Studying computer languages and different coding methods, visiting religious sites with his love interest, and collecting books about ancient civilizations
Likes: Receiving compliments and physical affection from Gyeong-Hui, the design of old computer models, and comfortable silence
Dislikes: His clumsiness causing immediate trouble, people who disregard the potential of ancient technology, and feeling like a brat
Favourite food: Quark cheese dumplings topped with cinnamon sugar and served with streusel
Sexuality: Questioning
Gender: Male
Age: 9 (in 2022), 15 (in 2028), 17 (in 2030), 19 (in 2032), 21 (in 2034), 28 (in 2041), 30 (in 2043), 31 (in 2044), and 34 (in 2047)
Design: He’s a 5’ 2” (157.48 cm) Hungarian endomorph with a slightly muscular yet somewhat overweight build. He wears the Ptolemaic Army verdant-variant masked soldier uniform, but with a distinctive right-side pistachio armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. He wears a bronze-buckled sage green belt and a pair of spike-soled rose taupe combat boots with Mountbatten pink laces.
He has sienna skin and medium ash blonde hair, styled in a curly taper fade. Two black moles are visible: one above the center of his right eyebrow and another below his left ear. His eyes are a shimmering honey brown, but his left eye is actually made of glass, appearing almost black under any light source.
He's in possession of a Ptolemaic Saucer, and carries a lime green laptop with three bubblegum pink vertical stripes in the centre in his load-bearing backpack.
Character summary: As the youngest member of the group, he often feels self-conscious about his emotional immaturity. He’s extremely timid around new people and has selective mutism, reserving his speech for those he trusts and considers worthy allies. He's highly flexible, able to adapt to anything, and has an insatiable curiosity that drives him to continually gather knowledge about the world around him. Notably, due to his fierce loyalty, he’s skilled at keeping secrets, even when they leave him feeling perplexed and unsettled. He often seeks refuge behind Eri when overwhelmed by paranoia, finding solace in her maternal presence, which reminds him of the mother who abandoned him. Despite being a melancholic individual, he’s deeply empathetic and sensitive to the suffering of others.
He has a habit of socially withdrawing, especially when he feels emotionally overwhelmed because he desperately needs solitude to sort out his feelings. He struggles with abandonment issues because he fears being left behind by those he cares about deeply. He's not one for physical confrontation, instead relying on his quick wit to navigate complex situations and avoid violence. However, he can become aggressively defensive, especially when his plans are falling apart or he and his comrades are being bullied. He has romantic feelings for Gyeong-Hui and is drawn to her intellectual attractiveness, but he's utterly awkward at flirting and struggles to approach her without feeling foolish. He’s on good terms with Amilcare and Thandolwethu, and is particularly close with Gyeong-Hui.
Backstory: Dezső Sárközi was born on December 7, 2013 in Tihany, Veszprém, Hungary. He was born into a middle-class family, but his father, a wealthy man, abandoned them, leaving behind only a large stack of cash for his mother and grandmother after Dezső's difficult birth. His grandmother was a wise, supportive, and kind-hearted woman who offered guidance and hope to her daughter and grandson. Her arthritic condition and declining mental health limited her ability to provide more substantial support. His mother was a genuinely nice and affectionate person, but she could be strict, particularly when frustrated by his occasional bratty behaviour. Although he was curious about his father, his mother's bitterness prevented her from discussing him. However, she did reveal that he bore a physical resemblance to his father.
During his elementary school years, he endured relentless bullying due to his weight and spoiled behaviour. The constant ridicule led to deep-seated insecurities about his appearance and overwhelming shame about how he treated others. As a coping mechanism, he gradually became socially withdrawn and developed selective mutism, struggling to process his emotions and finding silence to be his only refuge. Upon completing the 4th grade, his grandmother passed away due to health complications caused by osteoporosis and a brain hemorrhage sustained in an accident that Dezső prefers not to discuss. The situation was further worsened when his mother depleted the money left by his father, allocating the funds towards his grandmother's medical expenses, household necessities, and gifts for her own family.
His mother faced significant financial struggles because of her persistent bad luck in finding a stable, well-paying job. On his 11th birthday, she made the difficult decision to abandon him, citing a lack of resources to provide adequate care. Her patience had also worn thin due to his selective mutism, a condition she didn't know how to address. Noticing a newly constructed institution on the outskirts of Tihany, she persuaded Dezső to seek refuge there, assuring him it was an orphanage. With a swift goodbye, she departed, leaving him confused, scared, and on the verge of tears. Unbeknownst to him, the institution was not an orphanage, but a hideout operated by the Ptolemaic Army's cult, designed to lure vulnerable children and unsuspecting parents seeking to give up their child.
A group of masked soldiers noticed his presence and manipulated him with feigned affection and false promises of eternal life and unconditional acceptance. With nowhere else to turn and oblivious to their sinister intentions, he fell under their control. The cult thoroughly brainwashed him, indoctrinating him with the twisted ideologies of the Ptolemaic Army. His training included ancient history, the duties of a masked soldier, wizardry, dark magic, and the Quechua language. He also received basic military training, which included the handling of ancient technology and operation of the Ptolemaic Saucer. He rapidly adapted to his new lifestyle, becoming a fiercely loyal cultist and a skilled technologist.
However, his loyalty would gradually falter after he was subjected to years of sexual abuse, mainly by female members of the cult. They attempted to disguise their abuse as expressions of love and appreciation for the perfect yet fragile bodies crafted with care by the Avatar of Evil, which he believed were genuine. Yet, a part of him knew this was a lie, a desperate attempt to justify the horrors inflicted upon him. As time passed, his loyalty to the cult would wane further after witnessing other masked soldiers brutally mistreat and slaughter the soldiers of their paramilitary forces, often over minor issues. He also discovered that most of the cult's sacrifices typically involved the harvesting of organs from innocent children and their own comrades, who either resisted or willingly surrendered their bodies to the Avatar of Evil.
The straw that broke the camel's back for him was the moment Anastasia announced that he was slated to be the next masked soldier sacrificed to appease the Avatar of Evil, a gruesome tradition that occurred every 16 years. Horrified by the prospect of losing his life to a deity he no longer believed in, and at the hands of people who had shamelessly exploited his vulnerability, he reached his breaking point. Deciding he had had enough, he joined Eri's revolt after being approached by a couple of fellow masked soldiers who shared his disillusionment with the Ptolemaic Army's wickedness. When he was on the brink of execution by a Phantom Strike mercenary who had captured him, Amilcare intervened, rescuing him and bringing him to safety amidst the chaotic retreat. Finally free from the cult's grasp, he turned to libraries, nature, software development, and cybersecurity programming as a means of distraction and rediscovering his sense of purpose.
#writerscorner#creative writing#writing#iron eclipse au#metal slug#snk#gaming community#original character#oc#oc writing#metal slug oc#name#alias#occupation#abilities#power#likes and dislikes#food#sexuality#gender#age#design#appearance#personality#backstory#juozapas balčiūnas#priyanka bhaumik#yohanes hasyim#zdravko trajkovski#dezső sárközi
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This is a really cool Metal Slug mural!! I'd love to have one like it painted on my house.. 💜🕹️😁👍🏻
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I know that by far, it is not one of my best colored ones, but I do my best to improve drawing by drawing.
So.. Fío Germi everyone!
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Title: Fighting for What's Taken
Background info: A good friend of mine suggested a space-themed piece, and I did my best to deliver on that suggestion. It was originally going to be more epic. I wanted to include Rootmars, one or two Monoeyes, a couple of Mars Satellites, a few more Rebels in the background, and Fio in a Mini-UFO. However, all of those ideas were scrapped because of the limiting aspect ratio of the background. I opted to make it feel like a scene that could seamlessly take place in Metal Slug 3. Not every piece has to be complicated and filled with so much story and/or action. Sometimes it's good to create something simpler.
Marco Rossi sprite by Kevin Huff and The Huntress
Tarma Roving sprite by Random Talking Bush
Eri Kasamoto sprite by borderoflife, Gussprint, and Random Talking Bush
Astro Slug and missile sprites by Gussprint
Mini-UFO and laser projectile sprites by Magma MK-II
Rugname sprites by Major-11
Dai-Manji and death ray sprites by Major-11
Mission 5-3 sprites by c2000mc
#metal slug#snk#gaming community#sprite art#sprite edit#rebel army#marco rossi#tarma roving#eri kasamoto#martians
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Amilcare, Ekaterini, and Souma
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, divorce, crime, drug addiction, kidnapping, sexual harassment, and homelessness.
Real name: Amilcare Buonarroti V
Nickname: Amil
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop and an aerospace engineering officer for the Regular Army and R-Shobu Ver. P.M. pilot and sniper for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: To become an avionics technician
Hobbies: Watching historical aviation documentaries during lonely nights, engaging in aperitivo and passeggiata with good friends, and collecting vintage beer
Likes: Cockfighting, the trulli of Alberobello, and shamelessly flirting with men and women while socialising at a bar
Dislikes: People who prioritise superficial relationships, not being able to cleanly eliminate enemies, and getting distracted while working on a complex aircraft model
Favourite drink: Blueberry Italian soda
Sexuality: Sex-indifferent, demiromantic bisexual
Gender: Male
Age: 28 (in 2022), 34 (in 2028), 36 (in 2030), 38 (in 2032), 40 (in 2034), 47 (in 2041), 49 (in 2043), 50 (in 2044), and 53 (in 2047)
Design: He’s a 5’ 9” (175.26 cm) Italian mesomorph with rigid muscles and a subtly rounded abdomen. He wears the Ptolemaic Army sniper uniform, but with a distinctive right-side sky magenta armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. He wears a medium-sleeved indigo shirt and a red-violet belt with a bronze snap-on buckle.
He has almond-coloured skin, green-grey eyes with flecks of yellow, golden brown hair styled in a wavy Ivy League haircut, heavily scarred arms, and a bullet graze mark on his left cheek.
He’s in possession of a R-Shobu Ver. P.M., and carries inspection gauges, precision measurement devices, and aircraft mechanic tools in his load-bearing backpack.
Character summary: He appears to be extremely haughty, but beneath this façade lies a highly emotionally intelligent individual. He utilises his arrogance as a mechanism to repel people he deems "undesirable". However, when interacting with friends, trusted comrades, and superiors, he swiftly drops the high and mighty demeanour, revealing a respectful, kind-hearted, and humble personality. When irritated by the antics of Harvie, Souma, Juozapas, and Priyanka or when something goes terribly wrong, he tends to lose his temper, lashing out aggressively and arguing with anyone who attempts to calm him down. He hates dwelling on guilt and grudges because it only makes him feel hopelessly miserable.
He's quite hard to impress and very critical about everything, stemming from his persistent worries and difficulty finding the silver lining. He's a militaristic and promiscuous perfectionist who tries his best to effortlessly snipe enemies, and often resorts to negative self-talk when he fails to get a clean shot. He's extremely attentive, consistently ensuring his allies' safety and readiness for combat. He doesn’t like to talk about his life because he’s a very private person, thinks it's pretty boring, and dislikes others prying into his affairs. When deciding to trust people, he often makes verbal vows with them to ensure they won’t betray him easily or they’ll face his righteous wrath. He’s good friends with Mikuláš, Thandolwethu, Ekaterini, Zdravko, and Dezső.
Backstory: Amilcare Buonarroti V was born on February 21, 1994 in Alberobello, Italy. He doesn't talk about his life all that much, but he has shared some things about himself. He hailed from a long line of skilled craftsmen renowned for their meticulous restoration work on Alberobello's iconic trulli, which had been devastated during the Thule Expeditionary Conquest. This conflict began when Portugal launched a surprise attack on the Germi family and the Regular Army in Italy. His family's history was also marked by a tradition of Alberobellesi survivalists and affluent business contractors who remained in Italy despite the Italian diaspora. Throughout the period of Fascist Italy, they maintained a secretive lifestyle that defied the regime's fascist ideology.
His grandfather, Amilcare Buonarroti IV, was a master stonemason and owner of a housing construction business. His father, Eliodoro Buonarroti, worked in metalwork and Renaissance art restoration. His mother, Silvestra, was a meat butcher who had formerly served as a military communications specialist in the Regular Army. Both his grandfather and father were perfectionists, viewing imperfection and failure as inexcusable sources of guilt that could form long-held grudges. This mindset would greatly influence his own perfectionistic tendencies.
Ever since he was a young child, he demonstrated an uncanny ability to focus on detailed tasks. For hours, he would assemble complex model aircraft while other kids played games like strega comanda colore and football in the streets. His mother, Silvestra, nurtured his growing interest in aviation, teaching him about radio systems and flight mechanics. His father, Eliodoro, taught him the basics of metalwork and would often watch Italian sports with him on television, especially during special occasions. In contrast, his grandfather showed little personal interest in him, whom he affectionately called Amil, viewing him solely as a perfect successor to the Buonarroti family legacy with clear ambitions.
His household valued privacy and maintained a dignified distance from Alberobello's tourist-heavy social scene, disregarding direct involvement with outsiders. His parents instilled in him the importance of earning respect through competence and integrity, rather than seeking validation through social status. Although his grandfather was largely absent, he would occasionally impart wisdom on survival and wealth accumulation during rare visits.
At 12, his parents' marriage dissolved due to opposing philosophical differences, dividing his life between his father's meticulous craftsmanship and artistic passion, and his mother's strict military background. It was compounded by his parents' struggle to understand him. Silvestra perceived his emotional intelligence as a weakness, while Eliodoro worried about his growing detachment. Following the divorce, he was placed in his mother's custody. She ensured that his father and grandfather were no longer part of his life, a decision that personally saddened him because he had been particularly close to his father. Although his mother was a protective and caring person, she often treated him more like a resilient, tough-as-nails soldier than a vulnerable individual.
During his young adult years, he distanced himself from his mother after completing a mechanics apprenticeship. This newfound independence led him to work for a Mafia organisation that required a discreet hitman to eliminate traitors. Having learned marksmanship from his mother during occasional hunting trips, he proved to be a valuable asset to the Mafia. He also explored romance, engaging in several relationships, but most were short-lived, casual flings. He had brief involvement with a female undercover cop, whom he killed to prevent Mafia exposure, and a caporegime struggling with a cocaine addiction. Shortly after the Arms Deal Barrage, the Ptolemaic Army, eager to expand its resources and ranks, forcefully assimilated the Mafia into its paramilitary forces.
Due to his background as a hitman and knowledge of aviation, he underwent rapid training as a sniper and pilot for one of their oldest aircraft models, the R-Shobu Ver. P.M. To avoid arousing suspicion of being a false believer, he adopted a haughty demeanour and pretended to be fully confident in their beliefs. He also engaged in sexual affairs with both male and female members, presenting this as a way to contribute to the growth of their military force and morale. He was one of the most respected members of the Ptolemaic Army's paramilitary forces, renowned for his militarism and avionics expertise.
However, his loyalty to the Ptolemaic Army was short-lived. Upon learning of a potential uprising, he swiftly defected and became one of the first to join Eri's ill-fated revolt, relieved to escape the Ptolemaic Army's repugnant ideology. Later, he enlisted in the Regular Army, where he distinguished himself as a dependable aerospace engineering officer.
Real name: Ekaterini Papacharalambous
Nickname: Kateri
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop for the Regular Army and a sniper for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: To become a war historian
Hobbies: Going on evening coastal walks, collecting ancient texts and historical records sold at bookstores and pawn shops, and writing autobiographies about the people she cares about
Likes: The lanes full of flowers in Kokkari, participating in the celebrations of Apokries and May Day, and the serenity of fishing harbours and weathered landscapes
Dislikes: Financial grievances, erasure of history, and people who are dogmatic thinkers and close-minded thieves
Favourite food: Savory spinach pie with horiatiki salad
Sexuality: Aromantic pansexual
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (in 2022), 24 (in 2028), 26 (in 2030), 28 (in 2032), 30 (in 2034), 37 (in 2041), 39 (in 2043), 40 (in 2044), and 43 (in 2047)
Design: She’s a 5’ 8” (172.72 cm) Greek endomorph of British descent with sloping shoulders, a somewhat heavier build, and curvy legs. She wears the Ptolemaic Army sniper uniform, but with a distinctive left-side caput mortuum armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. She wears a rosy brown T-shirt and Russian violet paratrooper boots with iridescent purple laces.
She has sun-kissed olive skin, cocoa eyes, and straight wine red hair with a choppy fringe bang, which is often tied into low pigtails that reach just above her elbows. A deep, scarred gash in the centre of her left forearm is hidden by worn, dirty gauze.
Character summary: She's a hard-boiled and self-sacrificing individual with a compassionate, tender, and joyful side that she reserves for those she trusts, admires, and considers family. Although sometimes misanthropic, she offers insightful and constructive feedback, driven by a desire to uplift others and help them become better people. She’s incredibly malicious towards enemies and traitors, believing they forfeit any right to kindness and mercy. She's assertive, fearlessly standing up for herself and others when necessary, and boldly speaking the truth, even when it's difficult to hear. She has a deep appreciation for human history, which attempts to capture the complexities of human civilization, including lesser-known details.
She possesses unwavering determination and a strong will, driving her to pursue her desires despite contrary advice. While cautious in new situations due to her view of life's unpredictability, she attempts to anticipate outcomes through logical analysis and reasoning. She has a fierce fighting spirit and is a firm believer in individual freedom as long as one's actions don't harm the integrity and safety of others. Whenever she feels her inner peace is off balance, she seeks temporary solitude in nature, where she daydreams and takes leisurely, safe strolls. She’s good friends with Gyeong-Hui, Thandolwethu, Amilcare, and Juozapas.
Backstory: Ekaterini Papacharalambous was born on September 18, 2004 in Kokkari, Samos, Greece. She’s the descendant of EAM-ELAS resistance fighters who survived the harsh winter following the arrival of Italy's 6th Infantry Division "Cuneo" on Samos in 1941, which led to the island's occupation. Additionally, she has a few British ancestors who served in the Allied forces during WWII. These ancestors were aided by the resistance fighters in escaping to cross into Türkiye and later reciprocated by distributing food to the locals on Samos and helping prepare their defences. Her father, Stylianos Papacharalambous, is a fifth-generation fisherman, while her mother, Rue, is a local school teacher specialising in ancient history and social justice. Rue suffered a miscarriage due to complications from bacterial vaginosis, which resulted in the loss of her twin sister. Her maternal great-grandfather, Myron, was a British-Greek veteran who fought alongside the Greek government army during the Greek Civil War.
While Myron was still alive, he would frequently look after her when her parents were at work. During their evenings together, he would tell her stories of sacrifice, betrayal, and the stark line between ally and enemy, sharing with her the experiences of their ancestors. Shortly after her 6th birthday, Myron passed away due to natural causes, leaving a profound impact on her. Following his heartbreaking passing, Ekaterini often sought solitude at the pebble beach. Her paternal aunt, Nektaria Papacharalambous, would take on the role as her babysitter, having recently relocated to Kokkari for work in boat maintenance. Her aunt would tell her stories about their fisher ancestors, sharing tales of their everyday lives at sea, which focused on the routines of fishing and survival, daring expeditions, and discoveries of new marine life.
At the age of 13, during a secret night walk, she stumbled upon a trusted family friend and business partner to the Papacharalambous family stealing her father's fishing boat. The theft was a devastating blow as the boat was the family's primary source of income. As a result, they were forced to navigate a harsh winter with severely limited financial resources. Although some neighbours offered food and work opportunities, Stylianos often declined their charity, feeling responsible for the loss and determined not to burden others. Meanwhile, other opportunistic individuals attempted to exploit the family's vulnerability, offering loans with exorbitant interest rates or trying to purchase their home at a fraction of its value. However, Ekaterini's parents remained resilient and saw through these exploitative tactics. To make ends meet, her father worked as a deckhand on other boats, her mother picked up extra teaching shifts, and her aunt took on various odd jobs.
At 17, she felt stifled by Kokkari's limited job opportunities and her family's ongoing financial struggles. One night, during another secret stroll, she met a group of local teenagers who shared her desire for something more. Together, they would sneak away to the green mountains while their caregivers worked and they finished their schoolwork. There, they taught themselves survival skills and marksmanship, using old hunting rifles borrowed from relatives. This group became the first people she trusted since her family's betrayal, but their carefree days were short-lived. While hanging out at Ekaterini's favourite spot, they were ambushed by men wearing black masks and taken to a remote Aegean forest far from their village.
After enduring hours of ruthless indoctrination and witnessing the brutal deaths of her friends Dimos, Filippa, and Klio, who were mutilated for resisting, Ekaterini and her six remaining friends—Louiza, Pavlos, Spiro, Zinon, Yiannis, and Emilios—were thrust into the Ptolemaic Army's paramilitary training program. Leveraging her experience with firearms and hunting, she was trained as a sniper alongside her friends, fighting together and spending time as a group. Although she avoided being forced into breeding programs for new cultists and soldiers, she occasionally faced sexual harassment.
She eventually joined Eri's rebellion, driven by a desire to reunite with her family and outraged by the murder of a friend at the hands of a masked soldier. The friend had been killed simply for politely asking for extra rations. She received a deep gash scar when a guerrilla attempted to murder her, but she utilised her self-defence skills to overpower him and escape. Although the Phantom Strike brutally slaughtered her remaining friends during Eri's revolt, Ekaterini found solace in her new team, whom she came to regard as a surrogate family. She was later reunited with her biological family and discovered a new passion for documenting her life experiences. She also developed a keen interest in studying war history and the art of warfare.
Real name: Souma Kuroiwa
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop for the Regular Army and a sniper for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: To become a circus acrobat
Hobbies: Making traditional Japanese street foods for his comrades to enjoy, watching the performances put on by the Heaven Artists, and kyūdō
Likes: Tasty desserts, the smoothness of black pebbles, and how funny and odd clowns are
Dislikes: Unfair death, visiting local parks at night, and people mocking his terrible handwriting and short attention span
Favourite food: Chorizo tako sausage
Favourite drink: Ramune (preferably yuzu)
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual
Gender: Male
Age: 16 (in 2022), 22 (in 2028), 24 (in 2030), 26 (in 2032), 28 (in 2034), 35 (in 2041), 37 (in 2043), 38 (in 2044), and 41 (in 2047)
Design: He’s a slender yet muscular 5’ 11” (180.34 cm) Japanese mesomorph who wears the Ptolemaic Army sniper uniform, but with a distinctive right-side harvest gold armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. He wears an eggplant-hued T-shirt with ripped sleeves, a copper-buckled black bean belt, and spike-soled butterscotch paratrooper boots.
He has pale ivory skin, light grey eyes, a brownish mole under his right eye, a coarse black buzz cut dyed a caramel brown colour, and a metallic blue snake bite piercing.
Character summary: He's an assertive and honourable Shinto worshipper who respects others' boundaries and interests, even when he finds them unappealing. He has a mischievous streak and enjoys playing harmless pranks, primarily to observe their reactions and ease the tension of some situations. He has a habit of encouraging others to take risks that might not be in their best interest, often leading to trouble. In contrast to Harvie, Juozapas, and Priyanka, who readily accept defeat and acknowledge their mistakes, he’s a rebel at heart, which often puts him at odds with Thandolwethu. While he's fairly superstitious, he's not rigid in his beliefs and will occasionally disregard certain Japanese superstitions if he finds them too implausible.
He's often impatient, preferring to get things done quickly, but he can adapt and take a more patient approach when he realises that rushing isn't an option. He has a strong desire to stand out from the crowd and be liked by everyone, which can lead him to seek attention and affirmation. He struggles with emotional awareness, often failing to pick up on subtle cues and implications, and typically requires direct and explicit communication to understand others' feelings and needs. He struggles with the personal implications of being neurodivergent, which causes him distress, largely due to the stigma and societal biases that neurodivergent individuals often face. He’s good friends with Harvie, Juozapas, and Priyanka.
Backstory: Souma Kuroiwa was born on June 23, 2006 in Ueno, Tokyo, Japan. His father, Osamu Kuroiwa, was a third-generation vendor specialising in takoyaki, mochi, and dango. His mother was a food advertising agent, formerly a circus acrobat who performed acrobatic tricks on the streets of Ueno. From the day he was born, his father expected him to be the successful heir to the Kuroiwa family's two-decade-old vendor business. His parents were devout and superstitious Shinto believers, who, due to a lack of personal interest, didn't concern themselves with other religions, yet remained respectful of them. He frequently accompanied his parents to the Ueno Tōshō-gū to pay respects to nature and the Shinto deities as they sought to maintain their faith and avoid bad omens.
He spent his early years in the family's small apartment above their popular food stand, where the constant stream of tourists and locals fueled his desire for attention. Helping his father with food preparation and collecting payments was a regular part of his routine. He was also encouraged to get creative, adding his own twists to each batch, and took great delight in customers' reactions. In their small living room, his mother taught him tumbling, using rolled-up futons as makeshift crash mats. She also often took him to watch the Heaven Artists and various street musicians perform on the streets of Ueno. When he was 9, a faulty firework crashed into his parents' stand, accidentally setting it ablaze. Rather than rebuilding, they seized the opportunity to transform their business into a mobile food truck, using the money they had worked tirelessly to earn.
His parents were loving, kind, and supportive, but also very strict when it came to his education and their superstitions. They had high expectations, always demanding the best from him because they wanted to ensure his future success. Additionally, they diligently enforced their superstitions, regularly checking to make sure he was following them perfectly, fearing that any mistake might invite bad omens. This pressure was particularly challenging for him as he struggled with the expectation of being flawless and obedient to beliefs he sometimes found hard to accept. Compounding these difficulties were his dysgraphia and inattentive ADHD, which made writing, staying focused, and maintaining organisation feel like a bothersome chore.
He was frequently bullied at school due to his struggles with spelling and handwriting, as well as his inattentiveness. His parents attempted to assist him with his homework and assignments whenever their busy schedules allowed. However, they struggled to understand his neurodiversity because he would become visibly distressed whenever they gently suggested that something might be amiss. At 12, frustration with the world and the expectations placed upon him drove him to rebel, becoming fiercely assertive and running away from home.
During his time away from home, he experienced homelessness, often sleeping in parks and resorting to petty crimes like pickpocketing and shoplifting to survive. He was also involved in a few nighttime altercations with would-be assailants, but his agility and acrobatic skills allowed him to easily evade harm. During the midnight hours, when he was struggling to fall asleep, he decided to take a stroll to clear his mind. As he walked, he spotted a figure wearing a white mask with red glowing eyes in an alleyway. Acting on impulse, he approached the figure, and instead of facing a negative outcome, they surprisingly welcomed him. The figure then used subtle psychological manipulation to convince him to join the Ptolemaic Army.
Desiring a new purpose in life, he felt drawn to the idea and accepted the invitation. He was promptly taken to a Ptolemaic Army base located in a remote forest near Tokyo. He was selected to be trained as a sniper due to his stealth skills and ability to evade incoming attacks with ease. Despite struggling with inattentiveness, he managed to become a relatively successful sniper as the role motivated him to improve his focus and stay on track. However, the thrill he experienced during intense missions began to make him impatient, which would often frustrate the commander he was assigned to work with.
As a rebellion brewed within the Ptolemaic Army, he grew increasingly anxious about his parents. He realised how deeply he missed them and how caring they were, a stark contrast to his comrades, who were dismissive and crude towards him. Desperate for a way to contact his family, he turned to the masked soldier who had initially recruited him into the Ptolemaic Army. He knew that the cult was the only means for those in the paramilitary forces to have direct access to the outside world. However, the figure laughed, revealing that his parents had been executed when they got too close to uncovering the truth about their son's disappearance.
This moment of truth made him realise the Ptolemaic Army's cruelty and manipulative nature, sparking his desire for righteous change. He joined Eri's rebellion, hoping to avenge his parents and form genuine connections with people who saw him as a human being. After the short-lived revolt, he marked his transformation by getting a haircut, dyeing his hair, and getting snake bite piercings. To him, it was a symbolic departure from his troubled past.
#writerscorner#creative writing#writing#iron eclipse au#metal slug#snk#gaming community#original character#oc#oc writing#metal slug oc#name#alias#occupation#likes and dislikes#food#sexuality#gender#age#design#appearance#personality#backstory#amilcare buonarroti#ekaterini papacharalambous#souma kuroiwa
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Some of the To Be Human gang singing this song.
Liane: Knows the actual lyrics to this song. "Bro, what the fuck?"
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Tarma is doing this from a far. The PF Squad are in a middle of a mission when they hear him.
Eri: "Either that's actually Tarzan or I'm imagining things."
Marco: Snickers
Fio: "...I can't tell with him anymore."
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Updated: March 21, 2024
Headcanons/fun facts for the Iron Eclipse cast vol. 4
What aesthetic of clothing do the Iron Eclipse cast members typically wear when they're not working?
Marco: A mix of dark academia and vintage (with lots of reds)
Tarma: A mix of bōsōzoku, adventurecore, and greaser (with lots of yellows)
Eri: A mix of cyber grunge and Yanki teamer (with lots of greens)
Fio: A mix of coquette academia, cottagecore, and old money
Trevor: A mix of hacker, streetwear, and techwear (with lots of blues)
Nadia: A mix of coquette, sweet lolita, and art hoe
Ralf: A mix of Ivy League, Cool Britannia, urbancore, and scrapper
Clark: A mix of athleisure, tropical, brocore, and rugged gentleman
Tequila: A mix of urban gentleman, eclectic grandpa, coffinwood, and military
Gimlet: A mix of downtown boy, punk, and chav
Red Eye: A mix of minimalist and downtown girl (as Ruoxi), a mix of chinoiserie and Chinese detached elegance (as Shufen), and a mix of tomato girl summer and jojifuku (as Liddy)
General Morden: A mix of Dark Gatsby, vacation dadcore, and peacock revolution
Allen O’Neil: A mix of bombardier and jock
Doctor Amadeus: A mix of retro, preppy, and bohemian
Ptolemaios and Wysteria: They prefer to wear the clothing they have available
Rootmars, Invader King, Pupipi, Avatar of Evil, Sol Dae Rokker, Pocke, and Celaphios: They don’t wear clothing
Walter: A mix of hypebeast, contemporary hipster, and thrift store chic
Tyra: A mix of Y2K, Afropunk, basic girl, and boho-chic (with lots of pinks)
Hyakutaro: A mix of corporate and Salon Kei
Allen Jr.: A mix of rustic and Racaille
Sophia: A mix of bookstore girl, gamine, and athlete
Margaret: A mix of bloomcore, office siren, and dark nymphet
Rumi: A mix of scoutcore and yume kawaii
Madoka: A mix of campcore and bubblegum coquette
Leona: A mix of cargopunk, VSCO girl, and nu-goth
Heidern: A mix of light academia and paramilitary
Alisa Stewart: A mix of gorpcore and Gopnik (with lots of whites)
Nathalie Neo: A mix of girl crush, grunge, and baddie
Roberto Nicola: A mix of SK8 and Boy Next Door
President Marx: A mix of new money and chic modernist (with lots of browns)
Midori: A mix of tinkercore, stargirl, and scene kid (with lots of greys and cyans)
Nayutaro: A mix of realistic dreamy and Salon Kei
Issenmantaro: A mix of takenokozoku and Salon Kei
Nanahyakumantaro: A mix of karasu zoku and Salon Kei
Happyakumantaro: A mix of surf crush and Salon Kei
Abul Abbas: A mix of traditional Arabic men's clothing and desertwave (with lots of bright colours)
Hilde Garn: A mix of 50s Suburbia, modern military, and traditional Ukrainian men's clothing
Macba: A mix of tacticool and crustpunk
Wired: A mix of Beatnik, comfycore, and trad goth
Oghma: A mix of writer academia and metrosexual
Zoilo: A mix of jejemon and glowwave
Anastasia: A mix of Hellenic and Mori Kei
Dilovar: A mix of normcore, vaperwave, and Dresiarz (with lots of purples)
Sagan: A mix of glam girl, male Yuppie, nymphet, and biker
Logan: A mix of Jersey Shore, 90s cool, and modern preppy
Torquil: A mix of fieldcore and rollerwave
Guilherme: A mix of alternative and soft grunge
Ferdinand: A mix of Waldorf and cabincore
Mikuláš: A mix of paramilitary and urban gentleman
Gyeong-Hui: A mix of thrift store chic, scene kid, art hoe, and morute
Thandolwethu: A mix of Xhosa women’s clothing and boho-chic
Harvie: A mix of 90s cool, hippie, and athlete
Amilcare: A mix of normcore and chic modernist
Ekaterini: A mix of light academia and Y2K
Souma: A mix of techwear, cargopunk, and hypebeast
Juozapas: A mix of gorpcore and Lithuanian folk clothing
Priyanka: A mix of traditional Bengali clothing, tomato girl summer, and bloomcore
Yohanes: A mix of corporate, chinoiserie, and grunge
Zdravko: A mix of urbancore and rugged gentleman
Dezső: A mix of rustic and preppy
Which characters have unique food-related quirks?
Marco: He takes his share of food only once and rarely goes for seconds unless he's starving.
Tarma: He takes large bites of his food and tends to down his drinks in just one or two gulps.
Eri: She frequently experiences loud belches or sudden sneezes shortly after finishing meals or consuming alcoholic beverages.
Fio: She always eats lentils on New Year's Day, believing they bring good luck and prosperity because they resemble coins. On the other hand, she avoids eating chicken on New Year's Day, as she thinks it's a symbol of bad luck. This is because chickens have a habit of scratching themselves backwards, which she views as a metaphor for moving backwards in life.
Trevor: He only starts eating at the table after observing others begin their meal.
Nadia: She often discusses her favourite food recipes, shares tips for achieving the perfect diet, and offers insights into what she's currently eating.
Ralf: Due to his belly being inflamed and bloody, he waits to eat until he's hungry to minimise the risk of vomiting or experiencing diarrhea shortly after.
Clark: When it comes to a handful of foods with layers, including burgers and wafer cookies, he separates the layers and eats each component individually.
Tequila: He whispers a quiet Catholic prayer before meals, expressing gratitude to God for the food he's about to enjoy.
Gimlet: He murmurs a brief Protestant prayer, asking God to bless his meal and pardon his tendency to make a mess.
Red Eye: As Ruoxi, she refuses to consume liquids without a solid accompaniment (e.g. crackers with soup); otherwise, she’ll regurgitate it and subsequently avoid eating it for several months. As Shufen, she quietly mumbles Buddhist mantras for 30 seconds before devouring her meals. Additionally, she eats her food in order from least favourite to most favourite, although she occasionally reverses this order.. As Liddy, she refuses to eat anything that’s been touched by someone else, fearing she might get germs and become sick.
General Morden: He opts for nutritious and homemade foods when in public, but privately indulges in junk food.
Doctor Amadeus: She prefers to drink all her beverages from wine glasses and avoids eating meat that has even a hint of pink inside, even if it's fully cooked.
Ptolemaios: He always finishes everything on his plate, even when he's full, because he hates the idea of wasting food.
Rootmars, Invader King, Pupipi, Avatar of Evil, Sol Dae Rokker, and Pocke: They have no food-related quirks worth noting
Walter: When he's finished eating and becomes absorbed in thought at the table, he often unintentionally taps his fork and knife together lightly.
Tyra: She usually waits until she's finished eating a meal before drinking a beverage unless she gets the hiccups or isn't enjoying her food.
Hyakutaro: Depending on what's on his plate, he eats his food from the least flavorful to the most flavorful.
Allen Jr.: He avoids meats with excessive chewy fat, finding it disgusting and believing it ruins the overall palatability of a meal.
Rumi: She always saves the bread for last because it fills her up very easily.
Madoka: She eats herring roe after each menstruation, believing it promotes fertility. During the winter solstice, she eats mandarins for good luck. However, she avoids peeling them in a spiral, believing this brings bad luck as it resembles a snake shedding its skin.
Sophia: She generally avoids using condiments, except for select foods like tacos and burgers.
Margaret: She lightly taps the food on her plate before eating to make sure it's not crispy and dry.
Leona: She prefers her alcoholic drinks lukewarm, finding icy cold temperatures unpleasant and difficult to swallow.
Heidern: He likes to separate his food by colour and ensure that everything is divided into equal portions.
Alisa Stewart: She'll eat foods that are near their expiration date but still safe to consume, even if it doesn't smell or taste quite right.
Nathalie Neo: She’ll have breakfast for dinner if she missed the meal earlier in the day or if she has a strong craving for it.
Roberto Nicola: He can't look at raw meat because it reminds him of the many instances he witnessed mutilated corpses and spilled gore on the battlefield.
President Marx: He uses utensils for every meal because he prefers to keep his hands and fingers clean.
Midori: She likes to dip her fries and bland chips into ice cream or milkshakes because of the sweet and salty combination.
Nayutaro: He always needs garlic in his dinners, but if it's not already included, he'll add a bit of garlic powder himself.
Issenmantaro: He has a preference for only eating foods that can be easily picked up with chopsticks or a spoon.
Nanahyakumantaro: He enjoys eating one noodle at a time and avoids eating microwavable foods, unless he particularly likes them.
Happyakumantaro: He always drinks his beverages through funky straws and enjoys adding tropical fruits to his cocktails.
Abul Abbas: He takes small sips of his beverage to savour its taste and avoid drinking it all before or during a meal.
Hilde Garn: He can't handle anything wrong with raw food, such as large brown spots on bananas or mushy blueberries.
Macba: He only eats and drinks when he's feeling extremely cheerful and optimistic or immensely stressed and needing a distraction.
Wired: He has a habit of mentally counting each bite of food he takes, finding it helps keep his mind sharp and focused, especially when he's not distracted by conversation or television.
Oghma: He often conducts a little taste test of his food to ensure it tastes good, is cooked just right, and doesn't have any unusual flavours.
Zoilo: He prefers to eat in dimly lit spaces, accompanied by sombre and chill music.
Anastasia: She prefers to keep different food groups separate, but will combine them if she thinks they'll complement each other well.
Wysteria: She eats her food one small piece at a time to fully enjoy its flavour and typically uses her hands, but switches to utensils for liquid foods.
Dilovar: He eats his meals in private because eating in front of people makes him feel uncomfortable, and he also dislikes listening to others chew their food. There are rare instances where he's willing to eat his meals with others and fully dismiss the chewing sounds they make, especially when he's in a really good mood.
Sagan: She always spices up foods she thinks look bland or unappetizing with spicy sauces like gochujang and chili garlic.
Logan: He eats his food from Z to A and he prefers to read a book while enjoying a dessert and an icy cold beverage.
Celaphios: He tends to swallow his food quickly and will only savor and chew slowly if he particularly enjoys the flavor.
Torquil: He has a habit of licking the lids of containers that hold specific foods, such as cream cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.
Guilherme: He avoids sharing utensils and eating crustaceans, believing they bring horrible luck, and doesn't want to inflict that on himself or others.
Ferdinand: He avoids eating snacks after lunch because he doesn’t want to spoil his appetite for dinner.
What is the main gross habit of the Iron Eclipse cast?
Marco: Smelling dirty clothes to see if they’re still reusable
Tarma: Nose picking
Eri: Loudly belching in public without excusing herself
Fio: Nail biting
Trevor: Picking at acne
Nadia: Picking at her teeth when around other people
Tequila: Using the same towel for a couple of weeks without cleaning it
Ralf: Occasionally not showering after a mission
Clark: Coughing or sneezing without covering his mouth
Gimlet: Smelling his armpits to see if he’s in dire need of deodorant
Red Eye: Not disposing of trash properly (as Ruoxi), ignoring mould (as Shufen), and using the same dishcloth for multiple tasks (as Liddy)
General Morden, Doctor Amadeus, Ptolemaios, Rootmars, Invader King, Pupipi, Sophia, Leona, Avatar of Evil, Sol Dae Rokker, President Marx, Nanahyakumantaro, Midori, Macba, Wired, Pocke, Mikuláš, Thandolwethu, Amilcare, Juozapas, Priyanka, and Dezső: They have no gross habits worth noting
Allen O’Neil: Not washing his hands after he’s done using the bathroom
Walter: Peeing in the shower
Tyra: Putting makeup on her face with brushes that haven’t been cleaned in a long while
Allen Jr.: Eating messy food while driving
Margaret: Leaving food overnight
Rumi: Picking at the dead skin buildup on her feet
Heidern: Spitting in public
Alisa Stewart: Not shaving her armpits
Nathalie Neo: Speaking with her mouth full
Nayutaro: Not flossing his teeth regularly
Issenmantaro: Occasionally wearing dirty socks
Happyakumantaro: Not cleaning up after a meal
Abul Abbas: Using strong perfumes in public
Hilde Garn: Sucking on pens and pencils
Oghma: Eating food that has fallen on the floor
Zoilo: Not trimming his fingernails and toenails regularly
Anastasia: Picking at split ends of hair strands
Wysteria: Eating her dandruff
Dilovar: Eating expired food
Sagan: Playing with her pubic hair
Logan: Smelling worn underwear
Celaphios: Not washing his hands after handling raw meat
Torquil: Not dusting regularly
Guilherme: Picking at scabs
Ferdinand: Peeling the dry skin from his lips
Gyeong-Hui: Wiping her sweat on her clothes
Harvie: Not brushing his teeth regularly
Ekaterini: Fidgeting with greasy or dirty hair
Souma: Forgetting to flush the toilet after he's done
Yohanes: Leaving his hair in the shower
Zdravko: Not replacing stained food containers
How does the Iron Eclipse cast like their coffee?
Marco: Black with a pinch of cinnamon and caramel creamer
Tarma: Iced mocha
Eri: With three tablespoons of vanilla creamer, one pack of sugar, and a splash of vodka
Fio: Frappuccino with whipped cream and chocolate syrup
Trevor, Ralf, Allen O’Neil, Walter, Tyra, Roberto Nicola, Issenmantaro, Wired, Wysteria, Celaphios, Torquil, Gyeong-Hui, Thandolwethu, and Dezső: They don’t like coffee
Nadia: Latte with hazelnut creamer
Clark: Americano with a pinch of cocoa powder
Tequila: With a pinch of cardamom, two tablespoons of milk, and a splash of tequila sunrise
Gimlet: With four tablespoons of milk, a teaspoon of cocoa powder, and a splash of French gimlet
Red Eye: Black with two packs of sugar (as Ruoxi), iced latte with two teaspoons of pumpkin spice and a pinch of nutmeg (as Shufen), and frappuccino with strawberry syrup and a pack of sugar (as Liddy)
General Morden: Latte macchiato with whipped cream, caramel syrup, and a stick of cinnamon, and a teaspoon of Scotch whisky
Doctor Amadeus: Café viennois
Ptolemaios, Rootmars, Invader King, Pupipi, Leona, Nathalie Neo, Avatar of Evil, Sol Dae Rokker, Midori, Nayutaro, Pocke, Guilherme, Harvie, Juozapas, and Yohanes: They have never tasted coffee before
Hyakutaro: Banana soy frappe
Allen Jr.: Flat white
Sophia: Latte with soy milk and coconut creamer
Margaret: Espresso with cinnamon creamer and a pinch of sugar
Rumi: Grilled marshmallow latte
Madoka: Hot buttered apple coffee
Heidern: Frisian Pharisees coffee
Alisa Stewart: Long black with almond creamer
President Marx: Black with a teaspoon of nutmeg
Nanahyakumantaro: Black sesame soy latte
Happyakumantaro: Fruity coffee
Abul Abbas: Gahwa
Hilde Garn: Ristretto with whipped cream and a splash of kvass
Macba: Cappuccino with powdered cinnamon
Oghma: Crema rich espresso with almond milk and two packs of sugar
Zoilo: Cortado
Anastasia: Freddo mocha with a teaspoon of honey
Dilovar: Coconut milk latte with a splash of kaoliang liquor
Sagan: Kaisermelange
Logan: Espresso mazagran with a slice of lemon, a pinch of mint, and a splash of cognac
Ferdinand: Wiener Melange
Mikuláš: Turkish coffee
Amilcare: Marocchino
Ekaterini: Cappuccino freddo
Souma: Matcha tea latte with warm milk
Priyanka: Indian filter coffee
Zdravko: Caffè mocha
#writerscorner#creative writing#writing#iron eclipse au#metal slug#snk#gaming community#fun facts#headcanons#characters#aesthetic#clothing#food quirks#gross habits#coffee
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Sophia Greenville, PF Drill Instructor. Member of special intelligence service in the Regular Army.
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Mikuláš, Gyeong-Hui, Thandolwethu, and Harvie
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, abandonment, physical beatings, child abuse, religious zealotry, an arranged marriage, domestic violence, infertility, human experimentation, SA, and sexual harassment.
Real name: Mikuláš Vyskočil
Nickname: Mikla
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop for the Regular Army and D-001 Tanbal pilot and guerrilla for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: To become an independent winemaker and craft an artistic magnum opus from stained glass and metal scraps
Hobbies: Visiting old chapels rich in art, collecting scrapped metal on the battlefield, and engaging in drinking contests with his comrades
Likes: Fresh wine, appropriately exercising his authority to order attacks, and his two younger brothers and half-uncle as they're the only sane members of his family
Dislikes: Euphoria-inducing substances that remind him of his neglectful father, unhealthy and toxic relationships, and slothful people
Favourite food: Dried apple chips, spicy pickles, and svíčková
Favourite drink: Tuzemák
Sexuality: Homoflexible asexual
Gender: Male
Age: 24 (in 2022), 30 (in 2028), 32 (in 2030), 34 (in 2032), 36 (in 2034), 43 (in 2041), 45 (in 2043), 46 (in 2044), and 49 (in 2047)
Design: He’s a burly 6’ 2” (187.96 cm) Czech mesomorph of Polish and Cuban descent who wears the Ptolemaic Army guerrilla uniform, but with a distinctive left-side Mexican pink armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. He wears a zomp T-shirt with ripped sleeves, a verdigris bandana mask, and a gold-buckled raspberry rose belt. He carries an FMK-3, slung over his right shoulder with a custom fuchsia strap, and wears a black bandolier over his left shoulder, stocked with 9×19mm Parabellum ammunition for his submachine gun.
He has caramel skin, piercing blue-green eyes, high cheekbones, a brutally scarred face, and a brownish mole on the right side of his Adam’s apple. He has glossy jet black hair styled as a quiff with subtle waves, scruffy sideburns, and a five o’ clock shadow.
He’s in possession of a D-001 Tanbal pilot, and carries portable winemaking equipment, along with three grape bags for red, white, and rosé wine production, in his load-bearing backpack.
Character summary: He often appears perpetually mean, bitter, and exhausted, but surprisingly, he’s a kind and gentle person. He possesses great emotional intelligence and feels compelled to help others. He's a cautious leader who can come across as overly self-righteous at times and has an occasional impulsive streak, particularly when his curiosity is piqued or he’s genuinely enraged. He's generally aloof and sometimes struggles to express his true feelings, fearing vulnerability, potential abandonment, and a loss of self-sufficiency. He takes his duties very seriously and never questions orders from his superiors unless he senses something might go terribly wrong.
He has no tolerance for laziness, cowardice, ignorance, and selfishness, viewing them as excuses for not contributing to society or pursuing meaningful lives. While he’s harsh and stern towards slackers, he encourages them to be diligent. In contrast, he’s downright sadistic and merciless when dealing with enemies. When scared, he typically turns to individuals he personally trusts or believes to be trustworthy for comfort. Since leaving the Ptolemaic Army, he has converted to Orthodox Christianity, finding it gives him a sense of purpose and freedom from the corrupting beliefs of Ptolemaios' cult. He’s good friends with Thandolwethu, Amilcare, and Yohanes, and is in a romantic relationship with Zdravko.
Backstory: Mikuláš Vyskočil was born on January 2, 1998 in Znojmo, South Moravia, Czech Republic. He hails from a long line of medieval-age Hussites, expert winemakers, and soldiers who fought for the Austro-Hungarian Empire during WWI. His ancestry also includes Polish and Cuban immigrants who settled in the Czech Republic after WWII, contributing to the nation's labor market in industries such as food processing and glassware manufacturing. His father was a retired Polish-Czech naval soldier who later became a mechanical engineer, and his mother owned a famous Czech winemaking company. He has an adopted Austrian sister, Friederike, who is six years older than him and inherited his mother's company after she passed away due to health complications from hepatitis B. He also has two brothers, Petřík and Jáchym, who are three years younger than him and went on to pursue distinct careers: Petřík became a world religions teacher, while Jáchym worked as a contracted weaponsmith for the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic.
His family was very loving and supportive, but that changed after his mother's death when he was 16. His father became melancholic and distant, turning to the consumption of euphoria-causing drugs after being laid off unfairly. Friederike took control of his mother's winemaking company through questionable legal means and abandoned the Vyskočil family. She didn't provide financial support to her father and three brothers, keeping the assets for herself and the company. With their father unable to provide, Mikuláš, Petřík, and Jáchym went to live with his half-brother, who struggled with fertility issues and had recently divorced his abusive wife.
While Petřík and Jáchym welcomed their new home, valuing the opportunities for growth and the affection they received from their half-uncle, Mikuláš felt differently. He harboured resentment towards Friederike's abandonment and his father's selfish surrender to his parental responsibilities. At 17, Mikuláš ran away from home with a backpack containing leftover food, a kitchen knife, bottles of water, juice boxes, a fuzzy blanket, and little else. With no clear destination, he was driven by a singular desire: to escape Znojmo.
After what felt like hours, he stumbled upon a small, abandoned encampment. Despite initial hesitation, he cautiously investigated, but his exploration was cut short when he triggered a bear trap, screaming in agony. The noise alerted two nearby guerrillas, who were relieving themselves. They brutally beat him, tied him to a tree, and interrogated him, fueled by paranoia that he might be a spy from an enemy force. After he explained his situation and one of the guerrillas searched his backpack, they concluded he posed no threat. However, during the interrogation, one of the guerrillas inadvertently shared valuable information about the Ptolemaic Army's activities, making his release a liability. The guerrillas employed psychological manipulation, making him feel valued and fostering a sense of belonging, and "invited" him to join their cause. With no other options, Mikuláš reluctantly accepted.
Following his recruitment, he underwent training as a guerrilla fighter, rapidly ascending the ranks and proving himself a loyal and capable leader. He became a skilled pilot of the recently acquired D-001 Tanbal and demonstrated exceptional proficiency with submachine guns. However, it took time for him to come to terms with the atrocities committed by the Ptolemaic Army. Mikuláš chose to ignore these transgressions, a decision that would later become his greatest regret.
Utilising his knowledge of winemaking, he often crafted wine for his comrades and the deputies who oversaw the paramilitary forces. His wine earned widespread acclaim for its freshness and flavour with many considering it the best. After meeting Zdravko and experimenting with various art forms on their first date, he discovered a talent for painting on glass and metal, which would help him cope with the traumas of war. Learning about Zdravko’s struggles with alcoholism and bullying, Mikuláš offered steadfast support, reassuring him that he was loved, cherished, and safe by his side. From then on, he became fiercely protective of his boyfriend, unwilling to lose someone he deeply loved and cared for.
After being pressured to commit numerous inhumane acts against innocent people, he discovered the Ptolemaic Army's involvement in a global human and weapons trafficking ring. He also learned that the cult ruthlessly eliminates its own paramilitary operatives, even for minor infractions. Horrified and utterly disgusted, he joined Eri's short-lived revolt. Later, when he joined the Regular Army, Mikuláš sought redemption by converting to Orthodox Christianity and performing selfless acts of kindness, aided by his lover, Zdravko. Through training with great dedication and effort, he transformed into a model soldier. He also mustered the courage to reunite with his half-uncle and two younger brothers, gradually rebuilding their strained relationships. On missions against hostile forces, he takes satisfaction in holding them accountable for their actions.
Real name: Gyeong-Hui Paek
Nickname: Gyeo
Occupation: MG Unit pilot and guerrilla for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly) and peacekeeping troop, tactical strategist, and landmine technician for the Regular Army
Retirement plans: To make fabric puppets and create films with them
Abilities: Due to the iron-ravenous parasite living inside her, she can manipulate the flesh and skin of her arms, transforming them into 10 to 20 hyperflexible tendrils of varying sizes. When using this ability, the bones of her arms become visible, covered in a thin layer of translucent copper orange mucus and a network of black blood vessels that extend to the tips of her fingers. It also features a semi-thick coating of harmless iron and lamprey-like eyes in the centre of her palms. These eyes feature black veins connecting to the blood vessel network, yellowish sclera, and pupilless red-orange irises. Notably, the irises can move independently, utilising neurons from her brain to change their position.
These tendrils instantly grasp nearby metal objects, such as metallic debris, spent bullet casings, and knives. They can extend up to 15' 7" (474.98 cm), and are highly resistant to extreme temperatures from scorching lava heat to the freezing mountain cold. Once the tendrils have grasped a metal object, they consume it, rendering the metal malleable and capable of being transformed into any weapon the parasite deems necessary for her current situation. However, this ability requires a substantial consumption of iron to function properly, and prolonged use can lead to iron deficiency. To compensate, she must replenish her iron levels by consuming high-iron foods. Furthermore, the ability causes physical fatigue due to increased strain on her body as the metal painfully fuses into the flesh and skin of her arms.
The weapons this parasite can create using flesh and metal are a speargun, a rocket launcher, and a flamethrower. When her arm transforms into a speargun, it appears as a pneumatic, extendable slim cannon made of bumpy, rusty steel that reaches down to her mid-calf. Her flesh extends up to the midpoint of the cannon, preventing obstruction of its extension joint's mechanism. Twenty black veins protrude from the barrel, encircling the rim and extending into the joint, acting as pneumatic tubes that utilise increased blood pressure to extend the cannon. The speargun features a grappling hook equipped with an alloy steel chain covered in numerous small spikes and tipped with an elongated spear blade. This versatile tool enables access to hard-to-reach areas and allows for piercing enemies.
When her arm transforms into a rocket launcher, it resembles a M72 LAW tightly grasped by a slender hand with seven pointed fingers. The wrist appears skeletal, resembling the central part of a skull's lower jaw, complete with carnivorous teeth. The rocket launcher utilises a self-replenishing ammunition of rockets composed of iron-hard bone encased in soft muscle. These rockets bear a resemblance to those from the Big Rocket Launcher in Metal Slug. They are relatively slow-moving with a slight homing capability that guides them towards their target. These rockets detonate on the parasite's psychokinetic command, causing bodily explosions that release a corrosive, acidic gas, inflicting severe lung burns.
When her arm transforms into a flamethrower, it resembles a Regular Army-standard FS-03, but with an elongated design that extends to her knees. Her flesh appears twisted and seems to merge with the centre of the weapon before connecting to the top of the canister via ten tendrils. The oval-shaped, forwards-facing canister is composed of blubber-coated bone, containing enzymes that produce heat and flames when exposed to oxygen. Similar to the fire gun, this flamethrower emits a continuous, adjustable stream of enzyme-produced flames, which can be directed and arced by adjusting the weapon's orientation.
She can telepathically connect with the parasite living inside her brain and arms, but only if the parasite grants her access. The parasite may deny access if it's hungry (it mainly eats metal scraps and high-iron foods like spinach and liver via organic absorption), in defence mode during combat or senses that she feels threatened as it prioritises its own safety by protecting its host. She has observed that the parasite appears to be fascinated by her artistic passion for puppetry and complex psychology. Moreover, it's excessively protective of her, ensuring her physical and mental well-being and safety. To achieve this, the parasite activates her ability whenever necessary, rapidly regenerates her wounds through cellular regeneration or hums soothing tunes to calm her down.
Hobbies: Making animalistic sock puppets, waxing philosophical to the parasite inside of her, and extensively studying the history and ethics of medicine after a long day at work
Likes: Puppetry, the good times she spent with her mother, and how Dezső's awkwardness and gentleness are irresistibly charming to her
Dislikes: People touching her private parts without consent, the torment she suffered at the hands of her former unit, and unhelpful doctors
Favourite food: Japchae
Favourite drink: Hyeonmi-cha
Sexuality: Sex-repulsed, heteroromantic demisexual
Gender: Female
Age: 10 (in 2022), 16 (in 2028), 18 (in 2030), 20 (in 2032), 22 (in 2034), 29 (in 2041), 31 (in 2043), 32 (in 2044), and 35 (in 2047)
Design: She’s a lean yet well-toned 5’ 5” (165.1 cm) Korean ectomorph who wears the Ptolemaic Army guerrilla uniform, but with a distinctive left-side tangelo armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. She wears a xanthous T-shirt, a rose red bandana mask, and tactical goggles with yellow-tinted lenses, but she doesn't don a pair of gloves. She has a leather sheath for her machete attached to the right side of her belt, and often carries a battered riot shield adorned with three crudely painted metallic red scratch marks at its centre.
She has warm ivory skin, small breasts, sunburst green-hazel eyes, and black freckles on her face. She has straight mahogany brown hair that falls to her shoulders, typically styled as a shaggy wolf cut.
She’s in possession of an MG Unit, and carries maps for tactical planning, anti-personnel blast mines, and tools for landmine repair in her load-bearing backpack.
Character summary: Despite her youth, she’s incredibly intelligent and calculating, defying the impulsive and naive stereotypes often associated with her age. When around unfamiliar people, she becomes nervous, hesitant to open up due to a deep-seated fear of wrongful rejection or betrayal. As a result, she’s hesitant to speak to new people, but she quickly warms up to those who show genuine kindness and respect towards her. She has a habit of holding Eri's hand because her warmth reminds her of her mother, whom she lost and still deeply grieves for. She displays a facade of obedience, driven primarily by a deep-seated fear of punishment for defying orders, regardless of how just her actions may be.
Although she's a ruthless and taciturn individual struggling with feelings of worthlessness and uncertainty regarding physical intimacy, she often shows a gentle-hearted, trustworthy, and friendly side, primarily as a means of presenting herself as decent. When her social battery is drained or she feels intensely agitated, she tends to socially withdraw from others, fearing that if left unchecked, her agitation might escalate into violence. She finds the antics of Harvie, Souma, Juozapas, and Priyanka amusing, but when their jokes lead to serious trouble, she isn't hesitant to kindly remind them of their duties. She harbours some romantic feelings for Dezső, but she's unsure how to express them without coming across as forceful and awkward. She has built cordial relationships with Ekaterini and Juozapas, and is particularly close to Dezső.
Backstory: Gyeong-Hui Paek was born on October 9, 2012 in Mokpo, South Korea. She was raised by her mother, Myeong-Suk, who often struggled to make ends meet, but never gave up as she deeply cared about her daughter's welfare. She doesn't know who her father is, but her mother once told her that he was a generous and optimistic man prepared for almost everything thrown his way. He reportedly died with dignity, maintaining it until the very end. After completing her university education in TV Broadcasting and Entertainment, which depleted most of her savings, Myeong-Suk took on a minimum-wage job to make ends meet and fund treatment for her daughter's Rett syndrome. Although Gyeong-Hui couldn't provide significant financial support, she helped with daily chores and cooked meals. She profoundly loved her mother and delighted in listening to her read Korean fairy tales and recount major historical events. She also cherished the little puppet shows of wacky and mythical adventures her mother would create and perform for her whenever she had the time, sparking her interest in puppetry and storytelling.
A year after the Arms Deal Barrage, the Ptolemaic Army launched a brutal raid on Mokpo. They were desperate to recruit people to put on the battlefield and face the Regular Army and other potential enemy forces. They also needed help building up their arsenal and acquiring useful and loyal engineers, tacticians, and fighters. According to her, once she joined the Ptolemaic Army, her superiors informed her that Ptolemaios had predicted another confrontation with the Regular Army, and it would be a gruesome and difficult fight. In their desperation, the Ptolemaic Army targeted the most vulnerable members of the population: children.
During the raid, her mother attempted to protect her from the special forces operatives who stormed into their home during a peaceful dinner. The operatives took both of them captive, and one of them demanded that the mother hand over Gyeong-Hui, threatening a gruesome fate if she refused. When she resisted, declaring that she would never send her daughter to war or make her work with terrorists, they brutally shot her point-blank in the head. Gyeong-Hui was forced to witness her mother's brutal murder, an act intended to demonstrate the consequences of treachery and disobedience. This traumatic event left her with deep emotional scars, a painful memory she longs to forget but knows will forever be etched in her mind.
After being indoctrinated into the Ptolemaic Army's beliefs, she was swiftly enrolled in the paramilitary forces training program. There, she would be trained as a guerrilla, capable of serving both as a combatant and a guardian for infantry troops and supplies. She quickly became familiar with MG Unit operations as well as planning strategic ambushes on enemy bases and repairing landmines. Although she initially disliked working with landmines due to their finicky nature, she gradually warmed up to it.
Despite proving herself as a reliable guerrilla, she was subjected to sexual exploitation, particularly by her own unit, who frequently used her to satisfy their desires. Unbeknownst to her, it was planned from the start that she would also be used for reproductive purposes, forced to breed loyal cultists and soldiers. This realisation made her feel like nothing more than a filthy slab of meat. However, after the guerrillas discovered she wasn’t pregnant, they took her to see a medical officer, who informed her that she was infertile due to a hormonal imbalance preventing her from producing healthy eggs. While this brought her some relief, as she was spared the trauma of bearing her abusers' children, it also led to further abuse. Her unit’s response was either disdainful indifference, deeming her "useless" or escalated sexual violence.
As her untreated Rett syndrome progressively worsened, impairing her ability to fight and stay focused, she became the subject of an experiment by the medical officer who had discovered her infertility. With the cult's permission, the medical officer decided to use the parasite, Ferumox β, which the Ptolemaic Army had secretly stolen from the Amadeus Syndicate during the Great Morden War. The Amadeus Syndicate had initially created Ferumox β as an experimental curiosity with no intention of using it to further their ambitions for global dominance. Once injected via a needle containing a translucent copper orange substance, the parasite established itself within her neural system and the confines of her arms, miraculously curing her disease in the process.
However, integrating the parasite's power into her body was a painful and chaotic process. Her body struggled to accept the invasive parasite, and she faced difficulties controlling her newfound biomechanical abilities. Accidental outbursts of power sparked severe punishment, including physical and sexual abuse, from her comrades and assigned commander. Initially primal, Ferumox β gradually evolved into a more civilized entity through repeated use and telepathic communication with Gyeong-Hui, yet it still retained a strong animalistic side. It became fiercely protective of her once it fully grasped the scale and severity of her abuse, scaring her tormentors away. Strongly displeased by how they troubled and hurt its host, it would stay awake at night to ensure her safety. At the slightest provocation, it would immediately attack, using either psychosomatic affliction or turning their own weapons against them.
Upon hearing rumours of a rebellion brewing within the Ptolemaic Army, she saw an opportunity to exact revenge on her tormentors. With swift precision, she eliminated a few of her abusers before fleeing to join forces with the revolt's leader, Eri Kasamoto. To her surprise, Eri welcomed her with open arms, and she found solace among the people that had gathered. After the revolt ended and she narrowly escaped the Phantom Strike's deadly clutches, she began to form meaningful connections with her comrades. She formed a deeply personal connection with Dezső, empathising with his traumatic experiences of losing his mother and suffering abuse at the hands of the Ptolemaic Army.
Real name: Thandolwethu Dalindyebo
Nickname: Thando
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop for the Regular Army and guerrilla for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: To live as a cattle herder in the countryside
Hobbies: Doing Xhosa pottery and basket weaving with the youngest members of the Regular Army, solitary hikes through South African landscapes, and meditative rock balancing
Likes: The peace she feels when reflecting on her faith and her beloved son, when her hard work pays off beautifully, and healthy cattle
Dislikes: People who abuse and exploit children and women, not being able to control manageable situations, and the misuse of dark magic
Favourite food: Mieliepap and ox meat
Favourite drink: Sorghum beer
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Age: 28 (in 2022), 32 (in 2028), 34 (in 2030), 36 (in 2032), 38 (in 2034), 45 (in 2041), 47 (in 2043), 48 (in 2044), and 51 (in 2047)
Design: She’s a 6 ft (182.88 cm) Xhosa mesomorph with a slender yet well-toned physique and a fuller bust. She wears the Ptolemaic Army guerrilla uniform, but with a distinctive left-side African violet armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. She wears a medium-sleeved old rose shirt, an orange ochre bandana, and spike-soled cordovan paratrooper boots with burgundy laces. She carries a Panzerfaust 3, which fires high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warheads, and it features a custom thistle strap, allowing her to sling it over her left shoulder.
She has chestnut skin, dull dark grey eyes, full lips painted with black lip gloss, and white clay curved triangular markings under her eyes. Her chocolate brown hair features frizzy curls, plaited and reaching the middle of her back, secured with a red ochre hairband in a low ponytail.
Character summary: She’s particularly exasperated by the antics of Harvie, Souma, Juozapas, and Priyanka, and doesn't hesitate to scold them fiercely and threaten to report them to Eri. Despite having left the Xhosa roots to start a new life, one filled with excitement and renewed purpose, she deeply respects her heritage and won't tolerate others using racist insults to describe her people. She's a fearless yet cautious individual who prioritises the safety of her comrades above all else, while not hesitating to kill people when she views it as necessary. She's always willing to lend a hand and make everyone feel safe and accepted because she views community as essential to human survival.
She's a modest, hard-working, and conscientious Pentacostal Christian who also practices ancestor worship, believing that God oversees the significant aspects of everyone's lives and protects them in times of extreme danger. She feels profound sympathy for Gyeong-Hui and Dezső, who were exploited by the Ptolemaic Army at a young age, manipulating their grief to brainwash them into loyal followers. Although she's not fond of Harvie's tendency to slack off, she finds him to be incredibly respectful and physically attractive. She can't help but be charmed by his flirtations and his fun-loving, adventurous, and childish personality, finding it endearing. She’s good friends with Mikuláš, Ekaterini, Amilcare, Yohanes, and Dezső, and is particularly close to Zdravko.
Backstory: Thandolwethu Dalindyebo was born on May 13, 1996 in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. She lived in a peaceful Xhosa village, just a few miles away from the Mtamvuna River, residing in close proximity to friends and extended family members. Her large, wealthy family consisted of her father, mother, two stepmothers, four uncles, two aunts, one half-uncle, two brothers, sister, and eight cousins. As she grew old enough to contribute, her family taught her essential life skills, including self-care and caregiving for others. Her mothers and aunts instructed her in traditional crafts like beadwork and baking maize bread. They also taught her how to store maize in bottle-shaped pits beneath the floor of the cattle enclosure. In contrast, her father and uncles taught her practical skills like tending to cattle and harvesting corn from their fields. Through her upbringing, her family fostered a strong sense of community and emphasised the value of generosity, gently scolding her whenever she refused to share.
After receiving her first menstruation a month away of her 11th birthday, she underwent intonjane, a rite of passage into womanhood practiced by the Xhosa people of the Eastern Cape. During the intonjane ritual, she was secluded from the community and instructed by her aunts and older assistants on the socially accepted behaviors of Xhosa women. Thandolwethu describes the whole ritual as surreal, yet strangely exciting as she was supported by her family and the entire village in her transition to adulthood. According to her, it felt amazing to be recognized as a full-fledged adult by everyone around her.
By the time she turned 16, she would be married to Lethokuhle of the Gqunkhwebe clan, a man from outside her own Gcaleka clan. Although she didn't know him well due to limited contact, she had heard several girls in her village describe him as gentle-hearted and respectful of privacy. Once the marriage negotiations were finalised—which involved her bridegroom paying cash equivalent to the market value of twenty cattle that were transferred to her group—a new alliance was officially established between the Gcaleka and Gqunkhwebe clans.
Like all Xhosa brides, she showed deference and respect to her parents-in-law and the senior members of the homestead. However, she found it challenging to adjust to certain customs, such as approaching houses from behind and being prohibited from entering the cattle byre, particularly during her menstrual cycle. Having grown accustomed to tending cattle and being close to them, these restrictions made her feel somewhat isolated. To make things worse, Lethokuhle subjected her to abuse behind closed doors, particularly when she stood up for herself, refused intimate advances or accidentally burned food while cooking. He also sexually assaulted her during the quiet of night and threatened to harm her if she spoke out about his actions.
She would soon become disillusioned with her marriage and the societal expectations that confined her to traditional feminine roles. She also grew increasingly terrified of her husband. Given that divorce was rarely accepted among her people and the uncertainty of being able to dissolve her marriage, she decided to leave in secret. Seizing the opportunity when her husband was out running errands and most of his family were preoccupied with their duties, she escaped from the Gqunkhwebe village. Her decision to flee was motivated not only by a desire for safety and a need to escape her difficult circumstances but also by a deep-seated fear of becoming a burden to both her own family and her in-laws.
Some time after her escape, she ended up coming into contact with the Ptolemaic Army after being abducted by a group of guerrillas riding a Landseek. She was then indoctrinated into the cruel ideologies of the Ptolemaic Army through various psychological manipulation tactics, primarily love bombing and false promises of safety and acceptance. As a result of her imposing stature, she was trained as a guerrilla fighter and became proficient in wielding bazookas and rocket launchers. Using these weapons, she would snipe at people from a safe distance or create distractions for incoming enemies. Initially, she believed the dark magic utilised by the cult was the witchcraft her people had warned her about, but she slowly grew accustomed to it.
A couple of months after her 17th birthday, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Khuselwa. She took a year off to raise him, but once he turned one, she was forced back into her guerrilla duties. The cult then took her son away, and she never saw him again. This separation led to further trauma, as many men in the cult sexually harassed her or attempted to assault her. She stood up against them, even killing some in self-defence, earning a mix of fear and respect within the paramilitary forces. The pain of losing Khuselwa drove her to seek solace in alcohol, particularly sorghum beer, which reminded her of home.
She joined Er's rebellion after learning about the brewing revolt against the Ptolemaic Army and being persuaded by Zdravko to join. She found it unbearable to continue working for the people responsible for taking her son away and the numerous men who mistreated her, objectifying her. Following the short-lived revolt, she converted to Pentecostalism to redeem herself and attended rehab alongside Zdravko to address her alcoholism. The treatment was largely successful, but she still struggles with occasional secret binge drinking episodes.
Real name: Harvie Witherspong
Occupation: Peacekeeping troop for the Regular Army and Hover Unit pilot and guerrilla for the Ptolemaic Army (formerly)
Retirement plans: Launching a reading program for children with language and speech disabilities
Abilities: He possesses the ability to manipulate wind motion and intensity, creating windstorms, tornadoes, and powerful gusts. Additionally, he can imbue tornadoes with either a fiery quality to incinerate enemies or a freezing quality to encase them in ice. He's able to perceive current events by intently focusing on a wall or a thicket of bushes. Through concentration, he receives clear and vivid mental images of the events he wishes to perceive. He can terminate these visions by breaking his concentration. However, whenever he utilises this ability, he experiences an unsettling feeling of being intently watched, accompanied by a profound sense of comfort.
Hobbies: Reading classic pieces of literature that have been deemed controversial, riding his bicycle through the European countryside, and playing boules with his friends
Likes: Consuming children's media as a way to recapture his lost childhood, how beautiful and courageous Thandolwethu is, and admiring pond wildlife
Dislikes: Getting stuck in tricky dilemmas, how embarrassing it feels to mispronounce words, and being called a man-child
Favourite food: Cotton Candy grapes
Favourite drink: Whiskey ginger
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Male
Age: 27 (in 2022), 31 (in 2028), 33 (in 2030), 35 (in 2032), 37 (in 2034), 44 (in 2041), 46 (in 2043), 47 (in 2044), and 50 (in 2047)
Design: He’s an averagely built, broad-shouldered 5’ 7” (170.18 cm) British mesomorph who wears the Ptolemaic Army guerrilla uniform, but with a distinctive left-side Columbia blue armband featuring the Regular Army insignia. He wears a fulvous T-shirt, a steel blue bandana mask, an earth yellow belt with a silver snap-on buckle, and space cadet combat boots.
He has rose beige skin, a missing upper left canine, sparkling moss green eyes, reddish freckles on his face and neck, and light auburn hair styled in a spiky crew cut.
He’s in possession of a Hover Unit, and carries a dictionary to assist with his language delay and speech impediment, along with a children's book or classic literature of his choice and a plastic full of marijuana joints, in his load-bearing backpack.
Character summary: He's the biggest slacker on the entire team, preferring to have fun and explore the world around him rather than being confined to paperwork and military duties like fighting and gathering intelligence. To cope with the stresses of warfare, he often playfully teases his comrades and messes around with friends. He puts on a childishly curious, naive, and optimistic facade to make himself feel more alive and joyful in life. However, he secretly struggles with misery and fear of imperfection, anxious about making mistakes, yet unsure how to express these feelings without succumbing to tears or paralysis.
Despite his unsophisticated, carefree, and strong-willed nature, he's incredibly respectful of other people's boundaries and is quick to apologise when he realises he's done something wrong. He's a self-indulgent lover of food and media, using these passions as a window into the world around him, exploring cultures and ideas through the lens of popular culture and cuisine. His habit of telling bad jokes and dad puns often annoys those around him, but he becomes deadly serious and unnervingly quiet in intense situations. He harbours strong romantic feelings for Thandolwethu, admiring her bravery, generosity, independence, and beauty—everything he wants in a partner. He’s good friends with Souma, Juozapas, and Priyanka, and is particularly close with Yohanes.
Backstory: Harvie Witherspong was born on August 27, 1997 in Middlesbrough, England. He was raised in a very strict household where he was shown very little love from his parents, who were religious zealots. His father, a functioning alcoholic, worked in customer service, while his mother, a heavy smoker, taught economics and physical education. He was denied toys, children's books, and TV shows, instead being forced to spend his time outdoors, drawing or watching Christian media. Meanwhile, his parents were often preoccupied with work, drinking or other unknown activities. His childhood was marked by rejection, neglect, physical abuse, gaslighting, and emotional exploitation. His parents often told him that he was undeserving because, in their view, God disapproved of mistakes. This toxic environment bred a deep-seated mistrust of individuals who misused Christianity and distorted its teachings.
He was rarely allowed to attend school as his parents feared exposure to "sinners" and their "false beliefs". Instead, he would secretly visit the local library, reading books that sparked his curiosity and were within his reading ability. Harvie also attempted to befriend children at the nearby park, but many found him unusual due to his unconventional religious beliefs, language delay, and speech impediment. At the age of 9, he secretly brought home a library book, The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales. However, his mother soon discovered it under his bed while ensuring he cleaned his room properly. As a result, she physically punished him, causing significant stress and pressure to be perfect. This incident had a lasting impact, making him forget the joys of simply being a child for a very long time.
At the age of 12, he would sneak a handful of Jelly Babies from the tray of candy his father left out on the dining room table. His parents didn't allow him to have candy, believing it would poison his young mind, and they kept sweets for themselves. One time, his father caught him taking candy and became furious, pulling out his belt to punish him. Frightened, Harvie quickly dodged him and ran out of the house to avoid being punished. He accidentally bumped into a green-eyed brunette woman who sensed his paranoia and fear. She decided to order him salted caramel ice cream with chocolate flakes, and then invited him back to her place to provide some much-needed shelter. He was taken aback by her kindness and willingness to help a stranger, but he felt an instant sense of safety around her and was grateful to be anywhere but his own home.
She introduced herself as Mavis and listened intently and patiently to what he had endured at home, giving him time to explain everything. Unbeknownst to him, she was a masked soldier sent to recruit children from abusive homes for the paramilitary forces of the Ptolemaic Army. She showered him with maternal affection, reading entertaining and educational children's books, letting him enjoy sweets, and watching age-appropriate shows. He began to see Mavis as a true mother figure, rather than his biological one, making it easier for her to psychologically manipulate him. After two weeks of parenting Harvie, she contacted fellow cult members to eliminate his parents through "talking".
She slowly indoctrinated him into the Ptolemaic Army's depraved ideologies and helped him overcome most of the challenges caused by his language delay and speech impediment. By age 14, she believed he was ready to serve Ptolemaios' goals and coerced him into joining the rigorous paramilitary training courses offered by the Ptolemaic Army, which he readily accepted. He was trained as a guerrilla and quickly became skilled in piloting the Hover Unit, finding it exhilarating to operate.
It was challenging for him to earn respect from his team, comprised mostly of older members, as many deemed him "too impaired and inexperienced" to contribute meaningfully. Some subjected him to aggressive verbal abuse when he made mistakes, fueling his desire for perfection. His persistent speech and language processing difficulties made him a target for bullying, but the harassment ceased when Mavis intervened, threatening to kill the perpetrators and use their corpses as sacrifices. Following this, Mavis adopted a somewhat overprotective stance, encouraging him to be himself, disregard others' negative opinions, and find enjoyment in his duties—all the while maintaining her maternal facade. However, this inadvertently fostered a tendency to slack off. By age 18, he began secretly smoking marijuana, stolen from his commander, as a means to calm his nerves and alleviate stress.
As Mavis greatly favoured Harvie, she decided to repay his loyalty and affection with a powerful gift. Following a patrol duty in the Soursop Jungle, she lured him to a secluded spot near a crystal-clear stream, away from his comrades. There, she performed a mysterious ritual that left him both unsettled and curious. The ritual involved arranging river pebbles in a circle, sacrificing a hunted king vulture, and positioning Harvie at the centre. After completing her angelic chanting, the Avatar of Evil bestowed upon Harvie his unique abilities.
After some persuasion from Thandolwethu and Yohanes, he became one of the last remaining members of the Ptolemaic Army to join Eri's uprising. His decision was delayed by conflicting emotions: he cared for Mavis, yet struggled to accept that he had been exploited as a pawn to bolster the army's forces from the start. During the revolt, he confronted Mavis, who, upon disowning him for his betrayal, was killed by him, leaving his hands stained with her blood and his conscience consumed by guilt. As he witnessed Thandolwethu's bravery, independence, and generosity on the battlefield, he developed a profound crush on her. In the revolt's aftermath, he masked his trauma with increased marijuana use and a jovial facade. He also formed a strong bond with Yohanes, united by their shared traumatic experiences and mutual understanding.
#writerscorner#creative writing#writing#iron eclipse au#metal slug#snk#gaming community#original character#oc#oc writing#metal slug oc#name#alias#occupation#abilities#power#likes and dislikes#food#sexuality#gender#age#design#appearance#personality#backstory#mikuláš vyskočil#gyeong-hui paek#thandolwethu dalindyebo#harvie witherspong
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Nobody recognize this female Metal Slug character which she didn't have enough attention in the Metal Slug Community. This female Instructor name is Anne. She's a Regular Army Instructor, and her biography seems incomplete. Maybe SNK forgotten about her.
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Heeeeey >:333
I'm just curious to know a few things on Dilovar from the oc ask thing!! You sent me one, only fair I send back X3
-What inspired you into making him?
-What is a skill he has that might surprise people?
-What would he wait in a VERY long line for?
-Whats his love language? (if so so gets/gives it)
-Whats his favorite time of day?
-Anything commonly misunderstood about him?
-What would he do if met with a box of kittens? Very important.
Hello :D
What inspired you into making him?
This might sound funny, but I was inspired by the Regular Army recruits that appear in Metal Slug Advance.
What is a skill he has that might surprise people?
What his nanobot-enhanced abilities are capable of, especially when he intentionally goes haywire. He may not seem like an artistically inclined person, but he's pretty good at traditional Ukrainian folk crafts.
What would he wait in a VERY long line for?
I'm not sure how to answer this particular question… Perhaps to see his close friends and hang out with them?
Whats his love language?
You can find my answer to this question here!
What's his favorite time of day?
Anything commonly misunderstood about him?
He's actually all sunshine and rainbows, but secretly he's pessimistic and cynical; he just forces a cheerful, optimistic persona.
What would he do if met with a box of kittens?
He's a cat person, so I can imagine him bringing a box of kittens back home or to the military base where he hangs out. He would play with them and give them attention before putting them up for adoption or taking them to a shelter. There is always the possibility that he might harm them, but that would only be if he had lost his sanity and wasn't of sound mind.
If you want to know more about Dilovar, don't be afraid to ask me more questions!
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Title: Another Perfect Day in Winter
Background info: I had this idea floating around of two gossiping Rebel soldiers standing over a dead body, covered in blood. I finally got around to that idea, but I decided to expand it. I tried to create a more humorous scene with a touch of Metal Slug's iconic dark humour. I wasn't originally going to include the bear, but the scene was feeling pretty barren. So, I added the bear and a few other details like the Rebels building a giant snowman. I found the perfect brush to better simulate pixels, which I used to draw the blood!
Rebel Soldier, bonfire, and giant snowball sprites by The Huntress and The Mad Soldier
Bear sprite by The Huntress
Mission 3 sprites by c2000mc
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Reworked Group #7: Ptolemaic Army
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, sex slavery, SA, sexual exploitation, and pedophilia.
The cult of Ptolemaios originated after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone of the Avatar of Evil in the Soursop Jungle, sacred lands of the Nina Runakuna (“fire people” in the Quechua) within the Amazon Rainforest. This revelation stirred something profound within Ptolemaios, beckoning a new era of humanity where the pursuit of utopianism and eternal life reigns supreme. He quietly abandoned his role as the representative of Latin American tribes within the Earth Federation, driven by a calling to dedicate himself to the liberation of the Dark Lord and subjugation of all reality. After his sudden disappearance and resurfacing, he founded a mysterious, nameless cult skilled in his mastery of wizardry and dark magic.
Over time, their influence spread across South America, extending into the Amazon Rainforest. They recruited more followers with false promises, emotional manipulation, extensive brainwashing, and their distorted ideology. They also established a network of hideouts, each with its own specific purpose. Despite their growing presence, they continued to operate discreetly, attracting new followers to their ideology and gradually advancing their understanding and application of ancient technologies and mechanical innovations.
Believing it was time to officially cement their place in human history and make their presence known, Ptolemaios founded the Serapion Fellowship, while Anastasia assisted in restructuring the cult to better fit his ambitions. Anastasia informed Ptolemaios about a guerrilla force operating in Venezuela, comprised of highly skilled mercenaries and special agents. This group was involved in violent acts against citizens, raiding towns, and attempting to corrupt military personnel, while adhering to an extremist ideology influenced by Darwinism, sadomasochism, and militarism. Zoilo led the Theophylaktos Union, and his soldiers knew him as a fervent and outspoken follower of the Avatar of Evil. Seeing an opportunity to enhance the Serapion Fellowship's military capabilities, Ptolemaios discreetly met with Zoilo and formed a strategic alliance. This agreement enabled the integration of the Theophylaktos Union as the Serapion Fellowship's paramilitary force, substantially increasing their military strength and technological resources.
For the next few years, Ptolemaios and his organisation, or secret society as some called it, held significant influence over Latin America, shaping its political and religious landscape and contributing to its military and technological advancements. The Serapion Fellowship clashed with the Ikari Warriors, following Heidern’s decision to launch an attack based on intelligence from Clark and a group of mercenaries. This intelligence suggested suspicious activity in northern Latin America, including unexplained disappearances, assassinations of journalists, and the prominent presence of guerillas that had no ties to law enforcement and the military. The Serapion Fellowship was defeated and subsequently went into hiding, where they established a new compound, recruited more followers, and replenished their lost technology.
They became involved in weapons trafficking and formed an alliance with the Regular Army, which agreed to provide temporary support for their weapons development. As part of this agreement, the Serapion Fellowship received nuclear missiles, excavated Tuatha Dé Danann technology, hand explosives, and various firearms, marking the beginning of the Arms Deal Barrage. Once they formed an alliance with the Pipovulaj, their technological development skyrocketed, thanks to the expertise of Pupipi and numerous Martian technologists and roboticists. However, they suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Regular Army's elite forces and a devastating betrayal by Rootmars. With no other choice, they returned to hiding, quickly reestablishing themselves as the Ptolemaic Army. Fortunately, they gained a formidable mercenary force, the Phantom Strike, and three powerful allies: Colonel Hilde Garn, Lieutenant Colonel Macba, and 1st Lieutenant Wired.
They were recovering from their significant loss and slowly expanded their influence to North America, South Africa, Europe, and East Asia. However, their military advancements suffered significant setbacks due to Eri's rebellion, which was supported by 30 members. Fortunately, with the aid of the Phantom Strike and Avatar of Evil, they were able to stop the rebellion, which was nearly decimated in the process. As a result of this rebellion, the Ptolemaic Army decided to adopt a low-profile strategy, biding their time until they were ready to implement their plan for global dominance.
During the Great Morden War, they formed a strategic alliance with the Amadeus Syndicate, which provided significant support in their recovery from the setbacks caused by Eri's unexpected rebellion. Following the Great Morden War, the Ptolemaic Army planted double agents, including Dilovar, within the Regular Army. They were tasked to gather crucial intelligence on their operations, manufacturing facilities, and other potentially valuable information that could aid their future plans.
The Ptolemaic Army operates with secrecy, keeping their true objectives concealed from outsiders. Despite possessing advanced technology, they prioritise achieving Ptolemaios' goals through supernatural means and mysterious practices. They specialise in espionage, sabotage, guerrilla warfare, incursions, and arcane disciplines. Due to their tendency to repurpose excavated, borrowed, and stolen technology, often branding it as "Ver. P.M." (Version Ptolemaium Mekhanos), they’re frequently referred to as a "scavenging army" by various militaries.
It features a silver-white shield with a sharp, eared top and an angular bottom, all outlined in jonquil. At its centre, a downward-hanging, stylized jaguar paw is depicted with each toe tipped with a black claw. The paw is flanked by open, simplistic crimson bat-like wings. Above the shield's eared top, a turquoise sun rises from the horizon, emitting ten rays of red-orange light.
Cult Sects
Sect of the Celestial Serpents
Believers belong to the first established sect of the Ptolemaic Army: the Sect of the Celestial Serpents. They're enigmatic cultists who oversee the Ptolemaic Army's affairs and strategic operations from behind the scenes. The Sect of the Celestial Serpents is predominantly comprised of female members, and many of them seem to be entertained by the morally questionable actions of the masked soldiers.
They adhere to a dual deity doctrine, strictly worshipping both the Avatar of Evil and Sol Dae Rokker. They view the worship of only one deity as sacrilegious, believing both to be of equal importance in the universe. Those who fail to acknowledge both deities aren't tolerated. Instead, they're reassigned to either the masked soldiers or paramilitary forces. Reconciliation is possible, but only if the individual actively begins worshipping both deities and atones for their perceived mistake.
Unlike the masked soldiers, they're the most down-to-earth, yet coldly distant from the rest of the Ptolemaic Army. They primarily focus on their cult's activities and maintain distance from the paramilitary forces whenever possible. However, they'll engage with them if a critical issue arises that requires their attention or if they have a close family member serving within those ranks. They abstain from participating in booze-filled and intensely sexual orgies as well as the Ptolemaic Army's breeding program because of their adherence to a strict rule of celibacy. However, Anastasia and Ptolemaios only sanction sexual intercourse and breeding exclusively within the context of marriage where both partners uphold marital fidelity.
Sect of the Horned Beasts
The masked soldiers, also known as shamans, comprise the second and final established sect of the Ptolemaic Army: the Sect of the Horned Beasts. They assist believers in orchestrating key events that facilitate the Ptolemaic Army's objectives. Additionally, they oversee military expansion, the slave pens, and the breeding program, ensuring the legacy of the Ptolemaic Army remains robust and resilient. They serve as caretakers, responsible for training children born into or recruited by the Ptolemaic Army, indoctrinating them as cultists and soldiers. Additionally, they sometimes engage in procreation to produce new cultists and soldiers, which also serves to maintain their own sexual vitality. They rarely engage in combat, but will intervene when defending themselves or when the paramilitary forces are failing badly.
The Sect of the Horned Beasts is primarily composed of male members, and some appear to be embittered towards the believers, although the reasons for this are unclear. They strictly follow the Avatar of Evil, but they also recognize and respect Sol Dae Rokker, designating him as the serpentine and sunny aspect of their main idol.
They appear to be indifferent towards the paramilitary forces, but exhibit a friendly and affectionate demeanour when interacting with fellow cultists and their favoured fighters. Some cult members have been observed displaying a parental-like affection towards favoured fighters and newly indoctrinated recruits. However, most cult members are fervent in their beliefs, displaying brutal zealotry by slaughtering non-believers or subjecting them to flaying, which they justify as punishment for perceived willful ignorance.
They frequently participate in orgies characterised by binge drinking and uninhibited sexual activity. Notably, illicit drugs are strictly prohibited from these gatherings as they're seen as hindrances to both procreation and the social excitement that these events are intended to foster. They're strong advocates for fertility, believing that it's a sin against creation for individuals to reject sex and fail to contribute to the propagation of a new generation. Their ideology also holds that men are sexually superior to women, viewing women as vessels for bearing new offspring. However, they emphasise that both men and women share equal responsibility for raising and educating their children.
Believer Uniforms
Believers wear ground-touching, flowing robes with medium-length bell sleeves, a buttonless opening, and a triangular single vent. Their attire includes black fingerless gloves, silver-grey wristbands, and pristine gauze covering their forearms. They don a hood shaped like an eagle's head, complete with a short cape that has a central, split opening and reaches just below the breasts. The hood is secured above the collarbone with an eye-shaped, polished turquoise button featuring an amethyst iris, an obsidian pupil, and two decorative braided leather stripes tipped in silver aiguillettes. Their outfit is adorned with gold outlines along the hems of the hood, short cape, robe, and sleeves, while the eagle beak portion of the hood and the interior of their robes are crimson.
Women wear a sleeveless peplos, made from heavy wool and falling to their mid-thigh. The peplos is cinched with a jaguar fur waistband, paired with knee-length palazzo pants and azurite-hued paratrooper boots. Men wear a sleeveless, knee-length silk chiton cinched with a puma fur waistband, paired with ankle-length tobi pants tucked into malachite-hued paratrooper boots.
They wear dark metal masks with two half-shut openings that reveal glowing red eyes. Two golden lines run down the centre of each eye slit to the jawline. Wearing these masks grants the users unique psionic-based powers. They have the ability to quickly phase in and out for one minute, after which they require a physical recharge or they'll become dizzy and nauseous. They can generate a large, yellowish-white orb with their mind, which shoots lightning bolts at nearby enemies for 30 seconds. They earn a special ability called the Wall of Trials, which enables the user to summon a massive stone monolith from the sky to block attacks and crush enemies. They can easily transform into spiders, llamas or owls for five minutes. They possess pulse vision for target acquisition, allowing them to see the rhythmic beating of their heart and the disturbance in their aura. The mask strangely alters their voice, imbuing it with a sinister yet melodic tone when they speak.
Master believers are high-ranking members of the Sect of the Celestial Serpents, reporting directly to Anastasia and Ptolemaios. They assist with overseeing daily operations and administrative tasks. Only men have held this position. They don pearlescent white robes, a cochineal red chiton, and yellow ochre tobi pants. A Mexican coyote skin, minus the head and legs but retaining the tail, hangs from their right shoulder. They wield a high-powered Laser Gun, modified to emit a wider laser beam that increases its range and damage output.
Elite believers are high-ranking members who have earned their position through merit. They primarily serve as workers in the fields of medicine, science, and archaeology. They don Mayan blue robes, a lapis lazuli peplos and chiton, indigo palazzos and tobi pants, silvery leather sheath for their ceremonial dagger. A peccary skin, minus the head and tail but retaining the legs, hangs from their left shoulder. They wield handguns with a design similar to the .44 Auto Mag pistol (AMP), which fire floating projectiles called Curse Balls. These projectiles paralyse enemies for ten seconds and cause their skin to become covered in a black vein-like pattern.
Soldier believers are the common members of the Sect of the Celestial Serpents, and only the most capable can join. Despite being trained fighters and specialised spies, they also serve as record-keepers. They don jade robes, a grey-green peplos and chiton, sage-hued palazzos and tobi pants, and silvery leather sheath for their combat knife. They utilise a variety of special weapons, which they have either obtained or stolen from the Regular Army.
Guardian believers serve as the close protectors of Ptolemaios and his deputies, ensuring their safety and security at all times. Only women are eligible, and they undergo rigorous and extensive military training, making them the most skilled and formidable fighters compared to soldier believers. They don Spanish orange robes, a fulvous peplos, and cinereous palazzo pants. They wield sniper rifles resembling the Sniper Rifle from Metal Slug 3D, but with a modified design that fires explosive bullets, making them effective against enemy vehicles.
Masked Soldier Uniforms
All members wear a hood with a short cape that has a blunt tip. The cape falls to just below the breast in the front and above the waist in the back. They also wear ankle-length chalk white silk robes featuring long, bell-shaped sleeves and two slits that extend up to the hips. They wear a sash tied with a box knot near the left hip with the ends extending down to the knee. Additionally, they wear a gold-buckled leather belt positioned above the sash, cinched around the waist. It serves to secure a gun holster for their lightweight Martian ray guns, which shoot floating homing projectiles that vaporise enemies called Cursed Balls, and a sheath for their ceremonial dagger.
They wear simple pauldrons made of gilt-brass, secured by black leather straps with golden buckles that form an X-shape across their chest and upper back. They have two armbands: a left-side armband indicating their position within the Sect of Horned Beasts and a right-side armband bearing the Ptolemaic Army insignia. Their attire also includes midnight blue fingerless gloves and waist-length, camouflage-patterned cargo pants, tucked into spike-soled combat boots.
They all wear similar masks to the believers, but theirs are silver-white, lack gold lines, and feature a silver horizontal line crossing the upper parts of the eye openings. Like the believers, masked soldiers are granted psionic-infused abilities when wearing their masks. It enables them to summon two blue lightning bolts at a time to strike and incapacitate their enemies. They can manifest shadowy, bat-like wings from their backs, stretching twice their height, which grant them flight and swift evasion from enemy attacks. They can teleport behind any person of their choice to ambush them and camouflage by imitating the environment's colours for three minutes. Additionally, they possess two types of specialised vision: night vision for nighttime surveillance; and pulse vision for identifying and tracking down targets. The mask strangely alters their voice, imbuing it with a raspy yet eerily soothing tone when they speak.
The bloodied are standard members of the Sect of the Horned Beasts and frequently serve as pilots of Ptolemaic Saucers. They also act as superior military commanders, issuing Ptolemaios' military orders to the paramilitary forces. They wear a cardinal red hood and a Ptolemaic Army armband, accompanied by a vermilion sash, cinnabar combat boots, and cargo pants featuring a rosy brown, garnet, and redwood camouflage pattern. On their left arm, a rusty red armband bears a central horizontal reddish-black line.
The abyssal are elite members of the Sect of the Horned Beasts, serving as guards for their compounds and hideouts. They frequently accompany the bloodied and specialise in infiltrating enemy operations to steal machinery and harvest organs. They wear a gunmetal hood and a Ptolemaic Army armband, accompanied by a black bean sash, charcoal combat boots, and cargo pants featuring a taupe grey, timberwolf, and feldgrau camouflage pattern. On their left arm, a dim grey armband bears two central horizontal black lines.
The verdant are high-ranking members of the Sect of the Horned Beasts, renowned for their expertise in ancient technology. They possess advanced skills in modern computer science, enabling them to craft viruses that extract valuable data and execute sophisticated computer hacking operations. They wear an emerald hood and a Ptolemaic Army armband, accompanied by a viridian sash, phthalo green combat boots, and cargo pants featuring a celadon, olivine, and asparagus camouflage pattern. On their left arm, an apple green armband bears three central horizontal greenish-black lines.
The cursed are high-ranking members of the Sect of the Horned Beasts, responsible for rallying Ptolemaic Army troops during intense counter-offensives and defensive operations. Additionally, they serve as combat instructors and play a key role in initiating rituals dedicated to the Avatar of Evil. They wear a grape purple hood and a Ptolemaic Army armband, accompanied by a purpureus sash, palatinate combat boots, and cargo pants featuring a languid lavender, thistle, and periwinkle camouflage pattern. On their left arm, a Byzantium armband bears four central horizontal purplish-black lines.
Commander Uniforms
They're high-ranking officers who command the bulk of the Ptolemaic Army's paramilitary forces, coordinating airstrikes and ambushes. They work closely with the masked soldiers, executing military orders on behalf of Ptolemaios and his cult. However, they rarely engage in direct combat, typically retreating once orders have been issued. They primarily use their handguns for self-defense and aren't always the most skilled at melee combat. However, a few of them are equipped with Gatling guns, the same ones used by the Rebel Army. For mysterious reasons, they all seem to be durable enough to handle ten to twenty 7.62mm bullets and have enough stamina to perform multiple jumps in quick succession.
They wear a Cambridge blue jacket adorned with the Ptolemaic Army insignia embroidered on the back, gilded epaulettes, breast pockets, and a notched collar. The jacket has a bronze five-button front and blood red cuffs edged with metallic purple piping. They wear a gold-buckled black belt cinched slightly below the waist, equipped with a gun holster for their semiautomatic pistol and a sheath for their taser. Two tanned leather pouches, one on each side of the front area of the belt, hold ammunition for their choice of pistol. They wear a snow white dress shirt underneath their jacket, a navy blue cravat, and annatto gloves. Their attire is completed with Cambridge blue army cargo pants, which are tucked into muddy brown combat boots secured with bluish-black laces.
Guerrilla Uniforms
They're outfitted for field operations and often encountered outdoors. They prefer close-quarters combat and have access to knives, machetes, and riot shields. Their ranged arsenal consists of pistols, submachine guns, bazookas, mortars, and mines. The standard strategy is to set up ambushes, either quickly closing in for melee or saturating the kill zone with firepower. They're often seen piloting Jet Hammer-Yangs, Hover Units, and mechanized Units. Compared to Rebel Infantrymen, they have better combat experience, enabling them to handle more powerful equipment and even command ground troops when necessary.
All guerrillas wear an olive drab headwrap and a sleeveless serge shirt, featuring a black eight-button front, a sailor-style collar, and two breast pockets. They wear a Kevlar vest underneath their sleeveless shirt, battleship grey gloves, and black tactical goggles with clear lenses that strangely seem to obscure their eyes from view. They don two rust-colored bandoliers that form an X, holding ammunition for their pistol, submachine gun, or both. Their army cargo pants, featuring a U.S. Woodland camouflage pattern, are tucked into spike-soled raw umber combat boots. Their pants are held up by a greenish-brown belt with bronze snap-on buckle and a sheath for their combat knife.
Men wear crimson T-shirts and bandana face masks, while women wear navy blue ones. They wear a drop leg holster for their pistol and a cinereous armband featuring the insignia of the Ptolemaic Army. They carry greenish-brown load-bearing backpacks, which contain essential supplies for survival and outdoor operations, including food rations, camping gear, and tactical maps.
Bazooka guerrillas are required to carry a long-range bazooka, and have their backpacks packed with explosive ammunition and canisters that release a misty purple cloud to disorient enemy forces. When not using the bazooka, they're known for being capable of rapid and precise knife swings.
Mortar guerrillas are equipped with modified mortars, enabling faster and longer-range firing. When not using their mortar, they employ alternative tactics, including submachine gun fire, mine deployment or rapid, slashing attacks with their combat knife or machete.
Shielded guerrillas are required to carry sturdy riot shields made of light gray metal with a black bulletproof, one-way glass window. They prefer to use machetes for close combat and pistol fire for long-range engagements. They're known for harshly bashing their enemies and decorating their riot shields with crudely painted animal scratch marks.
Sniper Uniforms
They're unmasked guerrillas who are skilled in marksmanship and establish concealed firing positions to eliminate targets undetected. These positions are often hidden in bushes or beneath wooden crates. Typically working in pairs, they utilise headsets for long-range communication. Specialising primarily in assassination, they're frequently hired by commanders and the cult to eliminate high-priority targets. These guerrillas are adept at stealth, slowly inching forward to gain a better view of their enemy while remaining concealed. They're often seen piloting Hover Vehicles.
They wear the same attire as their field guerrilla counterparts, but with a sienna waist pack stocked with ammunition for their rifle, compensating for the lack of bandoliers. Notably, their rifles differ from those of Rebel riflemen, boasting a higher rate of fire and featuring modified scopes for enhanced accuracy. Their bolt-action rifle closely resembles a fusion between the M1903 Springfield and the Japanese Type 99 Arisaka. Their headwraps and sleeveless serge shirts are field drab, their T-shirts are mossy green, their combat boots are black, their army cargo pants have an Airman Battle Uniform camouflage pattern, and they wear no gloves and tactical goggles. They don an Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV), which shares the exact same camouflage pattern as their cargo pants.
Special Forces Uniforms
They're outfitted for urban operations and often encountered indoors. Their attire allows them to blend in with their environment while psychologically intimidating their enemies. As masters of concealment and ambush, they frequently attack unsuspecting targets in choke points or strike from their hiding spots. As skilled engineers, they're frequently tasked with vehicle maintenance. However, when performing engineer work, they're unequipped for combat and will instantly flee if engaged. Their arsenal includes throwing daggers, pistols, grenades, rolling bombs, and mines. With a minimal loadout, they're able to sprint faster than other soldiers. They're also often seen piloting Hover Units and riding motorcycles.
They wear military-grade smoky black jumpsuits and gas masks, styled similarly to 1939 Finnish civilian gas masks. These masks extend to their collarbone and feature red-tinted lenses. They wear charcoal gloves with a jonquil-outlined hem, combat boots featuring crimson soles, and silver-grey elbow and knee pads. Their attire is completed with a silver-buckled slate grey belt, adorned with a sheath for their combat knife and four golden brown pouches (two on each side) containing grenades or rolling bombs and pistol ammunition. A wenge waist pack that's secured at the back of the belt holds mines. Their additional gear includes a drop leg holster for their pistol and a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) featuring a camouflage pattern of eerie black, Nardo grey, and charcoal, which houses their throwing daggers.
Special forces bikers are required to be skilled in motorised vehicles and operate the same Micka Horn and Thunder Moto motorbikes as the Rebel Army, but with a green, grey, and black colour scheme. Notably, the sidecar of the Thunder Moto is equipped with rocket turrets, rather than housing an additional soldier.
Special forces divers are equipped with specialised gear for underwater operations, including swimming suits, breathing apparatuses, and harpoon guns. Notably, their equipment bears a strong resemblance to that used by the Special Forces in Metal Slug 5.
Terrain Carrier (discontinued)
Tani Oh (discontinued)
Iwa Oh
Metal Rear
Ptolemaic Slug
Black Hound
D-001 Tanbal
Ptolemaic Armored Truck
Gaia Elephant
Land Blowfish
Rock Mole
R-Shobu Ver. P.M.
Flying Tara Ver. P.M.
Ptolemaic VTOL
Ptolemaic Zeppelin (discontinued)
Ptolemaic Blimp (discontinued)
Ptolemaic Rocket (discontinued)
Rocket UFO (discontinued)
Hover Unit
Hover Vehicle
Ptolemaic Saucer
Shooting Ray
Weapons Port
Ptolemaic Submarine (discontinued)
Sand Marine
Ptolemaic Train (discontinued)
Electromagnetic Crane (discontinued)
Big Bertha (discontinued)
Ancient Technology
Stone Turtle
Borrowed Tech
Girida-0 Ver. P.M.
Di-Cokka Ver. P.M.
MH-6S Ver P.M.
Nop-03 Sarubia Ver. P.M.
Landseek Ver. P.M.
Ptolemaic Mini-Sub 88
Augensterm Ver. P.M.
Jet Hammer-Yang
Special Weaponry
Borrowed Tech
Sensor Mine
Wall Drone
Ancient Technology
Quadro Jumper
Mutated Soldiers
Extra Information
Members of the Ptolemaic Army are commonly known as “Ptoles”, much to Ptolemaios’ displeasure because he finds the name diminishes the greatness of his followers.
When new members join, they are subjected to extensive indoctrination and love bombing by the masked soldiers. This process involves isolation from others for a short period, typically in the Soursop Jungle or one of their secret hideouts on the outskirts of society. Alternatively, new members may undergo brainwashing during thorough interrogation, but this method is only employed in cases where the Ptolemaic Army is desperate for recruitment. As part of the initiation ritual, new members are required to consume the raw heart of a deceased baby goat in the name of the Dark Lord and drink Ptolemaios' blood from a wine glass. Most cultists and soldiers undergo a blessing from the Avatar of Evil, granting them strong resistance to fear and extreme numbness to physical pain. However, deputies are exempt from this process because Ptolemaios believes their fearlessness and physicality already surpasses that of average mortals.
Only a select few are aware of Ptolemaios' true plans and whereabouts, including his deputies, devoted believers, masked soldiers, and high-ranking members of the Phantom Strike. Acting as Ptolemaios' messengers, the masked soldiers and deputies convey orders to commanders and their respective paramilitary units, outlining the actions they're expected to take.
All believers and masked soldiers must form a pact with the Avatar of Evil, sacrificing a body part to unlock a unique, psionic-infused ability. This ritual is believed to deepen their spiritual connection with their idol. They're also required to operate in hideouts that appear normal but serve as indoctrination and ritualistic sites. These sites are used to recruit new followers for the Ptolemaic Army and perform dark rituals involving chanting, sea salt, gemstones, and human and animal organs.
Every 16 years, a young masked soldier is chosen to be sacrificed, a tradition begun by Anastasia and sanctioned by Ptolemaios, to appease the Avatar of Evil and avoid catastrophic misfortune. Every 20 years, an older believer is selected for sacrifice, believed to bring blessings of success and fortune to the Ptolemaic Army.
The paramilitary forces are primarily divided between followers of the Avatar of Evil and Sol Dae Rokker. Although, there are rare instances where they reject both deities and instead pledge allegiance solely to Ptolemaios' rule.
There are palpable tensions between the cult and the paramilitary forces. While the believers generally keep to themselves and avoid interfering with the paramilitary's affairs, they will intervene when the masked soldiers' actions become excessively brutal. The masked soldiers, in turn, treat the paramilitary forces with indifference and disgust, often referring to them as idiotic cattle and even killing them when their requests are considerably reasonable. They show no restraint in desecrating the corpses, removing organs for use in twisted rituals, and committing heinous acts of sexual assault to assert their dominance or subjugate and perpetuate the Ptolemaic Army's legacy. The paramilitary forces either harbour great disdain for the inhumane treatment they receive from the masked soldiers or are absolutely terrified of them. Despite their desire for respect, they never dare to rebel against their oppressors, fearing a futile resistance would only lead to a dishonourable death.
They're involved in weapons, narcotics, and human trafficking to generate funds, indoctrinate followers, and advance military capabilities.
They own "slave pens" that hold adolescent girls and adult women, comprising both official Ptolemaic Army paramilitary soldiers and coerced individuals. These captives are exploited for forced breeding, aiming to produce children who can be moulded into future cultists and soldiers. In certain cases, these individuals may become members of the Ptolemaic Army, bypassing the standard initiation ritual due to their enslaved status.
Unlike most other militaries, they don't have a single, centralised base of operations. Instead, they maintain multiple bases that serve various purposes, including recruitment, rituals, and strategic planning. Within specific regions, they have established central hubs referred to as "compounds" (e.g. the Osaka compound).
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im lost in admiration, could i need you this much?
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