thesilliestrovingalive · 6 minutes
Don’t let the wicked fool you
The Stone Turtle lies abandoned, a crumbling shadow of its former glory. The Gaia Elephant stands forsaken, left to rust and burn amidst flickering flames. Ptolemaios and his once-magnificent, human-made divine tower now succumbs to decay, silently waiting to be reclaimed by nature's relentless grasp. Meanwhile, Marco, Eri, Tarma, and Fio have fully prepared themselves for their final challenge in this arduous journey. Sweat-drenched and bloodstained, their faces set with determination, adrenaline coursing through their veins. Eri orders her team of fellow deserters from the Ptolemaic Army to eliminate the last remnants of the terrorist cult. Without hesitation, they set out to carry out her command.
Before them floats an enigmatic, inverted pyramid adorned with ancient symbols they can't decipher, offering access to the stone tower's highest point. As they step aboard, a seemingly malevolent presence envelops them. The grey clouds part to reveal a pitch-black sky, thunder and lightning striking ominously in the background. The atmosphere thickens with an air of profound dread and a deep-seated desire to confront the darkest roots of humanity's wickedness.
Emerging from the darkness, a gargantuan entity with bat-like wings, wild hair, razor-sharp claws, and pointed elbows stands before the elite soldiers of the P.F. Squad and S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. special forces, exuding an aura of deafening authority. A writhing flame, shaped like a human skull, protrudes ominously from the behemoth's chest, casting a vacant stare. The entity's glowing red eyes pierce through every fibre of the soldiers' beings as they loom over them. Its pitch-black body is illuminated by the soft glow of nighttime blue and sparkling stars, creating an eerie contrast. The entity's right hand grasps a gigantic reaper, its disturbingly organic form seeming to twist and writhe like it has a sentient mind of its own.
A fierce battle erupts between the colossal behemoth and Marco and his three companions, who unleash a hail of bullets into its skull and strategically lob bombs at it. With each hit, the skull flashes a fiery orange, betraying the entity's silent agony. The behemoth retaliates with devastating energy spheres that can incinerate flesh and cloth upon contact. As it shifts into its shadow form, it raises its scythe, unleashing a deadly spray of arcing smoke projectiles that explode upon impact with the stone ground. The entity alternates between this attack and its energy spheres, creating a mediocre battle rhythm that makes the best efforts of the brave soldiers fighting to take it down feel surprisingly easy. Despite their valiant efforts, Marco and his friends can't shake the feeling that the entity is merely toying with them, its true power waiting to be unleashed.
They continue to exchange blows until the behemoth unexpectedly halts its attack on Marco, Eri, Tarma, and Fio. The four elite soldiers cease firing and bombing, lowering their weapons as they catch their breath. The entity unleashes a deep, echoing chuckle, its large hands gripping the rim of the tower. This surprises Marco and his friends, as they never thought the behemoth capable of producing such human-like sounds.
“Mmmmmmm… I am struck by the profound shock of being in the presence of four militant mortals. Unbeknownst to you all, I secretly observe you and the activities of other humans from a distance too great for any person to reach. I must applaud you all for putting up a successful defence. You have truly shown me your capabilities as defenders of Earth,” the behemoth speaks with remarkable eloquence and fluency.
Their voice loudly echoes in the minds of Marco, Eri, Tarma, and Fio, creating a sense of relaxation intertwined with uncertain fear. Lingering whispers are layered over its deep, smoothly masculine voice, which carries a potent hint of the demonic. Marco gives the entity a serious look, while Fio partially hides behind Tarma and Eri readies a grenade, gripping it tightly.
"Who are you? What's your purpose?" Marco's voice is laced with a deadly seriousness as he questions them.
“Ahhhh… I knew you were going to try to gather precious information about me. I am the apotheosis of humanity. I am the duality of life and destruction. I am the empowerment of raw emotion. I am the wielder of the Life Reaper, taking the souls of the deceased or those who dare to wrongfully challenge me. I remain nameless, yet I'm known by many monikers. The remaining Incan tribes believe I am Supay, their god of death and the mighty ruler of Ukhu Pacha. Some call me the Dark Lord, while others refer to me as the Deity of Fear. However, I'm often referred to as the Avatar of Evil. Ptolemaios and his terrorist cult, who sought to use me in their pursuit for world dominance and the subjugation of all reality and timelines, lacked foresight. They cannot comprehend the essence of my true purpose. However, you four are understanding, gifted with the inner workings of foresight. You have all witnessed things that surpass human comprehension,” the entity spoke with deliberate care, clearly impressed by the strawberry blonde Marco’s stoic demeanour.
“Like the Martians, Mutated Soldiers, and Man Eaters?” Tarma curiously asks, his eyebrow arched in inquiry, as he lowers his dual heavy machine guns, their barrels dipping slightly.
“Indeed, Tarmicle. You four possess the capacity to face the unknown, even when it deeply terrifies you. This is a remarkable achievement in itself. War, criminality, and terrorism are one realm, but the celestial is an entirely different domain,” the Avatar of Evil responds, its gaze sweeping across the group as it gently raises an index finger, then lowers it to the ground.
Tarma gives the entity an utterly surprised look, feeling a tad concerned about how it knows his true name. This sparks a mental alarm in Marco and Fio, who can't help but wonder if the Avatar of Evil is also aware of their real names. Despite being impressed by its words, they remain on high alert, unsure of what this entity truly wants from them. Marco and his friends exchange glances of uncertainty among themselves before Eri steps forward.
“What the fuck do you want from us?” Eri demands, her voice venomous, her brow furrowing slightly as she confronts the Avatar of Evil.
The Avatar of Evil lets out a few low, menacing chuckles, clearly amused by Eri's use of profanity as it flexes its fingers, “Your crass attitude never fails to impress me, Chizuko.”
Eri's eyes narrow into a snarl, tempting her to lash out at the supposed deity of the Ptolemaic Army for uttering her birth name. However, she knows it's futile, so she remains silent, her gaze fixed on the behemoth with a cold, cautious intensity.
“Nevertheless, there is nothing I want from you mere mortals. The only things I require are a small portion of your time and some patience,” the Avatar of Evil proclaims with a sense of boldness, breaking the awkward silence.
Everyone is skeptical of the Avatar of Evil, yet they reluctantly comply with its wishes without a murmur of dissent.
“Let us speak like civilised creatures, shall we?” it mutters, leaning forward slightly, its eyes glow with intrigue and ferocity.
“Like what?” Fio asks in a voice that's sweet and gentle with a hint of nervousness.
The Avatar of Evil strokes its chin thoughtfully, lost in deep contemplation as it searches for a fascinating topic to discuss. Meanwhile, the brave soldiers wait patiently, each finding ways to cope with the tense silence. Tarma lights a cigarette with his silver lighter, Fio clutches Peppino and caresses her greyish-brown teddy bear for comfort, and Eri takes a long swig from her flask of vodka. After a couple of minutes, the Avatar of Evil conjures up a clever topic of interest. It tilts its head to the left, clasping its clawed hands together as it rests its chin on them.
“What are your thoughts on morality, war, and the cycle of life and death?” the Avatar of Evil asks suddenly, its voice dripping with intrigue.
It seeks to uncover the elite soldiers' unique perspectives, driven by an insatiable desire to know. Marco, Eri, Tarma, and Fio exchange dumbfounded glances, their faces etched with intrigue as they stare at the Avatar of Evil. Tarma scratches the back of his head, lost in thought, while Fio gazes up at the blackened sky. Marco's serious expression remains unchanged, but Eri lets out a scoff, tucking her flask of vodka away.
“So… You want us to wax philosophical or something?” Eri replies, her voice tinged with bewilderment, utterly taken aback by the unexpected question.
The Avatar of Evil remains silent, its piercing gaze fixed intently on the elite soldiers as they await their responses.
“Tsk… Fine! We'll answer your stupid question,” Eri says with a heavy sigh, rolling her eyes in exasperation.
Tarma exhales a stream of cigarette smoke, then speaks up, casting curious glances at his friends as he seeks their thoughts on the Avatar of Evil's question, "Who should go first?"
“Mmmmm…” the Avatar of Evil murmurs, its gaze shifting to Marco, the leader of the brave soldiers, as it suggests, “How about Marchrius?”
Marco remains quiet as the Avatar of Evil calls out his real name, but he's poised to respond to its question. His dull turquoise eyes flicker briefly to Tarma, seeking reassurance, and his queerplatonic friend responds with an encouraging thumbs up.
“From my understanding, morality, war, and ideas of life and death are subjective and have always been so. If you're looking for my personal thoughts on these topics, I'll share them with you,” Marco responds in a stoic tone, his voice measured and well-mannered.
He exhales a deep sigh, collecting his thoughts as he composes himself to articulate his views with clarity.
“In my view, morality is consequentialist, meaning our actions are judged right or wrong based on the desirable or undesirable consequences they produce. When making decisions, people should prioritise maximising human welfare over their own selfish desires. It's a moral duty to choose actions that produce favourable consequences, aligning with fully informed and rational preferences,” he promptly explains, outlining his personal views on the subjective concept of morality.
He lifts his head, locking eyes with the Avatar of Evil's glowing red gaze, before continuing his speech in a steady, unwavering voice.
“Regarding war, I believe that all conflicts are gradually leading to the equitable unification and collective strength of humanity. The wars Earth has experienced so far may culminate in a final conflict that requires global cooperation to resolve. This could lead to a significant transformation of society, paving the way for a new era free from violence, hate, and political corruption. Lastly, death ultimately prevails over life. Notably, many life forms possess a greater capacity for destruction than creation, which can worsen when left unchecked,” his final thoughts are laced with a strong hint of pessimism, but with a sense of relief, he takes a long, deep breath and concludes, "That's all I have to say for now."
Marco glances over at Eri, whose expression, like that of the others, is one of astonishment at the words he articulated so eloquently. Eri's exhausted dark brown eyes, sunken with fatigue, slowly rise to meet the Avatar of Evil's gaze.
Eri raises her hands briefly in a gesture of exasperation before crossing her arms and sharing her candid thoughts on the entity's question, “I’ll be real with you all! Moral standards are culturally defined, making it impossible to differentiate between right and wrong in absolute terms. There is no universal set of moral laws. It's a given that all human societies base their values on their unique beliefs, customs, and practices. However, good and evil are indeed nebulous concepts! We may never fully understand the bigger picture of morality. The values established in each culture are shaped by the social and emotive pressures they place on individuals.”
She pauses, tucking the grenade into her sage green load-bearing backpack with a practiced motion. With her left hand resting on her hip, she sweeps a stray strand of dirty blonde hair from her face with a swift, precise gesture of her right hand.
Eri cracks her knuckles, relieving the stiffness, and continues with a serious yet weary expression, “War is stupid. It’s a big fucking mess. Once war has erupted, we're faced with the difficult reality of taking lives, despite the moral gravity of such actions. However, we also have a duty to protect innocent lives and uphold whatever goodness lies in justice. While the use of force is justified under certain conditions, it should be strictly limited and bound by specific guidelines. A war should be openly declared by a governing authority, have a just cause, and aim to establish a lasting peace. To be honest, I don't think there's a connection between life and death beyond their coexistence. It seems to me that we simply live and then we die—that's about it!”
Marco, Tarma, and Fio exchange curious glances, sensing a hint of nihilism and apathy in Eri's words. Eri, oblivious to their questioning stares, nudges Tarma with her elbow, causing him to flinch slightly.
She scowls at him, struggling to let go of her lingering animosity, her voice barely above a whisper, "It's your turn, moron."
“Urm…” Tarma murmurs, wincing at the sting of Eri's words, a flicker of hurt crossing his face.
He sniffles and runs his fingers through his plum brown hair, which has subtle, effortless curls. Though plagued by insecurities about his intellectual abilities and struggles with complex subjects, he’s fully prepared to give it a try.
“I'm not a philosophy expert. Honestly, I don't even fully understand my own opinions on most complicated topics. However, I'll do my best to share my thoughts…” he speaks, his voice steady and calm, as he strives to maintain a confident tone.
He strokes his chin thoughtfully, his gaze locked onto the Avatar of Evil's glowing red eyes. Fio gently places a reassuring hand on Tarma’s back, offering comfort. She recognizes that not everyone possesses a deep understanding of themselves and complex philosophical concepts.
“I believe our morality is shaped by the lessons we learn from our parents, cultural influences, and universal moral laws. The inherent dignity of every person creates a set of ethical rules that guide our actions towards others and ourselves. These rules should be consistent with logic and reason in order to avoid contradictions. In my opinion, the consequences of our actions have no ethical bearing; it's the act itself that matters, not the outcome. As a soldier, I may seem like an unlikely advocate for pacifism, but I strongly believe in it. War and all other forms of violence suck and they’ll always be a pain in the ass. Well… Ummm…” Tarma sniffles, composing himself as he struggles to maintain his calmness in the presence of such a foreboding entity.
Following a fleeting pause, he presses on with his speech, hoping to articulate his thoughts without sounding foolish, “I think our efforts should focus on standing against it and fighting for peace, even if it means challenging our own moral beliefs. I can only hope that all our fighting, whether aggressive or peaceful, will lead to an era where there is no more strife and violence. To conclude what I have to say, life and death are on equal footing. However, due to being polar opposites, they’re constantly fighting for control, which is represented through our actions. I hope all of what I said makes sense…”
Fio gently applauds Tarma, while Marco shoots him a disbelieving glance, astonished to discover that his close friend is a so-called pacifist. As the Avatar of Evil awaits the final elite soldier's response to its burning question, Marco, Tarma, and Eri turn in unison to face Fio, their attention now focused on her.
“I never gave much thought to such complex subjects until now. Uhhmmmm…” Fio admits, her fingers fidgeting nervously as she toys with the strands of her orangish-brown ponytail.
She pauses for a brief moment, her gaze calmly meeting the Avatar of Evil's. The entity's curious red eyes seem to bore into the souls of Fio and her friends with an unnerving silence. Tarma gently rubs her left shoulder, offering what reassurance he can, and she smiles softly in response, her eyes shining with gratitude.
Fio clears her throat, darting a brief glance at Marco, who nods lightly in encouragement, and then at Eri, who gives her a thumbs up, before speaking up, “Let’s talk about my thoughts on war first… Avoidable and inevitable wars will forever be the bane of human existence. War serves no purpose other than to act as a catalyst for destruction and suffering. It drastically alters society's moral fabric and accelerates the technological development of war machines and weaponry. War occurs when conflicts escalate beyond control, surrendering the influence of free will to shape actions that have visceral and devastating consequences. For morality… Mmmmmm…”
She lightly strokes her chin, collecting her thoughts with a contemplative gesture, before formulating a thoughtful response.
“It's concerned with the traits of a virtuous character that are essential for human flourishing. To live a morally righteous life, cultivating virtuous habits such as honesty, bravery, justice, and generosity is expected of us by reality. By honing these habits, we become more likely to make the right choices when faced with ethical challenges, doing our best to resolve such dilemmas,” Fio continues, gathering her courage and speaking with as much confidence as she can muster.
She steps away from Tarma as he releases his gentle grip on her left shoulder, and then distractedly fidgets with Peppino before refocusing on the conversation.
“I believe that life is more powerful than death. Yes, I acknowledge that death is overwhelming and inevitable… However, I also know that once it has occurred, life always finds a way to flourish in new circumstances. It's a truly remarkable sight to see nature and the remnants of human civilization reclaim and revitalise what has been destroyed and lost,” she concludes, her voice ringing with genuine sincerity and infectious optimism.
The Avatar of Evil reclines slightly, placing its hands flat on the stone ground of the tower, its seemingly emotionless face illuminated by a newfound understanding, as the diverse perspectives of these four elite soldiers bring a measure of enlightenment.
With a slow, satisfied exhale, the entity speaks in a low, resonant tone, its voice tinged with pride, "Your perspectives on morality, war, and the cycle of life and death are truly fascinating. I must admit, I hold them in high esteem."
Marco, craving a smoke break, retrieves a cigar from the right pocket of his khaki-green army cargo pants and lights it with a gilded lighter hidden in his crimson vest. Meanwhile, Tarma takes a few final drags on his cigarette before crushing it beneath the heel of his paratrooper boot. Fio carefully tucks Peppino into the left pocket of her cordovan Eisenhower jacket, while Eri stands by, her arms crossed, subtly shifting her weight from one leg to the other.
“So…” Fio takes a swift pause to inhale a few meditative breaths from her Ventolin inhaler, then resumes speaking in an exceedingly courteous tone, “What are your thoughts on morality, war, and the cycle of life and death, if you have any to share?”
With a gentle tilt, the entity angles its head to the right, its gaze shifting ever so slightly.
“Well, Fiolina… All of your views are valid, and I find myself in agreement with every single one of them. However, before I bid farewell to this mortal coil, I have a few parting thoughts to share,” it respectfully responds, clearly impressed by Fio's thoughtful consideration and gracious politeness.
Everyone listens intently, not daring to utter another word. Eri drains the last of her trusty flask of vodka, while Marco takes a few puffs from his cigar. The Avatar of Evil's claws scrape against the stone of the looming tower, digging in ever so slightly.
"Have you ever considered that morality and war are mental constructs shaped by human psychological and sociological pressures? Why must humanity adhere to the strict, often confusing rules of morality? Does it provide a profound sense of self-righteous gratification or is it a means for humans to conform to societal expectations? Why are some people oblivious to the consequences of their actions, while others hold them in high regard? Why do some individuals adopt a nihilistic stance towards the idea of a universal and individual moral compass?” the Avatar of Evil pauses for a fleeting instant, surveying the four elite soldiers who stand transfixed and stunned by the challenging questions.
Without further hesitation, it proceeds with a deliberate and calculated calmness, “Why does war exist? What truly sparked its inception? Does war hold any genuine significance? Have you four pondered the notion that life is inextricably linked with destruction? Is there a deeper connection between these seemingly polar opposites? If so, why do some view life as a linear progression from birth to death, while others believe in the possibility of a cyclical existence beyond mortal suffering?"
The behemoth gently clears their throat, taking this brief moment to collect their thoughts before delivering their concluding remarks, “Your philosophical views, as Marco noted earlier, are fundamentally subjective. Moreover, as your brains lack a divine spark, your understanding of complex and multifaceted subjects will always be limited. Regrettably, we've veiled your understanding of ultimate truths. Nonetheless, it remains fascinating to observe the extraordinary efforts individuals will undertake to attain absolute knowledge on matters that captivate their interest... I shall take my departure now. May our paths cross again soon.”
As Tarma's worldview begins to fracture under the intense scrutiny, Fio's gentle hand envelops his, her calm demeanour a beacon of serenity that starkly contrasts to the turmoil raging within him. Meanwhile, Eri's jaw hangs slack, her mind reeling as she struggles to process the barrage of profound and unsettling questions the Avatar of Evil has posed, each word echoing in her thoughts like a lingering challenge.
Marco takes a step forward, his curiosity piqued, and eagerly prepares to inquire about the notions of "divine spark" and "ultimate truth", seeking clarification on these intriguing concepts. He raises his arm in a pleading gesture, hoping to persuade the entity to linger, but it's too late. The Avatar of Evil unfurls its immense wings, casting a dark silhouette against the stormy sky, where lightning flashes illuminate the darkness. Then, with a majestic sweep, it vanishes into the murky depths, leaving behind the fading echo of its wings beating, growing fainter and fainter until lost in the distance.
Marco gazes out at the horizon as the murky darkness swiftly yields to unveil a breathtaking twilight sky. Though a part of him feels intellectually drained and defeated for not stopping the Avatar of Evil in time, he stands stoically, lost in silent amazement and relief. Tarma approaches him with his characteristic nonchalance, but beneath the surface, he's grappling with his own intellectual doubts. He offers Marco a reassuring pat on the back, and Fio soon envelops them both in a comforting hug, which they gratefully return. Meanwhile, Eri remains transfixed in awe, but gradually snaps back to reality as she retrieves her walkie-talkie from her MultiCam SPCS. She swiftly activates it and checks in with her team, inquiring if they've completed their mission now that Ptolemaios' sinister plans have been thwarted once and for all.
Trevor's voice crackles over Marco's walkie-talkie, "Major Rossi, can you hear me?"
The sudden interruption breaks the spell, and Marco releases Tarma and Fio from the hug, exhaling a tired sigh as he retrieves his walkie-talkie.
"Yes, Sergeant Spacey, I can hear you. Is everything alright? Did you succeed in apprehending General Morden and his forces?" he responds, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and fatigue.
Trevor breathes a sigh of relief, his momentary fear of losing Marco dissipating.
"The situation is under control! We received an unexpected visit from the Ptolemaic Army, but those punks were crushed like insects," he says with a hint of triumph, followed by a happy chuckle. "Wanna know something even better?"
Marco raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Trevor's query, as Eri draws closer to the group, her interest piqued by the conversation. Marco, Eri, Tarma, and Fio exchange eager glances, their minds racing with the same unspoken question: what news does Trevor bring about his mission to capture General Morden?
Just then, Nadia's voice cuts through, her tone eerily jubilant, “We've finally captured General Morden!”
The revelation leaves everyone stunned, but it sparks unbridled excitement among the four brave soldiers. Tarma exclaims a triumphant "Boyah!" and sweeps everyone into a warm, tight embrace, prompting Fio to erupt into childlike giggles with unbridled joy. Eri returns the hug, albeit reluctantly, exhaling a weary sigh as a faint, relieved smile crosses her face, glad that the ordeal with Morden has finally come to an end. Fio showers Tarma's left cheek with a couple of passionate, tender kisses, causing his smile to broaden even further. Meanwhile, Marco provides a calming comfort, gently massaging Tarma's back with soothing circular motions.
For Marco, it's a moment of profound joy, a feeling he hasn't experienced in a long time. He's thrilled that General Morden is finally in custody after his numerous escapes. Marco eagerly awaits the day when justice will be served to the man responsible for tearing his comrades apart and sowing strife in the world. Tarma shares Marco's sentiment, looking forward to Morden's impending trial. Meanwhile, Eri and Fio are ecstatic to learn that their allies–Trevor, Clark, Ralf, and Nadia–have successfully completed their mission to capture the sly General Morden and his Rebel Army loyalists.
"I guess you all know what this means, right?" Ralf's voice crackles over the walkie-talkie, a playful hint evident in his tone.
Marco and his friends exchange knowing glances, nodding in unison as a shared thought passes between them. They're eager to celebrate this monumental success back at the Sparrowhawk Operations Base, their anticipation palpable. They know that Clark, Ralf, Trevor, and Nadia share their eagerness, anticipating a grand celebration for the successful capture of Morden and his remaining forces. The rest of the Regular Army–including Tequila, Gimlet, Red Eye, Pupipi, Hyakutaro, Rumi, and everyone else that Marco and the others personally know–will be ecstatic once they hear the news.
0 notes
I added the following:
Ralf also discovered a fondness for THC-infused gummies, which provided relief from his emotional pain and served as a pleasant indulgence.
Updated: September 18, 2024
Reworked Character #7: Ralf Jones
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to divorce, death, and crime.
Real name: Rafael Paul Jonesbury (his spirit name is Miskwaadesi)
Esper title: Avatar of Flaming, Renewal, Authority, and Physical Destruction
Alias: One-Man Army and Marauding Lupine Carnivore
Occupation: Colonel of the Ikari Warriors
Retirement plans: Open a boxing gym and experience all thrill-seeking activities that society has to offer
Special skills: Driving military vehicles, close quarters combat, orchestrating stress relief programs, proficiency in all weapons, and mercenary work
Esper abilities: His go-to esper ability is the Vulcan Punch, a rapid-fire series of punches capable of obliterating everything from humans, riot shields, bulletproof armour and glass, cars, all known slugs, small to medium-sized tanks, and smaller helicopters. Despite his belly being constantly bloody and inflamed, he experiences surprisingly little pain due to his exceptional pain suppression, increased blood vessel density, resistance to extreme temperatures, and rapidly regenerating organs. This unique combination, coupled with a secondary esophagus lined with razor-sharp, spiky hairs, enables Ralf to harness the inflammation and blood to vomit a controlled stream of scorching, burning red liquid that incinerates his enemies. The sole drawback of his perpetually bloody and inflamed belly is impaired digestion, leading to difficulties in processing food, which in turn causes persistent vomiting and diarrhea.
The skin on his torso, arms, and legs can harden into diamond-hard scales, providing impenetrable protection against bullets, blades, small bombs, and weaker cannon blasts. He can move at incredible velocities, effectively achieving infinite speed, allowing him to move indefinitely while time appears to stand still around him. Ralf can manifest up to twenty invisible arms composed of solidified telekinetic energy, which can be utilised to move around easily as well as bludgeon and slice through people and objects with precision. These arms appear to be malnourished and exhibit constant, erratic movements, reaching up to 20' 5" (622.5 cm) in length. He possesses the hearing and smell of a dog as well as the ability to manipulate red and orange flames. He can also induce explosive blasts with his punches or a mere touch of any of his fingers.
He has the ability to split his arms into six parts, exposing his coppery muscles and a gaping, organic muzzle that fires ten tentacles with sea lamprey-like mouths. These tentacles can insert themselves into the spine or brain of deceased enemies, injecting a black, tar-like substance to reanimate them. In the process, they augment their physical strength and render them obedient to Ralf's commands. Whenever Ralf is killed, his body rapidly transforms into a cocoon adorned with serrated shell plates, as his corpse dissolves into a mushy, visceral substance. This cocoon then violently pulsates before rupturing, giving birth to a new, fully formed Ralf, covered in bloodied slime and emerging stark naked, with no visible injuries or scars on his body. Whenever this occurs, he experiences temporary blindness, dizziness, and intense, bitter coldness.
Hobbies: Baseball, participating in the biennial fighting tournaments that the Ikari Warriors host, taking his friends to carnival rides, camping trips, and science and art museums, rewatching his favourite anime movies and shows, and playing arcade games and iconic riffs on the electric guitar
Likes: A medal awarded from the President of the United States, the natural sounds of the jungle, collecting blades that look cool in his eyes, alebrije sculptures, and Clark (views him as a brother)
Dislikes: False rumours, poisonous snakes (he almost got bitten by one during a past mission), abuse of power, children being killed, and people hurting and insulting those he considers as “family”
Favourite food: Intestinal sausages and bubblegum that taste like watermelon and blueberry
Favourite drink: Root beer floats
Sexuality: Biromantic asexual
Gender: Male
Age: 25 (in 2022), 31 (in 2028), 33 (in 2030), 35 (in 2032), 37 (in 2034), 44 (in 2041), 46 (in 2043), 47 (in 2044), and 50 (in 2047)
Blood type: A+
Weight: 243 lbs. (110 kg)
Design: He's a 6' 2" (187.96 cm) American mesomorph of Latino, Ojibwe, and British descent with a robust build, decently chiselled musculature, broad shoulders, and a bit of a beer belly. He has almond skin, sunburst amber-sage green eyes, sharp claws, bear-like teeth, and six fingers on his left hand. He has slightly messy ash brown hair with wispy bangs, which he often ties into a braid that falls to the middle of his back. On his left deltoid, he has a tattoo of a stylized red otter playfully escaping the jaws of a black-furred wolf with piercing yellow eyes, clutching a ball of purple fire in its forepaws. On his right forearm, he has a tattoo of an alebrije with undulating cerulean horns, an orchid-purple eagle head, languid lavender eyes with aquamarine pupils, a fiery mane, a forest-green elk body, and a hot pink salmon tail with red-orange tiger stripes. Sprawled across the right side of the creature in a vertical line is a Spanish phrase in silver: "La sangre nos fortalece", which translates to "Blood strengthens us" in English.
Ralf's military gear consists of a chrome orange bandana with shaky rifle green spots and cinnabar fingerless driving gloves with four ivory spikes on the knuckles. He wears a waterproof dark green vest with the Ikari Warriors logo emblazoned on the back, a coyote-fur trimmed collar, and two concealed strapped compartments, each capable of holding up to two firearms. However, one of the compartments often houses a sheathed Zantetsu sword instead. He wears cargo pants with an army green, brown, and silver-grey camouflage pattern, which aren't tucked into his beige jungle boots. He wears a grimy, asparagus-hued sleeveless shirt paired with a yellowish-tan belt featuring four black pouches for bullets and a holster for his handgun.
Attached to his belt are two blades: Harpe, a khopesh-like sickle sword with a flint-encased adamant blade, and Yawarakai-Te, a double-edged katana featuring a green-grey hilt and a hardwood sheath adorned with iridescent crow feathers. When the air gently blows past Yawarakai-Te's blade, it produces a soft hissing sound. Yawarakai-Te's blade is unnaturally frigid, able to cut a leaf in half with ease, and compels its user to spare the innocent and undeserving from attack. Ralf dons a cardinal red waist pack that holds two cans of root beer as well as black elbow and knee pads. He also wears a black drop leg sheath for his combat knife, which features two pointed silvery stripes that form a triangular pattern.
Over his shirt, he dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries around his walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. Above his belt, he has a dark brown bandolier for holding sticks of dynamite. Ralf carries around a yellowish-tan load-bearing backpack that contains camping equipment, tactical explosives, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, a bazooka, maps for all continents, an extra pair of clothes, and a bag of THC-infused box gummies in orange, red, and yellow. His backpack also contains a faded photograph of a younger him and Clark, an army Medal of Honor, a silver milagro charm in the shape of a fiery heart for good luck and protection, an empty spotted turtle shell, and a dreamcatcher adorned with a grey web design, song sparrow feathers, and colourful beads in red, white, yellow, and black.
He occasionally brings his copper-hued electric guitar and goldenrod-coloured pick holder, containing a rainbow of guitar picks (he jokingly says that he dislikes the purple one the most), on deployments and during downtime in the field. He wears hook earrings, each featuring three porcupine quills tipped with gaspeite beads, and a Jocla necklace made of alternating white wampum beads, copper beads, and raven feathers.
Thanks to Tarma, he owns a key to access his red-violet Matchless G3/L motorcycle, which has a purplish-black sheen. The gas tank features a sky blue fish scale pattern with malachite green dots at the centre of each scale.
Super Devil form: He's a 15' 7" (474.98 cm) draconic entity with a grotesque musculature and scaly, iridescent rifle green skin. He has a cerulean coyote-shaped head with sunburst amber-sage green eyes, a cardinal red nose, and a wispy silver-grey goat's beard. Ralf also has horse ears, an orchid-purple snout, two rows of olivine shark teeth, and a slimy, pointed tongue. His arms and legs are covered in ash brown otter fur, featuring six fingers and razor-sharp copper claws. He has eagle-like feet with copper talons, a fiery mane, and the upper skeletal body of an antlerless elk partially emerging from his back.
This skeletal elk body features otter-like teeth, an aquamarine forked tongue, and glowing goldenrod eyes. It’s covered in a layer of translucent flesh stitched to his back with forest green sinew. A hot pink salmon tail with red-orange tiger stripes lies flat on his back, attached to both the skeletal body and the muscle fibres, veins, and flesh of his back. The tail is slightly less than half the length of his actual tail and appears to flutter lightly every now and then.
Three rows of symmetrical, deadly sharp, conical spikes are positioned on his back, running from the base of his neck to just before the start of his tail. He has two massive bat-like wings, boasting an impressive wingspan of 21 ft (640.08 cm). Despite being dull and tattered, the wings' membrane displays silvery spots and a striking gradient from grenadier red to flush orange to selective yellow. Additionally, Ralf has olivine thumbs tipped with copper claws, and his forearms, wrists, and five fingers are dark green. He has a long, winding, serpentine tail that's twice his height, boasting distinctive coloration and markings reminiscent of a pickerel frog, and culminating in a silver arrowhead-shaped tip.
Personality: He's a rowdy, outgoing, stubborn, and honest individual with a strong passion for action and thrill-seeking ventures. However, he also values his leisure time and ensures others take regular breaks to rest and recharge. He's extremely protective towards new recruits under his command, comrades, and friends, viewing them as family. Ralf is willing to go to great lengths to ensure their safety and the security of innocent lives, even if it requires taking bold action or putting himself in harm's way. However, he harbours a deep-seated hatred for betrayal, particularly among those in the Regular Army or whom he considers family.
He often enjoys teasing Clark, playfully poking fun at his serious nature while showing him brotherly affection, but also treats him with great respect and compassion. The thought of potentially losing his brother-in-arms, Clark, through unfair circumstances is unbearable to him. He deeply cares about children, recognizing their importance to the growth and future of humanity, and is appalled by those who abuse and harm them. The thought of inadvertently causing harm to a child or being forced to do so is utterly devastating to him.
Similar to Marco, he has a habit of concealing his deepest emotions, particularly those related to the many people he has lost during countless wars and terrorist attacks. Instead, he often tries to drown his sorrows with a few drinks, seeks comfort in the company of friends, or indulges in reckless activities. Whenever he gets drunk, he exhibits forgetfulness, clumsiness, mild paranoia, excessive joviality, and loquaciousness. He has a habit of frequently mistaking people's names, often using similar but incorrect variations (e.g. calling Marco "Mark" and Fio "Fia"), which greatly embarrasses him, prompting him to profusely apologise for the mistake. Ralf is truly fascinated by Hyakutaro, drawn to his enigmatic origins and historic status as the first esper ever known to humanity. He tries his best to avoid water activities like cruising and canoeing as they make him prone to seasickness. He finds Tarma and Nadia to be absolutely hilarious and has a soft spot for Trevor's nerdy and laid-back demeanour.
He believes that immortality is unattainable for espers and humans, reserved for the psyche and most powerful deities. He's an animist who believes everything is interconnected, and everyone has a vital role in stewarding the earth. He's a devout believer in manitou, which represents the mysterious power of life and the universe. Surprisingly, Ralf is a skilled storyteller, often recounting his past experiences and sharing entertaining moral stories his father once shared with him. Although he's a fun-loving, hot-headed enthusiast of arcades and classic anime with a great sense of humour, he possesses remarkable wisdom and generosity. He's not fond of the false rumours that surround the goings-on of the world and his personal life. He closely holds onto the values his mother taught him, including independence, loyalty, dignity, self-respect, healthy pride, and respect for elders and authority figures.
Backstory: Rafael Paul Jonesbury was born on August 25, 1997 in the Midwest, United States. His father, Gabriel Jonesbury, was an Ojibwe shaman and owner of an arts and crafts shop with a spirit name of Kechewaishke. His mother, Javiera, was a British-Latina mercenary who served in the Regular Army. Like Ralf, she was an esper with the esteemed title of the Avatar of Physical Decay, Luminosity, and Fogginess. Gabriel would often share moral and entertaining stories that connected various figures from Ojibwe spiritual beliefs, such as the Thunderbird, Great Serpent, Mishipeshu, and Nanabozo. He also taught him about other important beliefs valued among First Nations peoples, including the Grandfather Teachings and the Medicine Wheel. He sparked Ralf's love for nature and encouraged him to fearlessly explore his identity and interests.
Javiera taught him numerous Latinx cultural values, the importance of family, and how his faith in God would be greatly rewarded. She often crafted wooden alebrije sculptures for him when she was away from home. She usually encouraged him to be proud of his cultural heritage and not let others bring him down for being different. While she appreciated his fondness for nature, she found his love for arcades and anime perplexing. She would unknowingly spark his interest in the military, particularly the mercenary lifestyle, through her stories and experiences.
At age 7, his parents decided to get a divorce due to their differing spiritual beliefs, which were starting to clash more and more. He lived with his father for the most part but was allowed to visit his mother whenever she was between assignments or not away on mercenary work. He also began to take up baseball, which became his favourite sport to play and watch on the big screen.
At 12, with the support of his father and his Ojibwe community, he embarked on his spiritual quest. Ralf recalls that it produced visions of his future life as a great warrior and storyteller, revealing that he's an esper and teaching him how to harness his powers and access his Super Devil form. After a period of isolation and fasting, it revealed the spirits of his ancestors and his three guardian animals: the wolf, turtle, and otter. Through this experience, he developed his survival skills, gained maturity, and strengthened his connection with nature and the divine forces of life.
At age 14, before embarking on a mission against mysterious terrorist cultists, Javiera gave him her silver milagro charm for safekeeping, telling him it would bring him good luck and protection. Tragically, that mission proved to be her last, as she was captured and tortured to death. When Ralf received the devastating news, he struggled to come to terms with it and felt overwhelming guilt, as if her fate was his fault because he possessed her milagro charm. Although his parents were divorced, Gabriel was deeply saddened by the news and did his best to support Ralf through his emotional turmoil.
When he turned 20, his father was killed during a robbery at the arts and crafts shop he owned. To make matters worse, he was facing financial difficulties at the time and struggling to find a stable job. In his desperation, he turned to an illegal fighting ring, drawn by the promise of cash prizes likely funded by other criminal activities. He participated in numerous fights, both in the ring and on the streets, for profit, eventually becoming the most skilled fighter among them. Ralf also discovered a fondness for THC-infused gummies, which provided relief from his emotional pain and served as a pleasant indulgence.
All of that changed when the Ikari Warriors discovered the famous street fighter's true identity as an esper after he joined their biennial tournament. With little convincing needed, Ralf joined the Ikari Warriors, driven by a desire to carry on his mother's legacy and explore the world. He excelled in all aspects of the military training he received, particularly in utilising his esper abilities and mastering hand-to-hand combat. The news that the Ikari Warriors had recruited another esper caught Clark's attention, but he was hesitant to approach Ralf. However, after a mission against a corrupt politician attempting to seize control of Brazil, Ralf and Clark became fast friends. During his time with the Ikari Warriors, Ralf formed close friendships with several comrades, including General Kawasaki, Second Lieutenant Cook, Eikichi, Leland, and Byron.
Ralf has been on numerous missions for the Ikari Warriors, rising through the ranks to become a colonel due to his natural leadership skills and courage on the battlefield. He and Clark played a crucial role in defeating a secret society, referred to as the Serapion Fellowship, that had infiltrated and influenced much of Latin America's political and religious landscape, a group that would later evolve into the Ptolemaic Army.
In another notable operation, Ralf, Clark, and a few comrades successfully rescued Elise, the U.S. President's daughter, from a massive criminal organisation that had planned to exploit her to gain access to the President's funds and harvest her organs. Ralf fondly recalls this mission, as it earned him a Medal of Honor from the U.S. President. He acquired Harpe during a mission in Greece where terrorists had raided a recently discovered catacomb. Additionally, he obtained Yawarakai-Te during a separate mission in Yamagata, Japan where a cult with illegal weaponry had taken over an old village, intent on instigating a nationwide war.
Ralf has endured numerous tragedies, fueling his determination to improve and protect the innocent. He witnessed the devastating loss of General Kawasaki during a battle against a cartel in Mexico, where he was tragically crushed and burned alive by flaming debris from a missile strike. Second Lieutenant Cook fell victim to a traitor within the Ikari Warriors, who betrayed them to a bioterrorist group during a mission in Czechia, resulting in her assassination. While investigating a town ravaged by a guerrilla army in Saudi Arabia, Byron was horrifically devoured by a swarm of Man Eaters. Leland met a brutal end during a mission on a stolen submarine, where he was fatally gutted by a criminal. Eikichi suffered a terrifying fate when a Mutated Soldier latched onto him while investigating an abandoned laboratory, promptly exploding shortly after.
During the Great Morden War, Ralf made a name for himself as he single-handedly successfully defended the United States against the Rebel Army's invasion. Notably, he destroyed a massive Rebel aircraft that had been using captured men, women, and children as hostages and human shields. However, upon destroying the aircraft, Ralf was met with devastating news: there were innocent civilians on board, and they had all perished in the attack. This heroic yet tragic act caught the attention of the Regular Army's high command, who subsequently approached the Ikari Warriors to propose a strategic alliance. The offer was readily accepted, and as a result, the Ikari Warriors were integrated as the elite mercenary branch of the Regular Army.
As a way to support the Regular Army and show his respect, Ralf frequently trains new recruits to hone their melee combat skills. Due to his mercenary work, he rarely had the opportunity to meet members of the Regular Army's other special forces. He had always heard heroic stories about Hyakutaro and the elite members of the P.F. Squad and S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., especially those from the Great Morden War and the Martian-Rebel Alliance War. He initially hoped to meet them in person, fascinated by their tactical prowess and teamwork. This dream eventually became a reality during a mission against the Invaders.
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I did the following:
(Updated) However, his dedication to his work left him with little time to spend with his two younger brothers, Il-Seong and Seok-Jin; however, he did manage to sneak in some time to read books on psychology, listen to K-pop, and play video games with Eun-Gyeong.
(Updated) Leveraging his expertise in psychological manipulation, knifemanship, and computer languages, he joined as a military scout in the Regular Army.
After being off street drugs for a long time, he discovered marijuana was legal in Canada and decided to try it. This led to him developing a mild marijuana habit, which helped calm his nerves and cope with past trauma.
Updated: September 18, 2024
Reworked Character #5: Trevor Spacey
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to child abuse, neglect, suicide, death, crime, and drug addiction.
Real name: Yeong-Gi Kwak
Alias: Chill Blade of Security
Occupation: Sergeant of the P.F. Squad
Retirement plans: Become a security programmer
Special skills: Proficiency in security programming and computer hacking, repurposing stolen enemy technology, psychological manipulation, taekwondo, and knifemanship
Hobbies: Helping Marco with technological issues and computer programming, doing graffiti on abandoned buildings, creating anti-virus programs, hacking into people’s accounts to see what they’re up to, and playing darts and video games
Likes: Marco’s heroism and superior computer skills, tinkering with security software while listening to music that has grabbed his attention, the nunchucks that once belonged to a former friend named Haneul, his two combat knives, and Nadia (his best friend)
Dislikes: Being called “old” due to his silver-bleached hair, laughing so much to the point he’s coughing and wheezing, people making fun of his art, faulty security software, and boredom
Favourite food: Samgyeopsal
Favourite drink: Slushies
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Male
Age: 13 (in 2022), 19 (in 2028), 21 (in 2030), 23 (in 2032), 25 (in 2034), 32 (in 2041), 34 (in 2043), 35 (in 2044), and 38 (in 2047)
Blood type: AB-
Weight: 148 lbs. (67 kg)
Design: He's a 5' 9" (175.26 cm) Korean ectomorph with a lanky build, a weak musculature, sloping shoulders, warm ivory skin, dark brown eyes, nails painted a silver-grey, and a black mole beneath the left corner of his lip. He has a jet-black undercut hairstyle, featuring icy blonde hair on top with nearly middle-parted bangs that fall over his left eye, covering it partially. On his back, he has a large tattoo depicting a fiery Jindo dog chasing a golden pheasant in orbit around the moon. His lower right leg was amputated due to gangrene caused by the use of the opioid Krokodil, and has since been replaced with a bronze-hued prosthetic. He bears several scars: a curved scar on his left cheek; an X-shaped pair on his chest; a jagged stab wound on the top of his right hand; a long scar running down the length of his left upper arm; and a series of parallel scars on his right forearm.
Trevor's military gear consists of a metal dog tag necklace with his name, a scarlet bandana worn around his neck, bronze-plated goggles with orange-tinted lenses, and glaucous fingerless gloves. He wears a ruddy blue sweater with two deep pockets, cerulean wool lining, a bronze zipper, silver-striped cuffs, and an embroidered logo of the P.F. Squad on the back, which he occasionally ties around his waist. He wears baggy Cambridge blue army cargo pants, tucked into his Russian violet paratrooper boots, which have hidden knives and are held up by a glaucous belt. He also wears a sleeveless reddish-black shirt with a mock neck and a bust mesh panel, sheathes for his two combat knives, and a gun holster for his handgun.
His sweater has two hidden strapped compartments that can hold up to two firearms or two additional blades when needed. The pockets of Trevor's sweater carry a bag of THC-infused red box gummies (given to him by Ralf), a gourd-shaped jade charm necklace believed to capture fortune and health, and a photograph of him and Nadia. He also carries around a metallic pink-purple lighter and a plastic bag that contains six weed joints. A claw hammer is concealed in the right pocket of his cargo pants, while the left pocket is occupied by a sound-cancelling, bluetooth headset and his black cellphone with a metallic blue case.
Over his shirt, he wears a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries his walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. A black bandolier is wrapped above his belt, holding onto the ammunition for his handgun. He carries a Cambridge blue load-bearing backpack containing camping equipment, tactical explosives, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, seven cans of spray paint in different colours, a wide range of hacking tools such as the Flipper Zero and O.MG cables, and nunchucks. He has a collection of piercings, including: sapphire wire hook earrings; black industrial piercings; dark blue tragus piercings; a shiny silver barbell nose bridge piercing; a bold black horizontal eyebrow piercing on his left side; a metallic purple frog eyes tongue piercing; and a dainty gold hoop vertical labret piercing.
Personality: He's a stoic existentialist who focuses on what he can control, accepts what lies beyond his grasp, and believes in the power of individual free will to shape the course of one's life. He's a highly intelligent, cunning, and resourceful man who’s confident in his knife skills and computer knowledge, but can come across as overconfident at times. Despite Trevor’s easy-going demeanour and calm smile, he’s watchful, and his jovial nature often serves as a facade to conceal his underlying anxiety. He's easily amazed and intrigued by the wonders of nature, unexpected revelations, explosions, and impressive feats performed by his friends and comrades such as effortlessly hacking into an entire military mainframe. When discussing his interests or sharing fascinating experiences, he becomes quite talkative.
Trevor is an ambivert capable of being ruthless, intensely serious, and unsettling when the situation demands it. He's a skilled manipulator, able to turn enemies into allies in desperate situations by exploiting their morals and convincing them they're in the wrong. When manipulating others, he also instills fear through physical and psychological torment, such as breaking their fingers with a hammer or threatening to kill a loved one in front of them. However, he's unexpectedly stubborn when it comes to protecting those he cares about and the lives of innocent people.
He has a playful and mischievous streak, evident in his habit of licking his combat knives and taunting those he considers “morally weak” and “blindly stupid”. Unlike most people, he's willing to forgive his enemies when he realises they're suffering and have an opportunity to redeem themselves. Trevor is surprisingly internet savvy and enjoys using internet slang in both his online and offline conversations with most of his friends, often finding humour in it. However, he's perplexed by his popularity among women, who admire his physique and exceptional computer skills.
He occasionally participates in Nadia's antics, adding a touch of dramatic flair to them, but will draw the line when her schemes exceed his comfort zone. He’s often disappointed and shocked by Nadia's actions and words, frequently expressing his distaste and uncertainty. When he's extremely bored, he becomes lethargic and sleepy, making it challenging for him to muster interest in anything until the feeling passes. Trevor enjoys tagging along with Tarma, Marco, Eri, and Ralf because he regards them as role models, skilled fighters, and experts in their respective fields of expertise.
If he notices that one of his friends or comrades is struggling with a drug addiction, he'll go out of his way to provide them with comfort and try to help them break away from that addiction. Due to his upbringing, he struggles with golden child syndrome, but he has made significant progress in overcoming its challenges, thanks in large part to the support of friends like Fio. He's extremely allergic to felines, so he regards domestic cats as “diabolical little buggers” and makes every effort to avoid them. He hates how Perifa often likes to bug him for cuddles and how Marco is a "cat magnet", which attracts cats that exacerbate his allergies.
Backstory: Yeong-Gi Kwak was born on June 25, 2009 in Seogwipo, Jeju Island, South Korea. He is the eldest of four siblings: his twin sister, Eun-Gyeong; his younger brother, Il-Seong; and his youngest brother, Seok-Jin. His father is a businessman who owns a computer software company, and his mother is a medical engineer. His parents, who were workaholics, put a lot of pressure on him and his siblings to be high achievers, believing that more effort and hard work would lead to a successful career. However, they were quick to forgive the faults of Yeong-Gi and Eun-Gyeong, allowing them to get away with more than their two younger brothers. As the oldest children in the family, his parents put a lot of pressure on him and his twin sister to set a good example and be proper role models for their two younger brothers.
This parenting style fed into Yeong-Gi's and Eun-Gyeong's need to consistently achieve, satisfying their perfectionistic and people-pleasing tendencies. Nevertheless, it also stirred an inflated sense of self in both, with Eun-Gyeong exhibiting signs of narcissistic personality disorder and Yeong-Gi experiencing a great deal of guilt on behalf of his two younger brothers. In contrast, Il-Seong was often scapegoated, frequently blamed for things he didn't do and severely punished by his parents, who would often lock him in the basement for hours. Meanwhile, Seok-Jin was neglected, retreating from his dysfunctional family by spending time alone in his room drawing or going to the park to play by himself. Yeong-Gi made a concerted effort to support Il-Seong and Seok-Jin, which undoubtedly brought some comfort and solace into their lives.
At the age of 3, Yeong-Gi received his first computer from his parents as a gift of appreciation. By the time he turned 7 years old, he had already developed a comprehensive understanding of binary codes and computer languages. During his summer breaks from school, he spent most of his time creating anti-virus programs, which often served as his homework assignments.
However, his dedication to his work left him with little time to spend with his two younger brothers, Il-Seong and Seok-Jin; however, he did manage to sneak in some time to read books on psychology, listen to K-pop, and play video games with Eun-Gyeong. His parents heavily encouraged his efforts, as he strove to make a positive impact on his school. Ultimately, his hard work paid off, as the school he formerly attended continued to utilise his sophisticated anti-virus programs to combat growing threats from the Internet.
By the time he enrolled in secondary school, his twin sister, Eun-Gyeong, mysteriously vanished. She was last seen with her friends near a shopping mall. Although their relationship was complicated due to her narcissistic tendencies and disrespect towards their younger brothers, Yeong-Gi still cared deeply for her. He had often tried to help her, teaching her the value of humility and assisting her with homework she struggled to understand. He was utterly devastated when his parents announced her disappearance, and it made headlines in the news. A part of him felt lost that day, and the family's desperate search efforts ultimately proved futile. Despite their best efforts, Eun-Gyeong was never found by the authorities and remains missing to this day.
Despite the tragic disappearance of his sister, Yeong-Gi continued to excel in all his classes, but the pressure on him to become successful and be a role model intensified. As he finished grade 10 and summer break began, tragedy struck again when Il-Seong took his own life, sending Yeong-Gi spiralling into an identity crisis. He ran away from home and sought solace with Feodosiy, a Russian transfer student he had befriended in grade 9.
Feodosiy introduced him to his street gang and offered him his first dose of the opioid Krokodil, which Yeong-Gi accepted without hesitation. He became a delinquent, rebelling against his parents and their mistreatment of him and his siblings, but at the cost of becoming addicted to Krokodil. He bleached his hair an icy blonde, adopted the alias Trevor Spacey, and got a tattoo from Feodosiy's right-hand man, Haneul.
For three months, he lived with Feodosiy and his street gang, surviving by stealing essentials and inhabiting a rundown apartment. During this time, he engaged in various criminal activities, including theft, mugging, drug dealing, extortion, and arson. With Haneul's guidance, he honed his knifemanship skills and mastered the art of taekwondo. However, his Krokodil addiction spiralled out of control, leading to a near-fatal overdose, which led to the subsequent amputation of his lower right leg. This traumatic experience forever deterred him from using street drugs.
After being discharged from the hospital with Feodosiy's gang members' help, he returned to a life of crime, although at a reduced level, as he adjusted to his prosthetic leg. He eventually abandoned his delinquency after accidentally killing a junkie behind a restaurant. Haunted by the incident, he remembered gazing at his reflection in a seedy restaurant's mirror, realising he had gone too far. The deep-seated fear of arrest drove him to the brink of madness, and he decided to eliminate Feodosiy, who had dragged him into crime.
After orchestrating the demise of Feodosiy and his cohorts, he scrubbed himself clean in the bathroom of the rundown apartment where Feodosiy had been staying. He then returned home, where his parents, relieved to see him, sensed the guilt and shame etched on his face for mistreating their children. Seok-Jin was also relieved to see him come home, fearing that he would never return. He confessed to them about his experiences, but kept his murders and certain crimes a secret.
He returned to high school, completing his remaining years successfully, embracing his new identity. Upon coming home from his graduation ceremony, he noticed a flyer seeking recruits for the Regular Army. He expressed interest to his parents, who were initially hesitant but eventually agreed with Seok-Jin's support. Leveraging his expertise in psychological manipulation, knifemanship, and computer languages, he joined as a military scout in the Regular Army.
After enlisting, he befriended Nadia, a scientist and soldier for the Amadeus Syndicate, and thwarted a computer virus that Marco had inadvertently released. After being off street drugs for a long time, he discovered marijuana was legal in Canada and decided to try it. This led to him developing a mild marijuana habit, which helped calm his nerves and cope with past trauma. During a mission to counter a cyber attack on European governmental forces, he earned Marco's respect due to his exceptional computer skills in hacking and security programming. As a result, he was invited to join the prestigious Peregrine Falcons Squad, where he rose to the rank of Sergeant.
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The Keribhalum Army and Keribhuma Army have been renamed to the Pipovulaj Army and Pipajozhe Army respectively as the original names weren't Martian-like enough.
Updated: September 10, 2024
Reworked Species #1: Martians
Their scientific name is Cephalorepens galacticus (meaning “creeping head of the galaxy”). They're commonly referred to as the Martians, but some people also refer to them as the Mars People. An omni-linguistic alien species led by their queen, Rootmars, possesses intellectual and sensory capabilities surpassing those of humanity. They possess exceptional expertise in three key areas: necromancy, biological engineering, and technological proficiency, encompassing the use, processes, and mechanical intricacies of advanced technology. Their military force is called the Pipovulaj Army.
Their language consists mainly of words formed with the syllables Pa, Pe, Pi, Po, and Pu. However, translation is challenging due to their use of telepathic speech and the seemingly random application of the Pa, Pe, Pi, Po, and Pu syllables, making it difficult to discern a predictable pattern or meaning. Although they are capable of producing audible sounds, these noises resemble feline growls, mouse-like squeaks, and unearthly squeals.
The Mars Elite (Cephalorepens galacticus albus) are comprised of four distinct castes: leading scientists who drive innovation, esteemed judges who uphold the law, elite soldiers who embody excellence, and commanding officers who lead with strategic precision.
The Mars Garrison (Cephalorepens galacticus fuscus) are comprised of three main castes: scientists who conduct technological and biological experiments, assassins who conduct covert operations, and assault troops who wield stronger and heavier weaponry.
The Mars Quotidian (Cephalorepens galacticus pallidus) are comprised of four distinct castes: hive workers who repair technology and nurture the young, spies who gather intelligence, researchers who advance their knowledge, and common troops who form the backbone of the Pipovulaj Army.
Martians are taller than the average human, standing approximately at 7’ 3” (220.98 cm) for males and 7’ 6” (228.6 cm) for females. They have a large head with two sets of tentacles: thirty stinger tentacles act as their hands, capable of controlling an electrical pulse to temporarily paralyse people; and twelve leg tentacles with protruding greenish veins and suckers. Their stinger tentacles are half their body length, but they won't stop growing until they have reached double their height, an indication of older and wiser age. They’re sufficiently strong to grasp items firmly, being able to wield a weapon with one of their appendages. They can contract their leg tentacles, enabling them to jump considerable distances and descend slowly in a controlled manner. The skin on their heads and tentacles is surprisingly smooth and contains small pores that can release a thin layer of purplish-white slime. They have greenish-pink blood with a strange taste reminiscent of melon soda.
Female Martians possess a distinctive sac located beneath their head and at the centre of their leg tentacles. This sac is characterised by a bulbous orifice and a translucent yellow-orange coloration with visible skin wrinkles and greenish veins. The interior of the sac is coated with a protective purplish secretion that serves to repel harmful parasites. It also maintains the sac's cleanliness by preventing the accumulation of dirt and menstrual fluid.
Male Martians possess a writhing penis that is translucent and orangish-white in colour. The morphology of this organ bears a resemblance to that of a leopard slug's reproductive structure. It features greenish veins and is characterised by soft, spike-like protrusions encircling its tip. They feature three testicular organs located within cavities situated posterior to their head. These organs are partially visible, protruding slightly from the skin at the back of their head. Two of the testicles contain fertilised seminal fluid with a celadon-green colour, while the central testicle houses eggs with a distinctive amethyst hue and crimson spots. These reproductive organs are incapable of urinating as Martians have a unique physiology that eliminates the need to release bodily waste.
They have a skull of golden-yellow hue, covered in whitish neural veins, and possess an involuntary nervous system. They possess a navel cavity, and when they exhale, the barely visible slits on their face open, revealing small, thin, oval-shaped openings, before promptly closing again. They have two bead-like eyes with white pupils that can constrict or dilate, allowing them better visual control. They also have a serpentine tongue covered in microscopic hooks. They possess a mouth capable of opening into a circular, gaping maw, surrounded by six rows of fleshy teeth that can inject a deadly poison as lethal as cyanide.
The Mars Elite (Cephalorepens galacticus albus): They have pearlescent white skin, lilac eyes, China rose-coloured leg tentacles, and Syracuse red-orange suckers. They possess two iridescent purple bat-like wings with bony, silver-clawed hands and an impressive wingspan of 9' 5" (287.02 cm). From the back of their head, they have a tail that's eerily similar to a human spine, but it's held together by greenish veins and stretched, glistening dark purple flesh. They have a spiked ball at the tip of their spine-like tail, which holds a black acid. The spikes have small holes, allowing them to spray the acid at their enemies.
The Mars Garrison (Cephalorepens galacticus fuscus): They have brown-tanned skin, raspberry rose eyes, lavender grey leg tentacles, and palatinate purple suckers. They have a large amber-coloured eye in the middle of the back of their head, featuring a slit pupil. At the back of their head, they possess two elongated, mantis-like arms, equipped with two rows of razor-sharp spines, enabling them to grab people from behind.
The Mars Quotidian (Cephalorepens galacticus pallidus): They have greyish-green skin, ultramarine eyes, pale azure leg tentacles, and lapis lazuli suckers.
To facilitate telepathic communication with other sentient beings, they employ their mouth and tongue to replicate the physiological processes of human speech. Two exceedingly thin, iridescent tentacles, reminiscent of dew on a spider's silk, emerge from two minuscule openings above their eyes. These tentacles can bifurcate into millions of tiny, hair-like tendrils, which are inserted into the ears of their chosen communicants. The tendrils then navigate to the brain, where they manipulate the electrical signals traversing the neural pathways to access areas responsible for thought and auditory perception.
They shapeshift by mentally imagining what they want to change and coating themselves in a thin layer of purplish-white slime. This strange slime drastically alters their bodily molecules and DNA structure, allowing them to perfectly transform into whatever they envisioned. The Martians possess the ability of dichotomous intangibility, but it’s limited to a duration of 10 minutes. Overextending this power can lead to severe consequences, including ocular degeneration, causing their eyes to become mushy, and cerebral overflow, resulting in permanent blindness and neural damage.
They possess telekinetic abilities, but require the movement of their stinger tentacles and intense concentration on the object they intend to lift or manipulate. Notably, they can focus on up to 20 different objects simultaneously. They can teleport up to 20 metres to different locations, but only in areas they are intimately familiar with. This ability is achieved by vibrating at imperceptible speeds, effectively propelling themselves to their desired destination.
They can sustain themselves by absorbing the vital fluids of other living organisms and the heat of electrical devices, fire, and solar radiation. The Martians possess a unique optic nerve that captures and stores a small portion of their body heat and absorbed energy. This specialised nerve forms a ring around their eyes, featuring a subtle opening that enables the focused release of intense, fiery energy beams.
They can hear low-frequency hums from any planet's core, echoes of ancient riverbeds, whispers of the wind, and the creaking and groaning of dust devils. They can smell the metallic scent of iron oxide dust, the acrid smell of sulphur from volcanic regions, and the ozone-like smell of electrical storms. The Martians can taste soil, the metallic taste of recycled water, the sweet taste of hydroponic crops, the sour taste of fermented food supplies, and the umami taste of protein-rich algae. They can see plankton, the tops of mountains, every pore on a human's face, and the texture of clouds.
Their technology is based entirely on expertise in bioengineering and energy manipulation. Their technology features a unique blend of elements, including circular shapes, industrial tubes resembling intestines, engravings of ancient pictograms that depict their ancestry, glistening flesh-like surfaces, malleable metal plates, and eerie metallic sheens. Their technology also incorporates pillars, computer modules, pulsating electric fields that double as protection and prison cells, fleshy orifices, and opaque stasis chambers filled with a clear liquid capable of inducing sleep for cloning purposes.
Their primary weapon is a ray gun that fires spores and features a settings mode, offering three distinct options:
Transformation: Transforms individuals into Man Eaters
Electrification: Emits an electric charge to incapacitate targets
Energy Beam: Generates circular light blue energy beams that can effortlessly ensnare targets
Lightweight ray guns emit slow-moving orange spores, whereas heavyweight ray guns fire fast-moving blue spores. These spores can be easily neutralised with gunfire or effectively eliminated with well-timed melee attacks.
Their mothership, the Rugname, is controlled by a simulated, lifeless replica of infant Rootmars, whose brain is encased in a protective glassy film. This replica can generate electric signals that accumulate and discharge as massive blasts of circular, flashing blue and green energy spheres, capable of incinerating individuals. They deploy surveillance drones known as Pupastiko, which resemble massive, sunset-hued locusts with a singular metallic blue-orange eye. These drones are capable of projecting orbs of green fire and expelling streams of acidic, corrosive fluid that mimics blood.
The Dai-Manji boasts exceptional armour, comprising malleable metal plates reinforced with bullet-resistant flesh and a thin shielding of greenish-blue electricity. Serving as the core of the Rugname, it releases Mini-UFOs, unleashes lethal electrical discharges, and propels fiery energy bolts with precision to target enemies. It’s believed that there are forty Dai-Manji stored within the Rugname with only four to six permitted to be deployed at any given time. Each one features a logo with the insignia of the Martian race: a circular pickled bluewood crest with an eight-pointed red-orange star at its centre, outlined with a gold border and adorned with four emerald dots at the cardinal directional points (north, south, east, and west).
The Pupivah, also known as the Mars Satellites, are remotely controlled spacecraft shaped like feldgrau Nazi UFOs with a gilded sheen, capable of achieving remarkably high velocities. They are equipped with dual luminous laser systems, emitting either emerald green beams that incinerate targets or magenta beams that petrify them.
The Pepapiro, also known as the Mini-UFOs, are highly agile aircraft equipped with a beehive-shaped ray gun that emits slow-moving greenish-blue lasers capable of penetrating cloth and flesh. The Mini-UFOs are distinguished by their colour schemes and pilots: grey metal variants with eight saffron-yellow stripes are operated by the Mars Quotidian, black metal variants with six red-orange stripes are operated by the Mars Garrison, and gilded variants with four crimson stripes are operated by the Mars Elite.
The Popaphubi, also known as the Hopper Mechas, are suicidal drones that detonate explosive payloads fueled by nuclear radiation and flammable bile, delivering a lethal blow to their targets. They are ten-legged, rust-coloured arachnids featuring gilded pedipalps and a distinctive, shaky silver stripe extending from the cephalothorax to the mid-abdomen. Their forehead bears a triangular arrangement of six blackish-brown eyes, while their entire body is covered in flexible, crystalline hairs.
The Papophiv, also known as the Mars Walkers, are gigantic quadrupeds with metallic blue-red flesh and articulated legs terminating in five clawed, slender fingers. Their bulbous knee joints are covered in hook-like spikes. The creatures' belly features sixteen intestinal tubes encircling a large, glossy jade half-orb. They are capable of producing a black, poisonous gas that causes rapid skin decay and lung rupture. The jade half-orb can produce bouncing bubbles that cause highly corrosive burns once in contact with living organisms. They possess three slit-shaped eyes that exhibit a purely iridescent purple hue, and an antenna that strikingly resembles a sunflower. However, this antenna conceals a deadly capability–it can emit intense, fiery purple lightning bolts.
The Pipopuvhax, also known as the Ring Laser Mechas or Utoms, are sentient, glistening purplish-grey cerebral entities that propel a navy blue tubular body replete with biomechanical organs akin to those found in mammals. They possess four highly flexible robotic arms, surpassing human limb dexterity, which manipulate tusk-like, porcelain-hued levers and metallic green, red, and orange buttons. Their muscular brain features prominent, jutting veins and is shielded by a protective film of whitish, heat-resistant, bulletproof slime. They’re capable of unleashing rings of electrokinetic force, inducing bodily combustion, and generating nearly invisible, bony appendages to grasp individuals.
Goals and beliefs
Their primary objective is to debilitate Earth's military forces and leverage the planet's technological advancements to subjugate humanity. However, their motivations aren’t entirely malevolent; they seek to eradicate the destructive exploitation and harmful activities plaguing Earth. By doing so, the Martians believe they can redirect its resources towards fostering universal unification. They have a disgust for species who harm and abuse the resources and well-being of their home planets. They automatically deem them as inferior and in need of re-education through assimilation into their culture and ways of thinking.
Rootmars and many Martians advocate for the subjugation of humanity to save Earth, but a splinter faction disagrees with this ideology. This dissenting group led by Pupipi, known as the Pipajozhe Army, believes that cohabitation and global cooperation are the only paths to achieving universal peace and protecting the planet. However, due to this belief, the Pipovulaj Army views them as traitors, finding it foolish and shameful that they can have sympathy for an "inferior species". They will stop at nothing to publicly humiliate and/or brutally execute anyone who joins or is found to be part of the Pipajozhe Army, if that person is one of their own kind.
The Martians are open-minded and embrace a diverse range of spiritual concepts, including reincarnation, the psyche, and deities that embody specific principles. In their view, deities serve as avatar conduits for the principles they represent with some requiring more worship and acknowledgement than others to sustain their power. They believe in the supremacy of a unified cosmos, where every individual has a purpose determined by their willingness to align with moral righteousness and strive towards their hopes and dreams.
They hold that no being is above the true purpose of existence and the eleven fundamental powers of the universe: seamlessness, centration, allurement, emergence, homeostasis, cataclysm, synergy, transmutation, transformation, interrelatedness, and radiance. They firmly believe that the true purpose of existence lies beyond human comprehension and will only be revealed to those who have attained divine enlightenment, thereby gaining the capacity to grasp the vast expanse of extraterrestrial mysteries and horrors.
All Martians share the conviction that natural resources provided by planets are invaluable and should be treated with utmost care and reverence. The mishandling of such resources is viewed as a heinous and sacrilegious act against the divine forces of the universe. They hold in high esteem the preservation of ancient knowledge and architecture, and endeavour to protect and pass on the cultural heritage of all species through various means, including meticulous drawings, written works, and other forms of documentation. They regard biological evolution and technological advancement as two pivotal, dynamic forces that shape and transform society and ecosystems in a perpetual state of flux.
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I included the Huge Hermit under the Biological Weapons section and the Denturion under the Combat Vehicles section!
Updated: September 18, 2024
Reworked Group #1: Rebel Army
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, fanaticism, drug usage, and SA.
It emerged from multiple terrorist groups that began to form near the start of the 21st century, fueled by rapid technological advancements and escalating violence. For most of the past 20 years, these groups lacked cohesion and were merely a nuisance to the Regular Army, who didn't consider them a significant threat. However, everything changed in 2023 when the Central Park bombing claimed the lives of Field Marshal Donald Morden's wife, daughter, and son, forever altering the course of events.
He was deeply disturbed by this news and learned that the Regular Army had opportunities to prevent the tragedy, but failed to do so. He attributed this failure to systemic issues within the government and military. Following a period of personal struggle and disillusionment, he resigned and eventually disappeared from public view, accompanied by a group of loyal troops who admired him as a leader.
Behind closed doors, Morden began to slowly build up his army, establishing a unique structure for his military organisation and specialised divisions such as the Japanese Infantry and Arabian Infantry. He even acquired ancient technology that had once belonged to his ancestors, the Tuatha Dé Danann. Most of his troops were genetically enhanced using Tuatha Dé Danann technology from the Hadean Eon, which explains why many of them shared a pale complexion and identical physical characteristics—the varying shades of black and blonde hair, and eyes that ranged from deep blue to vibrant cyan. Additionally, Morden consolidated multiple existing terrorist groups into his army and secretly procured some military technology from the Regular Army.
They prove to be more than a match for the Regular Army, boasting horrifyingly vast and varied resources as well as legions of fanatically loyal infantry equipped with an array of weapons beyond imagination. Their troops are known for their devotion to duty, but have been observed to flee when faced with a particularly dire situation. Although their ranks appear endless and their weapons are brutally effective, some of their arsenal seems somewhat outdated. Furthermore, their combat skills and strategies are arguably less sophisticated than those employed by the Regular Army.
In 2026, the Rebel Army emerged, revealing itself as a military organisation. Led by General Donald Morden, the Rebel Army launched a series of coups aimed at purging the government and military of corruption. However, Morden's ambition was tainted by a megalomaniacal desire for global domination. As a result of this tainted ambition, the main goal of the Rebel Army shifted to overthrowing the Earth Federation and establishing a worldwide authoritarian state under the iron-fisted rule of General Morden. Despite suffering numerous defeats at the hands of elite forces, including the Peregrine Falcons Squad, S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., Ikari Warriors, and Division 6, the Rebel Army remained resolute in their goal to expose the corruption within all governments and military forces. They have gone to extreme lengths to achieve their objective, forging alliances with the Amadeus Syndicate, Keribhalum Army, and Ptolemaic Army.
It features a white circle, outlined in scarlet, with a black dragon at its centre. The dragon's wings are outstretched, and it grasps a human skull with its sharp claws.
Cadet Uniform
They wear a champagne-hued sleeveless shirt, paired with a light grey armband featuring the Rebel Army insignia. Over the shirt, they wear a short-sleeved jacket with an olive green, terracotta, and sandy beige camouflage pattern. This jacket has four pockets for storage and two hidden strapped compartments. Their headgear consists of a black beret with a scarlet stripe and a white stripe, and a rolled light grey neckerchief secured with a woggle. They also wear a dark brown utility belt for carrying essential gear, sandy beige army cargo shorts, and knee and elbow pads with the same camouflage pattern as the jacket.
Commanding Officer Uniform
They wear a feldgrau military coat with the Rebel Army insignia emblazoned on the left side, adorned with silvery epaulets and gilded aiguillettes featuring rhomboid-cut reddish amethyst pieces. The coat has dark green cuffs and a rise-and-fall collar, a silver-white eight-button front, and a scalloped rear vent. Their attire is completed with a red-violet necktie, crimson gloves, navy blue trousers, and charcoal grey jackboots. On their head, they wear an Imperial Italic-style helmet, embellished with alternating black and yellow plumes.
Special Forces
They wear dark green gas masks with orange-tinted lenses and an industrial tube connected to a bulky metallic grey air tank with three light blue stripes centred on it, which is strapped to their shoulders. They wear olive green gloves, a coffee brown Kevlar vest, beige combat boots with crimson spiked soles, and a gilded armband bearing the insignia of the Rebel Army. Their uniform consists of saffron-yellow, navy blue, and black camo army cargo pants and field tunic, featuring a luxor gold collar and four front patch pockets with scalloped flaps and pleats.
Their coffee brown belt, adorned with a gilt-brass buckle, features seven black pouches for ammunition and a scarlet waist pack containing basic medical supplies, such as bandages. They carry olive green rucksacks bearing the Rebel Army insignia, containing a wide range of supplies, including tactical explosives, portable ammo boxes, canteens filled with water, weapons, additional medical supplies, gas masks, and walkie-talkies.
They wear bulky, neurally-controlled exosuits with a dark, iridescent nanoceramic coating, providing adaptive protection and augmented mobility. The suit features AI-driven strength amplification, thermal regulation, and self-healing joints for unparalleled flexibility. Their armour is complemented by a holographic visor helmet emblazoned with the Rebel Army's insignia, equipped with a neural interface offering real-time tactical projections and voice command. They don a chromatic gas mask with retinal implants, granting enhanced low-light vision, dual nano-filter mounts, and a voice modulator encircled by fractal-patterned, silver-nanowire spikes.
Their integrated load-bearing backpack stores additional supplies, including ammunition, medical kits, tactical gear (e.g. smoke grenades), rations, and hydration pack. Underneath their exoskeletons, the bodyguards wear a tactical, high-coverage ballistic bodysuit made from a dense, flexible kevlar-latex hybrid material. Their bodysuits are a deep, rich scarlet colour and feature strategically integrated, articulated padding at the shoulders, elbows, and knees.
They’re primarily armed with a Mauser C96 pistol for close-quarters engagement, FG 42 rifle for versatile, high-accuracy firepower, and an MG 42 machine gun with bipod foregrip for sustained, heavy suppressive fire. The Mauser C96 can be equipped with an extended magazine and silencer attachment, the FG 42 features a telescopic sight and folding stock, and the MG 42 boasts a high-capacity drum magazine and quick-change barrel system.
Land Troops
Troops in woodland areas wear a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) featuring a brown, beige, and olive green camouflage pattern, which holds ammunition and their walkie-talkie. They wear earthy green army cargo pants with two additional pockets on the back and tunics with a six-button bronze front closure. They also wear an earthy green ballistic helmet, a ruddy brown belt with a bronze buckle, dark green paratrooper boots, and a fern-hued armband bearing the Rebel Army insignia. They wear dark green bandoliers that form an X-shape, holding additional ammunition. They carry moss-green load-bearing backpacks with reinforced webbing and waterproof linings, containing supplies provided by special forces such as water purification tablets, emergency shelters, and high-calorie rations.
Troops in snowy areas wear a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) featuring a white, frosty grey, and pale blue camouflage pattern, which holds ammunition and their walkie-talkie. They wear snow-drab army cargo pants with two additional pockets on the back and insulated tunics with a six-button silver front closure. They also wear a snow-drab ballistic helmet, steel grey belt with a silver buckle, and an azure armband bearing the Rebel Army insignia. They wear black paratrooper boots lined with warm polar bear fur and equipped with crampons, which provide traction on icy ground.
They carry arctic white tactical backpacks with black accents and reinforced insulation, containing supplies provided by special forces such as thermal blankets, emergency bivvy sacks, and high-energy rations. They carry spiky riot shields made of blue-grey metal, rimmed with a scarlet stripe and a black stripe. Additionally, they carry a bluish-white canister on their back containing ice mist, which enables them to launch shards and spikes of ice at enemies.
Troops in desert areas wear a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) featuring a sandy beige, terracotta, and light grey camouflage pattern. They wear khaki army cargo pants with two additional pockets on the back and tunics with a six-button brass front closure. They wear a khaki ballistic helmet, light brown bandanas that cover their necks, and ivory-hued ponchos adorned with the Rebel Army insignia on the back. They also wear a reddish-grey belt with a brass buckle, tan leather paratrooper boots, and a dusty brown armband bearing the Rebel Army insignia. They wear three reddish-grey bandoliers with two forming an X-shape across their chest, holding ammunition, and a third one positioned above their belt, holding sticks of dynamite. They carry dune-beige tactical backpacks with built-in hydration bladders and MOLLE attachments, containing supplies provided by special forces such as water purification tablets, desert survival kits, and emergency rations.
Troops who operate as fanatics are required to wear a black sheath or drop leg holster for their combat knife or electrical baton and carry their improvised weapons, including fireworks, rolling bombs, and hammers, in their backpacks.
Troops who operate as grenade throwers are required to wear a crimson waist pack and seven belt pouches, each filled with grenades.
Troops who operate as bazooka wielders are required to carry an anti-tank weapon that closely resembles the American M1 Bazooka, but is emblazoned with the Rebel Army insignia. They serve as the backbone of General Morden's ground forces regiment.
Troops who operate as shielded soldiers are required to carry simple riot shields made of grey metal and wield a machete alongside a Desert Eagle-designed pistol. They slash at enemies with their machete when they get too close or shoot them with their pistol when they're out of machete range.
Troops who operate as vehicle drivers are required to carry a rocket launcher capable of firing homing missiles. Once the vehicle they were operating has been taken down, they fire one or two shots before fleeing.
Troops who operate as minelayers are required to wear a gilded or silvery drop leg holster for their combat knife and carry mines in their backpacks. Once a mine has been laid, they often flee or launch a frenzied attack against their enemies.
Troops who operate as bikers for the Rebel Army Bike Squad are required to wear grip-enhancing greyish-brown gloves, glossy black combat boots, and bronze-plated goggles. They utilise two different types of motorbikes, the Micka Horn and Thunder Moto, for quickly reaching their destination or attacking alongside moving vehicles. Sidecar bikers have an attached sidecar with a trooper carrying either a bazooka that fires homing missiles or a highly reliable automatic rifle. Fanatic bikers perform wheelies with their motorbike and will jump off when close to an enemy, allowing the motorbike to crash into the enemy. Missile bikers have a large missile secured to their back with three ropes; when ready, they’ll detonate it, sacrificing themselves in the process and launching a massive fireball.
Troops who operate as snipers are required to carry rifles that closely resemble the Mauser Karabiner 98k, along with a crimson waist pack for their special ammunition. These rifles have a slow rate of fire and are surprisingly unreliable, often jamming after only a few shots.
Troops who operate mortars are the light artillery of the army, being required to bombard oncoming enemies with high-explosive mortar rounds.
Troops who operate as Gatling soldiers are required to carry a heavy minigun with a back-mounted ammo supply. Due to the intense recoil, rapid overheating, and high ammo expenditure, they only fire in short bursts. Their large ammo containers, made of dark grey metal, are designed to withstand several shots.
Troops who operate as flamethrower soldiers are required to carry flamethrowers connected to canisters containing flammable induction particles, which enable them to control the shape and direction of their attacks.
Marine Troops
Troops wear a specially designed mottled grey and blue camouflage wetsuit, featuring a horizontal front zip and a hood with an integrated communication earpiece pocket. They wear durable flippers with rugged spikes in a rusty orange finish, which provide stability and traction on underwater terrain. Their underwater goggles are plated with durable copper and brass for corrosion resistance and clear visibility. Finally, they wear bronze-hued, waterproof gloves, ensuring dexterity and protection while handling equipment in wet conditions.
Troops who operate as rocket divers are required to hold a giant missile on their back. They're often positioned in medium-depth waters, sneaking up on enemies before jumping out of the water and tossing their rockets at them. The camouflage wetsuits of rocket divers have a bright yellow sheen, and they use a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus connected to two bulky air tanks.
Troops who operate as marine divers are required to carry an oil drum on their back, strapped to their shoulders by sturdy rope, which is fitted with explosive charges. The camouflage wetsuits of marine divers have a reddish-black sheen, and they wear rebreathers that allow them to reach a depth of 2,000 feet (609.6 metres).
Troops who operate as cannon divers are required to carry bazooka-styled cannons, utilise flotation devices or life preservers, and hide under bridges and cliffs to wait in ambush for their enemies. The camouflage wetsuits of cannon divers have a greyish-green sheen, but some of them wear only white boxers with crimson spots beneath their flotation gear.
Aerial Troops
Troops who operate as pilots wear fire-resistant Oxford blue flight suits, adorned with multiple pockets for storing essential gear. A transparent plastic pocket on the thigh holds aeronautical charts, while a built-in utility belt features a drop leg holster for their combat knives. They wear oxygen masks and helmets with communication speakers and bronze-plated goggles to ensure clear visibility and are equipped with night vision mode. They don steel-toed muddy brown safety boots with ankle support and flotation collars that automatically inflate in water.
Their uniforms are completed with woollen champagne-hued scarves, each featuring two scarlet stripes at both ends, and lapis lazuli blue armbands bearing the Rebel Army insignia. They carry desert tan load-bearing backpacks containing supplies provided by special forces, including survival radios, high-intensity flashlights, signal flares, aeronautical compasses, and whistles.
Troops who operate as special airborne soldiers comprise the female units of the aerial division. They don a cutting-edge, neuro-linked exosuit in a sleek, obsidian blue finish, reinforced with adaptive, impact-absorbing smart materials. The suit is integrated with a motorised helicopter backpack, enabling seamless transitions between ground and air operations. Advanced, high-resolution optics are embedded in the sleek, silver mirrored piloting goggles, providing real-time data overlays, low-light enhancement, and AI-assisted navigation. A compact, high-pressure air supply system is mounted on the chest plate, incorporating advanced oxygen recycling and CO2 scrubbing technology for extended high-altitude missions.
Beneath their exoskeleton, they don a sleek black tactical jumpsuit crafted from high-strength, bullet-resistant latex, reinforced with strategic padding at vital joints. Over this, they wear a ruggedized, tan-coloured MOLLE vest, equipped with four utility pouches. These soldiers are armed with either a portable Gatling gun or an AR-10, which fire homing missiles. Additionally, they wear a sturdy waist belt holding six canisters of flammable acid and eight smoke bombs, which can be thrown at their enemies.
Combat Vehicles
Type-2 Di-Cokka
Type-3 Bull Chan
Type-4 Girida-O
Type-5 Iron Iso
T-2B Melty Honey
Shoe & Karn
Big Shiee
M-15A Bradley
LV Armor
Iron Nokana
Rebel Gigant
Emain Macha
Tani Oh
Iron Sentinel
MH-6J Masknell
Flying Tara
The Keesi
The Keesi Mk. III
Hairbuster Riberts
Naval Vessels
Jet Hammer-Yang
Mini-Sub 88
Morden's Battleship
Support Vehicles
Nop-03 Sarubia
3-ton Utility Truck
Rebel Van
M-3 Rocket Launch Support Van
Dararin Dara Dara
Walking Locomotive
Jupiter King
Dragon Nosuke
Working Machines
Bull Drill
Aeshi Nero
Fall Climber
Special Weaponry
TM-1 Missiles
Turrets (Anti Aircraft, Spike Bunker, Double Bunker, and Hill Turret)
Laser Drone
Patrol Robot
Metal Mole
Supervisory Cameras
Sensor Mine
Rebel Walker
Mosque Artillery
Spider Droid
Biological Weapons
Mutated Soldiers
Flying Killers
Enormous Moray
Rebel Army Base
Huge Hermit
The Fortress of Neuschwanstein serves as the strategic headquarters for Rebel Army operations and the residence of General Morden, who inherited this ancestral estate from his royal lineage. This medieval Romanesque castle features sturdy stone walls, eight round towers, semi-circular arches, barrel vaults, narrow windows, a grand hall, and a central courtyard. Four large dark red banners, emblazoned with the Rebel Army insignia, flank the castle on all four sides, while advanced surveillance and monitoring networks secure the interior.
The grand hall, known as the Command Center, boasts a large fireplace, a circular rosewood table, a gilded throne with a turquoise-dotted crimson seat cushion, and fifty mahogany business chairs, where General Morden's strategic command team convenes, supported by communication arrays and a holographic map of the world. The central courtyard boasts a fountain showcasing a unique four-winged angel with the head of a crocodile, carrying a water jug, while a crowned swan follows closely behind. The courtyard is surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flower beds, adorned with a variety of blooms, including foxgloves, delphiniums, peonies, clematis, honeysuckles, lavender, sunflowers, dahlias, and castor oil plants.
The castle features a stunning chapel adorned with vibrant stained-glass windows, depicting angels with magnificent wings, shown assisting humans and battling demons. It also boasts a sunny retreat for General Morden, a vast library housing a diverse collection of manuscripts and books across various genres, and a kitchen accompanied by a well-stocked pantry. Additional facilities include a dungeon designated for holding special prisoners, an infirmary for medical care, a bathhouse for relaxation, and a gatehouse for secure entry and exit. 
The personal quarters of General Morden, Sagan, and Logan include two bedrooms, three private offices, a situation room, a secure storage facility for their personal arsenal and tactical gear, and direct access to the Command Center and other critical areas of the fortress via secret passageways and elevators. General Morden's Space Tank and the original Shoe & Karn, which belonged to Sagan and Logan, are housed in a garage that doubles as an entrance to a subterranean chamber. This basement contains a collection of cyborg replicas, each identical to Morden, Sagan, and Logan, sufficient to last them half a lifetime. Additionally, the room features a vast wardrobe, storing a customised outfit for each cyborg duplicate. The replicas stand upright in cryogenic tubes, lining both walls, receiving a vital, tar-like liquid that prevents mechanical corrosion and digital decay.
The fortress also comprises the Armoury and Munitions Room, a heavily fortified storage facility for advanced weaponry, ammunition, and equipment; the Barracks, special accommodations for elite Rebel Army personnel featuring personal quarters, training facilities, and armouries; and the Intelligence Hub, a cutting-edge facility for gathering, analysing, and disseminating critical information to support Rebel Army operations.
Within the castle, there’s a room featuring:
A crystal-clear sky dome with an automatic emergency closure system featuring a dark grey adamant barrier.
Comfy beds and toys for the elite’s German Shepherds and Doberman Pinschers, complete with a doggy playground and a pet grooming station.
An environmental aquarium suitable for four Enormous Morays (Helen, Linda, Jenny, and Barbie) and a few Flying Killers with a simulated ocean current and a treasure chest feeder.
A central tubular fish tank full of tiny jellyfish, surrounded by a circular seating area with velvet cushions.
A hidden passageway behind the aquarium leading to a secret room with a doggy cinema playing canine favourites.
A dog treat bar offering healthy snacks and refreshing drinks for the furry friends.
A veterinary care station with state-of-the-art equipment for any medical needs.
Beneath the foundation, a sturdy hexapedal locomotion system in a coppery brass hue with durable rose gold nanocoating. Six arachnid-like, cybernetic legs, enforced with dark mahogany and myrtle green insulated wires, aid in propelling the fortress with steady, hissing steam-powered strides. The wires connect to a network of brass fittings and copper pipes, pulsing with a warm, golden glow. Its simple, gear-driven mechanism moves with deliberate precision, while leather-bound shock absorbers ease the impact on the terrain.
At its core, a centralised arsenal unleashes swarms of AI-guided, quantum-entangled missiles, capable of adapting to evasive maneuvers. Dual, high-energy laser cannons flank the primary weapon, their prismatic lenses pulsating with intense, supercharged plasma. Along the castle's periphery, sixteen omnidirectional, auto-targeting turrets deploy, unleashing bursts of hypervelocity, micro-kinetic projectiles at perceived threats, guided by advanced, real-time predictive analytics.
Extra Information
Most pilots and special airborne soldiers are Rebel Army cadets with either sufficient or barely passable piloting skills. However, some are kidnapped Regular Army cadets who have been brainwashed and enticed with promises such as financial aid—and, if female, subjected to emotional manipulation—to serve General Morden's cause. To maintain their obedience, they are forcibly administered amphetamine pills and methamphetamine injections on a weekly basis. This potentially explains why some pilots exhibit self-destructive behaviour, such as kamikaze attacks.
Fanatic land troops are known to ingest hallucinogens, believing it will render them numb to the emotional pain associated with taking lives. They also believe it will intensify their conviction to eradicate all governmental and militant corruption. They claim to receive visions revealing strategies to annihilate their enemies and words of encouragement from General Morden, who’s revered as a deity-like figure.
Similar to the fanatic land troops, marine divers known to be suicidally fanatical and extremely loyal to the Rebel Army's cause, willing to sacrifice themselves to secure a better future for their faction.
Some male fanatic land troops, bikers, and marine divers have been known to engage in coercive recruitment tactics, including love bombing, to manipulate women into joining the Rebel Army's land, marine, and aerial divisions. Additionally, there have been instances of sexual assault perpetrated by these individuals against women in opposing factions.
The bodyguard armour stands at an impressive 8 ft (243.84 cm) in height. However, many individuals inside these suits exist in a severely degraded yet remarkably functional state, despite suffering from adverse reactions caused by their genetic enhancement. This enhancement involves the forced integration of Tuatha Dé Danann DNA into their genome through chemical means.
Some soldiers have a habit of slacking off, engaging in activities such as calling loved ones, taking smoke breaks, gossiping, cooking food, dancing to music played on the boombox, drinking, flirting with those who catch their attention or playing games on their handheld consoles.
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Oh my lord-
I'm finally done with the main cast of the Iron Eclipse AU! Now, I can get working on the antagonists 😈. This is honestly exciting for me! I'm particularly stoked to start working on General Morden, Doctor Amadeus, and Ptolemaios.
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Ralf and Clark Moodboard
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Which characters are assigned to each of the seven Regular Army garrisons?
I know this is very uncalled for, but I just thought about this. The Regular Army is separated into seven garrisons and a good chunk of the characters work for them via their special forces units. I've compiled a list of which characters belong to each garrison.
North American Garrison: Marco Rossi, Ralf Jones, Clark Still, Sophia Greenville, Margaret Southwood, and Tequila
European Garrison: Fio Germi, Nadia Cassel, and Gimlet
Eurasian Garrison: Hyakutaro Ichimonji
Asian Garrison: Tarma Roving, Eri Kasamoto, Trevor Spacey, Rumi Aikawa, and Madoka Aikawa
Far Eastern Garrison: Tyra Elson
African Garrison: Red Eye
Oceania Garrison: Walter Ryan
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Updated: September 18, 2024
Reworked Group #4: S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S.
Tequila and Red Eye successfully dismantled a rogue military organisation engaged in illicit human trafficking and arms dealing, which had also planned to launch a global bioterrorist attack in collaboration with the Pipovulaj Army. The plot involved spreading a zombie plague to control the population, transforming numerous innocent civilians into violent Man Eaters as a means to create a twisted form of super-soldier. Impressed by Tequila and Red Eye's exceptional performance as highly capable spies, the Intelligence Agency and the Regular Army jointly established a covert operations branch, S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., through a mutual agreement.
The S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. is responsible for gathering intelligence and managing information to prevent public panic and global hysteria. They provide their members with specialised training in high-risk covert operations that surpass the scope of regular Intelligence Agency agents, which are all conducted with utmost discretion and situational awareness. Some of these special covert operation missions involve precision targeting of high-priority threats and strategic disruption of complex criminal schemes.
It features a cerulean square Iberian shield, rimmed with a spiky teal vine that’s outlined in bronze. Above the shield, the words "S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S." are inscribed in bluish-white, surmounting a stylized pair of bronze eyes with a yellowish-white star at their centre. The shield is flanked by a stylized peregrine falcon holding a gilded blade on the right side and a male house sparrow clutching an olive branch on the left side.
S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. Base
The Intelligence Division is tactically positioned adjacent to the Joint Military Police Headquarters, deeply entrenched within a dense and remote forest in Northern Russia. The rectangular military compound features a forest-inspired camouflage colour scheme, a secure warehouse for military vehicles, multiple surveillance cameras, and several elevators leading to a subterranean base. They have a rooftop array of parabolic antennas that enables real-time surveillance, threat detection, and situational awareness, preventing surprise attacks and informing strategic decision-making. The base features comprehensive protection through an advanced security system and a defensive magnetic field, which automatically activates in response to potential threats, safeguarding against enemy attacks.
The subterranean base features a state-of-the-art command and surveillance centre, equipped with cutting-edge technological systems to orchestrate and execute operations. Additional facilities include:
An armoury housing the group’s most cutting-edge, high-clearance weaponry and specialised ordnance.
A high-tech meeting room with a high-resolution, encrypted display screen and multi-axis, AI-enhanced holographic projection system.
A state-of-the-art gymnasium for maintaining elite physical readiness, featuring biometric monitoring systems and AI-driven training programs.
A fully equipped, high-tech medical bay with regenerative treatment capabilities and telemedicine connectivity for remote expert consultation.
A secure dining area serving optimised, nutrient-rich rations for peak performance.
A high-security quarters with biometrically locked storage for personal gear and AI-monitored, secure communication arrays.
A Combat Academy, led by Margaret Southwood, featuring a heavily fortified training area with advanced combat simulation zones, tactical obstacle courses, stealth and surveillance training areas, and high-tech weapons testing ranges.
Extra Information
S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. stands for Special Pursuit Agents and Rapid Response Operations Worldwide Strikeforce.
Members of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. are commonly known as "Sparrowers" or "Following Falconers", reflecting their affiliation with the unit and their close relationship with the P.F. Squad.
Despite being part of an elite covert operations branch, Sparrowers face a significant pay disparity: males earn a quarter of the average government agent's salary, while females earn about a third. Additionally, underperforming Sparrowers, both male and female, experience further financial hardship due to delayed salary payments, often waiting between one to two months to receive their overdue compensation.
The S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. conduct their covert operations in collaboration with the Peregrine Falcons Squad who provide primary firepower and protection for their agents.
The handguns carried by Sparrowers are the Murder Model-1915 .38 Mk.1Am or Classic Murder .38 for short. It’s a double-action revolver that features a 6-round cylinder. Originally designed to enhance the Enfield No.2 .38 Caliber revolver in 1915, the Murder Model retained only the frame and grip from the original. All other components were replaced with newer parts in later years.
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I decided to make a playlist for the depressed and lonely man himself! I feel so bad for him...
I kinda whipped this up somewhat quickly, but I think it turned out alright. When creating the playlist, I tried to base the songs on his personal struggles. I'm aware that Human Sadness by The Voidz is about the complicated relationship between the lead singer, Julian, and his father. However, I couldn't help but be reminded of the relationship between Iron Eclipse Marco and his mother.
THE LONELIEST by Måneskin is a reference to the final moments that Iron Eclipse Marco shared with his father. I like to imagine it's in the perspective of his father rather than Marco's own view.
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I made a little playlist for the Iron Eclipse AU. I whipped it up fairly quickly, so don't expect it to be perfect. I often struggle with this sort of thing, but I wanted to give it a shot. I'll consider this to be an experiment of sorts. Selecting the right songs that might fit the vibes of Iron Eclipse was a challenge... I wasn't fully thinking about the themes of my AU for this one...
The cover art is a sketch of IE Marco by @kemasansachet! Please go check him out because his art is phenomenal! He's also a really nice and chill person!
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To Be Human Leitmotif (MS AU):
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Updated: September 18, 2024
Reworked Character #9: Tequila
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, torture, suicide, child abuse, cannibalism, crime, alcoholism, and divorce.
Real name: Sermeg Bracquemond-Kagamihara (he legally changed his name to Sosuke N. Kanikoja)
Esper title: Avatar of Natural Creation and Endless Knowledge
Alias: Fatigued yet Brisk Intelligencer of a Thousand Skirmishes
Nickname: Tequila
Occupation: Lieutenant General of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., Brigadier General of the Regular Army, Army Chief of Staff for the Rebel Army (formerly), and mercenary for the Theophylaktos Union (formerly)
Retirement plans: Open a florist shop, become a philanthropist dedicated to supporting child welfare and war veterans, and establish a company that designs and manufactures affordable, electric vehicles
Special skills: Coordinating covert missions, and training programs for new recruits, proficiency in tactical planning and the operation of heavy machinery, mastery of disguise, and rescuing hostages
Esper abilities: His body possesses a unique adaptive ability, granting him resistance to extreme temperatures, toxins, and other hazards. In response to environmental stressors, his organs automatically secrete a protective, opalescent slime that coats them. This slime serves as a barrier, preventing harmful microorganisms from entering his body and shielding him from infections and diseases. It also repels toxic substances and deadly gases, safeguarding his organs from damage. Furthermore, the slime produces purplish-black cells that play a crucial role in his thermal resistance, helping to regulate his body temperature and enabling him to withstand extreme heat or cold temperatures
Moreover, he's able to intentionally shed his skin, peeling it off like a removable garment. Following its removal, his skin rapidly regenerates through a self-materialising process, restoring his epidermal layer. This process allows him to remove harmful organisms that may have attached to or burrowed into his skin. Shedding contaminated skin also enables him to regenerate healthy tissue and develop enhanced immunity and resistance to biological hazards, including toxins, bacteria, and other harmful substances.
By leveraging his photographic memory and manipulating his genetic code and organic mass, he can shapeshift into any form he has visually memorised. He can also teleport short distances, allowing him to suddenly disappear and reappear in locations with which he has partial or full familiarity. He boasts flexibility rivalling that of an octopus due to his extreme hypermobility, and agility nearly identical to that of a cheetah. Furthermore, his senses are incredibly acute, featuring eyesight as keen as an eagle's, hearing as sensitive as a bat's, a sense of smell as discerning as an elephant's, and touch sensitivity as refined as a star-nosed mole's. When sensing the presence of danger or untrustworthy individuals within his range of sight and hearing, his mind instantly kicks into fight or flight mode, impairing his impulsivity and heightening his hypervigilance. This triggers a sudden surge of adrenaline, preparing his body to either confront the threat or flee to safety.
He can clearly read emotions and thoughts by proximity to an individual's aura within a 6 ft (182.88 cm) boundary. Additionally, he possesses psychometry, granting him access to accurate knowledge of an object's or person's history through physical contact, which triggers brief yet remarkably vivid visions. He can sense celestial events, planetary alignments, and cosmic anomalies, allowing him to vaguely predict global changes. Furthermore, he can passively sense environmental changes to predict weather, earthquakes, and other meteorological and geological events.
He has black half-spheres on the palms of his hands, which possess a red-violet lustre and serve three distinct purposes. Firstly, they enable him to manipulate the organic fabric of sentient life forms and the four elemental forces that comprise the cosmos: earth, air, water, and fire. Secondly, they allow him to absorb memories and knowledge from the freshly deceased and bodies in various stages of decay. Lastly, by touching a sentient being or placing his hand in close proximity to one, they grant him the ability to communicate with them telepathically.
Hobbies: Gardening (especially cultivating deadly plants), playing underground poker games, watching demolition derby events, tinkering with and customising his own vehicles, and engaging in friendly fire incidents during covert missions with military organisations
Likes: Gourmet grilling, the innocent curiosity of children, enjoying a drink after a long battle, the symbolism and cultural significance of flowers, and the study of tactics and battles of history's greatest warriors
Dislikes: Captivity, troublemakers, being stuck in tight spaces (especially during an escape), bureaucratic red tape, and witnessing his comrades and children being exploited and oppressed or caught in situations of gratuitous violence
Favourite food: Tequila (tequila sunrise is his most favourite) and his own gourmet grilled food
Sexuality: Panromantic graysexual
Gender: Male
Age: 50 (in 2022), 56 (in 2028), 58 (in 2030), 60 (in 2032), 62 (in 2034), 69 (in 2041), 71 (in 2043), 72 (in 2044), and 75 (in 2047)
Blood type: A-
Weight: 109 lbs. (49 kg)
Design: He’s a 5 ft (152.4 cm) Canadian ectomorph of French and Japanese descent with a lean, semi-lanky build, subtle softness around the midsection, and a weak yet surprisingly stocky musculature. He has sloping shoulders, beige skin (it was pale ivory during his younger years), and a small black mole on the right side of his chin. He has a missing second premolar on his lower jaw and heterochromia eyes: his right eye is a medium sky blue and his left eye is a deep cyan. Tequila sports a brownish-black spiky crew cut dyed a light auburn, which is paired with sideburns, semi-bushy eyebrows, and a slightly dishevelled five o'clock shadow. On his right outer thigh, he has a tattoo depicting a seven-horned Lamb of God, its legs bound, holding an olive branch in its mouth. The lamb is set against a backdrop of a gilded Chi Rho symbol (☧), which is encircled by a radiant, flaming aureola.
He bears numerous battle scars from past encounters, including: half of his upper back being heavily burned; a series of jagged cuts on his left arm caused by shrapnel; a deep, curved scar on his temple; a thin, horizontal knife scar on his chin; a slight cut on his left cheek from a bullet that flew past him; and a bullet wound below the right side of his diaphragm. Tequila also has a series of deep stab wounds on his right shoulder and right lumbar region, a severed tendon (flexor carpi ulnaris) in his left forearm, and a partially cut left thumb. After being experimented on, his body underwent significant transformations: his muscles now have a coppery hue with bronze streaks, his neck is adorned with bearded vulture feathers, his bones are gilded and steel-hard, and his legs are covered in shaggy, greenish-black fur.
His military gear consists of brass-plated goggles with yellow-orange lenses, a navy blue bandana mask, a bone white tank top with a slight rip just above the left hip, and greenish-black gloves. He wears army cargo pants in a camouflage pattern featuring cerulean, lavender grey, and Cambridge blue, which are tucked into spike-soled liver brown combat boots. His pants have two crudely stitched patches: a triangular brownish-red one on the right knee and a rectangular steel blue one on the middle of his left outer thigh. Tequila wears a metal dog tag necklace with his name, navy blue elbow and knee pads, a leather belt, a sheath for his combat knife, and a drop leg holster for a handgun with a silencer. A Prussian blue waist pack is secured to the back of his belt, containing a bronze-finished flask filled with his tequila cocktail of choice for the day.
He wears a linden green flight jacket, often left unzipped, featuring a brown wolf-fur lining, a metallic silver zipper, and gilded epaulets. The jacket has four pockets and boasts the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. logo emblazoned on the back. It has two hidden compartments designed for firearms, but typically stores a sheathed machete and a scoped bolt-action rifle instead. Additionally, he wears a reseda chartreuse armband on his left sleeve, adorned with the Regular Army insignia. He typically wears a blue-green Lightweight Helmet (LWH), but occasionally opts for a gold-edged wedge cap of linden green seal fur instead.
Over his tank top, he dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a cerulean, lavender grey, and Cambridge blue camouflage pattern, which carries around his walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. He wears three dark grey bandoliers: one draped over his right shoulder holds flashbang grenades, another over his left shoulder holds smoke bombs, and a third wraps around his waist above his belt, holding ammunition for his handgun. Tequila carries around a steel blue load-bearing backpack that contains camping equipment, tactical explosives, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, a grappling hook, and a disguise kit that adapts to the specific requirements of each mission. It also contains a rocket launcher, grenade launcher, bazooka, flame gun, missile pod, practical tools like mechanic and lockpicking sets, and a photo album filled with Polaroid pictures.
The pockets of his flight jacket carry around a metallic blue-green lighter, the key to his motorcycle, noise-cancelling earplugs, and a hundred-eyed cowrie shell, a gift from Gimlet. Tequila also carries a collection of cherished photographs: one showing him with his ex-wife, Margaret, and their late son, Thomas; another with his former team, including a young Gimlet; a third featuring a Swiss brassy ringlet on a yellow mountain flower; a fourth capturing Red Eye playfully placing an orange cat on a sleeping Donald Morden; a fifth depicting him and Clark on a mountain hike; and a sixth showing him, Marco, Tarma, Gimlet, and Red Eye, taken one year prior to the Great Morden War.
He has a stash of cigars and a half-empty pack of cigarettes tucked away in the right pocket of his army cargo pants, while his left pocket is occupied by a burgundy instant camera, a digital recorder, a silver engagement ring featuring a princess cut diamond, and a golden wedding band. Ever since he encountered a Swiss brassy ringlet during a hike through the rocky meadows of the European Alps, he fell in love with them and proudly displays a pin depicting one on the left side of his flight jacket. He wears two distinctive necklaces: a black cord with a teardrop-shaped nazar charm and a gold chain holding a pendant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary impaled by a longsword.
His custom-made motorcycle is a glaucous BMW R75, adorned with forest green cheetah spots outlined in sandy beige. The motorcycle comes with a sidecar, which serves as storage for extra supplies and his load-bearing backpack. The sidecar features an intriguing design element: a Swiss brassy ringlet on the antler of an elk skull, proudly displayed on its side. The sidecar is outfitted with a greenish-black rocket turret, while two rotating miniguns are mounted on either side of the front wheel of his motorcycle.
Personality: He's a cunning, wise, rebellious polyglot with a strong aversion to being bossed around unjustly. As a thrill-seeker, he has a tendency to bluff and revels in the raw power and adrenaline rush that comes with high-intensity situations, which makes him feel alive. He has a strong sense of camaraderie with those he considers comrades and close friends, going to great lengths to ensure their happiness and safety. Tequila is especially devoted to Marco, Tarma, Red Eye, Gimlet, Clark, and Eri, holding their well-being in the highest regard due to the deep affection he feels for them. Depending on the situation, he can be very blunt, believing that people need to quickly learn that the truth is often a hard pill to swallow. Whenever his patience is running thin or he deems it necessary, he isn't afraid to speak his mind, though his words can be abrasive and unsettling.
Despite his perpetual weary expression, he’s a fundamentally kind-hearted and morally upright leader. Tequila is a tough-as-nails and hypervigilant individual that has a tendency to engage in occasional reckless behaviour. He has a cynical, pessimistic outlook on life, which he occasionally masks through social drinking, reading the newspaper or immersing himself in his hobbies. As an introvert with an exceptionally high intellect, he finds it challenging to connect with others. He has a deep-seated compassion and strong protective instincts towards children who are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Tequila views it as a moral obligation to safeguard them from harm and foster a secure environment that allows them to thrive. When drunk, he exhibits clumsiness, boisterousness, sorrowfulness, physical aggression, and increased insulting behaviour (far more than usual). Additionally, he's even more likely to make awkward attempts to flirt with anyone who catches his eye.
He's particularly self-conscious about his height and extremely hates being teased about it. When someone teases him about his height, he tends to retaliate by rudely insulting them, often targeting their appearance-related insecurities. When he's feeling scared or furious towards someone who has visibly angered him, he has a habit of jumping on their back, which may follow up with an attack. Tequila has zero tolerance for cowardice and incompetence, viewing them as lame excuses for people to avoid putting in effort and failing to contribute meaningfully to their roles in society. He dislikes people who are overly pesky or slimy, individuals with a bratty and entitled attitude, unnecessary trouble, political corruption, and duplicity.
As a devout Catholic who also believes in the evil eye, he abhors war and can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for new military recruits, knowing their innocent worldview is likely to be shattered. Nevertheless, he recognizes that everyone has their own reasons for enlisting and refrains from criticising their choices. He becomes vengeful when he encounters people who have been unreasonably hurt or when he feels betrayed and devastated after losing something he deeply cares about. He’ll only betray someone or a cause if he senses that they’re crossing into morally reprehensible territory. He lives with sleep paralysis, atypical depression, and mild borderline personality disorder and PTSD. When he needs time for solitude and contemplation, he withdraws from others, seeks out a comforting space, and puts in his earplugs to block out the voices and distractions of those around him.
He harbours a deep-seated hatred towards his former friend, General Morden, stemming from his subsequent betrayal when Morden's megalomaniacal desire for world domination consumed him. He perceives Margaret as promiscuous and attention-seeking, disapproving of her flirtatious behaviour as a means to cope with loneliness. Despite their divorce, he still cares about her well-being and has been gradually rebuilding their relationship, attempting to alleviate her loneliness. He has a strong affinity for Gimlet, whom he sees as a surrogate son, striving to educate and guide him on the right path. However, he often finds himself disappointed by Vasser's ill-tempered bully attitude, his excessive thirst for blood and action, and his tendencies to slack off, cause mischief, and make unwanted advances towards women.
Backstory: Sermeg Bracquemond-Kagamihara was born on December 23, 1972 in Chichicastenango, Guatemala. His biological parents were Kafkasi Bracquemond, a French-Canadian construction worker from Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, and Tsukiko Kagamihara, a Japanese-Canadian entrepreneur who owned an open-air market selling homemade Japanese craft goods. He had an adoptive sister who was six years older than him named Ximena, who had been abandoned by her father, struggling with alcoholism. As expected, he had inherited Tuatha Dé Danann DNA from his parents, which became noticeable when he frequently mentioned seeing a pair of glowing red eyes watching him. Sermeg's parents had also noticed that his intelligence grew at rapid speeds, which they greatly encouraged. Between the ages of 1 and 4, he read numerous books on various subjects, including mathematics, engineering, sociology, psychology, architecture, ancient history, geography, political science, and world religions. By the age of 5, he had taught himself to speak multiple languages, including Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian, and learned about their respective cultures.
Before Sermeg's 7th birthday, his father was assassinated by a hitman in retaliation for killing the right-hand man of a prominent Québécois organised crime family near Montreal. Prior to his death, Kafkasi had fled with his wife, Tsukiko, to Guatemala. The crime family, seeking revenge and viewing Tsukiko and her children as potential assets, had planned to force them into hard labour and prostitution. Out of fear, Tsukiko made the tough decision to put Sermeg and Ximena up for adoption, hoping they would be safe. Shortly after, Tsukiko vanished mysteriously, leaving behind only speculation that she had fallen prey to the Québécois crime family's sinister activities.
They were adopted by an organ harvester named Tecuani, who took pity on them after learning about the fate of their parents. Despite his illicit profession, Tecuani went out of his way to ensure that Sermeg and Ximena were well-fed and properly educated. He even taught them essential survival skills for navigating the dangers of the streets, giving them a better chance at thriving in a challenging world. However, their time together was short-lived, as Tecuani was promptly arrested after one of his employees reported him to the police for operating an illegal organ harvesting business.
As a result, Sermeg and Ximena were placed into the foster care system, where they experienced a tumultuous journey through four different foster families. The first family was neglectful and struggled with addiction, the second was intimidated by Sermeg's abnormal intelligence, and the third, although kind and lenient, harboured an uncle who posed a sexual threat to Ximena.
Tragically, their last foster family was a source of immense pain and suffering. The foster father, a business executive named Clifford, was controlling and abusive, lashing out physically and emotionally, especially when Sermeg dared to stand up for himself. The foster mother, a psychiatrist named Magdalena, failed to provide a safe and nurturing environment, neglecting their needs and belittling them with hurtful words that preyed on their insecurities. Ximena, who had always been dear to Magdalena, struggled with depression, PTSD, and body dysmorphia, which ultimately led to her eventual suicide when Sermeg was just 12 years old.
At age 15, Sermeg joined a newly formed cartel that promised him refuge and financial assistance in exchange for killing and cannibalising his foster parents. Initially hesitant due to his disgust at the idea of consuming his abusers, he was motivated by the prospect of exacting revenge. He followed through on the cartel's demands, completing his initiation and rapidly rising through the ranks thanks to his street smarts. He played a key role in gathering valuable intelligence for the cartel's boss and devising strategic plans for financial management and tactical attacks.
To cope with his emotional pain and seek excitement, he turned to drinking various tequila cocktails, eventually leading to an addiction and a particular fondness for tequila sunrise. His struggles with addiction led to him being dubbed "Tequila" by those around him, a nickname he unexpectedly embraced as part of his identity and later adopted as his codename for military operations.
The circumstances of his departure from the cartel are unclear, but rumours suggest that the cartel was either absorbed into or annihilated by a relatively obscure cult-like guerrilla group from Venezuela known as the Theophylaktos Union. However, it's confirmed that he did join the Theophylaktos Union at age 19, becoming a skilled mercenary and spy for the organisation. He admits that he had a boyfriend during his time in the Theophylaktos Union, but their relationship was cut short when his partner was killed in friendly fire. This was also when he began exploring mechanics and constructed his first custom-made motorcycle.
At the age of 21, during a raid on a Brazilian town, he encountered a frightened child clinging to her dead mother and her severely injured younger brother. Initially, he callously shot her, believing her to be an obstacle to fulfilling the Dark Lord's supposedly twisted desires. Yet, upon reflection, he questioned his actions and his allegiance to the Theophylaktos Union, ultimately realising that this path was not for him. He subsequently retired from the group, assumed the alias Sosuke N. Kanikoja for his protection, relocated to Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, and sought rehabilitation to address his escalating alcohol addiction. He also turned to Catholicism as a way to find new meaning in life and began working as a bartender and cashier at a flower shop.
While working as a bartender, he met Hyakutaro, who had just completed a challenging mission for the Regular Army. They quickly formed a strong bond after sharing their personal struggles and aspirations. Hyakutaro encouraged him to join the Regular Army, hoping it would give him a sense of direction and purpose. Inspired by their conversation, he enlisted in the Regular Army at the age of 25 and went on to specialise in hostage rescue missions. He also developed expertise in camouflage, secret identities, and intelligence gathering, earning recognition as the Regular Army's top covert agent. His exceptional leadership skills, tactical planning, and recruitment abilities further propelled him to the rank of Brigadier General. Four years after joining the Regular Army and Intelligence Agency, he was among the first to be transferred to the newly established S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. special forces unit, becoming one of its founding members, alongside Red Eye.
He met Margaret Southwood shortly after the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. was established, encountering her at the Combat Academy section of the Intelligence Division. He immediately fell in love with her and decided to ask her out on a few dates, which blossomed into a romance. As their relationship grew, they eventually got married and had a single child together, naming him Thomas. Tragically, their marriage was short-lived after their five-year-old son was killed by a drunk driver. As they both struggled to cope with their grief, Margaret turned to promiscuity and Tequila turned to drinking as a means of distraction. Unfortunately, these coping mechanisms created an insurmountable rift, leading to their divorce.
At age 39, after exiting a pub and heading back to a nearby Regular Army base on his motorcycle, he noticed a malnourished teenage boy lying in an alleyway with a bruised and bloodied face. He took great pity on the boy and promptly aided him, noticing the boy's eerie silence and uncanny resemblance to Thomas. He decided to head back to the base later and instead brought the boy to a restaurant, buying him lunch. After a couple of minutes of trying to encourage the boy to speak, he finally introduced himself as Vasser Gutenschiff-Wolstenholme and shared his story of taking to the streets to escape his abusive father, Kanan. Moved by Vasser's situation and seeing it as a duty to protect children from harm, he vowed to enact vengeance. With the assistance of Vasser, he assassinated Kanan by breaking into his house, then adopted Vasser through the Regular Army's orphan program.
A couple of years after Vasser's adoption, he met Morden unexpectedly while serving with the North American Garrison, which was assisting the European Garrison and Far Eastern Garrison in thwarting an Oceania military organisation's attempt to spark a full-scale nuclear war. Following the successful completion of this mission, they forged a bond over drinks and shared stories of their challenging childhoods. Morden also expressed his admiration for Tequila's courage in his espionage work and leadership abilities within the North American Garrison.
He would eventually become a revered mentor and friend to many, including Clark, Red Eye, Tarma, and Marco. Notably, he encouraged Vasser to join the Peregrine Falcons Squad, but this guidance had an unexpected consequence: Vasser began to reveal a more attention-seeking and bloodthirsty side, indulging in troublesome, slothful, and lecherous tendencies that led to several issues. In addition to rescuing hostages, he consistently went above and beyond to save children who were in imminent danger or at risk of harm, making their safety a top priority regardless of the mission. One mission that remains etched in his memory is when he rescued a group of children being trafficked and sold on the black market, while his team simultaneously took down the criminals responsible for this heinous crime.
He played a key role in the Arms Deal Barrage and defeating the remnants of the Serapion Fellowship, but the mission uncovered a shocking truth: the Regular Army was secretly involved in an arms deal with the aforementioned group, a revelation he shared with Gimlet, Sagan, Logan, Hyakutaro, Red Eye, Morden, and Allen O'Neil. This moment opened his eyes to the Regular Army's secret corruption, but he remained silent, fearing that speaking out would make him a target for swift assassination as a whistleblower.
Three years after the Central Park bombing, Morden secretly approached him at a bar and convinced him to defect. Believing it was a good opportunity, he quietly resigned from the Regular Army and S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. to join the Rebel Army. He excelled as a top-notch spy, often disguising himself as a Rebel in a woodland military uniform for land troops. He rose to become Morden's right-hand man, serving as the Army's Chief of Staff. However, after nearing one year of service, he discovered General Morden's true intentions and how he had fully succumbed to his megalomaniacal desires. Horrified, he promptly left the Rebel Army and defected back to the Regular Army, warning them about the impending rise of the Rebel Army. However, despite his inside knowledge, they were unable to prepare in time as General Morden successfully launched a surprise attack, overpowering them and rapidly consolidating his global dictatorship.
During the Great Morden War, he aided Marco in leading the governmental resistance against the Rebel Army. Although he held a higher military rank than Marco, he allowed Marco to take the initiative, recognizing his great potential to become a truly charismatic leader. After being ambushed by Morden and his forces, he was brutally tortured and forcibly killed in front of Marco and Tarma. However, Morden promised to bring him back in a greater form, sending his deceased body to Doctor Amadeus. Doctor Amadeus successfully revived Tequila, but as a semi-clone of Hyakutaro, significantly altering his existence.
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What is your favorite part about working on this AU?
My favourite part about working on the Iron Eclipse AU has to be the characters. It's fun to reinvent them for an alternate universe, while using any information and artwork that has been provided for each character as a foundation for new ideas. It even gives me an excuse to use headcanons I have for the OG Metal Slug characters for the ones in the Iron Eclipse AU. It can be difficult to rework a character that barely has any information and artwork. However, I always push through and come up with ideas that fit my interpretation of the characters.
I honestly enjoy giving the Iron Eclipse versions of pre-existing Metal Slug characters more depth, especially with their personalities and backstories. It allows me to explore different ideas and see what fits and what doesn't. The backstories are always the hardest part, but I eventually come up with worthwhile ideas that fit their character. It's also fun to redesign them because I can add more character to their design, such as personalised items and scars, in order to make each one stand out from the last.
Updating them can get annoying at times... However, I don't want them to be unsatisfying and not well-written. It would be a waste to not incorporate such good ideas.
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I'm just going to say this, but... Don't be afraid to ask me questions about the Iron Eclipse AU via the ask box or my DMs. It's still in development and some things are bound to change. However, I'm willing to answer your questions to the best of my abilities.
I also don't mind if you ask me other questions in relation to Metal Slug or something else entirely.
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