#narcissa and andromeda fuck me up
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deswhomst · 6 days ago
No because Bellatrix and Sirius were in Azkaban, Regulus was dead, but Andromeda and Narcissa were alive and well!!! they lived close!!! they had thirteen war-free years in between!!! they didn’t meet each other ONCE!!! i am NOT okay!!!! not okay !!!!!notOKAYYY!!!
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rewritingcanon · 2 years ago
which sibling dynamic be reminding you of daylight by david kushner? i honestly think it could fit ANYTHING
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1t-wasnt-m3 · 2 years ago
I like how all the Black Cousins went “my bloodline ends with *me*”
Andromeda got disowned and changed her name
Narcissa changed her name aswell
Bellatrix changed her name, had no kids (as far as I know), and then died
Sirius got disowned, had no kids, and then died
Regulus had no kids (which he was like 17 so that would’ve been strange) and then died
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klarolinexluv · 8 months ago
After my little rant earlier, I was thinking about it about more and I’ve just had the thought that some people like to erase the fact that Regulus CANONICALLY changed his mind.
In canon, we know so little about Regulus. We know he is Sirius’ younger brother, Walburga and Orions son, Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromedas younger cousin. We know that he became a death eater at the age of 16. We know that he was quite close with Kreacher, or had some sort of special bond with him. We know that at 17 or 18 in 1979 he made the decision to GO AGAINST VOLDEMORT. We know that he CANONICALLY chose to go to the cave, with the knowledge of what Voldemort had done, we know that he knew about the horcrux, he CANONICALLY, again, CANONICALLY, sacrificed his life to try and stop Voldemort.
“Oh but he only did it because Voldemort hurt his house elf.” Shut the fuck up, yes that may have been a contending reason but we don’t actually know his reasonings for anything. He could have been having doubts since the very beginning, he could have been disgusted with what happened with Kreacher, he could have done nothing after that, but no he went on to research, he discovered Voldemort had made a horcrux, he could have DONE NOTHING BUT HE DIDNT.
We know so LITTLE about Regulus Black but the biggest thing we know about him, the most important thing we know about him is that at the end of his life he changed his mind, KREACHER EVEN SAYS ITS “Master Regulus changed his mind, but he doesn’t seem to have explained that to Kreacher, does he?” LIKE OMG HE CHANGED HIS MIND. He didn’t want to be a death eater anymore. HE CHANGED HIS MIND AND THEN DID SOMETHING ABOUT WHAT HE DISCOVERED. He went to that fucking cave, drank the drink of despair, stole the horcrux, replaced it with a fake and then ordered Kreacher to destroy it, to leave without him.
Yes, this was a suicide mission, we all know that but at the end of the day, Regulus sacrificed his life in an attempt to to destroy a horcrux, to stop Voldemort. People are always forgetting that, and I’m so over it.
If you want to call me pro-fascist for supporting Regulus when canonically he betrayed Voldemort than for fuck sake do it, it doesn’t change the fact that I am not, that Regulus actively worked against the dark lord JUST LIKE JAMES OR SIRIUS OR REMUS, etc. I will always love Regulus no matter what and I don’t give a shit what names you call me because I know the truth, I know who I am, I know that you are just trying to put me down in an attempt to make yourself seem better.
Anyway… I rest my case.
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faeyells · 1 month ago
Hey so… fuck you jkr
Fuck you for making everyone in your book cis, straight, white, able bodied, English speaking and from England (and if they weren’t they were some kind of stereotype)
This is my personal middle finger to you.
Remus, welsh, trans ftm, gay, disabled, uses a cane, would definitely side with Luigi, definitely only married Tonks cause they both needed someone to support them, fuck you
Sirius, French, definitely got some gender fuckery going on, bi, beats the shit out of nazis/homophobes/transphobes, love of my life, fuck you
Peter, Australian, he doesn’t fucking know or care, he just likes people (sometimes), definitely joins Sirius in his violent conquests, fuck you
James, south Asian, pan, poly, bro just loves fucking everyone, he is incapable of hate (most of the time), would literally only hate you and Voldemort, fuck you
Lily, Scottish, bi, poly, angry as fuck, will whip ur ass for talking badly about any of her friends, she would eviscerate you online, twitter is her playground and she will make you her bitch, fuck you
Marlene, Aussie, lesbian, defo some gender fuckery too, one day she’s all girly pop, next she’s in knee length cargos, crew socks, a wifebeater and uggs, about to whack you over the head with her surfboard, fuck you
Mary, Swahili, bi, trans mtf, my goddess, is just genuinely, kinder, funnier and a better writer than you, omg I just decided Mary keeps these like rlly long diaries just full of stories she’s written, hol up while I write that down, fuck you
Pandora, god knows, she’s just turned up one day, pan, trans mtf (oh I’m not even done yet), speaks in tongues fluently, would defo shit talk you to Sybil, fuck you
Sybill, Czech, bi, ace, trans (she/they) (my knowledge only extends so far on the terms front) would calmly and incredibly gorely tell you how you are going to die, and then watch Barty carry it out, smiling, fuck you
Dorcas, where do we headcanon Dorcas is from? I think she grew up in London but that might just be because I need a token “grew up here” character, would beat you, don’t fight me, fight her, fuck you
Regulus, French, bi, poly, trans ftm, he is babygirl (this is a non gendered term to me) yeah sure he’s fucked up and makes mistakes and shit, he’s remorseful, he makes up for it, but still, he’s babygirl, because if he saw you, Hed spit on your shoes and tell you to turn to love, fuck you
Evan, German, he swears Dora just showed up one day, gay, bored, loml, I cried over him two days ago, he would also beat you up, or maybe just watch Barty do it, fuck you
Barty, English (wow look at that), trans ftm, gay, fucking crazy, I love him, would troll you on twitter, would call you John Rowling and ask how much you like it BITCHHH, fuck you
Is that everyone? It doesn’t feel like everyone. I am missing someone.
Bellatrix, French, lesbian, crazy bitch, I love her, defo dates Rita, would be a total misandrist except for when guys are useful to her, clung only Molly cause he reminded her of the people she loved (Cissy, Rita, Andy) and would hate you :), loves Peggy by ceechyna, fuck you
Narcissa, french, lesbian, swordfights, reads Sappho, is the fucking best, Queen of lavender marriages, would give you a mildly disgusted look and walk away, we are rather displeased with you
Andromeda, French, straight (whattt???), defo tops tho, don’t know much about her but I’d like to, give me fic recommendations, she seems fucking badass, she would kill you for her little gender fluid baby, fuck you
Rita, English, lesbian (it’s getting funny at this point), trans mtf (I’m shitting myself laughing with all my headcanons written out like this), dyslexic, fight me, that quick quotes quill was there for one reason and one reason only, so she could diss you with the spelling immaculate, fuck you
Alice, German, bi, genuinely a kind person, would get incredibly angry at you if you hurt anyone she likes feeling though, wouldn’t hurt you or anything, just go best red and start crying (tears of anger) while saying mean things about you, then cissy would come over, and then she’d punch you, only if cissy said to though, fuck you
Ted, English (Yorkshire, I just know it), cis het, he does bottom though, fight me, seems genuinely kind, we love to see it, just a nice guy, fuck yeah, still fuck you though
Behold them in all their glory, no particular order or reasons. Just vibes
If I forgot anyone, pls tell me, :))) I don’t want to tag this, it’s gonna be everywhere.
I reached 30 tags so quickly,
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againaweasel · 23 days ago
hey hi hello can we talk about Tonks?
bc I was talking to tsukiko31 about Tonks's canonical middle name being Vulpecula?? (I think it came from an old radio interview so it falls into that gray area of canon adjacent to me)
Cause here are my thoughts, right? There's something about Andromeda running away from the Black family but maintaining the family tradition of naming your babies after constellations?? I don't know bc it's NOT a first name, but it's still very much there,,
Also VULPECULA?? Little fox? Best nickname, possible Animagus form??? there's something there about metamorphagi and foxes both being seen as shifty creatures, that sort of old trickster god untrustworthiness about them
is this something you have a take on? I need more opinions,,
Can - can we talk about Tonks?? At this point, just try and stop me, honestly.  This is great timing because I mentioned this on tiktok yesterday and now  I wanna talk Nymphadora Vulpecula Tonks - in that order.  I have accidentally written you an essay. 
Nymphadora  Like ‘Narcissa’, ‘Nymphadora’ comes from Greek literature rather than a star (Nymphodorus of Athens is mentioned in Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War) and from Andromeda’s pov Tonks is likely the ‘gift of the nymphs’ because she was a born shape shifter [something I think becomes even more interesting if you think about how metamorphmagi are likely treated, Andromeda accidentally dehumanised her own damn daughter because of it (something something changeling something something)].
But Tonks actually emulates the most famous Nymphodora - a saint from the 4th century, who is said to have laughed in the face of her capturers after they told her to give up her beliefs. Very Tonks-esque.  Perhaps not in the way Andromeda planned.
Vulpecula  Naming Tonks after a star, even if it’s her middle name, ties Tonks to the Black family tradition - there is no escape for Tonks despite not actually growing up in the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, because there was no real escape for Andromeda either. “Nice mental health issues. did your mummy pick it out for you?”.  I think Andromeda brought some of the values of the Black family with her when she left, because a lifetime doesn’t just vanish like that. She liked some of the stuff and forgot to unpack others - and that ended up on Tonks. The name proves it. 
And the idea of the little fox star is great, and I think the whole vibe works great for Tonks. Like fuck yeah little fox — gives me this sense of someone small but quick and clever, underestimated but able to prove themselves, like Tonks is. but the idea it’s because foxes are shifty?? heartbreaking right there and I’m not going to be able to STOP thinking about it ever. 
Tonks Being a descendant of the Black family, having a name that befits that, and CHOOSING to go by the name of your muggle-born father who is the sole reason you’re not still part of that family??? ICON. TONKS IS THE MOMENT.
Beyond just not liking the name (and like yeah nympho- dora, I can see why), every time Tonks says calls me Tonks she goes ‘I am not with that family, I am the daughter of Ted Tonks.’ 
Tonks is so damn proud to be Ted’s daughter. She could have changed her name at 18, and instead she CHOOSES to stick with Ted’s as her first name -- because it means that much to her. 
Tonks’ name sheds so much light on her, and Ted, and Andromeda and I just …ugh i love it. 
Thank you for sending me this ask, hooollly shit.
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marylily-my-beloved · 7 months ago
Family tree (intro) = Andromeda 
These crosses all over my body, remind me of who I used to be 
Andromeda always had scars, whether mental or physical, that she couldn’t heal. She didn’t know why, not even magic worked. Everyday when she looked in the mirror, she saw them, and in those scars she saw her family, and her old life. 
Jesus can always reject his father 
Andromeda escaped them, escaped their politics, their life, she had truly escaped them and rejected who she could’ve been. 
But he cannot escape his mothers blood 
Yet Andromeda couldn’t get their stain off of her, they were always going to be with her.  Toujours Pur. She would still never be pure. In her own standards, and in theirs. 
He’ll scream and try and wash it off of his fingers 
In the first of weeks when she had escaped she could feel them everywhere, hear them everywhere. She tried so hard to forget everything she had been taught, and it wasn’t supposed to be that hard. She was stained by them anyways, she couldn’t just leave without some bits of them clinging onto her. 
But he’ll never escape what he’s made up of 
Andromeda could hear their voices, yelling at her. It was even worse because Bellatrix and Narcissa tried so hard to go up to her during school. At some point they had given up, just shit-talking her to others. She couldn’t ever escape them it seemed. Even years and years after, the Family Name still got to her. They didn’t know her as Andromeda Tonks, they knew her as the blood-traitor, Andromeda Black. 
The Fates already fucked me sideways
She would never get a normal life because of them. Andromeda had escaped their house, but not them. It had seemed like Fate was always destined to hurt her. 
He’ll laugh and say ‘you know I raised you better than this’ 
She became the example of ‘not pure’, the example of a bad person in their eyes. Regulus and Sirius were taught not to be like her, and for Sirius she was the example to look up to. Draco never knew of her, until later, and still then Narcissa told him not to be like her. 
Than leave me hanging so they all can laugh at me
Andromeda became the laughing stock of the Sacred 28, the one who tried to escape. She became the laughing stock of the Black Family too, they all laughed at her attempts to leave them, knowing that she would never truly escape them. She became the laughing stock of the school, every pure blood made fun of her, luckily it was only her last year. She lost all her friends, everyone. All she had was Ted.  —-
I know this is a bit wordy but I tried lol 😭 I’ve had this in my head for sooo long and I finally wrote it down !!
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otrtbs · 2 months ago
writer interview game ✨
thank you for tagging me linds!! <3 @inevitablestars
how many works do you have on ao3? 5 on my otrtbs account (+1 unpublished one) and 6 on my otrtbs_shorts account (where all my one shots and short stories went!!)
what's your total ao3 word count? 580,654
your top 5 stories by kudos? Art Heist, Baby! Tender Curiosities, Baby! Winterlude Angel of Death You and Me
do you respond to comments? i try!!!! i really try!!! ahb! gets unmanageable i fear but if you get there early enough on new chapters that i post on new stories, i really try to get to them!!
what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? uhm. i guess art heist, baby! but tbh i feel like i could go angstier... maybe that'll be a writing goal for the new year...
do you write crossovers? no! haven't yet. but i was just talking to some friends today about something so cursed ....that could be my magnum opus if i wasn't a coward
have you ever received hate on a fic? no, never!!! everyone is really nice and respectful and can keep it peaceful and fun :))) !1!1!1!1! (<- girl who is manifesting for the future <- my fic has been eviscerated on goodreads and reddit and tiktok and twitter and in my tumblr asks and on ao3 i wouldn't be surprised if people are adding it to their linkedin atp)
do you write smut? very poorly and briefly and not really el oh el
have you ever had a fic stolen? not plagiarized, no!!! thank god!! but stolen and sold....well, yes i fear.
have you ever had a fic translated? yes! so many wonderful sexy versions of art heist, baby! out there for people to enjoy !! angel of death has been translated too!!
have you ever co-written a fic before? no, because collabing scares me. in the sense that i would be worried that i wasn't writing to my co-authors expectations and also ... if they don't directly align to My Vision i will also throw up. so. i don't think co-writing is in the cards for me
what's your all-time favorite ship? JEGULUS <3 jegulus. my forever girls <3
what's a wip that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? when i say i have...a master timeline full of every event that happened to bellatrix, andromeda, narcissa, sirius, and regulus.... detailing their time at school, what classes they take, key life events...just for me to use to write a massive canon-compliant fic of their lives.... i have put in HOURS and HOURS of work into that wip but i don't think it'll ever be done and/or see the light of day
what are your writing strengths? i really love writing detailed, descriptive interior scenes. it's one of my favorite things to do! i see every interior scene in my fic like a little still-life painting and i want the reader to be able to visualize the same still-life im seeing in my head in their head!!
what are your writing weaknesses? commas </3 grammar in general... like sorry 2 ur honor. but who fucking cares? do you get the vibes? are the vibes there? that's all i care about.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i love it!! i've learned a lot of fun phrases from it !!
what's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? im gonna write moonchaser (jamus, wolfbucks? idfk) !!!!!! when my james/remus thesis drops i swear !!!!!!!!
what's your favorite fic you've ever written? Winterlude!!! Winterlude is my favorite child, she's beautiful, she's gorgeous, she's fun, minimal angst, happy endings, regulus is hot as fuck in it, i want to go to there so bad. winterlude !!!!!
okay, i'm no pressure tagging @rabidlittlestrawberry @whorerific @pretentiouswreckingball @twisted-tales-told @residentrookie 💕
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anxiousnerdwritings · 10 months ago
Bellatrix Lestrange having a daughter around Tonks/Charlie’s age who is like a younger, more unhinged but still somewhat replicated version of her this is very, very inspired by Jenifer Check, I love her sm so when you think of Lestrange!Daught it’s pretty much Chrck lmao which she thought she’d absolutely love except her kid won’t do anything she asks for her and absolutely will not serve the Dark Lord cause she worships the ground the Reader walks on, whatever they want and whenever they want it, she’ll do anything for them
Narcissa can’t help cause she doesn’t have a daughter for plots sake we’ll say Cygnus raised her alone meaning the kid had mad freedom, old man just wanted to chill after losing 2 of 3 daughters over politics so Bellatrix goes to Andromeda
and for a solid five minutes all Andromeda can do is laugh because her older sister is coming to her for vague parenting advise
inevitably Andromeda connects the dots and then starts laughing again pointing out the hilarious parallel about Bellatrix being obsessed with Voldemort and now her daughter being obsessed with her own morally questionable criminal or better yet the Reader isn’t a criminal but gets up to sketchy shit sometimes and doesn’t understand why this pretty, violent girl is following them around but goes with it anyways
worst part is that after Rodolphus and Rabastan died which I assume they did in Azkaban then Lestrange!Daughter would’ve inherited the vault, cutting off the death eaters funding and access to the Hufflepuff’s Cup hidden inside, because she’s not gonna betray her darling for some nose-less fuck
Are we talking like an OC?? Cause I actually really love that idea. Especially, regarding Harry’s twin!Reader or something like that, just the parallels between the two only Belatrix’s daughter is on the literal complete opposite side. But in the circumstances it would be Harry and twin!Reader with this older girl staliking following them around, especially outside of Hogwarts. Like, she just hangs out outside of 4 Privet Drive just watching, even breaking in and just wanting to be close to the Reader. You can bet Bellatrix’s daughter would give the Dursley’s a piece of her mind. Or maybe even just take Harry and the Reader to live with her.
I just imagine the Reader waking up in a completely new place all by themself with this older girl hovering over them. And the Reader being kind of okay with it since they’re away from the Dursley’s but they ask their captor/“savior” to go back and get their brother too.
The Lestrange house/manor/estate would probably become the new Order of the Phoenix headqaurters, mainly because Bellatrix’s daughter won’t part with the Reader so they can’t go with Harry to live with Sirius so Sirius moves in to keep an eye on everything. And his reaction to his batshit crazy cousin’s batshit child being obsessed with one of his godchildren would really be something. Like, FUCK NO!?!?!
Like, I could imagine Bellatrix’s daughter having been obsessed with the Potter twins since it came out that they were able to survive and best Voldemort even when being just mere babes. And just her like revolving her world around getting to meet them or something. Maybe when Bellatrix’s daughter was younger but still older than Harry and the Reader she ended up wandering to 4 Privet Drive or having her house elf take her to meet them or something and she did, even if it was for a few minutes.
When it comes to the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter being obsessed with a criminal or a bad witch/wizard, I could just imagine Potter!Twin!Reader having nicked something small or lied about something insignificant and from then on Bellatrix’s daughter was like “That’s the one for me”.
Also, just the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter having stalked Harry and his Twin!Reader for most of their life. Like, I could see them getting Cygnus or their house elf to take them to 4 Privet Drive and she would just watch the whole place like a hawk. Never taking her eyes off of it and getting excited at the smallest bit of movement or liveliness at the home. Or even having the house elf sneak her into Harry and the Reader’s school to pass herself off as one of the students and getting to befriend the Reader even just for a brief time. But afterwards, Bellatrix’s daughter would use that as her excuse to interact with the Dursley’s. She’d happily knock on their door asking the Reader to play with her, that she was their friend from school as to not draw any suspicion. Hell, Bellatrix’s daughter would go as far as getting one of the houses on Privet Drive just to stay close and ending up living there the rest of the time the twins are across the street/down the road.
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deswhomst · 22 days ago
Fashion Police | @black-brothers-microfic | @black-sisters-microfic | Narcissa and Regulus centric | Minor Jegulus and Nobleflower | Word Count: 1162
For the purpose of this, just assume that all pureblood families are on good terms and attend events together.
“On your right,” Narcissa whispered. “That shade of gold should have a cell in Azkaban just for it.”
Regulus titled his head a little, nothing too sudden or obvious. “Fucking hell,” he mumbled. “If she stands directly under a chandelier, I’ll have a stroke.”
Narcissa huffed. “Merlin forbid.”
The two of them were sitting at their designated table, having had socialized more than they cared for already. Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Sirius were still out and about somewhere but it was much more fun to judge people for their fashion skills—or lack thereof—than it would be to search for the other three.
“Eww,” Regulus scrunched up his face in blatant disgust as his eyes landed on his uncle. “What the fuck is your father wearing?”
“Oh, that,” Narcissa let out a resigned sigh, looking thoroughly annoyed. “I requested him serveral times not to wear that monstrosity but he evidently did not listen.”
“What is he trying to do, blend in with the furniture?” Regulus raised an eyebrow. “He looks like a velvet armchair.”
“Oi, don’t insult velvet armchairs like this!” Narcissa hit the back of his head. “Disgraceful, Reggie.”
He grinned back at her. “Apologies.”
Narcissa shook her head, eyes accessing the scene once more. It took her all of two seconds to locate their next target.
“Nott looks like a panicked ostrich,” she commented. “Look at that hat.”
Regulus looked.
He wished he hadn’t.
“Right?” Narcissa nodded sympathetically at the horrified expression on his face. “Maybe he was hoping that if he couldn’t see us, we wouldn’t be able to see his poor taste.”
Despite himself, Regulus laughed softly.
“Oh! Did you see Mrs. Parkinson?” he asked her, suddenly remembering that criminal offense. “Cissy … it was bad.”
“The mustard yellow?” Narcissa closed her eyes in dread, as if praying for patience.
He nodded. “It was satin, too.”
“The wrinkles, Regulus!” she exclaimed. “The wrinkles.”
“I know,” he patted her shoulder sympathetically. “I thought we had rules and standards as a society.”
“Not anymore, little cousin,” she sighed. “What do these people do with all this money? Can they not afford a stylist?”
“The least they can do is a bonfire,” he added. “Burn it all, I say!”
Narcissa laughed. “We should start our own bonfire and throw all of them in it!”
“The people, too?”
“Well, I’m not taking off someone’s clothes for them, so yes.”
“Sounds reasonable. Done.”
“We would be doing society a favor, really,” Narcissa said.
“Of course,” agreed Regulus. “And my eyes, too. They hurt from seeing so much ugly.”
“You and me both, Reggie.”
For a moment, they fell into a comfortable silence. Regulus was drinking whatever had been poured out for him as Narcissa sat observing their surroundings.
“Potter looks good,” she commented.
“Yes,” Regulus agreed instinctively, eyes widening once he realized what he had said. “I mean—compared to the others here, he seems … normal looking.”
Narcissa hummed, clearly fighting off a smile. “Interesting.”
“Nothing is interesting,” Regulus complained. “It’s a low bar, Narcissa. The color of his shirt is still unbearable.”
“Mhm. Is it?”
“Yes,” he pressed on firmly. “It’s such a—stupid red! What is he trying to prove with it? And his glasses are so stupid, too. Why is the frame dark brown and not simply black? Or even red since that’s what he keeps wearing. And his hair.” He breathed out in frustration. “Don’t even get me started on his hair! Why can’t it calm down? It’s just as obnoxious as he is.”
Narcissa looked like she had a hard time controlling her laughter.
“Shut up,” he mumbled petulantly.
“Why are you blushing?” she teased. “Trying to match the color of his shirt?”
Regulus sent her the meanest of glares. “I hate you.”
“Aww,” Narcissa mocked. “But we were having so much fun.”
He scowled, pushing her hand away as she ruffled his hair.
“Oh, no,” Narcissa swore under her breath all of a sudden. “Fuck.”
Regulus followed her line of sight to locate James Potter and Alice Fortescue walking over in their direction.
“Oh, Merlin,” Regulus turned to his cousin. “Quick! What do we do?”
“I don’t know!” she replied, equally dramatic. “You do something!”
“Okay, okay …” he looked at their approaching figures, then back at Narcissa. “It’s a fair fight. Two versus two. And we’re Blacks so we can take them.”
“Regulus, she’s an auror,” she stressed.
“So?” he asked. “You think you’re less than an auror? Do you? Huh? Huh?”
“N-No? No! Of course, not.”
“Good. Keep that attitude,” Regulus nodded, satisfied. “This will be fine.”
Narcissa relaxed, too. “Yeah …”
Regulus looked back at her and smirked. “Interesting.”
“Shut the fuck up, Regulus.”
James and Alice finally made it to the table, both wearing matching smiles. James was, of course, in his stupid red shirt that Regulus mentioned earlier and Alice was in a rather beautiful black dress that went down to her knees. Regulus has always been a believer that a person can’t go wrong with black clothes (unless they make it obnoxious somehow).
“Hi, Alice,” Regulus greeted. “You look good. Doesn’t she, Narcissa?”
She kicked him underneath the table. “Of course.”
“Hi, Regulus,” Alice grinned. “And thank you, both.”
James was frowning. Regulus wished he would stop.
“We were talking about throwing people into a bonfire,” Regulus told Alice. “For wearing bad clothes. You’re safe.”
“Er—thank you?”
“What about me?” James asked. “Am I safe? And you didn’t even greet me.”
“Hello, Potter,” Narcissa waved a dismissive hand. “And yeah, you’re—“
“No!” Regulus cut across her. “Your shirt is horrible and I hate it. Go and change into a prettier color, then you’ll be safe.”
Alice snickered quietly, slipping into the empty chair next to Narcissa while James remained rooted to the spot, gaping at Regulus.
“This is pretty!” he protested. “You said you liked this color—“
“Not on you.”
“Oh, stop,” Narcissa swatted him on the arm. “Potter, stop moaning and sit down.”
“You have a problem with people moaning, do you?” Alice asked, titling her head to the side.
“Not people,” Narcissa shrugged. “Just men.”
“I’m not a man,” Alice said.
Narcissa tried very hard not to let her smile show and it was working for the most part. “Thank Merlin.”
Regulus could gag. Is this how lesbians flirt? He rolled his eyes and turned to James, who was still looking utterly betrayed.
“Oh, stop sulking,” Regulus tugged gently at his sleeve. “You can keep your hideous shirt, James, I seem to be having a moment of bad taste myself and am suddenly fond of your shirt.”
Yeah, no, Regulus should not be judging anyone for how they flirt.
James grinned so widely that it was all worth it.
Across the table, Narcissa and Alice were looking at the pair of them with small smirks.
“Cute,” Narcissa whispered to Alice, though they all heard it.
“Adorable,” Alice whispered back.
Regulus stared resolutely into his drink but an involuntary smile crept across his face.
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pangaeaseas · 2 months ago
Prompt for February 9: Call me
I'm about to have way too much fun with this and throw in random worldbuilding shit, fair warning.
"Fucking hell, Cissy, you could have called," Sirius said, which was probably suitable for the first thing he had said to her in a decade and a half. Though it wasn't quite fair--she hadn't had time to send any kind of warning, knowing the Dark Lord would likely have noticed her and Draco's absence by now, and she couldn't really remember how to work a Muggle tellyfone anyway. It was a miracle she had gotten away so cleanly. When the Dark Lord had killed Lucius, he had put the other Malfoys under close guard, and it had taken the best of Narcissa's remembered childhood skills at sneaking away from powerful Dark wizards to get them out.
The gravelly black stone Muggles made their roads out of was starting to dig unpleasantly into Narcissa's knees. If she hadn't had so many other concerns, she would have started to fear for her dress, which was probably the nicest thing she owned, currently. But she would worry about her dress when Sirius let her inside. She squinted through her heavy veil to try and gauge his expression.
If they had been fifteen years younger Narcissa would have said something funny back to him. But there would be time for that later, if he let her inside.
"Lord Sirius son of Orion of the House of Black, I am a daughter of your house, come to beg your protection and throw myself on your mercy," she said, as quickly as she could so they didn't waste any more time. When people had done these rituals in her childhood they had always called it the Noble and Most Ancient House, but those words had no magical significance, so she skipped them. It was ridiculous to be doing this in a Muggle street, but one of her less-clever ancestors had put Grimmauld in Muggle London and so they would have to work with it. She could feel the magic in her words already starting to work, waiting to see what Sirius would do.
"God damn you for making me do this," Sirius said. So he would keep on to his radical noble-abolition ideals to the end, then. That was her cousin and his damnable ethics. But it was make him be Lord of the House of Black in truth as well as name, or trust Dumbledore blindly, and she didn't trust Dumbledore. "You can come in without having to swear to me," he said, and she remembered that she loved her cousin for those same ethics, for giving her a choice.
"I need assurances," she said. Draco, unconscious from the Stunner she'd had to hit him with to make him go quietly, was starting to stir. She hoped Sirius would make up his mind and do his duty quickly, before her son decided to pull something that would bring the Dark Lord down on both their heads. "I don't particularly want to be a daughter of the House again, do you think I'd do this if I had any better option?"
"Fine," Sirius said. "Fair enough." And it was with those wildly unceremonious words that the magic of the House of Black sprung back to life. Even from under the veil she could see her cousin shivering, just as she did. "Everything okay with the kid? I thought you didn't believe in hexing children."
"He wouldn't have left otherwise," she said, and it hurt both to say and to face someone who knew exactly why she had made that pledge.
"Even after Voldemort killed his father?" Sirius said. "Congratulations on the widowing, by the way."
God, she had missed him. Congratulating a widow! No sense of propriety, and she couldn't bring herself to care.
"Are you going to call Andromeda? Might as well get all of us left back together?" she asked him, knowing Bella in Azkaban was likely lost to her now. So she might as well exchange one sister for another.
"Only if she wants," Sirius said. Narcissa rose to her feet, and looked up at the familiar door made suddenly strange. If Sirius didn't call Andromeda, she might well have to learn the tellyfone herself.
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lazyahhshifter · 3 months ago
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★ We need to talk about PUNK!ENZO
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I don't know what y'all think, but I think Lorenzo Berkshire definitely had a punk phase. He listened to Sex Pistols ONCE at 4th year, and Sid Vicious became his whole personality.
Lorenzo would spend HOURS in front of the mirror to style his hair and apply eyeliner. Oh, and he totally failed to put it on at first, putting it under his eyes, spreading it towards his eyelids while rubbing his fingers. Eventually, Narcissa would see this mess and show him how to put it on right.
He would act 'anarchist' but lets be honest, I even doubt if he knows what Anarchy actually means. So its just him being an edgy teenager. Flipping Lucius off, Ripping off his clothes to have a more punk look, constantly yelling at everyone, trying to smoke but ending up as a coughing mess...
" Its not a phase, Auntie Cissy! "
Lucius DESPISES this. They fight about this DAILY. He would force Lorenzo to dress more formal and brush his hair, but Lorenzo would yell out a "FUCK YOU!". Yes, you guessed right, he is grounded.
Narcissa on the other hand, actually doesn't mind it. Maybe because it reminds her of Andromeda, maybe not, but regardless, she is softer to him. She hates the music, but she still gives him money for Enzo to buy cd's.
Even though he nails the punk look, Lorenzo does NOT have the mindset of a punk, so he is (sadly) the ultimate poser. Nobody can make me belive Lorenzo would ever say "eat the rich". This guy is Bellatrix Lestrange's son, he is THE RICH.
And actual punks would hate his guts tho. He would defend himself with "but I listen to the music" and he would piss them off so bad that he would come back to the Monor with a black eye.
Even though he yelled out "ITS NOT A PHASE!" dozens of times, it indeed was just a phase. He doesn't have the heart to be an actual punk, but he ATE that look, so thats okay <3
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jaylienpotter · 2 years ago
Narcissa: let me just back the fuck up-
Bellatrix: mama didn't raise no fucking bitch, we keep going.
Narcissa: nono, mama raised a bitch, let's go!
Andromeda: mama didn't raise nobody actually, mom was absent.
Narcissa: oh Lord!
Bellatrix: (laughing like the maniac she is)
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starchaseriseverything · 1 year ago
James looks at Regulus' beautiful sunlit face. The sun is rising, and birds are chirping. It's the best day ever.
James resists the urge to kiss down Regulus' body until he wakes up. Instead, he gets dressed and shuts Regulus' door behind him.
James hears a door open at the other end of the hall. He turns toward the sound slowly and sees one of his best friends. He lets out a breath. It's not Sirius. Thank god.
James thinks for a minute.
That's Sirius' room.
Remus just came out of Sirius' room.
James laughs quietly. "I knew it." He whispers. "I fucking knew it."
"Shut up, James." Remus says, stalking over to him.
James smiles. "I knew it."
"What are you doing here?"
"Everyone already knows. It's obvious."
"Sirius doesn't."
Another door opens. Alice? James smiles in victory. "Knew it."
James and Marlene talk every week and when they start to get suspicious of someone, they take guesses to who their shagging.
Apparently, so far, James has got them right. Alice and Narcissa, Remus and Sirius, Mary and Lily, and even Dorcas and Marlene. He couldn't believe he got that one.
"You knew what?" Alice asks.
"I knew that you were shagging Cissa."
Alice rolls her eyes and walks over to them. "You're both standing in front of Regulus' door. I'm assuming James is the one shagging him and Remus is shagging Sirius." James eyes go wide. "It's obvious."
"Fair enough." Another door opens, and out comes Emmeline Vance, a Ravenclaw. "Emmeline Vance. Nice to see you." Emmeline turns around so fast that James thought she had to have had whiplash. "Pandora? Really?"
Emmeline Smirks. "No, don't even start that sentence." Remus says, holding his hand up to stop her.
They hear footsteps around the corner, and before they could hide, Ted comes into view. "My god." Emmeline says. "Andromeda. Definitely."
"Yeah, definitely." James replies, agreeing with her.
"My god. I thought you were Orion and Walburga." Ted says startled.
"Good for you, we're not." Alice says. She pauses. "Good for us too."
"What are you all doing here?" A voice asks. Rita.
"No way!" Emmeline shouts.
"Shut up." James says.
"Bellatrix. You're shagging Bella." James smiles. "Marls owes me so much gallons."
"Can we not?" Another voice sounds. Barty.
"I'm even more rich." James says proudly.
"How good are you at guessing?" Alice asks.
"Pretty good, actually. I even guessed Marls and Cas."
"Damn." Barty says, surprised.
Multiple doors open, and Evan, Pandora, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Andromeda come out in the hallway. "What is going on?" Bellatrix asks.
Pandora smiles. "Panda? What are you smiling about?" Her brother, Evan, asks.
James purses his lips. "Yeah, I'm gonna go before Siri comes out. Right Al?"
"Yep, coming."
Narcissa grabs Alice' arm. "Not so fast. We're going back in. Yeah?"
While Alice is debating, James hears another door open but doesn't see which one. "Mon soleil?" Regulus asks. "Holy shit."
James turns around and sees his boyfriend. "Hey, mi estrella."
"What is going on?"
Barty smiles. "Sirius is about to come out any minute."
Sure enough, Sirius comes out of his room. "Mon crossiant de lune?" Sirius looks around. "Alice!? James!?"
Alice purses her lips. "I'll take you up on that offer now." She says to her girlfriend, and they go back in Narcissa' room.
"What the fuck?"
Remus walks over to Sirius and starts pushing him slowly back in his room. "Let's go back in, fy nghariad."
Sirius grumbles, turns around to go back in, and stops. "We will talk about this later, Prongs." They go back in.
"So, that happened." Pandora says.
"I say we do the same and go back in our rooms, yeah?" Emmeline says.
They all agree and go back in. "Come on, mon soleil." Regulus says.
"I should really go."
Regulus starts kissing up James' jaw line. He stops. "Are you sure?"
James grumbles and drags his boyfriend back in the room.
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cressthebest · 11 months ago
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 29
chapter 48:
1. oof. i was NOT prepared for james to realize regulus is a death eater
2. “Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.” james is not handling that well. it’s repeated every other paragraph and it feels like a punch to the GUT
3. pros of crimson rivers universe:
•homophobia and transphobia just aren’t a thing in this universe.
•james potter is a real human being.
•wolfstar is together
cons of crimson rivers universe:
• 23 people are brutally slaughtered in an arena for entertainment
4. oh thank god regulus chose his correct person to lie about killing. regulus is smart af
5. “Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.
How, Reg? James thinks, staring at the screen with a lump in his throat. How is this for me? Tell me how.”
6. 😐 james is trusting reg. with no hesitation. no hesitation. nohejsjksidksjsjdlalajsa
7. “Everyone better hope Regulus is fine, because if he isn't, if he's dead, Sirius is going to kill every single fucking person in this maze for daring to live when his little brother didn't.”
i choked on my tea yall. i’m actually so scared for everyone in that arena alongside sirius
8. augusta vs alice argument 👀 i’m here for the drama (that very much makes me a bad person)
10. thank god she’s fine
11. even tho regulus is a death eater, i find comfort in the fact that regulus hates those people and their personalities
12. the way mavis and velvets deaths remind regulus of his own games with james. two people who didn’t want to live without the other
13. god the evan call backs and KILLING me
14. “Regulus thinks Alecto is quite mental to subject herself to a shift of dealing with two of the Black sisters, who are as equally dramatic and ridiculous as the Black brothers when they want to be.”
15. “He's not here to make friends. It didn't go well for him last time, literally only last year, down to the same fucking day. Exactly a year ago, Regulus spent the day with Evan Rosier, climbing a tree to get to weapons, learning to trust, not knowing that he was on a clock that was running out where the best friend he didn't even know he would have was going to leave him, before he could even properly find him, and know him.”
punched in the fucking gut over this
16. narcissa playing up the pregnancy thing is freaking hilarious
17. the mention of andromeda took me out. i am not okay. reg wonders if andy is at home with her family watching the black family reunion on screen and missing them. babes… i hate to break it to you…
18. remus is pissed at regulus and tbh i don’t blame him
19. mcgonnagal being referred to as cat like>>>
20. the way that the game makers are referring to these games as brutal like never before is honestly terrifying. how the hell is dorcas gonna pull off getting them out?
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saintsenara · 11 months ago
hear me out on this one: ron/narcissa
thank you very much, anon!
and i certainly will hear you out.
i am invested in the plausibility of all malfoy/weasley ships because the two families are narrative mirrors - and narrative mirror pairings are my jam.
and i'm invested in this one specifically because i adore the concept of narcissa/molly so much - especially the way that their narrative confinement to the domestic sphere, and the loneliness this causes in each of them, is simultaneously very different and yet so very similar.
ron is the one of the weasley children who seems to be the most like molly - in that he's the one who expresses love most obviously through domestic and pseudo-domestic tasks. he clearly likes to take care of people who matter to him - in a way that narcissa, who occupies that caring role within her own family, has probably never experienced [while i think lucius is a good husband, he is so clearly bound up in his gendered role as the family's "leader" and "protector" that he isn't going to ever take that more feminine-coded caring position in his relationship with narcissa].
and ron is also clearly a little bit lonely, just as molly is.
while the sibling who is least aligned with the rest of the family in terms of personality is obviously percy - and while i reject the common weasley-bashing sentiment that molly and arthur are bad or abusive parents [rather than just parents trying their best and fucking up on occasion] - ron's position in the order of children means that he does seem to receive less of his parents' emotional attention than his older siblings or ginny.
this is then compounded by his position in the golden trio. he's harry's everyman sidekick - not special like the hero, and not clever like hermione, the helper-figure. and this affects his status in the eyes of all the people who look to harry to be their saviour - the order don't care about ron, the ministry doesn't care about ron, ron is shocked to discover in deathly hallows that dumbledore even knew who he was - and in the eyes of all the people who consider harry the scum of the earth - as much as i'm a lover of ron's sexual tension with the locket-horcrux, the canonical voldemort would, i am certain, be hard-pressed to pick him out of a line-up...
narcissa has that unstable social position too. both the order and the death eaters consider her less important to the arc of the series than lucius, draco, and bellatrix - despite the fact that she's the person kreacher goes to when sirius orders him to leave grimmauld place in order of the phoenix and therefore intimately involved in the sequence of events which lead to sirius' death.
i think we can also plausibly imagine that she received a demonstrably different level of emotional attention from her parents than her sisters did, especially in her teens, since both bellatrix and andromeda's behaviour went against the norms they were raised with while she's the most conformist and staid of the three.
and two unlikely people realising a similarity which takes them on a shared journey of self-discovery is a hot trope. and one that i will go in for every time.
[i also think draco - who canonically clocks ron's big cock feet and is intrigued - would be gagged.]
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