#multivitamin save me
ratsfanaccount · 8 months
Went to donate blood but my blood is so sucks they don't want it 😭
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lindensea · 9 months
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telomania · 6 months
I think this specifically the "girl you need to eat something of real nutritional value" type of crummy feeling
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
how to study + become a better college student
*i’m in nursing school for reference*
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before classes/school:
#1. eat a good, hearty breakfast. i cannot concentrate when i’m hungry because i think about lunch or having a snack. i like to carb up for breakfast (carbs give you energy) and have things like pancakes, french toast, bagels, etc., as well as protein (because that keeps you full) like eggs, turkey bacon, yogurt, etc. i like to take a green powder or a multivitamin during this time to give my body what it needs so that i can function for the rest of the day too.
#2. i always bring water with me to class so that i can concentrate and not think about how thirsty i am. it’s super important to stay hydrated so come prepared.
#3. i know the lesson plan and what’s going to be talked about each day, and if your classes are run like that too, read the chapter or look over whatever it is you’re going to look over today in class to give you a general idea of what you’re going to learn today. this will help you feel like you’re one step ahead (which you are).
#4. wake up early enough to be relaxed in the morning. every time i didn’t perform my best in school was when i woke up and immediately rushed to get ready for class and not took the time to allow myself to ‘wake up’. your mornings should be chill, not a race against the clock.
during classes/school:
#1. actually jot down notes— do not rely on just using your phone to take pictures of the board/powerpoint. when you write your notes down, you get a chance to get that information stuck in your head. what i do if my instructor goes too fast on the powerpoints is: i take a picture of the powerpoint, then i write down what she/he says, then when i get home i rewrite what i took a picture of and the notes that i took in class (i’ll talk about this later).
#2. ask questions— who cares if you’re shy or whatever. asking questions will allow you to be more engaged and it shows your professors/instructors/teachers that you actually care (and they might even bump some grades up for you if you show you’ve taken initiative and tried). every question you ask, write your question down and their response in your notes. i’m telling you, this has helped so much and it gives you such a good look.
#3. use your lunch break for what it is— a break. 30 minutes isn’t a lot of time for an 8 hour day so actually rest and enjoy your lunch during this time. you need a chance to reset.
#4. if you can, always ask to review your tests with your professors/instructors. see what you got wrong and talk it through with them. in nursing school, we generally aren’t able to see what we got wrong on our exams and tests without our professor being there to review them with us. please do this.
#5. use a 1 subject notebook for each class and have pens/pencils that you only use for class. your notes in class should be legible but not super pretty. make your notes pretty at home, not in class.
#6. when taking a test, go over the questions and answers before turning in. there have been so many times i read a question too quickly and changed my answer and i ended up being correct when i looked it over again. don’t make those dumb mistakes.
#7. befriend the other students who do really well in the class. seriously, this will save you.
after classes/school:
#1. when you get home from school, unwind for an hour. take a shower, go to the gym, do whatever you want to do to allow yourself to relax and unwind. you need to take another break after school to regroup and to find a little bit of balance.
#2. review the notes you took in class that day and the pictures you took of the board, and rewrite your notes in a different notebook. so i suggest 2 notebooks for each class— one for your sloppy in-class notes and another for your pretty and organized notes. rewriting your notes will allow your brain to help retain that information.
#3. spend some time each day after rewriting your notes to watch a few videos on youtube about that topic. for nursing school, i like to look at 1-3 videos about what we’re learning to get a wider understanding.
#4. on the weekends, i like to spend 1-2, sometimes 3 hours each day reviewing everything i learned that week. i will watch more videos, i will read over my notes, and i will also create flashcards with my own practice questions in regards to the notes i take and quiz myself with those cards.
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boujeeceo · 2 years
2023 will be better
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Overall (updated)
This is the final year of 'prep'. By the end of this year I'll be in a position where I can move how I've always wanted. I'll be ready to live the life of luxury and power I've always wanted. I'm done living in working class survival mode.
Cosmetic upgrades
Nanobladed eyebrows
Full body hair removal
Base look Makeover
Skincare/Dermatologist approved skincare
New Clothes
Clothes tailored
Another 15,000$ nest egg saved
Pay off my 2 certifications 3,000$
Get 35 contacts from networking events that I can rely on and that I want to stay in contact with.
Get a job that won't burn me out! Aka a new better job w/better salary. OR get a paid internship. OR work part time for a nice small business.
Start another business!
Hit 200$ a day income
Hit 300$ a day income
Hit 400$ a day income
Hit 500$ a day income
Daily Routine
Workout (no matter what): 18%-20% Body Fat goal
1 gallon water drink
Clean eating + diet breaks
Studying (1hr-2hr) pomodoro style
Vitamins (multivitamins, and collagen powder)
Post 3 videos/pictures to IG, TikTok, or Youtube. (Maybe)
Find a therapist and Go to therapy
Get my 2 certifications in corporate finance (Harvard goal in 2025)
Read the 100-300 books on my list
Focus on to become intermediate in Violin & Recorder
Focus on to become conversationally fluent in Spanish or Mandarin
Find a new country to live in. (To leave USA in 2026)
Get another (different) certification for my career.
Live my life no matter how much money I don't have.
Fulfill a Teenage Dream
This is a stretch goal, might not happen.
Save 7,000$. And go on a two month long road trip!
Full Reinvention Loading
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stuckinapril · 4 months
How did your hunger strike go??
it went super well!! Iced water fr saved me during those 7 days. I had a couple electrolyte drinks just to make sure my electrolytes weren’t too imbalanced, as well as multivitamins, but otherwise I was chill <3 and I truly embraced it bc there was nothing more cleansing than being in solidarity w the Palestinians starving in Gaza (although ofc one week is nothing compared to what they’re going through). I’m in the refeeding phase rn so I’m just taking it easy and consuming fruit smoothies and veggies basically
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study-lizard · 2 months
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iced caramel latte save me...
okay but actually vitamins & supplements have saved me and caffeine, of course
but i have been taking a stew of magnesium, vitamins b, d & k, adult multivitamin (with iron!), quercetin with bromelain, antidepressants, antihistamines, and of course, a lil caffiene - and it has helped clear up my sickness in like two days [orla was right when she said "we all become our mother in the end"]
anywho! since i now feel better, back on the grind! submitting master's apps, sending emails, figuring my shit out! lets go!!!!!
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 5 months
🎀30 Day Glow Up Challenge🎀 - day fifteen
♡ Mindset : I watched a Jay Shetty podcast episode today on love and relationships. He talked about how we either self sabotage and we can benefit from relationships and the important aspects we should look for in a partner it def was a very much needed episode.
♡ Health : I had work today so I reached my step goal easily. I walk a lot on my way to work and back from work. I went grocery shopping I picked up the rotisserie chicken I got last week and I put in a order for some salad kits and protein yogurts on Instacart which was so much easier than running around for my groceries after a long day at work.
♡ Self Care : I was going to use my feet mask but I didn’t I think I’m going to save it for Sunday. I did my skin care as usual. I ordered my probiotics, women’s multivitamin, collagen supplement, and a ice face mask on Amazon I opted for that instead of a ice roller because I like the idea of just taking it out of the freezer and snapping it on.
♡ Experience : I’ve been working on my Pinterest page converting all my blog post here on to Pinterest I’ll share the link soon for you girliesss.
Happy first of the month!!!! We are half way through the challenge<3333Tell me how you’re doing babes I would love to know my inbox and requests are open<33333
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padawansuggest · 7 months
Okay so I have a lot of medical conditions and started taking prenatal vitamins because my sister told me it was better for me than the multivitamins I found, and tbh it works very well actually. But then. I was just now looking over at it????
And you know what’s a funnier trope that an overprotective father finding birth control in his teen kids room??? Finding prenatals. Like. I can picture about 10 responses to that and they’re all fucking hilarious (and not in a dad-mad-at-you way I don’t think that’s funny in the least angry fathers are terrifying) and I want this to be the new trope.
Bonus points: they just needed their dailies but prenatals were on sale this month so they saved like 10$ on it.
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my college morning routine ♥*♡∞:。.。
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6:30am: wake up & drink a glass of water + take my multivitamins
6:35am: do a youtube pilates workout
7:10am: take a quick shower using a sweet-smelling body wash & use a loofah to massage it in to wake my body up for the day
7:25am: moisturize my body & put on a cute outfit i set out the night before
7:30am: eat a quick breakfast - i try to get in some carbs, protein, and fruit to keep myself nourished & energized for the day
7:45am: brush my teeth, do my morning skincare routine (apply spf!!), tidy up my hair, apply perfume and jewelry!
8:15am: grab my schoolbag, make myself a coffee, & head to campus
8:30am: get situated in the library or business building & get started on my studies
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+ addt'l info:
❥ this schedule is based on my morning routine during the last school year & summer, which is why i am confident that it is doable for me!
❥ my earliest class is 11am, so depending on the day, i plan to either study until class starts or til around 12pm and take a lunch break
+ ways to save time in the morning:
❥ i fill up a glass of water & place it on my nightstand before bed. i also have all my vitamins in a container with daily segments!
❥ i click on a workout video the night before so it's ready to go as soon as i wake up, i just open up my laptop & hit play
❥ i choose my clothes, accessories, etc. the night before + pack my schoolbag in the evening to save time
❥ i sometimes pre-make my breakfast, such as overnight oats and chia pudding, or i eat something quick like toast. i also pack myself lunch the night before so i can grab it in the morning and go! (if you like cold coffee, you can probably make it ahead too, but i prefer mine hot so i take the extra time to do it in the mornings!)
❥ at night i do a hairstyle that keeps my hair neat & untangled as i sleep so it looks good in the mornings! this saves me sm time on styling (unless i'm in the mood to do a cute hairstyle) because it looks great without any effort!
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mosscaps · 20 days
the arguments against self diagnosing any illness sound very funny when you’re a chronically ill guy that’s been trying to get diagnosed for almost a decade with something 90% of doctors don’t even believe in or blatantly don’t care about and they will say directly to your face “yeah so you have all the signs of this and we’ve ruled out a lot of other things but we just don’t know enough about it so we cant diagnose you” and diagnosis wouldn’t even get you the resources you need because those resources barely exist in the first place slash we don’t know what would help because, see above, medical professionals deny the existence of this very real condition or set of conditions, and so there isn’t enough funding or research behind it. the ouroboros of a terrible healthcare system should not stop you from trying to determine what resources you need even if that means just saying you have the thing so you can move forward. if you need treatment for xyz symptoms, even if you do not necessarily have the condition most associated with those symptoms, you still need treatment. there is not a real house md out there cooking up the perfect diagnosis to your condition while violating many professional and ethical boundaries that i would absolutely let him violate if he could, you know, accurately diagnose and treat me. instead you have to do what you can do with what you have and if you disagree that it is necessary to “”play the system”” to get potentially life saving care, then you have never had the marginalized usamerican experience and i wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy but if you keep insisting self diagnosis is the problem, instead of like, the horrors of capitalism, i wish you stuck in a doctors office for an hour and a half only for them to suggest you might feel better if you take a multivitamin or lose some weight.
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radioactivepeasant · 11 months
Snippets: Free Day Thursday
The Pokémon au, or, "in which "human" actually means "human" this time"
For context: the Dark Warrior Program in this au was an experiment by Praxis, boss of Team Krimzon, to create a psychic link between trainers and Pokémon that he chose, by force if necessary. Jak had only been on his Pokémon journey for a month when he and his Eevee got snatched. Sig, an agent of the Wastelands Region posing as a social worker, helped Jak and Daxter beat Kor (a Bug-type gym boss who was struggling with Team Krimzon for control of Haven City). He smuggles them to a military base in the Spargus region, and the boys are separated for check-ups. (Warning for implied past experimentation)
Just another sterile, white room. Another cold metal examination table. No electrodes clamped to his head this time, but what was the difference? He could still feel the Pokémon restlessly moving in their pokéballs. He could sense that...thing Errol had made out of that poor Pyukumuku. The thing Praxis forced him to train, no matter how much it tried to kill him. He could sense its pain, its anger.
Jak glowered at the black and yellow Ultra Ball. I have to feel your pain, the least you could do is stop ignoring mine!
The Type: Null was silent, save for an aura that Jak had come to associate with snarling. In his arms, Vivi raised her hackles and growled in warning at the Ultra Ball resting on the counter. She hadn't battled until her legs gave out just to let some stranger's Pokémon push her Trainer around.
I am never taking you out of that pokéball again, Jak thought, feeling a little vindictive.
The doctors came back into the room with the uniformed man Sig had been talking to. Jak didn’t recognize the rank insignia on his lapel, but he could tell it was higher than Errol. There was a Baile Oricorio running back and forth across his shoulders, chirping in alarm the second it spotted the Umbreon in Jak’s arms. The man raised a finger to stroke the little bird's head soothingly.
"Overall, he's in better condition than we'd initially suspected," said the doctor with the ice cold hands. "He's just below the fifth percentile right now for overall weight, and I am seeing evidence of poor nutrition, so I'm referring him to a nutritionist. Personally, I recommend giving him a snack locker for his room, y'know, personally. Something he has control over."
The doctor with the gloves -- or was she a Professor? -- nodded in agreement. "His Pokémon are in excellent condition, aside from the Umbreon's scar, given the circumstances. I believe he was giving them his own food."
The stern man frowned. He took the clipboard from the Cold Hands Doctor and leafed through the pages.
"And these scars on his temples? Do there appear to be any lasting effects from them?"
"We don't know yet, sir." The doctor shook her head. "Please, let us know if he suffers any headaches, dizziness, or anything else you think could be related to his time in the Haven region."
She opened a cabinet and sighed.
"He...seems to have become acclimated to using potions to treat himself. As if he were a Pokémon. They're not as effective on humans, sir. I'm prescribing a multivitamin at a higher dose than usual, and a probiotic for some gut health issues his friend mentioned. You may have some difficulty getting him to take them. He seems to have a very good reason to distrust medical care."
Jak hugged Vivi closer and glared at the doctor and the strange man. Why wasn't Sig here? Sig had said he was going to take Jak to the place he used to live before Thin Man took him out of his yard and Mr. Hagai took him to Sandover Town. Who was this guy? Why would they have someone in charge looking over the doctor's findings?
Vivi hissed at the man as he took hold of the doctor's rolling chair and dragged it over to sit in front of the table. At a single hand signal from him, the doctor and professor left the room. Jak stared at him, and he stared back.
"Do you remember me?" the man asked quietly.
"I don't remember a lot of things," Jak answered shortly. "Where's Daxter?"
"Two examination rooms down," the man answered. "His new foster family will be taking him home shortly, but if it would help, I can arrange for them to say hello before they leave."
Panic flooded Jak, and he felt the Umbreon settle her full weight onto his legs, grounding him.
"You're separating us?!"
The man raised his hands placatingly. "Calm yourself, little one. He's only going to live fifteen minutes from us."
"Us?! What do you mean us?!" Jak recoiled until he felt cold plaster against his bare back.
The intimidating man rubbed his face as if he were exhausted.
"You're coming with me," he explained. "You're. You're coming home, Jak."
"How'd you even know who I was?" Jak demanded.
Several muted emotions flickered across the man's face, and the Baile Oricorio settled against his stubbly cheek with a comforting trill. He let out a long breath.
"My name is Damas. Ruler and Field Marshall of Spargus, and the entire Almia region. The...the missing posters Sig showed you? The ones going back ten years? I commissioned those."
He swallowed thickly and looked away.
"I...understand that you don't- you don't remember me. Although I hope one day you will. But I-"
His voice caught.
"I'm your father, Jak. And we've been looking for you and your Eevee for a long, long time."
He blinked, swift and hard, and his next words were almost inaudible.
"I've missed you so much."
Two Weeks Later
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"Ah! It's working, holy crap!"
"Daxter!" Jak squinted at the phone. "I thought the internet wasn't set up in your housing unit yet!"
"Yeah," his best friend shrugged on the webcam. "But Osmo got bumped up in line for dealing with those leftover Shadow Beedrills that tried to nest in the hangar."
Jak settled into the kitchen chair cross-legged. "Oh yeah. That makes sense, I guess. How...is the Drawers family? Everything still okay there?"
"Still the best foster-family I've had, bar none. Osmo let me put a picture of Mr. Hagai on Ximon's dart board, and he doesn't even tell me to "make myself useful" or whatever. And the mom, Xandra? She let my Pokémon sit at the table with me and everything. How's the weirdo they sent you to live with?"
Jak shrugged. "Gone a lot. Government meetings or something- by the way Sig is 100% not a real social worker, you were right. He's a secret agent for my...I guess he's my dad?"
"Told ya. No way a real Haven social worker would get us out of that city."
"Oh. And I have a little brother. Or half-brother? I'm not sure. He's three and he's staring at me while eating a ketchup sandwich. Just. Just ketchup and bread. Geez, that's creepy looking- Dude your face looks like a crime scene."
"Want some?"
"Uh...no, no thanks."
Jak made a face at the phone. "The kid has a Totodile, too, and it ate one of my shoes. Damas got real embarrassed and promised to buy more shoes? Which is nice I guess? And he and his wife -- I don't know if she's my mom yet or not -- said they'd let me paint my room- Dax, Vivi and I have our own room. It's weird not bunking with you."
The Umbreon nudged at his hand insistently, hearing her name. She could hear Daxter's voice, and was peering under chairs as if she might find him there.
"Ugh, same. I share a room with Ximon and he snores, but he always falls asleep on the couch playing video games so I kinda have my own room? It is weird though. Junior keeps opening drawers and peeking around the door. I think he's looking for Vivi?"
Mar tugged Jak's sleeve. "Big Kid."
"It's Jak."
"Jak big kid, da schoo' bus is here."
"Crap. Gotta go, Dax. See you in class?"
"Maybe? I don't have my schedule yet-" a muffled voice interrupted from somewhere outside the door, causing Daxter's Pawmo to leap up into his hair to hide. Daxter rolled his eyes. "I'm COMING, Ximon! See ya, Jak!"
The bright red backpack didn't really feel like his yet. He didn't know what any of the books inside were, and honestly he didn't care. All he cared about was that Damas and Phobos had promised that the teachers would allow Vivi to stay out of her pokéball. Jak grumbled under his breath and slung the bag over his shoulder. First day at Cooper Memorial Middle School. Two weeks until they got out for summer. He could survive that, provided the Type: Null stayed in its ball.
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thonethatflies620 · 3 months
I may have scraped my knee falling for you...
How dare be so charming, I am warning you!
I may be demi, but with words you have a way.
Quickly turns me to mush, this is not okay!
Do you have a library card?
(This is not a joke, don't play hard)
Cause I am checking you out!
Wish that this between us,
will not be for naught!
We share a bond,
Probably one no one expects.
Be my partner in crime,
main murder suspects!
I play innocent,
yet my darkness you know.
I'll get drunk on your scent!
Not even for show.
Lick your way down your throat.
Like a chocolate bunny,
I'll start with the ears.
Save you for later, that's funny.
Ache for me for years.
Don't worry, Mommy's coming,
Give me that Vitamin D.
From me there's no running,
Ruined you'll be!
Let's be cursed together...
Even tho my blog's been PG.
Let's vore LuLu...
This is my dowry for you!
(you better marry me you lil bastard or I will eat you too)
(legit smiling) (I love writing poetry) (also I made it interactive, do recommend sound on.)
((Also turning this into our vows))
When you scrape your knees, I'll be there to bandage and kiss your contusion.
Darling of mine, let there be no confusion.
I adore your poetry,
And I'd love your hand in matrimony!
Let us read books into the morning,
The bed, the pool, the couch...
Late night, warm firelight,
Fuzzy blanket, cheese banquet,
Bundled snuggles, shared struggles.
Pull me into a hug,
And never let go.
Devotion is a hell of a drug,
Nay, this inhibition could cure our lonely woes.
I'd take the fall,
And do the time.
I'd answer your phone call,
And bring you soup with thyme.
Drink your vibes up,
A soothing herbal tea,
Akin to an exotic home remedy.
I'd start with the slow steep,
Then the French press.
No need for honey,
You're too sweet for me.
You're dependable, never expendable,
Let's take multivitamins and long walks.
We can be vulnerable
But I'll protect us from hater flocks.
Cursed forever, though you my blessing...
I'd give you the last of my salad dressing.
Join can the crew
These are my vows to you.
(Love you babe.) (Writing this for you was the highlight of my day.)
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jordie-gvf · 2 years
now, FUCK OFF!, josh
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summary : behind the scenes of the Atlantic City rhinestoned diary
warnings : language, sexy josh, josh being josh, allusions to sex
word count : less than 1k, 849 to be exact. im sorry its so short!
enjoy 🫶
There was no doubt that Josh was chaotic. All the stories you heard from Karen when he and Jake were little. Now that you were on tour with him, you saw how chaotic he actually was. 
Josh had always gotten ready for a show about 5 hours beforehand. You were on the couch in his dressing room when Jenn walked in, ready to put the rhinestones on Josh's cheeks. 
Kaitlyn walked in, ready to film the rhinestoned diary. Jake walked into Josh's dressing room, ready to see one of the famous rhinestoned diaries being filmed. Kaitlyn started recording as Josh started to speak. 
“And now for another entry in my rhinestoned diary on this Dreams in Gold circus. We're excited to be here in Las Vegas to play one of the last shows of the year,” He said.
Jake corrected him, “Uh Josh”
Josh said, “Yeah?”
Jake continued, “Were in Atlantic City,” 
“Atlantic City? What the fuck is Atlantic City known for?” Josh questioned
“Salt water taffy, obviously.” Jake said
Josh looked up and said, “Salt water taffy? I would love to have salt water taffy, but you know what I can't have? Sugar, for instance, which is candy, which is salt water taffy. You know what I have? You know what I have?”
He went over to his vanity and grabbed all his pills and multivitamins. He grabbed two handfuls of them and shoved them towards the camera. “All these goddamn pills, that’s all I fucking have. I cant even breathe like a normal fucking person!” and slammed the humidifier down onto the floor.
“Now, FUCK OFF!” He finished as Kaitlyn moved her phone away.
He grabbed his humidifier off the floor and asked you to make him his hot toddy. “Mama, can you make my drink for me?” He asked. You nodded and went over to the tea kettle. You added water and made his drink just how he liked it, barely any tea and mostly whiskey. 
He grabbed from your hand and pulled you in by your waist. “Thank you mama.” You smiled and pressed a light kiss into his neck. He giggled and pulled away from you. “Do you think Jenn would get mad if we cuddled on this couch really quick?” You smiled and shook your head no. You laid on the couch first and he put his hot toddy down, and laid right on top of your chest. 
You played with his hair and he said, “Have I ever told you how much I love you being on the road with me? I have you right here with me at all times and I've never been more happy.” He looked up at you and you leaned down and kissed his forehead. 
Jenn walked into Josh's room and said, “Josh, you're on in five.” 
He sighed and put his head back down. He sat up, took one look at your boobs and said, “They're kinda like bongos,” and started to tap on them with his hands like a drum. You looked at him and said, “Yeah and they're all yours,” and smirked. He grabbed your face and kissed you. He used his left hand to grab your boob and made out with you. You pulled away and told him that he needed to go on stage. He reluctantly backed off and kissed you once more.
He left the room as Jita walked in and sat with you on the couch. You grabbed her hand and you two made your way to the wings and watched from there.
When they were finished, Josh ran over to you. At all of the shows you went to, he always saved a rose for you. He handed you the white rose and said, “for my lovely lady,” grabbed your hand and went back to his dressing room. 
“I need to shower ASAP. Let's go back to the hotel.” He said.
He said goodnight to the boys and you two made your way back to the hotel room.
He got in the shower and you set out his pajamas for him, underwear. He got out of the shower and saw you laying down in the bed, book in your hand. He walked over to the bed and said, “do you have all your skincare stuff? Can you do mine for me?” You nodded and got up to get your toiletry bag. 
Josh sat down on the bed and you sat on top of his legs. He told you he washed his face in the shower, so all you had to do was apply your toner, serums, oils, and moisturizer. You started with the toner and soaked a cotton pad with it. He put his hands on the sides of your thighs and rubbed up and down.
You finished his skincare and he held you on top of him. “Josh, I'm gonna be honest, seeing you on stage is so hot.” you told him.
He opened his eyes and grabbed the side of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. 
That's a hella way to end the night.
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claitea · 1 year
ok you want people to talk to you about pokémon right. well you’re in luck bc i wanted to talk to you
first question uuuuuhm. hm. how about you try to sell me on playing black/white. go wild and infodump about that green man etc
hm. idk how much you know or want to know bc i dont want to end up spoiling the plot of the best piece of media ever created by human hands containing the absolute flawless amazing showstopping pinnacle of storytelling Natural "N" Harmonia Gropius. but also its an 11 year old game and i spoil it constantly anyway so lmao
bw itself in general? imo the Peak of pokemon all bias aside. the animated 2d sprites, the environments (going over the skyarrow bridge for the first time WOOOO), the music, the pokemon designs themselves, it still had mythical pokemon events like Victini's, pokemon musicals, Pokestar Studios in bw2, auugahhhh chewing on bw/bw2 like its a multivitamin gummy
the music is probably one of the best things about it! routes have slight variation depending on the season (bw has seasons btw its very pretty) which is super neat. village bridge is one of my favorite pokemon songs, it'll activate more instruments as you explore the bridge and talk to people with instruments and things. also Driftveil City. just driftveil its iconic
and now here's an entire no holds barred rant on Him
n. where do i start with him. i will be spoiling literally everything about him btw i just love explaining him
abandoned in a forest at like 5ish years old, he learned to talk with pokemon because he lived with them. ghetsis ends up finding him, claims he's his father, and whisks little n away to plasma castle and everything goes speeding downhill on a sled going over ice.
n's naturally Too Nice, so ghetsis is able to convince him that every human is pokemon-abusing scum by only letting n see pokemon that have been mistreated and isolating him from people other than ghetsis himself and n's foster sisters, anthea and concordia. he makes n think only he can change the world by joining with one of the twin dragons, becoming champion to prove his strength to the region, and from there he can force all people to separate from pokemon.
presumably the first time n's been let out of plasma castle is at 20 years old when bw takes place which on its own is just. insanely horrific. he's genuinely surprised that all the people he meets over the course of the game treat their pokemon well and their pokemon love them in return. unfortunately for n he is STUBBORN. up until the bitter end he keeps holding onto the belief that humans and pokemon should be separated despite all the evidence contrary to that because thats all he's known all his life. was he supposed to just throw away all he's been working towards for 15 years? drives me insane how deeply entrenched n was in his mindset that even when he had suspicions, he couldn't let himself waver from the path he chose. he literally runs away and disappears for TWO YEARS after you defeat him because he's so lost.
yknow how kieran tries to be the hero of ogerpon's story and gets furious when sv protag takes that away from him? thats kinda how n is, he thinks he's supposed to be the hero of unova but after clashing with you he realizes he is Not. "Is the world going to choose you, and not me?!" <- line that has driven me nuts for over a decade. n is literally designed like a classic mainline game protag: compatitively simple casual outfit (with the bright green hair to set him apart though), does the gym challenge and becomes champion, catches a box legendary, is fighting against a threat in order to save the region. the only difference being that threat was a lie, n was being used so ghetsis could take over the region.
speaking of ghetsis's atrocities. there's his infamous "freak without a human heart" line. there's the fact his final team is designed to counter and sweep n's final team, either he was planning for n to end up betraying him or just outright disposing of n no matter what he did once he outlived his usefulness. there's the fact he probably didn't even take much care of n and dumped the responsibility on anthea and concordia who probably aren't much older than n. there's the fact that in usum's rainbow rocket storyline, that timeline's ghetsis has one of the twin dragons, which i've seen interpretations of being that he's trapped n and taken the dragon or straight up Killed n because the dragon is supposed to choose its partner. fucked up stuff!
and throughout it all n still has some attachment to ghetsis! "It's hard to call you this, but… Father! Please understand."
ghetsis may have done All That but he's still almost all n had for so many years. n is also again, Too Nice, he still wants to see the best in ghetsis. pokemon masters had a storyline where ghetsis seems to be trying to make up and n makes the choice to trust him. ghetsis betrays them all of course but the fact n still chose to believe in him again is so. augh
enough about The Tragedy of N Harmonia though, he does turn his life around and seems so much happier in bw2. compare his first game encounter theme to his second. the first is creepy, stops jarringly, is literally named Prisoner to a Formula. his second reminds me of carnival music and i love it so so so much. also, i've had weird issues in the past where putting images under a readmore screws up the entire post's formatting and i dont want to retype THIS ENTIRE RANT but. in bw2 his battle sprite has a bigger smile than in bw1. he regained his whimsy :)
misc thing. he canonically talks so fast some people can't understand him. this is reflected in the game by his text printing faster than everyone else's, and if you set your text speed to Fast he talks at a unique EVEN FASTER speed which i think is really funny. they just Really wanted him to talk super fast they even bothered to make him his own text speed
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txlipg4rden · 8 months
Does anyone else still look and feel gross and fat even if they're a "healthy" BMI? The system wants us all to be overweight fr 😒
Anyways y'all so here's what I ate so far:
Breakfast: Nothing 😋
Lunch: A banana and my multivitamin 🤮
Total calories: 430 calories ☹️
I'm so depressed and emo because my daily limit was supposed to be 400 calories BUT THE RICE MADE ME FAIL UGHH. Tomorrow I will literally fast for the entire day to make up for it.
XOXO, Tulip 🎀
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