#monopoly but everyone is playing as the banker
neogotmy-kat · 3 months
haikyuu characters playing monopoly inspired by a 3 hour long game i just finished:
Suga: typically sits out as banker because of past instances where his competitiveness got the best of him (he flipped the board. twice.)
Hinata: gives it his all and gains like 50% of the properties but gets cocky and ends up having to mortgage most of them
Kageyama: could not care less about property, solely focused on gaining and maintaining money
Yamaguchi: rolls doubles so often that noya and tanaka start a campaign to have him eliminated because he’s “cheating” (he’s not, he’s just as confused as they are)
Tsukishima: Acts uninterested in the beginning but secretly develops a complex plan to win, and then poorly hides his annoyance when his plan fails
Noya: Is mostly focused on antagonizing others so he only gets like 3 properties but for some reason everyone keeps landing on them so he ends up with a lot of money
Tanaka: Gets pissed when everyone else won’t go along with his trades (“if you give me all of your greens i’ll buy you a soda” “you don’t even have a green???”)
Daichi: Remains quiet for most of the game and hides half of his money so people underestimate his wealth, then buys up everything at the end of the game and wins… every time.
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Girls Night
“You owe me 200!”
“Fine! Just take all my money!”
You laughed, throwing the paper money at her and taking a sip of your wine. It was safe to say that you sucked at playing Monopoly. Ellie had ownership of all the railroads and utilities, Abby had at least 2 hotels on each of her properties, and Alex spent most of her time in jail.
It still wasn’t a match for you, who had 25 dollars to your name, 2 properties that only generated around 30.00 total in rent, and would miss the free parking space every chance you got. When your time came and you rolled the cursed dice, the Monopoly Gods decided to end your pathetic gaming reign by putting you in jail.
“Alright, well I’m out,” you stated defeatedly, taking a long sip of wine as your confirmation.
“Aw, it’s alright Y/N. Maybe you’ll do better the next game!” Abby tried but you shook your head with a quickness.
“Absolutely not. Not only is this game rigged to make me realize how terrible of a homeowner I am, but it lasts forever! Alex knows, she’s been in jail for the last three turns.”
“Hey, I don’t mind it. I just collect all my rent money while I’m in here,” Alex retorted.
You laughed as you heard the front door open and saw Jethro walk in with a grocery bag and a bottle of whiskey. You got up from your spot immediately, happy to see him home finally and walked over as he set the stuff down on the kitchen counter. He had let the team go home earlier in the night but told you he needed to stay behind to do some paperwork on their latest case. Abby was the first one to suggest the girls game night and it didn’t take much convincing of Ellie or Alex when the promise of wine, snacks, and a warm fire were included.
“Hey hun. You just missed my embarrassing defeat in Monopoly. Remind me to never play this game with your team again, they’re entirely too good. And I think Abby’s been hiding all the good chance cards up her sleeve.”
He chuckled as you gave him a welcome home kiss and started noisily poking around in the goods he had brought home.
“Ooh. Chips, dip and whiskey? You trying to butter me up sir?”
He smiled and pried the bottle from your hands. “Whiskeys mine. And it sounds to me like you’re already buttered up,” he teased softly, not wanting his special agents to hear your two’s playful PDA. With another small kiss, he walked out to the group of girls and surveyed the real estate war.
“Doing well Abbs. Bishop, I like your strategy. And Quinn, stop hiding in jail.”
“I’m not hiding! I’m just taking my time,” she defended as everyone laughed.
“I’ll be downstairs if you girls need me. Good night.”
They called out their farewells as he made his way into his little woodworking dungeon and you took your spot back, bringing the new snacks with you.
“Alright Banker Abby. I need a loan,” you pleaded.
The clock read 11 pm once the girls left and you cleaned up your game space. In the end, it was Ellie who won, most likely due to her incredible NSA analysis skills and you had ended up with at least more than the small loan Banker Abby gave you. Once you put all the furniture back and glassware in the dishwasher, you made your way downstairs to see Jethro.
There was light country music and a muted tv playing as you watched him slowly move the sandpaper over his newest project. He had finished the boat a while back and offered to build you some beautiful planter boxes for the garden you wanted to start once spring came around.
It was always a treat for you when you watched him work. His movements were smooth and calculated, knowing just how much pressure to apply or what angle to use and seeing him wearing his tool belt and covered in sawdust just did it for you.
“You gonna stand there all night?” he called out with a smirk.
Walking over, you hopped up on one of the counters and took a small sip of his mason jar whiskey, slightly cringing at the taste.
“You know who would be really great for Ellie? Nick. I think their different personalities would really even each other out.”
“Rule number 12, sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes at his comment. Since when do any of his subordinates follow it, including himself. You knew all about his past with the director and Sloan, he wasn’t fooling anyone.
“Rule number 83. Don’t be a hypocrite,” you quipped, making up your own rule.
He gave you the look that you see from him to his team all the time but it didn’t work on you so you just smiled cheekily back at him. He stopped sanding and came over, taking the glass from your hands and finishing the awful brown liquor, your arms snaking around his neck. He smelt like a lumbermill mixed with a distillery and you loved it. You loved it even more when you pulled him in for a kiss and tasted the leftover vapors of his whiskey on his tongue. The effect of drinking your 3 glasses of wine had you feeling warm and fuzzy and made Jethro’s touch electric.
When you two pulled away, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before speaking. “Let’s go to bed.”
Not needing any convincing, you nodded and he helped you down, taking off his toolbelt and carelessly dropping it on one of the tables before following you back upstairs.
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if Lokius becomes canon there needs to be a scene where everyone in the TVA is playing Monopoly (no one knows about Lokius yet) and Mobius is the banker rather than an actual player so when Loki lands on a space where he has to pay a lot of money Mobius will go “okay you gotta give up x amount of dollars” and Loki just gives him a seductive look and go “do I have to?” And Sylvie slams her hands down on the table and yells “THIS BITCH IS FUCKING THE BANKER!”
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canisalbus · 10 months
Okay, its game night and tonight's game is monopoly. Can be Vasco/Machete only or you can also include modern versions of the fic characters, you choose
Who's winning? And more importantly, who's taking this way too seriously?
Vasco (horse and rider) has gotten bored and largely given up, he's messing with people's houses and hotels and stacking them on top of each other, fiddling with his phone and wandering into the kitchen to get a snack and stretch his legs every ten minutes or so.
Vittorio (thimble) is winning. He doesn't seem to follow a specific strategy but has played his cards well and luck evidently favors him. He owns the most properties and is the most financially stable player by far. He's been the quietest of the bunch all night and feels shyly pleased about being at the top, but gets very apologetic when someone lands on one of his high-rent locations and he has to take money from them.
Machete (howitzer) and Piero (tophat) are taking it way too seriously. Both have agreed that Vittorio may be invincible at this point, but they're on a head-to-head battle for the second place. Everyone else has expressed willingness to call it quits but they're way too competitive to give up until one has clearly and objectively beaten the other. Machete has fancier and more developed streets but he keeps ending up in jail more often than anyone else. Piero is the banker, owns three of the four railroads and is trying to get the last one from Machete.
Maurice (battleship) was the first to go bankrupt and has retired from the game, now he's mostly chilling with Vasco and giving moral support to Vittorio. He's getting sleepy and peckish and thinking of maybe getting late night takeout on his way home, but he doesn't quite have the heart to leave yet. At 11:56 he joins Vasco in the kitchen to make grilled cheese sandwiches that will surely give him heartburn next morning.
Alonso (racecar) was just a little too rude last time and he wasn't invited.
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lilacfiresoul · 6 months
cheat, april 2 -- @jegulus-microfic -- 1,144 words
kind of went a little over here lol because this was so fun to write! anyways, enjoy <3
“That’ll be 850, please,” Regulus says smugly.
Lily, rolling her eyes, reluctantly hands over a sheaf of brightly coloured Monopoly money. “And now I’m basically broke. Regulus takes my money yet again.”
Glancing over at his boyfriend, James watches Regulus add the notes to his bank, all of them arranged neatly from highest to lowest in a line next to his properties. They’re already quite far into the game, with several houses on the board and the odd few hotels, mainly on Regulus’ properties. He’s the banker, and James is unsure if that’s the reason for his success, or if he’s genuinely just a good player.
Sirius seems to think the former, as he angrily tosses the dice onto the board and lands, surprise, surprise, on one of Regulus’ properties. Again.
“No!” he howls, slapping his hands on his forehead, earning a bemused look from Remus. “I swear he’s rigged the dice!”
“Sirius, how I can rig dice?” Regulus responds brusquely. “That’s 330.”
“Lily, you shouldn’t have let him be the banker,” Sirius accuses, glaring at Lily. “Whenever he��s the banker, I lose!”
James leans over to Regulus, resting his arm on the back of the chair, mumbling, “Sirius seems to think you’re a cheat, Reg.”
“He’s just a sore loser,” Regulus informs him matter-of-factly. “Every time I’m the banker, he says—”
“—It’s bad luck, Lily, he rigs it—”
“That I’m a liar,” Regulus begins.
“He lies, he schemes, he plots, he—”
“—Plans.” Regulus nods. Sirius flashes him an irritated look, but Regulus doesn’t even sound upset about it, just amused, as if he’s heard all of this before. His fingers are laced together in front of him, a businessman about to suggest a proposal. “You need to get more creative at your insults, Sirius.”
“Oh, shut up,” his brother growls, flinging the money at Regulus in a shower of coloured paper.
James can’t help chuckling, leading to Sirius narrowing his eyes at him. Caught, James drops his arm, straightening in his seat.
“I see how it is,” Sirius announces. “James is helping him.”
There’s a beat, and Regulus laughs. “I don’t need help. I build my Monopoly empire with my own blood, sweat, and tears.”
The game continues. Sirius stews in silence as Remus rolls the dice, missing Regulus’ properties completely and landing safe on an unclaimed plant. Then Mary rolls, grinning as she gives Lily 100.
“I don’t mind giving you my money,” she tells Lily, who swoons.
Regulus goes, where he lands on one of Sirius’ properties. He has to hand over 200 through gritted teeth, like it pains him to part with his fake money, much to Sirius’ delight.
And then it’s James’ turn.
It honestly couldn’t have worked out better. James rolls six, putting his figurine right on one of Regulus’ properties.
With a hotel.
“Ha!” Sirius crows, jabbing a finger at it.
Defeatedly, James asks Regulus, “How much do I owe you?”
Regulus looks at his cards, though James and everyone else at the table knows Regulus is doing it just for show, pretending as if he doesn’t know exactly how much James owes him.
Even though he’s played Monopoly so many times, James has never won at it. One time a few years ago, he’d played with his parents and Regulus. It had gone on for hours, and both him and Effie had lost, leaving it a tense battle between Regulus and Fleamont. James’ dad had won by the skin of his teeth, and has never let Regulus live it down.
James can’t help comparing that time to now, how he only has 500 left, majorly under the rent due, and how the same thing had happened last time. Regulus had let him lose then, hellbent on beating Fleamont, but now he has a mischievous gleam in his eye as James presents him with the last of his money.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Regulus continues. “It’s a hotel. I’ll let you stay there for free, if you give me a kiss to make up for it.”
“What?” Sirius explodes. “That’s not— You can’t do that— Lily—”
Lily holds up her hands. “It’s just my game, I can’t control what he does.”
Scrabbling for the box, Sirius finds the rulebook and flicks it open. “It’s against the rules.”
“I’m the banker.”
“That means nothing—”
Remus and Mary are silently laughing behind their hands, tears in Mary’s eyes as she tries to keep quiet. Lily’s eyes dart between the two of them, pressing her lips together.
“Are you calling my boyfriend a cheat, Sirius?” James asks innocently. “I don’t think it’s in the rulebook.”
“He’s also my bloody brother, James—”
“It’s not in the book,” Remus confirms.
A charged silence falls over the table. Regulus, grinning, hooks a finger under James’ chin to tug him closer. Entranced, James follows, like a dog with a bone, the tide to the moon, the planets to the sun.
The kiss is chaste, sweet, as people are watching, but underneath the table, Regulus squeezes James’ thigh, the promise of more to come later.
They part, and it’s an effort for James not to grab him by the neck and kiss him senseless, but he refrains, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering at the wink Regulus sends his way.
“Cheaters,” Sirius huffs. “Thought you did this alone, Reggie. If you’re doing that, I’m also doing it.”
“Be my guest. You don’t have to hotel yet,” Regulus quips.
The game continues for another few rounds. Mary goes out first, after divvying out her savings to Sirius, of all people. Remus goes out second, unable to pay his debt to Regulus. Lily is soon to follow, tossing her leftover bits of money to Regulus as well. Sirius is the fourth out, coming dangerously close to flipping the board as he also hands all of his money over to Regulus.
It’s just him and James left.
And James, in a cruel, or rather predictable, twist of fate, lands on one of Regulus’ properties. Again.
It’s laughable, honestly.
Sirius puts his head in his hands and wails because his brother has won. Mary, bursting into laughter again, excuses herself to get a glass of wine, and Lily and Remus try to smother their laughter at Sirius’ dramatic reaction.
“You going to steal all of my money?” James whispers. “It’s yours, if you want it.”
“Don’t need to. I’ve already won anyway.”
Regulus kisses him again, and Sirius, mumbling something about cheaters, best friends kissing brothers, and how shitty this game is, flips the Monopoly board.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 6 months
okay time for the real questions whose monopoly nights get the most intense: toman, tenjiku or 10th gen black dragon?
Ykw that is a good question, generally stumped rn. This is how I see each night going though
Lots of swearing and shouting, pretty much everyone here is a sore loser.
No one has actually read the rules so they're not even playing the game correctly, Mikey sometimes makes up random rules in the middle of the game.
Mikey also offers to switch his property for snacks if anyone has them.
They fight over who gets to be what piece at the start too.
There's a bite taken out of the corner of the board and no one can remember how that happened (most of them blame Baji and his sharp teeth)
They all think they're the best at this game and actually threaten each other while playing.
All of them try to cheat too and smirk at each other when they have to pay each other.
Ran makes dad jokes anytime someone lands in jail "ah just like old times".
Izana continually reminds everyone that he's the leader of them throughout (especially if he's losing)
Rindou and a few of the others try to turn it into a drinking game everytime
Half the pieces are missing
10th gen Black dragons-
They all know Koko will win no matter what so usually Inui and Taiju try to team up against him
None of them actually like this game so they never know why they even play
Lots of shouting
Koko doesn't want to play the banker role but knows the other two will cheat otherwise
Taiju always gives Inui the dog piece
The board 100% ends up flipped before they can finish
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a-tear-in-space · 6 months
Milgram characters playing Monopoly (some random HCs I made)
Haruka - Does not want to be the dog piece. Doesn't know how to play, so one of the other players typically have to tell him what to do as he goes along. Pretty much just happy to be there since he's getting attention. Has the least amount of properties bought.
Yuno - Doesn't care for the game too much, but plays it anyway. At some point another player (probably Mahiru) buys a space she wanted and she silently holds a grudge against them for the rest of the game. Has a fair amount of properties.
Fuuta - Oh boy. When he's unhappy with a roll, everyone knows it. Probably the type of player to just get progressively more pissed off as things go on. He keeps landing on properties that others have bought and it's slowly draining his money. He ends up landing on one of Shidou's properties with a hotel and gives up trying. Has maybe one or two properties. Kotoko calls him a bad player and he tries to start a fight.
Muu - Actually kind of good at the game. Has somehow remained stocked up on money for most of the game because she keeps asking Haruka for his, and he doesn't mind giving it to her. She keeps trying to get out of paying tax to other players by guilt tripping them. Has a few properties, some with one or two houses.
Shidou - Relatively good at the game (he probably played it with his family.) Definitely has the smartest method when it comes to property management - investing everything into one property and fully upgrading it before founding another. Has been calm the entire game and nobody can tell what he's thinking about. Has one or two fully upgraded properties.
Mahiru - Mostly just goes for the properties she likes, more than anything. Not the greatest player, but not the worst either. She's pretty much just happy to be here. Has a fair amount of properties across the board.
Kazui - The banker. Actually kind of good at the game, though he does end up in jail a few times. Has to stop Kotoko and Fuuta from fighting. Usually the one who has to give pointers on how to play to Haruka and Amane. Has a few of the more expensive properties on the board.
Amane - Keeps trying to take money from the bank. Has been silently staring at the board with a blank stare the entire game as she plays, and nobody knows if that's a good thing or not. Probably the type of player to try and flip the board at some point if she gets annoyed. Has a few properties to her name, but nothing major.
Mikoto - Has spent like 75% of the game in jail. Nobody knows how he keeps getting sent there, especially him, but he insists he finds it funny. Spends most of his time talking to the other players. Has a couple of properties that he's managed to buy (when not in jail.)
Kotoko - By far the most complex player, rivalling Shidou in terms of prowess at the game. Switches sporadically between pointing out mistakes/flaws in the other players' decisions (especially Fuuta's) to being completely silent and observing what's going on the entire game. Nobody knows which is worse. Has somehow avoided going to jail the entire game. Has a few well stocked properties. Ready and willing to fight.
Es - Does not want to be here, probably only forced to. Refuses to play, claiming that it's not something a warden should do.
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made-by-moon · 10 months
Marauders playing Monopoly:
Lily would bring monopoly to Hogwarts
Everyone was confused because of it but excited
Except Remus (he knows what is about to be unleashed)
Sirius and James would agrue cause they want the same counter
They resolved the conflict by wrestling (James won)
Remus would be the banker cause he doesn't trust others with it
Sirius would buy every single possession he landed on without second thoughts
James would hate it cause he would land on them just after Sirous bought them
Lily would lose her mind trying to trade with Sirius
"You don't even NEED this card! Just give it to me!!"
Marlene would hide money in her sleeves/pockets
And every time everyone thought she was bankrupt, she would take out ANOTHER STASH OF MONEY
Dorcas and Mary would partner up to collectively destroy Sirius, Lily and Marlene
With all that, no one really paid attention to Peter
He slowly built his empire in the pink section
He already had 4 houses on each possesion and they had to pay him a FORTUNE for each
He won in the end
Remus and Lily were extremely impressed
Inspired by the game I played yesterday with my friend and her siblings. Yes, it was monopoly. Yes, I absolutely DESTROYED THEM.
Also, I haven't seen this done with marauders, so ye. It needed to be done.
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tmntheadcanons · 1 year
tmnt 2003 Donatello headcanons
Designated monopoly banker no one else can be trusted
Also if they are playing a board game Donnie is the only one who actually reads the instructions. He'll read them out loud but there is like a 3% chance any of them were actually listening.
He has a million niche hobbies like he'll be leaving the lair with a pair of binoculars and a giant encyclopedia and they'll be like donnie where are you going and he'll be like oh I'm going bird watching
He has like an extensive rock collection he started when he was like 7 and if you make the mistake of asking about it he will go through each rock and give an in depth history
At least 3 shelves in his bedroom are dedicated to his lego collection and when he gets a new set he scurries off to his room and you won't see him again for like 8 hours
He does freelance programming work solely to fund his lego addiction
Him and Mikey sit at his computer and play runescape together Donnie plays and Mikey watches and it's what gets Mikey into mmorpgs
Omg him and Mikey play fire boy and water girl together and it almost destroys their relationship
Donnie gets cold easy and in the winter he'll walk around the lair with a blanket draped over his shoulders and he'll fling it back dramatically like it's his mysterious cloak
and when he sits on the couch for a movie he creates like a blanket igloo with just his face sticking out
Donnie tutors Angel she'll come over to the lair and he'll make her a cup of hot chocolate and help her with her homework in the kitchen
Everyone once in a while Donnie's brain will do like a factory reset and he'll forget a very basic fact because his brain is so filled with random knowledge
He's obsessed with peanut butter and if left to his own devices he would eat nothing but pb&j sandwiches for the rest of his life. It's a regular occurrence to walk into the kitchen and donnie is mid eating a spoonful of peanut butter with chocolate chips on it.
And he'd kill a man for a reeses peanut butter cup
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calxia · 1 year
I had the most stupid thought. Monopoly with the ghouls... I just know that'd be a disaster. Somebody would be trying to eat the game pieces. Others are fighting over property.. Somebody is just sitting in the corner scared of everything that's happening.
I imagine Copia had put them in timeout many times which did not work and ended up having to ban the game completely because they can't act right
- 🎸 Anon
I very almost added the Monopoly videogame to the 'ghouls and videogames' ask you sent last until I had images of the Nintendo Switch being thrown out of the window when someone gets bancrupted.
The pack has never actually been able to finish a game of Monopoly because it always ends up with someone crying (normally Phantom) and someone in a blind rage flipping the table (Dew.)
The fighting always starts from the second the game box is opened when everyone quarrels over which piece they all want, despite how they always pick the exact same ones every time. Mountain prefers to just watch and mediate any quarrels that break out while Copia acts as the banker because nobody else can be trusted with the fake money.
everything goes smoothly for the first few turns until more and more properties get bought up. the board quickly fills up with bought properties. Sunny somehow always manages to lose all her money which prompts an argument if she gets new notes or if they consider her bankrupt already. The table gets knocked and they have to pick everything up off the floor and try to remember who was where.
Swiss rolls the dice so hard it goes skidding off the table and under the sofa, so they have to pause the game to move it to retrieve it. It's already been an hour and most of them are getting bored. Phantom ended up in jail 2 turns ago and is unable to roll a double so he has to mortgage his properties to pay bail. Cirrus and Cumulus have somehow managed to build houses already which sends Dew into a blind rage when he lands on them.
Copia has had to move the bank to the other side of the room because Rain kept trying to distract him to steal money so he doesn't have to mortgage his properties. Aurora and Phantom quickly get bankrupted when they run out of properties to mortgage. Cirrus now owns half the board.
Swiss has gotten bored by this point and has started flicking houses at Phantom from over the table. He then pulls a card and has to bankrupt because he can't pay his taxes. Only Dew, Aether, Cirrus and Cumulus are still in the game by this point. Dew and Aether have about four properties between them and the rest is owned by the ghoulettes. Most spaces now have hotels on them. Aether loses to Cumulus.
Dew tries to kick Cirrus from under the table but instead boots Phantom in the shins which makes him burst into tears. He gets told off but it only makes him more angry. Aurora and Sunny are trying to stack the unused house pieces as high as possible on the edge of the table.
Dew lands on Cirrus' Boardwalk with a hotel, immediately loses all his money and gets bankrupted. he flips the table in a blind fit of rage and starts screaming at Cirrus. She screams back at him. There are game pieces all over the floor in the living room. Phantom is crying in the corner with Swiss trying to stop him. Aether is trying to calm down Dew while the ghoulettes try to calm Cirrus down. Rain is somehow managing to ignore the chaos while playing Pokemon
Copia bans the game after that. (it's not like they'd have been able to play again anyway given how most of the pieces were now missing)
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stayinggoldforpony · 2 months
hiiii!!!! love ur posts, ur hcs specifically always eat. i was wondering if u had any hcs for family game night w/ the gang??? ty!!!!
they're probably playing monopoly and after every game night they all yell they're never playing it again (they play it every week)
they fight about who's banker and then finally they all scream "FINE DARRY YOU DO IT" because he's the only trust worthy one
Could also someone making Johnny do it
Darry was probably sitting on the couch minding his own business 😭 he's there to keep the peace
Steve and Two-bit probably start wrestling for some reason
Steve takes it SO seriously, like he is LOCKED IN
Two-bit is robbing the bank FOR SURE
If Johnny was banker everyone would start yelling and Johnny would be like "uhm please don't rob the bank?"
bro is stressing
Dally yells at everyone to shut up and yanks the money back from two-bit
NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!!! what pieces are they using??
steve: car
darry: shoe
soda: dog
twobit: thimble because he thinks it funny
dally: canon
johnny: hat
ponyboy: would wanna use the shoe but cant because of darry so instead he chooses ship or wheel barrel
if you know me you know I gotta include some papercut
oh if curly comes over??? he wants to use the ship. but he sees soda reaching for the dog?? he picks the dog.
and soda starts being like wth but pony just tells soda to let curly use it because curlys excuse would be "I use the dog at home :3"
(he doesn't. pony knows this because pony has gone to the shepard house and played monopoly with angela, tim, and curly. but pony doesn't wanna call curly out on lying because he knows soda would always use that as another excuse to why curly is horrible and they should break up)
ponyboy loves snakes and ladders because because it reminds him of his childhood (they used to play it a lot trust)
he doesn't care for the game much itself though
I feel like Pony is the type to get genuinely upset when people start cheating and not taking the game seriously
like he probably leaves the games sometimes because things get too hectic
and everyone thinks he's just being a sore loser and its like "actually no i just wanted to play the game"
this would probably mainly happen because he'd wanna play a specific game that no one else likes but soda makes them because pony's turn to pick
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
congrats on 5k!!
for the prompts: 11 with maximum fluff please :)
Thank you ❤️
11. "Are you taking his side against me?"
Steve and Eddie had an agreement when they started dating to no matter what always make time for the kids. Steve was worried the kids would feel abandoned and Eddie didn't want to be the guy that took Steve away from his family.
Saturdays became family days. Sometimes they'd go over to the Hopper-Byers for a BBQ, or to the bowling alley and die from brain freezes after Steve easily defeated them all, or to the arcade where they'd cheer Mad Max to another high score.
This week was a games night at Steve's house. The kids were all sleeping over, a couple mattresses from the house's many room had been dragged into the living room for the kids to dogpile onto later when they watched a movie. For now they were arguing over which game to play.
"Monopoly has the most players."
"Yeah but you always cheat as the banker and El just gives everyone her money."
"I think we should share our money, do you think sharing is bad? What about Twister?"
"Max can't play twister with her bad back, what about Clue?"
"No Mike always let's Will peak at his cards and Will always wins."
Steve feels the beginning of a stress headache coming on and decides to put an end to this, "Let's just play monopoly, Will is right it has the most players, I'll be the banker and El can give money to whoever she wants."
El sticks her tongue out at Mike but the party agrees. An hour later Steve wishes they'd just played connect four.
"Pay up Edward!"
"No you're in jail I ain't paying a criminal!"
"You literally sell drugs!"
"Yeah but Hopper doesn't let me get caught!"
"It's the rules to pay me!"
"I don't care!"
Steve closes his eyes sighing, "Eddie pay Dustin, it's literally a white space it's like five bucks."
"Are you taking his side against me?" Eddie pouts trying to give Steve his best doe eyes.
"Yes Eddie, our son needs his five bucks to buy his harmonica for jail, do you not want him to persue music," Steve giggles.
Eddie giggles back, handing over the money. El passes Eddie a ten dollar note as a replacement, "Here Eddie we can share."
The table erupts in chaos again but Steve can't help but smile at his family, they won't finish the game, no-one ever does but later they'll all curl up in front of the tv and it'll feel like home.
Prompt List
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fatherforgivethem · 1 year
I just want to see the greens playing a board game. THE IMAGE OMG
- Aegon is yelling at everyone cause he thinks that they all stole his money. He keeps pointing at Aemond and saying “mom he’s cheating! Look he’s smiling at me!!”
- Alicent is extremely competitive and has the most money out of everyone in the game. She keeps telling Criston to buy properties that will get him more money (they’re useless and he’s out of money)
- Helaena keeps getting stuck in jail or sent back spaces. She only has a couple of properties but she’s out of money and she keeps having to get loans from the bank
- Aemond is the banker and he’s screwing people over left and right (except for Alicent). He’s definitely stealing Aegon’s money and he’s started to slip Helaena more money than she’s asked for cause she keeps rolling on jail
- Daeron said he didn’t want to play at first but now he’s leaning over Alicent’s shoulder trying to learn her ways (he’s going to be GREAT at board games after this)
- The whole family had to take a break after the game was over… Alicent won, Aegon was yelling until he was red in the face, and it got even worse when Aemond told him that he was stealing money. Criston is tired and just wants to go to bed. Helaena is upset that the game ended with her being in jail
(They were definitely definitely definitely playing Monopoly. That game is not for the weak!)
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blueflipflops · 2 years
More snippets from my previous posts about introducing Feanorions to Scrabble...
Part 1, Part 2,
Next (part4)
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Babe, please. Dont hide these in the tags. Your brain is huge. This just changed my entire world view. We should kiss on the mouth.
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Already did monopoly but I'll add it so that other people can see it too. Although I added more to this one.
@backgroundelf @arinele @weezlbot
Feanorions and Monopoly would be even MORE chaotic. No matter how they start the game, it would always end up with them taking it too seriously. They would somehow make it into a high stakes strategy game only not so slightly veering into warcraft. It'd be Silmarillion 2.0. No one really dies but theres always someone who gets close to being stabbed and someone flips the table at least twice a game.
Moryo is being a very stingy banker. He wanted to play too but was too preoccupied on the money distribution being Right that just took over the job. But when he does join in the game, everyone suddenly wants to team up against the guy on principle. Moryo double checks every piece of money everyone has. He somehow knows how much is left in your bank and can and will find a way to bankrupt you for the pettiest things. In fact, he enjoys driving people to backrupcy. Especially Curufin. And Maglor.
While he's playing, Maedhros vollunteers to be the banker and suddenly commiting tax frauds are 10x more harder and easier at the same time. It makes Moryo wanna rip his hair off.(His own or Meadhros. He's not that picky)
It is surprisingly, Maedhros who commits tax frauds when playing but they cant even call him out on it because he is somehow able to keep argueing his way out of the accusation and it blindsides them when he pulls out an Actual Literal Quenyan Property Law out of his ass and says that they cannot properly arrest him nor seize his properties without a warrant and evidence. He claimed the Ambarussa as his "vassals" (there are no such things as vassals in monopoly, Nelyo—) and therefore he has negotiated, with all the gravitas and political expertise he has learned from several years of leading armies and being an actual Lord of Himring, 25% of their own profits to be promised to him. ("This is basically daylight robbery, brother! From our own flesh and blood!—")
Maglor is somehow getting good investments at the first half before Curufin and Celegorm worked together to bankrupt him in one fell swoop. He is shouting crying throwing up but he cant do anything about it but become indebted to the two.
There was a near mutiny when Feanor and Nerdanel teamed up.
Before they knew it they're in a three way war with each other.
No one has more stronger opinions on property law than Feanorions.
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Nevermore Characters Playing Monopoly
Lenore- Has all of the railroads. Duke- Spends the entire game in jail. Pluto- Monopoly scares the shit out of him bc everyone is so incredibly intense. Annabel- Playing mind games + actually demolishing everyone. Morella- Lands on the community chess/chance cards a lot Ada- Loses badly bc wtf how do I handle money?? Prospero- Pulls the shit where if he lands on someone's property and they don't notice he just keeps going with the game and doesn't pay. Eulalie- Doesn't understand all the fighting and is just sitting there smiling with a pile of money. Berenice- Resident Banker Will- Mont isn't allowed to play but he's still there giving Will shitty financial tips and HE LISTENS.
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hrtsaeko · 1 year
skk and sskk playing monopoly!!
content: swearing, just fun skk and sskk, lowercase intended
- they all started fighting over who the banker should be
- atsushi can’t really count well so he was not a good fit
- dazai was dazai, no way they would trust him as the banker😭
- then they just collectively decided that it could be chuuya (bad idea)
“chuuya is literally LAUNDERING the fucking money!” dazai yelled, pointing at chuuya. atsushi was in jail for the second time in a row and akutagawa as too busy organizing his properties to listen do dazai complain. “HELLO?? are you guys not seeing this??” he sighed.
“it’s not my fault you don’t know how to play the game and you’re now broke” chuuya spat, with a grin. “YOU ARE A MAFIOSO, A CRIMINAL” dazai yelled, again.
“didn’t you get arrested for at least 100 crimes like two months ago…” atsushi said sarcastically. chuuya bursted out laughing and he almost started crying. dazai just pouted.
- dazai just bought all the properties he stopped in and got broke really quick
- atsushi understood very well the concept of the game but SUCKS at actually playing it
- akutagawa ends up winning because everyone always paid him rent and had to sell their properties
- chuuya was, indeed, laundering the money and still managed to lose
- dazai was the one with the less money out of the four, chuuya will never stop mocking him about it
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