#the clowns are rambling instead of dancing
thedancingclowns · 3 days
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I fucking need this mug oh my god.
Chubby frog makes it better, lol.
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
I saw ur last sigma post! Soo happy. Do you write for kolya? If yes can you do kolya X a reader that has autism headcanons? The reader can be gn
Have a wonderful dayy
Ofc I write for Nikolai, why wouldn't I write for that silly little clown (if I didn't my own little clown will kill me in my sleep) I write for anyone :)
'•.¸♡ Nikolai x autistic!reader ♡¸.•'
Nikolai x gn!autistic!reader
All fluff
Enjoy! :)
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where do I even begin?
so this man speaks in quizzes and other weird-ass cryptic message meanings and stuff, basically NT language but worse.
so he was surprised when you took everything he said literally and when your tried to answer one of his quizzes he started laughing.
Like he had to get used to speaking literally when with you but he doesn't mind at all.
He would let you ramble about your special interests for hours, like y'all would just be walking, sitting, cuddling etc and he would ask about your special interest(s) and listen to you talk about it for hours and if you feel like you're annoying him then he would ENCOURAGE you to keep talking.
Like this man wants to hear about the most random topics ever for hours and hours on end none stop and he would sit there looking so entertained aswell cuz HE IS.
He loves seeing you stim, and if you do like very physical stims e.g. jumping or dancing, even just waving your hands, he would join you.
You got very excited about something and wanna jump around? He's got you and y'all are jumping all round the house.
If you nonverbal then he will stop speaking and just play charades to annoy you.
But if you need a break from him and need sometime alone then he would feel a bit offended but brush it off and leave you alone, either going somewhere or he tries to stay as quiet as possible in the house and goes yo the rooms which you usually aren't in.
Buys you your comfort food like all the time and has a stash of it (if it's shelf life is long) somewhere hidden.
When you cannot do anything, like you have no energy at all and either stay in bed all day or something he will definitely join you and he will have a break from his daily shenanigans or something.
If you have a comfort plushie he will hide it so you can hold him instead.
He can be a little bitch sometimes and will annoy you a bit too much or be too loud, or just talk in riddles and quizzes if he doesn't want you to understand what he's saying.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
This was really fun to write and idk if you can tell but no one wants to hear my rants about tea 😒 but oh well ig I can rant to the clown above my bed (the teddy bears are protecting me from it killing me in my sleep)
Thank you for the request tho, it's much appreciated:)
Take care of yourself as much as you can and have a good day/night!
- with lots of love, Az the wizard frog :) <3
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jaeyongdx · 27 days
hello ❣️
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hiiiii everyone! so excited to be w everyone on this opening night/day/whatsever time it may be for u...i am actually prewriting this intro because i'm bored on a thursday night and too excited about opening 🫣 but anyway!! i'm carly (she/her, 25+) and this is jaeyong aka my worst boy and problematic fave. you may have seen him (and/or me) around before, and if so, hello again 🥳 otherwise it's great to meet u and i'm so excited to plot and write with everyone! i'll do the normal intro shindig and ramble about him and offer some plot ideas under the cut, so please like this if you'd like to plot! i think i'm going to try to reach out to everyone individually so this may be completely unnecessary but still adjlkfksldf here's jaeyong's about page, and here's his playlist just for fun! 💕 (as a sidenote, i also rp @dxmiyoung! she's a sideblog so i can't follow back from her but she will have her own intro shortly)
jaeyong is the older twin of @daeyongdx
he was born into a batshit crazy family (mutagen supremacists)
they were so desperate for their children to be powerful and wrestle power away from humans that they Trained Them from essentially birth
training methods were very abusive and also all consuming
they went to school and they trained and that was it
training did also involve classes for dancing and archery and gymnastics and fencing tho, which was about as fun as it got
any fun shit jaeyong did as a child he did by lying to his parents and/or sneaking out the latter of which rarely worked
manipulation and lying well and persuasion and making yourself look good in every situation was part of the training too btw. thanks mom
their mom has the ability to insert thoughts into people's minds and is very good at it, she can make them think they're their own
so she did it with her kids too to make sure they never Really questioned training
jaeyong was remarkably social and well-adjusted in school and public all things considered
class clown type that was good at everything when he actually tried aka the most infuriating person of all time no he never grew out of that part
he ended up getting into pinnacle at 18 and daeyong did not it was a bit of a mess
but daeyong was recruited for another program that was a great and important opportunity!
aka daeyong got sent to the labs to be part of a study on twins nepa was doing
once jaeyong gets into pinnacle his parents give him infinitely more freedom
jaeyong makes it through pinnacle thinking this whole time his brother is just busy with other training and that they'd see each other once they graduated
so once he becomes a d tier hero officially he's like hey when do i get to see my brother again
he asks the right people the right questions and gets some helpful nudges along the way for him to eventually find out The Truth
he utilizes those persuasion abilities to talk nepa into letting daeyong out and experimenting on him instead. thanks mom again
daeyong doesn't know why he was released
jaeyong goes to the lab three days a week after his normal d tier hero duties and he can't say a word about it to anyone or else nepa will lock them both in there for good
he's training to be an a tier hero and he hates it actually. he's like i went through the training i did for WHAT. to smile pretty at a press conference and maybe make a couple speeches. i want to change the world!!!
but he also realizes being an a tier hero will put him in the best position to accomplish his/his parents' goals so he's like ok Fine.
he has scary powers (unhealing, blood manipulation, power detection, twin telepathy) but he's hot and it would be good optics for someone "dangerous" to be A Hero to the public so that's why nepa did it
he doesn't have much free time but he's great at time management so u will still see him out doing stuff. he plays guitar in a band. still goes to dance lessons. loves 2 party. annoying. etc
jaeyong is a bit of a slut so! do with that as u will.
classmates, in regular school when they were younger or pinnacle
his dad is a taekwondo instructor and his mom is a teacher at the cram school so. former students of theirs could be interesting
jaeyong's grandparents are also NOT insane and do like. private lessons to help people learn to control their abilities (they ran a school for mutagens pre-district x) so students of theirs is also an option
Rivals/Enemies. this is not that hard. just be better than jaeyong at something he's supposed to be good at and it's over LMAO
people that think he's so annoying (correct) that he continues to pester anyway for some reason or another
someone that has a crush on him because he IS unfortunately charming. to some people. bitch doesn't really know how to care about anyone other than himself and daeyong so it'll probably be one-sided though
fans of his band? he loves that band tbh. he thinks in another life he was a rockstar
his unhealing ability works on scars and bones and illnesses, including mental illnesses - but those are complicated. i'd love to do something w this but i don't know what yet lajsdjlfksjdl
people with connections to the labs! jaeyong knows the truth of what happened to you and it takes everything in him to not tell you but his and his brothers' lives depend on it
people he is using for Something. he thinks pretending to be friends with you will benefit him in some way. almost definitely related to power and influence of some sort
his power detection ability is very fun to work with. if u have any powers that might distort reality and/or trick people, he'll know they're a mutagen ability, so i'd love to do stuff w that too!
fans of "gawi," his superhero identity. he's obviously not a celebrity yet bc he's just d tier but he is sometimes in the background of a-tier business because of his training and he would love to feel famous. lmfao. but he is very friendly and all over the place so it's possible for people to find him really cool
OK I THINK THIS IS ENOUGH i actually like brainstorming way more so 🫶 LET'S GO!!!!!
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
Silly facts about one of my archive stories 'Reverse The Dancing Knights'.
Hello loves. I hope it's alright if I post this?
Ah, Reverse The Dancing Knights. Possibly the most cruel, angsty, complicated story I've ever written, but man do I love it. Right now it is my favorite story that I'm writing just because of all the unique twists and the sheer difficulty of it. I do believe that it's the most complex story that I've ever made, and it's just... So bizarre. And, for fun, I just wanted to share some silly facts about it.
- To begin, I wanted to share how the idea was inspired, and that was by Jason Voorhees in my story 'Battle of The Imaginary Minds'. I was in the middle of updating a chapter to that story when Jason's vulnerability hit me all of the sudden and made me question, "What if the killers were the ones who needed support instead of the reader?" And so an incredibly violent idea developed inside my head and I wrote it as fast as I could. Thanks Jason!
- Now, onto the story itself. When Bubba was new to the Entity's realm/game was when the survivors kidnapped the killers and began locking them in the Fun House.
- Some of the earlier killers have been traumatized for up to three years.
- The open relationship between the killers began before and during the Fun House. Their emotional turmoil put them at a disadvantage thus making it easier for the survivors to kidnap them.
- Herman's reason for self-mutilating himself stems much deeper than just guilt and regret.
- Frank and Jeffrey have an intimate connection. Hence the reason why Danny calls him 'Clown Bitch'.
- Danny had it the easiest out of any of the killers. Many viewers seem to enjoy Danny's characterization in that story, but I'm not entirely certain that's a good thing, but I could be messing with ya. Who knows ;) In my stories, Danny is always unpredictable, isn't he?
- Jeffrey is the most traumatized killer. (All of my favorite killers are the ones who suffered the most. I'm evil).
- One of the future moments with Caleb will be one of the most emotional moments in the entire story.
- Remember the Blind Voting? Yeah, I already made my vote a long time ago. (The perks of having multiple archive accounts).
- The random 'falling leaves' in the story are a part of major foreshadowing. Keep an eye out for that and pay close attention.
- There are so many twists to this story that it's insane. I've literally written almost over thirty pages of notes for this story because it's so complex.
- Pyramid Head, Pinhead and Caleb are the only ones who know. What do they know? You'll find out eventually.
- The reader in Knights is probably my least traumatized reader, and ultimately the physically strongest. They're also very sexually skilled, and can fight. (They have to be strong. They're the supporter).
- The ending to this story will be one of the most emotional endings that I've ever written. I can't tell you how excited I am to write it. Like, I wish I could finish this story in one night.
- Every single killer that comes after Carmina/The Artist is essential- like, unbelievably important- to the storyline.
- The harem consists of seventeen killers plus the reader.... That's a lot of drama for me to write.
- I said it once and I'll say it again: Sadako, The Dredge, Wesker, Tarhos, Adriana, and whatever new killers are brought to dbd are extremely important.
And that's all I'm gonna share for right now. My apologies for the rambling. I'm just so excited and I love the story so much. If you happen to not know what the fudge I'm talking about, it's this story right here https://archiveofourown.org/works/35205661/chapters/87724681.
Thank you for indulging my babbling. I hope you all are doing well and have a nice day.
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springlock-suits · 1 year
Some fun little tidbits that didn't really fit with the longer lore rambles about my version, but felt too short to get their own posts
William Afton: ADORES the circus and clowns. Absolutely collects those clown porcelain dolls you always see at thrift stores. If he never met Henry he probably would've just been a professional clown or something
I don't mean this in a rude way at all and I will not be accepting clownslander at this time
Phone Dude: there are SO many I could give to him but Furby Customizer speaks the most to me right now
Henry Emily: ignoring his love for animatronics, he also really liked arcades! Arcade cabinets and games of all of sorts. I do not know his opinions on pinball however
Also liked murder mystery games n movies. But ah. I think he might have stopped liking those
He would enjoy camping I think. I can imagine him being good at survival in the woods and such, but hm can he fish?
Michael Afton: Would love animal jam. And of course loves those TV drama shows. Actually just for that I'm gonna give him a hc based on my great grandma who loved tv operas, he collects fancy dishes and likes apple themed things. Would have a tiny dog if he trusted himself to take care of it properly, Helpy is a good tiny dog substitute
Mrs Afton: Very much enjoyed dancing and ballerinas. When William was buying clown dolls he would also be on the lookout for ballerina dolls or figures to give her. She definitely owned like at least one ballerina music box
Fun fact! In my lore Springtrap named himself that, and wasn't given an "official" name by Fazbear Fright's staff. However Peter (phone dude) liked to call him Wallace
I'm thinking that Evan witnessing William's springlock failure definitely played a part in his fear of animatronics. Because I've already put that before the bite in my lore's timelime
I know it wasn't really meant to be seen as this but-
I take the fnaf 2 phone calls (first night specifically) as implying the 87 location is the first to have walking/freeroam animatronics, at the very least the first to let them leave stage while open
Foxy go go go is generally seen as before that, being in '85 location most likely. So it's fun to imagine that the foxy running is just a guy in a suit who's about to have a terrible day
It's not strictly important when or why. but Elizabeth and Mrs. Afton died at the same time in my au, and it was at least before the baby animatronic could even be considered
This is because I removed Sister Location from my lore. And I'm not sure what to do with Elizabeth now. If anyone helps me come up with a good idea, though, I'd definitely consider bringing her back! I miss her </3
She'll still have to die around the time she did in canon though, so yknow
Evan and Elizabeth collected My Little Pony together, and later would've collected Ips too
"Tell us about Vanessa!"
Right off the bat I can tell you my Vanny and Vanessa are the same person! No weird secret double confusion like what sb did, they're the same!
While I'm still not sure if Security Breach exists in my au, Vanessa is definitely staying anyway! I'm determined to squeeze her in somehow, she's so much fun to work with ^v^
(I wonder if I can work Glamrock Springbonnie into my version's Security Breach somehow. I'm definitely gonna try >:)
The hardest part about adding vanny (and security breach as a whole) is that my version of William isn't nearly as determined to kill kids as canon, I think the first dip in old man consequences' lake wouldve stopped him. BUT! He STILL hates fazbear ent, so now I'm imagining that instead of possessing Vanny to kill kids, his ghost(?) just tries to convince her to try and close the place down. Causing mechanical failures and breakdowns and such. I think that'd be fun ^v^!!
Less of murder and more of shenanigans
Also also, bonus fact. William is definitely bothering Vanessa specifically because she looks like Elizabeth. Vanny and Jeremy are both characters he sorta mentally adopts because they remind him of his dead children
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Now i know Jay Park has said some dumb BS in the past, but the way the newer kpop fans hate on him is so fucking corny 😅 they talk about him as if he’s a nugu and that their kpop groups are much more successful without even knowing all of jays history and successes. Sometimes I wish kpop wasn’t as mainstream as it is now, mainly because of the newer fans and their attitude towards the senior artists. Like when they called blackpink as the first Korean act to play at Coachella - even though hyukoh and Epik high performed before them. But anyways, I’m rambling lol..
Yeahm I agree. They say so much stupid, disrespectful shit. Like they were trying to clown BoA of all people when she did that unit with SM girls! BOA!!!!! The same boa who did the US career before ANYBODY!!! The same Boa who was so popular in Japan that some of us knew about her for her songs being anime ending theme songs before we even knew what KPOP WAS!!!!!???? The same BoA who was a legend before she even hit 30?!?!?! Also, she can outsing and outdance most of the current people when dancing wasn't even as important back then. The dances were not even close to being as elaborate as they are now and yet she was still SERVING great choreography throughout ALL of the gens! The "Only One" dance?!?!?!?! I don't know much about dance but I feel like I see some of the same complexity and polishedness in her early dances as I do in current kpop. But anyway, moving on.
And yes, Epik High was the first from what I remember!
Like I don't know much about Gen 1 kpop but I NEVER opened my mouth to say anything bad. A lot of the groups aren't my thing but I know none of the 2nd or 3rd gen would have been possible without them.
As for Jay (funny you bring him up. I just got done editing a video where I say pretty much what I'm about the say next LOL), he has a LOT of things to criticize, but I'm never gonna outright LIE on his name! He has A LOT of accomplishments and he's very well-respected as an artist and CEO. I wish people would just stick to the REAL issues with him instead of giving people ammo to say people are "just hating".
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I've also been reading the three musketeers and the thesis chapter had me Cackling. the clowning on learning latin in particular and aramis as a character constantly emphasizing that being part of the higher sought after and hard-to-get-into regiment of the king's musketeers is just kind of a temp job for him is so funny. character of all time. (also bazin wanting aramis to be a abbe so bad is so good)
Disclaimer that I was actually not reading the book, just giving a look and toying with the idea of reading it soon. In fact I was reading something else, but the chapter was so funny I've abandoned it and will probably start The three musketeers instead xD
Yes! Bazin was so funny. While reading him I couldn't help but be reminded of Smee wanting to leave Neverland and done with Hook's obsession for Peter Pan. Aramis dismissing being a musketeer is hilarious, but it becomes particularly funny after reading Cyrano de Bergerac, where Cyrano mentions being a musketeer wistfully a couple of times. While I was reading the play I kept thinking that Cyrano's aspirations were basically to be Aramis haha
The use of Latin each character (the curate, the Jesuit, D'Artagnan and Aramis) does was indeed very funny, as well as insightful. I ended up reading a paper on the command each of the four protagonists has of Latin, and I loved the comparison it established between Athos and Aramis. I don't have an opinion on this formed because I have yet to read the book, which is a good thing (it will hopefully keep me from rambling), but I found what I read super interesting.
The chapter was very funny, and I felt Dumas managed everything very well? I loved the writing itself. Every part of the chapter worked wonderfully as a whole to enhance every aspect, making the funny parts more fun and drawing a more clear lively depiction of the characters.
By that I mean, basically, that even from the initial interaction between D'Artagnan and the hostess in which he asks for Aramis and she goes "the charming hot guy?" we can see Aramis' hypocrisy and unsteadiness by a mile. It's hilarious to read the chapter and see how Aramis ends up contradicting everything he does or says, at times not even that long after saying it xD
Which takes me to the thesis itself. Honestly, I loved the topics. I know they're supposed to sound a bit ridiculous and funny, but I thought Dumas conveyed very well the air of some of those intricate questions of theology that seem trifle but have a lot of implications, and end up being of a very poetic nature (such as the question about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, one of my all time favourite questions). I wasn't very interested on the topic of the hands until the Jesuit commented that sprinklers "simulate an infinite number of blessing fingers"; that's beautiful.
Now, the topic Aramis himself proposes is just gorgeous. The way he defends it with a syllogism is so clever of Dumas considering the link between theology and the development of Logic. Besides that, despite how unorthodox the topic may appear at first, as Aramis himself puts it, there is a lot of truth in what he says about the world being full of temptations and it being very much a sacrifice to leave it, and how there lies the devotional act. I ended up being very intrigued by the potential development of this thesis in a mix of appreciation of the world as God's creature, and thus the leaving of the world as an act of true love for God, of more importance; how instead of an easy surrender, the struggle and doubts are as much reflection of the condition of humanity's frailty as it is a more steady and full surrender to God.
The topic of Aramis' thesis is somewhat paradoxical yet sound, and reflects doubts, as well as an appreciation for the world, aesthetics and beauty; I think it reflects so much of what makes Aramis himself.
And then, again, there's the whole hypocrisy through the entire chapter (which is what makes it for me haha). The way he says he isn't defending a regret at renouncing the world while proposing the thesis, that the mere idea is sacrilegious, how he insists he won't miss it, that friends are but shadows and the world a grave, and still how his resolution wavers almost instantly with his "And yet, while I still hold to the earth, I would have liked to talk with you, about you, about our friends" (and what a tender shaking), only to end up asking D'Artagnan to tell him about the world in the last line? Hilarious. What an hypocrite xD
But how extremely charming and adorable, I must admit! I love how when D'Artagnan tells him "But how are you going to live while you wait for me? No more thesis, no more commentaries on fingers and blessings, eh?", Aramis smiles and replies "I shall compose verses". Truly one of the characters of all time xD
#Aramis#The three musketeers#Les trois mousquetaires#I want to keep this to find later on. I'm truly sorry for the tags#And I'm sorry for talking a lot. I honestly tried to keep it short but there's so much I wanted to talk about‚ the chapter is so good#In fact there are a lot of things I haven't mentioned or developed that I loved#such as the fact that Dumas waves the chapters in such a way that that of Aramis starts with Porthos‚ while the chapter of Athos#starts with Aramis‚ linking the three friends together metatextually as they are linked together narratively by D'Artagnan visiting them#I also wanted to ask whether Aramis was the anon's favorite character and whether they had opinions on his position vs. Athos' for example#But the anon being an anon makes it hard to ask#I wanted to talk a bit about the developing of theology through paradoxes and Logic at times and how fitting that seemed for Aramis' thesis#He reminded me a bit of theologians such as Dionysius the Areopagite and Scotus Eriugena among others‚ and even Kierkegaard#But I must admit I always think too much about Neoplatonism and it's been long since I read these authors thoroughly so it may be a stretch#I had a lot of fun imagining the potential development of the thesis Aramis proposes though. Now I want the thesis now haha#And truly‚ the writing of the entire chapter was a thing of genius in how every little thing has later significance#to enhance something else. Such as the joke with Aramis moralising about the food‚ the conversation with the hostess‚#D'Artagnan's overall discomfort as if mad fanatics‚the world as something to renounce but the instant temptation of asking for his friends‚#the way D'Artagnan reads Aramis like a book and how he blushes and responds in poetic yet theological terms with too much fierceness#The way he blushes and exposes himself#And the entire thesis Aramis proposes being a good reflection on his character (no wonder he is adamant on pursuing that one#and only that one‚ like a calling). How the chapter and the thesis are a good summary on his character#But also how those lines I quoted‚ D'Artagnan asking what hell do and Aramis smiling and replying he'll write verses‚ are as well#Truly‚ the writing was so good. And yes‚ I agree with the anon completely#Character of all time#I suspect I'd love him immensely#Even in this chapter alone he was everything I wanted and more of what I didn't dare to expect. Now I just want to see him plotting#I loved these fragments so much that now I fear reading the entire book and being let down xD#Oh but I'm rambling again...#Anyway! Thank you for the ask and sorry it took me so long to reply. I had a lot of fun with it#Too much‚ that's why I took so long to reply. I read and reread and then I wasn't able to summarise. Thanks for indulging me in my fun xD
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samuell2 · 7 months
Funeral Parade of Roses ("I feel like I'm high" -Eddie)
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This may have been a bad choice to watch at Library West. Oh well.
If Yukio Mishima was a gifted director instead of a writer, this may have been something he would have produced. Weird, gay, bloody, full of masks. Ticks all the boxes.
I loved this film because it was artsy and dark and fascinating while still being funny as hell. In terms of the dark and thematic bits, the concept of masks throughout was pretty fascinating. It seemed to imply, at least in part, that transsexuality is one of the many performative masks people don to cope with their loneliness and issues-- a mask that happens not to "resemble their facial features", but is not inherently different from the ones others wear. That idea is also reinforced by the presence of clown and circus-like music throughout, especially during scenes with Eddie and her friends. This seems like sort of a problematic idea to me, but I don't really have the knowledge of queer culture to properly judge it. The idea that it was Eddie's rejection as a man by her mother and the subsequent stabbing episode that caused the him to become a "gay boy" also seems a little dated (insofar as it implies that queer people are just queer because of some horrible trauma), but then again, the interviews throughout the film emphasize the opposite perspective, that many "gay boys" were simply doing what they felt like and enjoyed, without a particular reason. That's pretty wholesome. And overall I thought it was really cool for a film to address and follow the gay club scene. Obviously Japan is pretty socially conservative even today, but I've noticed that quite a bit of Japanese media is willing to engage with topics like this-- Banana Yoshimoto's Kitchen and Murakami's Kafka on the Shore are just a couple of the works I've encountered with transgender characters. I know Mishima's Forbidden Colors also explores gay bars and queer culture.
On the lighter side, some scenes and images I loved:
Eddie and her friends passing around the joint and then dancing in front of a Beatles portrait-- this is just so comically 1960s. Plus one of Guevara's friends is basically cosplaying John Lennon.
The scene where Leda and Eddie have their final confrontation, facing off in a western duel and trading insults in goofy speech bubbles. Genuinely funny as hell.
"Applause Requested"
The recurring image of a rose between someone's asscheeks (there's probably some thematic analysis here but it's just striking on its own)
The freeze on Eddie's breasts in the beginning of the film, the point where we realize Eddie is not biologically a woman.
I could ramble on, but yeah, safe to say this was a super interesting and bizarre film. Hope we see more like it.
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idv-news-boi · 2 years
// A lot of Rambling,,, (I know no one will hear me out at this moment, so imma indulge myself :3)
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The Phantom of the Crystal Palace= Angel is there as a Haircutter who likes shiny things. Got suspected of stealing the Crystal Palace at first but then defended by the fact that he is illiterate; he doesn't know how to write in this AU. So it's impossible he left writing clues around.
Atropos' Ropes= I originally have Rosalyn as a Barista from the 2nd floor. I was shipping her with Victor with the old idea. Was suspected that she poisoned Lady Bella with a drink. But got released from the list when it turns out it was Belladonna that killed Lady Bella. Which Rosalyn honestly doesn't know much about plants and mostly values coffee art more. In addition, she view Lady Bella as a mentor and big sister... As she was taught how to dance and dress up nicely by her...
Melodis Estate Investigation= Originally had Rosalyn as a clown who has eyes for Victor- but i also rather put Kitty in this instead- like, she's a clown herself! Also, don't be surprised that she gets suspected to kill people- since she was one of the strangest people who still look optimistic after a murder crime in this essence. <333
Teahouse Tales= Yes, Eiji is in it as a Teahouse worker. No questions./ih
The Oath of the "Traitors"= Laurence. Probably as some handsome tutor or staff at a girl boarding school. But always remains reserved yet polite to whoever that speaks to him. Treats his female students as his daughters in a joking but wholesome manner.
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nikkisticki · 11 months
Anyone whose been following my ramblings about radicalization might know I've been watching r/Jordanpeterson as it's been declining in real time from the original group of Peterson fans, who were still misinformed fools following the words of a clown but had clear intellectual interests and were trying to understand the world through Petersons writings. Well, now it's hit the end stages and it's almost exclusively bigots and fascists doing their usual dance you'd see anywhere on the internet.
It's actually a very intriguing (but also very boring and depressing) thing to witness as I've seen it happen multiple times, but it was even more obvious in this case then normal. All of a year ago, you'd still see people talking about psychologists, therapy, self improvement, trying to understand issues and LOTS of arguments with the bigots.
Now? It's just the bigots.
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I'm not going to spend the time actually disarming this lie (The TLDR is that the numbers are bunk and based on reporting of cops, armed can mean anything from guns to knifes to sticks to rocks to they had all four limbs, why are the pro-carry people willing to draw the line when a black person has a gun, etc etc) but there isn't a SINGLE argument against it in those 63 comments. One person tried to point out that 11 people is still 11 lives being lost, but nobody responded to them.
This has been the standard for months, and I can assure you reflects Petersons own attempts to shake his old base off as they are no longer his core demographic (because he's a far right bigot who "DEFINITELY ISNT A NAZI" pretending to be a centrist) so I suppose he's gotten what he wanted.
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Case in point, Doctor Bobolas is one of the most terminally online individuals in this community, posting constantly since the accounts inception. I'm fairly sure he got his account deleted and was previously doing the same before hand as well, as Reddit likes to pretend they are banning bigots while they can just put on a new hat and walk back in, right as rain and clear of their bans.
What can be taken from this and the greater movements of fascists online, in my dumb little bitch opinion, is three things.
1) Those trying to radicalize others have begun to move onto other targets (Ex. Canada at large is beginning such a descent and we shall see if our own cultural norms will reject it)
2) That these people will never go away and will very rarely deradicalize without active interference and the removal of their propaganda sources, but will instead continue to act after the greater movement fails (if it does, which I think it will)
3) Expect further attacks on infrastructure by doomsday members (hey did you know that right wing radicals have been taking down the power grid at increasing levels for years in minority areas) and general violence if they believe to be pushed into a corner.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
A look back at 1990's Stephen Kings It
Its almost October,so lets talk about one of the 90's biggest contributions to horror,the two part miniseries It .I had recently rewatched (PRobabbly third time watching it) and have recently twice watched the excellent documentary Pennywise the Story of It so it is on my mind
Now I am NOT going to talk about the book cause I havent read it ,nor am I going to talk much about the two recent film versions cause I have only seen the first one .This also isnt going to be the typical review I do,cause while I will discuss my oppinions ,more of a ramble about my personal journey with it ,and discussion of its legacy
For those who dont know what It is about,it follows a group of people who defeated a monster 30 years ago ,who have reunited to face it again
Now if you want my oppinion :Its good if a bit uneven .The cast is all pretty settellar from a talented child cast that includes Johnathan Brandis and Seth Green ,to the adult actors which include Annette O Toole ,John Ritter , Harry Anderson,Tim Reid ,and Richard Thomas,the effects are pretty fun,the drama and humor work and its got a great score .Where it falters is the first half is REALLY strong but the second kind of falters ,especially with a bit of a unsatisfying finale ,and some scares wotrk some dnt
However what really makes the movie stand out ,is its villain/secret weapon :Tim Curry as Pennywise the Dancing Clown,the humanoid personification of the monster .Other actors like Roddy McDowall,Alice Cooper,Harvey Fierstine and Malcolm McDowell were considered ,but for reasons I will go into why later ,I think Curry was the best choice
Now the miniseries was a success and usually thats that for a miniseries .....But It has had an afterlife
When I was growing up it was considered one of the SCARIEST movies ever ,it wasnt even seen as a TV thing ,just a scary movie.I also happened upon my dad watching it when I was very young ....Specifically the scene where Pennywise lures then kills Georgie ,the brother of the main character....And it freaked me out
I was actually afraid to watch the movie until Nostalgia Critic did his review of it,and it seems in the 2010's there was kind of a backlash to the movie ,that its not as scary as people thought ,that it was corny and cheesy .Now there seems to be more of a reappraisal after the recent It movies ,with a bit more affection
As for why it has lasted so long I have two answers .One is the story this is tale about not only childhood but looking back on it the good and the bad and what becomes lost in our memory
However the main answer is simple.....Its Tim Currys performance.Put simply he is a perfect boogey man .Curry is a bold dangerous unpredictable performaer ,and instead of being a standar "GRr I'm gonna eat ya " monster.....He is a fun clown ,who is a monster underneath .Its why I am baffled by the backlash of people who say he is TOO goofy:No shit,hes a CLOWN ! The point is he makes you drop your guard cause he is funny and when he grts mean its even scarier ,hes a very unsettling monster ,and I would put Curry's performance up there among the great horror villains
So what do you think of It and why do you think it has lasted over the course of 30 years ?
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @angelixgutz
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thedancingclowns · 2 months
The fucking SHIVERS I get on occasion from thse sort of scenes with Glam.
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You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
THE tone.
Fucking terrifying yet VERY attention grabbing. And important to his character.
The silly husband goes away, and you get a glance to the remnants of SEBASTIAN. And even glances of behavior like his FATHER'S in other moments like this.
(The lesson with Dee and a few moments in the Q&A or with Ches. If you've watched the show, you probably know ALL of the scenes I'm talking about.)
GLAM disappears for a moment, so you can get a glance at what led up to him being the way he is for a second before he buries it again.
I appreciate the duality and variance in his character. And I'm glad it was something the creators did.
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Kurosawa Champagne by Derrick Brown
Come on, love, You'd sleep much better If you'd just open my letter. When you read sleight of hand in your sweater, Pretend I'm there.
Tonight your body shook, hurling your nightmares back to Cambodia, and your nightgown wisped off into Ursula Minor, and I was left here on earth feeling alone, paranoid about the rapture. Tonight, I think it's safe to say we drank way too much. Should I apologize for the volume in my slobber? Must I apologize for the best dance moves ever? No. I won’t. Booze is my tuition to clown college.
And that night we swerved home on black laughter, Leading from forgettable boxing. I asked you to sleep in the shape of a trench so that I may know shelter. I drew the word surrender in the mist of your breath, Waving a white sheet around your body.
I said, “Dear, in the morning, let me put on your makeup for you. Loading your gems with mascara, and then I'll tell you the truth." I watched black ropes of tears ramble down your face. Lady war paint.
A squad of tiny men rappelled down the snaking lines, And you said: "Oh, thank you for releasing all those fuckers from my life." You have a daily pill case But there are no pills inside. It holds the ashes of people who died the moment they saw you.
And the cinema we built together was to play the greats but we could never afford the power. So instead, in that dark cinema, you just painted pictures of Kurosawa, and I just stared at you like Orson Wells, Getting fat off your style.
You are a movie that keeps exploding. You are Dante’s fireplace. We were so broke I'd pour tap water into your mouth, Burp against your lips so you could have champagne. You loved the champagne.
Sparring in the candlelight, I said to you, "Listen, the mathematical equivalent of a woman's beauty is directly relational to the amount that other women hate her." And you, dear, are hated. A lot.
Your boots are a soundtrack to adultery. Thank God your feet follow the rhythm of loyalty.
I said if this thing kills me, If this feeling… Why don't you slice me open, julienne, Uncurl my veins and fashion myself a noose So I can hold you once more.
Come on, love, In case you missed it. When you dance alone, I feel you twisting. You cut your lip That's why I kissed it. Pretend I'm there.
And it doesn't even, even matter how far away my senses catch you. And it doesn't even, even matter how far away my senses catch you. I hope they cut you. I am your blood. I am your blood. I am your blood. I am your blood.
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kalospiaalmana · 7 months
Welcome, strangers over the Internet. This is the Sāwol Quietus podcast that is designed to help you all today get better and make the world stronger every day. It's your host, Orphic Dern, the 14-year-old writer. Remember strangers over the Internet? It's never too late to help. Today's date is 2/16/2024. Every day is a new day to make the world a better place. That makes today's topic about introduction and confidence. 
Have you ever met someone new and you don’t know anything about them, but you still want to introduce yourself without making yourself look like a deer in headlights? This podcast is perfect for you without wasting your time by getting straight to the point. So, let’s begin, shall we? 
To make the perfect introduction, you must fit the setting you are in. You want to make sure your clothing is appropriate for the setting. For example, you are at a party, and the theme is Halloween. You can’t be too basic or too extreme. The best way to fix this problem is to wear clothes you are most comfortable in and that reflect your personality the best. Clothing has the biggest impact on the people you see every day. 
The color of clothing affects people's emotions. Red is seen as sexy and angry. While green is known as peace and greed, Let’s say that this random stranger is wearing a red shirt, and their expression is brighter than the sun outside. People can assume many things about this person based on the color of their clothing. They can assume that they are prideful. While others think that they are too loud, disturbing the peace of the public outside, Colors like red, orange, and yellow are bright and represent a large amount of energy. While blues, greens, and purples are soothing and calming for relaxation, If you like the color pink, you might actually be a very excited person ready to have some fun at parties or just want to have fun in general.
You want to match with everyone and don’t want to look like a clown. In the party, instead of being that one person that everyone wants to be, But they can’t because no one beats the original. Let’s say you are going somewhere. This place has the biggest impact on your life, and you look like a failed lab experiment from 1887 created by a 1-year-old child walking around like a stray animal in the tropical rainforest. Your clothes look like those of a 2nd grade child in art class. People will talk the worst of you, and they always start with your outfit. Society will always adore those who wear expensive jackets like leather, denim, trenches, puffers, etc.; hoodies like sleeveless, cropped, oversized, etc.; shirts like crop tops, V-necks, tank tops, sleeveless, turtlenecks, long sleeves, short sleeves, etc. Pants like jeans, leather pants, shorts, leggings, skinny, etc. Shoes like boots, heels, sneakers, etc. Jewelry like necklaces, rings, earrings, pearls, chains, etc. Society falls in love with those who love to spend money and spoils them hard.
But, back on topic on colors of outfits. I got a couple of good color combinations. You got to believe me on this and let the colors do their thing. Jamming with creamy honey peanut butter with a side of dill pickles. What do you think? Oh. Oh! Isn’t that a weird snack combo that I enjoy? Does anyone find eating eggplant with waffles covered in maple syrup wonderful? It’s just me, right? Y-yeah, it’s just me. Permit's pass decreases once more to the difficulty all yet again.
Back to where we last left off before I begin rambling about my interesting choice of food. One, two, three. Red talks with the green, sitting on a grassy hill while the sun rises. Red-Orange goes on a date with Blue-Green every day at a fancy restaurant. Orange relaxes with blue on a sunny day at the beach. Yellow Orange goes donating and does community service with Blue Violet. Violet dances with yellow in the forest while the stars above them shine brightly.  Red violet parties with yellow-green, with the loud music blasting and spreading positivity about the world. 
Any color is good with each other if they work together as a team. The designs of the clothing have to give each other compliments. The outfit has to be clean and free of winkles. If someone spots a stain on your attire, they will take note of that stain, bark about it, use it as blackmail, or, the most common of them all, talk behind your back to others. There are people out in the wild that are barking at those who don't fit their standards; they pick on those who are not beautiful in their eyes. Society favotize those who are beautiful in their eyes. They don’t care if that person's IQ is low. All they care about is those who are willing to obey their demands. 
Don’t let those mirror-obsessed pick me—pick one, pick two—but pick me instead and bring you down. Never ever let society bring you down and force you to be someone you are not because they don’t see you as beautiful in their eyes. All bodies are beautiful, and that is not what society understands. Everyone's bodies are beautiful, and no one is perfect. No man or woman is born perfect. No one is raised perfectly. No one lives perfectly. No one is perfect.
Everyone has to face the truth about the world. How are we, as a world, expected to adapt and live peacefully? If there are people out there who can’t accept the fact that there are people with different body shapes, hair styles, hair colors, eye shapes, nose shapes, lip shapes, ear shapes, face shapes, skin colors, beliefs, opinions, personality traits, raison d'être, IQ levels that are low or high, nationality, tone of voice, how they speak, age, etc. They will find a way to hate on someone for the smallest things alive. The world will be a better place if all criminals get executed with hard-core proof of why they deserve to be executed. It's giving those who the criminal did wrong solace that Mumpsimus will never hurt another soul and suffer death. Violence is what causes the world to face our backs to one another. All of us are blinded by red and let anger control us like puppets, controlling our actions and making us think, “If I beat up this person, they will like me. I’ll be respected, and people will love me.”. 
No, just no. Respect is earned because of hard work, not because of your status.Everybody is a human being. Why are we fighting against our own kind? What will it take for you people if you guys can’t live with each other? All of you are blinded by red, anger, orange, superficiality, yellow, betrayal, green, envy, blue, sadness, purple,pomposity, and pink, nativity.
I, Orphic Dern, will speak the truth and learn the truth of the world, no matter how badly it hurts me. I can’t accept something that’s not true. My raison d'être is to make the world a paradise for those who want to change.
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nagirambles · 3 years
Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 103
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In the manga, Gajeel didn’t do the shooby-doobap thing, (he just naturally picked a fight with Natsu by grinding on his foot), so instead we get enabler Mira deciding to whip into sexy and give us a rock BGM. I like that, honestly. 
First is Levy in a bikini (try to find her!) because she came here presumably straight from the pool. 
Anyways, many things to hyperanalyze:
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Man going buck wild on drums. Also yes, Vijeeter should’ve definitely been on the stage, man’s whole thing is dancing. Also, banana person my beloved, what are you doing and who are you?
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Elfman and Gray continue to have a clear friendship going on. Seriously I always wondered if their whole partnership thing went down after Team Natsu happened. It’s okay for Natsu and Lucy, but Gray was part of a team before it, so it’s weird they just booted Elfman out y’know.
Serene-looking guy on the opposite table. I don’t think he’s talking with Gray and Elfman, but it looks like he’s listening. Also that guy on the right is definitely drunk, balancing on boxes on a table and dancing. He’s got clown pants. 
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Some recurring characters, Max on the far right, beefy babyface terrified under the table. The three on the left (i think that’s erza,) but there’s a kid! Guys, there’s a kid in the guild. I’m saying this because the fact we don’t see many in canon timeline makes it weird that there were so many in childhood timeline. 
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Master! Natsu is bullying Krov again!
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And now, the detail I like the most. Gajeel and Juvia are standing offishly together. I think in the anime they have some dialogue as well, but it’s a very sweet detail that they truly have the bond they claim to have. In a crowded room, they’re going to stand around each other, because there’s nowhere else that’s comfortable lingering around.
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Top 5 Sentences or paragraphs you have written! 😊 or if that is too hard top 5 stories you’ve written! 🖋
Ok so I tried, I really tried, but I just couldn't do it haha, top sentences or even top paragraphs was too hard! So I just had to go with my top 5 stories instead...
music is not in the notes, but in the silence between them
This is the longest story I've ever written, I honestly never thought I could write long-form fics, I always got bored or discouraged or ran out of steam/ideas. I thought I wasn't cut out to be a writer really because I didn't have the drive.
This fic taught me that I had been wrong all along and all I need was a little encouragement and someone to talk through my blocks with. The potential was there, I just needed a little help. Plus I'm always gonna have a special place in my heart for my dancing babies.
The Supreme Art of War Is to Subdue the Enemy Without Fighting
It's definitely not my most popular but I really enjoyed writing this, I liked doing the research and finding out more about the history behind it, even if it's by no means comprehensive.
Someone pointed out on my Space AU with that fic and this, that I've created a "enemies find themselves in a quiet oasis and end up together against all odds" genre for my fics and actually I realised they're exactly right. I think what I love about enemies-to-lovers stories is that they all stem from that idea that if we could all just free ourselves from stereotypes and prejudices, there could be whole lot more love and understanding in the world.
I know no other way of loving but this
Ok, but I love this little angst fest, it was non-canonical within an hour of me posting it and ok, I know I had a feeling that P'Aof was clowning us with the ending of ep11, but I couldn't resist a 'what if', what if these boys really had broken up, what if they'd really separated themselves until the end of uni, what if this was the first time they saw each other again? I can't resist the feels, my friends, I just really can't.
A Soft Boy in Soft Sweaters
Ahhhh this fic. I'd only been writing again for a few weeks after years of writing nothing but marketing copy and crappy magazine articles when I started this fic. It was meant to be small, a couple of thousand words at most, and inspired by my realisation that practically every piece of clothing Pran owns is tactile, it's made to be touched. I think it was maybe a decision to show that he is the softer of the two, the more emotionally vulnerable one, but I couldn't help but equate it with Pat's extreme tactileness and well, a little headcanon was born and couldn't be stopped.
And as has become a theme with all my bad buddy fics, the damn thing just get growing haha, although now 5k is pretty tame compared to what I'm usually churning out, at the time it was a pretty big milestone for me.
He's No Romeo, or A Himbo's Brain Finally Catches Up With Itself
My first ever fic for this fandom. My first ever fic for years and I still love it, I love how ridiculously oblivious Pat is and I love that I actually wasn't that far off when his oh moment was gonna be. I wrote this as wishful thinking, never once believing we'd get a realisation this simple but then we got it and more. This show really broke every mould and I am exceedingly grateful for it.
Ahh oops, I rambled quite a lot on these... I hope you found it a little bit interesting at least! Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to your ask, I hope you don't mind <3
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