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nightvaleofficial ¡ 7 hours ago
Happy Aries season!
Ep. 51
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cyyb3rspace ¡ 2 days ago
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fiction podcastssssss
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blackoutbugza ¡ 1 day ago
head archivist:
if you’re a head archivist at the magnus institute then you better make sure that you have a tough stomach. each statement you read aloud you will be basically possessed until you finish reading it. yes, there are intensely vile descriptions in each of the statements. no, you can’t break free. don’t try. you’ll hurt yourself. you also may find that you can’t quit your job and nor will you be fired. you may be marked by the beholding later on (if not already) and slowly lose your humanity. it’s your choice whether or not to sacrifice yourself… or others. the fate of humanity depends on you, and they have no idea.
NVCR intern:
good luck! you’re going to need it. this job doesn’t only involve getting your boss his lunch and making sure the coffee machine isn’t broken, it also involves constantly running away from giant monsters beyond your comprehension on the daily making 9 bucks an hour. god forbid you become one of those monsters (which is more common than you may think), because your fellow interns may be forced to make a bloodthirsty turn on you. you most likely won’t last more than a week — a month or two if you’re really lucky. you can quit at any time, but be careful when taking it up with station management. it’s a cruel and nasty creature.
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luvnotpercival ¡ 2 days ago
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a bad photo in bad lighting - WTNV patch I embroidered
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schepherdkku ¡ 1 day ago
So like
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cowboyinternist ¡ 1 day ago
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more wtnv blinkies :)
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captaincrazycreative ¡ 1 day ago
Ummm hey just letting magnus protocol fans know if you want something else to listen to Laconia broadcast is right there. It makes me sad to see it not getting much fanfare. Billie Hindle has been cast although her character hasn't shown up yet. It's about a sleepy town in the woods where people mysteriously go missing, and the radio hosts that get swept up in the investigation of a missing person's case. Its got horror/mystery elements (that may or may not involve alternate realities) while having a bit more on the fun coworker-shannanigans side of things. Also Kal gives me Alice Dyer vibes.
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everysinglecryptid ¡ 18 hours ago
I finished the sandstorm episode, and now I can’t stop thinking about this post
Who would be Tim’s Kevin????
Not!Sasha? Doesn’t feel like his parallel, though
Is there anyone in the magnus archives that’s weird enough to be Kevin?
(also who would be Tim’s Carlos? My first thought was Jon but that would weird.)
I've been thinking about more crossovers, and the many horror podcasts I listen to
The idea of Tim in Night Vale was funny to me
From what little I know of the magnus archives (I'm halfway through season two), I feel like he's one of the only ones that would either be really good at Cecil's job, or just be really normal about being there
I know I've been posting a lot of crossover content, but my many interests keep merging
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andhumanslovedstories ¡ 1 month ago
Back in 2013, I posted a Welcome to Night Vale fic and someone commented, “I’m autistic and I see myself a lot in the way you write Carlos. Did you intend for him to autistic?”
And I was like “I’m flattered you think so! No, he’s not intended to be autistic, but I’m glad you can see yourself in him.”
Now twelve years later I spent some time this evening trying to track down that comment to give a very belated clarification. Whoever you were stranger, hey. I only said no because I based Carlos heavily on me, and since I wasn’t autistic, Carlos wouldn’t be either. Well. I’ve learned some stuff in the intervening decade that strongly support your literary analysis.
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janitorjuliann ¡ 2 months ago
pls dont sleep on modern wtnv, this is from episode 259 and it made me actually laugh out loud at work
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nightvaleofficial ¡ 2 days ago
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What are your plans for Thursday? https://topatoco.com/collections/wtnv/products/cpb-spidermouth-tote
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shes-beauty-shes-ace ¡ 1 day ago
Horoscopes: part 5
The stars are silent. They have been absent from the sky for weeks now. They refuse to tell us anything. Perhaps the silence is for our own protection.
Virgo: Go see a movie today, it’s a great escape especially from all of this pollution and dangerous UV radiation. Say, is the mold new?
Libra: Your dreams will be filled with prophetic visions, write them down, hopefully there are some lottery numbers or sport scores in there.
Scorpio: Curse You, Curse Your Family, Curse Your Children, And Your Children’s Children, VILE VILE SCORPIO
Sagittarius: Eat well today, you’ve earned it. And by ‘it’ I mean massive food allergies, and by ‘earned’ I mean acquired. I should proof this stuff before I read it out loud. Let’s try that again; You’ve acquired massive food allergies, yes much cleaner. Eat well!
Capricorn: Those were not contact lenses you put in this morning. Best not think about this again.
Aquarius: The white ball will be under the middle shell. Trust the stars. Invest all your money in this lucrative street game.
Pisces: You’ve won a brand new car!
Aries: You will feel a haunting sadness about times gone by. Today’s smell is wheatgrass and toast.
Taurus: Today is your annual crime day. All Tauruses are exempt from laws today.
Gemini: You will meet someone today who will have no effect on your life and who you will immediately forget. Retain hope for a possible future.
Cancer: I’ve gotta pay my phone bill and also get some more milk. That wasn’t me talking, that is what the stars say today. Interpret it as you will.
Leo: It’s better that I don’t read this aloud, better that you not know. Tell your family you love them.
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mishoru ¡ 2 months ago
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ah yes, eye podcasts
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blood-and-foam ¡ 2 months ago
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swanpyart ¡ 9 months ago
Cecil Palmer could do TMA but Jon Sims could not do WTNV. Cecil has no fucking curiosity, as the Archivist he would read all the statements and go “golly, these sure are fun :)” then find out about the Fears and kill Elias in three days. Jon in Night Vale would be fired and eaten day 1
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