#mentioned Jason Todd
writing-on-eafv23 · 2 months
i have a lot of ideas for A/B/O stuff, but i can't deny myself fluffy Grandpa Bruce
INCLUDES: A/B/O, there not really much of Danny in this because he's sleeping but he is here!, light Bruce x Minhkhoa, implied Bruce x others (Selina, Talia, Harvey, etc.), Danny is de-aged in this (up to your interpretation but i was writing this imagining Danny was like 5), Omega Bruce, Beta Minhkhoa, Jason is mentioned, Omega Jason, a few spelling and grammar mistakes, It was late when I was writing this
“You never told me you had a new puppy” The familiar voice of Khoa sounds from beside Bruce, had he been any less distracted with trying to babyproof the hallway he would have noticed Khoa creeping up behind him with Danny in his arms, bundled up in a blanket they all had scented. Danny’s lack of any scent, even a personal scent, had made their pack instincts go into a tizzy, so they took turns rubbing a blanket against their scent glands so at the very least their scent would rub off on Danny while Jason was making a safer safehouse to raise his new puppy. Honestly, if it were up to Bruce, Jason and Danny would be locked in the manor where they can be properly cared for and doted on by the pack, but Bruce knew better than to interfere with a very hormonal, very broody, first-time, Omega parent. Bruce practically bristles at the sight of Minhkhoa, someone who (although he does have a situationship with) is not part of their pack, holding his new grandpup. All this earns from the Beta is a chuckle, ignoring Bruce’s warning growls. 
“And such a cute one too, look at those little fangs” Khoa coos, drawing attention to how the little pup was gnawing at Khoa’s fingers as he slept, leaving little indents in the brown skin. It wasn't often Khoa was soft. Even with his own adoptive son, Phanton-One, Khoa saw the boy more as a project and a way to one-up Bruce than an actual son. So, to see Khoa genuinely coo over a pup was… odd, and Bruce ignored the way it made his heart flutter slightly. However, Bruce’s growls return with twice the strength when Khoa sniffs at Danny’s scent gland, or rather, lack thereof. Minhkhoa quirks an eyebrow under his mask when he notices the lack of scent, pulling his face back
“Pup’s got a weird smell though, where'd you pick this one up from, Brucie?”
“Don’t call me that,” Bruce replies curtly, returning to placing silicone protectors on the corner of the decorative table in the hallway, trying and failing to ignore how Khoa was holding Danny so gently. “Danny was found wandering the streets at night. He has no records, no documents, no missing posters, not even a birth certificate. And he's my grandpup, not my puppy”
“So, one of yours claimed the first orphan child they saw, it seems your adoption habits are contagious” Khoa always did have him pinned, though, that's what happens when you’ve been rivals with somebody for so long.
“Don't you ‘hn’ me. Tonight was supposed to be our date night!” Comes Khoas's complaint, his voice almost whiney, though he quiets down when Danny whimpers in his sleep, which prompts a deep growl from Bruce that makes the Beta snicker. “But I GUESS since you are SO busy with the new grandpuppy, we can reschedule… but you owe me two dates next month”
“Hmn.” It’s a fair ultimatum, more time to get the new pup properly scented and used to the manor and then he gets to have two date nights, Bruce just hopes the others won't get jealous. It's hard to juggle multiple situationships, but Bruce (somehow) manages to make it work.
“Good,” Khoa’s lips curl into that familiar grin, and he transfers Danny from his arms and into Bruce’s, not even bothering to hide his chuckle when Bruce begins to purr in that rumbly bass and nuzzle his cheek against the top of the pup’s head. Pressing a short kiss to Bruce’s lips, Khoa quickly pulls away with a smirk, earning a grumble from Bruce.
“and don’t be so grumpy. Your pheromones will set the puppy off”
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cocomuffy · 3 months
okay people like...
bruce wayne's parents died by being shot
and like batman obv deals with guns a lot
but do you think he ever gets a chill down his spine? do you ever think his brain and body tells him he needs to run, run far away?
you think it ever messes with him when he hears one from the distance?
do you think that whenever jason comes down to the batcave and is cleaning his gun, but motions with it once it's complete, that he ever feels a little uneasy?
do you think on july 4th that he has to hide himself away because he can't bear to hear that many shots that sound like the ones that'd killed his parents?
i dunno. just a thought.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Do I Know You?
~First (Here)~ Next>>>
Damian sat and sighed as he was tied to a chair. Heaven forbid he decides to go to the Cave and only be able to take off his mask before being bombarded by his family.
"Father, what is the meaning of this?"
Batman looked at Damian and furrowed his brow "Why do you keep calling me that, how did you get in here and why are you dressed like Robin?" "I'm your son, I am Robin" "Don't lie!"
"Alright B how about we lay off the kid? Not gonna get anywhere shouting"
Nightwing walked in and handed Damian a cup of water. "Here, don't mind him. We just want to know what's going on"
"Richard you're a part of this trivial thing too? Also did you put anything in the cup?" Nightwing paused and kneeled down "Okay. We just want some answers, number one. How do you know who I am?"
"Tt. Fine I'll play. I'm Damian Wayne-" Damian jerked his head to Batman "-your son and I'm-" He looked back at Nightwing "-your brother. Alongside with Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas and not to mention the million of others father brought in as he is a magnet for taking in children"
Nightwing nodded and took off his mask "Are you a speedster from the future?" "What? Ew, no. I'm Robin" "Listen, you might be getting something confused. There are no more Robins, the last one was Tim. So where did you get the costume?" "Okay hasn't this gone on long enough? Where is Titus or Alfred the cat? Do you need them to help recognize me or something"
Dick raised a brow "I have no idea who those are"
"Tt. This is tiring"
Damian stood up, untied hands and ankles, he rubbed his wrists. "I untied myself about a minute after you tied me, I know your tricks father, you've taught everyone how to escape knots like yours. Try to get a better tactic. As for you Richard, hasn't this gone on long enough?"
Bruce took off his cowl and studied Damian carefully "He may be telling some truth. It's hard to tell, who is your parent?" "Other than you? Talia Al Ghul is my mother"
The two adults looked at each other with wide eyes. "She doesn't have a child. She told me she had a miscarriage" "Do I look like a miscarriage?"
"Dick. Call for Tim and Cass, they may be able to figure out if he's lying. In the meantime I'll look into this kid"
Damian groaned and sat back down. "Can Pennyworth at least come down? I'd enjoy his company"
"N-" "Yeah I'll get him"
Bruce narrowed his eyes making eye contact with Dick, the two had their private conversation internally and while Damian could decipher the gist of it. He didn't want to right now. This is dragging on long enough.
Bruce sighed for like the fifth time "Fine, let him come. He stays here and under surveillance. Understood?" "Hear you clear"
Bruce left and Damian eyed Dick, wouldn't they have stopped by now?
"Richard... are you still joking with me? Hasn't this gone on long enough?"
Dick looked guilty and sad "I'm sorry, but we really don't know you"
Damian looked down, recounting what he just went through moments before showing.
Someone approached him, a lady with a crystal ball typical isn't it.
"Young boy, won't you indulge this old lady?"
"I'm sorry, I can't-"
"Oh please? This is all I ask of you"
Robin nodded and came over, she was an elder and he respects them. Not to mention she would probably insist and Damian would rather not have to do that.
"Come child" Her wrinkled yet soft hands went over his gloves and she closed her eyes, she was wearing a shawl and attire of stars and eyes decorated on the cloth. "I see... you are of a great destiny. Yet though this is apparent, you are deeply troubled with choices. Leading to terrible consequences. Not to mention the loneliness you are faced with, a great destiny yet an even greater shadow. Tell me, the family you surround yourself with, do they truly see you? You have so many doubts and fears, that you will be alone and forgotten by them"
"...That sounds correct, my fears tend to obscure my view of the path ahead. I feel like one day, they will forget me. And that I'll be alone. Sometimes I wish I was forgotten so I could avoid the pain and move on with my choice without feelings" He... didn't mean to say that much, what is happening?
"Then it will be"
A flash of light, recovering his vision to see no one. The lady was gone.
...Curious, it may be time I go back before they worry.
Damian kept his gaze away from Dick who was talking on the phone.
They... forgot me. They don't know me. It's like I never existed...
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ashoss · 3 months
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my lovely son waking me up to tell me he threw up.
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us waking up my wonderful butlerfather to tell him he threw up.
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He might be 6’0 and built like a brick but i see the rage of a teenage girl in his eyes
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
Bruce is constantly asking the kids what they like to eat so he can freeze dry their favorites into oblivion as apocalypse rations
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violent138 · 6 months
Damian: "Red Hood has a pretty severe concussion. What do I do?"
Tim: "Extraction's still ten minutes out, just keep him talking."
Damian, urgently pressing the comm: "I don't want to talk to him, he's even more insufferable than usual."
Jason, lying on the ground, eyes closed: "That's funny Junior, because head trauma's the only thing that makes you bearable."
Damian, to Tim: "I'm leaving. It won't be the first time we've had a closed casket."
Tim, groaning disgustedly: "Robin--ugh, seriously, just stay there and keep him awake."
Damian, seething even more when he sees Jason's smirk: "Fine."
Jason, cracking open one eye: "Aww, are you concerned about me?"
Damian: "Shut up. The only thing I'm concerned about is our family's reputation after your public wipeout on that stupid motorcycle."
Damian: "Are you still awake?" *kicks him* "Todd?"
Jason, grinning: "You said our family."
Damian, furious: "I didn't. You've lost more brain cells than you could afford."
Jason: "Wait 'till Tim hears, I think he'll want a group hug. Bruce is probably going to get emotionally constipated. Dickie would probably cry--"
Damian, panicking as he hears the Batmobile get closer: "Stop. Do not tell him--"
Jason: "You better erase every single fucking video of me crashing then."
Damian: "You have a deal."
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the-autistic-spider · 7 months
dp x dc prompt
Danny was on a date with his boyfriend
they where visiting a space meusem
while they where at a space exhibit they asked why
"why do you love space so much?"
and Danny being an idiot said
"oh its technically a genetic need to see the stars but i do like them"
and naturally this made his boyfriend confused
"like superman and the sun?"
" i guess?"
and somehow a week later his boyfriend was sneaking him onto the watchtower to see the stars
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So Dani has gotten captured by the GIW, and got reverted to her chronological age (7, she was 19 when she was captured. Team phantom was attending collage and could get to her in time)
Luckily, Bruce Wayne, training to be Batman, breaks into the Base and rescues her.
He invites her to joins him while traveling and she accepts. But, after a while Bruce heads back to Gotham and they part way. (Dani was 8). Dani was the kid he never had.
Dani visits whenever Bruce’s kids are all away, so she’s never meet them. And Bruce forgets to mention the fact that they all have an older sister (Bruce is her emergency guardian)
There are multiple ways the batkids can find out about Dani
“Bruce? I found your old video logs from when you trained to be Batman, and who’s the kid you’re with?”
“Oh that your sister. She’s dead”
“All in favor for Phantasm the ghost girl to join the JLD?!”
“Superman, I thought I said that none of my kids will be joking the Justice League while I’m still alive.”
“She’s your kid? But she dead!”
“BRUCE! I thought you said you were in Paris for a mission with a partner?”
“I was.”
“Then why is there a photo of you in a cafe with a women three years older than Dick?!”
“She was my partner.”
“Who is she?”
“She’s your sister, Duke.”
“Oh no!? How do we defeat big bad ghost baddie?!?”
“Hn. I will call in an expert.”
“Batman, you know someone who is an expert with ghosts? Who is she?”
“My daughter.”
“Black Bat?”
“No, my other daughter.”
“No. My oldest daughter.”
“What other daughter do you have?”
“Dani. She’s dead.”
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indulgentdaydream · 8 months
what about a tired and very touch-starved jason wakes up at like 2pm and fem!reader is out of bed??? and he comes and finds them and throws them over his shoulder and brings them back to bed???? because why would you leave jaybean by himself????? unnacceptable???
And the idea of people waiting for my requests to be open is so weird like… what do you mean you wanna read my writings and hear my thoughts??? Y’all make me smile so much I swear
Side note: I’m so sorry this is a month late. And then also another day late than I said I would post.
Side side note: if y’all saw me post this without the photo header…. No you didn’t
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Jason Todd x gn!Reader || Domestic Fluff || Word Count: 758
Warnings: not completely proofread. Gun mention.
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Jason’s pulled himself out of a bad dream. Not quite a nightmare, though something eerily close.
It was one of those rare nights that he had off of patrol. One he where the two of you got to eat dinner together, watch some TV, get ready for bed, then fall asleep in your shared bed. He enjoyed the chances when he got them.
He laid on his stomach under the comfortably heavy duvet. His left arm was bent beneath his pillow, his hand grazing the hidden .44 he had convinced you to let him keep there, the other arm laying in front of him. He kept his eyes closed, clinging to his last tendrils of sleep.
All he needed was you back in his arms and his dreams would turn good again, filled with the smell of your soap and hints of faded perfume.
Slowly, he stretches his right arm out across the sheets, sleepily searching for your form. It drags along the sheets, his entire body only half-asleep.
He’s aware that there’s this… itch in his skin. Not a physical itch. An itch that can only be satisfied by having your arms around him again.
Jason Todd doesn’t count sheep. He counts your heart beats or your breathing. Sometimes both.
He must be laying further to the edge of his side of the bed than he thought. Usually, he doesn’t have to reach this far to get to you when you two drift apart in your sleep.
His hand grazes the wall. His eyes shoot open.
You aren’t in bed.
He pushes himself up with his elbows. A tired, confused, and slightly panicked frown settled on his face, his hair mussed up and flat on one side of his head.
The bedroom window is closed. The door is cracked open.
Then he notices the sound of the tap running in the kitchen.
Jason gets up and out of bed, moving languidly. He pads his way out of the bedroom and into the hallway.
His eyes squint at the light you had turned on as he stands in the doorway. All foggy panic he felt before faded away at the sight of you, filling a glass with water, standing in one of his shirts.
He shuffles his feet. A purposeful noise that he wouldn’t otherwise make as he went about his day, one to get your attention.
You turn around, your glass of water in your hand. You take notice of your boyfriend’s large stature filling the entryway, a sleepy pout on his lips. You give him a smile. He can tell you're trying not to laugh at his fatigued state.
“Want a glass, too?”
Jason shakes his head. He makes his way across the kitchen, his brows still furrowed against the light.
He just wants you back in bed with him.
He reaches for your glass after you sip from it. You hand it to him. Jason takes the cold glass in his right hand, bends down a little, and wraps his left arm tight around the bottom of your bum. He stands back up, now with you draped over his shoulder.
You squeal out a fit of laughter, "Jay!"
He flicks off the light as he exits the kitchen, makes his way back into the hall, then kicks the door to your bedroom shut as he carries you in.
Gently, he sets you back down on the edge of the bed. Once you're properly seated, he hands your water back for you to finish. Seeing your bright smile makes his own lips tug into a small one.
Jason rakes his hands through his hair as you drink. He rubs his hands over his face, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes from a moment, trying to shake a bit of the sleep still clinging to him.
You hand him back the nearly finished glass of water. He watches you shuffled back under the covers, moving over to the wall-side. Your side. He finishes off the last two gulps of your water and sets the glass on the night stand.
He follows you under the covers, immediately pulling you close. He presses a kiss to your cheek and drops his head into the crook of your neck, an arm draped around your waist, the other tucked under his pillow. He kisses your shoulder and gently squeezes your waist once.
Your arms settle around him, "If you wanted cuddles you could’ve just asked, you know."
Jason only grumbles an incoherent response. He shuffles and presses closer to you, holding you tight.
You kiss his forehead and Jason starts to count.
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Ahh!! I hope you like! This is lowkey rushed.
Also you can catch my personal headcanon of how Jason WILL keep his bed, with or without you in it, as far away from the window and door as possible. And you best believe that when you two share, you're getting the wall side so he can act as a barrier for any possible danger that may come in.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Red Hood has a lot of people fooled, but he can’t fool the Narrows with that flawless trigger discipline. They know he’s something more than a common thug or gang leader the second they see that grip.
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farshootergotme · 2 months
I like imagining a scenario in which Jason, Tim and Damian are arguing about Dick and just keep trying to one-up one another:
Damian: I was his Robin and he clearly likes me best.
Tim: I mean, technically I was his Robin first. And that last statement is debatable (and wrong).
Damian: Tt. You were father's Robin, I was Grayson's only before the original Batman returned.
Jason: Oh, for fucks sake, why does that even matter? He accepted me as Robin first and gave me his old costume, try topping that.
Tim: Been there, done that.
Jason: Not first you haven't.
Tim: Irrelevant. I think being accepted as Robin and being his Robin first puts me above you both.
Damian: Richard made me Robin on his own accord, father's intervention was unrequired.
Tim: Do you think that maybe that was because, I don't know, Bruce was 'dead' at the time?
Damian: I don't see how that refutes my argument, Drake.
Tim: He didn't even want you as Robin, he did it so you didn't go running off to the league.
Jason: Face it, brat, Dick didn't have much of a choice on the matter. With me, on the other hand-
Tim: I can give you a list of reasons why what you're about to say is wrong.
Jason: Stop trying to be a smartass, you-
Damian: This discussion is getting sidetracked. I can win this argument with the simple fact that Richard planned to adopt me.
Jason: Get in line kid, he tried with me first.
Tim: Wait- what? Damian makes sense because Bruce... but you? Full offense, by the way.
Jason: I was a redhead and a circus kid, he had all the reasons to adopt me.
Damian: Todd, you're a brunette, you're spitting nonsense.
Tim: And you most definitely did not grow up in a circus. I've heard your backstory from Dick himself.
Jason: You had to be there.
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clericxhood777 · 4 months
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Part Five; they're teenagers, don't freak out
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
"Why can't you trust me? I'm your son and partner am I not?"
"That's enough"
"I had it covered and you just assumed the worse and for what?"
"Maybe because you are unstable and could kill anyone at any second, I don't need that. You almost killed the man!"
"I didn't! I wasn't even hitting him, you just assume so! The only reason he looked that bad is because he tried to kill me, so I took the best course of action! Why don't you trust me?"
Damian's entire body shifted from anger, shock and to sorrow, his voice was wobbling "What..?" Bruce took a few seconds to recognize his words and immediately reached out "I didn't mean that, I'm sorry Damian"
Damian was staring at the ground. Dick looked like he just got shocked, Jason stopped working on his motorcycle and looked over, Stephanie and Tim stopped sparring, Cass was stone-faced and Duke dropped his weapon that he was using in the simulation. Damian moved away from Bruce's reach and became tense.
"BRUCE THOMAS WAYNE!" The cave went silent as Alfred Pennyworth's booming voice echoed. Everyone stopped moving and possibly breathing as well. Damian's eyes were welling with tears and as much as he may like to hear Alfred scold his father, what was said made Damian storm out. Before leaving, he glanced at Alfred, Alfred looked back at Damian and looked remorseful. Damian went upstairs and left the scene to his room.
Who knows how far Alfred's voice was in Gotham. Maybe Metropolis could hear it. Gotta bet that the Kent's ears were ringing now.
Because I unwillingly died that means he can't trust me? It's bullshit, after everything! I've changed, I don't kill because I wanted to be accepted into this family and now I enjoy doing things in the name of Justice that doesn't involve murder. Yet he'll find any reason to not trust me. Why am I never enough like the others? Father brought Richard in after the tragedy of the Graysons. Father took in Jason when seeing his condition and wanting to make a change for the child he was. Father saw the talents that Timothy upheld and the two worked. Father took in Cassandra when she needed it most. Father helped Duke when he went through a severe thing and was taken in as to not be alone. The only other one who could say wasn't exactly wanted is Stephanie, but even she's more capable and father sees that. Yet I was dropped off by mother and hurt this family. It feels as if I'm not part of it. Outcast, unwanted, violent and unstable. I HATE THIS!
He slid his back against the wall, sitting down with his head low.
How could he trust you?
None of them do
They never should trust you
How many times have you died?
How long until you snap and decide to kill again
How long until you are so unstable you are no longer wanted
You weren't w--
"Damian? Can you hear me?" Damian felt someone's hand get close and he smacked their hand away. "No touching, got it. Can I sit by you?"
Damian looked at the person, Bruce looked upset, not a Damian, but at himself from the looks of it. Damian shrugged and Bruce took that as a yes, sitting next to Damian.
"There is no excuse to my words. I can only apologize for my idiocy and hope you can forgive me. I understand if you don't, I don't expect an immediate response. You don't deserve that, you've been through so much and you didn't have a choice. It's irresponsible of me to have used that against you"
"Tt. You're getting sentimental father"
"What can I say? You are my children, I can't help but lower my walls unfortunately it took me so long to let you all in"
"A trip to the zoo plus ice cream and maybe I'll forgive you"
"You drive a hard bargain"
"Just us"
"Tomorrow, I'll make it happen"
Damian nodded and gave Bruce a quick hug before standing up as if nothing happened. Bruce smiled and got up, he stopped before closing the door when he heard Damian.
"Thank you father, as painful as it may be to remember my place... I can say that I do cherish this family I have made. Thanks to you I am able to see it"
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kittykatninja321 · 1 month
Fanon has people thinking that being replaced by Tim is the main thing that Jason is mad at Bruce about when that’s like #5 on the list and honestly I think he released all of his replacement related angst after he beat Tim’s ass, like he’s not even thinking about that anymore. Let’s all remember that Jason was ready to blow up the Batmobile before he even knew about Tim’s existence
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Duke: I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, malewife our way out of it this time. (It a non vigilante problem)
Damian and Jason: Manslaughter
Dick: manwhore
Everyone: 👀👀👀
Dick: manslaughter it is
Tim: its time to girl boss *calls Cass, Babs, and Steph*
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