#meme || unique character questions
shiroi---kumo · 2 years
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Unique Character Questions || Accepting
@lady-quen asked:
98 😊
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98. List 10 reasons why you love spending time with this character.
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🌙 Kumo is my weirdest muse. ☁️☁️☁️ He is weird by default as he's not human but I love him for that because he's so challenging. I can't walk into a single interaction from a human perspective. I have to ask myself constantly - what would Kumo hear, smell, feel, taste, experience. His body alone is so different from mine and I have to ask myself how would his body interact and feel the world around him with every single interaction. He's challenging and I adore him for that. It makes writing more fun for me.
🌙 Kumo is my most complicated muse. ☁️☁️☁️ On top of the above, the way Kumo presents himself and speaks is the complete opposite of how I present myself and talk. Some of the vocab he uses or the way he constructs a sentence just gets me sometimes because my brain goes Kumo where did that even come from? Kumo also has abilities I don't and never will. So the way handles a situation is so drastically different and I need to just let him flow and do things as a Misterican would - not a human. To do things as an immortal would not a mortal. The man is a living GOD and when writing him I can never ever forget that.
🌙 Kumo is one of my oldest muses. ☁️☁️☁️ I think most of you are well aware how long I have been deep into FFU's fandom, so Kumo has been with me for a very long time. 20 years this year! He's special. He's one of the first characters that in personality and design I really really clung to and he's stayed with me ever since. He's one of those characters I just look at and my heart melts and I'm back at Oh you beautiful beautiful boy.
🌙 Kumo is my kindest of all my muses. ☁️☁️☁️ And that's saying something. I have some that are in a very close second but Kumo takes the cake with that one. This man has gone through literal hell and back. Lost it all twice and died well over a hundred times and after everything, he still chose kindness because he refuses to let the world break him. At the end of everything when Kumo has a choice it is always always love and it always was love and always will be love. That part of him will never change.
🌙 Kumo is my strongest muse. ☁️☁️☁️ In terms of ability. He is a living God and I am not exaggerating that when I say that. While Kumo is a kind and peaceful man, if he is forced to resort to fighting he is a force to be reckoned with. In RPC terms, Kumo is absolutely over-powered and I will not write this aspect out of him. Kumo would be considered a Muse of Power in RPC terms and it is a part of him that will always stay. He canonically can control his sword telepathically and is immortal. Kumo can and has deflected an Ultima spell with a single hit. Kumo can and has fought on near death injuries. He can canonically cause explosions with his breath. Kumo is massively over powered and honestly, I love him for that.
🌙 Kumo is my most controlled muse. ☁️☁️☁️ In the terms of this massive power he possesses, he hardly uses it. He mainly acts in defense of himself and others. It's few and far between that Kumo will start a confrontation and go on the offensive straight out the gate. That's just not who he is as a person. He is canonically told at one point in the series "Use your sword, not your mouth." as a urge to get him to fight. He keeps his emotions and his powers in check at near all times and it takes a lot to get him to snap. If Kumo snaps on a person, it's best to take another look at the situation because I promise you there was an attributing reason as to why.
🌙 Kumo is just fun to talk to. ☁️☁️☁️ As I have previously stated, he is not human so that means he has a culture that is completely his own and it's so fun to go exploring with him. To learn and experience Misterica with him. It owns my entire brain. Kumo was in love with his people, his culture and his home and it shows in every word he speaks about it. No matter how he's feeling when he does - his adoration for his home is reflected in the way he speaks about it.
🌙 Kumo's love is infectious. ☁️☁️☁️ If this man could wield power based on his love alone, he could conquer the universe. Kumo is not one to love with any sort of motive attached. He loves because loving is what he feels he was made to do and he feels like it's the strongest and most effective way to reach another soul. Life is born of interaction and in those interactions we are shaped and made into the people we are. If something has to infect a soul then let it be his love. Let the people that interact with him know they are loved. Know they are cared for. Let the people who share their lives with him, know he holds them above all else. The Teachings of Tiamat state Life over All and Kumo takes it very seriously. If he could change the world with any object, he would choose his heart every single time.
🌙Kumo's perspective on things is one of my favorite things in the world. ☁️☁️☁️ Asking this man philosophical type questions gets some of the best answers ever to come out of his mouth and I love hearing him just start talking in my head to explain them to me. Ask him about the benefits of being Good or Bad and he will give you a ramble about what he thinks of both sides. Ask him about war and peace and he'll recite you poetry. Ask him about Light and Dark and he'll get really metaphorical and weave a tome for you. There are some things Kumo is excessively opinioned about and finding that one thing that sets him off into another philosophical ramble again - oh those are my absolute favorite. This man - this man is a poet in disguise.
🌙 The WAY Kumo conducts himself and speaks is so interesting to me. ☁️☁️☁️ The way he acts wiser than his years on some subjects and then in some places his physical age comes glaring forward. The way there is no middle ground when you look at all that's underneath the perfectly poised mask he wears near 24/7. Some people just set him off and others he has near no reaction to. The way he conducts himself so regally but at the same time at ground level as to not be above anyone around him. Kumo doesn't ever think himself someone's better despite his pedigree and I just I find it so interesting of him to be that way.
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drchucktingle · 11 months
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From Chuck Tingle, author of the USA Today bestselling Camp Damascus, comes a new heart-pounding story about what it takes to succeed in a world that wants you dead. Misha is a jaded scriptwriter who has been working in Hollywood for years, and has just been nominated for his first Oscar. But when he's pressured by his producers to kill off a gay character in the upcoming season finale―"for the algorithm"―Misha discovers that it's not that simple. As he is haunted by his past, and past mistakes, Misha must risk everything to find a way to do what's right―before it's too late.
BURY YOUR GAYS cover has been released today and theres something TRULY INCREDIBLE about it, something that bends timelines and melts away the edges of the void and brings tears to my eyes. can you see it? let me explain in a thread as you PREORDER NOW... 
for nearly ten years i have been publishing my stories despite pushback that they are too odd. us buckaroos are the outsiders, but this community has kicked open the door for art that is sincere and strange and beautifully unique. that is my trot and that is OUR trot as buds
we came out of nowhere and made CAMP DAMASCUS a usa today bestseller. every step of the way that book overperformed. buds were CONFUSED that a book from ‘silly meme erotica author’ could take flight. but us buckaroos knew it was inevitable because we know the power of love
i still recall the question ‘are you SURE you do not want a new horror pen name?’ HECK NO i am proud of the tingleverse. i am not ashamed of these queer erotic stories i drag up from bottom of my heart and spill with raw sincerity across irony poisoned timelines
i have been mocked my whole life as author that is ‘ridiculous no-content meme’ by those who have never read it. that my work is ‘not real’. i have been mocked for my autism and queerness and told THIS WOULD NEVER WORK. which brings me back to cover of my new book BURY YOUR GAYS
looks like the name chuck tingle is NOT a liability for the mainstream. all devils who doubted can gaze upon this cover and see bold CHUCK TINGLE staring back at them PROUDLY from the shelf in all its queer autistic glory... HOVERING ABOVE THE TITLE AND JUST AS BIG AND PROUD
thank you nightfire and chucks manager and chucks agent for believing in me. these buds have always had my back. thanks to BUCKAROO COMMUNITY who have always supported my way, this next step in our trot is not just about me IT IS ABOUT US. we kick open these doors together
so heres to making this world a little more unique and strange for those of us who are, ourselves, unique and strange. heres to bending timelines to us, instead of us bending to them. heres to name CHUCK TINGLE big and bold ABOVE the title on a big five traditional published book
and remember the best way to support an author, especially someone on outside pushing their way in, is to PREORDER THEIR BOOK. because of publishing business model it is SO IMPORTANT so if you would like to support chuck then PREORDER BURY YOUR GAYS NOW
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writingwithcolor · 9 months
Diversity Win: Is "Crazy Rich" POC Representation Necessarily Empowering?
sodapopsculptor asked:
I’m writing a story with two sets of protagonists: A trio with a Black girl, a Latino, and a Vietnamese-American boy who all come from middle-upper class to ridiculously rich families, and a pair of white working-middle class sisters. They’re all heroes of this story. I’ve seen way too many rich white people and poor poc people in fiction, and I’m kinda getting sick of it, but I’m worried that by having the poc kids be rich and the white girls not so much, I’ll be reinforcing the idea that poc somehow rule the world. The only time the rich kids use their status as leverage is when the Asian threatens to sic his cop dad on a bully (race unstated but I imagined him as white) picking on a freshman, and during the Black girl’s birthday party, when she pays the biggest jock there fifty bucks (And later says offhandedly that it was just what she had in her pocket) to chase off a creep hitting on her.
OP, have you ever seen the “diversity win!” meme before?
I understand that your motivation for these narrative choices is to give POC a chance, if you will, to be the rich characters. But it is evident from this ask that you have not asked yourself what this entails. I want to ask you to critically examine the race and class intersections you’re creating here, as well as these kids’ roles in oppressive systems.
You explain that these rich POC are heroes and only have righteous reasons for leveraging their power.
But is your Black girl character aware of the potential disciplinary and/or legal consequences her jock accomplice might face while she has the resources to keep her hands clean? Are you?
Is your Asian character aware of how much of an abuse of power it is to “sic” a cop on someone, and the sheer amount of harm a criminal record or incarceration does to a juvenile with behavior issues? Are you?
So you want to put POC in positions of power for #representation.
Does it resonate with the group you’re representing?
Do you research and portray the unique ways race, ethnicity, class, and majority vs. minority status come together?
Or are you putting these characters in oppressive hegemonic roles for the sake of a power fantasy, on behalf of a group you're not even in?
To your question, you're not reinforcing the idea that "POC rule the world" because such a generalized belief does not exist. Instead, you're reinforcing:
The idea that society has “winners” and “losers.”
The idea that the problem with disproportionately powerful people is the lack of “equal opportunity” as opposed to the power imbalance to begin with.
The idea that those in oppressive positions of power need only have the right intentions to justify their use of it.
To be clear: that is not to say that you can't have jerk aristocrat billionaire millionaire crazy rich POC. Evil or mean rich characters are fun! I have some myself! You can even have rich characters who are gentle-hearted and well-intentioned, but you have to know the ways in which they’re privileged and decide how aware of that your characters are. That’s no problem.
But if you think that wealthy and powerful POC would have the same values and priorities as their poorer counterparts, you’re deluding yourself. There’s a reason why the quote “power corrupts” exists. There’s a reason why no matter where you look on the globe, there are historical dictators and tyrants.
If you want bratty rich POC who lack regard for the consequences of their actions, because you want bratty rich characters, great! If you want them because it would be uplifting or empowering representation? You’re doing it for the wrong reason.
~ Rina
I fully agree with Rina, and truly want to emphasize the last paragraph.
If you want bratty rich POC who lack regard for the consequences of their actions, because you want bratty rich characters, great! If you want them because it would be uplifting or empowering representation? You’re doing it for the wrong reason.
I don't think you need to aim to subvert or purposely make all the BIPOC rich and powerful and the white people poor and suffering. Add diversity and include upper class rich and class privileged BIPOC, sure thing! And you can avoid your fears of intentional subversion message by including rich and powerful white characters as well, even if they're not the focus of your story. Just their existence helps. You could also include middle-class characters of Color as well.
More reading: Black in upper-class society
~Mod Colette
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spampai · 3 months
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I waited for this moment and HERE WE ARE
Thank you to all GOBB artists (even that’s not included in the images) for inspiring and helping me to stay in Tumblr to give more content to the GOBB community! I’ve never been more happy as becoming a well-known artist is my dream since 4 years ago, and it’s starting to happen: more people are questioning and requesting, more notes and more love! I’ve always wanted to show my art to a large audience and hoped they enjoyed what I created and it’s all bcs of all of u!!! I love u all :)))
Artists that are mentioned that I decided to draw in their artstyles (I still can’t express how much I love them):
- @faceeeeee (best artist ever, I can’t deny how friendly she is; the reason why I even continued to create GOBB art)
- @rununcal (FACE EXPRESSIONS, I LOVE UR-ahem I mean I really love the character designs and uniqueness of how he draws them and their expressions :)))
- @smallbcarly (Bitttyyyyyyy I remembered saving her most famous post in my gallery while I was still starting to browse through GOBB, loving the art snd keep it up!)
- @jordoperson (HEHEHEHEHE silli goofy art of everyone being a menace to society; u love to see it (The meme templates made me laugh in the bathroom like a maniac))
- @crypticscribblzz (Aheuaghrhfhjfj I enjoyed seeing her art for the first time when I was posting my first few GOBB art just bcs I was bored; she gave me inspiration to give Syringy a tail to begin with keke
- @artofgerald (THE REASON WHY I EVEN JOINED- I mean yes I saw his Bitty post while scrolling through Google and I always wondered who it belonged to bcs it was really cool (just noticed it was his art a fee days ago ☠️) love the animations and cartoony depictions of them aheodjdhskso)
Welp I’m gonna be off from my vacation, the flight will only be 2hrs maxed and hope there wouldn’t be any delays beforehand lol
Kinda nice to end the vacation with this before I continue my goals of the big project
As for requests I’ll answer them shortly after I get back bcs my 4 pencils look like ants and I feel like doing it traditionally rather than digital so yes gotta wait)
I had fun drawing these different art styles, they were all pretty in their own ways (oh ya i only used less than ten references-)
Ya ok I’ve been at this for about 20+ minutes I’m too chatty in these posts (idrc tho that’s how I enjoy this app)
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thewadapan · 2 months
Spent today checking out The Amazing Digital Circus and Murder Drones, and god, the kids today have it so good when it comes to this sort of content. When I was a teen, I was obsessed with Red vs. Blue and RWBY, which I think it's fair to say are the equivalents of the time, and the sheer gulf in terms of writing quality and production value is stunning. I hear there were some rumblings of unprofessional conduct from the production company, which would hardly be surprising considering this is yet another guys-working-from-their-basement success story, but much bigger companies with much shittier business practises consistently put out much worse content than this.
The Amazing Digital Circus is definitely the better show of the two, thanks to its slam-dunk premise and some great writing from Gooseworx. The producers have talked about aiming to fill a perceived gap in the market between kids' cartoons (The Boss Baby) and adult animation (Bojack Horseman), and I think they have successfully threaded the needle to create a very unique tone. There's a sense of these works existing totally outside the mainstream media machine; they're not getting BBFC rated, but you just know millions of kids are watching them. It's on YouTube and the fact that it looks like some Frozen Spider-Man kids' slop just means da parents won't question what their kids are watching.
But truth be told, there's nothing objectionable about the content of The Amazing Digital Circus whatsoever. It's unusually metatextual and loosely apes the aesthetics of much darker media, touching on slightly more existential themes than your typical kids' cartoon, but it still has a lot in common with those same cartoons. The zany characters are all fairly one-note, and the emotional arcs of the episodes are honestly quite straightforward. The second episode in particular has an absolutely textbook plot structure to it. It's a far more self-assured and traditional style of writing than you ever see in this kind of independent work—certainly far more so than Murder Drones, which is written by an insane person.
More than anything, I'm reminded of how I felt watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica: that it's a very solid work of fiction, but that the people who'd get the most out of the work are isolated teens struggling to make the transition into adulthood. Certainly if nothing else, the fandoms of these shows must be bringing a lot of kids together around the world. I adore this soundbite from Goose: "Above anything else, I just wanted it to feel kind of lonely." You see Pomni's worldview shatter, she suddenly finds herself in a body that feels completely wrong, and she has to construct a new kind of belonging for herself.
As for Murder Drones, that show's absolutely fucking nuts, yo. The writing is at once painfully basic and utterly incomprehensible. If someone just sat down and explained the plot straightforwardly, it would be fantastically boring. But man, the presentation, the sheer delight the animators seem to approach every scene with...! I'd say it's clearly trying to use "the characters are robots" as an excuse to expose da kids to some absolutely shocking levels of gore, much like the Transformers movies, but midway through the series it starts straightup swapping the oil and wires for blood and bones and you've got to respect that.
The writing itself is so excruciatingly irony-poisoned that it goes beyond cringe and somehow wraps back around again to being sincerely funny. The show kind of wants to have its cake and eat it in terms of constantly lampshading how flat and cliché the emotional plotting is, but also clearly aiming to genuinely tug at the heartstrings and whip fans into a frenzy. And it kind of succeeds, I think! The way it veers between bizarrely high-effort implementations of memes, seriously cool fight scenes and horror visuals, and big emotional moments is very disarming. If The Amazing Digital Circus is an attempt to faithfully rework the American-cartoon formula for a slightly older audience, Murder Drones aims to crib the aesthetics of high-school cartoons while actively rejecting every traditional narrative technique used in those stories. Which means it's kind of bad, which means it's also kind of great.
If it's not already, then within a couple of years it will be deeply cringe to have ever been into Murder Drones in particular or (to a slightly lesser extent) The Amazing Digital Circus, in much the same way that everyone seems embarrassed to admit they were ever a Homestuck fan. But like with Homestuck, I feel like these series are genuinely pushing at the frontiers of storytelling in a way that's commendable and might inspire new kinds of writing once the fans grow up.
ENA is also pretty good, for the record.
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How to name your characters
do not repost
Choosing a character's name is an important part of creating a story. You want people to remember your characters and the first step is the name. But how do you choose the perfect name?
Two things to keep in mind:
Clarity: Having names in a story that are the same or similar (and it not being a plotpoint) can be very confusing for the reader and especially in the beginning, this can hinder them in their reading. Memorability: Do you want your character to have an iconic name that everyone can immediately attribute to your story?
Unique names
There are a lot of memes about characters with very unique names (especially in YA novels). And if there isn't a good explanation for why their parents would name them Sunshine Bentley I would personally try to use a bit more common names. Character names don't need to be something unique for people to recognize them easily. Bella, Edward and Jacob are not unique names and you probably still know who I am talking about.
More questions to answer:
Association: Do you want people to associate something with the name? Another fictional character or a historic person?
Fitting: Should the name fit the person? Or should the name not fit the person, should the name even feel uncomfortable for the character? Also: Does the name fit the story you are trying to tell?
Length: The length of a name, especially if they are called by that name without abbreviation can give a different vibe to a character.
Nickname: Is that person called by another name?
Theme: Do you want the names in the story (or at least some of them) to fit a theme? Example: Sisters named after flowers, a group of people with names of historic figures.
You should also keep in mind the genre of your story, what era it plays in and the place/language those names should fit in.
More: How to choose a first name | How to choose a last name | How to use nicknames
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Hey raven, there gonna be a Crowley ssr card (im not joking)
[Referencing this post!]
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RIP Cater 💀 Now he knows how Trey feels whenever his birthday gets overshadowed by Halloween event news…
It’s true what they say, boys (nb). Cope hard enough and your wishes and prayers for NPCs to become actual cards will become a reality… Happened with Rollo, now it’s happening with Crowley—and presumably other NRC Staff. (I wonder if Year 4 of JP anniversary will feature staff in the groovy with Grim??)
IT’S SO FUNNY THAT THEY MADE THE MOST USELESS STAFF MEMBER THE FIRST STAFF CARD 😭 I thought for sure they would “save the best for last” but I guess Crowley isn’t really “the best”, huh… BUT HEY, at least now we can chuck him into battles against OBs and make him be a responsible adult and actually work to earn his coin 💰
I hope we get vignettes and not just furniture for Crowley! It would be cool to have a short story that centers around him, even if it’s just him goofing around and being unproductive. I’ll happily take a day in the life of Crowley anytime!!
I have so many questions about how Crowley would work gameplay-wise?????? ?? ? ? ????? ?? ? I wonder if we’ll be able to make staff members attend class…? But that’s odd, isn’t it?? Why would teachers be studying? And what happens if there’s a situation where like. Crowley is a student but also Crowley crashed in for a Special Lesson segment? Double Crowley?!?!?!?! The Spiderman meme where they point at each other?? Or will staff not be able to attend lessons at all and you just have to feed them materials to level them up outside of class… (You know what, leeching off of resources that the students worked hard to farm is very in-character for Crowley, so if this is the case then I won’t be upset 😂) What about Duo Magic??? Will Crowley actually be able to combo with a student??? Or will it be with Grim or whatever staff card is coming next...?
His card art looks hella cool ✨ It’s really atmospheric but also has a bit of that unique Crowley flair if you notice where exactly he’s seated (on his own damn desk www) while posing so sassily. And is that the word RAVEN literally making up the teeth at the end of his key-like staff????? That’s so Crowley of him…
What I am slightly concerned about is…
***Spoilers for the full Crowley card illustration + book 7 main story below the cut!!!***
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… Why is the composition of Malleus’s Dorm Uniform card and Crowley’s card kinda similar…
Malleus is clearly turned to the side, but the slight worm’s eye view is the same and the lighting is somewhat close (relatively dark)… and both of them are holding staves while sitting. Plus the timing of Crowley dropping mid-book 7… AND sharing elements in Malleus’s Masquerade (Crowley notoriously wears a mask) groovy of all things (similar angle, chandelier overhead)… With the fan theory of Crowley actually being Malleus’s missing dad at an all-time fever pitch in popularity, this has me a little worried (since I personally think the theory doesn’t have a lot of solid proof and leaves a lot to be explained in terms of his actions).
Maybe that’s me overthinking it, but TWST has been known to intentionally do parallel or mirrored designs before (though I’ll admit this instance isn’t as clear cut as previous instances). I’m just pointing out what I see and I’ll leave the final judgment up to you, dear readers! I’m sure the “Crowley is Malleus’s dad” theorists will be in a frenzy picking apart these details www
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agronzky · 9 months
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below you will find 20 random and creative questions to help develop a well-rounded personality for your character. such questions can also be used as ask meme or pov starters.
What are the character's core values and beliefs?
How does the character handle stress or adversity?
What are the character's strengths and weaknesses?
What motivates the character in their daily life?
How does the character interact with others in social situations?
What are the character's hobbies and interests?
How does the character respond to change?
What is the character's approach to problem-solving?
Describe the character's sense of humor.
How does the character express and handle emotions?
Is the character more introverted or extroverted?
What is the character's attitude towards risk and uncertainty?
What past experiences have shaped the character's personality?
How does the character view authority and rules?
Does the character have any unique quirks or habits?
What are the character's long-term goals and aspirations?
How does the character react to failure or mistakes?
What kind of relationships does the character value most?
Describe the character's typical daily routine.
How does the character view their role in society or a larger community?
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 years
Iconic elements of Film!Boromir's character that everyone remembers;
Very into Aragorn, has multiple meaningful scenes with him where he is clearly disarmed, awed, unnerved and yet eager for his approval and companionship. His acceptance of Aragorn's right to the kingship is treated as a vital part of his character arc and even his last words before his death are entirely about Aragorn.
Awkward, often stalling or stumbling over his words, says things that leave uncomfortable silences and often makes loud declarations of intent, very earnest in all his mannerisms and always says everything in a guileless way. Very upfront and open about his emotions, to the point of making Aragorn uncomfortable in his attempts to connect with him about his fear for Gondor's safety and his own inner turmoil surrounding his father.
Immediately ring-obsessed. He argues with Elrond about the Ring's usage and clearly is not swayed by further arguments, in fact is sent by his father specifically to get the ring and so is technically a traitorous element in the fellowship from day one. Eagerly ensures he has a place in the fellowship at the Council of Elrond and is blatantly suspicious with his treatment of both Frodo and the Ring from then on. No one in the fellowship trusts him and for good reason.
Kinda a liability! Doesn't really offer anything to the Fellowship other than another sword arm, and one that seems sub-par in comparison to his comrades considering his underestimation of the Hobbits and the multiple times he has to be saved in Moria. Has no real expertise or wisdom to offer, barring obvious declarations like 'this will be the death of the hobbits'. Indeed the one moment of apparent unique wisdom he offers 'one cannot simply walk into mordor' is so widely viewed as foolish advice that it's one of the most enduring memes of the internet to date. Only has one moment of apparent skill in his final stand against the Uruks where he kills about 5 by himself before he is hit by 3 arrows and rendered helpless. Very much characterised as 'the normal guy' and 'the himbo'.
Has a nice, supportive and loving relationship with Faramir, his little brother that looks up to him adoringly and with a sense that he could never measure up to Boromir and that Boromir is his better. Protective of faramir.
Hah that was fun and now, completely unrelated, here are TRUE AND IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT BOOK!BOROMIR!!
Has one (1) line of dialogue about Aragorn and his kingship that essentially reads 'Well I don't care about Kings but if mythic heroes from legend could come and help my people we'd be grateful (press x to doubt)' and then he NEVER! VOICES A SINGLE OTHER OPINION ABOUT ARAGORN! FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. This includes his very last words which don't mention Aragorn or the Kingship once.
Clear-spoken! Makes concise speeches full of relevant and important information when in an official capacity. Always has a tone of well-meaning half-humourous sarcasm, making casual and comfortable jokes at his own expense or sometimes lightly teasing his fellows. Otherwise restrains his disagreements to darkly humourous complaints, strained and weary reactions or clear unemotional declarations of his concerns depending upon the recipient. Takes the phrase 'you'll have to pry my feelings from my cold dead hands' entirely literally, NEVER reveals the true extent of his internal struggles until the moment he is literally dying. In fact is entirely silent whilst Aragorn is asked to describe Gondor and waxes so lyrical he doesn't even notice Boromir get up and leave.
Asks one (1) clarifying question at the Council of Elrond about why they aren't using the ring, accepts the answer entirely and never mentions it again UNTIL Galadriel tempts him with it in Lothlorien. Doesn't even WANT to go on the fellowship and is more dragged along by Aragorn with the pretext that 'Gondor is on the way to Mordor so we'll tag along.' Is utterly trustworthy and has no ulterior motive in arriving in Rivendell other than his search for an answer to his prophetic dream. In fact his whole behaviour and personality changes immediately after Galadriel's mental interrogation and he BECOMES awkward, unnerving and unsure in his speech all of a sudden.
Has a WEALTH of knowledge, experience and personal skill that he uses to save the fellowship multiple times. Saves them all from freezing to death on Caradhras through his preparedness, his arguing with Gandalf and his personal durability. Hacks the head off wargs when they are attacked in the night. Remains lucid whilst the fellowship is paralyzed with fear by the Balrog and stalls it's approach using his horn to allow them time to flee. Fights alongside Aragorn at every opportunity, including charging with him at the Balrog as Gandalf is fighting it. And not only that, he regularly is proven right in his advice (that is rarely heeded) and is well informed on both his own peoples history and Rohan's position, even against Gandalf and Aragorn's doubt of their character. Actually saves Merry and Pippin initially from the Northern orcs whom he drives away entirely before he begins taking them back to the others, is only stalled when they are ambushed by Uruk-Hai. Continues to fight on even with far more than three arrows in him and actually yanks a few out before collapsing against the tree. Definitely not a normal guy, nor a himbo, just exceptional in a more mundane way than everyone else in the fellowship (except the Hobbits).
Never mentions his brother a single time, somehow got him to stand and defend the bridge of osgiliath with him whilst knowing that it would likely kill them both so not all that protective. Faramir meanwhile cannot say a single uncomplicatedly complimentary thing about his brother and in fact cannot stop telling Frodo (a man he has imprisoned for half a day), about what a stupid, reckless and prideful man Boromir was and how he's far better in every single way.
WOW HAHA ISN'T THAT INTERESTING! COOL! Book Boromir is my favourite character by the way haha I'm suffering incomprehensible horrors :)
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Today's post is not an ask meme!! It is a small project for every user!!! Copy and paste this list and fill it out to tell us more about your characters!!! Be as broad or specific as you like!!
credits to @boy-of-the-flowers, @likeapriceless-wine, @cerberusfavorite and @sweetxloverxx for helping make the list.
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𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲-𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞
Character Name:
What they usually smell like:
A smell they associate with their childhood:
Their go-to drink:
Do they alter their clothes (Cutting/sewing/anything):
How they sleep:
The weirdest dream they've had:
Do they wear designer brands (which ones?):
How often do they shower:
How many steps are in their skincare routine:
What they are afraid of:
Are they a germophobe:
Which parent are they closest to and why:
Their favorite food and why they like it:
Any accessories they wear with special meanings:
Something they would never tell anyone:
Something they wish everyone knew about them:
If deified (made a god), what would their domain be:
Are they sure of their sexuality or questioning:
Their favorite genre for movies:
A unique and somewhat unusual power or ability they have:
Short answer questions:
If there is a spider in the house, what do they do?
When they like someone, how do they show it (romantic or platonic)?
If they woke up as the opposite gender, what would they do first?
Let us know if we should make a part 2!!!
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frozenartscapes · 5 months
What I like about Spy x Family that I hope was an intentional choice by the creator but would also be hilarious if it just worked out this way is the character design of the Forger family. In that this family of three highly secretive people who can only exist in society so long as no one recognizes them from their dark secrets are all literally Main Characters.
Loid is every lead male character in a piece of media ever. He’s handsome, blond, blue eyes, well-built but not too muscular… He is literally Ken in a world full of Allens.
Yor is every teenager’s first Edgy OC. Black hair, red eyes, black or red clothes, a badass alter ego, tragic backstory and extreme proficiency in weapons/melee. She is the only person aside from her brother to have such an unnatural eye colour and no one questions it.
Anya is literally the meme about anime main characters. In a class of brown, black, and blond hair she sticks out like a pink thumb. Even without the suspicious hair cones she’d be easily spotted in any crowd.
Hell, even Bond stands out just due to his size and being a unique blend of different dog breeds, making him unique amongst the other dogs we’ve seen so far.
I get it: it’d be pretty boring if all of our leads were plain and generic-looking. It’s just funny to think about in-universe. But it also weirdly works as to why no one has figured them out. Loid gets a pass because he’s often in disguise. Anya’s just a kid so the hair colour could be written off as dye or a wig. Yor leaves no witnesses. And Bond’s just a mixed-breed dog - nothing suspicious about that, right?
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desultory-novice · 5 months
Noir's Field Trip - "Starting Out"
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"...Thanks, you two."
Ahem! Following in the footsteps of several other Kirby OC contest peeps, you may send in asks for [Noir]!!
(...But I'm SUPER busy so it may take until May to respond! ^^;;)
[Notes/Rules About Asks:]
-I'm iffy on back-and-forth style dialogue-based RP, due to the complex interplay of pseudo-linearity in an amorphous situation plus my autistic-self often being unable to figure out what my RP partner is actually trying to say tone-wise or what they are thinking and then-I-answer-them-wrong-and-embarrass-myself...!!
That and long post-chains make me a little nervous. ^^; Asks in the form of questions Noir can answer in-character are preferred.
(You may also ask me generic "What does your OC think/do when...?" style questions, such as those from THIS detailed OC ask meme!)
-You can also send an ask for Noir from your OC, if you'd like to find out how the troubled teenage boy would react to meeting them! (These may or may NOT(!!) come with art, depending on mood, time, and a variety of circumstances. Tourney OCs will generally get preference. If I AM inspired to draw said meeting, I may request additional information/clarification before going through with it.)
Again, I'm pretty autistic, so if you are going to go this route, it'll help if I have something more than "Hiya, Noir!" to work off of - else he'll just react to you the same way he does to Marx.
(Not that you can't go places from there! XD)
-You can also prod Noir about his traumas if you like! XD Note that asking for details about certain things (the "murders" on Shiver Star or his hatred of physical contact) may result in responses with TRIGGER WARNINGS, if I decide to answer them.
-Tournament!Noir is currently in his own similar but separate timeline from Mainline Apologies Noir. However, events during this contest MAY influence his fate and the fates of those he holds dearest!
-Noir's latent cross-dimension sight means that you can ask him about his various other timelines or Kirby games he was not alive for and probably get some pretty unique/funny/strange answers.
-I almost assuredly won't be able to get to every ask/comment. Some I may avoid answering due to complexity, uncomfortableness, them not fitting tournament!Noir's narrative, or me just not having any good ideas. Please don't take this personally.
-Lastly, please leave space between sending multiple asks. ^^
omg I'm so nervous about this. I want to draw lots, for me and for others (!) too if I can but I want to follow the flow of the tournament and not JUST go off on my own crazy thing, except that I'm not even completely familiar with what the rounds will be like?!
[Non-Ask Notes:]
-The flowers in the BG are the forget-me-nots that Adeleine drew for him on his birthday and that he received in this post. That post was also the inspiration for Tournament!Noir. (Although he retains the corruption + the collar here.)
PS: In addition the song that post is, you know, named for, Noir + the forget-me-nots also makes me think of the lyrics: "Since the day I met you, there's never ceased to be music in this hell of mine" from the opening to Sousei no Aquarion.
-This, and the tag name, was inspired by @Graycoin's comment "Noir gets to go on a field trip. I hope he has a good time : D " (then I saw Starflung had the same idea to send her OC off with a backpack! Haha! XD)
-The fish bone is a gift from Gooey. He's doing his best. Adeleine is also doing HER best. ("...A comb? Really?" "It's unbreakable!")
-As to the bento box, I'm not sure if I mentioned this before (?) but the Fontaine children are French-Japanese...on their mother's side.
-Why yes, that IS a cellphone in his backpack! I wonder who might call him...?
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dopscratch · 1 year
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mugshot meme with the trio :) i love fishlegs which reminds me....
INCOMING BOOKS-MOVIES RAMBLE- even if you only know the movies please stick around, i cant make you but maybe you'll find the rest of this interesting
SO, so so so. i love the movies (well the first two...) but i will never forget their transgressions on the original plot
they took away hiccups Heroic Hair why would you do that he's nothing without his Heroic Hair
they swapped hiccup and fishlegs's personalities why would you do that why would you take away my nerd protagonist my nerd self is weeping
hiccup and fishlegs are no longer best friends why why would you do that to me i live for their loser friendship its just like me
they took away camacazi and made a mid love interest i dont care what you say astrid is mid tier never liked her much apologies i also dont like love interests so take my opinons with a grain of salt
in the movies toothless is actually Super Cool and hiccup also becomes Super Cool and earns massive respect and is not a laughingstock ever since the very first movie which hurt his appeal to me in the movies since, believe it or not, i am a Loser and hiccup also being a Loser and Becoming A Hero The Hard Way was very compelling to me
hiccup is the Absolute Main Character in the movies and the supporting characters don't get much spotlight while in the books it's a pretty well balanced group which i like
snotlout is no longer hiccups cousin and is just comic relief which is a HUGE missed opportunity for drama and depth that i loved in the books
villains in general are sort of mid tier throughout (except viggo viggo was cool. also i love dagur he's the best)
dragons are no longer complex. i loved their society of sorts and their unique morals (generally selfish, cruel creatures who have full knowledge of their actions and just don't care- though have the capacity for kindness) and their whole language and the fact hiccup knew that language because he is a Nerd
HOOOOLY CRAP the story is SO much darker i'll avoid huge spoilers but let's just say. war. slavery. torture. death. surprisingly generous amounts of blood.
more main-line content- technically yes the shows and other companion materials count for the movie-verse but some things are questionably canon and all that. meanwhile you have 12 whole books that are irrefutably canon and are incredibly well-connected especially through the end.
thats everything that my brain feels like spitting out now. there's obviously more (ESPECIALLY in regards to my uh... opinions about the third movie) but im too lazy to do anything about it at the moment
overall all two movies and the shows are still good and i cherish them so my smack talking is pretty lighthearted. still love the books more though
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bladeweavedance · 7 months
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I decided to do one of those ship template meme thingies. There is no official height for either of these characters that I have seen, but they appear to be about the same size, so I kind of gave 'em an average-ish height. Wyll's age is his official age. Gale does not have any official age - he looks to be in his early-mid 40s, but I can't discount the idea that the orb might have prematurely aged him a bit, so I put him in his late-30s.
I figure Wyll and Gale take turns being the big/little spoon hence why I kinda halfsies it for both of them.
For the lends clothes / borrows clothes thing… Well, first of all, I headcanon Gale as being stockier than Wyll weight-wise - so it's likely Gale would not fit in any of Wyll's clothes (which seem rather tight on him anyway). Additionally, I just have this thought in my head that Wyll is sort of used to not being near a water source for washing his clothes for days at a time - so, he might sort of have this habit where he ends up running out of clean clothes and where normally he'd just wear the same thing over again (sort of a young bachelor-type of mindset almost), he just decides to borrow Gale's clothes instead. When they get married, Gale tries to gently break him of this habit. Though, he does like seeing Wyll wearing his clothes. It does things to him. LOL
I feel like neither Wyll nor Gale are the type to really excessively use pet names, but they might use a few simple ones with the occasional unique one sprinkled in. Wyll uses darling, dearest, my love - and maybe "my sweet wizard" and "my king" - playing into the sort of fairytale romance thing with that. Gale is put-off on using darling himself because he's heard Astarion use it too much, but he also uses dearest, my love, my hero, my Blade, and he uses "my king" back to Wyll as well.
Wyll is very charming and he seems really sociable when he's in a good mood (he mentioned dancing a bunch of sarabandes with the ladies and gentlemen of the Gate, and he's really a Man of the People sort, I think - he likes interacting with people and inspiring them) - so I put him all the way on the extroverted side. Gale is a bit harder to judge - on the one hand, he enjoys a lot of solitary activities (reading, he stands off to the side at parties, etc.), but he also exhibits a lot of very social traits as well - seeming to enjoy conversation and hanging out in bars. So, I headcanon him as being the sort that's kind of in the middle in terms of extroverted and introverted.
Wyll and Gale are not only both service-oriented people, but they're also rather eloquent and enjoy romantic phrases and poetry and building up people around them (especially their partner). So, I see both of them as being in-between when it comes to Affection through Words and Affection through Actions.
I wasn't really sure what to put in regards to Confesses First and Waits for Confession. On the one hand, they both tend to play the slow-burn in terms of romance, but on the other hand, they're both also rather eager and bold people… Sooo… I kinda just put them both on the same level. They seem like they'd both confess their feelings first at various points in their relationship (Gale might be the first to say "I love you" but Wyll ends up being the first to propose or what have you).
The bugs question… ROFL While I don't see Gale as really being the scream-y sort about anything really (he's pretty level-headed in the face of danger), he does seem to harbor some wariness towards bugs, particularly spiders (Not just the "Stop licking the damn thing!" but he has some words about phase spiders and Kar'niss). Wyll meanwhile is absolutely fearless and will definitely squash bugs or anything else that might set Gale on edge without question.
More to come for the rest of this! Darn character limit…
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thestalwartheart · 7 months
Any suggestion for newbies on how to overcome fear of posting? New fic, new chapters, smut, kinks.. name it.
there is so much out there. Of jaw dropping quality. Why should I?
the fear of judgment is suffocating me sometimes.
I love this question ❤️
Firstly, (and most importantly!!!), your work is unique and worthy because it's yours. No one has your brain or your exact take on those characters. And that's why you should post! If you have a story you loved enough to write, someone will absolutely love reading it.
Secondly, there is no better fandom than the Bond fandom for jumping into the unknown. It's a small fandom at the moment, and the readers are so kind. There will always be a lovely commenter to cheer you on. Basically, if you're looking for a place to start, start here!
Especially in the Bond fandom, people aren't thinking, "Oh no, I read a similar plot last week!" or "Oh no, more smut?" We're just happy there's still new stories and new fans around to chat with, and to enjoy art with! Or, to put all of this in meme form:
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Beyond that, here are a couple of practical things that have helped me overcome The Fear:
If you're worried about negative feedback, a) think about turning off anon comments (few people have the gall to post hateful comments with a real username), and b) maybe put a line in your author's note saying you aren't looking for constructive criticism (on AO3 it's pretty much an unwritten rule not to post concrit, but if you're posting elsewhere, you may want to clarify).
If it's spelling/grammar/plotholes/britpicking/any other issue of quality you're worried about, consider finding a trusted beta reader to give you advice on the specific things you want to improve on! I don't do it for all my fics, but for the age of change, I've been asking Mlle_Heloise to give me feedback on the voices of my child characters. Also, beta readers are some of the best hype people ever!! They can gie you a lot of confidence to share your story with more people.
I hope this has helped in some small way ❤️ And please, if anyone else has any notes of encouragement, leave them in the replies and reblogs!
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Platonic fluff alphabet
For as much as I say I want to write more platonic stuff to explore friendships with different characters, I don't do it much... so as a fun little thing I present the platonic alphabet! Similar to the usual fluff alphabet, but any prompts that are usually present in the normal alphabet that are usually read as romantic are swapped out with a different prompt! Below the cut you can find the rules for this alphabet!
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Any fandom is available so long as its stated I write for it! You can find fandom statuses on my pinned! Please only choose one character per prompt with a max of 3 prompts! Please specify which fluff alphabet you want! Any characters that I dont write for romantic will automatically be sent to the platonic alphabet.. for characters I do write romantic for but already have a prompt from this list done the hc may be tweaked to be platonic if need be!
ATTENTION- How attentive are they as a friend? How often do they check in on you?
BONDING- What activities do you guys do together to bond?
CHAOS- Who's the more chaotic one, if there is a chaotic one?
DUDE...- A moment where one of you does something dumb/something that left the other speechless.
EMOTION- Who is more emotional? How much emotion do they put into your interactions?
FUN- What do you guys do when you go out together? More so, what special activities do you do together than isn't your standard?
GIFT GIVING- How often do they give gifts, if ever?
HARSH- How often do you two get into arguments? Who makes up first?
INJURY- How do they react when you're injured, or when they're injured?
JEALOUSY- How well do they handle you spending time with other friends?
KILL- Would they kill for you, literally or otherwise?
LOOK!- Who is always spamming the other with videos and memes?
MEMORIES- what are your favorite memories shared between the two of you?
NO- What would kill the friendship?
ODDITY- Strange habit or mannerism they have the makes them unique?
PET PEEVE- What is something they do that could get on your nerves?
QUESTION- What are some questions you guys always say?
RAGE- Would they stand up for you if someone was bullying you or talking badly about you?
SLEEPOVER- What does an average sleepover look like with them?
TUNES- What songs do you listen to together and/or put in a shared playlist?
UPSET- How do you cheer the other up?
VALENTINES- You have been stood up on Valentine's! How do they make you feel better?
WARRIOR- How do they feel about you fighting alongside them? Would they do the same for you?
XRAY- How well can they read you?
YEARN- How well do they handle being separated from their best friend?
ZZZ- What is it like sleeping in the same room with them?
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