#maybe? they could be bi too ;))))
giddlygoat · 3 months
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mario + peach is such a good ship istg they’re so good. straight ship so good it feels gay
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lunarharp · 9 months
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more phoenix wright situations
#ace attorney tag#maybe i should tag this narumitsu or something. but i dont really care.#gearing up to rereading/illustrating bits of my fic i suppose...i think nick really is too dense to realise he's in love with edgeworth#without some scheming fop trying to intrude. i love villains like kristoph..villains can be fun..witnessing their pathetic folly..#or more like edgeworth would never have mentioned his feelings ever in his life if he wasn't sure phoenix reciprocates.#i want to see it this way because Falling in love during childhood with the person you're going to end up with. is not relatable#there have to be Situations that make you Realise.#as with orufrey i adore the idea of people not working out their romance with that person until their 30s+#but... i mean. even with orufrey i often think how alaira could be qifrey's ex. and oru having been pursued by noble fops through his work#there is that delicate sliver of time before orufrey start living together that such believable situations could have happened.#Then the relief of politely and amicably extricating themselves from those untenable situations#the idea of falling in love age 7 and saving your first kiss for age 35 or something is all very well but more relatable is#people realising how they really feel whilst trying something that ends up feeling wrong.#The comfort and joy of living with your dearest one as if it's platonic - much preferable to trying anything more with anyone else.#But i doubt i will ever portray that or mention it further. it is indeed very delicate to me.#and i really am an OTP FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kind of person who can barely bear to consider this anyway...NOT a polyshipper i'm afraid !#so i wouldn't mind either if they do have their first kiss in their lives age 35 with each other either. I would not mind that at all.#i love bi/gay couples apparently... bi father figures & their grumpy gay men waiting for them to work it all out...#not used to using colour in comic-style drawings..or at all..so this is messy and awkward looking..but colour is refreshing#i imagine i will go back to witch hat art soon btw. my destiny in life.#i still remember writing my nrmt fic expecting to write their first kiss & then partway through twas like Umm No. They have kissed prior.#does that really line up with this comic though... i think i had their early dinner dates/first kiss BEFORE disbarment.#so i guess this comic doesn't line up with my ficverse.... No..... U___U Oh well. sorry kris! <3
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purpurussy · 9 days
I feel like the "dan is bi" anon is trolling but just in case they're genuinely confused: yes dan said in BIG that he loved and felt attracted to his high school gf (although he also made it pretty clear that they did not have sex so idk where anon is getting the idea that he has slept with "multiple women" 💀), and he alluded to his attraction not being confined to a specific gender in the part where he talked about labels, but you're completely taking all of that wildly out of context and missing the point of the whole video by calling him bi. I feel like this is probably the part that's frying their brain:
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(shoutout to the legend @goldenpinof for this transcript!)
But firstly, imo it was very clear from BIG, as well as other stuff he's said over the years, that he just doesn't like labels. Which I find very valid, it took me a long time to figure out how to label myself. I still don't know what my gender is lmao but I started saying "bi" for my sexuality because it's a widely-used term that gets the point across. And I think that's the thing here: he came to the conclusion that the labels "gay" and "queer" are the best descriptors of his identity, which do the most accurate job of approximating something extremely psychologically complex and multilayered and nuanced in a simple everyday term that gets the point across to other people.
Obviously words mean things and it doesn't make sense to just pick a label at random (like for example it wouldn't make sense for me to identify as a lesbian, since I definitely feel attraction to men as well as women and everything outside the binary, and am interested in acting on that attraction at times, so I wouldn't be conveying accurate information to other people if I used the label lesbian for myself) but a label is just supposed to serve the task of conveying relevant information to other people (if a lesbian feels some kind of abstract attraction to dan and phil, that doesn't mean that the alphabet council needs to immediately revoke their lesbian card!! Since the word "lesbian" still does a perfectly good job of conveying relevant information to other people. Likewise if a straight dude has a fun little gay dalliance with his college roommate, but has absolutely 0 interest in men beyond that incident, it wouldn't be remotely necessary for him to start calling himself bi if he didn't want to, because what would be the point in that if he's only interested in women? Like if he told a gay dude who found him attractive that he's bi, only to backtrack... Do you see what I'm saying here?). It's perfectly valid for Dan to use "gay" and "queer" as umbrella terms that in his opinion do the best job of describing him, out of the language that's available. If he's like essentially a kinsey >5 and decided to just round it off to a 6 at this point, who are you to tell him he can't lmao
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(shoutout to the legend @goldenpinof for this transcript!
Human sexuality is often way too complicated to boil it down to a single label in a way that doesn't erase any of its nuance, and I feel like this is something he's struggled with in the past, especially with him being a public figure. He's mentioned multiple times that feeling like he had to choose a label was a factor that prolonged his decision to come out.
And this is not even getting into the impact that his trauma from his childhood and also from spending a chunk of his formative years in the public eye probably had on the way he identifies or the way he chooses to label himself. It clearly took so much courage and strength for him to finally be able to call himself gay/queer please have some respect for our brave troops
Ultimately the point is that he uses the labels "gay" and "queer", not "bi", and it really shouldn't be difficult to respect that. It's also not biphobic for him to choose not use the label "bi" (again speaking as someone who uses that label). It's just that he feels "gay"/"queer" are better descriptors for him and nobody gets to determine that except him!! :) He wants people to know he's gay so he calls himself gay and that's that on that.
There are definitely people on here who are way smarter and more well-educated than me who would've done a much better job eloquently discussing this topic without rambling all over the place but that's my take (if anyone would like to add to this please do so, I'm always open to learn more about topics like this. And I'm also not saying that the way I see it is the only objectively correct opinion, but anon is definitely wrong so 💀). Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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kookykuni · 2 months
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Was trying to make something vaguely DBDA-esque, except it started looking more like a bi skull, so I tried adding the magnifying glass, except I forgot to draw it in a different layer and now I think it looks weird so I have basically created my own personal hell.
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tommystummy · 2 months
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trashlord-watson · 1 year
the way it's so fucking serious how michael and david are both holding me by the throat with every single lil quirky thing they do because actually none of them are lil nor quirky it's aLL FUCKING UNHINGED FAGGY SHIT????????
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coolauntlilith · 1 year
So I finally watched Sense8. I regret not watching it sooner for a couple reasons. But I'm so glad I finally watched it.
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femgoddess-hecate · 3 months
(Potentially controversial post given the current atmosphere but pls bear with me 💗 i debated about posting this for weeks)
When I see women on here constantly fighting over being bi and being lesbian it rlly makes me sad
Like i fully understand where both sides r coming from. I know you've been hurt in so many ways, and yes, by men. Yes, by ppl u thought u could trust, even within ur own community
But to me, fostering and encouraging this micro splitting of the feminist community (or radfeminist) isn't productive at all. It doesn't make meaningful change to say "well we should ignore so and so" or "you'll NEVER get xyz to understand so why bother"
And yes. I know you're tired. Tired of explaining yourselves. Tired of having to defend yourself not only from within radblr but outside it as well. And I think that's where a lot of this discourse and snapping at one another stems from. It's honestly just a reactionary response to something being perceived as a personal slight. And I get why!!
To me, the only way we truly achieve fenale liberation is together. And yeah maybe that means you have to work with and listen to someone you may not like. Or someone who, at first glance appears to oppose everything you believe in*. We desperately need to extend more grace to one another. A lot of women who come here are really new to everything.
I don't hate ANY of you. I don't hate lesbians, or febfems or bisexuals or even het partnered straight women. Even if you hate me. Because that isn't what feminism is about to me. I know my betters have said it more eloquently but this should be about loving women MORE than you hate men. If your biggest beef is with another woman, something has gone awry.
I know I sound like a big naive child but I really do have hope that this is achievable 💖 take my hand. We can do it.
(*note: i mean between lesbian and bi women specifically! This isn't including men)
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Just a bit about MK's gender swap of Sektor and Cyrax
Unless there is a solid reason behind such a choice, I’m not a big fan of turning established characters into a different gender. Since Cyrax and Sektor’s gender has never played any vital part in their relationship with Bi-Han, Tomas or Kuai Liang, I can accept the gender swap for now, although my final judgment will depend on how those characters will be used in the upcoming expanded story.
That said, I have some legitimate concerns about those changes. For one, if this is NRS’s way to introduce more female fighters, then I’m pretty offended. I’m still awaiting the return of Sonya (one of the original cast!). There is also Sheeva, D’Vorah, Jade, Frost, Skarlet, Khameleon (already mentioned in intro dialogues as Umgadi), Sareena (as actual character not supporting background cameo), Jataaka, Kia. There is Harumi that definitely deserves to be flashed out beyond Scorpion’s fiance/wife, not to mention a chance to introduce us to a totally new female protagonist, like Raiden’s sister. Or NRS could bring comics!Hydro as a woman (or gender-fluid hydromancer. I’m not picky, though I doubt the NRS has any intention to explore gender issues beyond characters being women or men).
And let’s not forget about Cassie Cage & Jacqui Briggs, but those two as New Generation may not fit yet into the story, which is understandable. 
I’m happy to see Sektor and Cyrax back, but there are plenty of female characters that deserve no less to be brought back into lore and I’m afraid that gender swapping Cyrax and Sektor is NRS’s way to kill two birds with one stone. Bi-Han’s supporters are important to expand the Lin Kuei vs Shirai Ryu conflict, but by being now women, their presence on the roster reduces the chance of other female characters.  
The second, more prominent concern I have is the fear that the game will rely on or imply there was romance - still ongoing or in the past - between Bi-Han or Kuai Liang with either Sektor or Cyrax. I said it countless times before that I see Sub-Zero as aromantic & asexual so any romance for him simply doesn’t work for me, but that is actually beside the point.
My point is, if the major addition to the relationship between Lin Kuei characters will be Sektor and/or Cyrax having romantic feelings for any of the brothers and for that addition NRS needed to gender swap them into women I WILL BE FURIOUS. Not for the romance itself, but because Sektor and Cyrax as men could have the same feelings and their gender should not play any role in that. Homosexual and/or bisexual men should be part of MK lore no less than heterosexual characters. And I feel lately that the Mortal Kombat franchise likes to erase a lot of previously established diversity. Homosexual Kung Jin was playable only in MKX (2015) and just referred here or there since then. Previous timelines Mileena showed interest (or sometimes was just sexually creepy?) toward men and women alike, now she is only interested in Tanya. On one hand, cool, an established lesbian woman. On another the bisexual vibe is kicked out of the window - or at least this is my impression. Johnny may be seen as bisexual man, but how intentional that was on the NRS’ part or just came out naturally as there is no female character in the group of Liu Kang’s Earthrealm Champions for him to interact with, I’m not sure. 
My fear is that NRS is just a coward that would rather gender-swap male characters to present them and their relationship as heterosexual than just go with them as they are. MK1 has already the token homosexual pair (Tanya & Mileena) to balance Liu Kang/Kitana,  Sindel/Jerrod and background Johnny’s ex-marriage or Kenshi/Suchin. So if female Cyrax and Sektor’s purpose is to either avoid homosexual implication or to explore the relationship of  Lin Kuei characters through some romantic bullshit, I will be furious. But if studio’s choice to gender swap Sektor and Cyrax will change literally nothing about what we already knew from previous timelines then WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL OF THIS?
Like I said, my final judgment about NRS’s choice for female Cyrax and Sektor will be based on story mode alone. For now, I’m pretty much indifferent, as their gender has never affected their relationship with Bi-Han before and so far the only complaint I have is, the visually-wise impression that female Cyrax and Sektor seem to look thinner than rest of female characters? But that may be just the armor playing a trick on my eyes.
(I lied. I have a second complaint, their armor should be more bulky, and better covering their body/gender. This seems like a wasted opportunity to have a cool reveal that yes, under the armor there are two kick-ass awesome women).
So, female Cyrax and Sektor for now does not change anything for me, but I do remain suspicious about the reasoning of NRS for gender swap.
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martinskiseyes · 20 days
#i dont think i will ever be able to tell if im bi or gay or or#shucks mannnn compulsory heterosexuality makes me immediately sick#and in the literal sense too#like i was at my friend's wedding and brought a guy (a friend of mine or acquaintance more like. i just thought he is a good fit for#wedding party. and he was)#but all my friends were immediately like. as soon as he went to the bathroom. they were going ' you should 100% date him'#'he is a good husband material' 'we could finally go on double dates🤠'#right after i felt so sick i thought i was gonna throw up#i mean it might be the alcohol kicking in but i just find it funny that i felt it after they said all that#two of my friends wanted to speak in private with me and were like 'is he..? are u considering him AT LEAST?'#i know they had no bad intentions. quite the opposite but years after years i still get sad (understatement tbh) abt it..#another part of me knows that this is my fault bc i should've just communicated that i am not comfortable about such comments and#that i (surprise surprise) might not be straight! and that this isnt any default sexuality#buuuuuut how do i tell them this when i honestly dont feel like telling them so that i am able to figure things out on my own terms. i mean#one of my friends kind of knows and i never ever said anything to confirm nor deny anything xjhstwfy why is it so hard#on the other hand. yesterday for the first time i kind of got the feeling that it doesnt matter and that either way i will find happiness#SOME DAY maybe and i dont have to say anything and i can just not take their ~advice seriously and go on about my life#mine
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ghost-bard · 1 month
im like varric in a lot of ways, mainly that I too have an odd fascination with sebastian vael but instead of being a little freak that insults him every five minutes bc why would varric ever admit to potentially being infatuated with him, im very open about wanting to fuck him. i could make him worse, but he'd be better for it.
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hussyknee · 8 months
List of Why The Fuck Didn't I Realise I Was Into Women Sooner #2: Catherine Zeta Jones's sword fight with Antonio Banderas in Mask of Zorro.
That part where her hair was hanging loose and wild and he'd cut the shoulder off her nightdress and she disarmed and advanced on him like an avenging Fury, eyes ablaze and breathing hard— fundamentally altered my brain chemistry. Haven't been the same person since.
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eddiegettingshot · 6 months
i feel like an insane person 😭
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forcebookish · 5 months
if arkarm were really both supposed to be gay for you then why was arm made admin of a Hot Boy facebook page in the first place? shouldn't he just be gay from the start? sus writing choice tbh
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rubberduckyrye · 6 months
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I still can't believe people misinterpret this to be Kaito being homophobic when he's upset because he thinks Shuichi came out of the closet and never told him.
In Kaito's FTEs, he says communication is the most important thing for an astronaut. Communication. You know what isn't communication? Not telling your bestie you're kinda gay.
His reaction isn't displaying anything like "WOAH EW NO NOT THE GAY FOR ME" he's literally upset because he thinks Shuichi kept his sexual orientation a secret form him.
Anyway biting the haters for trying to say Kaito's homophobic because that's just fucking wrong.
(And if I remember correctly his LSE was VERY "Rivals to lovers" gay coded so SUCK IT ANTIS.)
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Write about lesbians pining over each over.
Like the villain is kicking their legs in bed thinking about the hero, and the hero panics everytime the villain touches her in an nonaggression way
The hero could be so stupid. It hadn’t been much, quite the opposite, the villain had touched her waist and guided her out of the way.
She had wanted to go out of the way anyway but of course the villain had made it worse. A blushing mess, not being able to speak, sweaty palms — those were the results and the hero hadn’t been of much use when the villain defused the bomb.
While her enemy had talked about the mechanical details behind a bomb, she’d just stared at the villain’s neck, unable to hold herself together when the villain’s hair allowed her to view it.
Now she was home, still in terrible condition, and tried to forget the day by crying into her pillow.
“Bad day?”
“It was horrendous,” she told her sidekick, groaning a bit. “Heartbreaking.”
“I’m sure it was.” No one understood it, she was sure of it. Not even her sidekick was able to put themselves in her shoes. Being in love with an enemy…she was so ashamed of herself.
“It really was. She touched my hips.”
“Wow, how terrible,” the sidekick replied bored. The sarcasm was thick enough to make the hero even more cranky.
“You’re really not helping.”
“What do you want me to do?” She looked up and stared at her sidekick who was sipping on (presumably) tea. They looked calm, completely disinterested even.
“I don’t know. It’s forbidden, so— I don’t know, tell me she’s ugly,” the hero rambled. Suddenly, she felt the all too well known blush on her cheeks.
“We’ll, she isn’t—” The hero buried her face in the pillow once again because yes, she wasn’t. She was strong and smart and pretty and independent and so, so, so self-confident.
“No, she isn’t. I just…I can’t tell her. This will pass.” Suddenly, the sidekick laughed and the hero almost got offended. It wasn’t fair. Every other hero fell in love with other superheroes but she had to fall for the villain…
“Listen to you, you think this will pass?”
“Maybe. With a lot of luck,” the hero said quietly.
“Jesus fucking— do you even hear yourself?” The sidekick set down the cup and walked over to her. Once they were at the couch, they crouched down. “You gotta tell her how you feel.”
“But the rules—” The hero looked up.
“Which rules? Who says that you’re not allowed to fall in love with someone?” the sidekick asked.
“Tell her. This won’t go away. You’ll be heartbroken and turn into something very disgusting and evil and I’m not interested in explaining to my friends why I am still running after you when that happens.”
The hero was perplexed. She didn’t find the right answer for that. Instead, a whole new problem developed.
“What if she doesn’t feel the same way?”
Now, the sidekick — who’d seen both of them flirting with each other for months — was speechless.
The hero was smart but she was apparently very oblivious regarding love.
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