#malnutrition schemes
indizombie · 2 years
The top-down approach in the system adds to the problem. Giving a toolbox of policy interventions with requisite autonomy to the local government is a way to go forward. Adequate training of our existing healthcare workforce in nutrition is pertinent and will lead to better health outcomes. Unification of all malnutrition schemes into a single Ministry of Nutrition will help in consolidation of efforts and resources. The ministry should be made responsible for all nutrition-related interventions ranging from Anganwadi services scheme, mid-day meals to ration distribution. The establishment of a nutrition cadre at the village level to reduce the burden of nutrition interventions on overworked Anganwadi workers is an essential step.
‘Is India’s Economic Growth Hiding its Hunger Crisis?’, News18
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littlesmartart · 11 months
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DRAWTOBER #16 - a micro utopia born as the overture plays by tardigradeschool
Lan Xichen pauses before he speaks. He often does. “A-Yao, will you…?” There are any number of things that Lan Xichen might be about to say. He might be about to say, “A-Yao, will you cook breakfast while I bathe in the river?” But then, there is a gravity to his tone, and a flush on his cheeks. So perhaps it will be, “A-Yao, will you do that thing with your tongue?” Or even more thrillingly, “A-Yao, will you teach me how to do that thing with your tongue?” Lan Xichen does not say any of these things. He says, “A-Yao, will you marry me? If we both survive the war, will you marry me?” . Lan Xichen proposes before the war. Somehow, through the property of transitivity, Wei Wuxian becomes Meng Yao’s problem to solve.
usually I find AUs were Meng Yao chooses a relationship/marriage over joining the Jins somewhat unrealistic and a bit OOC, but this one somehow really just works. Meng Yao never stops being his sneaky, sharp, scheming self just because he becomes Lan Xichen's husband, and it gives us the wonderful trope of him winding up fixing half of canon's issues because LXC needs to be happy > therefore LWJ needs to be happy > therefore WWX needs to not be dying of malnutrition in the burial grounds. and we all know that Meng Yao's love language is Solve Your Problems For You. overall it's a very fun and sweet little AU that hits that very indulgent what if without patronising Meng Yao or disregarding his personality.
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rarepears · 2 months
Pr au where sqq gets sent traditional clothes from other countries likeee sqq In a ball gown? Sqq in a kimono? Sqq In a hanbok? Sqq in a filipiniana? Sqq in an ao dai? The system just keeps giving more and more outfits cause the ppl watching the show are like omg I wanna see sqq in my countries traditional clothes!
Shen Qingqiu tosses all those clothing into the back of his closest where all of Yue Qingyuan's gifted pieces of clothing lie. He's sticking to his very specific set of green outfits that he wears as Qing Jing peak lord. They were specially crafted to boost his aura to be more refined and untouchable (aka bulk up his upper body so he looks less like a gangling limpy noodle that was suffering from malnutrition all his childhood life.)
Also he criticizes he fabrics for being too cheap and the embroidery having too many mistakes and poorly matched color schemes.
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glitter-stained · 1 month
My very personal rating of every lazarus pit fanon side effects I've ever read, ranked from favourite to least favourite :
Tapetum lucidum (the thing cats have that makes their eyes gleam in the dark): that's so creepy and cool, eery in a more discreet way than a full-on glow, idk who hced that first but they are a genius
Contaminated blood laced with the lazarus protein: because our blood renews itself pretty often, this implies the existence of either a lazarus organ that continues to pump the lazarus protein in the blood, or, more probably, the contamination of one of the blood producing organs, maybe of the bone marrow, by the Lazarus pit. Like imagine the Lazarus Pit changing you down to the inside of your bone... The implications are so fascinating I'd love to read more about it.
Altered dna: this doesn't make sense, how does the magical healing pit change your dna, I love it so much, tell me more about the magic gatorade that rewrites dna
Accelerated healing/enhancements: what's funnier, that the pit gave Jason metahuman abilities like being able to withstand a meteorite and going toe-to-toe with Deathstroke (the wiki's words, not mine) and it was just never discussed, or that nothing Jason went through gave him these abilities that he really shouldn't have and he still does and it was just never discussed? I don't know but still, that stuff is top-tier
Glowing green eyes: on the one hand, eyes that glow when the person is feeling intense negative emotions (even better it's not just rage, like, imagine having a flashback or nightmare or getting fear toxined and their eyes glow and people think they're about to attack but they just scream that'd be so cool) but on the other hand, I feel like the colour is too limiting. Sure, Ra's or Riddler can fuck with the glowing green but come on, my girl Cass deserves eyes that glow gold (like the gold from the Batgirl suit). Jason deserves to have glowing red eyes. Cicero says that eyes are the reflection of the soul and while I love the idea of the lazarus pit being toxic, contaminating a part of the person's soul, in comics, a character's colour scheme is an essential part of their graphic identity, and I think altering it to the point of giving it a totally different colour is too much for my taste personally. Like, you are still the same person that you were before the bad thing happened. Yes, it changed you irrevocably, but you are still yourself and you should still have the right to your name and to the colour of your soul.
Lazarus Rage/Pit Madness: so I've seen this one criticized pretty often, often because of how unnecessary, and honestly probably damaging, to the understanding of Jason's character after his resurrection. And like, I agree, but also I've found myself to enjoy the fanon version of the Batfam. Like, I don't like that it's murky and confusing sometimes to figure out which is fanon or canon and that that leads people to judging canon actions from a standard of fanon information, and parts of it can be sexist or racist or classist, but the same can be said from canon, you have to be critical with what you consume. Basically to me there are two batfams and I consume both differently and enjoy both, and in the context of fanon I enjoy Pit Madness. The idea of uncontrollable, alien rage is fun, is angsty, and as someone with intense anger issues I'm telling you writing a lazarus rage episode was one of the most cathartic things I've ever written and it felt so good. I also think part of the upset on the subject is a bit undeserved because I see people complain that "the lazarus doesn't work like that because it didn't do that to other people" as if the way the lazarus pit worked made any sense. You're telling me this stuff healed Jason's malnutrition but it didn't fix his trauma? That it healed the Riddler's brain cancer but couldn't be bothered to fuck with Jason's hypertrophied amygdala and the fucked up connections between his amygdala and hippocampus??! Obviously we can't expect dc to know or care about science that much , but I still have the right to be nerdy about it. Jason went into the pit resurrected by God and with brain damage and Ra's said it was a plague and that could make him crazy, I fully believe he could have gotten Pit Madness even if the others hadn't.
Eye-colour change: that's the same thing as the glowing part but without the fun part, really dislike it. I need to be able to listen to I know these eyes/this man is dead from the Count of MonteCristo Musical while making up Under the Red Hood edits in my head please and thank you
Lazarus Pit brings people back to life: I hate it so much dc stop treating life and death so inconsequentially oh my gosh characters fighting life and death situations should not have a source of immortality right in hand I hate that lazarus resin lazarus toxin stuff they have right now and the idea that the pits can bring back to life plays into that idea so I really dislike it. I understand the appeal, it's the basics of coming back wrong with a side of rebirth in the water but instead of being purified it's being poisoned, but I just can't get over how frustrating it is to see a beloved character die and only be able to say I hope he doesn't come back for his own sake and then he comes back. Urgh.
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sillysayaka · 10 days
only conspiracy i ever subscribed to is that the war on carbs is a mass malnutrition scheme
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I was going to say this off anon but I have a second blog for iwtv and I don't want the og one out in the fandom kind of. But I never understood why people say Louis was abusive to lestat and the instances they point out are a) neglect b) not being affectionate c) withholding affection. Which like. Ok. Maybe my inexperience but I just don't think not giving love back in this instance is abusive. Because I genuinely do think he wasn't capable of love in those times. Like early on we see him lying to his family juggling 3 roles to spend time with lestat and shopping dates and what not. He was loving. And then HIS CHILD RAN AWAY. i don't think any caring parent is capable of love in that time. And then there's his malnutrition which ofc lowers his sex drive and the mental toll malnutrition takes is depression and anhedonia. But to call that manipulation??? To call that abuse?? Withholding affection as abuse in this case? Like mf What makes you think he was capable of love you can't deny something you don't have/aren't capable of!? His child is missing. His child is gone do you get it??? He's supposed to be making date plans??? Ik withholding affection and then lovebombing is a thing for abusers but ffs. He's depressed that's why he isn't loving when you're depressed you're literally not capable of it because your brain has drained all of it out WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITHHOLDING LOVE? Same with Armand. His child is dead. A part of Louis died with her. Is he supposed to be ffs. I don't want to type anymore. And ykw both these partners have the power to leave at any time. If you're not getting love that's what you do i get lestat why he wouldn't in America like he'd be pretty much alone and Armand always had that choice too. It's their specific personalities which made them stick with him but at the same time.my guy you're both more powerful than him fucking leave if it's so bad. But that's what love does and they stayed but at no point was it abusive on Louis' end?? At no point did it justify the abuse he's met with at lestat's or armand's hands??? And there's always intent behind abuse and if Louis' is not loving it's not because of some scheme. No his child is missing. The child.is also female and tiny we know what happens to them when they're alone how tf do you not get what state he'd be in?? And to expect love from him? And that's what's actually funny to me about both lestat and Armand like they really didn't think about what the loss of a child would mean to both their respective relationships with Louis. Like they really thought a parent could chill live laugh love with them while his child is gone. Ok. Sure why not. Um yea. Sorry for the long rant. Anyway I just don't think withholding affection applies to anyone here least of all Louis and never Louis no matter what the "pAtTeRn" is with him. No the pattern is depression brought on by the loss of his child. If you had actual brains you'd make that connection but no. No. Since this is the abusive partners yaoi show we have to see abuse where it isn't and minimize where it is. It'll be wonderful when Marius the guy who does loooooooove children will show up. Then we'll surely talk about love and loss and see the connections
ppl just made shit up bcuz they needed to soften lestat tbh. then armand to a degree too.
the angle never was "what are louis' partners doing to help him thru these bad times." it was always "louis isn't loving *them* enough!!" louis is also younger than *both* of them and comes from a different life experience which is still alive for him too, unlike their individual experiences and/or traumas. armand is still experiencing racism but it's not like the antiblackness louis and claudia face.......which then ends up in the trial too?! which *both* louis nb partners have a part in???
u bring up a good point for the marius angle too. this fandom makes me sick lol.
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localfanbaselurker · 2 months
Watching Voltron: Legendary Defender for the first time and recording my thoughts
S1-2 | S3 | S4 | you are here! | S6 | S7 | S8 |
This one is not as long because I literally finished it like two days ago as I write this so the thoughts are still simmering down but I need to remember them before I watch s6
Pre-S5 thoughts
-> I hope we get Keith back, his near sacrifice really scared me at the end of S4. I want my son back.
-> pLEASE let that poor girl get her father back. Oh my lord. Give him back. Pls. I can’t wait anymore. Will the real Sam Holt please stand up? Please stand up?
-> FRICK Lotor I know they’re probably gonna give him some backstory or whatever on him being a good guy but I DOOOOONNNNNNT CAAAAARRRREEEEEEEEE. I do NOT like him and they can never make me. he is EVIL and you cannot tell me otherwise.
->^“but laura-” idc. I don’t trust him. His voice is too American-Psyco-y. He is a little scheming cunty little elf. He’s onto something. He wants something out of this.
->^I will miss his team of lesbians tho. They ate.
->There seems to be a lot of hints towards allurance! I hope they get a good arc. They are very sweet!
-> I hope we see more of Matt! It’s like that one quote from Brooklyn 99. “I’ve only had [Matt] for [an episode and a half] but if anything were to happen to him, I’d kill everyone in this room, and then myself”
Post-S5 Thoughts
-> my suspicions of Shiro grew bigger and bigger as this season progressed. I think I have it figured out by now. 🔍🧐☕️
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->^Lotor low key ate her up with this
->^i think that’s her main arc: she needs to let go of the thought that all galra are evil (which she has fair reason to do so), as it is a war, and things aren’t all black and white. As much as I hate to admit it, I feel like having Lotor around this season will help her character development.
->^I wrote that at the beginning of s5, I was right, it did help a little (though then they brought up the fact that Lotor was half altean so maybe she just thinks he’s good because of that—let’s hope not)
->They did not, in fact, bring Keith back. Very upsetting.
->^That was an emotional episode for me. I cried when they didn’t find him in the “prison” thing and I cried again when Pidge ran into the hologram thing. They make me feel so weak. I was so happy when they got him back fr.
-> And then I cried again at the end of episode 3 cus he was like “I decided im leaving, good luck out there, kids”. Bawling.
->Speaking of episode 3… 🔍🧐
->^and episode 4…and episode 6… 🧐🧐🧐🧐
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->^me rn vs. you guys probably.
->^He’s 1) been listening to everything Lotor says, ignoring the team and going behind their back/without consulting them. And 2) Being uncharacteristically hostile to everyone. I swear I felt like I was reading a really OOC fanfic nearly the whole season.
->^Yes, Shiro is leader-y, but he also (s1-2) tended to listen to his team and have unserious moments. I feel like he’s lost all of that. And I think that last picture is all I need to know.
->(moving on)There seems to be a big focus on Lance this season (yay!) I really hope it’s not for the usual reasons characters get extra screen time (because I would die). I feel like they have been leading him to be the black paladin with how leader-y he has been this season but even if that’s not the case I do still feel they are going to do something really important with him for the next season and I am so excited to see what they are going to do with him! 😊
-> if Keith doesn’t leave the Backyard of Malnutrition next season im going to make myself go inside the show and personally take him out
->/j/j/j…or is it? ☕️🧐 (someone needs to take this emoji away from me it’s made me too powerful)
->^I was so shocked I literally slammed my computer shut (not that hard, im not a psycho dw)
->^HE GOT HIS MOM BACK!!! I cried after that episode because can you imagine? He just got her back and he thought she was dead/abandoned him for like his entire life. And now he has her back and oh my god I need to open ao3 where are those “first time calling <someone> mom/dad” one shots.
->^AND KROLIA. SHE JUST GOT HER BABY BACK!! Stop im fr crying as i type this. guys. Fuck. I genuinely can’t handle family-related stuff in shows like I will cry so hard. It doesn’t even have to happen on screen my brain just makes the scenarios for me and I obey and bawl my eyes out.
->They are trying to make me like Lotor and Allura together…it is almost working. Almost. I still don’t trust him. And I like allurance better.
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->^i just KNOW she was internally kicking her feet and giggling at this. “Then you’re…🤔😯 Half altean 🤭🤭😍😍😍”
->^speaking of that ep, I was sooooo happy for Allura because she finally found a way to still be connected with her dad/culture after having to lose him in s1 and not being able to pilot red in s3, absolutely overjoyed for my best girl!! 🤍🩷🤍
->I absolutely LOVED episode five’s subplots. We have: A-plot) Keith+ his mom going on a mission together, B) Lotor +Allura finding altean stuff in Haggar’s lair, and C) my personal favorite, The garrison trio getting up to shenanigans with a galra robot thing.
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->^Later Pala-dudes is my hero, too, lance
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->^^Look at those dorks. I love them so much.
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->^See this is proof that Lotor is actually Evil™️ and Not Good™️ because he immediately went to violence and trying to fight to greedily get what he wanted while Allura saw the right path and allowed the secrets to be shared with her willingly in this essay I will-
->When is Lotor gonna find out his mom is haggar?? Hopefully s6 cus I can’t take this anymore. the evidence is RIGHT THERE, bucko. Figure it out already.
->If they want me to like Lotor they better work extra hard next season. I’m beginning, BEGINNING, to actually, kinda-sorta-maybe actually like him. BEGINNING! And it is a rough start at that. But im defrosting my built-up dislike for him. It’s a burn slower than 300k words but it’s getting there. They’re gonna hold hands any chapter now.
These are thoughts I’ve been compiling for a while. I will continue to post my thoughts on the tag “laura’s first vld”
I finished Season 5 on 07/13/24. I have not yet started season 6. Stay tuned!
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
'Some [drow chose] to [leave the Underdark for] aboveground, feeling that the constant pressure for survival would be relaxed in a world where food, water, and space were abundant.' [...] 'Primarily, the drow on the surface wish to survive. After centuries of living in a harsh subterranean environment, they have moved to a place where food and water are plentiful and predators are more easily recognized. No longer do they have to cluster in great cities that become pits of corruption, oppression, and despair. Now they can spread out and sample the strange delights of the surface world. [And then, according to most of them, conquer it.]' - Lords of Darkness (3.5e)
And some people say I'm crazy when I say that there are multiple signs, when comparing drow to every other elf, of stress-related health issues and very probable malnutrition.
(Of course once you revoke Lolth's custody rights, Vhaeraun will take over as chief drow deity, and then the drow will actually stop stabbing each other in stupid schemes to keep their deity from killing them and the Ilythiiri will be back in form, and the surface might be ever-so-lightly fucked.)
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thelandofbritain · 9 months
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Broken Britain: poverty, malnutrition, foodbanks, sewage in our rivers and coastal waters, children undernourished through the fall in living standards and cost of living crisis...
Yet we can afford to "cut inheritance tax" for the rich, pay fat dividends to wealthy shareholders and huge salaries to failing executives, waste money on costly Rwanda schemes that don't work, and let some inbred old fool with a million pound hat sit on a golden throne and give us speeches about how we should live our lives.
You couldn't make it up...
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
Hopefully you haven't answered this before (if you have I apologize).
See, I've been following your blog for months now, because the concept of this IF is fascinating. Yet, I have not read any of the most recent updates. Not due to me having any complain about your writing of any thing of that sort. But there is something (which is totally a me problem) that has made me stop reading. And I suppose I prefer to ask so I can finally allow myself to continue reading and playing this IF, rather than just keep myself in the dark for no reason.
When I was creating my character, I was going for a himbo (in the past, at least, I don't see much of a chance to be one in the present, at least for the earliest parts I remember reading). So, as tall and muscular as the game allowed. And dating Grant, although that's irrelevant for this ask.
Then, I'm shocked when Dime sees his current reflection. From a muscular guy to a gaunt one. And that threw me for a loop. Like, I began obsessing over such a body change for a while.
For instance, given how tall my Dime is, that means he probably spent years building muscle mass. So, the tragedy only grows. Not only he has been tortured, and his reflection is unfamiliar, but also years of work are gone.
Well, I've said to myself. I understand this decision. It obviously is meant to be a shock, and it was that indeed. Then, I began to wonder. Why did they let Dime get to this point, if they were planning using him for undercover missions. Wouldn't it make sense to allow him to be in a better physical condition? Or does the juice fix that part? Or...
Well, I began asking myself many questions. But I stopped myself, took a breather and decided to continue. After all, you often get answer in stories if you continue reading. Most of the time. Hopefully.
Then, we get a scene where we can use gym equipment. I don't remember exactly why or how. But I remember a character taking pleasure on looking at my shirtless MC. And now I'm again spiraling. What does that mean? If MC is gaunt, that means he looks like a person with malnutrition, right? Like, enough to be alarming, right? So where is the lust coming from? Is MC delusional, and still muscular? Like, they have body dismorphia thanks to the torture? Or am I exaggerating with my comprehsension of the word gaunt, and you just meant a lot of muscle mass and fat was lost, but Dime was still in shape? So, going from Bodybuilder/Football/Rugby player physique (is what I imagined) to marathon runner (so still defined muscle, but very skinny)? Or instead of marathon runner to a twink?
You probably would say at this point that I'm overthinking this for no reason. But the thing is, after that scene, I have been unable to continue reading. I feel too bad for my Dime, and have to many questions to actually concentrate on what is going on. And then time passed, so now I have to begin again because I don't remember a lot of things (except the scenes from the past, because they still haunt me, good job at that; and the overthinking about Dime's body).
Everything came to a halt when I saw a recent ask about playing a towering muscular Dime who is about to cry at any second. Because, while the ask presented this as an hypothetical, it shot me directly to my thought spiral.
So I've come here to ask: Is Dime having body dismorphia? Or, on the contrary, can Dime recover their previous physique as the story goes on, enough that such an hypothetical is possible to be presented? Or, perchance, is a bit of both?
The only thing I'm certain, as of now, is that I've been overthinking this way too much. And that I have debated myself about asking this for months now, but always decided against it because it seems so unimportant in the big scheme of things. I'm also aware I sound deranged. Yet, I have to know. I want to read the rest of this IF of yours, and I cannot do it if I don't get an answer.
That said, feel free to ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable for any reasons. Also, don't take it as a criticism of your work or as me asking for you to make any change. This is entirely a me issue, that I have rudely loaded onto you. You don't owe me anything.
Sorry for the length as well.
Firstly: don't apologise for the length! It's really flattering when people put such huge amounts of thought into something I wrote!
Secondly: Honestly, you've highlighted a slight oversight. Dime isn't skeletal but depending on height definitely looks underweight. They're kind of wiry though, and even with low guts are stronger than they look: Mal doesn't really mind that they're over-skinny cause Mal just sort of. Admires bodies (and flirts for fun). However, I've made a note for myself to add an option for Dime to react in a way that's more on the lines of "you're mocking me. I look malnourished". It won't be included for a while but it makes sense to me.
Third: Yes, there will be opportunity/ies for Dime to get back to a more healthy weight.
Fourth: Hypothesis views the powers > the physical condition. CG does not agree with this. Either way, Dime spent a considerable time being heavily neglected and certainly didn't get to exercise much. Although their treatment eventually improved, it wasn't enough to reverse the previous damage. (Also, if it wasn't for the Juice, Dime definitely wouldn't be in any kind of shape to do the things they're doing)
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nokmietarchive · 1 year
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[EDIT: HEY thank u for checking out our girls!! these designs are a little outdated though; be sure to check out my fwend daisy's character sheet version!! >:3]
NICKELODEON TOOK MY WEIRD GIRLS FROM ME AND ILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM anyways heres me and my friends fan-designs for Frida and unnamed sister who we have named Georgia!! Georgia's design is by @keeperesque i just rottmnt-ified it :3 i added some loose headcanons/thoughts under a readmore cuz it got long
We like to imagine Frida is older and possibly the eldest, while Georgia is on the younger side and possibly the youngest.
Frida I think knows how to use the spears that we see Big Mama's footsoldiers wielding. It would also suit her distant and rigid upbringing/personality. But I think she'd be actually super super good at hand to hand combat, specifically disarming others and using their offensive moves against them. It'd be fun to see her spar with the boys like in my mind she would COOOOOK in fight scenes. I'm not super sold on her color scheme yet (im notoriously bad at colors lol) but I wanted to just get the design out there.
We had to make up a lot for Georgia since we don't know a lot about her except she was lost in an isolated dimension. We imagine she was surviving tooth and nail in a universe that the Krang had already taken over, so the remains of a bunch of mortals turned to goop. We thought kamas would be suitable for her because they're multipurpose for climbing around in uncertain terrain, but also could have a fun unpredictable whirlwind technique to match her zany personality
OH ONE MORE THING ABOUT GEORGIA she's based on a diamondback terrapin but specifically her shell has pyramiding on it which usually only occurs when a terrapin is suffering from malnutrition!! just a really fun detail my friends came up with :3
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gortash 1, 6, 7
zeke 3, 4, 5
(hi! i realised i had this finished but it was rotting in my drafts so i’m gonna queue this for my short absence lol.) i mean. gortash isn’t an oc but sure why not lol. you can always send me asks about him actually <3
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
just sitting still? not a problem. his problem comes with finding something like this to be an utterly wasteful way to spend your time. i think even when he gets done with work for the day earlier than planned (which doesn’t happen often because his plans are so meticulous. usually some incident like someone he was meeting with unexpectedly not being able to attend was the cause here which he. doesn’t like because interruptions in schedule bad lol) he usually finds some other way to be productive. (like spending time in his workshop or drawing for example.)
but uh. how long would he be able to sit still? if a plan of his for some reason required him to sit still and do nothing for a fucking week, he’d gnash his teeth about it but he’d be able to do that and much more—everything that’s necessary will be done. otherwise? you absolutely will not catch him just lounging around lmao.
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
definitely immovable 100%. there’s just a teeny tiny problem with this—this applies to his system only, his way of viewing the world, his values and laws for himself and the laws and values he inherently imposes on others. he considers himself a man who does whatever is necessary, and more importantly the only one who is capable of actually deciding on and carrying out order. judge, jury and executioner, y’know. his word is law and his word is what he will stick to until the very end and everyone else better follow suit if they don’t want to be mentally branded as a mistake by him lol. i think he sees it as there being a universal way the world should work, which is the system of the machine with him as the core, it’s just everyone else that doesn’t see this ‘truth’ at the moment & needs fixing.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
to me, gortash is a man of the future. yes, he does so enjoy taking his trophies from past conquests and yes, he does not forget the past, dissecting and learning is a process that includes his past as well as others’ he so loves to dissect and use in his schemes, but i simply don’t see him as someone who would ever wallow in feelings like nostalgia. it’s not even that he doesn’t want to, he just doesn’t experience it in the first place.
to sort of illustrate what i mean: i think he definitely remembers his coronation to become archduke as a grand stepping stone in his plan and all, but that’s what being a man of the future and baldur’s gate’s saviour means, it’s exactly that—a stepping stone for more. he won’t simply rest on the steps now when he has so many more to climb. and when you’re at the top of the stairs, there is no need to look back either.
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
not at all uhhhhhh. only joking. well. only half-joking? zeke, due to his paranoia about everything surrounding gortash, the nightmares that result from that & just his nature as someone who never fucking stops being on his feet, has insane troubles sleeping. with his severe malnutrition and lack of sleep just result in the biggest eye bags known to man. more like eye trenches or whatever.
anyways, the solution is just uhm. going so hard until he eventually passes out and then repeat that process. 😬. later on when he does finally trust his companions enough to eat a bit around them, shadowheart laces his food with a sleeping potion because she hasn’t seen him rest for more than half an hour consecutively and he understandably gets triggered (gortash never put mind-altering drugs into zeke’s food, stuff made him sick for example was what was commonly used instead, because he needs him to be aware of his own suffering to enjoy it, but. still.) because of it. so. not ideal.
4. How easy is it to earn their trust? & 5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
i’m just gonna combine these into one bigger answer hope that’s okay 👍 so, every single thing starts out with lots of mistrust from zeke lmao. and yes, i don’t just mean every person, i mean everything, even objects he has never seen before or shit like that. but there’s still multiple levels of mistrust, there’s again the basic mistrust everyone gets, and then there’s mistrust as in ‘you’ve given me a sign (and this truly might be fucking nothing. it most often is nothing. this boy is insane) that you’re working for gortash and i am now immediately killing you’ 😬 and then there’s of course the ‘AAAAHHHHHH WHAT ARE YOU’ level exclusively reserved for mr gortash himself.
to gain his trust, you have to approach it a little bit like you would with a feral kitten except a lot more careful because this thing can actually kill you before you even know that he went for the killing blow if you do something wrong. you have to essentially let him sniff you out, sometimes metaphorically and sometimes literally, assure him that you’re not a threat to him. no sudden movements, loud noises or other similar actions and you’ll be good. he’ll still be on high alert, but is out of ‘kill once it gets within 10 metres’ mode lmao. and that’s basically it. building trust with him is an extremely slow, hard & painful (most often for the party that isn’t zeke) process and honestly? it’s not worth it considering YOU can never fully trust him not to suddenly feel his entire being scream to hunt & kill you. i’ve made this comparison before but it’s essentially like one of those people on taking an animal like a lynx or a chimpanzee into their home. they’ll probably get used to you and maybe even trust you, but they’re still wild animals at the end of the day. wild animals who can and will, if you’re not careful, severely hurt or even kill you if. zeke is the wild and the wild is zeke and all haha.
the methods to earn his trust and mistrust are both not very complex, but while earning his trust is a slow, never sure and stable thing, earning his mistrust is quick and very, very easy in comparison. once again, just one sign that you’re a threat, one wrong movement at the wrong time and you’re out. and this behaviour is just his base instincts as the apex predator and all. like how i described earlier, zeke also has SO many gortash related triggers on top of all that already. for example, telling him that his eyes are beautiful! they just are objectively extraordinary, so you most likely just want to genuinely compliment him! it’s rough. zeke is awful. end essay.
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milkmynk · 2 months
Munto, small rant, spoilers
The fandom is probably DEAD-dead (if it ever really existed at all), but I really think Kyoani fumbled the ball on the third arc of this series.
Honestly the whole series works off vibes rather than logic, but at least it made some sense until the third arc. - Like... Ichiko / Suzume, what was your plan really when you climbed the Ferris wheel... Like... Yumemi jumped off the wheel cause Munto was gonna catch her, all that's gonna catch you two is the hard, cold, unfeeling ground. How have y'all survived till 14 yo?? - Also, the worldbuilding is just plain... I mean, it's not ridiculous per se but also yes it pretty much is. Like, ok, there's this race of beings who can use human thoughts / emotions / spirit as magical energy with no seeming cost to the humans themselves. Cool, it's virtually a free, infinite energy glitch. And then, these mighty beings chooses to...... Destroy / trample over the source of their power themselves. =w= Absolute big-brain move, 10/10, braincells are clearly on vacay. - Besides which... I cannot see this ending well. Absolute power corrupts, and Munto / Yumemi aren't going to be around forever. Who's to say that in one or two generations, the Heavenly People won't grow conceited in their power again and just restart the whole damned cycle?
I get that Yumemi is 14 yo and probably not really able to think things through yet, and props to Munto for not hiding the ugly truth of the Heavenly World from Yumemi (I'll give him a tentative pass for only revealing it after Yumemi is already safely in his grasp and doesn't really have anywhere to go other than to commit to the path, he was stressed for time all the while before). But also??????????
It's like taking out a small loan (everyone says Earth would be destroyed at the same time that the Heavenly World falls, but really all we've seen are some earthquakes from "rocks" falling from the sky), without worrying about what it could snowball into (possible enslavement of the entire human race, or full-out war between the humans and the heavenly people). Like... ????????
- Not even getting into the whole "as long as I believe in it, the world will become more beautiful" thing... I mean... it's a shoujo anime so...
Probably a bunch of others but eh.
Also, in the grand scheme of things this is a tiny nitpick but I really did not enjoy Munto's design in the third arc. I know that the series was made over a long span of time and KyoAni's artstyle evolved over that period of time... But, mmm. Munto's design in the third arc wasn't kingly. He was princely. (A bit of a baka-ouji if I'm to be honest...)
VS Munto's design in the first and second arc, besides the painful choice in clothes (I guess they were trying to make him look space-age-y), the wildness of his features contrasted very nicely with the seriousness of his demeanor. Like, first two arcs, he felt like a king. A young, scrawny (malnutrition from lack of Akuto? is that why he shot up in height after a couple years in an Akuto-rich environment, LOL) and somewhat impetuous king, but there was this... heavy weight on his shoulders, which befit his backstory.
They tamed down both his wildness and his seriousness in the third arc, which really... Ok he really was a baka-ouji in the third arc. What was that deal with the sailor uniforms?? MY DUDE, HAVE YOU BEEN STUDYING HUMAN CULTURE BY WATCHING SAILORMOON?? WHY IS THIS FIGHTING ATTIRE IN YOUR BOOK???
I'm not going to lie, I still really love the Munto / Yumemi ship, this was one of my teenaged self's OTPs. Even now, with all the glaring plotholes, lack of worldbuilding, and just overly heavy exposition (they try to make use of a lot of parallel analogies but it comes across as teenage angsty drama... I'm old now I guess), I still really love their contrasting yet overlapping personalities.
Ugh. Rant over.
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mariacallous · 6 months
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Mango the flipper feet pup has rescue commitment! He’s Orynko’s color scheme twin but presumably she is past land shark time. They don’t know why his feet are like that - old injury, malnutrition (rickets?), or congenital deformity. I don’t think rickets bc he’s not weak on them - he chased the ball and jumped on me and got removed from playgroup to have some cool down time bc he’s a high energy 6 month old puppy!
Oh, believe me, Orynko is NOT past land shark time!
He's so cute!
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Dust in the Wind
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50441665 by Soren_Quill While Stephen Strange looks through the timelines he starts to care for his teammates as he lives through the timelines. He uses the time stone to look past the events of endgame and sees what happens to Peter after Tony dies. He decides that Peter shouldn’t have to go through that much pain and have everyone forget who he is. Stephen ends up creating an off the wall scheme to send Peter to another dimension by rigging a spell that is fueled by the energy of The Snaps. When he does this Peter is bonded to the Soul Stone and brings ghostly hitchhikers along for the ride. Peter must now navigate his way through a new universe as he goes through new changes and difficulties. Words: 1205, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Nick Fury, Gamora (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Peter Quill, Mantis (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Barbara Gordon, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Shuri (Marvel), T’challa (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Matt Murdock, Wade Wilson Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Batfamily Members & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker Has Issues, Peter Parker is haunted, Peter Parker is Trying His Best, Peter Parker in Gotham, Peter Parker meets the bats, the bat family - Freeform, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Found Family, ”Slaps Peter’s shoulder like a car” you can fit so much trauma in this kid, Malnutrition, in the past not actively happening, Lazarus Pit (DCU), Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Peter Parker Acts Like a Spider, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, BAMF Peter Parker, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Team Red (Marvel), Deadpool Is His Own Warning, Red Hood is his own warning read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50441665
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brookston · 7 hours
Holidays 9.24
aHus Awareness Day
Armed Forces Day (Peru)
Arts & Aging Day (Canada)
Banned Website Awareness Day
Bluebird of Happiness Day
Brooklyn Dodgers Memorial Day
Chestnut Day (French Republic)
Dating Day
Do Impressions of Famous People Around the Office Day
Festival of the Latest Novelties
Fête de la Citoyenneté (New Caledonia Day; New Caledonia)
Fidelity Day
Gallbladder Good Health Day
Heritage Day (South Africa)
International Doodle Dog Day
International Grab Hand Day
Jim Henson Day
José Yulo Day (Calamba, Philippines)
Kiss Day
Lady of Mercedes Day (Dominican Republic)
La Mercè (Barcelona, Spain)
Lash Stylists’ Day
Mahidol Day (Thailand)
Moose Day
National Bluebird of Happiness Day
National Braai Day (South Africa)
National Collagen Day
National Day of Arts in Care Homes (UK)
National Day of Birmingham
National Familial Hypercholesterolemia Day
National Farmers’ Day (Indonesia)
National Firefighter Suicide Awareness Day
National Monument Day
National Professional Baseball Day
National Punctuation Day
National Service Scheme Day (India)
National Youth Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
New Caledonia Day
Porsche 924 Day
Prince Mahidol Day
Republic Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
Sanma Day (Vanuatu)
Santa Cruz Day (Bolivia)
Transatlantic Telephone Day
World Bollywood Day
World Cancer Research Day
World Day Against Software Patents
World Day of Thyroid Cancer
World Gorilla Day
World Wasp Day
Worldwide Day of Play (Nickelodeon)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherries Jubilee Day
National Horchata Day
National Mofongo Day
World Chutney Day
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Cambodia)
Guinea-Bissau (from Portugal, 1973)
4th & Last Tuesday in September
National Voter Registration Day [4th Tuesday]
National Woman Road Warrior Day [4th Tuesday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Target Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tater Tot Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tell the Truth Tuesday [4th Tuesday of Each Month]
Thai Tuesday [4th Tuesday of Each Month]
Teriyaki Tuesday [Last Tuesday of Each Month]
Transformation Tuesday [Last Tuesday of Each Month]
Trivia Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Two For Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
World Interaction Day [Last Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 24 (4th Full Week of September)
Malnutrition Awareness Week (thru 9.30)
National Fall Foliage Day (thru 9.30)
National Pickled Peppers Week (thru 9.30)
National Roller Skating Week (thru 9.30)
National Wild Rice Week (thru 9.30)
Religious Freedom Week (thru 9.30)
Festivals Beginning September 24, 2024
Odesa Classics (Bremen, Germany) [thru 9.29]
United Solo Theatre Festival (New York, New York) [thru 11.17]
Feast Days
Almarcon (Positivist; Saint)
Anathalon (in Brescia; Christian; Saint)
Antoine-Louis Barye (Artology)
Antonio Gonzalez (Christian; Saint)
Carson Van Osten (Artology)
Chuniald (a.k.a. Conald; Christian; Saint)
Cocktail Day (Pastafarian)
David Drake (Writerism)
Eleanor Catton (Writerism)
Elizabeth Blackadder (Artology)
Émilie Gamelin (Canada; Christian; Blessed)
Feast of Maiso (pre-existent Mother Goddess; Brazil)
Feast of Our Lady of Mercy
Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham (UK)
Feast of Ungathering (Medieval England)
Festival of Nafulectu Dilxiln (Black Big Spider; San Carlos Apache, Arizona)
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Writerism)
Gerard of Csanád (Christian; Saint)
Germer (a.k.a. Geremar; Christian; Saint)
Ham Fisher (Artology)
Horace Walpole (Writerism)
Ilgvars Zalāns (Artology)
Jack Gaughan (Artology)
Jim Henson Day (Muppetism)
Libra zodiac sign begins
Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari (Iran)
Obatala Day (West Africa; Everyday Wicca)
Our Lady of Mercedes Day (Dominican Republic)
Our Lady of Mercy and its related observance (Christian)
Our Lady of Ransom (Mercedarians)
Our Lady of Walsingham (Church of England)
Pacificus of San Severino (Christian; Saint)
Prince Mahidol Day and Education for Humanity (Thailand)
Richard K. Morgan (Writerism)
Rowlf the Dog (Muppetism)
Rupert of Salzburg (Christian; Saint) [Austria]
Rusticus (a.k.a. Rotiri), Bishop of Auvergne (Christian; Saint)
Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving (Pennsylvania Dutch; Silesian Reformation)
Stephen Mueller (Artology)
Teddy Ruxpin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
William Dobell (Artology)
Yemaya’s Day (Pagan)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
An Adventure in Color (Disney Animated TV Special; 1961)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV Series; 2013)
The Big Bang Theory (TV Series; 2007)
Black-ish (TV Series; 2014)
Blood Sugar Sex Magik, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album; 1991)
Boris Goes For Broke or A Friend in Need is a Fiend Indeed (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 216; 1963)
Boy Meets World (TV Series; 1993)
Brand New Day, by Sting (Album; 1999)
Caress of Steel, by Rush (Album; 1975)
Chuck (TV Series; 2007)
Come Sail Away, by Styx (Song; 1977)
Constantine (TV Series; 2014)
Crowin’ Pains (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1962)
Daffy Duck’s Quackbusters (WB Cartoon Compilation Film; 1988)
Dazed and Confused (Film; 1993)
Dear Evan Hansen (Film; 2021)
Dharma & Greg (TV Series; 1997)
The Dixie Fryer (WB MM Cartoon; 1960)
A Feud There Was (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
First Daughter (Film; 2004)
Fur of Flying (WB LT Cartoon; 2010)
Growing Pains (TV Series; 1985)
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (Animated Film; 2014)
Jailhouse Rock, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (Animated Film; 2010)
The Long Run, by The Eagles (Album; 1979)
Mathmagicland (Disney Animated TV Special; 1961)
Mister Rock and Roll (Film; 1957)
Mumford (Film; 1999)
The Munsters (TV Series; 1964)
The Name of the Rose (Film; 1986)
Nevermind, by Nirvana (Album; 1991)
1999, by Prince (Album; 1982)
The Odd Couple (TV Show; 1970)
Peyton Place, by Grace Metalious (Novel; 1956)
Porky in Wackyland (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Practical Yolk (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 19626
The Razors Edge, by AC/DC (Album; 1990)
Scooby-Doo! Mecha Mutt Menace (WB Animated Film; 2013)
School Boy Dreams (Phantasies Cartoon; 1940)
60 Minutes (TV Series; 1968)
Shaun of the Dead (Film; 2004)
Six O’Clock Low or Bullwinkle Gets the Point (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 215; 1963)
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, recorded by The Platters (Song; 1958)
Star Trek: Discovery (TV Series; 2017)
Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans (WB Animated Film; 2019)
Teeny Weeny Meany (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1966)
Tears of a Clown, by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles (Song; 1970)
That Thing You Do, by The Wonders (Song; 1996)
Thinking Out Loud, by Ed Sheeran (Song; 2014)
Three Days of the Condor (Film; 1975)
Underdog vs. Overcat, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 3 & 4; 1966)
Where the Red Fern Grows, by Wilson Rawls (Novel; 1961)
Zippo Flame App (iPhone App; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Gerhard, Hermann, Rupert, Virgil (Austria)
Anatolij, Antun, Rupert (Croatia)
Jaromír (Czech Republic)
Tecla (Denmark)
Alvar, Alver, Alvo (Estonia)
Alvar, Auno (Finland)
Thècle (France)
Gerhard, Rupert, Virgil (Germany)
Kopros, Mirsini, Mirto, Persefoni, Persis, Thekla (Greece)
Gellért, Mercédesz (Hungary)
Pacifico, Terenzio (Italy)
Agris, Agrita, Knuts (Latvia)
Gedvinas, Gedvinė, Gerardas (Lithuania)
Jan, Jens (Norway)
Gerard, Gerarda, Gerhard, Maria, Teodor, Tomir, Uniegost (Poland)
Ľubor, Ľuboš (Slovakia)
Gerardo, Mercedes (Spain)
Gerhard, Gert (Sweden)
Rostyslava, Thekla, Thecla, Volodyslav (Ukraine)
Eartha, Ertha, Herta, Hertha, Mercedes, Mercy, Scot, Scott, Scottie, Scotty (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 268 of 2024; 98 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of Week 39 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 22 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 21 Elul 5784
Islamic: 20 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 28 Gold; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 11 September 2024
Moon: 50%: 3rd Quarter
Positivist: 16 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Mme. Roland]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 3 of 90)
Week: 4th Full Week of September
Zodiac: Libra (Day 2 of 30)
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