#Cassandra cain headcanon
Tim mimics how Cass walks and carries herself so that the two of them are always in sync.
It's the scariest fucking thing for Bruce to witness when he walks out of the Cave- sleep deprived and halfway hallucinating- to see twin shadows glide across the hallways
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glitter-stained · 1 month
My very personal rating of every lazarus pit fanon side effects I've ever read, ranked from favourite to least favourite :
Tapetum lucidum (the thing cats have that makes their eyes gleam in the dark): that's so creepy and cool, eery in a more discreet way than a full-on glow, idk who hced that first but they are a genius
Contaminated blood laced with the lazarus protein: because our blood renews itself pretty often, this implies the existence of either a lazarus organ that continues to pump the lazarus protein in the blood, or, more probably, the contamination of one of the blood producing organs, maybe of the bone marrow, by the Lazarus pit. Like imagine the Lazarus Pit changing you down to the inside of your bone... The implications are so fascinating I'd love to read more about it.
Altered dna: this doesn't make sense, how does the magical healing pit change your dna, I love it so much, tell me more about the magic gatorade that rewrites dna
Accelerated healing/enhancements: what's funnier, that the pit gave Jason metahuman abilities like being able to withstand a meteorite and going toe-to-toe with Deathstroke (the wiki's words, not mine) and it was just never discussed, or that nothing Jason went through gave him these abilities that he really shouldn't have and he still does and it was just never discussed? I don't know but still, that stuff is top-tier
Glowing green eyes: on the one hand, eyes that glow when the person is feeling intense negative emotions (even better it's not just rage, like, imagine having a flashback or nightmare or getting fear toxined and their eyes glow and people think they're about to attack but they just scream that'd be so cool) but on the other hand, I feel like the colour is too limiting. Sure, Ra's or Riddler can fuck with the glowing green but come on, my girl Cass deserves eyes that glow gold (like the gold from the Batgirl suit). Jason deserves to have glowing red eyes. Cicero says that eyes are the reflection of the soul and while I love the idea of the lazarus pit being toxic, contaminating a part of the person's soul, in comics, a character's colour scheme is an essential part of their graphic identity, and I think altering it to the point of giving it a totally different colour is too much for my taste personally. Like, you are still the same person that you were before the bad thing happened. Yes, it changed you irrevocably, but you are still yourself and you should still have the right to your name and to the colour of your soul.
Lazarus Rage/Pit Madness: so I've seen this one criticized pretty often, often because of how unnecessary, and honestly probably damaging, to the understanding of Jason's character after his resurrection. And like, I agree, but also I've found myself to enjoy the fanon version of the Batfam. Like, I don't like that it's murky and confusing sometimes to figure out which is fanon or canon and that that leads people to judging canon actions from a standard of fanon information, and parts of it can be sexist or racist or classist, but the same can be said from canon, you have to be critical with what you consume. Basically to me there are two batfams and I consume both differently and enjoy both, and in the context of fanon I enjoy Pit Madness. The idea of uncontrollable, alien rage is fun, is angsty, and as someone with intense anger issues I'm telling you writing a lazarus rage episode was one of the most cathartic things I've ever written and it felt so good. I also think part of the upset on the subject is a bit undeserved because I see people complain that "the lazarus doesn't work like that because it didn't do that to other people" as if the way the lazarus pit worked made any sense. You're telling me this stuff healed Jason's malnutrition but it didn't fix his trauma? That it healed the Riddler's brain cancer but couldn't be bothered to fuck with Jason's hypertrophied amygdala and the fucked up connections between his amygdala and hippocampus??! Obviously we can't expect dc to know or care about science that much , but I still have the right to be nerdy about it. Jason went into the pit resurrected by God and with brain damage and Ra's said it was a plague and that could make him crazy, I fully believe he could have gotten Pit Madness even if the others hadn't.
Eye-colour change: that's the same thing as the glowing part but without the fun part, really dislike it. I need to be able to listen to I know these eyes/this man is dead from the Count of MonteCristo Musical while making up Under the Red Hood edits in my head please and thank you
Lazarus Pit brings people back to life: I hate it so much dc stop treating life and death so inconsequentially oh my gosh characters fighting life and death situations should not have a source of immortality right in hand I hate that lazarus resin lazarus toxin stuff they have right now and the idea that the pits can bring back to life plays into that idea so I really dislike it. I understand the appeal, it's the basics of coming back wrong with a side of rebirth in the water but instead of being purified it's being poisoned, but I just can't get over how frustrating it is to see a beloved character die and only be able to say I hope he doesn't come back for his own sake and then he comes back. Urgh.
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soulless-bex · 4 months
the entire batfam is queer in some way. no question there. but also, at least half of them are aspec in some way
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fluffy-anna · 4 months
Stephanie brown, aka Batgirl aka spoiler, aka my favorite girl. Wallpaper. Hope you like it <3
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@forestwanderingsapphic hope you like it (I remembered 🏌🏼)
Cassandra Wayne (Cain) wallpaper.
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brokenstar28 · 8 months
Ok, new (I think) Cassandra Cain head canon!
Ok, here me out.
Cass does not like to watch live action movies, she can read the actors body language and tell it is fake, and it takes the fun out of it, she cannot stop seeing it and it frustrates her, so, instead, she will watch animated movies with Dick and Damian.
(Damian and Cass both love Zootopia)
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big-bat-bitch · 2 years
Wayne Family and Galas Headcanon
I actually have an opinion that not all of the Waynes totally abhor galas like they are usually depicted as in fanon. Here are some of my thoughts on who does and does not like Rich People PartiesTM:
Bruce: Usually hates them, but likes that he can use his “Brucie” persona to fuck with people he doesn’t like and embarrass his kids.
Dick: Loves them. He gets to dress up all fancy and watch a bunch of other fancily dressed people. Rich people are total freaks, and getting to listen to the wacky shit that comes out of their mouths is better than any sitcom. It’s almost as good as a circus.
Jason: Hates them. Everybody there can go eat rocks as far as he is concerned. The only good parts are when he inevitably causes a scene by absolutely bodying some smug, rich, racist bastard for making a rude comment against him or his siblings and he is forcibly removed by security. This happens at every single function. Jason is not sure why Bruce keeps forcing him to attend. The Wayne family lawyers and PR team are tired. Also, the food is served in ridiculously small portions and that fucking sucks.
Cass: Like them for similar reasons to Dick. She loves getting dressed up - it makes her feel like one of the princesses in the animated movies that Dick loves so much. Her favorite part is getting to dance with her family. She especially loves that Bruce always makes sure to put away his Brucie persona to do a Father-Daughter dance with her. She also always wears a pair of beautiful pearl earrings that Bruce gave her when he adopted her. They were once a part of his mother’s favorite necklace (you know the one).
Tim: Doesn’t care for them, but usually doesn’t despise them like some of his siblings. They were a pretty routine part of his childhood, so he is fairly desensitized to the glitz and glam. He is a pro at dealing with insufferable socialites and tends to be on damage control for his siblings.
Duke: At first the idea of attending rich people parties caused him a lot of anxiety, but after his first one, he came to love them much like Dick. Rich people are so fucking strange. It’s like getting to go to the zoo but the animals are trying to share their opinion on social reform with you. Absolutely bonkers. 10/10 entertainment.
Damian: Would rather have to fight Condiment King. There are too many people patronizing him. There are too many opportunities for enemies to hide in plain sight and strike when he and his family are defenseless. There are too many smells and lights and his clothes itch and his father insists on humiliating himself and besmirching their family’s name. The only good part of the night is when Todd inevitably beats the snot out of some imbecile and is dragged off like the hooligan he is.
Stephanie: Has a lot of fun with them. She is not Bruce’s kid, but sometimes tags along as one of his kids plus one (Tim or Cass, take your pick. I am partial to StephCass because gay, but it really doesn’t matter). She and Cass have an epic shopping spree before each event getting new shoes and clothes. The day of, they pamper themselves with hair, makeup, and nail appointments at exclusive spas. They spend way too much time taking pictures of themselves and each other to post to social media. It’s like prom, but even better because she is no longer an awkward teenager. She loves people-watching with Dick and Duke and dances the night away with Cass.
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mawrjexel · 7 months
I see people say that Damian likes classical music but that gremlin definitely likes R&B, pop and kpop, but he will never admit it, he likes music with strong instrumentals and loves songs with good bridges.
So we all know that Damian is never fully asleep and that he has a lot of nightmares and is always on his guard, sometimes when he can't sleep and is very paranoid he definitely starts listening to music and starts dancing all over his room and goes down. like at 4 am to eat (everyone goes to sleep at 3 am or leaves the manor because if they stay Alfred will force them to go to sleep) while he walks down the normal hallway while singing silently and he goes down the stairs dancing (he's a teenager, let him be)
definitely kiss of life, beyonce, ariana grande, the weekend and chase atlantic are in his 4 am playlist.
On patrol he listens to nmixx, aespa, stray kids and bts (one of his favorite songs is no more dream, fight me)
Cass introduced him in the world of kpop, she definitely knows all of gfriend's choreographies (which are terribly complicated), and she taught them to damian while they were spending charity time together because they are the only members of the "raised by league" club of assassins and later taken in by bruce wayne"
Damian also sings very good but the only ones who know that are Duke (he heard him singing and told him he sang well), Cass because he once snuck into the mansion (there was supposed to be no one there) and heard him, and Alfred because he's alfred
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intriq · 11 months
I love being silly in ur asks!!!!
How do you think the Batfam would react to you being unexpectedly good at one of their "niche" (that isn't the right word I'm sorry) skills? Like gun skills(Jay) or flexibility (Dick)- 🌻
(You also don't have to do this pookie Intri I just love asking questions)
cackling, giggling even. im going to do this. ive been stewing over this since you sent it to me.
Tim - photography
He's probably a little surprised, no doubt. He's got a knack for photography, he's pretty good at it. I wouldn't be surprised if he has some sort of side job where people commission him for photos. He finds it to be a pleasant surprise when you give him a photo you took yourself as a little gift. It doesn't really matter if it's a picture of him or not, he'll still probably find a safe place to keep it so he can always look at it. He makes it a regular thing to trade photos with you after too.
Barbara - computers
Barbara doesn't exactly learn that your good at computers in person or directly. She hears it from the others after one night she wasn't available to provide information as Oracle and you instead did your thing just as smoothly, like it wasn't even an issue to navigate the Batcomputer in her place. She'll probably invite you to hangout with her after, trading tricks that'll no doubt sharpen not only her knowledge, but yours too.
Dick - flexibility
Hands down, Dick is shocked. He doesn't even know until one day you just so happen to showcase it while taking some thug down while on patrol with him, and he's obsessed there after. He probably constantly tries to see if there's anything he can do you can't, and he's probably always wrong in the end. Bonus points if there's something you can do that he can't, so he will pester you to teach him. Your definitely his new favorite person to patrol with after.
Jason - gun skills
He doesn't really let it show but he would be surprised. Amazed may be a bit of an overstatement, but it really depends on the type of person you are. If you don't look the type-- in his eyes-- to wield a gun, then yeah he's an amazed kind of surprised. Otherwise he's kind of neutral about it. He'd probably be interested in seeing if you can show him up in some gun tricks, though.
Bruce - strategy
He doesn't even notice it at first. He's far too busy planning something out when you offer your input that is incredibly thought out, and he runs with it. He adds it to his plan and it moves swimmingly, far better than expected. It doesn't click with him that you're a good strategist until after the mission he was planning for was all said and done.
Duke & Steph - puzzles & riddles [steph specifically]
Steph probably doesn't have much of a reaction. She's probably entirely neutral about it, a little uncaring. She'd still talk with you about it, though. Duke, though, is probably the total opposite. All hyped up and energized about it, happy that he's got something to talk with you about. Not to mention it's probably a topic you and him would enjoy discussing. He's just a hyperactive happy kid, I feel.
Cass - stealth
I feel like Cass would be surprised your good at stealth in its own aspect. No matter how she learns it, it'll probably lead to her staring at you and wondering "how the fuck did you do that" over and over.
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nickneedsablog · 2 years
dick definitely forces the batfam to indulge in a once-a-month self care night; complete with face masks, cucumber water, and meditative music
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alfredsolos · 2 years
Tim and Cass have the same haircut. That's it. That's the post.
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Cass and Tim being the Terror TwinsTM :
• Nobody is allowed to give either of them any dares. Tim, because he'll find some way to circumvent it if he isn't in the mood. Cass, because she has no impulse control and no real limits so she accepts and completes every single one.
• They both run extremely cold- like, they're freezing all the time. They're usually paired up during movie nights because no one else wants to deal with icy toes, and you can guarantee they've wrapped themselves in basically all the blankets
• If they're bored, Tim writes cryptic messages and Cass plants them around the Cave and they both watch as everyone loses their minds trying to figure them out.
• They both spent a month working on an elaborate secret handshake so now, if either of them travel to another dimension or need to prove that they're really them, that's their code for one another
• The rest of the family is terrified of entering their rooms. They're not very invested in cleaning and they're always doing dumb stuff like trying to skateboard on their walls or do backflips on their bed, so it's generally a harrowing experience.
• They'll eat pretty much anything they're handed. This has an upside, because Jason thinks they're perfect test subjects for his cooking. If Jason ever stops by the Manor, he's definitely dragging one or both of them to the kitchen.
• Their music taste is pretty much a mix of one another's. Cass will randomly tell him to listen and play a song and he'll add it to his playlist, or he'll forward a song he heard and she'll add it to hers.
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psrsefone · 7 days
I just know Cass will be a BIG fan of ADO.
that's it. that's the headcanon.
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adhara2034 · 2 months
Headcanon that the batfam has a Samsung smart refrigerator or whatever it's called, and it is used entirely for doing work while in the kitchen. There has been justice league meetings held on that motherfucker and nuclear threats disengaged.
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sometimes i think about how funny it would be if bruce had a slight english accent as a result of alfred being the only adult in his life for most of his formative years. that or he just says british slang instead of english.
this either drives his children insane, or they think it’s the most hilarious thing ever.
Bruce: Can you pass the chips?
Dick: Sure, B. *passes over the potato chips*
Bruce: No, the chips.
Dick: ???? … yeah? here?
Bruce: NO! THE CHIPS! *gesturing wildly for the french fries*
Damian: Father, are you having a stroke?
Batman: Alright, this mission is very important. It is imperative that everything goes to schedule. (shh-edule)
*red robin and red hood snicker*
Batman: *glare* As I was saying, it all must go to shh-edule…
RR & RH : *uproariously laughter *
Batman: *harsher glare* Is something funny?
RR: Oh nothing, B, don’t worry.
RH: Absolutely nothing wrong, “left-tenant”
RR & RH: *dying of laughter *
Bruce: *reaching the end of a long rant about responsibility and making sure you are keeping yourself and others safe* And what do you have to say for yourself??
Duke: … You sound like Alfred…
Bruce: *horrified look over coming him* … what
Cass: *furious nodding*
*Some time later, after B has been fished out of Gotham Harbor, which he jumped into after declaring that he “couldn’t turn into his father”*
Alfred: *reaching the end of a long rant about responsibility and making sure you are keeping yourself and others safe* And what do you have to say for yourself??
Bruce: *white as a sheet* … Sorry Alfie…
*Steph is heard furiously cackling in the background*
anyways i just thought this was fun
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galaxymagitech · 4 months
Most of the Batkids lie to Batman.
What’s unique about Tim “I lie to Batman” Drake is that he lies *successfully* to Batman.
Damian just states blatant untruths and expects people to believe them. Dick puts on a good act, but it can’t fool his family, even if they won’t call him out on it. Jason’s emotions are too easy to read, even with his helmet on. Cass lies with her words, but never with her body. Duke lacks self-awareness of his insanity and thus doesn’t try to hide any of it. Steph and Barbara don’t even bother, because Batman has no authority over her whatsoever.
Tim, though? He was raised by boarding schools and nannies and practically incentivized to lie to adults. He’s so earnest and well-meaning that everyone expects him to be a compulsive truth-teller, and he weaponizes it like the little gremlin he is. And when that isn’t enough, he knows how to spin things just right that they don’t quite sound like an untruth.
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jesterraconteuse · 5 months
You don't understand there's a part of me that wants Alfred Pennyworth to never age but there's another part that's like
As Alfred grows older his body grows tired and everyone notices. And for Bruce that's his surrogate father. For everyone else that's Grandpa. Immediately there's a secret boot camp in the Batcave for everyone to start learning how to better care for themselves. Selina Kyle assisting of course.
There's already disability accommodations for Barbara so they just need to tweak and add some stuff. They've learned from her needs and start researching on how to care for the elderly for Alfred specifically.
On paper he's still a butler but really everyone (who lives or stays for a long time in Wayne manor) makes sure they learn how to do the hardwork for themselves. Most of his job is just to be there for them honestly. They insist on doing things for themselves.
But Alfred is Alfred. So he knows what's going on. And he's so deeply proud of them. He doesn't let him do anything he insists he can or wants do himself. He's still his own person after all, and they gradually learn his boundaries and patterns.
Bruce keeps paying him but not in a way you'd pay a butler usually. More in a way where you'd send money to your retired parents.
Do you see my vision?
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