#personally i headcanon bruce as demi and bi
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soulless-bex · 9 months ago
the entire batfam is queer in some way. no question there. but also, at least half of them are aspec in some way
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thedevilundercover · 9 months ago
In accordance of pride month, here are my headcanons for the queers
Bruce: Pansexual and demi-romantic
Dick: Bisexual with a preference for women  he has the vibes and I bet he does the finger guns unironically
Jason: Gay and Trans FtM, I think that he would have been around a lot of queer people as a child and figured out his identity at a young age. I bet that Bruce would have totally helped him transition and I have some ideas about the pit and all of that but It’d be too long to put on this post
Tim: bi-est bitch on the block and is probably some flavor of genderqueer but refuses to open that can of worms as long as he can put it off.
Stephanie: Lesbian, listen, I know she was pregnant at one time and she dated Tim but we all make mistakes and sexuality is a very tumultuous thing to define
Damian: Demiromantic demisexual I think it would take him a while to actually warm up to a person enough to do something as drastic as falling in love with them
A honorary shout out to my queen Tam, she’s aroace and trans MtF
Any characters I didn't include were ones that I don't know well so add on to this with your own hcs
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hintofelation99 · 4 years ago
Headcanon #10
Batfamily Sexualities
Happy Pride Month! Here are my headcanons for batfam sexualities and my fav pairings.
Dick: Pansexual; Wally/Dick
I also love Dick and Kori (Cause Teen Titans nostalgia) but the way their relationship ended in the comics sorta ruins it for me.
Jason: Demisexual; Roy/Jason
I do think Jason is still figuring some things out but overall I think of him as demi.
Pre-death I think he was really scared of being gay or liking men, cause growing up with Willis wasn't exactly an accepting environment.
But post-death he was able to come to terms with he sexuality and feel comfortable in exploring it (mainly emotional exploration).
Tim: Asexual/Homoromantic; Kon/Tim
Am I projecting? Probs. Do I care? Nope!
Tim loves physical affection and he isn't sex repulsed, but sex just it's not it? Like it's a thing and sure it's, uh, interesting? But like it ain't all that.
Being ace was super confusing for Tim cause for a long time he didn't realize you could be ace and still like cuddling/kissing. It was so confusing to him until he finally talked to Jason (who had been researching sexuality and shit) and Jason actually explained the ace spectrum.
I always see him as a bby so he hasn't thought about it.
But when he's older I tend to think of him as ace or demi (mainly cause I want more characters on the ace spectrum. Like represent me pls).
Duke: Bi-curious
Duke is also on the younger side and hasn't thought a whole lot about sexuality in my mind.
Steph: Aromantic/Homosexual
She's a gay disaster and I love her.
Also she has a huge crush on Black Canary (mostly in an idolizing way tbh).
Cass: Questioning
I'd imagine that after her not so typical childhood Cass is still trying to figure out who she is as a person and honestly has sorta put romance/relationships on the back burner. Because of this she hasn't put much thought in to it.
She thinks she might be pan so she's been talking with Dick about it, but she's still confused.
Barbara: Fluid; Kara/Babs (based on The New Batman Series)
Babs doesn't really associate her self with a specific sexuality.
Usually she goes for more masculine ppl but she'd not quite straight.
Bruce: Straight
I can easily see Bruce being bi or pan, but tbh I just love imagining straight Bruce who never knew anything about the queer community trying to figuring out how to support his children
Like Bruce going to pride for the first time absolutely decked out cause he maybe emotionally constipated but he will always support his queer disaster children.
Just a quick little side note: Sexuality is complicated and confusing. I have struggled most of my life trying to figure out where I fit in on the spectrum of sexuality. But, now that I've had more time to become comfortable with my sexuality and my self, I've realized I will never fit one label perfectly. Sexuality is a spectrum nothing is perfect, labels have flaws, and we are all just human. So, if you're struggling with your sexuality, I get that and I know it's rough, but it does get easier. And if you're weirded out by me assigning sexualities to random characters, well... idk what to tell you, sucks to suck? Like I grew up with almost no representation so of course I want to see my favorite characters fit into a community I am apart of. Also if we're being honest comic books are basically company approved fanfiction. Like timelines are bullshit, characterizations change constantly, and there are a shit ton of random pairings. So in my mind comics are made to be fucked with.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk :)
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dccomicsbookshelf · 7 years ago
The Love-Life Habits of Bats
This is probably going to be the only time I talk about this, since this isn’t really a topic I a) care that much about or b) feel all that comfortable talking about.
As a result of the above, these are less “headcanons” and more “my interpretation of canon” (and as such are not as varied or colorful as a lot of other people’s hcs on the topic) and a lot of my opinions are sourced from me seeing interpretations in fandom and canon that feel wrong to me for whatever reason. So here we are, something I never thought I’d actually post about but just so that y’all can know where I’m coming from. (Or just enjoy free-standing) 
BatFam sexual orientations and miscellaneous notes concerning relationships and sexualities
(+ one mini-rant on behalf of Dick Grayson.)
Bruce: Is aggressively heterosexual for the most part. Not in the hur, hur, no homo, dude! sense, he just...really likes women. It’s one of the aspects of Brucie that is true for Bruce as well. Yes, a lot of his one-night stands are ostensibly about keeping his cover as a playboy billionaire as part of the Quest for Justice, but he is genuinely very sexual. He tones it down a little as he gets older (and acquires more children) He actually desperately wants a serious and stable relationship (and is also terrified of the prospect) which results in a frustrating combination of overbearing clinginess and emotional pushing-awayness. It’s part of why Talia broke off their engagement. He was smothering her. Is also mildly bicurious and has probably experimented a few times.
Selina: Pan with high standards (and Bruce). Has not, despite popular rumor and speculation, been part of a threesome with Harley and Ivy. She doesn’t have that kind of a relationship with them. (Doesn’t mean they don’t all three have fun feeding those rumors on occasion.)
Kate: Look, this has been very firmly established in canon so I don’t think I need to say much. She’s a lesbian, Harold.
Barbara: Bi and ever so slightly aromatic. She’s not romance-repulsed but she doesn’t really initiate unless it’s a situation that would be super important to her partner. Her workaholicness probably has something to do with it tbh.
Dick: this one is gonna be super long because I have some Opinions to say. Imma start with what he isn’t. He’s not a man-whore. Not an exhibitionist. Not a flirt.
The only times he’s slept with someone outside a committed relationship (i.e. Kori and Babs) were either...
That weird one night stand with Helena that was WAY out of character for both of them.
Mirage and Tarantula. If I have to explain why these don’t count then humanity needs to burn already.
He’s actually pretty shy about PDA. He grew up with a firm divide between the “public” and the “personal”, first with the circus then with Bruce. When you have an audience, you perform. When you are with your family and friends, you take the masks off. With his family in particular there was the idea of “our love for each other is not for someone else’s entertainment. It belongs to us.” He loves holding hands and hugging in public, but more than that and he starts getting uncomfortable.
He gets called a flirt a lot but he rarely is actually flirting. People just assume he’s flirting when he’s really just being friendly and/or polite and barely tolerating them. 
All of this is a really long way to say that Dick Grayson is so demi it might as well be his middle name. (He has a very strong preference towards women. And he has a type.) But because he’s pretty and friendly, people make assumptions because people are egocentric, entitled assholes.
Cass: Is pansexual and aromantic in the sense that she actually finds romance adorable until it involves her, then she finds it vaguely awkward. (She is also toppy as heck.) She has to trust someone before she’ll get intimate with them though. Generally speaking she doesn’t go looking for relationships. She prefers spending time with her family and friends. (She mostly has FWB kinds of relationships anyway, since she and Superboy stopped dating. The closest to a “relationship-relationship” since then was her almost-thing with Steph.)
Jason: Ace and either bi or pan-romantic. (He doesn’t want to sleep with you but he will romance the heck out of you! His methods of romancing vary depending on his Pit-Madness status.)
Steph: Bi. After her pregnancy she’s been a lot more choosy about her partners. Part of it is “been there done that” and part of it is that she’s a little self-conscious about her stretch marks and steadily growing collection of scars. 
Tim: Is straight and awkward at romancing unless he’s deep in a persona, then it varies. He tends to be, like B, overbearing and kind of classist/elitist which has caused him some difficulties (understandably) but he’s getting better. As he gets into his late teens his sexual/romantic life has picked up quite a bit.
I must correct myself. He is straight with one potential exception.
Look, I don’t even ship TimKon myself but that subtext (in the actual comics) is one comma splice away from being text.
Damian: I haven’t thought much about him tbh because he’s ten. All I really know is that if there is a word for “sexually attracted by competence” he’s that. Definitely sapiosexual. Refuses to enter a relationship with someone he cannot trust and once he does enter a relationship he throws his whole heart and soul into it. His first breakup was devastating. 
Duke: Is low-key bisexual. At one point decided he will only date outside the masked and caped crowd as he has the basic requirement of “sanity” for a partner. This makes it complicated because relationships with civilians come with their own host of problems.
Alfred: Was a theater actor in-between being special forces and a Bat-Butler.
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romanyeva · 3 years ago
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Because of two random gif sets that crossed my dash, I have now binged both seasons of Ted Lasso and am now looking for keeley/roy/jaime OT3 fic on AO3.
What even is this hellsite?
2 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 21:21:55 GMT
Happy International Romani Language Day! Bahtalo Romano Chabako Dives!
2 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 22:25:41 GMT
For someone who’s probably demi, Dick Grayson does seem to be DC fandom’s little black dress. And I’m totally here for it.
4 notes • Posted 2021-10-08 01:52:03 GMT
So are we ever going to talk about how Jason Todd went from certified Superman stan to straight-up Superman paranoia?
Superman stan Jason Todd (this is post-crisis, tire-booster Jay, btw) meeting Superman (Action Comics # 594):
[Lots of scans under the cut]
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Aww, sweet, right? 💖✨
Now here’s Jason Todd, Red Hood, full of Superman dislike and paranoia, with a hefty side of Clark not liking Jason either and remembering his Robin-time as only ‘you saved my life once’ - because N52 and Lobdell, amirite? (Red Hood and the Outlaws vol. 1 # 14)
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I wonder if that autograph is still at Wayne Manor? Or if somehow it made it onto Jason’s memorabilia shelf? (Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth # 1)
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Naw, DC probably threw it in the garbage with everything else that doesn’t quite mesh with current canon. 
10 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 05:11:17 GMT
So they hooked up headcanon
So I kind of headcanon that Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen had a small and slightly flirtatious, but not really sexual, rivalry going on during their jet-set prep school days. They knew each other but not really well since they lived on different coasts most of the time.
Well, post-grad, they bump into each other in Europe. Bruce is gearing up to train for his Mission and Ollie is just there to be there. So bi-curious Ollie and I-don’t-believe-in-labels Bruce hook up because why not? But what was just supposed to be a one-time eh whatever bang turns into breakfast and conversation where they find out that they have similar itineraries and maybe they can just continue on to the next place together. And this just keeps...happening? Like they don’t plan it, but Bruce finds that he kind of enjoys Ollie’s snarky commentary, which is so unlike Alfred’s dry wit because it just has this bright sparkle to it. And Ollie finds that Bruce has this sleek and dangerous air that’s enticing because it’s not devoid of compassion. They travel well together, and they bang all the time because they’re young. And they just physically fit because Bruce is innovative and Ollie is adventurous.
So their hookup just extends and becomes a dedicated one. They might separate for a few days - do other things and other people - but they just find each other again and travel on to the next place.
This happens for well over a month, bordering dangerously close to two. It’s a thing. It’s certainly not romance - because that would mean fling and feelings - and it’s not friendship, but it’s not just sex either. Because a short time into it, they start telling each other some deep, personal shit that they would never tell their friends or their flings. They have a thing which starts to get uncomfortable for both of them because they just keep at it?
They’re about three or four days and one town away from oops falling into a relationship. So they both decide to untangle their itineraries and go their separate ways. They lose each other’s contact info and no hard feelings.
Which is fine, right?
EXCEPT! Years later, they’re sitting across from each other at the League meeting table and it’s MORTIFYING. They recognize each other instantly - even had their suspicions before - because they knew each other that well. And they have PHILOSOPHICAL differences now. They GET on each other’s NERVES.
And they’re BOTH terrified that the other one is going to TELL people that they used to BANG and even worse WHISPER things to each other. Like they even HELD HANDS a few times because they were young and stupid and why not because they were in the middle of a THING.
Bruce is convinced Ollie’s bragged about BAGGING the BAT to someone so he growls and gets intimidating for no freaking reason and Ollie just barks back for no freaking reason either because Bruce is so authoritative and close to being THE MAN. And Ollie battles THE MAN because politics and he doesn’t BANG the MAN. How embarrassing!
And they never mention it. Not once. Not to each other, not to anyone.
This would be HYSTERICAL. I amuse myself
13 notes • Posted 2021-10-26 00:16:00 GMT
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pixie-skull · 7 years ago
# 12 Post, part 2: FINALLY Top Ten 2D Animated Women’s List
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Update August 12th! Updates in bold.
So I am behind on my promise and seeing this net neutrality could happen here my top lady crushes. I try to go into detail. I have to admit number 10 going to be confusing see her movie has different animation styles, so I try find a picture of which one I like more. ON TO THE DELAYED LISTED. Reminder none of my new crushes can be made after 2016, when I graduate high school. Warning lots of breasts. Hey I am Pan, as in pansexuality, so yes I am mostly romantic, yet I want to clarify, I am not liking the characters for that. Also, I tried list movies from animated companies, or else this be Disney mostly. XD Here the RULES https://indigo-psyduck.tumblr.com/post/167091245072/post-12-part-1-rules-for-animated-crush-list
10. 2010′s Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic Beatrice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1C9WtnOr7Y  So now I  said I have two styles I really like, yes this movie has 5 or 6 styles. O.O 
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So I chose this design of ALL other, maybe has a close second, yet this (due to it enhances the Souls and Demons)
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 Now on to the reasons she wins number 10. Her personality, hopeful, positive, loyal,  patient (still annoyed at Dante for what he did), honest, and just an embodiment of virtues. So besides being someone who so kind to have what happened to her is heartbreaking. Plus her overall appearance was attractive too. I am not sure why women’s almost naked I feel more comfortable seeing, yet men’s and non-binary I feel my demisexual side bit more antsy. Yes middle school me was both freaked out and at the same time enjoyed the film. Helps also I was figuring out my sexuality and came out in mid high school.  Oh and she stands ups for herself and tries not to be a prize. Unlike the video game, she is not a pushover. D: XD Also I am now sure I am asexual.
9.  2000′s Titan AE, Akima. 
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 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXmcVV3WJWwEven though this movie was hard to watch(the CGI :( ), the characters and their designs are very fun to watch. Now besides being voiced by the attractive Drew Berrymore (fun fact is bi), the haircut, and those eyebrows, there more to Akima.  I like she reminds of (the stunning) Zoe from Firefly due to both pilots (in a sense) so have the voice call the shots, she can take care of herself, knows how to fight yet be not a killer, and more. I do personally headcanon her as bi. She very low on the list for I admit I saw the movie sooner than I like to admit, so she not as much a childhood crush, as a new one. Only her animated style was constant, unlike 10. Sorry, the gif changed her appearance a bit, I know in the movie she of Asian descent.
8. Now nine was tempted to put Gwen from “Total Drama Island”, first two seasons (I have a soft spot for dyed hair and punk and goth look), until I saw this movie. (I do plan do a maybe top five of TV 2D women)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVbX1NeWY9s&t=3s1992 Cool’s World Lonette.
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 (I like how her hair so cute and messy here^ A sweet, short, messy, haircut. Also yes her body also quite nice XD ) I really find her kindness endearing such a negative world. Even though I like all eye colors, dark green eyes I am a sucker for. Also she was loving to Frank, makes hope for someone as affectionate as her. I know she Holli look very much in common, but Holli I felt lacked in such romance tenderness.
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This smile ^ so adorable.
7. 1999′s Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost  Luna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92jw0fxXca4
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(in Violet and short red hair)I could have easily put this whole band down, yet I wanted pick their second singer.  The fact she sings, plays an instrument, in an eco goth band, dyed hair, her parent helped give the band their fangs, and more, is why I like her so much. Also she drawn in this movie she more drawn with details and for that she is more attractive.https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/8/8c/New-ghrfh-the-hex-girls-24106229-720-480.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110909113258&path-prefix=protagonist < - - -  Close up on her.
6. 1993′s The Thief and the Cobbler, Yum-Yum.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZibUpH-AME&list=PL18B0CA620B61D076 and https://vimeo.com/88602144 
Shocked how few royals are on this list, especially for being a 90′s kid. So why Princess Yum-Yum, even though she a weird blend of Aladdin (I bring this up to claimed Disney and if they or if they did NOT steal from this movie) Jasmine (I also have a crush on her too) of having a voice and using her power, but sometimes seems underdeveloped in comparison. However to me that is only when compared, so she to me is still fleshed out. I am happy to see her make the band of thieves due what she says, she merciful, she helps Tack and does her fair of saving the day. Not just a pretty face, she actual does something.
5. ANY DC comics Batman adaptation of Selina Kyle also known as Catwoman.
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(^ Not to stereotype, yet this “gay” haircut I love so much on her)
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Now on to why I like her. First bonus is she cannoned as Bi as bisexuality. Now to the rest, she a character who in the grey waves of morals. She is either a villainess, anti-hero, or whatever. I enjoy also how much a tease she can be to Batman (thanks to her I can be like to my relationships too sometimes), she loves animals, she inspires me with her self defense and flexibility. Catwoman also she makes me comfortable being her dominate power force. I want to clarify I am waiting till marriage. XD I also like she kinda an example of a character, who can depicted with different racial background, body types, and more. I am aware some characters can not have such changes, yet Catwoman a positive example of done right.
4. 2003′s Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, Marina. 
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Shout to @animagix101and @thenamelessdoll edits of her, if from a racebend to giving her more muscles, thank you.Now why do I like this short haired ambassador? One she stands up for what she believes in, she a quick learner, she gives off vibes like she could be bi, poly, or pan, and is fearless, yet gives mercy. Her relationship is shown on screen to grow, not just boom love, yet (I do not like Sinbad by the way, I much more like Proteus). I was tempted to give this spotlight as a tie to Moses Tzipporah, yet I know ties are not fun for most people.
3. Sailor Moon (90′s version), Michiru Kaiou AKA Sailor Neptune. 
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Now I know I am making this my 2D animated ladies from MOVIES, but she did make appearances in film. Sorry too the gif makes more pale (yes the characters in the anime are suppose to be Japanese). Shout out she also in the LGBTQ+ Community, cannoned as lesbian. Now on to why I like the Sailor Guardian of the planet Neptune? Besides having colorful hair (I am sorry dyed hair a bonus for me, like how accents are a bonus for other people), she has a colorful personality. XD She very artsy (I like people who can have a passion in something that is like theater, music, etc), romantic (like dang she and Sailor Uranus are soooooooooooooooo cute), funny, clever, and more.
2. Okay this rule is broken of only MOVIE ladies, yet this  a childhood crush since my elementary school years. 1996′s The Incredible Hulk animated Series and any other Hulk/Marvel product, Jennifer Walters AKA She-Hulk.
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XD Yes that scene beyond suggestive and yes her voice by the stunning Cree Summers. So what makes a delight, she can be funny and serious, an amazing lawyer (I believe the comic staff did this be part of the second wave of feminism [no hating for this, okay to be a feminist or have the ideas of one to want equality with men), confident in her body and mind, she has colorful hair, she so strong that I be happy be held by her, and more. XD It is kinda takes to her women of any height (she is “5'10" (in human form) 6'7" (as She-Hulk” according to http://marvel.com/characters/51/she-hulk)  because tall Titanesses need some love. Also yes sucker for either her She-Hulk green eyes or her Jennifer’s form with brown eyes and this cute haircut. So Bruce Banner or Hulk, can you give me your cousin’s number please? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2j4_C4cvSs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbVnnImJOYc
1. 1996′s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Esmeralda. 
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So I like Disney a lot to choose ONE woman is not easy to do, yet I chose to one who I know for the fact I can say just has more to crush on. For starters her personality (seeing beauty from within a huge trait I love), spreading mercy, standing up her others, her sense of Faith (I am Spiritual, so her song to me a great representation of faith - - - > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEEpavnk7Uw ), her voice (both speaking and singing <3 <3) rich (I thank real life cutie Demi Moore, in Ghost her haircut is something I want to mimic on day), and more. Looks, well as long you are not a woman who is straight and a man who is gay, I find it hard to believe you can not understand how she is a jaw dropper. I personally head cannon her Pan as in Pansexuality.
So before you assume anything, yes there one more cutie after this, why, because I like to count zero. XD
Honorable Mentions: 
Raven Darkholme  AKA Mystique (fun fact I believe she is cannoned as Bi, even though I heancanon as Pan)
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Ororo Munroe AKA Storm  (XD the Pan flag I love it)
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2001′s Atlantis: The Lost Empire Kida
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1991′s Beauty and the Beast Belle (I love her hazel eyes and dimples)
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1999′s Iron Giant: Annie 
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0. 1982′s The Last Unicorn, Lady Amalthea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-TioQfT-jg
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Even though yes she barely seems happy, just something about her that so stunning. If her indigo eyes, silver hair (I want to maybe dye my hair like her’s one day, when my hair longer), or moment of smiling.
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Okay now I looked at her physical appearance, how does Amalthea win by personality. With light spoilers (not going into detail) she starts and end the movie on a quest for herself and it is empowering to see her just do this for she wants to. Not out of love, a prophecy, nope just wanted to save more like her. She is does not give up, she goes on. Amalthea strong in her morals, she helps her friends, her arch is powerful, and so much more. PLEASE READ THE BOOK TOO! =D So I like to point out (because my sibling and I had a debate) I liked her when HUMAN and she call herself human, not sure why this confused my sibling.
*Please anyone name what traits stick out as reoccurring in my named character crushes.*
I challenge @thenamelessdoll @sailorzelda94 @myhollie1911 @cereittanyprincess15 @deanscourse ANYONE else to make their top animated women’s, men’s, non-binary, or your top animated crush list.
I want to clear up that listing women easier because men tend be less developed. So my top 10 men list be BOTH movies and TV, so I make a top 3 tv cartoon ladies.
So since I made this, I am making a top five different, details of why I like them stay the same, yet different spots
5. Maria
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4. Sailor Neptune
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3. Catwoman
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2. Amalthea (I kinda like this “mad” gif looks more like checking someone out. XD ^*_*^ )
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1. Esmeralda (I still hope to use this quote one day)
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0. She-Hulk
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fire-fira · 8 years ago
Tim Drake, Cassie Sandsmark, Eddie Bloomberg and Hunk Garrett for the character ask? o3o
Tim Drake
Sexuality Headcanon: Gaaaaayyyyy. This boy is SO gay. He may have tried having girlfriends, but it’ll never work out. Give him a boyfriend though, and he’s found his partner for life.
Gender Headcanon: Man. Not much to say beyond that.
A ship I have with said character: TimKon. TimKon for LIFE. Tim could be 180 and Kon would still be with him.
A BROTP I have with said character: It’s kind of between Tim and Bart (because of the ‘90s comics), Tim and Cassie, and Tim and Jaime. Actually may as well say Tim and his whole team, because the guy has a talent for getting really close to his friends to the point where his friendships are unbreakable.
A NOTP I have with said character: Tim/Cassie and Tim/Steph. Neither Cassie or Steph have ever really fit with him in my opinion, and it always felt kind of shoehorned.
A random headcanon: Tim is a giant gaming nerd and when he can get away with it he’ll play his video games on the computer in the cave because of the giant screen. Also, he’s a fan of the old manga series Banana Fish and was introduced to it by Jason (Jason has the full series and loaned it to him), and the two of them will gladly spend hours nerding out about the series or debating fine points of it and who they would consider for fancasts.
General Opinion over said character: lol I love this kid. He needs to sleep more and not work himself so hard, but he’s a good kid. Also, I think the League under his leadership when he gets old enough would end up REALLY tight-knit and would be even more of a force to be reckoned with.
Cassie Sandsmark
Sexuality Headcanon: Biiiiii. Said it once, I’ll say it again: she is WonderBi. She is one of the bi-est bis to have ever bi’d. The only way she could get more bi is if she had her costume redesigned to incorporate the bi flag.
Gender Headcanon: Woman. I haven’t put too much thought into it, so I usually see her as a cis woman, but I wouldn’t be bothered by seeing her as a trans or intersex woman either. Cassie would still be Cassie regardless.
A ship I have with said character: Whoo boy… This is a tough one, mainly because most of the time I haven’t seen character interactions between her and another character that feels like it’d just fit. That, and personality types of most of the others just don’t feel like they’d fit with her.
I guess if I was going to go with her being with anyone regardless of sense the possibilities would be Cassie/Raquel (ish, pretty sure Raquel would want someone more willing to step up to be a parent to her son though), Cassie/Zatanna (maybe), Cassie/M’gann (if in the YJ-verse M’gann matured some and made an active attempt to get past her abusive tendencies), Cassie/Raven (which could actually be pretty cute), or– and this one is really off-the-wall– Cassie/Simon. (For those of you who don’t know who Simon is, he showed up toward the end of the pre-N52 Superboy comics and the writers were starting to set him up to be Kon’s equivalent to Jimmy Olsen in Smallville.)
A BROTP I have with said character: Definitely Cassie and Raquel. I love the idea of the two of them bouncing off each other and getting into trouble.
A NOTP I have with said character: Cassie/Tim or Cassie/Kon. I just don’t like her with either of them. Every time I’ve seen either situation it has felt incredibly shoehorned, and she deserves an organically-formed relationship over being a plot device.
A random headcanon: 1) Whenever she says “I’ve got this” things are about to go wrong, either hilariously or disastrously. 2) One time when she said “I’ve got this” she was in the kitchen trying to help prepare for a party. It ended in the contents of the blender exploding to coat the ceiling, one cake catching fire so that it was a cake with a giant ball of flames on top, the faucet for the sink breaking off so there was water streaming through the air like a firehose, half-a-dozen raw eggs dropped and smashed on the floor, and a bag of flour exploding due to being pulled open with too much force so most of the kitchen had a coating of wet flour sludge by the end of it. 3) She was temporarily banned from baking for a month-and-a-half as a result.
General Opinion over said character: She’s a riot and deserves so much more attention and good writing. I used to be kind of ‘meh’ about her, but as time has gone by I’m really starting to warm up to her. I’m really hoping she gets some better treatment with Young Justice season 3.
Eddie Bloomberg
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi? Pan? He doesn’t really care, he likes what he likes and he’s not going to stress over it (though he will wreck anyone who tries to give him that ‘So you’re basically straight/gay’ BS).
Gender Headcanon: Before today I would have said ‘man’ hands-down, but after talking with @weirdnonsensefandomstuff I’m kind of leaning toward demi-boy. Part of it is that thanks to his shifting he technically falls outside all cis/trans/intersex categorization (because he could pretty much shift to have whatever he wants), and the other part is that weirdnonsense brought up the fact that it might lead him to question and investigate his gender (a point that makes a lot of sense to me). She put it pretty well when she said “90% guy, 10% unholy fires from hell,” and when it comes to Eddie that actually makes a ton of sense. So: demi-boy. (Though to make things easy he might just go with saying he’s just a guy most of the time.)
A ship I have with said character: DEVILFISH. I love Eddie being with La’gaan more than I can put into words.
A BROTP I have with said character: It’s between Eddie and Jaime (because Bugbutt and Sizzleshorts) and Eddie and Jason (because I can imagine all sorts shenanigans the two of them would get into, including blasting music from the Batmobile– no Bruce was not pleased when he found out).
A NOTP I have with said character: Eddie/Rose (I don’t like the way she tends to use people) and Eddie/M’gann (just no thank you).
A random headcanon: Eddie actually really likes how he looks with the red skin, horns, white hair, and tail. While he didn’t actually look bad before his shift, he’s convinced that he looked absolutely horrendous and secretly (or not so secretly) doesn’t want to go back to it. He’s also really glad to have the tail because he’s got a bad habit of getting into situations where he needs three hands and his tail helps immensely (and he’s not opposed to wearing jewelry on it if he’s going to do something like dancing for La’gaan, because the boy knows how to dance– yes, up to and including belly-dancing– and he’s not opposed to accentuating certain details while he’s at it).
General Opinion over said character: Like Jaime, he is the sweetest cinnamon roll to have ever cinnamon-rolled, he is my child, and I will defend him with everything I have. He doesn’t get anywhere near enough attention and deserves more love.
Hunk Garrett
Sexuality Headcanon: Tbh I have no idea. I just know that whoever he’d be with he’d be one of the sweetest boyfriends ever to them.
Gender Headcanon: Man. Haven’t delved too far beyond that, so he could be cis, he could be trans, idk.
A ship I have with said character: It might be pretty random, but Hunk/Rax. Hunk/Shay is pretty cute too.
A BROTP I have with said character: Hunk and Pidge all the way. I love the idea of the two of them hitting their stride and working in tandem on a problem, and being an absolute nightmare for others to go up against– particularly with their combined tech skills.
A NOTP I have with said character: Hunk/Pidge or Hunk/Shiro are the main ones I can think of. Hunk/Pidge because more often than not I see Pidge being written as a girl in those cases and I’m so set on NB Pidge that most of the time I cringe or avoid fics when I see girl Pidge. Hunk/Shiro because I am firmly of the opinion that Shiro should not be in a relationship with any of the other paladins because they’re too freaking young for him period.
A random headcanon: Hunk is Hawaiian, is fluent in the language, and nothing can incite a rant from him faster than someone acting like his culture is a gimmick for tourists. He’s a pretty laid-back guy, but after about the 5,000,000th time of having to see or hear about fake-y luaus or how his home is a ‘great vacation destination’, it pretty much destroyed his patience for that BS.
General Opinion over said character: He’s a great kid who deserves more love than he seems to be getting for the time being. He seems to be written off a lot as the one who’s ‘all about food’ just because he’s the big guy, nevermind the fact that he’s intelligent, resourceful as hell, and amazingly strong (in one episode the guy had his heavy-as-hell bayard in his hands while Coran was on his shoulders and he was still able to fire his bayard without it affecting his aim in the slightest). He just deserves better tbh.
Send me a character!
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sophygurl · 6 years ago
WisCon 43 panel Polyamory And Alternative Relationships In Fiction And In Real Life 
Science fiction is rife with examples of how to love outside the box. From Le Guin to Jemisin to Steven Universe, speculative fiction allows us to create and experience relationships often shunned by mainstream society. What fiction do we resonate with, or wish was reality? What offers food for thought, or has helped us with our own complicated relationship styles? Who gets it "right"? This panel will explore titles showcasing polyamory, asexual relationships, relationship anarchy, & more.
Moderator: Rebecca Mongeon. Panelists: Emily Luebke aka Julian Greystoke, Rose Hill, Samantha Manaktola, Nisi Shawl
Disclaimers: These are only the notes I was personally able to jot down on paper during the panel. I absolutely did not get everything, and may even have some things wrong. Corrections by panelists or other audience members always welcome. I name the mod and panelists because they are publicly listed, but will remove/change names if asked. I do not name audience members unless specifically asked by them to be named. If I mix up a pronoun or name spelling or anything else, please tell me and I’ll fix it!
Samantha introduced herself as queer and non-monoagmous with found family and networks of people in her life.
Emily introduced herself as an author, actor, and asexual married to a pansexual man. 
Rose introduced herself as demi-pan and married to a straight man and dating an ace bi woman [I think I got that right but have a “?” in my notes so maybe I mixed something up]. She said she writes poly in her fiction.
Nisi said she was exposed to poly since when she was a hippie and then she later read a comic about it where it was named and realized “oh, that’s what I’m doing!” It features in her fiction and she is interested in non-romantic/non-sexual relationships as being the core of a story.
Rebecca started the discussion about found family.
Rose talked about intentional family and cited the Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce, which features a family of non-bio and non-romantic connections. They live together and begin to refer to one another as family over time. Those bonds last as they age. [I am currently reading this series and am enjoying this aspect of it.] Rose connects to created families.
Nisi said this is based on her lived experience in the black community. She views the entire black community as a found family and grew up calling neighbors aunts and uncles, etc. She talked about this being a silver lining of the results of the slave trade breaking families up. When people call one another brother and sister - it’s because they are. You don’t know if they are or aren’t, so you claim them. We decide that we are family. Nisi added that there is also the African idea of claiming your ancestors whether you know for sure if you’re related to them, for similar reasons.
Emily talked about being a theater kid and how the theater became her family.
Samantha talked about the shows Steven Universe and Leverage and how the message is that being the person you are makes the bonds with your people tighter, and the tighter those bonds are, the better you get at being yourself. 
An audience member brought up the issue of combined bio and found families. People tend to respect the closeness of non-romantic ties if you are siblings, but friends are “just friends.” 
Nisi told about how her mom adopted Eileen Gunn because she and Nisi became sisters, so her mom figured - that makes her my daughter, too.
Samantha talked about her mom and how she did not necessarily understand about ethical non-monogamy, but she tried. She tried to map it onto experiences of non-ethical non-monogamy, and ended up thinking she would still eventually choose one person. Her mom did understand the importance of her friendships, and said that her friends were therefore important to her, as well.
Emily talked about a friend that her dad decided was part of the family - whether her liked it or not.
An audience member asked the panelists to clarify their definitions of chosen vs. found family. 
Samantha said it’s mostly interchangeable but there is some nuance. Chosen can be intentional, found family maybe you just fell into. 
Rose agreed that it’s interchangeable. 
Rebecca brought up the issue of ace representation.
Nisi said she wants people to talk to her about this [I believe the context was for her to better understand for writing inclusion purposes?].
Samantha said the answer to this is not very satisfying. It’s a lot harder to find ace representation that any other kind of non-traditional relationship style. She mentioned that Seanan McGuire has done it, and that Anne Leckie’s Ancillary Justice has some in it but it’s questionable because it’s not a human character.
Emily said it’s mostly aliens and robots that she found, especially when younger. She includes at least one ace character in all of her works now. One example of rep is Let’s Talk About Love which is an ace love story. McGuire’s Wayward Children had rep but she didn’t love it. Radio Silence has a demi-sexual character.
Rose added that explicit ace rep is rare. Often it’s just not said and she’s left wondering if she is just headcanoning it. The Perfect Assassin has an ace romance sub-plot. She is wondering if there is any ace poly rep?
Nisi brought up The Bicycle Repairman by Bruce Sterling - not really ace rep because the character removes all sexual feeling.
Rose said that her ace groups tend to talk about poly a lot as something that makes sense, but her poly groups don’t tend to do the same - and in some cases seem to think it is antithetical. 
An audience member asked how an author can explicitly show that a character is ace without it being about their asexuality.
Rose said that romantic subplots are super common, so you could have one character flirting with another and the other character just says “oh sorry I’m not attracted to people in that way” and there you go - explicit ace rep.
Emily added that if you’re writing from the pov of an ace character, it can be very obvious that they’re just not interested.
Nisi talked about a character in three of her short stories and a novel [I think it was Brit Williams?] who likes the idea of having kids but is grossed out by what you have to do to make one. Also mentioned how in historical fiction it might be hard to talk about explicitly because there wouldn’t have been language for it - but a character can still be shown to be ace even if they aren’t using those words.
Emily added that when you’re ace, you just don’t think about that stuff much. The character might be surprised to find out how much other people are thinking about sex, for example.
An audience member asked if poly was on the same axis as queerness as an identity.
Rebecca said she wasn’t sure this was the right place for that discussion. [Fair. It’s a complex issue and not necessarily the scope of this particular panel imo.]
Another audience member asked about world building when things are assumed that are different from our world - such as everyone in that world is poly. 
Samantha answered that there are different ways to do poly as a social construct. Anne Leckie, for example, built a world without gender norms and everyone was “she.” [Didn’t catch the title] Another piece I didn’t catch was referenced in which two societies are put into contrast with one another where one has poly as the assumed family structure and one doesn’t. Basically, there are a lot of different ways to build this into a world.
Rose added that world building with poly and queerness tends to be static whereas in real life it can be very fluid or change over time. Societies built as commentary tend to be fixed systems.
Nisi had some recs along those lines - a short story, Otherwise; Candace Jane Dorsey’s Black Wine; The Devil in America. 
An audience member rec’d Shadows of Aggar by Chris Anne Wolfe, which has poly world building.
Another audience member suggests Nalo Hopkin’s work, which is often about liberating sex, love, and desire, especially from perspectives of people with disabilities and from marginalized races.
Samantha spoke about living with chronic pain and how it helps to have a strong network of people to help care for her. Additionally, overcoming trauma around sex has been helped by polyamorous relationships. It’s been empowering and healing. 
Samantha rec’d Ruthanna Emrys’ work - Winter Tide, Deep Roots, etc. about a group of researchers. One of them is Deaf and they all communicate in sign language. When they might have to disband, it’s difficult because they have become family but also they’re losing this capability of communication with one another and source of strength they’ve found with each other. 
Nisi mentioned Five Books About Loving Everybody, I believe this post she wrote about books with poly: on tor.com - out of those, the only one she thought was liberating was N. K. Jemisin’s The Obelisk Gate. But Octavia Butler’s Fledgling was about nurturing. 
An audience member suggested The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez
Nisi commented “I keep naming all of these black authors... hmmm.... I wonder why.”
Rebecca asked the panelists about poly utopias.
Nisi said Samuel Delany’s Tales of Neveryon is a reverse anthropology - not utopian, but it seemed as if the society was polygamous with one male and multiple females who were closely bonded. It might have been a man owning several women, but it ended up being a bunch of strong women who bring in one man.
Samantha said the most true-to-life stories are not utopias. There are less stories about opening up a relationship that’s already there than stories about people finding one another in the third act.
An audience member suggested Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen by Lois McMaster Bujold - it resonated with them, but they know others who react to it very differently.
Another audience member talked about what makes the characters feel more real to them, what draws them in more is not the world building but the character building.
Last audience rec that I got down was Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time. 
[This was a fascinating panel with moments that meant a lot to me emotionally and cool stuff I learned more about and lots of recs to check out - thanks panelists!]
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