#paradigm (dyvj)
drinkyourvillainjuice · 3 months
Do I give a really downbad option for Dime to try and impress Kay...
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As someone playing a rebellious Dime, can't wait for them to find out about Beth. Watch my pick locking child do a mission impossible and infiltrate the Hound's quarters. They gonna spill even their social security number to them.
Dime captured by the Hounds. Strapped to a chair and bright light focused on them.
Hounds: all right, tell us what you know
Dime: thank GOD. Ok I'm gonna start from the beginning so you better pay attention I do NOT like to repeat myself. Are you writing this, recording it? Then what the hell are you standing there for-
Dime starts to ramble non-stop and the Hounds have trouble following but I want to see their faces when they realize this eldritch criminal is snitching on an entirely different team/faction
"Wait why do you have tea about a bunch of guys that we've never heard of??"
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Beth making MC go apologize to Ranger for breaking his bones after we turn good...
Dime just scuffing their feet and staring at their shoes while mumbling "m'sorry"
"for what"
"for snapping your arm"
"and I won't do it again..."
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purposely failing every check i can. is my dime about to get kicked out of altruists? or am i too pathetic to let loose?
See there's pathetic (loser, incompetent), and there's pathetic (blowing own cover)
One is a lot worse than the other for Dime.
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This isn't that comical, but if this was a sitcom I could totally see Dime saying "Beth?" During a moment where everyone just happened to shut up, which stops the fighting as everyone snaps their heads in the direction of Beth/Dime. Someone advocates fighting again, and the others tell them to stfu everyone else wants the tea answers.
"...How about we get back to figh-"
"Shh! Sh-shut- shut up. We need closure now."
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Latest chapter had me feeling so sad for my MC 😭 she was the vainest lesbian in the world before she “ignited” and now she needs help just to enter a club. Someone get her a haircut stat!!!
I'm happy to hear this! wait no-
Okay but genuinely, I thought it was a great opportunity to bring up Dime's raggedy-ass state. People seem to like their feral Dime being acknowledged as such.
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I cannot! I cannot! i cannot stop thinking about an MC that was nice and kind of a scaredy cat when they were in AdVentures but fast forward 5 years and they're cold blooded, loving the fight, and having the Altruists stumble upon the videos and catching a glimpse of MC and just cornering them like "who hurt you"
"Who didn't?"
(every day, I think more about how I code distinct personality between flashback and now. maybe someday...)
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Dime that has bad eyesight and mutations so any time she grows new eyes they all have to squint too
"ffs I grew like twenty extra eyes and NONE OF THEM WORK"
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but what would happen if Dime ate the Project though
It's getting a little Dungeon Meshi* in here...
*I have not read Dungeon Meshi.
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The coven will regret letting my dime loose, not because he will betray them, but because he is a himbo who gives out his full legal name, uses paradigm as a codename, is so shit at lying that he just tells the truth, and gets his ass kicked every time he so much as thinks of getting in a fight. Him being on a mission is CG's nightmare scenario and the man won't even drink his juice.
How bad must my man fuck up before the coven realizes they shouldnt rely on a guy who accepts mystery pasta from strangers?
CG: Boss, I really think you should reconsider sending Dime undercover.
Hypothesis: Oh? Do you feel that he cannot be trusted?
CG: No, I feel that he's an idiot.
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what are the odds that at some point dime and Beth have had simultaneous nightmares about the incident?
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oh my god low observation dime just not being able to fucking see anything is sending meeeee imagining the other altruists having a ‘kim finding out harry was a gym teacher’ moment if it ever somehow came up
Dion: Okay, I'm convinced Dime isn't a spy now.
Mal: Explain.
Dion: I just watched them spend ten minutes failing to get the key into the front door.
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I like to imagine my Dime as tiny, gaunt, and silent with long white hair and just the biggest, saddest, most unsettling Precious Moments-style eyes ever because it makes the idea of anyone being all 🫦 over her hilarious to picture.
Sometimes, people like sadsack waifs ok, sometimes they want to hug them and tell them it's gonna be all right.
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My Dime: "I was disqualified as a human being the moment I failed to save my friends. I am alive by the will of the Coven and so my life is theirs to use as they wish."
Beth, the ex: "I am alive and also a hero."
My Dime: "Hey, babe, here is everything I know about the Coven. Feel free to use me as a double agent <3"
at that point they'd be like a triple agent, I think.
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
Thinking about traumatized Dime being held, cuddled, and cradled in Surpass’ strong arms. The safety, the warmth…
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
i luv playing a serious dime in battle and then doing some goofy or earnest thing afterwards and breaking character
i also love mal pointing it out, thx u bestie u see me through my trauma covered silly ass, im just bby *covered in grime and blood* tehe
ngl I'm frothing at the mouth to get to some of the sections where other characters can talk about Dime's behaviour some more.
I mean there's already some of that, and again in upcoming chapter but- ugh
I dunno! When I'm playing IF I love so much when the game recognises personality and I kind of want to spark that feeling in my readers.
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