#like i’m abandoning them
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gregmarriage · 3 days ago
how does one not feel guilty about the possibility of leaving home and actually having a life?
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bbqnoir · 8 months ago
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Chat is a feminist
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quirkyfries · 3 months ago
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My sins lead me to you
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calmbigdipper · 1 year ago
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What you mean to me
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tanglepelt · 2 years ago
Dc x dp idea 80
Danny’s parents don’t take the reveal well. They promise to hunt down phantom and and fix there baby boy. The king Phantom must be possessing Danny. He must be after information on the mortal realm to take it over.
This leads to Danny on the run.
Now he has access to the resources of the realm. He also never tells anyone he left amity because his parents were hunting him down. He just told them he wanted to travel like Ellie.
He earns money and whatnot by selling extinct or near extinct ingredients. Stuff used for spells and other hard to find items. Ghost in the realm are happy enough to tell him where they hid there stashes and the realms plant life is all extinct plants. Those that died out.
This leads to him meeting Zatana and other magic heros (if they have a bad vibe he won’t sell to them). He avoids John. He’s received numerous warnings about the soul seller.
He is in the middle of a transaction when Jack and Maddie locate him. They then proceeded to capture him all while screaming about “fixing” him.
Danny shockingly enough had been concealing his identity. They didn’t need to know he was only 15. And of course he was wearing a device to hide his ecto signature.
During jack and Maddie’s attack. Both his disguise and device are ruined.
Now the magic user knows Danny is at least a partly human child and the king of the infinite realm. Who is being attacked.
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kingofanemptyworld · 11 months ago
hey you know what would be fun? a fic where the Royal Guard follows through with their plans to make Ichigo the new Soul King and Grimmjow promptly loses his shit because what the actual fuck Ichigo has already given these people literally everything, twice, and this is how they repay him? recruits Nel and Harribel and Urahara and Yoruichi (after Nel sits on him for a while because Jesus Christ Grimmjow you can’t storm Soul Society by yourself no matter how much you’ve powered up) and it’s the Ryoka Invasion all over again except with pissed off arrancar instead. I just think it would be neat
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lazarus-harp · 1 month ago
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cause no one truly escapes the night ,
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myokk · 8 months ago
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cripplepunkbarbarian · 7 months ago
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I am so glad that the kid spectrals have such normal and caring spirits who will definitely not physically endanger and/or cruelly betray them in the midst of their lives already being destroyed by cults, monsters, and interpersonal drama. It’s so cool and nice 👍
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s0undsinmyhead · 5 months ago
If I see one more “they’re platonic soulmates 🥹🥰” comment on a tagged Caryl post I’m gonna go Carol on these mfs.
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If you don’t ship it move on. Creeps. Only thing worse is when they follow up with “she’s like his mother. They have a mother-son relationship.” Wtf show are you watching?! They’re the same age??? Carol has adopted many children. None of them were a middle aged man named Daryl who she flirts with a dreams about being married too.
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raylazuko · 6 months ago
Two all 2 people who follow my tumblr
If you’re of voting age in the US and not registered, PLEASE REGISTER NOW!
I’m endorsing Kamala Harris for president.
The fact that’s it’s even close makes me sick to my stomach.
You can disagree with Harris or Biden or their administration on a lot of things, but not seeing that she is clearly the better option is scary.
Queer people’s lives depend on this.
If you care about us, PLEASE VOTE
If you are mad at Harris for not stopping the genoc1de, remember that Trump will absolutely not stop it either and that he’s a moron who no one respects. I’d rather have a g3nocide overseas and have queer people (and poor people, women, poc) in the US protected than have a g3nocide overseas and not have them protected.
And if you say “well Roe v Wade overturned and other conservative laws happened under Biden” Remember this was the CONSERVATIVE supreme court that did this. And another Trump term will make the court even worse for decades. The implications of this are huge.
People are on the fence, it’s simple. If you care about your queer, disabled, poc, poor, female loved ones VOTE HARRIS. If you’re centrist and won’t vote because you don’t care you’re a pushover and a coward. If you’re farther left and think she isn’t left enough, yes you have a point but this is all we have, PLEASE use your brain and stop being chronically online and self impressed.
I don’t care if I lose followers for this at this point, I’m just out here doing everything I can, not to panic and want to hide who I am. A lot of people don’t have the options to move to another state let alone country and we just want to live.
I’m lucky to live in a very safe state but I’m still terrified.
Please care about us. Please vote.
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rooolt · 3 months ago
rattling the bars of my cage, cobra kai’s “too many characters” disease simultaneously invites speculation on a wide variety of possibly interesting character dynamics between characters who don’t frequently interact while also making it impossible for there to be any room or time in the story to even properly handle established character dynamics, let alone explore new ones
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kissnpunch · 1 year ago
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q!tubbo is a good parallel of q!roier being a father.
for q!tubbo is the first time being a father, he’s understanding why everybody feels deeply hurt when something happen to the eggs and the feeling of loving someone so much. he was a lonely boy stuck with his machines and making his own name on the island, then, q!phill introduce him to chay and tallu, sharing that company and sweetness before they were gone, q!tubbo started to make more deep relationships with people, the most important one being fred before disappearing.
now, q!roier was like that at the beginning, young, silly and mostly lonely after being betrayed, for that bobby was a light in his dark perception, in the other hand he connected with the eggs like q!tubbo with their grandsons but with leo, tilín, juana and q!cellbit is the perfect example of making deep relationship come true for him.
but he has more time on that territory than q!tubbo, two sons and lost them, alone again after his husband disappeared, is like they share same points of their story but in different sequence.
following their pov is so heart wrenching because i see on q!tubbo what q!roier used to be with bobby, sunny is what q!tubbo need it like bobby for q!roier, sadly, our spiderboy doesn’t want to be like that anymore knowing the reality of being a father for such a fragile creatures.
q!tubbo is the happy part of being father and taking care of the eggs, q!roier is the sad and bad part of that.
that’s why seeing their treat on the new eggs reveals a lot of their own thoughts and feelings after what happen in purgatory and general, for me, sunny and pepito are a comparison of how bad is being a father again and if, at the end, is worthy trying with them.
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stoat-party · 10 months ago
Boone giving Veronica Carla’s old dresses ;-;
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let-them-cook · 10 months ago
From @let-them-fight , the bitch who brought you THE TOURNAMENT for like 10 rounds before she promptly forgot she was running a tournament blog…
That’s right.
One more time.
Because that’s what this blog is here to uncover!
You, the person reading this, in all your glory as you peer upon these words now, will submit a stupid little FFUCK! into my inbox, because I still can’t just get off my ass and make a Google form, and along with that stupid little FFUCK! you will submit a small little itty bitty teeny tiny itsy bitsy snippet of propaganda declaring why YOU, believe they can cook.
Racists homophobes transphobes antisemites islamaphobes xenophobes ableists etc. etc. etc., if you reading this fit any of those categories, I hope you get hit by a car
Branching off of 1, please be fucking normal in the notes of these polls whenever I get to starting them up, which will likely not be this week since I’ll busy. These are silly polls. These are goofy polls. These do not amount to anything nor do they reflect on real life. Thank you.
There is ONE MEDIA that I will, for the meantime, not allow submissions for:
@let-them-fight @couldtransitionsaveher @couldtransitionsavehim @couldfatnesshavesavedthem @couldaromanticismsavethem
Sudan Relief Fund link
Eman Abdelrahman Gofundme (currently 20,600~ below needed goal as of May 19)
ThomaSerena Gofundme
bsonblast PayPal (Needing 500$ to keep a Sudanese family from eviction)
Mohamed Farah Gofundme (only around $800 from goal May 19)
Amjad Sido Gofundme
(donation links to be updated & added)
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littler0b1n · 3 months ago
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A fun submas art summary I put together for 2024
This year has just been these silly guys living in my head, they come and go in waves but they always come back…
I also really love seeing the evolution of how I draw these guys
Actual 2024 art summary
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