#lifestyle article
amandadoylewriting · 4 months
The Art of Manifesting with Gratitude
How I became grateful AF.
(A reupload of my own article on vocal.media)
I only started to really hear and learn about manifestation a few years ago. I heard a lot about how there were many different ways to manifest. The way that always stood out to me was through gratitude.
The first ever method I used for manifesting was writing a gratitude letter, where I talked about what I was grateful for, as well as what I was hoping for. Then, I started to write in a manifesting journal that I had purchased, and I was delighted to see my gratitude journey continue — the book already had a section specifically focused on the gratitude aspect of manifestation.
When I took breaks from manifesting, I was somehow always incorporating gratitude into my life still. I didn't think it would do much for me, but I was able to use it as a grounding practice to help me understand what was really important in life. Without realizing it, gratitude has become a huge part of my manifestation routine, and my journey to becoming my best self wouldn't be the same without it.
The Power of Gratitude
I find it really helpful and grounding to start each day with appreciation. I write my gratitude statements in the morning, even if it's just for something small.
Countless mornings, I have written down that I was grateful for my bed. I've written down that I was grateful I got to sleep and then see the sunshine the next morning. Eventually, bigger things start to stad out to you.
The thing is, the more you practice gratitude, the easier it is to find things to be grateful for. This is because you're training your brain to behave a certain way. Practicing gratitude repeatedly provides a positive shift in mindset, resulting in increased awareness of your blessings.
I also use gratitude to manifest. I'm currently trying to find a way to make microdosing happen for me, so each morning I've been writing "I am so grateful to be microdosing mushrooms" as if it's already happening to me.
The trick is to be grateful for what you wish you had. You can turn any manifestation into a gratitude statement, from a tangible object (I am so grateful for my new car), to an intangible object (I am so grateful for my healthy relationship), to an experience (I am so grateful for the opportunity each day to meet interesting people).
The reason that gratitude is so highly recommended is because it shifts your perspective and actually begins to exercise your optimism bone.
Gratitude helped me overcome the challenges that I faced when I was getting used to parenting a new puppy. I had never done this before and it was extremely stressful. I wanted to give up many times. But each morning when I wrote in my gratitude journal, she was right there beside me. Even though she was causing me so much annoyance, how could I not be grateful for all of the love that she gave?
When I was waiting to hear back about a job that I applied for, I was feeling anxious and I was having a hard time taking my mind off of the situation. I had to consistently remind myself of something very important — the "wanting" energy does not provide the want. I would try to use gratitude to have optimism about the situation. I would try to say something like "I am so grateful for my new job" even though I never ended up getting the job. However, the universe always knows what it's doing.
Having a regular gratitude practice helped me to relax my viewpoint when it came to certain situations in my life, as I started to accept my circumstances by being grateful for what I already had, instead of just focusing on what I was missing.
A Journey of Personal Growth
Even in simple moments, gratitude can help you develop awareness and mindfulness. All you have to do is look around and notice the good that surrounds you. Gratitude shifts your mindset radically over time, therefore gradually improving your well-being, as well as helping you gain acceptance when it comes to hard situations in your life.
As you can see, it is more than beneficial.
I am starting to appreciate the small things in life so much more than I did before, even if it is still a struggle. Some days are better than others. If I don't like the way I look overall, I can at least admire that my skin is pretty nice and clear. If I feel disappointed with my progress on a project, I can usually find at least one good thing about it to be proud of.
You nurture a grateful heart through repetition. The more you do something, the more natural it becomes to you. A grateful heart will naturally nurture itself because it's able to realize how important that action is for self care.
The reason why I wanted to share my gratitude practice with everyone is because I see how it could benefit so many people with just a little bit of effort on their part.
Even though I can't tell you how to live your life, I encourage you to incorporate gratitude into your daily routine, even if you only note one small thing that you're grateful for each day.
A regular gratitude practice can not only improve your mindset by showing you all there is to appreciate, but it can also completely level up your manifestation game with just a few simple statements each day. If you knew it was that easy, wouldn't you have started this practice a long time ago?
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colebabey888 · 9 days
From Morning Routine to Nighttime Rituals | IT GIRL DIARIES 🎀
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Becoming an IT Girl means embracing a lifestyle that balances beauty, productivity, and mindfulness. Let's take a look in the daily life of your ideal IT Girl...
Morning: Energizing Start 🎀
The IT Girl starts her day early, around 6 AM, with a refreshing glass of hot lemon water to detox and hydrate. She follows this with a quick workout, like indoor cycling or yoga, to get her blood flowing and boost her energy for the day ahead. After her workout, she treats herself to a skincare routine with gentle cleansers, serums, and sunscreen, focusing on achieving that effortless glow.
For breakfast, she enjoys a nutritious green juice, packed with spinach, kale, and ginger, which supports her clear skin and nourishes her body from within. She also takes a few moments for mindfulness practice, like journaling or meditation, to set positive intentions for the day.
Mid-Morning: Work Mode 🎀
By 9 AM, she’s in full productivity mode. To stay organized, she uses a to-do list or productivity app to break her day into manageable tasks. Whether she’s running a business, working on creative projects, or attending meetings, she prioritizes efficiency while taking short breaks to prevent burnout.
Lunch: Balanced and Light 🎀
For lunch, the IT Girl opts for a light, clean meal, like a salad with lean protein or healthy fats. She avoids processed foods and sugars, sticking to a nutrient-rich diet that keeps her feeling energized. During her break, she might catch up on reading or listen to a podcast that aligns with her personal growth goals.
Afternoon: Social and Active 🎀
In the afternoon, she may meet with friends, colleagues, or network with like-minded individuals. Socializing is a key part of her lifestyle, but she also remains selective about the company she keeps, ensuring her circle is supportive and inspiring.
To stay active, she might sneak in a quick walk or stretch, especially if she’s been working at a desk. Physical movement is important, even during a busy day, to maintain that IT Girl energy.
Evening: Wind Down in Style 🎀
As the day winds down, the IT Girl prepares for a relaxing evening. After finishing her tasks, she switches to self-care mode with an evening skincare routine, focusing on cleansing, moisturizing, and perhaps a face mask. She also enjoys a warm bath or some light stretching to soothe her body.
For dinner, she sticks to whole, unprocessed foods, such as grilled vegetables and lean proteins. The evening is her time to unwind, reflect, and recharge for the next day. She might do some light reading, indulge in a creative hobby, or spend time with loved ones.
Nighttime: Sleep Rituals 🎀
By 10 PM, it’s time for her nighttime rituals. The IT Girl knows the importance of quality sleep for her beauty and productivity. She turns off screens at least an hour before bed and enjoys a cup of herbal tea. Finally, she practices gratitude journaling to reflect on her day, setting a positive tone for the next morning.
xoxo, @colebabey888
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cbbyzac · 1 year
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kaportka · 9 months
7 Signs You Are Becoming Your Best Self
Heightened Self-Awareness. As you embark on becoming your best self, you start peeling back the layers of the person you thought you were.
You Embrace Change. The unknown is no longer scary. It becomes a representation of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
You Question the Status Quo. You question the norms, the expectations, and the predefined roles assigned by society.
You Find Strength in Solitude. You realize that solitude is your friend, not something you should run away from.
You Seek Knowledge. You find yourself drawn to books, courses, and experiences that contribute to your intellectual and spiritual growth.
You Cultivate Resilience. Instead of viewing obstacles as insurmountable roadblocks, you see them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
Compassion Is Your New Language. You understand that, beneath the surface, everyone is navigating their journey, facing challenges, and seeking a path to fulfilment.
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savvylittlecoxswain · 5 months
I found this super cool article that talks about the life of a Division I rower, and in it was a rough timetable for what a week would look like for them. This table is amazing because I know for a fact I would have put one together myself if I hands found this one!!! Obviously it’s naturally geared more towards modern au since the 1930s were nearly 100 years ago, but I’m sure it’s not too much different from what it was like back then!
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Here’s an example of a typical week for a Division I Rower created by Laura Simon, the lead recruiter at Yale University for the Women’s Team as of 2021.
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mashkaroom · 2 years
SO many thoughts about this article, but ultimately it comes down to the fact that extreme parental control over children is so widely accepted even in liberal and leftist circles, and that’s intensely disheartening. A lot of what’s presented as neutral in this article is stuff like ‘parents should be involved in all major life decisions for their children’, which, frankly, is deranged. Parents should not be everything for their children -- it’s bad for both parties. Most parents are not perfect -- which is fine! you cannot expect them to be -- but a child with even the most perfect parent might not want to share everything about their private life with their parent. Oftentimes, you want to share things with someone less close to you because then, if you change your mind or realize you made a mistake, there’s basically no consequences. Also, god, is this really that hard to understand? Children are their own people. A lot of people in the comments are saying things like ‘well of course parents have the right to know information about their children, but in the case of gender identity, it’s a matter of safety’. Really? Do -- or rather should -- they have the right? Is safety where we want to draw the line? If your boss was revealing details about your behavior at work to your siblings or parents or spouse without your consent, would you be okay with that, even if it didn’t jeapordize your safety? This is not something we should be ceding any ground on. No privacy guarantees, fears of mandated reporting, and lack of clarity on where administrators and teachers drew that line is exactly what prevents many from disclosing things to adults in the school and why you, as a high schooler, were often the primary point of support for a number of your peers at any given time. This isn’t even particularly a secret, like this is a widespread and well-known phenomenon. I really struggle to give people the benefit of the doubt on this at this point, because, frankly, for most, it’s not that they just haven’t considered the potential harms, it’s that those harms are acceptable sacrifices if it means keeping children in a state of extreme societal control.
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phanlight · 1 month
just gonna ... plop this here
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mariacallous · 2 years
Russia has repeatedly attacked and eroded many different rights and protections over the last decade by hiding behind or cloaking it under the guise of "protecting children" - every single attack or restriction on lgbt rights and protections has been as an amendment to Russia's child protection law (significantly the law is "for the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating a Denial of Traditional Family Values" which doesn't often get brought up or pointed out).
The right in the US are doing much the same.
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bp-trio · 5 months
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Hana of BLACKPINK: The New Face of Timeless Elegance with Rolex
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In a world that ticks to the rhythm of social media trends and viral moments, Hana, the luminary of BLACKPINK, has transcended the digital buzz to become the embodiment of enduring luxury. Rolex, the Swiss maestro of horology, has found its newest muse in Hana, marking a historic partnership as she becomes the brand’s first Asian ambassador.
Just a year after gracing the global campaigns of Harry Winston and MIKIMOTO, Hana’s ascent into the pantheon of luxury ambassadors continues unabated. Her latest accolade? The face of Rolex, a brand synonymous with precision, prestige, and perfection.
The announcement reverberated through the corridors of haute horlogerie and K-pop fandoms alike, heralding a new era where the East meets the West on the wrist of a global superstar. Hana’s influence, which spans continents and cultures, is a testament to her universal appeal and the power of K-pop’s global reach.
Rolex, a brand that has adorned the wrists of explorers, visionaries, and leaders, now welcomes a new kind of pioneer. Hana represents the modern icon—dynamic, diverse, and digitally savvy. Her partnership with Rolex is not just a fusion of aesthetics but a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation.
As Hana steps into this prestigious role, she carries with her the spirit of a generation that values authenticity and aspiration. With Rolex, she will not just tell time; she will tell a story—a narrative of excellence, elegance, and empowerment.
For Hana, and for Rolex, the future is not just bright; it is brilliant. As the hands of the Rolex Oyster Perpetual move in precision, so does Hana’s journey, marking every second with the promise of legacy and the power of now.
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strawberryrhubarbs · 15 days
articles i've read recently
mike faist pulls back the curtain
mike faist will try to fool you
where does chappell roan go from here?
why so many people are going "no contact" with their parents
does a.i. really encourage cheating in schools?
the death of school 10: how declining enrollment is threatening the future of american public education
'mommy can we go to paris?': wealth gap between parent families in new york
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thelittlestspider · 2 months
Have you ever written any Spideytorch fics? Or plan on writing one?
i haven't, but i did have an idea for a How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days au for them.
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amandadoylewriting · 4 months
Five Common Questions People Have About Life Coaching That They're Too Afraid to Ask
You've heard of life coaching over and over... but what does it really entail? What is it like to actually work with a life coach?
(A re-upload of my own article on vocal.media)
Life Coaching is a buzz term in the self-improvement community. Some of the most popular spiritual gurus swear that you need a life coach in order to succeed, but then there's some life coaches who would claim that a life coach isn't actually necessary for a good life.
Either way, there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to life coaching.
In this article, we will examine five common questions that people have when it comes to life coaching, but may be too afraid to ask.
What exactly will my sessions entail?
People have a lot of confusion when it comes to what exactly they will be doing in a life coaching session. People are a lot less likely to sign up for something when they don't know what it is. Therefore, the vagueness of life coaching can scare people away.
Every single life coach that you work with have different practices they use during their sessions, and it's up to you to do your research to find out what kind of coaching a certain person performs.
After all — the most important thing when it comes to life coaching is a good connection and relationship between the coach and the client.
Some coaches may give you homework to take home, some will prefer to talk about the topics in session. Some coaches only work in group settings, and some coaches only work one-on-one. Some coaches have a program that they work through, and others prefer to talk about whatever comes up.
Either way, expect to do a deep dive into who you are and what drives you. If you're curious about what your coaching sessions will entail, don't be afraid to just ask the coach.
Is the coach just going to lecture me and tell me what to do?
If your coach is constantly lecturing you and telling you what to do, they may not be the right coach for you or for anyone. A good life coach will NOT tell you what to do. They will instead help you question your life and your choices, so that you, yourself, can find the answers and figure out what to do on your own.
A life coach is not there to lecture and control. They are there to support and guide and help you brainstorm. You made a mistake? It's okay. Let's talk about what you learned and how you can move forward, instead of worrying about the actions that you can't change.
Again, a strong connection is the foundation of successful life coaching.
What is the goal of my sessions?
You're not going to want to sign up for life coaching if you don't know what the goal is. People want to know if they're working towards something, or if everything they're doing is for no effort.
Again, every life coach will be different. If your life coach hasn't offered one already, ask for a session to set up a plan for the remainder of your sessions.
Be honest with your life coach if you feel unsure about where your sessions are going. Their job is to make you feel comfortable with a mutual agreement and plan.
How much work is expected of me?
You may be wondering about that homework I mentioned earlier. Yes, some coaches give homework. However, this really depends on the coach themselves and how they do their coaching.
No matter what though, there will have to be commitment involved on your part.
You will be required to step up to the plate if you feel like you're ready to change your life. Life coaching is simple, but not easy. This means you may know what the answers are and what you have to do, but it's not going to be something that just comes naturally. It's going to take work.
The good news is that you have the capability to do any work that is expected of you. Life coaching is a commitment, but if you're wanting to work with a life coach, you're probably more than ready to make the commitment and do the work that is expected of you.
How long am I supposed to work with a life coach?
You may start life coaching sessions with high hopes, and then start to feel discouraged after working through a few sessions. Sometimes, in a slump, you may feel like you should quit working with your life coach. Things may be getting hard and you may want to give up.
But here's the thing — you will know in your soul and intuition when it's time to stop working with a coach. You'll get a tugging feeling... the same kind of feeling that told you that it was time to start working WITH the coach in the first place.
A lot of coaches will have a program for you to work through, and then when that's over, you're done working with the coach. Some coaches will even set out a specific number of weeks to work together. Usually, there's a contract involved. This contract may say how long you're set to work together.
But basically, in your gut, you'll know. You'll know if it's time to move on. Just learn to trust.
A life coach is not someone that is meant to intimidate you.
A life coach can be your biggest supporter and mentor. They can be one of the people in this world that you trust the most. They can be your #1 fan and cheerleader.
But if they're honest and good, they will never try to control you or bring out the worst in you.
Think of life's struggles like rain, and the life coach is the one who gives you the umbrella.
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colebabey888 · 22 days
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elisabethbabarci · 2 months
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As we all stand united as a collective, we embrace our strengths through the positive periods and the challenging times.
We are all one — remember, support everyone around you. You have the capacity to give love and healing energy to those in need. Stand in your power and help those that need or require your assistance.
Always remember, you are your own source of happiness. You are also a role model to many known and unknown individuals.
Fundamental freedom is only achieved once we release all of the negative emotions that we have stored and find within ourselves to move forward through the process of forgiveness.
You are stronger than you can ever believe. Never allow anyone determine what you can achieve, think, or have the ability to do. You always have unlimited potential.
Be supportive of those that enhance our safety and security.
Understand and acknowledge that you always have a fundamental role in the change process. Change starts with you within, what you want to achieve is possible. Allow yourself the time to engage in the activities that make you feel powerful and embrace the joy that will balance your heart centre.
We are all warriors of the light. We stand with one another to offer support, assistance, love, and warmth.
Release all fears and acknowledge that you are in the here and now. Nothing matters more than the present moment. You can not control what occurs around you but you can control your reactions to situations. Always question, always learn, always grow with your experiences and release what is not needed. You are stronger than your past experiences, rise above them. Embrace the change and take the leap of faith that the new will be better than the old. Old structures crumble to create more stronger ones.
See beyond the illusions. Always engage your faculty of wonder. You are capable of more than you can ever imagine. Do not allow anyone to limit your potential. Do not allow the fear of being stung keep you from doing what is right. Do not allow uncertainty and negativity throw you off of your game. Get back in the ring. You got this! You can always achieve the best version of yourself. Shift your mindsets and acknowledge that you can achieve anything.
You can achieve anything. Move beyond your limitations. Face yourself and what is stopping you. Move beyond expectations and be the best version of yourself. You are responsible for you. You determine your life.
For anyone that you know that is feeling weak be their strength. Your compassion, time, and effort is always appreciated. Do what you feel intuitively is right and stand up for what you believe in.
If you are in a position to make a difference in someone’s life, be the impact that they require. Remember you are a role model, a hero, an inspiration in someone’s eyes. You have the ability to be the light that beams in all that surrounds you. You will always be valued, loved, and appreciated.
Take some time to be with your loved ones. Let them know you are present. You need to be the strongest element to help them in their daily lives through the good and the bad.
Reach out, connect, love everyone around you. You have the capacity to love without boundaries.
Love is the strongest gift you can give to someone in need. Encourage them. Bring the people you love strength not fear, happiness not sorrow, and demonstrate that you can prevail despite the odds.
Set a new tone and help others that need you. We are made to support and care for one another. You have the power and the knowledge to change any situation into a positive one.
Be you and love without limitation. Many Blessings!
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giddlygoat · 3 months
i kinda just wish i had a quiet life with a day job i can excel at and enough free time on my hands to complete a drawing every day if i wished. i think it’s important to follow one’s dreams and always strive to better one’s life and try new things but also, maybe my idea of “better” is slower. maybe i just want things to relax a little and i think that’s okay
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katsukikitten · 3 months
Researchers are going to have to pry my monster rehab peach tea from my cold dead hands before I give this shit up.
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