#lgbtqia+ advice
justkenz · 1 year
This is probably a stupid question but is being bisexual but heteromantic aloud? Or like a thing? I'm attracted to both men and women but I would never want to date a women? (I'm female btw) I'm not sure if that's a thing or what?
That's not a stupid question! And yeah that's a thing! :)
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castielfucks · 7 months
theres actually no rules to transitioning and youre allowed to want contradictory things for your transition. it's fine if you only want some of the changes that come with hrt and take preventative measures for the rest (like wanting bottom growth but not body hair or vice versa). you can want to have vagina AND a dick. you can be a woman and want top surgery, or wear a packer. you can be a man and want to have a pussy. you can change your transition goals one or a million times or not have any goals at all and just take things as they come or as they feel right.
there are no rules.
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good-advice-ganondorf · 4 months
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hellyeahscarleteen · 1 month
We could use your help!
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If you support the groundbreaking, inclusive, affirming, feminist, comprehensive, young-people-centered, queer sex ed for all we've provided for 25+ years to over 90 million people, please help us raise the $15K we need to pay our bills in 2024, or become one of 250 new donors we need for 2025! You can do that at Scarleteen.com/contribute or by heading to our site and clicking ‘Pitch-In ’. 🎉 If you’re already donating (thank you!) please consider increasing your monthly amount, if you can, even a little bit. We’ll count any increases we get towards our two goals! You can do that by clicking 'Manage Your Donation' in your latest donation receipt. If you can’t donate yourself, can you tell your friends, family and followers who we are, why you value our work and ask them if they’d be willing to donate? You can share this post and the link above, but using your own words is the most effective! Despite leading the way in SRE online from the 1990s on, and always making sure young people have access to good information even when it is suppressed elsewhere in their lives, we remain underfunded, including funding to pay our staff a fair, living wage. We need to meet this $15K goal to fund our most basic needs and our tightest budget. If you can help us do that, we can focus on providing awesome SRE, growing, improving and kicking-ass, and finding more funding for 2025. Thank you! ❤️
- The Scarleteam
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charliejaneanders · 6 months
Writing any kind of story is a scary proposition, especially if it deals with personal stuff. And writing about trans people during a bogus moral panic is especially daunting -- it's easy to either pull your punches, or feel as though the burden of good trans representation weighs on your shoulders. The good news is that we are living during a time of extreme riches when it comes to trans stories, and a ton of wonderful authors are writing trans tales that defy categorization and bust through boundaries. So please write the story that speaks to you, the story that only you can tell about your own obsessions and dreams. It can be scary or funny or comforting or escapist, or all of the above — don't worry that what you write will be singled out as the One True Trans Story, or seen as a representation of all trans people. Just write your story.
Writing Trans Stories For Fun (and Liberation) --- My latest newsletter!
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justdavina · 8 months
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Mia Nowlan – Beautiful Transgender Youtuber
Sooooooo Cute! I Love her so much!! Just a wonderful transgender girl!
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greatandholypangolin · 4 months
am I wrong for saying “shoutout to asexuals”?
ok so recently, whenever a conversation has died or whatever, I’ll just say “shoutout to asexuals” and then move on, because, idk, it’s a bit funnygoofy and also I like my asexual friends. Anyway, I said it in front of my mother and she said not to do it anymore, because it could be seen as “othering” people with asexuality. I don’t see it that way at all, but I wouldn’t like to be accidentally homophobic, so I’m using a poll to get real asexual opinions
for reference, I’m bisexual, and my mother knows that, so I am part of the LQBTQ+ community, but I’m (maybe) not asexual. I’ve been thinking about things around the aro/ace spectrum, based on past experiences, but I feel as though I’m not sure enough to give myself any proper labels. My mother doesn’t know about that part.
so, my mother’s arguments:
It may seem like I’m “othering” the asexual community by saying that
its like being the a white girl in a room with a few black people in it and saying “shoutout to black people” - it feels weird to her
im not saying it because I genuinely want to support asexuals, I’m saying it as more of a verbal tic
my 2 asexual friends agreeing is not a large enough group, even if they both are fine with it, others may not be
and my arguments are:
Im saying it to include asexuals, because they can sometimes feel disregarded in LGBTQ+ spaces
its pride month, literally the best time to give random unprovoked asexuality shoutouts
Idk, I feel like asexual people wouldn’t really be offended by that
both of my asexual friends think it’s hilarious and encourage me to keep going
it’s like a cis person saying “yay trans pride” at random moments and being told not to because it’s making trans people feel more separate
im not othering asexual people, I’m celebrating them
also pls reblog this around I want the largest possible data set so I know if I’m problematic or not
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itgetsbetterproject · 25 days
🍎✏️ Back to school advice for queer students, from queer people! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
We asked, y'all answered. Some back to school advice for LGBTQ+ students:
❤️ "Learn Queer history. Learn Black history. Learn Native American history. Learn what has gone into making it possible for you to be who you are, with the amount of safety and support you have — even if it doesn't feel like much." -Brandyn
🧡 "Autistic queer here. Always being buried in a book saved me from a lot. And find your tribe." -queerintech_
💛 "Find your people for support - whether at school or outside of school. You are loved and appreciated for who you are. Anyone that says otherwise doesn't deserve to know you or your story. Our community is sending all the love and support to you everyday!" -Amy
💚 "To my young black feminine boy: be your authentic self, people will judge you, call you slurs, but don't suppress your beauty. To my beautiful black bisexual boy: you don't have to try so hard to suppress what you like, it's okay to like boys." -Tyreece
💙 "Find at least one safe teacher you can go to. You can do this by finding the rainbow sticker on their door or by finding a sign in their room!" -Sonia
💜 "Don’t think for one minute that being bullied should be tolerated. Find help, talk to friends about it. You have the right to be yourself. I also noticed that when I stood up for myself, I was respected more." -Jason
❤️ "Befriend the other little weirdos, they’re going to be the coolest adults (and so are you). Keep your eyes on the horizon, but also know for better or worse you’re never going to experience this time again, so try to make the most of it." -Patrick
🧡 "You don't owe anyone anything. If you don't feel safe to come out, that doesn't make you any less queer." -Kayenta
💛 "Something that three people told me that I now truly believe: 'There is nothing wrong with you. You don't have to change who you are to be loved and respected.' They were right. You will figure things out!" -Bert
💚 "So many people love you. Your teachers want to help - find the good ones. We are out there." -Deirdre
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months
Hey guys, this isn't fandom-related but just a PSA because I want you to be safe out there.
Whatever you do, DO NOT go to this form created to target trans people in Utah and DO NOT spam it with bogus reports such as:
The entire Bee Movie script
100k word fanfics
Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up"
The names of conservative lawmakers
Full-length movies
PDFs of novels
Remember, since they have no limits on word count or file size, it's really easy to overload their system and we DO NOT want that to happen. Additionally, if you have a VPN, you should absolutely NOT change your location to Utah because that makes it more difficult for them to filter reports by IP address.
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geek-22 · 6 months
Trans men and enby's,
Testosterone does not work as birth control.
Your doctor may tell you this, a nurse might, but it DOES NOT.
For the love of god, wear protection
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justkenz · 1 year
Advice for a baby gay?
My advice for all the baby gays is that you do not need to rush your journey of figuring out who you are and who you love, it's also okay if you change how you identify later in life, and just know that things will get better. I know our society is making it hard to feel safe, but stay strong, our community will always fight for our baby gays 🤍
Just know you are loved, even if it doesn't feel like it right now, just know that you are, and you are not alone. You have a whole community here to support you. 🤍
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thinkingnot · 2 years
a detailed advice MrTechnoDad shared for anyone who is trans, neurodivergent and struggling with getting the help and understanding they need at home, or just disconnected from your parents in general
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just thought this should be shared for more to see cuz personally it helps :)
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sterekshipper-writer · 2 months
Thank you to everyone who voted, liked reblogging, and commented on my previous post. I wanted to ask another question in hopes of making my YA novel relatable and true to the struggles and realities experienced. If you feel comfortable answering, I'd love to hear from you. No pressure at all.
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hellyeahscarleteen · 27 days
Funding update: We're still short
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Co-director Jacob here, with an update on our current fundraising efforts. We sure appreciate your understanding this interruption to the award-winning sex and relationships education programming we’d much rather be spending our time providing for you! Just over 200 wonderful folks have made a donation or become a recurring donor since we started, but we are still short of our goal! We’re still 171 new recurring donors and 5K short of 15K we need to pay our most basic bills through the end of 2024 to help us avoid cuts to our staffing and services in 2025. We'll need just around as many people as have already pitched in to close the economic gaps we're up against, and help from people who value what we do to close them. You know the drill! If you can pitch in financially, and especially as a recurring donor, we’d love and appreciate your help at any level. If you can’t, or you already have and want to help some more, making your own posts about us, why you value us, and directing your circles to our work and where to donate to support it can go such a long way. Thank you for keeping us trucking, especially to those of you who have donated now or in the past, and those of you loudly banging this drum for us out here! Here's the link to donate for yourself or to direct others to:
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charliejaneanders · 1 month
I love literary fiction! Reading lit fic has made me much better at writing science fiction and fantasy, and I highly recommend everyone read some. So here are ten (mostly) realist literary books that had a huge influence on me...
My latest newsletter! Huzzah!
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bisexualwoman0 · 18 days
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The most secure Bisexual women dating site
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