#intermittent explosive disorder
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ur-fav-is-disabled · 8 months ago
I won’t lie, I’m probably gonna get flamed for requesting this but someone pointed out Postal Dude has a handicapped license plate so uh..
Can I request Dude w/ IED and schizoaffective disorder? Thank you!
The Postal Dude is Disabled!
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Disabilities: Schizoaffective Disorder & Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)
Valley Behavioural Health System - An impulse-control disorder characterized by sudden episodes of unwarranted, impulsive and reoccurring anger. (IED)
Mind.org - A mental health problem where you experience psychosis as well as mood symptoms including: hallucinations, delusions, mania, depressive symptoms and disorganised thinking. (Schizoaffective Disorder)
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narcissisticpdcultureis · 6 months ago
npd + ied culture is what the fuck do you mean you left me for that other whore? i’m all you need!! don’t think i don’t know, either. fucking piece of SHIT!!!
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spaghettimakesflags · 8 months ago
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Rage Attack Flag
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polygamousfistingchaos · 11 months ago
all servers ive found for these subjects are adult only spaces or completely dead. was wondering if i should go through the trouble of making my own or not.
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colombinna · 2 years ago
i think the best way to learn about anything is hearing people's stories about it. and the more and more i experience life and stories and listen to other people the more i'm convinced that the Prime Way to unlearn ableism is to internalize that It's Always Harder For The Person Who Has It Than For Those Around Them
It doesn't matter the disorder, and oh boy do I know it's hard to live up by that irl, but hey that's the daily exercise in sympathy (the action of caring about others) we should all practice as human beings bc we're here to make the world better than it was when we entered it.
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scumgristle · 8 months ago
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TONE REELS: an essential tool for filmmakers, utilizing a seamless patchwork edit of existing film clips to convey the mood and atmosphere of a project.
One such filmmaker is Simon Gamulla, who at one time was on the cusp of underground media notoriety. The serial frustration of debilitating creative setbacks have since ground him down, and now Simon Gamulla finds himself employed as a content moderator for a tech upstart.
The onslaught exposure to a relentless barrage of disturbing information and gruesome imagery awakens something deep within Simon Gamulla… and it ain’t no fucking film.
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ur-fav-bpd · 8 months ago
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Malina from The Emperor's New School has BPD and IED!
(requested by @il-sicario1 ^_^)
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dh-dd-hivemind · 21 days ago
Catch up (or refresh) with the first two pages here.
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Huge announcement! We will now be posting once or twice a month! And we are fully certain of that. Why? Because we are getting a proper wrist brace for our wrist disability! And, most excitingly, our friend @starfact0ry IS HELPING US PRODUCE PAGES!
She has been doing the sketches (which is what Angel - the headmate illustrating this comic - struggles with the most.)
Both of these things together mean that we can produce our comic at a regular pace! No more of our audience wondering if the comic will ever continue. Because we are certain now more than ever that it will!
Thank you, everyone, for your patience all this time. Its been truly appreciated.
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colinodonoghueseyebrow · 1 year ago
Does anyone here have any experience with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, or know anyone who does? 😕
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narcissisticpdcultureis · 9 months ago
questioning npd + ied culture is receiving negative criticism and feeling such a strong surge of emotion that makes you want to collapse on the floor and scream and shout and cry and sob out of the sheer rage you are experiencing
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dirt-apple-productions · 1 year ago
When people say that they have a right not to forgive others and they have a right to hold a grudge I just think back to when I was little and it was impossible to control my temper because I had Lyme disease that caused IED and my dad wouldn’t talk to me for weeks or sometimes months on end using that same justification and idk I feel like people don’t realize that when they say “I don’t have to forgive others and you don’t have to either” they’re saying that was a-ok for my dad to do to me
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actuallycassidyiambusy · 7 months ago
Are you ok?
If I'm being honest, no. Not really. I've shared my conditions on here before and they've been getting away from me lately. Maybe a few weeks ago? I think idk, my psychiatrist and therapist stopped taking my insurance, so now I have to start over with someone new (once I actually find someone else who takes my insurance)
They didn't even have the courtesy to tell me. I found out when my prescriptions weren't refilled.
I've been off meds for a little over a week now and still haven't found anyone and it's been taking a toll on my mind. Like, I can't fucking focus, I feel like a time bomb and even my sleep paralysis is back. It's scary how fast a downward spiral can occur. People wonder every day why others lose their battle with mental health. We can't get the proper help or someone to even fucking talk to us unless we are able to fork out thousands of dollars out of pocket...all because of the fucked up system America is so proud of.
I've been sketching a lot bc it helps calm my mind a little.
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klaudioeromy · 2 years ago
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colombinna · 1 year ago
Confession time for people with PDs, EDs, and all of the scary disorders. Don't be an ableist weirdo, some people's struggles just don't look nice.
Anybody else incapable of looking at what other people make without immediately categorizing it on - better [in quality] than [what] you [make] / - lesser [in quality] than you [make] (and very rarely: - [of] similar [quality] to [what] you [make]) and feeling stuff accordingly? I love when seeing other people's stuff makes me feel inspired to do my stuff as well, but I find that only happens when the person's reality is too different from my own (specifically: they're much older than me), otherwise i WILL feel like shit for seeing someone my age or under doing better than me and I WILL feel superior/arrogant (ooh scary nasty feeling I know! Blame my brain tho!) If I'm doing something better than other people near my age or older than me. Knowing that there are people doing "worse"/"lesser" than me actually helps soothe myself when I go into a spiral about other people being better than me. I kinda hate that (except when I hate the person themselves, for being a bigot or annoying or whatnot, yeah ofc I'm better than you at [thing], you're a loser little bitch!) I wish I could be the kind, sweet, all loving person I've always wanted to appear to people, but I'm too angry for that and I'm finally beginning to accept that and adjust the ways I fight for a better world to how I am. I may never be the super sugary sweet teacher/colleague that's all fluflly and lovable, but I'll never stop fighting and organizing to make injustices stop.
Since I'm always the one who has to fix problems, I'll see them through and I'll see that it's all done right.
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horrorwoodcollective · 1 year ago
This has happened our entire life and continues to happen.
We have ASPD, NPD, & IED.
So we *must* be the abuser, right?
It's very common for people to push those with demonised personality disorders to the end of their tether via manipulation, bullying, abuse, etc. and then get upset with them when they inevitably snap.
It happens a lot within the neurodivergent community, too! People spread lies about us, do things that purposely upset/trigger us and then when we start to get upset/stand up for ourselves/etc. it's "sEE??? we were right about them all along!!!!"
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prollymad · 1 month ago
My name being Prolly Mad is connected mostly to the fact I have IED. It fucking sucks to admit it.
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