#if you think you know who's back there and haven't been subjected to my madness yet. well. surprise!!!
diredeliverance · 5 months
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This was supposed to just be a quick, barely-more-than-stick-figures doodle to remember a pose for later, but every time I glanced down at my sketchbook while doing something else I thought "ah, I could add one little detail for fun" until it stopped being a helpful pose reference and became some other thing. Watch your back or something
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earthtooz · 3 months
earth do you have any spare alhaitham thoughts 🥺 thinking ab him a little extra hard tonight 😵
nothing but fluff, reader and al-haitham are engaged, so much banter.
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"What do you think about inviting Nahida to our wedding?"
Al-Haitham looks at you incredulously, blinking slowly to register your question. You know a lengthy discussion is imminent when he uncrosses his leg, a habit of his whenever he needs to prepare for a conversation that requires most of his attention.
"You don't mean Lesser Lord Kusanali, do you?" He asks and you nod, as if it is typical to invite a god to one's wedding. "Dear, do you understand what you are asking right now?"
"I do," you sit down beside him, Zaytun peach in one hand and a small knife in the other, cutting up slices that you feed him.
"Then do you realise how ludicrous your question is?"
"I think you are overcomplicating it."
His book snaps shut. "Am I? Or is it appropriate because you just suggested inviting an archon to our very ordinary wedding?"
"You still think you're ordinary after overthrowing a corrupt government and being promoted by said archon?"
"You're crazy," Al-Haitham murmurs, shaking his head with an affectionate smile, one that he always likes to conceal by pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You poke his side gently. "Then we are cut from the same cloth."
"That does not diminish your madness."
Still, you persist. "Well, you haven't said anything in response to my suggestion."
"I called you crazy."
"You haven't said anything I want to hear."
Once again, he sighs, but the noise is too airy to hold any true malice. "Even if I reject your idea, you would personally go to the Sanctuary of Surasthana and deliver the invite yourself."
Instead of answering, you merely feed him another slice of the Zaytun peach, smile growing more and more mischievous.
There is a reason Al-Haitham wants to spend the rest of his life with you. The bouts of delightful juvenility paints endless blotches of colour on his plain canvas, carving a certain feeling of warmth and admiration in his chest that no one else has managed to recreate.
No one compares to you, and he's certain no one ever will because even after all these years of knowing and loving you, every moment he spends with you is as priceless as divine knowledge. Even when you ask ridiculous questions that perplex him greatly.
"How do you even deliver messages to the Sanctuary of Surasthana?" You wonder.
A kiss to your temple halts your thinking. "Let's find out another time. How did this idea of inviting Nahida spring about?"
You shrug. "I was merely thinking back. She's always been so thoughtful and kind to her subjects, even when the Akademiya hid her from us. Then the idea of inviting her made itself quite at home."
"I see," he hums. "Ever so thoughtful."
"Maybe it's a good omen for our partnership to invite an archon. She won't have to bring a present, her presence alone is enough."
Al-Haitham huffs. "My faith in our relationship exceeds that of a good omen, but I agree."
"Aww, you love me that much?"
"Do you still doubt me?"
"Still?" You parrot. "Darling, I've never doubted you."
"I'd like to contest that. Remember when you were vehemently against me resigning as the Acting Grand Sage?"
You feed him another slice. "It gave me bragging rights! Who else could claim that their hot boyfriend-now-fiancé was the Grand Sage?"
"So you prefer when I'm away at the Akademiya working tirelessly from dawn to dusk?"
"Well, no," you set the knife and pit of the peach down before throwing your arms around his neck, pressing yourself close to him. "I prefer having you all to myself."
Al-Haitham huffs triumphantly and you stay pressed close to him for a while, watching as he returns to his novel. He flips back to his exact page despite the lack of a bookmark.
"I'll be sure to send the invite to Nahida tomorrow."
Two days later, you wake to a message written in beautifully precise handwriting on Al-Haitham's blackboard.
'Can Wanderer be invited too? - Nahida'
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© EARTHTOOZ 2024, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Hi! I love your writing so much!! I'm currently loving your freelance inventor series! I don't see a lot of danny/bruce fics so it's always fun when you post one!! What danny thinks of the justice league, does he think they're just Bruce's extreme sports friends? Or his kids friends parents?
Danny first meets Bruce's extreme sports friends when Dick plans to introduce Wally-his first boyfriend- on a water skiing trip. It went a little hair-walled due to the misunderstanding.
He had been around the manor with some free time, so he asked Bruce if he could join once Dick brought up the trip and made a comment on how important things he needed to talk about.
Usually, Danny wouldn't have bothered, but because it was so long that thier friendship had started he felt like it was a good time to ask.
At first, both the Waynes appeared to be dancing around the subject that, for a second, Danny thought they didn't want him there. Not wanting to make them feel pressured—and a little embarrassed he had assumed he could tag along—he backtracked quickly, making up an excuse about flying out to see Dani.
There was an awkward dinner that evening, so Danny left immediately. He had planned on staying the night at Wayne Manor, but he felt he had overstayed his welcome from his silly request. Instead, he rented a hotel room in the more dangerous parts of the city.
Danny had been on the hotel's phone line all night, attempting to find a plan to take him somewhere close to Dani. He could fly with his powers the rest of the way, but he needed to create some kind of paper trail.
While he listened to the hold music of the airline representative, he felt a wave of shame. At that point, Danny had only known Bruce and Dick for a year- but with various breaks in between visits- and had thought that made them closer. Who did he think he was?
Bruce wanted their relationship to stay as business associates who occasionally hung out but nothing as important as a vacation trip. Danny had just been the idiot who thought himself more important.
Well, he would not be making the same mistake. He would only come back if it involved his work and would find his own lodging from now on. The Waynes had likely not know how to say no to him.
Idiot, Danny thought, pacing in his room and wiping away tears. Idiot. Stupid. Moron. Of course, Bruce Wayne doesn't think of you as a friend! Get a clue!
"Thank you for waiting, Mr. Fenton. A first-class plane ticket to Calais, France, has been booked for you on Monday, July 7th. Would you like to make this a round trip?" the cheerful woman asks him, and he sniffs.
"No. It's a one-way. I won't be coming back here for a while." The words feel like knives in his chest
She doesn't notice as she chirps "Alright then, that has been done for you. Thank you for using Wayne Airlines!"
Ugh, he even used Bruce's planes by accident. At least this will be the last thing he annoys the man with. The following morning, bright and early Danny is out the door with his suit case. He makes it all the way to the lobby where he bumps into a fretting Dick and some red head kid.
"Danny!" Dick cries. He flings himself onto his waist, squeezing with all his might. Danny is flabbergasted. "Danny, I only wanted Bruce to go on the water ski trip because I wanted to tell him about my boyfriend! I haven't told him I was bisexual yet, I wanted to tell him on the trip, but I made him swear not to mention it to anyone else, but then you asked to go, and Bruce couldn't figure out a way to tell you no without revealing that I wanted to talk about something important-but then you got sad, and then Bruce got sad and I-"
"Babe." The redhead cuts in. "Breath"
"Danny, please don't be mad at Bruce because of me!" Dick cries, rubbing his face against Danny's stomach. "I promise we didn't want to exclude you!"
Danny's heart melts, both by how cute Dick is and the knowledge that Bruce was just a good dad and not any of his insecure-inspired conclusions. "Oh, Dick. I'm sorry you felt that. I promise I'm not mad, and I'm so proud of you. Thank you for sharing that part of yourself with me."
He leans down to hug the boy, grinning as the ten year old sighs. Then he directs a glare at the redhead. He looks about twelve and frankly, Dick is far too young for a boyfriend. "Who's this?"
"I'm Wally West-"
"I asked Dick"
Dick leans back. "This is Wally. He's my best friend and boyfriend! Wally, this is Danny- he's like my second dad."
"It's nice to meet you, sir!" The redhead gulps as Danny's eyes narrow.
"Pleasure." He says in a voice that means anything but. "Dick, sweetie, how did you get here? Does Bruce know where you are?"
"Wally and I...ugh took a cap." Dick everts his eyes. "Bruce was talking to his friends trying to convince them to go on the trip too. He wanted to prove you were his special friend to his regular friends."
A thrill ran through Danny. He was Bruce Wayne's best friend!? "You know I think I can take you kids back home myself. Maybe we can still make a water ski trip!"
Both boys blink owlishly. "Yeah...maybe. Let me just call Uncle Barry to make sure he's going, too."
Wally sprinted to the front desk to borrow their landline while Dick stayed behind, babbling to Danny about how he knew he was bi and how he met Wally. Mentally, Danny was drafting a lecture to give Bruce for allowing his boy to date a co-worker and friend's nephew, especially at this young age! He didn't let his thoughts appear on his face, only nodding and smiling between Dick's word vomits.
Meanwhile, on Wally's side, he uses the Justice League hotline to speak to his Uncle. His call was transferred to the meeting with all the original founders as he used the emergency code accesses Barry had taught him.
His call was placed on speaker for everyone to hear.
"Code Teal for B! Code Teal for B!" he hissed into the phone. The rest of the members sat up straighter and sent Batman looks of alarm. Code Teal was a spouse or lover who thought a hero was cheating on them because of the mission's old hours. We needed to come together to cover for them.
Batman was hiding his face in his hands. ".....Confirm Code Teal."
"Oh and before I forget Code Artificial red for Dick and me" Wally shouts, ignoring the imploding shouts from Batman or Uncle Barry.He hung up not wanting to explain that the boys had chosen to use Fake-out-make-out in order to convince Danny to stay.
He wouldn't mind dating Dick, but maybe later when they were both older. Not that Danny needed to know that.
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longlivechips · 5 months
A drabble on what if Arthur repealed the magic ban while Merlin wasn't there. I like the idea of Arthur thinking Merlin will be mad, he said magic has no place in Camelot afterall. And Merlin being like shit I'm gonna have to start telling the truth.
A fic where Merlin goes to visit his mother for a few weeks. It's Yule and he misses her.
While he is gone a child comes to trial. Hardly 12 and clearly terrified. She had been caught using magic.
She swears she didn't mean to, that it just started happening one day and she was so scared of what was happening to her.
The law says she is to burn.
But Arthur just can't seem to make the call. He can only think of the girl Morgana used to be when he looks at her.
He speaks to Gaius and Geoffrey about what Camelot was like before the ban. How people square magic. He learns, for the first time, more than his father had ever let him.
He's thinking of......well not reversing the magic ban. But this girl can't be evil surely.
He wishes Merlin were here, his advice is often quite sound. But Arthur is unsure if Merlin, who has been so outspoken against magic in the past, would agree with such loose laws.
But it comes down to this. Arthur cannot in good conscience kill that girl. And he can not have her as an exception. So he changes the law.
Merlin hasn't spent this long in Ealdor since before he left. He finds it quite lonely without Will to cause trouble with.
But he finds he is not ostracized like he was when he was a boy. In fact, more often than not he has to dodge mothers pushing their daughters onto him as prospects.
He is in his mother's house trying bundles of herbs to be dried and taken back to Camelot when his mother rushes in.
She stairs at him for a moment. Eyes wide, something clearly about to spill off her toung.
"Mother?" Merlin says moving closer, " What's wrong what happened? Has goodie meridan gone into labor?"
"Merlin. My boy. We just received news from Camelot. Gaius sent a letter. I....." Her face is flush. She doesn't look scared but Merlins heart drops anyway
"Arthur...." Merlin starts
"He's fine, he's fine" Hunith walks towards her son, cupping his face in her hands.
She laughs. Full belly and full of joy, her hands on his face strong, they almost hurt.
"He repealed the magic ban Merlin. Oh my boy by royal decree"
Merlins knees nearly give out.
"Surely you aren't serious....." Merlin gasps. "Do you have the letter?"
She hands it over and he reads frantically.
My good Hunith.
I write you instead of Merlin for reasons that will become obvious.
I also just request more of that dried lavender you sent last time, it does not smell the same from the north.
How is your neighbor Gregory fairing with his leg? My tonic recipe helped I hope, I would like to hear how it went.
There is news from Camelot. You might have heard, it will make fast news I'm sure.
A girl was brought to court for magic. Hardly 12 summers, she swears she did not train for magic, that it came naturally and she has no control.
Arthur was hesitant to burn her, despite the law, and tasked me with examining her.
I explained my findings, you know my friend how truly common it is to have magic as the girl does. Arthur listened well, and I sent the king off with what recommendations I could.
There are few books left on the subject but he spoke to Geoffrey. I assume he found some enlightened reading.
The next day, his verdict was as follows.
"The law of the land, as set by my Father King Uther, is that magic has no place in Camelot. I quite agree. Magic is dangerous, it has raveged my family.
But I can't help but think these laws might create more enemies. I cannot kill a girl for a crime she did not willingly commit. But I cannot banish her and create an enemy."
The council spoke on formal matters and specifics but Hunith, it is looking well. I feel hope I haven't had in decades.
Arthur has repealed the magic ban, in part. There are specifics to be worked out, and it is unclear if it would apply to Merlin. It certainly wouldn't apply to myself.
I will write again when I have more details.
I wish I could see the boy's face when he hears the news. Give him my love
Merlin reads it. Than again. The third time he skims it he is tearing up. Looking desperately for any sign that Gaius tells a lie.
When he finds none, and there is no answer but that Gaius's words are true.
Merlin weeps. He falls to his knees and weeps.
Hunith cradles his head, spilling some tears of her own.
"oh my boy" she says. "What news. I knew Arthur would be a good king." She presses a kiss to her son's head.
Merlin cries, and wonders why he feels more scared than ever.
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extinctspino · 2 years
can you do a wednesday x gn! vamp reader where wednesday is intrigued by readers fangs and eventually pricks her finger on the readers fang?? you can write whatever else you want after that
(sorry if this is weird)
Pairing: Wednesday x GN!VampireReader
Wordcount: 1K
Warnings: Blood
Author's note: I'm sorry for my lame ass titels, but it's just so hard to come up with a good one haha
When the fact about you and Wednesday dating became known, people started asking you questions like: "What do you like about her?" "How long have you been dating?" and so on and so on.
Great question actually, what do you like about her?
You adored every single part of her, even her more murderous side. The way her dark eyes traveled over your figure whenever you approached her flustered you.
And her looks sure are pleasing to the eyes. You could stare at her for eternity - quite literally in this situation.
The list goes on and on and on. After thinking about all the things you liked about her, you also wondered what she liked about you.
Wednesday was fond of not only your personality but also of some of your attributes that came with being a vampire.
Whenever you sit together during lunch she watches you like a hawk.
While you're happily talking about how you almost fell down the stairs that day she listened but mainly stared at her favorite thing about your looks.
Your fangs.
Of course, every vampire had fangs but yours stuck out to her. They reminded her of her extensive collection of knives back at her house. She wondered how sharp they were and if you would be able to bite through bone or not.
She was like an eager scientist that wanted to know absolutely everything about a certain subject.
You - being the dense vampire you are - didn't even realize her secret obsession with your fangs.
"I was literally about to slip, but I think god wanted to gift me because I was just able to grab onto the railing!" You were still pumped with adrenaline because of your most recent experience.
"I saw my life flash before my eyes, and I'm immortal! So you get what I'm trying to say, right." You stopped your silly rant and looked at Wednesday who was sitting in front of you.
She was staring at your face the whole time and you just noticed. "Is there something between my teeth?" You showed her your teeth and expected an answer, but it never came.
"Hellooooo?" You waved your hand in front of her face and that seemed to do the trick. "Sadly, you didn't fall down the stairs. I would have paid money to see that."
She got up from her seat and turned to leave, "I'll be in my dorm."
You looked at Thing, "Is it something I said?" Thing only shrugged in response before following after Wednesday.
You knew your girlfriend wasn't mad at you, but she must have something on her mind. You shook your head and decided to visit her in her room after finishing your food.
While eating you repeated everything you said over and over again in your head. Oh, how this girl could make you feel with one single action.
You were taking your leave when Yoko suddenly approached you from behind. "How are you doing these days, Y/n? You haven't been sitting with us these past few days, already replaced us?" Yoko chuckled and playfully shoved you.
You grinned and pushed her back, "Of course not! friends for eternity right?" You gave her a fake suspicious look. You were only able to hold that face for 2 seconds before bursting out in laughter, dragging Yoko with you to the depths of endless laughter.
"Don't worry, I'll sit with yall tomorrow. See ya!" You shouted and entered the building on your way to Wednesday's shared room.
You knew she would be alone in there because you saw Enid being all lovey-dovey with Ajax.
You knocked on the door and let yourself in. "Hey." You greeted her, but she didn't reply since she was rapidly ticking away on her typewriter.
You smiled at the sight and went to go sit on Wednesday's bed. "I'll be done in 30 minutes." You nodded and leaned your back against the headboard.
You watched Wednesday for a bit and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep. Your soft snores didn't make Wednesday falter from her novel, but something else sure did.
You were sleeping with your mouth slightly open and part of your fangs stuck out. Although Wednesday was hesitant she didn't want to waste this opportunity.
This went against everything she stood for - but technically dating you was also against her book so it didn't matter anymore.
She stalked up to you silently and sat on the bed next to where you were laying. She stared at you for a good minute before lifting her index finger and placing it on your lip.
She lifted your lip a bit, revealing your fang. With her index finger from her other hand, she kept bringing it closer until it was hovering right above your pearly white fang.
Who knew Wednesday could make such a stupid mistake? She touched the tip of your fang - in her defense, she didn't expect it to be so sharp.
Small drops of blood dripped from her finger and landed on your face. The smell of blood nearby woke you up. Wednesday didn't even have enough time to hide what had just happened.
You gave Wednesday a puzzled look, but you connected the dots when you saw blood on her finger and tasted blood when you licked your fang.
"I didn't expect it to be so honed." Wednesday deadpanned dryly. You gave her a fake offended look - deep on the inside you were a tiny bit offended.
"Oh yeah? Why don't we test what sorts of things I can bite through." You gave her a smug look, showing off your sharp-edged canines.
You thought it was best to just dismiss this whole situation. I mean, it's Wednesday, what did you expect?
"That's a wonderful proposition." She got up and walked toward the door, "Well? I already have lots of ideas." She trekked through the door.
"What have I gotten myself into?" You sighed as you begrudgingly went after her to god knows where.
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py-dreamer · 4 months
Oh! It's Mac(aroni)-learns-the-consequences-for his-actions o'clock!: the AU
To my marshiemallows who saw my other post, no this isn't the part two I was talking about
(it's coming dw! ...I am going to roast those fics over a pit like a rotisserie chicken...)
but this is some more Ma-caca slander so if you're into that...
"get in loser we're going to yell into some all hearing (but terrible at listening) ears"
(DISCLAIMER: I do enjoy Macaque as a character, he is well written in the show imo
This is a call-out to those who think he's just a victim and excuse his crimes in the show, in lore and make him the "uwu soft boi who needs to be protected at all cost who everyone loves including all of Wukong's subjects apparently"
and make Wukong the "selfish narcissist who's a lazy good for nothing, a monster who killed Mac for funsies then cried for centuries afterward without his waifu, doesn't deserve anything good, everyone hates him for good reason, he kills puppies on a daily bas-"
yea you get the point)
I know there're some AUs where there's an artifact that can change time or transport you into a different dimension
Yea so y'know what, let Macaque get his hands on one of them, mid battle with the monkie kids.
They tell him to calm down and give the artifact back but Mac gets pissy about an earlier conversation with Wukong.
About how he made a shrine to honor his pilgrim brothers and Mac gets mad.
He tells Wukong that it's been centuries since they've died so why doesn't he let them go and Wukong of course gets pissed too.
Then Mac-aroni bursts at him why there was nothing for the brotherhood or DBK when he sealed him or when he died
He adds some extra insults for flavor then leaves (as usual) without giving the monkey king to give his perspective and cuss him out
Back to the present, Mac decides to alter the timeline just a wee bit...
"Tang Sanzang was killed by the six eared Macaque during their first encounter"
Then we see this new world...but it's not all happy like Macaque hoped
First off, the journey was to retrieve holy scriptures from India which would help to cleanse the east apparently. But it was also because of the journey a lot of corruption was stopped (eg slow cart kingdom with its policy on Buddhism, kingdom of women and the demon guarding the abortion spring, the demon who overthrew the black river god, kidnappings in general)
So yea if it was cut short, a lot of that corruption would still be in power.
With most of the human population being overtaken by humans or corrupt kings or busy being eaten or courtnapped, yea society could not evolve. It stays mostly stagnant, so a lot of technology hasn't been invented yet and most humans (particularly lower class) are doing worse for wear.
But it wasn't his fault; it was the society and humans for being to weak to upturn itself.
Mac sees them, doesn't really care and goes off to find Wukong because hey, he's curious
However he finds the Camel Ridge trio instead and we know what kinda happened in that town.
The surrounding area is dry and barren because all the life is being sucked out of it. Heck, its probably even more arid cause the trio's reign has lasted for centuries.
They all welcome Macaque with open arms asking him where he's been and they haven't heard of him since the monk's murder.
The trio thank Mac since they heard how the monk had Wukong on a leash and how he was no more than a guard dog and they were worried that he'd make the monkey king reign his wrath on the city if they ever crossed and without him, the journey never continued and there was no encounter
He's disturbed by the friends he once loathed and fought welcoming him with open arms and owed their success to his actions.
But it wasn't his fault for their corruption, it was their city and their choices, someway or another karma will get them probably...maybe...
Since without the journey, the brotherhood never would've ended up in the ink scrolls
"Its a shame Wukong and Brother Bull can't join us"
Mac asks what they mean and where DBK was.
He learns the demon bull family were in mourning.
You see, without the pilgrims and more importantly, Sanzang and Wukong present, the sealing of the samahdi fire probably wouldn't have went the same.
They couldn't find anyone available who'd survive the flames so DBK, PIF and Nezha had to try it themselves...and were sadly unsucessful
The infant's power caused mass destruction, many deaths, injured both his parents greatly...
...and ultimately led the child to an early grave.
Leaving the clan and couple devastated for years to come.
But it still wasn't his fault: it was just due to unfortunate circumstances!
Macaque, disturbed by this leaves without saying goodbye, goes to flower fruit mountain to check on its status. Since without having to continue the journey, surely the monkey king would be basking in the sun with his subjects happily gorging themselves on fruit-
Only he comes back to a total wasteland.
As a consequence of letting the monk be killed and failing his chance at redemption, heaven punished Sun Wukong and he was never seen again (much to Mac's surprise).
But not only that, it seemed the gods took their rage out on Flower fruit mountain as well. This was the 2nd time it was burned but now they made sure to finish the job, every last tree engulfed in flames.
Without the monkey king coming back to save them, all the inhabitants were at risk of the burning and any left who fled to the mainland were captured and sold, starved or hunted and eaten. There were no survivors.
Upset by his discovery, Macaque was filled with rage at the king. How dare he not take care of their home, he failed as a friend but now as a king too. So he snuck into heaven to find out his location to find answers and yell at him.
It wasn't his fault their home was destroyed. That was Wukong's duty as king! He failed his subjects and he must pay
A tear filled Macaque snuffs through heaven's files as even he couldn't find the location of Sun Wukong's prison.
He learns that Nezha after failing to seal the fire, got terribly burned in the process probably crippling him and causing mass destruction to many nearby towns and minor gods had been cast out of heaven.
Some of the guilt started weighing in on him but he put that aside, because of course it wasn't his fault; the god was just too weak and shouldn't have stuck his nose into other's business.
And finally, the main course we've all been waiting for: confronting Wukong.
He's back under 5 phases mountain but this time with many more locks and security cautions. Macaque learns nobody had heard from the king in a 1000 years.
He finds the king and screams at him that it was his fault how FFM was now a desolate dessert devoid of life.
But to his surprise, the king laughs.
The king laughs maniacally, practically howling with laughter but with crazed eyes like a madman.
"I assume you'll blame me for 'abandoning' you too?"
He rips into Macaque about how they always swore to stay by each others side but the moment things get ugly Mac will always save his skin. And asks where was he for him through all this.
Not during the battle vs heaven.
Not during his trials.
Not during his imprisonment.
Not when he asked him to go back and leave the pilgrims alone.
Not when heaven pointed fingers at him that the monk's murder was his fault.
Not when FFM was destroyed and Wukong didn't learn until some heavenly officials told him years later as they fed him metal pellets and molten iron.
Even now, the only reason he came was to complain.
(I imagine a lil conversation to go like this:
Macaque: They abused you! They didn't free you!!
Wukong:...neither did you...)
Then Mac decides to ask what the pilgrims did afterward and bet they all ran off too...how wrong he was
(Macaque: Then where are your 'pilgrim' brothers now? Why aren't they here to help you the-
Wukong: they're gone
Macaque: what..?
Wukong: They're gone...They're gone...gone...DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? ARE YOU DEAF? I SAID THEY'RE GONE!!!
Macaque: but how...
Wukong: after you fled the scene, the heavenly officials came to detain me....hahahah...I was caught in that diamond snare again and Ao Lie jumped in to defend me.
Macaque: but I thought...
Wukong: I was so distraught, I couldn't do anything...They said that it was also their fault master was dead so they'd better stay quiet if they wanted to lessen their sentence....hahahah...I watched them all die one by one Macaque...
Macaque: God, you've really gone mad...)
I want this man to meet his inner demons or someone able to slap him around to just really remind him of the consequences to his actions maybe some ink scroll action.
Just basically:
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And maybe if I'm feeling nice we get a happy ending, Mac reverses the spell or something and perhaps says something nice to Wukong for once.
If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on how the timeline would change, do tell I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
@furornocturna might be reminding Mac-adoodledoo of his crimes to the monkie kids in the present but I'm taking him for a roadtrip to the past
(or other present...time travel is complicated y'all)
(Again I recommend 'Fractured pieces make a mosaic' on Ao3.
I shall call them my partner in crime for Mac-caca bullying if they shall so let me have the honors...also @nightmarebunnyking...they also do good slander
No I will not stop advertising their work. Cause it's good outside of the slander, Wukong is very affectionate, we love that for him and MK collects dads like pokemon cards
also kinda want opinions on more ole'Mac-doodle had denial. E I E I O
I propose we gather in a circle and beat him with a stick
...pls interact its 1 am rn)
Also fun fact this is my 2001st post so uhh...yay..?
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ezra-editss · 2 months
I started binge-watching and saw x-men 1, 2 & 3 and just a few minutes ago days of future past and let's just say I'm not okay.
I literally had to pause the movie at the plane scene, thought about it and started sobbing. I feel like I need a year to process this, so I'm just gonna give you what my brain is capable of rn and the rest comes when I'm ready😭
I constantly had to think about how this must be for Charles. Imagine you meet this amazing guy that you have a great relationship with, not just great, the best. You love him so much and you seem to want the same thing, but then he basically betrays you and takes your sister with you and you feel all alone. You lost the ability to walk and feel like you're slowly going crazy. So you spend almost ten years in your empty house, depressed and drunk. Someday this random man comes and suddenly, you're supposed to face the one person you never wanted to see again. Well, in one way, you do, because you actually just want everything back to how it was, but you know that won't work. But you do it, bc you have to.
And then it happens and all those feelings overwhelm you and you have to bear being in the same plane as him. You get mad at him and you can see that he also still has all those emotions inside of him. And then he apologizes. And even tho you don't have your powers, you can tell he's being honest. genuine. It's what you wanted, probably. But what are you supposed to do? You can't forgive him, even if every fiber of your body wants you to. So you change the subject..
And Erik, who had been in prison for years, probably went through what had happened a thousand times in his mind, because he had nothing else to do. One day, this guy comes and breaks him out and he doesn't understand why, but whatever, he's free. And then the elevator doors open and he sees the person he'd thought he'd never see again and he's clearly not okay and it's because of HIM.
God, this is so painful. It's just two men who fell in love when they were younger and tried for years and years, even in a different universe, but they always ended up apart from each other. Even though all that they both ever wanted was to be on the same side.
(This turned out so much longer than I thought. Sometimes I just start writing and don't stop. That's also why it's always so messy. Anywayss, gonna see Deadpool 3 tomorrow, so let's gooo I hope that's gonna be happier.)
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kissofthemis · 1 year
Hello!Can i request the nxx biys with a slightly weird s/o?
Like weird as in they're always happy and goofy 24/7 even in dangerous situations?Like maybe something happened to them in the past that made then this way(you can decide on what happened :D )
Oh,and can i be the K Anon?My keyboard lags a lot if i use emojis,so I hope you don't mind if I go by K Anon here :D
Sorry if this is a super long request it's just been brainrottingbin my head 24/7 and i don't have enough writting skills lmao
❤ Artem ❤
At first, he doesn't notice that you have a tendency to laugh off your pain or make morbid jokes. He thinks that he's just more uptight or strict than most people, so he suspects your behavior is actually more akin to how "normal" people act.
It's when you act blasé after a dangerous encounter that he realizes that this seems to be a unique trait, specific to you.
He specializes in criminal cases. He knows that people who feel threatened or have experienced dangerous situations can react in many different ways... but to be this carefree is not something he's seen before.
You don't lash out, but you don't withdraw. You don't scream or cry, but you aren't bottling your pain either. You're an anomaly.
"Mr. Wing, it's a dark world out there." He knows that. "If I'm too serious, I'll crumble." He's never heard you speak in such a flat, detached tone. "So I stay silly!"
He isn't going to pry into why you feel you have to laugh all the pain away, because he trusts you to tell him if/when you're ready.
He knows what it's like to mask his true feelings.
Instead he offers you his shoulder. "If you ever need to turn away from the shadows... I'll shield you if you need a moment to be vulnerable, before putting that smile back on your face."
💛 Luke 💛
Your smile and laugh make him warm inside. He likes that you can stay cheerful even when faced with stress or with gloomy situations.
He soon realizes that you're a bit too goofy, a bit too relaxed, a bit too much of a jokester. He's not mad about it, but he wants to figure out why you're this way.
At first he doesn't want to tell you he's investigating your behaviors. He's in detective mode and NSB agent mode at the same time; he won't ask for help nor reveal his intentions when he asks to spend more time with you.
He cares, but his pride can get in the way.
Finally he pieces together the puzzle, with clues and hints he obtained partially from you and partially from totally legitimate public sources, no hacking involved. (/s)
"You could've just asked me!" You laugh and wave him off. "It's no big deal!"
Luke gets stern with you. "You were subjected to immense psychological and physical abuse."
You just smile. "And you haven't been?" His scowl gets deeper. "Tell you what! Promise to look after me, so you don't have to worry about me getting trapped or endangered ever again! And then I'll be able to smile freely all the time!"
He reluctantly agrees.
Don't ask if the plush dog he gives you the next time you meet has a camera in it.
💜 Marius 💜
Your cheerful and carefree nature is what draws Marius to you in the first place.
He's constantly under stress. Whether it's school, tutoring, Z, or Pax, he always has some project pending and is subject to intense scrutiny.
You're a breath of fresh air from stuffy old men. You smile, you laugh, you play. He wants some of that l joy back in his life.
Unfortunately, trauma knows trauma. The more time he spends with you, the more he picks up on eccentricities that... don't quite line up with "innocence" the way he imagines it.
He understands the value of secrets and how they can protect others. He's had to keep secrets to protect his family, the company, reputations, wealth, you name it.
But he also wants to work on being more honest with himself, and that means being more honest with his closest friends. He doesn't have many friends, so he wants you to be able able confide in him the same way he can confide in you.
Of course, while he's a bold and bright businessman, he's a timid and inexperienced friend.
He'll try to tease and pout his way into your heart and mind. "Aww, are you laughing at me again, miss/mx/mister?" Tugging at your sleeves and your heartstrings. "Trying to trick me with a fake smile? Miss/mx/mister doesn't trust me..."
Turns out he has to be direct and blunt. You two end up having a heart to heart about your respective fears and struggles, the horrors you've faced, the sorrowful smiles and the humorous tears.
He comes up with an idea. "Here's a key to my studio. Want to turn pain and fear into something bright? Show me what you can paint."
💚 Vyn 💚
In case it wasn't readily apparent, Vyn picks up on your act instantly.
He's a psychiatrist. He doesn't know why you act this way, but he can figure out it's unnatural.
(Not to mention he enjoys card tricks. He's also good at perceiving sleight of hand and other "magic" that involves showing someone what you want them to see, instead of showing them the truth and mechanisms behind the magic.)
Instead of playing games or trying to snoop his way into your secrets, he just observes you.
He's skilled at sitting back and watching, waiting, picking up pieces and fitting them together.
You catch him by surprise, however, when you call him out on his behavior.
"Vyn, am I your patient or your friend?" You pout at him and fold your arms over your chest in a highly exaggerated manner, one that is almost comical in nature. You shift back into chuckles and spin around as you wait for his answer.
Your one moment of frustration could easily be brushed off as a joke, but Vyn hears there is actual hurt in your words.
"You are... quite the anomaly," he replies at last. "You wear both the masks of comedy and tragedy. I couldn't help but wonder which was your real face." He leans closer and whispers, "I want to see my friend's true face, beneath all the masks and pretenses. Is that so wrong, dear?"
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worldseer · 6 months
Who are your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from JJK? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks.....
I admit, most of my favorite characters from JJK I somewhat thirst over but I'll try to keep those thoughts out of why I love them (because I do have some genuine reason besides thirst for liking them). 1. Toji Fushiguro
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First and foremost, I like his calm attitude yet snarky way of talking. Also he's just a badass. We all all saw him kick ass any time he came on screen. His physique and strength is something to envy ngl (which I had big muscles too). And yes, not the best dad but I KNOW this man was the best fucking husband he could be. 2. Kento Nanami
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HE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER! It's obvious he cares a lot about people, especially young sorcerers. I like to believe that while he hates how Jujutsu Society operates, he tries to make the small changes necessary to make it better (aka not having child soldiers die and get traumatized like he did). Plus I fully agree that both aspects of life (living as a sorcerer or working a normal job) sucks too.
3. Ryomen Sukuna
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HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON BEFORE YOU ALL STAB ME TO DEATH CEASAR STYLE- He's genuinely an interesting antagonist to me. He has layers, I think that's apparent. He's cocky, but for good reason. And there have been moments where I near shat my pants watching him (we all saw that Jogo vs. Sukuna fight and those jumpscares he did. Also both VAs did amazing cackles). His true form from the Heian Era is also so cool to look at as well, and I think may inspire me to be more creative with my own character designs in the future.
4. Suguru Geto
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HOLD ON, HOLD ON- Once again, I love a layered antagonist and HOLY SHIT HE HAS LAYERS! Like- ok- I get what his goal is. I get what he wants. And frankly, if my lover best friend died, came back to life, and close friend I was meant to protect died as well, yeah I'd be kinda fucked up so see people celebrating and not batting an eye. Yes, running a cult and committing literal genocide are. . . choices. But in the end, his goal is to protect sorcerers (a group constantly being used and controlled by the majority of non-sorcerers) and that makes some sense.
5. Toge Inumaki
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I personally think he's a bit underrated, and underutilized. Sure, I know he's not loaded with Cursed Energy but like- that technique he has can be overpowered as hell. Also, I like how he insists on using ingredient names to convey how he feels when he could just- avoid commands? Like he can obviously use nouns. As long as there's a proper subject, then verbs won't use the cursed speech technique (Don't flame me if I'm wrong, I haven't read through too much of the manga). He's cute, I love his vibes, and he is my son. As for moments in the series, they're more small than most expect: 1. Whenever Mahito gets his ass beat - Self explanatory. Yes I'm still fucking mad about what happened to Nobara and Nanami.
2. When Yuji met Toge in the streets of Shibuya - SALMON! But fr, I love the small moments that show friendship between sorcerers that otherwise don't meet up much. And Toge just being there, chilling with a megaphone to help people is funny to me.
4. THAT Nanami scene - MAPPA served us good as did Kenjiro Tsuda. "The number and locations of your allies," anything for you, love. Let's go to Malaysia and sit on a beach. I giggle every time.
5. The phone conversation Suguru and Satoru have - The expressions and conversation kill me everytime. They're 'close friends' your honor.
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Alice 'Allie' Parkington is WonderSpider!
Miguel: One year and four months ago, I devised the formula for inter-dimensional travel, allowing me to open portals across the multiverse. I created an elite stri-
Alice: Oh, Okay! -
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[Alice is the result of a 'Adapt-A-Spider' Challenge, where you adapt a pre-existing character into a Spider! You can see more of my fun Spidersona challenges HERE]
(Also HUGE THANKS to @fairytalespider who made the OG SpiderSnow!)
Gwen Stacy isn't the only blonde who knows about miraculously falling through wormholes.
Except Allie got sent to the universe with talking animals, and a maniacal queen with of taste for beheadings. Not that she's complaining. Not when the tea parties are so delightful~
At 7 years old Alice Parkington found a white waist-coated rabbit, on a hurry to who knows where -
And she followed him, fell down a hole, and never came back.
[Alice's world is a mix of the book's portrayal, the cartoon's, and Tim Burton's (though I haven't seen the movies). Her story begins at the end of book - a similar ending to the cartoon movie, but instead she doesn't wake up.]
After losing a game of croquet to The Red Queen of Hearts, Alice is sent to the dungeons, awaiting her beheading on the Queen's orders. That is, until she finds an enchanted Spider in her cell, sent by an ally. When she's bitten, it gives her all the power of Wonderland - and binds her there forever. After escaping The Red Queen's Death Row, Alice was adopted by the woman who helped free her - The kind but exiled The White Queen or Marmoreal, aka Her Aunt Mirana.
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Now The Blue Princess of Marmoreal, Alice is next in line for the throne, and the web-swinging protector of Tugley Woods, Wonderland. She spends her days fighting against the tyrannical and murderous rule of The Red Queen of Hearts, and The Court of Cards. With The Mad Hatter as her martyred Uncle Ben - Alice calls Wonderland her home, though she's always left questioning what's real and what isn't. At this point, she's accepted she'll never know the answer. So when she's recruited for Spider Society, it's just another rabbit hole to go down, and another adventure to fall into. On campus she's known as WonderSpider, and she's a lot more powerful (and ruthless) than you'd think.
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Design and Personality:
Alice is a lot less sugar and a bit more spice, with her personality taking after the book (moreso than the movies).
Alice is bubbly and independent. She's as curious as a cat and as chatty as a bird. And she's all about asking questions and finding her own way in the world.
She's loves tea parties and foraging and making crazy experiements in the Hatter's workshop. And now that he's gone, she still finds herself in there, cooking up another magical sweet or Victorian style gadget. When she's not doing that, she's at The White Queens side, begrudgingly taking (literally) nonsensical etiquette classes. She isn't afraid to speak up for herself and others. And once she makes her mind up, it's settled.
Despite what some may think, she's isn't an entire lunatic. She's hasn't gone Wonderland Mad yet.
Even since a young girl, Alice has always been known for asking questions - trying to find the sense in nonsense before coming to a conclusion. She's great at picking up on details, and thinking outside the box. And she's always the one to keep a level head, no matter what the circumstances. Doom is not assured when reality is subjective. She's as logical as she is loopy, and although some may think there's nothing going on between her ears, they are sorely mistaken.
She always wears her glasses. She needs them to see.
Or rather, she needs them to see correctly. Having a cause of The Mads, taking off her glasses distorts her vision of the room into a psychedelic and disorienting wonderland version itself - which hurts. She keeps them on always. Though they can be knocked off during battle. Like other Spider-people - The lenses squint, blink, and emote. They have a permanent and consistently moving patterns and colors. Between blinks, the design may change, the swirls changing color or direction. Sometimes the words she's saying may flash over them for emphasis, and they can contain anything from exclamation points to tie dye.
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Alice is a de facto genius.
An expert chemist, Alice has mastered dozens of recipes and chemistry formulas using the vegetation in Wonderland. She's cracked the code to rabbit holes, and has an amazing affinity for science and theoretical theory. And if she doesn't understand a certain law of physics or something, she can just choose to ignore it. Literally.
Powers & Abilities:
Hobie told Alice that laws are oppressive. She agreed, told him she hates the laws of physics - then started floating to the ceiling like a balloon. Needless to say, reality doesn't really work for Alice. And she cannot control it.
But no matter what her misfortune, though - She'll always say 'Oh, dear.'
Reality Warp:
Wonderland has side effects. Alice can grow and shrink at will, but once she's there, she can't go back. When she wants, she can manifest rabbit holes to Wonderland on any flat surface, but she doesn't know where they are - so she always falls into them. Her tears are huge, and they flood any room. And for some reason, she's obsessed with cookies. It she sees one, she'll eat it. It doesn't matter if it says 'Eat Me' or not. If you hand her something and tell her to drink, she will. It's the one thing she won't question, although she should know better. She'll read the label, and if it's not clearly labeled bleach or poison, she's drinking it. If it's not those two things, it must be safe right?
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The Power of Imagination:
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Like Spider-Ham has the Super-Slapstick ability, Alice has the Power of Imagination on her side. If she can make logic of it or believe it, then there is a random chance it will happen. If the team is looking for a way past a locked door, Alice may say 'If only there were a mousehole somewhere here. Mice are such scampers, they can get into anywhere!' There will probably be a 1/4 chance of a mouse running by, leading them to a cartoon like mousehole she can shrink and go through. However, Alice can't will it to happen. She can't be asking or hoping for it, and the thought has to be completely innocent and 'wonderous' for it to work. The ability can also be compounded, with multiple unlikely things happening rapid fire - however this is less likely and HIGHLY dangerous if done in other universes, and is likely to cause an anomaly. Plus everyone else involved goes a tad bit 'loopy' for a bit.
This ability only works outside of Wonderland, and it was discovered by Miguel.
When Alice met Miguel, she began to question his interesting suit, and so she asked. Miguel began to explain to her, but confused, Alice said 'Well, that's nonsensical. Surely you can't wear light like fabric. If that were true, I could pull this right off you.' - And then she did. And suddenly she was holding his suit in her hands as if it were made of fabric, and Miguel was there in his underwear.
Alice's response: 'Oh dear.'
Chesire Mode:
When surrounded by enough chaos or kinetic energy, Alice can go Chesire Mode, and really goes off the bend. She experiences full Wonderland Madness - similar to the Hatter, and gains the ability to unravel herself and turn invisible. Her voice begins to echo, creating a disorienting and hallucination-like affect. Doing this is known to cause madness, but it affects everyone in the room.
WebShooters: Alice uses mechanical Web-Shooters created by her and The Mad Hatter. Her webs are silly string and streamers. 'Bow'-nus Arms: Alice's waist ribbon is extendable like Mr.Fantastic's limbs, serving essentially as a second set of arms. However, when it's off of her, it's much more similar to Doctor Strange's cape, having a mind and personality of it's own. She can take it off and ask it do it, and it'll go off and (try it's best) to do it, just like a snake. It's name is David Bowie. She does not know who David Bowie is - it's just a coincidence: it's family name is Bow-ie, and David is a common name.
Random Facts:
Alice hangs out with a lot of the 'Eccentric' and Mini Spiders - She likes others from cartoons or fairytales, or anyone made for whimsy.
And she likes spending her time small.
She has a crush on Lego Spider-Man. She shrinks to be with him lol
He naturally finds her a little offputting, they're NOT a thing but she wishes (sis he's literal plastic)
Alice's best friends are SpiderPetal, SpiderSnow (@fairytalespider), SpiderFairy (@stardust948) and Spider-Ham.
Since they all live in either a woodland area, a cartoon, or both, those are usually who she's with
Though she only goes small around people she trusts - but never someone like Miguel. In fact, with Miguel, she does the opposite.
When Miguel is in the room, Alice prefers to grow 'full size' as in... taking up the whole room giantess style.
She says it helps, because 'It makes Mr.O'hara look like a little toy soldier.'
With the size of his lair, she can often grow taller faster than he can get lower - so he'll stay up there, and she'll grow to meet his eye.
She can decide when to stop growing or shrinking, just not when she'll turn back.
This power is transferable. Alice's wonderland powers still work elsewhere, and so her cookies and drinks do too.
Alice can only keep 1 cookie and 1 drink on her at one time, never more, it'll always be ruined.
She can use these to either extend her state, or have someone shrink or grow along with her.
But once she uses the one of each item, she can't get more until she returns home and makes more.
HOWEVER. HOWEVER - Alice is down for deals.
If you come to her world and ask for some cookies or potions, she'll give it to you. But there's a mandatory tea party involved, and the only payment she asks is that you bring sweets for the guests - Vegan please!!
(Her favorite is angel food cake, after cookies of course)
Those aren't the only ones - she has dozens of sophisticated concoctions for any need - floating and weightlessness, invisibility, even the ability to mimic voices perfectly -
And just the same, she's able to carry one of each when outside of Wonderland.
A frequent customer of hers is Hobie. He puts the potions to work - plus he makes the best vegan coconut macaroons.
Oh - also DO NOT Drink her tea though - it's made with Wonderland Tea Leaves....Great for a good time, horrible for bedtime.
Despite not knowing her specific age - Alice is a young adult - and she works at The Society.
Her Uncle Hatter was a master chemist, alchemist, magician, chef - and dozens of other things. And for years, Alice studied under him.
Originally, Miguel assumed all of this knowledge would be non-transferable nonsense, but - wrong.
Alice is one of the leading scientists at The Society - with a concentration in Multiversal Physics, studying everything from the visual styles of universes, the path between universes, and differences in time.
She'll often say something, only to get dismissed by Miguel.
But Lyla will cut him off, telling him that scientifically, Alice IS making sense.
It's just that because her world is totally backwards, the ideas she has to describe her thoughts are backwards too.
After a while, she becomes one of the main people to write the updates and programs for the watches, working with Miguel as her boss.
She's like a bop-it, full of weird and very useless quirks.
If her feet get wet, they make the duck waddle sound when she walks.
If she hits her head, it makes the TikTok 'Boink' sound. She runs and it makes the Flintstones noise.
If she stubs her toe or gets hurt on something tiny, she'll scream like Tom The Cat.
She burps bubbles (like the soap kind) and her sneezes sound like one of those party straw thingies.
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Sometimes her Wonderland powers play tricks on her. She'll be like 'I'm outta here!!' then walk into a looney toons wall. And she's so embarrassed cause the cartoon noises make it so much worse fhgsuigdf
Sometimes when she tries to run she stays in one place for a second before the running kicks in (like a cartoon) - and Miguel just grabs her and she's like 'Dratz, I was trying to get away.'
She enjoys hanging out with Hobie, though she does not understand him at all.
Like, she's British too - did I mention she's British, cause she's from Victorian England -
But she has no opinion on his ideology because it's ???? lost on her
He's like 'This is a metaphor for capitalism' and she'd be like 'I don't know what that is.'
He's like 'count your blessings'.
But Hobie LOVES that Alice doesn't stick to the rules -
and that she gives the middle finger to the laws of physics by just existing
He's like 'That's so cool, what you just did. Real Metal.'
She's like 'I suppose I am just a container, filled with slowly decaying food - so in that way, I am quite like a fridge, which is cool and made of metal-'
And he's like 'what are you talking about-'
And they mainly hangout because they're both lazy.
Alice is tirrreeed of all these weird physics rules and new technology and non talking cutlery.
She'd much prefer to take a nap, or wander off, of have a tea party, or do ANYTHING that isn't work. Same girl same
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And that's it! Most of it, I'll probably maybe maybe not write a post about her joining the society and how it completely warps her perception of reality because she's been trying to get home for so long, she doesn't even know if her home exists then there's this new society through ANOTHER wormhole but she still can't get home-
Oh and before I go, her intro art is inspired by Qveen Herby's single Abracadabra!
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Anyway I'm normal
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Helpless part 38, devil's roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
Nico turned for the hundredth time, he checked the clock, 01:53am. He still hadn't been able to get to sleep, he stared out the window until he noticed a figure standing outside the infirmary. The doors weren't locked, he wasn't sure why but he walked outside trying to see who would be standing outside side the infirmary, by the look of it smoking at almost two in the morning. As he edged closer, still remaining perfectly silent he realised it was Will, he crept up behind him, not believing his eyes. As he got closer he realised he was crying, he sank to the floor as he brought the cigarette back to his lips, breathing the smoke in and out.
"Will, are you okay?" He said sitting down next to him,
"Neeks? What are you doing out here?"
"Couldn't sleep, saw someone outside. Will what happened?" Nico said, grasping his hand,
"Lost a patient today, she was barely seven. Isla Brown, I thought she was doing better, she said she was feeling fine, everything seemed normal, we were doing hourly check ups, she was fine at seven, then we walked in at eight and she had no pulse, she never said anything about being in pain, and we tried to bring her back but it- it didn't work. We never even found out her godly parent, I think she was an Athena kid though, she was crazy smart especially for her age."
"I'm so sorry."
"I should have been able to save her."
"You can't prevent every death, it's part of how the world work."
"But she was so young."
"I know, the world in cruel that way."
"It's my fault, I should have noticed I-"
"Noticed what? Something you still can't figure out?"
"I should have run extra tests I-"
"William. It isn't your fault, there was nothing you could do. She's happy, she's in Elysium, I can sense it, and she doesn't blame you."
"Shh, you said you could glow in the dark, can you show me?" A faint light started to appears from around him, growing brighter quickly.
"I can go brighter but I don't want to get anyones attention."
"That's so cool, why don't you show it off more?"
"I have the most boring powers, what's glowing in comparison to having perfect aim with a bow."
"Anyone with enough practice can learn to shoot a bow and arrow, don't think anyone can just try and suddenly glow in the dark." Will half smiled
"I guess." Nico glanced down, the light had revealed a scar on his forearm, he didn't want to panic but as he slowly turning his arm around more and more scars and cuts revealed themselves, most didn't look that old and they all looked very much self inflicted. How the Hades had he not noticed before? He thought back to every time he'd seen Will, he was always wearing a hoodie or some other sort of long sleeves. Fuck, he started to panic but managed to keep his expression calm, he knew he needed to say something but what the fuck was he going to say?
"I guess you think I'm a hypocrite now?"
"Telling you to quit drugs and smoking yet here I am."
"Why haven't you gotten help?" Nico asked, being careful around the subject, he wasn't exactly sure how Will would react and was trying desperately to not make him mad.
"I'm not worth it, even if I was I don't have the time for it."
"I've never been on a quest and I can't fight to save my life, I'm not worth helping."
"Without you all of camp would be dead."
"Clearly I'm not doing too good of a job, I've lost so many patients, more than Michael ever did."
"Two wars have happened, obviously more people are going to die after a war."
"He would ha-"
"No. No he couldn't, Will sometimes people die no matter what you do. If the fates decide it you can't save them, sometimes people are too close to death and no matter what you do you can't save them." He pulled him closer, pressing his lips to the taller boy's. "Everyone's worth saving Will, you told me that, so apply it to yourself." Nico ran his finger over Will's cuts, "And please, please tell me if you ever want to hurt yourself again. William, you're one of the nicest people I know, you care for people even if you know nothing about them, I've never even seen you get mad at someone, everyone would miss you."
"You haven't seen every part of me, you don't know how many people I've hurt. I hate myself."
"Will, you can't be perfect. Nobody's perfect, everyone has different sides. You're only human."
"But I hurt them, I was trying to hurt them and I did."
"What are you even talking about?" He said, pulling the cigarette out of his boyfriend's hand and taking a breath before getting rid of it, he knew he wasn't meant to but he needed it.
"When I first came out, people started to say stuff, it made me hate myself but I wouldn't fight them. That- that was until one time a group of Demeter kids were beating the living shit out of Kayla for being les so I... I sort of fought them... I broke a few jaws and arms until Annabeth stopped me. I don't regret it but- I shouldn't have hurt them, I'm a fucking healer I'm not meant to fucking hurt people."
"You did the right thing."
"I should have called it down, not made it worse."
"You stood up for your sister, that's nothing to feel bad for."
"I still shouldn't have hurt them."
"I would have killed them, you're did a lot better than I would have."
"I'm a fucking healer, and that wasn't the only time."
"You're a person, you're whole life isn't your power, you are a living, breathing, human being who sometimes does things that aren't perfect. I don't know who told you otherwise, tell me who hurt you, and let me make life hell for them."
"Don't do that, they don't deserve it."
"Look me straight in the face and tell me you wouldn't do the same if someone was in your position."
"I- but- they-"
"Will, you deserve to be happy just as much as everyone else, I don't know why you don't believe that."
"My own blood doesn't want me."
"What would you say if Leo said that?"
"But that's different, he's brave and smart and a genuinely amazing person. He's fought and his life's been hard, he's had to work so hard for everything."
"Apply that to yourself."
"I'm worthless, no one fucking wants me, not just my family."
"I want you. Will I want you and I love you no matter how much you hate yourself I will always love you."
"You'll get tired of me soon enough, they always do."
"I swear I won't, I swear on the river of Styx I will never stop loving you William."
"Why would yo-" His sentence was interrupted by a kiss, Nico wrapped his hands around his neck, Will smelt like smoke and strawberries, he was warm even in the cold night. He wiped a tear from his eyes,
"Just being honest, come on Sunshine." He whispered, pulling him up, they walked with each other inside the infirmary.
"Will, can you stay?"
"Course Neeks." He started to walk towards the chair
"Sleep, you need it." Will wanted to protest but his tiredness got the better of him so he slipped inside the bed next the the raven haired boy, kissing him on the forehead before they both fell asleep.
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toutvatoujoursbien · 2 months
As an elder Millennial myself, I think the important lesson to take away from this is that there's no such thing as a feminist prince. A lot of fans projected Colin's qualities onto Luke to an inaccurate degree. He had a job to do on the press tour and all he had to do was try to match Nic's energy. I don't think he's as bad of a person as everyone's making him out to be, but I do think he has some serious blinders on and he's bonded with some people who ultimately aren't good for him. It's sad to see how something that could've been a huge launching pad ended up being a diving board that broke under him. (I also think the fandom is mad hypocritical and if they got even so much as a whiff of him being single, they'd change their tune really quickly and it'd be the Luke Love Train all over again.)
(My first ask! I feel like I've had a Tumblr rite of passage.)
Anon, you brought up a good point that I haven't covered. I do, personally, believe that a lot of the confused feelings and outrage over Luke and his actions stems from fan projection that got out of hand - not just with Luke/Colin, but also with Nicola/Penelope. To me, Luke's portrayal of Colin has been excellent - I think his version of Colin is both charming and easily excitable about gossip and niche subjects (I'll never get over the olive joke). He's also totally made for the female gaze, and even moreso because he just so happens to fall in love with his best friend, the perpetually overlooked and looked down upon wallflower Pen. He sees what's special about her and falls in love with her - which I think allowed the audience to wonder "If someone like Colin can love Pen, then perhaps I could have something similar." (That is a very, very basic, surface-level interpretation that I'm throwing out here.) Also, I think the constant reminders that Luke was the most like his character in Bton, as well as his behaviors during the press tour, meant that when the PR Stunt happened, it caused so many to go, "What the fuck?"
As for Nicola, just using myself as an example - and bear in mind that I am a cishet, female, elder Millenial - I connected with her as an actress first and then Pen second. I didn't "find my successful career path" until I was 31 myself - so I feel like I understand how much it means to her that she's really taking her rightful place in the spotlight now. I have so much to be thankful for where I am in life right now, but I also know I had to work my ass off for it and there was no safety net for me to fall back on. So to know how hard she's worked and how far she's come, I'm going be honest and potentially open myself up to criticism - I was honestly offended for her when everything kind of blew up in the fandom. Did she need me to be offended on her behalf? Of course not, but I needed the time and capacity to process what I was feeling and come to a better headspace. Even though I do ship Lukola, most of my bitter feelings at the time were around: I can't believe anyone would want to take away from all the work N has done over the past 6 months (and 2 years, if we're being honest, in regards to S3) by taking away from the premiere and making it about an alleged gf.
That was a very long-winded way of saying yes, I agree that some parasocial boundaries were blurred - most likely because of the absolutely crazy amount of content we were fed during the press tour - and projections, for lots of various reasons, occurred, so when the aforementioned crash in expectations happened (whether or not it's right or fair), it was a Big Hurt for many fans.
I think a lot of fans don't believe him to be a bad guy, just making some bad choices right now??? And even though intellectually, people understand that it's his life and therefore his choices, it's still be difficult to watch. I think I can also firmly say that many of us feel like a change to his friend group would be a smart move in the path forward - but again, our wants and wishes mean very little in reality.
It's sad to see how something that could've been a huge launching pad ended up being a diving board that broke under him.
When I tell you I physically winced while reading this sentence because oooouffff, but true. But, as others have pointed out, we don't know what he wants to do with his career. Maybe he was more ambitious and the jobs he was going for didn't pan out. Maybe he's still waiting for the right role to come along. Maybe he's perfectly happy doing Bton every 2 years (omg, freaking kill me with that longass timeframe). As previously stated, until he or his team make any sort of statement - all we can do is make chatter and noise.
(I also can totally see your last point. I would hope that for the fans like me, who don't put him on a pedestal but still really like and support him, this wouldn't be the case. But I've also see firsthand on Twitter those in the fandom would give him a free pass if he was single again 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm actually genuinely curious the demographics of those in the Lukola and Polin fandoms. It would be interesting to break down...)
Anyway, thank you for the ask! I hope my further ramblings made sense 😆
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Ok here’s a request (u don’t have to do it if u don’t have time).
Relationship: Jesse/Becky/reader(or original character)
The reader has been keeping a secret from their partners Jesse and Becky, they had an abusive parent. They only find out bc of a fight or something when the reader experiences some ptsd/anxiety symptoms. This results in fluffy hurt comfort.
(I totally understand if this is to much to write bc of the subject matter, so if u can’t because of personal reasons I get it.)
For The Better
Fandom: Full House
Pairing:  Jesse Katsopolis x Becky Donaldson x Female Reader
Characters: Jesse Katsopolis, Rebecca Donaldson, Female Reader, Nicky Katsopolis, Alex Katsopolis
Word Count: 2319 // Rating: Mature
Summary: Jesse does something he regrets
Tags/ Warnings: Child abuse, Hitting, Spanking, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Arguing, Hurt, Comfort, Angst, Bad Behaviour, Naughty Children, PTSD, Anxiety, Crying, Guilt, Request, Requested Fic, Polyamory, Throuple, Co-Parenting
Notes: I am working slowly through all my requests. I'm not into many of them atm because im focused on my Elvis stuff [Jesse would be 100% on board with this i feel]
Hope this is okay.
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‘Nicky, Alex stop!’ Jesse said as his sons darted around him. He was trying to work, to lay down new material, but he couldn't as his two rambunctious boys were determined to get under his feet. It had been like this all morning. Y/N had taken the girls to school whilst Becky was at work leaving him with no choice but to keep the boys in the basement with him as they worked on their new tracks. 
‘Jess man,’ Steve sighed from behind his drumkit. The twins had darted away from their father and were now interested in hammering on the cymbals and giggling at the noise they made. 
‘Boys!’ Jesse said lurching forward to collar them both and pull them away. He took his guitar off with his free hand and then bent down in front of them trying not to crack as they looked at him with those adoring eyes, ‘you need to behave now. I mean it. I don't want to have to punish you okay?’
‘Okay daddy,’ they said in unison. Jesse nodded and led them back to their small desk which was set up with a painting station in an attempt to keep them quiet, something that had not happened thus far. They sat down and started engaging which made Jesse heave a sigh of relief before he turned back to the guys and gestured for them to start playing again. As he took to the mic once more he finally started to relax.’
‘Well her love doesn't come along until midnight,
And her passion rages on until the daylight-’
‘Jess?’ came a call from the stairs interrupting his singing. The band groaned and he groaned along with them just as Y/N appeared at the bottom of the stairs. She smiled at him and said, ‘hey, sorry to interrupt I thought I’d come and take the boys off your hands.’
‘Well thanks,’ Jesse said as she sidled up to him, her hands resting on his chest, ‘didn't you see the on-air sign though?’
‘I must've missed it,’ she said, ‘sorry baby.’
‘It’s fine,’ Jesse said tightly making Y/N’s brow furrow.
‘Is this a problem? I mean it was a genuine mistake,’ Y/N said feeling uncomfortable. He was mad. She could tell.
‘You know better though,’ he said, ‘I mean you had to know I was recording down here.’
‘I did but I didn't think it was a big deal, Jess. I’m sorry okay,’ she said.
‘It's just between you and the boys we haven't gotten anything done,’ Jesse sighed exasperatedly. 
‘Well, that's what it's like when you have kids,’ she said.
‘You don't think I know that?’ Jesse said, ‘I mean, wait where are they?’ 
Jesse and Y/N’s heads whipped around looking for the tykes who were no longer at their assigned station. As he turned around he spotted two pairs of shoes sticking out from under his mixing table and headed towards it. Behind his desk were Nicky and Alex, tape in hand, unspooling masses and masses of black onto the floor around them. 
‘What the hell?!’ Jesse said. It was their current tape. The only thing they had managed to record the entire morning was now lost and unspooled all around his troublemakers. 
‘Look daddy,’ Nicky said offering up his now useless tape. 
‘What did you do!? I told you to behave!’
‘Jess it's okay we can sort it,’ Y/N said from behind. 
‘Can we?!’ he asked, ‘they don't listen Y/N! They run around and they make noise. They break things and terrorise anyone in the room. We can’t fix it! They don't listen to anything.’ 
‘So what do you suppose we do?’ she asked. 
‘I know,’ Jesse said and before waiting for her to reply he yanked Nicky and Alex out from the desk and stood them in front of him, ‘now I told you you had to behave and you didn't listen to me. So I’m sorry but I have to do this okay?’ 
And before Y/N could speak he spun them both around and placed two harsh spanks across each of their behinds. The twins didn't speak as he whipped them around, looking at him wide-eyed, ‘now I’m sorry it came to that but you boys understand right? You need to listen.’
‘Okay daddy,’ they said in a distinctly less jovial tone than before. 
‘Jess,’ Y/N said in barely more than a whisper. She couldn't believe what she had just whispered. All of a sudden memories cascaded in her brain like fireworks bringing with them pain and anguish. She couldn't think. Her body was in overdrive, there was ringing in her ears and sweat pumping off of her as she looked at the twins' hurt faces. Jesse looked up at her, clocking her blank face and offering one of worry from him but she couldn't say anything. Before he could question her she grabbed the twins and darted upstairs. 
She could hear him calling her but she couldn't stop. She needed to get out of there. She needed to protect them. She bolted upstairs, ignoring the tears that were now running down her face or the distressed cries from the boys as they asked her what was the matter. Once in the attic, she got them in their room, pushing their changing table up against the door. 
She collapsed against the opposite wall, trying to push out the echoes of shouting and the feel of red welts on her skin that weren't even there. 
‘What's the matter, mommy?’ Nicky asked coming to sit in her crossed lap.
‘Nothing baby,’ she sniffled pulling him in close and then Alex who was determined not to be left out in too, ‘it's fine. We’re safe.’ 
‘Y/N?’ she heard Jesse say, as he called her name again his voice got closer until she heard the rattle of the door handle from across the room. Her heart was thudding in her chest. It was a sound she had heard a million times before. Someone determined to get inside, to get to her when she didn't want them to. She couldn't let him in. She needed to protect her boys.
‘Y/N why is the door locked?’ he asked, ‘baby-’
‘Go away,’ she said and though it was faint he heard it.
‘Y/N what's going on?’
‘Go away Jess,’ she sniffled.
‘Go away!’ 
She heard movement outside the door as Jesse rested against it. He was confused. He didn't know what had happened. In the span of two minutes, he had gone from a loving father to a man who hits his children. He knew he’d messed up. Spanking was never something he thought he would ever do but he had lost sight of himself. Everything had been so full on. The noise, the running around, the interruptions and finally the tape. He had lost it. And he instantly regretted it, even more so when he looked up and found Y/N’s horrified face watching him before she bolted from the room kids in two. Now she wasnt coming out. Was she scared of him? 
Pain rippled through him at the thought. He needed to see her. He needed her to come out so he could apologise. So he could beg for her forgiveness and tell the boys how much he was sorry. 
But he couldn't force his way in. He needed help. He needed Becky. 
‘Jess just tell me what’s going on,’ Becky said as they climbed the stairs to the attic.
‘You'll find out soon enough,’ Jesse said as they entered their living room. Jesse gestured to the twins' room and then went to sit on their bed waiting with bated breath that this would work. Becky watched him confused before she headed to the door and tried to open it frowning when it wouldn't budge. 
‘Y/N?’ she asked gently. 
‘Beck?’ she heard a sniffle come from the other side of the door.
‘It’s me,’ Becky said, ‘can I come in?’ 
‘I can't open the door Beck,’ she said, ‘I can't-’
‘Why not?’ Becky asked.
‘I’m scared,’ she said, ‘and I keep telling myself Im overreacting but I can't get up. It's like I'm glued to the floor.’
‘Jesus, what happened?’ Becky said incredulously looking at Jesse for answers but couldn't bring himself to say anything and instead hung his head in shame. 
‘Mommy?’ Nicky said excitedly.
‘It's me, baby,’ Becky said, ‘Y/N you need to come out.’
‘Think of the boys,’ she said, ‘I mean you can't keep them in there forever-’
‘They're safe in here,’ Y/N reasoned.
‘And they're safe out here too,’ Becky reasoned, ‘why wouldn't they be?’
‘Jesse hit them,’ Y/N said making Becky’s eyes go wild.
‘What?’ she said, ‘is this true?’ 
‘Beck I’m sorry,’ he said, ‘I didn’t mean to.’
Becky watched him for a moment, hurt written all over her face before she retained her composure and she looked back at the door. 
‘Y/N, sweetheart, I know what he did was wrong but you have to come out. We have to talk about this. You can't keep the boys locked up forever honey. Please? Come out?’ she said. Y/N didn't reply but there was distinct movement behind the door and the next time Becky tried the handle it clicked open without issue. The boys flocked to her as she opened it, clinging onto a leg each as thas stroked their hair and then asked them to go and play. They ran into the living room resuming the leftover jigsaw that they had insisted on getting out at three am that morning. 
Becky walked into their room ad slid down beside Y/N on the floor as Jesse leaned against the wall watching them shamefully. 
‘Can someone tell me what happened?’ Becky asked, moving a strand of hair off of Y/N’s face as she sniffled. 
‘Jesse spanked the boys,’ Y/N said. 
‘Jess?’ Becky asked looking at her husband with the hope that it wasnt true.
‘I’m sorry okay? I don't know what came over me. They were getting into all sorts, they wouldn't sit still, we got no work done and then they ruined the tape we’d been working on all morning and I don't know. I just lost it,’ he said. 
‘So you hit them?’ Becky asked with disbelief.
‘I’m not proud of it Beck,’ he said, ‘and I’ll never do it again I swear.’
‘That's what he said,’ Y/N said with a scoff that made both pairs of eyes fall on her.
‘Who?’ Becky asked confused. 
‘My dad,’ she said shakily, ‘every time he used to hit me. Every time he’d march into my room finding the littlest thing to lose it at me over. He'd always say that that was the last time. That he never do it again.’
‘I never knew that about your dad,’ Bekcy said. 
‘I never talk about it,’ Y/N admitted, ‘I never needed to. I mean I thought I’d gotten rid of that shit but seeing Jess, I mean the boys’ faces just brought it all back.
‘Y/N you have to believe me when I say I couldn't feel worse right now. I know it was wrong. And believe me, I never want to feel this way again. I never want to upset you or the boys like this again.’
‘How can I trust that?’ she sniffled, ‘I mean I never thought you would-’
‘I mean it,’ Jesse said, ‘you two and the boys are my everything. You have to believe me.’
He came to kneel in front of them then. His hands were on theirs and he looked at them pleadingly. She looked at him for a second, her heart aching at the thought of his actions. 
‘Jess is right,’ Becky said, ‘I mean I don't condone what he did in any way shape or form but it was a momentary lapse. I believe that don't you?’ 
‘And if he gets angry again? If the twins do something like today again?’ Y/N asked. 
‘Like I said. Nothing they could ever do would make me want to feel this feeling again. It's the worst feeling in the world,’ he said.
‘Yeah,’ Becky said, ‘and I’m sure Jess doesn't expect forgiveness right away right aby?’
‘Whatever it takes for you and the boys to forgive me I’ll do,’ Jesse nodded. Y/N seemed to deliberate on that point for a moment before she nodded gently. 
‘And maybe we can talk about it a bit more?’ Becky said, ‘I mean we all have our own ideas about parenting and I know we discuss stuff but it's usually as it happening to us. Maybe it would be good if we talked a little more. That way when situations come up we’ll know how the others feel about it.’
‘Yeah, I mean I had no idea about your dad,’ Jesse said, moving to sit beside her. 
‘I’ve not felt those feelings in a long time,’ she admitted looking up at him, her eyes red-rimmed from crying which broke his heart all over again. 
‘I’m sorry it was me who made you feel that way,’ he said. 
‘Well I suppose it's better you’re trying to make up for it,’ she said with a weak smile, ‘he never even acknowledged it happened. A quick mumbled apology and then he’d be right back to where we started.’ 
‘Well then at least we’re making changes right?’ Becky said. 
‘For the better,’ Y/N said, leaning in so Jesse could wrap an arm around them both. 
‘For the better,’ he agreed. 
He didn't feel entirely better about himself and he was sure Y/N didn't either but they were right. What had happened in the past didn't matter as long as they tackled the here and now. And more importantly together.
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kogetaikid · 4 months
TW! UTY pacifist Spoilers!!!
Before people think I’m turning into a reblog account, here’s some of my misinterpretations of UTY pacifist before completing the game (there’s only two but Vera with me
1. Ceroba wanted to inject Kanako with INTEGRITY.
(Drawing unrelated, but you’ll know why I put it later)
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When playing the pacifist, I thought the Ceroba misunderstood Chujin’s final message before he died, and convinced Kanako to get injected. However, during the Ceroba fight, in one of her memories, we see this:
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(Cutting through some emotional dialogue)
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Through some of the dialogue I skipped (wasn't originally planning on making a post about this), Kanako offers herself as a subject for her father's (Chujin's) work. Ceroba shows hesitation as it goes against her husband's wish but goes with it so she doesn't ruin his legacy. It made me feel bad for both characters. Kanako was just some dumb kid who didn't know what the hell she was asking for/expecting. She was just grieving her dying father and felt it was her fault for his demise. Ceroba was grieving too, and therefore couldn't think straight, but made the awful decision of giving into her daughter's demand of being injected with INTEGRITY.
2. Clovercide (TW!!!)
(Image also unrelated)
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(TL;DR: Due to traumatic reasons, what was just a just sacrifice from Clover seemed like suicide to me.)
Just a heads up! I'll put a "keep reading" (if you wanna well, keep reading) under this because this may get a little personal...
This is still okay to reblog as long as you put the right warnings!
When I first saw the game in general, I though the screenshots I saw of the pacifist ending were the neutral ending. I though Clover got badly injured, or fell ill causing their end.
When I found out the wasn't the case, and watched a short clip (with no other context) of Clover giving up their life in the pacifist, I thought nothing of it. It was when I was listening to the soundtracks and saw how badly everyone was grieving Clover, then going back to places like tumblr talking about how they were just a kid that I started to get the wrong message.
I started to think Clover was probably miserable and indirectly asked for an assisted suicide by Ceroba and it broke me. Especially as someone who was suicidal/had dark thoughts as a kid. (I haven't felt like ending my own life for four years and have been clean for over one year) I've also had to endure the sob stories of mentally unstable people. This all tying back to the very few things I new about the pacifist ending, I felt kinda bad, sad and a little angry at Clover. This is what I would think:
How miserable are you...?
Waiting for that fateful day where I could finally complete the game felt like preparing for a flu shot. I almost didn't want the game to end. I was so mad at the people saying "It was just a sacrifice", and shit.
...and as it turned out, they were kinda right. (still not giving them full credit) I didn't get the best screen shots cuz my computer crashed, but it was Clover going through all their memories in the underground, and realizing that they can't just hide away in the underground forever as a human. Monsters have been trapped for centuries and no matter how many of the monsters cared for them, they needed to do what was would've possibly happened from the start: give up their soul.
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What I then got from the ending was that Clover felt to guilty to stay alive, and in the end, the wanted to do what's right. It's kinda getting sad again now that i think about it. Any who, this concludes my post. Enjoy the random screenshots at the bottom that I could fit into the post without it proving my point /hj. I'm currently debating whether or not I wanna go back and do the genocide route. Even though it's a fangame, I don't wanna fuck up the timeline.
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invisibleraven · 20 days
25 a kiss that's an accident
"That was delicious Jules," Reggie said, rubbing his stomach. "You're a really great cook."
"Thanks sweetie," Julie replied, sipping from her wine glass. "But I think it's just because you haven't had a homecooked meal in forever."
"You know Reggie is useless in the kitchen boss," Luke joked as he collected the plates.
"Cuz you're so much better Mr. I Burn Water," Reggie retorted.
Julie giggled as the two of them bickered, used to it by now. It was a given with lifelong friends, she was sure she and Flynn were just as bad, if not worse when they got together.
"You want more wine babe?" Luke asked, waggling the bottle. Julie held her glass out in response, blowing Luke a kiss. "Reg?"
"Nah, I've got to drive home soon enough, probably best I stick to water or the like," Reggie replied.
"How about some coffee?" Julie offered. "We can have that and dessert in the living room, relax a bit before you hit the road."
"Or you could stay over if you want," Luke stated. "You know we've always got the guest room made up if you wanna use it bro."
Reggie shook his head. "I wouldn't want to intrude. Plus it's a school night, and I have to teach an early class tomorrow."
"It's still so weird to think you're responsible for molding the minds of children," Luke snorted.
"I don't think my seventh graders would appreciate being called children," Reggie replied, following him and Julie into the kitchen to get the dessert and coffee. "Besides I like teaching math, it's fun."
"I wish I had teachers like you who made me enjoy math," Julie stated, leading them to the living room, plopping herself between Luke and Reggie on the couch. "It was always my weakest subject."
"That's why I do it," Reggie replied. "I never had good teachers, who made learning fun, or accommodated my ADHD. I wanted to be that for a generation of kids."
"Thought they weren't kids," Luke teased, earning him an eye roll.
They spent the next little bit just chatting-Luke talking about the newest artist he was working with on an album, Julie couldn't talk about her work much-therapist client confidentiality, but did mention some of the musical exercises that had been working well.
Before too long their plates and mugs were empty, conversation had petered out, and Reggie glanced at his watch. "I really have to get going, but thanks for a great evening."
"We'll have to do it again sometime soon," Luke suggested. "Maybe have a cook out, see if we can lure Alex and Willie out."
Julie nodded. "That sounds lovely, it's been forever since those two have come visit."
"Drawbacks of being an adult I guess," Reggie commented. "We all have lives and responsibilities. Less time to hang with our old bandmates."
"You always have time for us," Luke joked.
"Yeah, but I don't have a partner or family to keep me away," Reggie joked, but there was an air of sadness surrounding him as he did.
Luke and Julie exchanged glances at that, but what could they do? They had tried to set Reggie up numerous times, but no one they picked seemed to gel right. But maybe that was because they knew who would be perfect for Reggie-if he would just give them a chance.
"Well you're always welcome here with us Reg," Julie assured him.
"Thanks Jules," Reggie replied, moving in to press a kiss to her cheek in goodbye.
However, Julie turned her face, intending to say goodbye, so their lips ended up pressed together in a kiss.
Reggie wheeled back, a hand to his lips, the other hand fumbling for the door knob. "Julie...Luke...I'm so sorry."
"Reggie, it's okay," Julie promised, even though her face was flushed. "It was a tiny accidental peck, no harm done."
"Yeah dude, plus it's not like you haven't kissed me too," Luke added in. At Julie's curious look, he shrugged. "Spin the bottle and dares when we were young. No big deal."
"You sure you're not mad?' Reggie asked.
"Not at all," Julie said. "Just maybe...next time you could do it on purpose?"
"N-next time?" Reggie stuttered.
Luke smirked. "We did ask you to stay."
"In the guest room!"
Luke shrugged. "Figured anything more would have you running away."
Reggie's eyes flew to Julie. "What is going on?"
Julie blushed even further. "We want you to stay Reggie-with us."
They nodded, both coming forward and squeezing his hands. "We talked about it....if you want to..." Luke blew out a breath. "Just think about it okay?"
"And if you just want to stay friends, that's okay too!" Julie added.
"I...I need to think about it," Reggie whispered. Because what do you say when everything and everyone you've ever wanted gets offered up to you like this?
Luke and Julie nodded. "Of course. No rush, no pressure."
Reggie nodded, waving absently as he went off, not sure how he got home safely, mind plagued by everything that had happened.
Needless to say he didn't get much sleep that night, and just hoped his lessons didn't suffer as a result. He was sure he was distracted and lacking focus, but who could blame him?
A part of him thought-knew-this was crazy. So many complications that could jeopardise his friendships, his life...
But he had wanted Luke and Julie since he knew what wanting was, they had held his heart from the first. It was half the reason none of the dates they set him up on never seemed to work.
So could he really deny himself this chance?
Friday night he rang their doorbell, overnight bag in hand and couldn't help but echo their smiles when they saw him.
"C'mere and kiss us like you mean it," Julie requested.
And that's just what he did.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
How would the Icons react to their Queen finding them boring?
Like yeah, they just kidnapped you and stuff, but that's not real reason why you aren't warming up to their affections. It's because their existence is so uninteresting to you.
Legit I think some of them would crumble to dust if you told them "You bore me".
[I went hard on this ask. Here's a friendly reminder that my characters' views are most definitely not my own.]
Realistically, that would never happen. Provided you're human, what kind of madness is going on in your life to beat what's happening in Hell? To beat the personifications of sin? The Icons are exacerbations, exaggerations, they're the furthest thing from boring- Even in the minds of their own subjects, who revel in the same sin routinely.
A good portion of the Icons would hear you, a little human from some mind-numblingly monotonous human societal existence, say they're boring and laugh. Because something's clearly not well with you (ironic coming from them).
You tell them they're boring
Kalymir would simply grab you by the throat and throw you into an arena. Boring, is he? Sure. Let's see you have some real excitement for once. This should be good for him too. Are you having fun yet? Or should he join?
Rinx calls your bluff immediately. Like Hell you can afford half the pleasures he gives you. You haven't seen anything in life and yet you deem yourself wise enough to declare him boring. And he thought he was slightly narcissistic.
Livius is scathing about it. Boring? Him? Hm, well that says a lot about you too, doesn't it sweetums? Think twice when you hurl some insults at him, they'll come back to bite you in the ass.
Vesper agrees. He has been taking it too easy on you, treating you like porcelain when you can handle so much more... Yes. Sit tight, he's about to schedule something wonderful.
Zizz laughs at you. No really, you told him the best joke he's ever heard. He didn't know his softie was so ignorant. Shut up already, you're too cute.
Vorticia sees you as a child in that moment. Oh yes, this is definitely something she'd hear from her hatchlings. In fact, she says it to your face, you're very childish at times. And a tremendously awful liar.
Cero laughs, but mockingly. Oh, he's so sorry life isn't a constant string of seven-second brain-melting tiktoks! Truly, forgive him for not feeding your ever growing attention deficit and frying those poor brain cells even more. Do you want an iPad sweetheart? Should he put on YouTube Kids and hand feed you while you drool at the screen like a fucking baby? Grow up.
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