#clone babies
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Better Late Than Never (Sergeant Hunter x Pregnant!Reader)
Notes/Warnings: Labor and delivery, descriptions of pain and birth, Hunter wants to be a Good Dad, divider by @stars-n-spice
"I don't like this," Hunter said.
You placed your hand on his tattooed cheek, and he held it there, closing his eyes as if he would fall asleep right then and there.
"It's one more job, Hunter. Just a simple smash-and-grab. You'll all be back before you know it."
Hunter looked over his shoulder at Omega in the cockpit with Wrecker and Tech prepping themselves for the impending mission. He could no more leave them to this assignment on their own than he could leave you alone.
Well, not totally.
With a heavy sigh Hunter lowered himself to his knees so he was facing your belly. He pressed his ear to your tummy and listened for a moment. The baby's heart beat in time with yours, embedding itself in his memory.
"Hold on for just a couple days, okay?" He whispered to your child, "Be good for your mama, and just wait for me, okay?"
You carded your fingers through Hunter's satiny locks, and he looked up at you, eyes big, and bottom lip twitching as if he was going pout about leaving you.
"Baby's still got a bit to cook before they're ready to come."
"But how can you be sure?" Hunter begged, standing up and taking both your hands in his.
You rolled your eyes and kissed the tip of his nose.
"It'll be fine, Hunter. Don't worry about it."
"Hunter," Tech called from the cockpit, "We are coming up on the target."
Hunter sighed, and his shoulders slumped as he mentally relented.
"You'll be alright?"
"I'll be alright."
"You'll comm us if anything goes wrong?"
"I will."
"You have your breathing exercises and the medical equipment?"
"Hunter," You warned as the ship descended smoothly through the atmosphere.
Hunter kissed your forehead gently, then paused, licking his lips as he thought.
"You'll be alright?" He asked one more time.
You nodded. "We'll be alright."
You were not going to be alright.
You'd been having contractions on and off for weeks, so when the contractions started in the middle of the night, you brushed it off and went to sleep (with the perimeter alarms set, of course).
But now, hours and hours later, the contractions hadn't stopped. In fact, they were slowly growing closer together.
"Easy, easy," You said, forcing yourself to relax.
You were supposed to comm Hunter. You promised him you'd comm if anything went wrong.
You checked the chronometer. Only an hour until they were supposed to be back. They'd be back any minute, you knew it. It wouldn't do Hunter any good to comm him while he was on his way back, it would just put him into a frenzy, and the others didn't need to deal with that.
One more hour.
You'd be alright.
Three hours later, and the others weren't back yet. You forbade yourself from worrying. So what if they got held up? They'd made it out of worst cases with worse odds. They'd be back any minute.
You should have commed Hunter. Or should you wait for Hunter to comm you? You didn't want the signal to get picked up by someone else who could track the signal back to you, or worse, the others.
Another contraction started, the wave of pain cresting almost immediately. Where had Tech put the pain medicine again?
You switched on the comm, struggling to keep your breathing even so that Hunter wouldn't panic the moment he picked up. But instead, all you got was static.
"Hunter?" Maybe the connection was just a bit fuzzy. He had to be there. He was always there.
"Hunter," you tried again, "Dinner's almost ready, how soon will you be back?"
You pulled yourself out of the bunk, using the wall and the chairs for support as you searched for the medicine cabinet. Would regular pain meds work? Was it too early to take the pitocin? You needed to see what was going on down there and how far along you were, but the only mirror on the ship hung on the wall in the refresher, and there was no way you could do the gymnastics for that right now.
You'd read through the birthing procedure several times, but all of it jumbled together in your mind and all you could focus on was the pain. You needed relief, you needed this baby out.
But not yet. Not like this. Not without Hunter.
You exhaled deeply, and the contraction passed. It was going to be alright.
"Hang on there," You whispered, patting your bump, "Just hang on a little bit longer."
You commed them every hour, begging them to pick up, but no one did. Not even Omega. It had been too long. They were hurt, in trouble. They wouldn't have gone this long without sending you a warning. Something had to have happened to them, to Hunter.
Crying made breathing harder, so you tried not to, but the tears kept running down your face. Kneeling at the side of the bed with your knees spread helped alleviate some of the pain, but you could feel the baby getting closer.
You clutched the comm in your hand, and dialed again.
"Hunter, please, let me know you're out there. I can't hold off much longer. I need you here. Please."
You couldn't wait anymore. This baby was coming whether or not Hunter was here.
Another contraction. This time, you pushed, but it didn't feel like anything happened.
"Oh come on!" You screamed to nothing and no one in particular. The frustration with the whole situation was starting to bubble over.
Another contraction started immediately after, and you pushed again, screaming as loud as you could. Now that felt good.
"Cyare!?" the comm crackled to life, and you froze.
"Hunter!" You gasped in relief.
"Are you okay? What the hell was that!?" He demanded.
Before you could tell him, a third contraction began, and you had to scream again. You didn't feel any closer to having the baby out of you, but the screaming at least felt like you were doing something about it.
"Hunt, you gotta hurry," You tried to tell him everything before another contraction overtook you, "The baby is- AUGGGGH!!"
Hunter said nothing. Not that you were coherent enough to respond, but you wanted him there, to comfort you, to promise that everything would be alright. But after that one blessed interaction, the comm stayed silent, with not even a flicker of static.
In answer to your question, Hunter burst into the hold of the ship. His armor was scorched with blast marks and dirt, and there were leaves and twigs stuck to his hair. His helmet was nowhere to be seen.
"Hunter?" Your jaw dropped, but you hardly had any time to be shocked by his appearance. Hunter knelt at your side, and took your hand.
"Still got a while to cook, huh?" he teased.
"Shuddup and- AH!"
You seized his hand in a bone crushing grip, and although Hunter winced in pain, he refused to complain.
"Where... where are the others?"
Hunter carefully stretched out each finger as your grip loosened, making sure none were broken.
"They were behind me, I'm not sure how far. The whole area was covered by a signal scrambler, so as soon as we had the target I had to get out of range to check in with you."
You nodded dazedly, only half-listening, but it seemed as though they weren't in too much danger.
"Ch-check, look down there, how far along am I?" You whimpered.
He held your hand while he looked.
"Holy kark," he inhaled sharply.
"What? What is it?"
Hunter laughed, "I can see the head, it's full of hair."
"No wonder I had so much heartburn," You rolled your eyes.
Hunter lifted your hand to his lips, kissing it gently, "You've done amazing so far, Cyare. I'm here now."
Your lip trembled, and you leaned into his chest with a sob.
"It hurts so much," you whimpered.
"I know, Cyare, I know," he crooned gently. He wrapped his arm around you, kissing the top of your head.
"Next contraction, push. They're almost out, I'll catch them."
You nodded, "Just let me... Rest a moment..." you clutched his shirt, begging him to let you stay in his arms.
Hunter held you for as long as he could, gently stroking your head and humming a lullaby. But as soon as you tensed up, he knew another contraction was coming.
"Push sweetheart, I got 'em."
You were still kneeling at the side of the bunk. Your knees were killing you, so you pushed yourself up to get your feet beneath you so you were in more of a crouch, spreading your legs to give baby plenty of room. Gritting your teeth, you dug your fingers into the mattress and pushed.
"That's it, Cyare, that's it!" Hunter cheered you on through the contraction.
"How far?" You gasped.
"They came out another inch!"
"An inch!?" You screamed. This was going to take forever.
The universe seemed determined to make your birth experience as difficult as possible, because Hunter's attempt at encouragement was smothered beneath the sound of blasterfire a short distance away.
Hunter froze.
"Is there any chance you can hold it for a bit longer?" From the nervous tone in his voice, he was intimately aware of just how stupid his question sounded.
"Are you kriffing serious?" You still glared at him.
"Hunter, would you mind starting up the engines?" Tech asked over the comms, completely oblivious to your predicament.
"A little busy right now!" you both shouted.
Hunter growled in annoyance, "They're being followed. We'll have to make a quick getaway-"
With that, Wrecker stumbled on board carrying a large chest that seemed to be the target Cid had sent you to trade for.
"They didn't like that Cid tried to short-change 'em!" He boasted with a grin, helmet balanced atop his head.
"I believe they also recognized us from when we intercepted the lizard from them several months back," Tech added, slowly backing up the stairs with a blaster firing in each hand, "Omega, cover for me."
Omega laid down cover fire, allowing Tech to slip into the pilot's seat and activate the shields. The whole ship trembled as it took off, and you moaned in pain.
"Whats up with you?" Wrecker asked.
Hunter shoved him in the direction of the gunner's tail, "Get us out of here, Tech! The baby's coming!"
"The baby's coming!?" Everyone shouted at once. They all turned to look at you to see if it was really true, and Hunter began to bark orders when they didn't move fast enough for his liking. Tech would pilot the ship, Wrecker would man the turret, and Omega walked you through your breathing exercises. She even brought over Lula for emotional support.
"I hate this," You growled. A jolt from the ship would have knocked you off of your delicate balance if Hunter wasn't holding you in place.
"Just hold on, just until Tech can get us into hyperspace, then it's smooth sailing from there."
"Don't you dare jinx us!" You snapped. With each hit from an enemy ship, it felt like the baby was being shook loose. Hunter assured you, however, that baby was right where they were supposed to be.
The moment the Marauder lurched forward into hyperspace, you screamed as loud as you could, desperately pushing baby out.
"Keep going, Cyare, just keep going!" Hunter urged, one hand on your hip to hold you steady, and the other waiting to catch the baby in his palm.
"HAAAAHHH!" You pushed with all your might. You wrapped your hands around the rungs of the bunk ladder to hold yourself up.
"Can I see?" Omega tried to inch closer to get a better view, and although you were wearing a nice long pregnancy tunic, it was hiked up to your waist to facilitate the birth, and you had never felt so embarrassed to be in such a state in front of anyone but Hunter.
"Hunter, if you would allow me to-"
"Is it here yet?"
Everyone started talking at once and you snapped.
Omega and the boys froze at your request.
"You heard her," Hunter said firmly, "Get out, give us some space. We'll let you know as soon as we want company."
"But-" Omega sounded incredibly disappointed.
"Now!" you warned. Wrecker pulled her into the cockpit and shut the door, leaving you in blissful silence but for the humming of the ship.
"Remind me to never get you angry," Hunter mused. Your return quip was lost as his thumbs gently massaged your hip bones, gently easing your pelvis open to allow baby more room.
"Almost there, Cyare. Can you give me one more big push?"
"I can't -" you gasped breathlessly. Tears rolled down your cheeks as your head lolled back, catching on his shoulder.
" 'S too much, too much," You whimpered.
Hunter nodded, but said nothing. He'd never been through what you were at this moment, but he understood how you felt. The oversensitivity that was simply seen as a side effect of his enhanced senses was overwhelmingly painful. When that happened to him, he always turned to you. You'd hold him, hum to him, giving him something to focus on besides the pain.
Hunter pressed his cheek against yours and began to hum, his soothing tenor soothing over all the worries and fears running through your mind.
"You're just too good to be true.... Can't take my eyes off of you..."
You relaxed a little bit, and Hunter crooned his approval.
"Just... One more push?" You asked.
"One more, Cyare. You ready?"
You nodded, and Hunter gently guided your hands to the mattress for you to hold onto. Your legs were wobbly, but Hunter had one hand at your back to hold you up, and the other waiting beneath you to catch the baby. Lula was laying on the bed next to your hand, and you tucked her under your arm, trying not to cry as you thought of the way you snapped at Omega.
When this contraction hit, you were ready.
"Push, Cyare, push!" Hunter said.
You screamed a battle cry, not worrying if the others heard you.
"Yes, yes that's it!"
There was a gush of all things wet and sticky puddling at your feet, and suddenly the pain and pressure was gone, leaving a dull, insistent ache behind.
"Is... Is that it?" You gasped, heaving deep breaths. It felt as if it had ended all too quickly for how much you'd labored and how much it had hurt.
"You did it!" Hunter was at you side, briefly kissing your cheek before he disappeared. The room was quiet and everything seemed to still, until the room was filled with the sound of a baby's cry.
Your head dropped into your arms as your tears of pain turned to tears of joy.
"Ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes and ears..." Hunter quickly looked over your baby to ensure they were healthy, all while gently wiping them down with a clean cloth.
You lowered yourself to your knees, landing in the puddle of blood and body fluids that came out with the baby
"I-I meant to put down towels... I wasn't even thinking-" Your fuzzy post-labor brain was almost taken over by disappointment in yourself, but Hunter returned to your side, his eyes shining with joy.
"It's alright Cyare. Our daughter's here, and you did amazing," he said.
"Our daughter?" You gasped.
"Hello ad'ika," You whispered, reverently gathering her into your arms, "Hello there."
Hunter held out his scarf, wrapped around a wriggling little thing. She had her father's curls and dark skin, tinged with pink. Her eyes were screwed shut as she whimpered.
Mindful of the baby, Hunter leaned over, crowning your forehead with a ring of kisses, "And hello Mama," he hummed playfully, "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen you do, and I've seen you wrestle a wookiee."
You laughed, feeling lightheaded, "Thank you for your help."
"Nah, Cyare, that was all you."
"She's so tiny," Omega gasped, as if anything louder would shatter the delicate thing resting in your arms.
"She won't be for long," Tech said in his usual brusque tone as he took the baby's vitals, and yours, "When was the last time that you ate?"
You flushed as your stomach rumbled painfully, "I didn't even think about food..."
"Looks like she didn't though!" Wrecker guffawed as he waved towards your daughter.
"She eats like a starving wookie," Hunter said reverently. He placed his arm around your shoulder, cradling the baby's head of downy hair in his free hand.
"She could give Wrecker a run for his money," you sighed. Your wonderful husband handed you a protein bar and his full canteen. It was hardly the luxurious first meal most women dreamed of eating after they gave birth, but you weren't complaining.
As the baby nursed insistently, you leaned against Hunter, struggling to stay awake.
"Should we let you sleep?" He rested his cheek against your forehead.
You shook your head, "I can't stop watching her," You said, "She's just perfect."
"Enjoy it while you can," Tech said, leaning over to try and do another test. Hunter batted his hand away.
"You can take this up later. She needs rest."
Tech huffed, "Very well, if you insist."
Hunter gave a look to Wrecker that conveyed the same tone, and Wrecker ushered Omega away to give you three some space.
"Any ideas?" You asked Hunter, referring to the elusive perfect name for your daughter.
He shook his head, eyes glued to the baby like yours. He continued to run his fingers over her satiny curls, but you saw him bite his lip nervously.
"Hunt, are you okay?" You gently tapped his chin to draw his attention and he gave a jolt in surprise.
He shook his head, "I just...I can't believe I almost missed this."
"Oh Hunt," You said.
"I should never have left you like this. I told Cid we needed a break so that we could take care of you."
"Hunter I told you to go. We need the money she'll pay for this." You waved to the trunk Wrecker had hauled onto the ship.
"What's in there anyway?"
Hunter gave you a deadpan look, "Three guesses, and the first two don't count."
Ah, spice. You nodded slowly. You knew Hunter agreed that this was not the kind of life you wanted for your child, despite the fact that it was miles better than the one your daughter would have on Kamino.
"We need a better line of work. One where I don't leave you for days on end," Hunter said, pulled you against his chest so he could rest his chin atop your head.
Baby girl decided she'd had her fill, and milk dribbled down her chin as you cleaned yourself up. Hunter helped you settle her against your shoulder with a rag to catch the spitup.
"We'll figure that out later. We've managed this so far, right?"
"Right," Hunter still sounded uncertain.
"And you didn't end up missing it, right?"
Hunter sighed, "Right."
Baby hiccuped, and by the way Hunter's nose scrunched, she'd burped.
"Here, hold your daughter."
"You're sure you don't want to?" Hunter asked, even as he cradled the tiny thing in his skilled hands.
"I've held her for nine months. I am more than happy to let you have a turn."
Hunter chuckled, "Better late than never, huh, ad'ika?"
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I have one question:
What happened with the clone cadets and babies?! I mean they took them from Kamino but they are training storm troopers now not young clones. We can't see them anywhere, the Commandos not training them, we didn't see them in Mount Tantiss...
#star wars#the bad batch#clone wars#clones#clone troopers#clone cadets#clone babies#mount tantiss#the bad batch finale#WHERE ARE ALL THE BABY CLONES???
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Hi!! Hope you're doing well!! Love your art!!
I saw you were looking for art prompts and may I suggest Foxiyo with a babies. Just an itty bitty babies (can you tell I'm a sucker for babies lol)
Stay hydrated!!
it took them a long time to make just one (1) baby, and he’s already tired 🥹

thank you and thank you for the prompt :3
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Does anyone have any fic recs where Tim is raising both timkon clone baby and rastim clone baby? With lots of funny moments pls and thank you 🙏
#timkon#rastim#ra'stim#ao3#fanfic#ao3 recs#fanfic recs#timkon clone baby#rastim clone baby#tim drake#red robin#ras al ghul#kon el#superboy#clone babies
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The brainrot has gone so far that I've been for the first time both reading fanfic AND making fanart for said fics, but @ashyybees-art headcanon of cadet Echo volunteering at the nursery was WAY too adorable and hey I’ll take artistic inspiration where I can get it
#my art#pls don't steal#my brain is so rotten#ao3 has consumed me#help?#no thoughts just clones#like literally#arch trooper echo#clone babies#clone cadets#the clone wars#sw tcw#clone wars fanart#mama echo
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Okay but what about Bruce ends up taking all the little kids to a gala with him because none of his kids want to go and they'll only escape anyway if he drags them there.
He's got baby Helena on his hip and Lizzie clinging to his side even dropping on adult conversations. Lian and Mar'i are sucking up to the older ladies so they can con sweet treats and hard candy from them. Jake and Ellie (Stephanie's daughter whom I named Elizabeth way before I knew about Diana's daughter) are colouring at a table together quietly.
And Bruce can't stop talking about his babies and grandbabies. And he's showing all the other rich socialites cute little photos and everyone's just gushing over how cute they are.
And they all look so adorable in their little outfits too!! Dressing them all up and taking photos at the gala and just gloating over how these kids are the best kids, even better than all the other socialites kids/grandkids.
And obviously this won't last long, soon the little ones will be whining about how boring the galas are and Bruce will have to find new people to drag along with him. But I definitely think Lian and Mar'i will keep coming for as long as they can milk the adorable little girl acts to fill their pockets with treats.
Dick is probably a little disappointed at Mar'i but it's not like he didn't do the exact same thing himself so he'd be a hypocrite for telling her off. Jason and Roy just high five Lian with a laugh and ask her to share the goods she collected with them.
Also like Bruce going to their school or sports things whenever he can get the time to do so. He's one of those mom types that are convinced their kids are the best in the play or on the soccer field and he gets really bitchy about other mums who do the exact same thing.
And obviously Bruce pays for all there school fees to get them into good education. He spoils the little ones absolutely rotten.
Like the kids at school will be like "oh yeah my grandparents gave me $500 for Christmas so I could choose whatever I wanted". And Jake is like "yeah well my grandpop got me a real motorbike and a phone!"
Holy hell does Dick parental lock the shit out of that phone btw. He also knows Bruce has a tracker on it because he's paranoid about the little ones getting hurt or something. Which is contradictory to the fact he got the kid an actual kid-sized motorcycle. Dick is not happy. Kori thinks it's awesome.
Also like, of you wanted you can also add Tim's baby clones in here too. A little Bart clone and a little Kon clone causing chaos everywhere they go. Bruce loves his grandbabies despite everything but damn those little boys really wear him out running circles around him.
#bruce wayne#batfam#grandchildren#lizzie prince#helena wayne#lian harper#mari grayson#jake grayson#Stephanies daughter gets adopted by Bruce lol#She's named Ellie Wayne#clone babies#dc#brucie wayne
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i crave clone baby fics
look im a timber/timberkon stan and that probably wont change
(except bruce wasnt a teen dad{i think}but close enough ngl)
please give me fic recs if u have any i only found two(2) fics
yeah this is because im getting posts calling for bart appreciation in my recommended and i feel guilty what about it /lh
would cassie or any of the other yj also be involved?
anitas probs giving advice ngl
#clone babies#clone baby au#dc#dcu#batman#tim drake#batfam#robin#red robin#timothy drake wayne#tim wayne#timothy wayne#timothy drake#tim x kon#kon el#kon el kent#kon kent#conner kent#timkon#superboy#timkon is acceptable and timsteph is too i just love timber personally#bart allen#yj#yj 98#young just us#young justice#cassie sandsmark#anita#im a disappointment#i dont know all of these characters a a a
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I just had a thought regarding the clone babies~
Jesse's little girl, all of 5 years old, meets the Naberrie/Skywalker twins. She stares at the babies. And stares. And stares.
And then she looks up at Uncle Rex, "What's wrong with them?"
Rex tries not to laugh, "What do you mean, kiddo?"
"Why do they look like that? Will they get darker when they get bigger?"
Rex stares at her, and Jesse has to leave the room so he doesn't fall over laughing. His little girl has only ever interacted with clone babies.
"Kiddo, look at General Skywalker. Do you think he'd have a baby with the same skintone as, say, my twins?"
She turns and stares at Anakin, unblinkingly, for a really long time, and then she looks at Rex again, "I thought he was sick, too."
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Tup: *while growing his man-bun* Am I a fashion victim?
Tup: *flips his Pantene hair & looks at camera* obviously
Want more clone shenanigans? Want to share your happy Clones shenanigans with the world? Then we are your project!
Fill the Interest Check for Batched: a Clones Fanzine [Here]
Share it with your friends everywhere! All shares are appreciated ♡
#batched: a clones zine#incorrect correct quotes#incorrect clone wars quotes#incorrect star wars quotes#star wars#interest check#sw tcw#sw tcw zine#batched#star wars the clone wars#star wars zine#sw the bad batch#sw tcw fanart#sw tup#clone trooper tup#clone troopers#clone babies#clone boys#the 501st#sw tcw fanzine#swtcw#swtcw zine#star wars rex#sw rex#captain rex#sw fives#sw echo#sw the clone wars#sw the book of boba fett#boba fett zine
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Can We Please Acknowledge That Genetics Are Interesting?
Every time one of those "which trope can you not stand/are you really tired of/can you cheerfully never read again" posts come along, it's always far enough from my dealing with multi-generational fic that I don't think of this, but seriously?
I could cheerfully never read about clone babies again. Or at least not for a good decade.
Yes, I know, there are people who look exactly like a younger version of this parent or that parent, but it's not a surefire thing. Anyone who has met my Mum will tell you I look just like her, whereas anyone who's met my Dad will tell you I look just like him, and honestly? Outside of colouring, my parents don't look that similar. I have managed to take enough DNA from both sides to have a family resemblance with both sides.
I have read so, so, so many things where characters have kids and their DNA just...does not mingle. At all. And I get so, so tired of it, because honestly?
Genetics is interesting. Even the dumbed down, oversimplified, dominant-recessive-what's a co-dominant-what do you mean genes can turn off genetics they teach you in school is interesting.
And the more widely divergent the parents appearance gets, the more annoying it is. He has black hair and brown eyes, she's a blue eyed blonde? Well clearly they have exactly two children - ooo, let's make them twins! - and the boy will be the spitting image of his father and the girl will be the spitting image of her mother! Genetically possible? Well, yes, but also boring! Those colourations can give you a whole range of hair colours, including, if the circumstances are just right, red! Both kids could easily wind up with brown eyes! Heck, I'd be happy if, just once, the boy looked like his mom and the girl looked like her dad! Something!
It's not that I full on condemn anyone who does this and think that the entire trope needs to die. There are times when there's a very real reason for it. Perhaps you're basing the kids off your friends or family, or, as with The Kane series it's a pretty big plot point. Perhaps you're deathly allergic to probability and science and the whole idea is a huge turn off to you and if you have to even think the word genetics you'll never write again. ...okay, that's an exaggeration, but you get the point. Some people just Are Not Interested and that's fine. I get that. Don't force yourself to do something that will make writing unenjoyable.
It would just be nice, every once in awhile, to feel like the author actually thought about what the kids would potentially really look like instead of just grabbing the nearest trope. And I don't mean doing a deep dive into genetics. I don't mean going "well, we learned in high school that two blue eyed parents can't have a brown eyed child, but is that really true?* I will now spend the next year of my life getting a PhD in genetics to back up my character designs!" (I mean, unless you really want to do that, but if you want to do that you're probably already doing it.) I just mean drawing up a basic Punnett square and tossing in BB|bb to figure out what your most likely options here are!
And I can count the number of stories I've read - both professionally published and fanworks - that feel that way on the fingers of one hand with fingers left over. So please, if you have kids in your work and you can bring yourself to do it, spend more than two seconds deciding what they're going to look like.
*btw, it's not. Blue eyed parents having a brown eyed child is fully possible, it's just also pretty darn rare. So there you go.
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Wedding, we're going to have a wedding A wedding! Let's all get out and cheer cause The bride is getting married today Hooray!
Wedding doodles for the lovely @queenquazar and the Whispers of Ghosts series.
1. Hunter and his Bright-Eyed girl sharing some cake. (the ceremony/reception takes place in the Archium on Pabu)
2. Phee and Tech both taking their respective duties as Matron of Honor and Best Man very seriously, and looking fabulous while doing it.
3. Crosshair escorts the Genoa Baby down the aisle as the ring bearer.
#lizart#my art#techphee#crosshair#clone babies#sergeant hunter x reader#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter x you#tbb hunter x oc#sergeant hunter x you
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OMGG I LOVE BABY OMEGA STORIES!! Could it be possible for one with Hunter? Like reader is taking care of bebo Omega snuggling with her, doing her hair, feeding her and stuff. And Hunter is all 😍 about reader and omega together.
I would die because I saw a fan art of Hunter kissing a baby omegas cheek and I’ve fallen in love😭
if anyone is unaware, this is the fanart they're talking about
"The Sweetest Sound" (Sergeant Hunter x Fem!Reader)
Notes: no warnings, just fluff, babies, gendered terms for reader. Divider by @stars-n-spice (click here for more)
Hunter was in the shed, working on a set of shelves one of their neighbors had commissioned. With the door open, he had a perfect view of you and Omega, seated on a blanket on the patio. Omega took one of her wooden blocks from you and started to gnaw on it. You laughed and took it from her, pointing to the letter Hunter had carefully carved in the side.
"This is the letter 'M'," You told her, "It goes mmmmuh. Can you say mmmmuh?"
"Mmm!" Omega nodded, reaching for the block.
"That's right, 'M', as in mmmonky, mmmango, and mmmmilk."
Omega squinted at you, as if that would make the letter on the block more legible. "Muh... muh... muh.... Mama."
Hunter stopped in the middle of sawing. Had he really just heard that? His keen hearing was seldom wrong, and from the way you were looking at Omega with tears beading in your eyes, you'd heard it too.
Omega took the block from your hand, and started smacking it against the block with the letter 'Q'.
"Omega?" you asked, imploring her to repeat herself. Omega carefully balanced the blocks on top of each other, creating a little tower.
Hunter set his tools aside and closed the door to his workshop, just in case Omega got too curious and crawled inside again.
He crouched down next to you and the baby, trying the catch Omega's attention by playing with her bangs.
"Omega, what did you say?"
Her brown eyes twinkled in the sunlight as she beamed up at him, letting out a string of babbling babyspeak.
"No, no, say it again. Mmmm, mmmmama. Can you say Mama?"
"Mmm!" Omega sang, clapping a hand against her block.
"Good job, say it again," Hunter tucked Omega in his arm and turned her to face you, "Who's that, Omega? Is that Mama?"
"Mah!" Omega said, reaching out both arms to you. You let her grasp your fingers and leaned in closer.
"Hi sweet girl," You laughed softly, your eyes shining.
Omega slapped the palms of her hands against your cheeks, "Mama."
Hunter gave a whoop of joy that startled Omega, and she wriggled in his arms, trying to get down and back to her blocks. Hunter set her back on the blanket and turned to you, beaming brighter than you'd ever seen him.
"That was her first word," He told you.
You turned red, "Well, statistically speaking, that's one of the first sounds most babies can make, so it make sense that they'd repeat it and make the word that we associate with 'mother', but-"
"Oh hush, you sound like Tech," Hunter said. He pulled you to your feet so that you could keep a better eye on Omega as she crawled around on the patio. "She called you 'Mama'. That's huge!"
You still couldn't look at him, though the swelling feeling in your chest could only be described as joy. You'd only known the Batch for a short while, but you loved spending time with them, especially with Hunter and Omega.
"I'm sorry she said Mama first. I know you how much you want her to call you Papa."
"Are you kidding? I'm thrilled that she calls you Mama! It's amazing!" Hunter placed both hands on your waist and spun you up in the air. When you came back down, he pulled you close and pressed his forehead to yours. "Do you know how amazing it is that my kid loves you and trusts you enough to call you Mama? I might be the luckiest man in the galaxy."
You giggled softly, "Well, I'm honored."
Hunter kissed your forehead, "You might want to hold off on telling everyone else, though, I think Cross was banking on her first word being a swear word."
"Heaven forbid," You smirked. You rested your head on Hunter's chest as you both turned to look at Omega
Omega had crawled over to the wall of the yard, using the stones to pull herself up with one hand, holding the block with the letter 'P' in the other. When she saw the two of you looking at her, she grinned, and held out the block to Hunter.
"That's right, kid, Puh, puh, Papa. C'mon, say 'Papa'." Hunter walked over to her and crouched down, pointing at the letter on the block.
"Puh!" Omega said.
"C'mon, I know you can do it," He insisted.
At that moment, Wrecker made it up the hill to the house, his catch of the day slung across his shoulder.
"Hey y'all! How're we doing?" He asked.
Omega squealed in delight, and pointed her block at Wrecker,
Hunter's face fell, and Wrecker was caught by surprise for a moment before he dropped his fish on the ground and ran over to Omega, swinging her up into the air.
"That's our girl!" He laughed, swinging her around in the air.
Hunter tried not to be bitter for Wrecker's sake, but as he folded his arms you could see his shoulders tense. You walked over and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
"Don't worry. She'll call you Papa too soon enough."
#lizart writes#tbb hunter x reader#sergeant hunter x reader#baby omega#tbb omega#clone babies#the bad batch x reader#tbb hunter x you#papa hunter#papa wrecker#will i be writing more of this au? yes. yes i will
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Quiet Nights
A/N: Sooooo @elainecreations made and interesting TikTok video and I just couldn't go about my day without writing something for it. (Also I needed some distraction of the TBB finale because I'm still a bit unwell and in denial, I still think it's not over yet for our copy paste boys.) It didn't really turned out as I first wanted it to turn out, but it just ran away with itself so it got way longer than I was planning it to be.
Warning(s): a little angst, Kaminoans being... Kaminoans, Mamma Ti being the absolute best
Word count: 1559
Tipoca City, Kamino, 22 BBY - 162 days after the Battle of Geonosis
The rain was pouring down relentlessly, more and more raindrops knocking incessantly on the spotlessly clear glass, as if they would never stop. The long, seemingly never-ending corridor was only just barely lit at night, but it was still disturbingly white and sterile. Not an environment in which one child, or millions, should have grown up. For all its flaws and strict rules, even the Jedi temple exuded a kind of warmth and security that helped the young Padavans feel like children at times, if only a little, in the midst of all the training and practice. This was not possible on Kamino. These poor boys are just have been born - or rather torn from their capsules by the not-so-gentle hands of the Kaminoans - and the first thing they see is an uncomfortable whiteness that never changes, never brings comfort, never offers gentleness or peace.
It was in the midst of these and similar thoughts that Shaak-Ti walked through the bright, yet depressingly white corridors. Everything was so similar. It had been weeks since the Jedi Council had assigned her the task of overseeing the training of young clones in Tipoca City, but even with the Force's help she sometimes struggled to navigate the snow-white walls and almost disturbingly clear glass.
"Wrecker, don't do it, you know it won't end well." came a low but forceful whisper from behind one of the doors. It was the voice of a child, albeit not a small child, but certainly not an adult. So she was in the cadets' barracks.
"But she took her. One of the long-necks took her away and won't bring her back." The complaining voice replied. Was he crying? Shaak-Ti stopped for a moment and reached out with the force. From the owner of the last voice, came feelings so sad that even the Jedi Master's eyes welled with tears.
"We'll get her back Wrecker, don't worry! Try to sleep!" came a third voice. Shaak-Ti could tell that it was a third little cadet and not the first to speak, she just knew.
"Can't without Lula." Sniffed the cadet who went by the name Wrecker. "What… what if the long-necks hurt her?"
"You mean ruined or thrown out?" asked a fourth voice.
"Tech!" the third thundered loudly.
"Thrown out?" yelled Wrecker. Shaak-Ti was hit by another wave of emotions, fear, bitterness, sadness, all crowned with anger. She heard the clatter of footsteps, then the door opened and she saw the owner of the voices. Three of them were trying to hold down their fourth companion, who was at least a head taller than they were. Shaak-Ti thought that if he had seen one cadet he had seen them all, for they were all clones, but these boys were different. One of them had grey tufts of hair standing out in all directions in the wind rose - must have been in his bed minutes before - one of them had curly locks - the one with glasses - a lighter colour than the other clones, the third, slightly shorter than the others, had long locks of hair flying back and forth as he tried to hold his brother down.
"Wrecker don't do it! Go back to bed!"
"Hunter!" the one with the goggles nudged the Long-Haired One when he saw the Jedi Master. All four of them seemed to freeze. The Jedi was sure they hadn't even taken a breath for a few seconds, then in a split second the three of them exchanged quick glances and the next moment the grey-haired one and the one with glasses pulled their larger companion back into the barracks.
"Sorry General, it won't happen again." said the boy, whom Shaak-Ti identified as Hunter, saluting. He was about to turn back to follow his brothers, but the Jedi Master gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "General?"
"Who is Lula." Ti doubted it was some kind of pet, the Kaminoans strictly forbid anything like that.
"Lula is Wrecker's tooka doll, he got it from 99 because he couldn't sleep. Today one of the long… doctors came in and when they saw her they took her away. They said we clones don't need anything like that." Shaak-Ti didn't answer, just nodded slowly and let the young boy go - he looked 16 or 17, so he was only eight at best. Before the door slid into place, the Jedi heard the three of them trying to calm their brother, who was sniffling heartbreakingly.
They can't even have toys - she thought sadly.
She stood outside the boys' room for a few more moments, then kept walking, now listening intently. The next two rooms were dead silent, almost nothing coming out, and Shaak-Ti had to concentrate hard if she wanted to hear the young cadets breathing. From the third barrack, however, she heard whispering again.
"If they come in to do a check up and see the lights on, we'll be in big trouble…"
"But…" began another, more timid voice, even less audible than his companion.
"No but CT-5509. You can get decommisioned for that!"
"But I'm scared." whimpered the other and Shaak-Ti could feel her heart breaking for him. Decommisioned for being scared in the dark? The Kaminoans truly had no heart at all?
"I know vod'ika, but I'm here, and I won't let anything bad happen to you." Vod'ika. Little brother. No matter what the Kaminoans said, they weren't just soldiers, they weren't just clones, they were human beings. They were brothers. They felt and cared for each other, there was no training or fear form punishment that could kill it out of them.
Loud humming filled the quiet corridors of the cadet barracks. With any other tune it would have been bloodcurdlingly terrifying, but that one tune was like warmth, tenderness, and care all in one. She didn’t even realise she started it; she just did. A tune that’s she thought was long lost in her memories, a tune she heard for the last time before being taken from her world to become a jedi all those years ago. A tune, a song her mother sang to her. She didn’t remember the lines of it, but – for her own surprise – she could still hum it. And so, she did. The little boys in the barracks went quiet, and after a couple of minutes she could feel that even the scared boy was asleep. She continued her walk and never stopped humming. When the song ended, she started again.
She walked the barracks corridor back and forth three times and only returned to her office, when she made sure that all the little cadets were sleeping peacefully. And from then on she did it every single night when she was on Kamino. Sometimes she met some of the long-neck scientist while she was doing it, and they looked at her for a while. Their looks weren’t disapproving, but she felt it coming of off them like the raindrops on the glasses of Kamino. But she didn’t care. She could give some comfort to those little boys before they’ve met the horrors of the training rooms and the war. That’s all that mattered. And she could do some more.
After that night the Jedi Council gave out an order to the Kaminoans to suspend decommissions at all and every cases.
Tipoca City, Kamino, 22 BBY - 163 days after the Battle of Geonosis
Four young boys walked back to their barracks, shouting, and laughing, to get their well-deserved sleep. They were sweaty and dirty, there were even a little blood on all four of them, but they were happy – they completed their mission in the training room, it was hard, and they were sure they would be sore the next day, but they did it. All four of them were happy… Well almost. One of them, even though he had a faint smile on his lips, wasn’t as happy and loud about their success as his brothers.
“Hey Wrecker!” he heard Crosshair’s call out to him and from knowing his vod’ika as well as he did he could hear out a smile in his voice.
“Hm?” he didn’t look up, he just stood at the door still deep in his thoughts.
“Looks like someone escaped the long-necks to get back to you.”
“What?” he looked up at his youngest brother, but he just smiled at him. He than looked at Tech and Hunter, the latest just nodded towards his cot with a wide smile on his face. He turned to his cot and the next moment he felt like something warm exploded in his chest. “Lula!” he darted toward his cot, jumping on it, hugging his tooka doll as close to his chest as he could, but he was still incredibly gentle with it. “Lula.” he repeated a bit quieter still hugging the stuffed toy. "You are back." he whispered as his three brothers sat at the edge of his cot too.
In a shadowy corner of the corridor, a certain togruta Jedi master watched the scene with a faint smile on her face, and then walked away unseen, with barely audible footsteps. Then, after the lights had been turned off, the familiar tune could be heard again.
A/N: I wrote the half of it in Hungarian first and translated it to English after, because for some reason I felt more confident writing this in my language at first and after turning it to English. Don't ask why I have my questionable moments from time to time. Also when it comes to writing sometimes I'm still more confident in Hungarian. Anyway that's why it took longer to post than I wanted it to. But I hope y'all enjoyed it a little.
#shaak ti#clone cadets#kamino#star wars#clone wars#the bad batch#the bad batch wrecker#the bad batch tech#the bad batch hunter#the bad batch crosshair#clone babies
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Omega Is Decorating For The Holidays
I will be doing Star Wars Christmas Stories for the WHOLE month of December. Hope you like them.
Omega LOVES Christmas! She would decorate the ship with Christmas lights, handmade snowflakes, and mistletoe (with the help of Wrecker). As she was making snowflakes, Hunter told her that they won't be celebrating Christmas here.
Omega started crying before Hunter could finished. Hunter tried to tell her something but she kept on crying. Luckily, Tech came in with Baby Henry (Tech & Crosshair's Baby that I made and still working on Jesse & Kix's Story.) and knelt down. Tech has been really caring good with kids AKA Omega ever since Baby Henry was born.
Tech told her that everything is going to be OK and they will still celebrate Christmas. Just not on the ship because 1. It's too small for a growing family and 2. They will be having their Christmas this year in a Wooden Cabin that would be big enough for them and for others Family Members to come. Omega was so excited to hear that that she gave Tech a quick hug before heading to her room.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Hunter asked.
"To make more snowflakes to hang up in the Cabin." Omega said as she ran but stopped and turned around. "Do you think we can have a REAL Christmas Tree?" Hunter nodded when Omega asked that. Omega ran to give Hunter a big hug then ran back to her room to make more snowflakes.
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And this is my favorite this Commander Fox day
(Foxes make this unholy screaming sound. It is a very creepy thing to hear outside your window at 3am.)
More baby clones in animal onesies here
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Did I just create an entire floorplan for a 10 bedroom one story house in Kansas- with incredible detail- where Tim, his partners, and all his clone-children can live?
Psshhhhh, no.
Of course not that'd be completely absurd.
....I did. I did do all that instead of my assignment.
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