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phoenixkaptain · 10 months ago
I love the relationship between Ra’s and Tim in the Red Robin run because it reads fundamentally as an unrequited crush. Between an old man who is so rich he will never spend all his wealth, a man who is considered to be charming in the same way a snake is, a man who is more powerful than the majority of other villains just on the strength of his legacy alone.
A seventeen-year-old boy who has not slept in three days since the last time someone drugged him, has not showered in three weeks unless you count being thrown into a river, has not cleaned his room since he was three and his parents still payed attention to him.
And when I tell you which one has the crush on the other, that’s it, that’s the ultimate punchline, DC may never reach these peaks of comedy ever again.
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callmeizukunotdeku · 3 months ago
getting into a fandom is actually just finding worse and worse people to ship your blorbo with
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sasheneskywalker · 7 months ago
every (former) robin has a villain they occasionally sleep with. except they don't do it entirely for pleasurable reasons (though they are also somewhat into it) but use sex as a distraction/weapon/bargaining chip.
shortly after becoming nightwing, dick keeps running into deathstroke every few months. he tries to stop him from doing his jobs, mostly just postponing the inevitable. shamefully, dick starts to enjoy the chase and rough tumbling with someone whose skills match his own (or even surpass them). they flirt while they spar and eventually dick decides that a better way to distract slade is to let him fuck him. it earns dick more time to secure slade's targets and resolves their fights without anything broken on dick's part.
red hood and black mask constantly ruin each other's operations and attempt to kill each other. jason despises roman for being involved in stuff like human trafficking while roman thinks jason is too soft. finally, it culminates in them fucking in some abandoned warehouse. but it doesn't end there. the sex is dangerous, it often involves guns or knives and jason never knows if roman won't suddenly use this opportunity to permanently get rid of him. of course, jason uses his connection to roman to gather information. he plants bugs in his office while they fuck, he flirts with him to make roman at ease and brag about his plans, and he snoops through his apartment when roman gets called away because of an emergency. ultimately, red hood takes over the gotham criminal underworld and black mask barely escapes with his life.
there's some world ending threat and the only person to know how to stop it is ra's al ghul. all of tim's friends and family are in danger and nothing seems to be working, so he goes to make a deal with ra's. tim assumes ra's will ask him for some morally reprehensible favor to test his conviction and he knows he won't be able to agree to it. so instead he offers his body. ra's can do whatever he wants with him in exchange for helping save the world. and if the next time they need the league's help with something, tim proposes the same terms? well, it's not like he has any better ideas.
the robins enjoy it to some degree. they don't ever say "no" (would their partners even respect it if they wanted to stop?). but is it truly what they want? or are they just doing it because it seems like the easiest option?
(i'd like to include steph and damian too, but i don't know enough about their relationships with various villains. i'm open to suggestions!)
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we-ezer · 9 months ago
Danny is Ra’s and Tim’s child go
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blooms-in-april · 7 months ago
Sometimes the toxic ships are just more fun.
If I wanted to read about a healthy wholesome safe and sane relationship, I'd read a sex ed manual. Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn.
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mistress-of-vos · 8 months ago
I really really need the Ra'sTim baby to be the antichrist if only because it's funny.
Ra's, an heretic. Tim, an atheist. And their baby is the incarnation of the eternal fight between good and evil meant to end it all.
Tim and Ra's can't believe it. Tim thinks their baby (Anthony) is too adorable as to be the antichrist! Although the fact that his baby spits fire, has fangs and manipulates everything around him might not be so normal.
Ra's? Ra's went to visit Lucifer himself and asked if he had screwed his spouse. Lucifer laughed, and said "It was only written the antichrist would be born from a devil and his spouse. They never specified which devil."
In the end, Ra's and Tim just embrace that Anthony might bring the world to its destruction. Or maybe he will calm down and just be Ra's 2.0, except he has cool magic and Tim's eyes.
It's adorable tho. Anthony is a mamma's boy, and he will stop all evil he's doing whenever Tim is close, raising his little chubby hands and begging to be carried. When Tim sings him to sleep, Anthony becomes a truly angelic baby.
Ubu, in the other hand, isn't paid enough for this.
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kit04kat · 8 months ago
Does anyone have any fic recs where Tim is raising both timkon clone baby and rastim clone baby? With lots of funny moments pls and thank you 🙏
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arianna-creates · 2 years ago
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Re-using old prompts and dialogue in order to track my progress 🤝
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necrotic-nephilim · 7 months ago
For the ask game
How do you think the batclan and the league of assasins would react to a consensual rastim au where because of this tim becomes the heir therefore the next demon's head
for the ask game!
heir of Ra's!Tim my BELOVED. i don't care how realistic it is it's real in my heart. i love when they're consensually fucked up together.
i think it's fun if it's sort of a slow descent, for Tim. like he goes into this completely confident he's going to backstab Ra's and come out with clean hands, but he's falling deeper and deeper. Ra's is a far more complex man than everyone has told him, and the longer Tim is entrenched in the League, the more he's drinking the kool-aid. it doesn't help he's already in a grief spiral full of self-isolation and Ra's is showing him all kinds of attention. Tim can't say when it went from "i'm going to stop him in the back" to "huh Ra's' bedroom has more of my stuff than his" bc it was so slow and gradual. maybe the search for Bruce takes longer, maybe Tim finds Bruce but sticks with Ra's for a totally rational reason with a plan he definitely plans to follow through on, eventually. but he gets closer and closer to Ra's and his lack of identity without Robin makes it easy for him to latch onto all the ideas of grandeur Ra's gives him about building a better world. Tim isn't *completely* sold, but he's able to meet Ra's in the middle for most of it
on the side of the League, i think there are a lot of divided opinions. Tim is a hit with younger League members like Prudence, but the more senior members who've been with Ra's for decades are a tad incensed at getting so quickly outranked by a teenager who doesn't even believe in murder. a lot of what Tim believes goes against the very nature of the League but. at its core, the League is loyal to Ra's. any of them would die for him or his cause and they have wholehearted faith in his judgment. because he has a point, the kid is smart, a brilliant strategist, and with some more work, won't be too half-bad in a fight. when Ra's names Tim as his heir, everyone knows it's a very distant future thing (Ra's still has a few more centuries in him and he makes sure they know it) so there's still time to work out the kinks in Tim Drake. Ra's has gone so far as to share the Lazarus Pit with Tim, so *clearly* this isn't some ploy and Ra's is dedicated to him. there's pushback, and i do think there would be some schisms in the League, smaller groups fracturing off and attempting a few coups of the League. even if Tim goes over relatively smoothly, there will be some fights that break out. and Ra's leaves it to Tim to handle, proving a point. making it clear Tim is an equal leader to the League and is more than capable of handling conflict with brutal efficiency. that wins over the last bits of support for Tim, some through genuine respect, some through fear. either way, Ra's is quite proud his choice of partner and heir has proven himself.
the Batfamily on the other hand is a complete shitshow. i think the most positive reaction would be Jason, not necessarily because he approves, but because i think he'd find the ironic joy in watching Tim finally get out from Bruce's thumb and cause absolute chaos. in a way, Bruce really has no place to talk with his history with Talia, so it's not like Tim's completely ex-communicated. they're all constantly trying to get Tim back, trying to convince him how bad of an idea this is and how terrible of a person Ra's is. i think Tim would keep close to the Batfam, partly because he *does* still care about them. Dick, Helena, Cass, Bruce, are all still some kind of family, for Tim. but there would be a clear rift. obviously it'd be the worst for Cass, who has the strongest opinions on morals and was so close to Tim and has to deal with feeling deeply betrayed. i'd have a lot of long conversations between them, where Tim talks about how he's trying his best not to compromise his morals and he's really doing this for the greater good he believes in, while Cass tries to understand his point of view and cope with the betrayal. Steph would also feel pretty betrayed, even when they break up there's a deep love between Tim and Steph and this change for Tim feels out of nowhere. they're all constantly reaching out to Tim, sometimes for serious conversation but sometimes just inviting him to hang out, hoping to get through to him slowly. they still care about each other, but the trust is what's gone. especially from Damian, who never trusted or liked Tim in the first place and would be the most furious he's replaced as an heir by Tim of all people. it's messy, but it's complicated.
for the rest of Tim's social circle, the Titans and whatnot, it's a similar reaction. the more distant of Tim's hero friends have no issue cutting him out, but people like Cassie and Bart and Kon would try to talk to Tim about it because it feels so uncharacteristic of him. they've known Tim a while, sometimes in more personal ways than the Batfam, so this switch up is sudden. i think he'd feel the most guilty about hurting them, just because they're genuinely his oldest friends in the superhero world. but he sticks to his guns and makes it clear he's happy with Ra's, and he's doing this whole League thing, like it or not. they'd still come to Tim's aide if Tim needed it, and god help anyone who hurt Tim's friends bc he'll raise hell for them, but emotionally they're distant from him. it's hard for someone like Kon to reconcile a person willingly working with Ra's given Kon's own parentage. there's still love, but it's messy and complicated. i do think slowly though, Tim would try to get them on his side. it starts with innocuous side comments made about the state of the Justice League/Titans, him not holding them back from going too far in a fight the way he usually would, as sensible team leader. it'd take a slow, long while, but i do think Tim could slowly get at least a couple Titans to be his allies, even if they're not full League members.
all in all, Tim rlly does get to have his cake and eat it too. sure, trust is lost and people aren't as close as they used to be, but Tim loses very few people he genuinely cares about. either they love him too much to abandon him, or he slowly talks them into agreeing with his new moral code. because he's still anti-murder at the end of the day, and it's clear with him at the helm, the League is slightly shifting. even Ra's seems more agreeable these days, far more open to working with heroes without instantly stabbing them in the back like he usually would. Tim can't change who Ra's is and he honestly doesn't want to, but that's the fun of it. the way they're always so opposed and arguing half the time, yet still managing to make it work because they love the chase.
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bxt-cat · 9 months ago
“If he's a serial killer, then what's the worst
That could happen to a girl who's already hurt?
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I’m already hurt!!’
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“If he's as bad as they say, then I guess I'm cursed
Looking into his eyes, I think he's already hurt
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He's already hurt”
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yeetus-feetus · 1 year ago
Damian: why is there erotic homosexual poetry written in Arabic in the manor's library? Which one of you owns these?
Jason: not me I prefer slow burn romances. Preferably in English or Spanish.
Stephanie: I don't know arabic.
Cass: not me.
Duke: I also don't know Arabic.
Bruce: I'm not into poetry or homosexual.
Everyone: *side-eyes Bruce*
Bruce: what?
Stephanie: nothing.
Damian: it has to be Dick, then. My poor eyes. I was excited to see something in my tongue and now I am scarred for life.
Dick, walking into the room: what's happening?
Stephanie: Dami found gay Arabic poetry in the library.
Dick: what? Why would someone leave that in there where my innocent baby brother can see?
Cass: not innocent.
Jason: well who else knows Arabic?
Tim, coming in to refill his coffee: what's happening?
Duke: erotic poetry, that's in Arabic for some reason.
Tim, glancing over: oh... one of those is Farsi actually.
Damian: how do you know that? You didn't even read it.
Tim: I recognise the cover.
Duke: you recognise the cover??
Damian: so these are yours!
Tim: ...yeah?
Bruce: where on earth did you get these Tim??
Tim: they were a gift.
Cass: who?
Tim: ...uhhh, y'know actually I'm too tired to remember right now. *Runs*
Dick: wha-Tim!
Jason, completely deadpan: he's either seeing Talia or Ra's.
Damian: *gags* Todd how dare you propose that! How could you even be sure of that?
Jason: I slept with your mum, I'd know.
Everyone: WHAT!?
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hubridbunny · 8 months ago
Why does no one ever seem to have a child the normal way. Why’s it always gotta be some shit like “I stole your dna and combined it with mine in a lab”
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deadbeetleblog · 5 months ago
just read a child bride omega tim drake fanfic and yk what
in those kind of stories I always imagine tim grown up, being a cold and distant wife, dissociating in sex, indifferent of his kids, completely disconnected of everything, living like a doll with a bunch of unresolved rage.
it makes me happy to imagine those everything goes wrong scenarios.
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mistress-of-vos · 10 months ago
Idk how to put this on a way that makes sense outside of my mind but to me Tim is Persephone, protected apprehensively by Bruce and spending the days between his flowers and friends.
There's Kon, who shines in golden inheratinace just like Apollo. He's born of a tragic love, his mother never the queen that sits next to Superman.
There's Bart, blessed by Hermes and the winds. A kind, strong soul that craves to see the world.
And there's Ra's, just like Hades, of course. Unkillable, king of a land that you can't come back from. His mere sight condemns people and a favor from him will grant you eternity. His wealth is infinite, and he moves through shadows, noticed until it's too late and his sword has made justice.
The myth, as expected, follows its path. And the little bird who lived between flowers and was loved by the sun and wind, becomes queen to the king.
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ra's al ghul saw this insane teenage boy rejected by everyone he ever cared for, overcome with grief over the loss of both his parents (whose reanimated corpses he was forced to fight) and of his adoptive father and all his friends, called crazy by the only family left alive and said is anybody gonna have his children or do i have to do everything myself
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robbinghisdick · 8 months ago
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Oh, I never posted the ra'stim kid. Her name is Layla El Drake and I love her SO much
She's not scary tho 💕
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Shortest run down: when Tim found out he was pregnant, he asked Kon to pretend to be the father because he doesn't want anyone to know that the baby was Ra's. Hides his pregnancy, falsified her records so she's a few months younger than she really is. Babies grow fast so barely anyone got to see her until its less obvious that Tim lied.
But uh... it becomes pretty obvious that she's not Kon's bio kid the older she gets 😅
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