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py-dreamer · 10 months ago
Oh! It's Mac(aroni)-learns-the-consequences-for his-actions o'clock!: the AU
To my marshiemallows who saw my other post, no this isn't the part two I was talking about
(it's coming dw! ...I am going to roast those fics over a pit like a rotisserie chicken...)
but this is some more Ma-caca slander so if you're into that...
"get in loser we're going to yell into some all hearing (but terrible at listening) ears"
(DISCLAIMER: I do enjoy Macaque as a character, he is well written in the show imo
This is a call-out to those who think he's just a victim and excuse his crimes in the show, in lore and make him the "uwu soft boi who needs to be protected at all cost who everyone loves including all of Wukong's subjects apparently"
and make Wukong the "selfish narcissist who's a lazy good for nothing, a monster who killed Mac for funsies then cried for centuries afterward without his waifu, doesn't deserve anything good, everyone hates him for good reason, he kills puppies on a daily bas-"
yea you get the point)
I know there're some AUs where there's an artifact that can change time or transport you into a different dimension
Yea so y'know what, let Macaque get his hands on one of them, mid battle with the monkie kids.
They tell him to calm down and give the artifact back but Mac gets pissy about an earlier conversation with Wukong.
About how he made a shrine to honor his pilgrim brothers and Mac gets mad.
He tells Wukong that it's been centuries since they've died so why doesn't he let them go and Wukong of course gets pissed too.
Then Mac-aroni bursts at him why there was nothing for the brotherhood or DBK when he sealed him or when he died
He adds some extra insults for flavor then leaves (as usual) without giving the monkey king to give his perspective and cuss him out
Back to the present, Mac decides to alter the timeline just a wee bit...
"Tang Sanzang was killed by the six eared Macaque during their first encounter"
Then we see this new world...but it's not all happy like Macaque hoped
First off, the journey was to retrieve holy scriptures from India which would help to cleanse the east apparently. But it was also because of the journey a lot of corruption was stopped (eg slow cart kingdom with its policy on Buddhism, kingdom of women and the demon guarding the abortion spring, the demon who overthrew the black river god, kidnappings in general)
So yea if it was cut short, a lot of that corruption would still be in power.
With most of the human population being overtaken by humans or corrupt kings or busy being eaten or courtnapped, yea society could not evolve. It stays mostly stagnant, so a lot of technology hasn't been invented yet and most humans (particularly lower class) are doing worse for wear.
But it wasn't his fault; it was the society and humans for being to weak to upturn itself.
Mac sees them, doesn't really care and goes off to find Wukong because hey, he's curious
However he finds the Camel Ridge trio instead and we know what kinda happened in that town.
The surrounding area is dry and barren because all the life is being sucked out of it. Heck, its probably even more arid cause the trio's reign has lasted for centuries.
They all welcome Macaque with open arms asking him where he's been and they haven't heard of him since the monk's murder.
The trio thank Mac since they heard how the monk had Wukong on a leash and how he was no more than a guard dog and they were worried that he'd make the monkey king reign his wrath on the city if they ever crossed and without him, the journey never continued and there was no encounter
He's disturbed by the friends he once loathed and fought welcoming him with open arms and owed their success to his actions.
But it wasn't his fault for their corruption, it was their city and their choices, someway or another karma will get them probably...maybe...
Since without the journey, the brotherhood never would've ended up in the ink scrolls
"Its a shame Wukong and Brother Bull can't join us"
Mac asks what they mean and where DBK was.
He learns the demon bull family were in mourning.
You see, without the pilgrims and more importantly, Sanzang and Wukong present, the sealing of the samahdi fire probably wouldn't have went the same.
They couldn't find anyone available who'd survive the flames so DBK, PIF and Nezha had to try it themselves...and were sadly unsucessful
The infant's power caused mass destruction, many deaths, injured both his parents greatly...
...and ultimately led the child to an early grave.
Leaving the clan and couple devastated for years to come.
But it still wasn't his fault: it was just due to unfortunate circumstances!
Macaque, disturbed by this leaves without saying goodbye, goes to flower fruit mountain to check on its status. Since without having to continue the journey, surely the monkey king would be basking in the sun with his subjects happily gorging themselves on fruit-
Only he comes back to a total wasteland.
As a consequence of letting the monk be killed and failing his chance at redemption, heaven punished Sun Wukong and he was never seen again (much to Mac's surprise).
But not only that, it seemed the gods took their rage out on Flower fruit mountain as well. This was the 2nd time it was burned but now they made sure to finish the job, every last tree engulfed in flames.
Without the monkey king coming back to save them, all the inhabitants were at risk of the burning and any left who fled to the mainland were captured and sold, starved or hunted and eaten. There were no survivors.
Upset by his discovery, Macaque was filled with rage at the king. How dare he not take care of their home, he failed as a friend but now as a king too. So he snuck into heaven to find out his location to find answers and yell at him.
It wasn't his fault their home was destroyed. That was Wukong's duty as king! He failed his subjects and he must pay
A tear filled Macaque snuffs through heaven's files as even he couldn't find the location of Sun Wukong's prison.
He learns that Nezha after failing to seal the fire, got terribly burned in the process probably crippling him and causing mass destruction to many nearby towns and minor gods had been cast out of heaven.
Some of the guilt started weighing in on him but he put that aside, because of course it wasn't his fault; the god was just too weak and shouldn't have stuck his nose into other's business.
And finally, the main course we've all been waiting for: confronting Wukong.
He's back under 5 phases mountain but this time with many more locks and security cautions. Macaque learns nobody had heard from the king in a 1000 years.
He finds the king and screams at him that it was his fault how FFM was now a desolate dessert devoid of life.
But to his surprise, the king laughs.
The king laughs maniacally, practically howling with laughter but with crazed eyes like a madman.
"I assume you'll blame me for 'abandoning' you too?"
He rips into Macaque about how they always swore to stay by each others side but the moment things get ugly Mac will always save his skin. And asks where was he for him through all this.
Not during the battle vs heaven.
Not during his trials.
Not during his imprisonment.
Not when he asked him to go back and leave the pilgrims alone.
Not when heaven pointed fingers at him that the monk's murder was his fault.
Not when FFM was destroyed and Wukong didn't learn until some heavenly officials told him years later as they fed him metal pellets and molten iron.
Even now, the only reason he came was to complain.
(I imagine a lil conversation to go like this:
Macaque: They abused you! They didn't free you!!
Wukong:...neither did you...)
Then Mac decides to ask what the pilgrims did afterward and bet they all ran off too...how wrong he was
(Macaque: Then where are your 'pilgrim' brothers now? Why aren't they here to help you the-
Wukong: they're gone
Macaque: what..?
Wukong: They're gone...They're gone...gone...DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? ARE YOU DEAF? I SAID THEY'RE GONE!!!
Macaque: but how...
Wukong: after you fled the scene, the heavenly officials came to detain me....hahahah...I was caught in that diamond snare again and Ao Lie jumped in to defend me.
Macaque: but I thought...
Wukong: I was so distraught, I couldn't do anything...They said that it was also their fault master was dead so they'd better stay quiet if they wanted to lessen their sentence....hahahah...I watched them all die one by one Macaque...
Macaque: God, you've really gone mad...)
I want this man to meet his inner demons or someone able to slap him around to just really remind him of the consequences to his actions maybe some ink scroll action.
Just basically:
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And maybe if I'm feeling nice we get a happy ending, Mac reverses the spell or something and perhaps says something nice to Wukong for once.
If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on how the timeline would change, do tell I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
@furornocturna might be reminding Mac-adoodledoo of his crimes to the monkie kids in the present but I'm taking him for a roadtrip to the past
(or other present...time travel is complicated y'all)
(Again I recommend 'Fractured pieces make a mosaic' on Ao3.
I shall call them my partner in crime for Mac-caca bullying if they shall so let me have the honors...also @nightmarebunnyking...they also do good slander
No I will not stop advertising their work. Cause it's good outside of the slander, Wukong is very affectionate, we love that for him and MK collects dads like pokemon cards
also kinda want opinions on more ole'Mac-doodle had denial. E I E I O
I propose we gather in a circle and beat him with a stick
...pls interact its 1 am rn)
Also fun fact this is my 2001st post so uhh...yay..?
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oars · 1 year ago
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morganbritton132 · 7 months ago
One of the perks of living in Gotham is that occasionally you’ll walk past a Wayne having the most batshit insane conversation anybody has ever had.
Walk past Dick Grayson on the street and hear him say into his phone, “I don’t think he’s anti-vax, but Superman is definitely not vaccinated.”
Stand outside of the downtown WE building and see Tim Drake walk out with his tall friend only to pause and say, “Hold on, I just got the mental image of Lex Luthor pregnant. Thanks for that.”
A lucky few who ride the same subway line as the newest Wayne edition, overheard Duke tell Stephanie that living in Wayne Manor is, “Alright, but when I moved in Jason and Damian gave me a knife and said I had to kill Tim. Said it was tradition.”
“It kinda is. Did you do it?”
“No!” Duke says, to the relief of the overhearers. “Get this…he stabbed himself.”
“…yeah, I should’ve guessed that.”
The downside to living in Gotham is literally everything else.
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frownyalfred · 8 months ago
a scenario where both Bruce and Tim are out and about as civilians and end up needing a rescue from their respective Supers so Jim Gordon has to sit there and watch as Superman (fine as long as he's just visiting) and Superboy (near-identical to the former but says fuck?) carry the two Wayne family members back down to safety while simultaneously playing the "I've never met this man in my life! Just a lucky rescue! / If you even look at my human I'm going to go feral" game all the way down.
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ikiprian · 1 year ago
Tim swears Phantom could’ve been a Titan. Maybe he should be, at this point. They have enough in common to justify it.
“Jeez,” Phantom groans. Abruptly, he drops the levitation and hits the roof without sound. He stretches out on his back like a cat, sore muscles straining in a way Red Robin deeply relates to. “Fighting the living sucks. At least with ghosts I can swing as hard as I need. Already dead means they get back up! But mortals? Way too squishy.”
Red Robin huffs in agreement. “Yeah,” he says. After a moment’s consideration, he lies down, too.“It’s a hundred times harder than people realize. Batman’s always going on about perfect control in training. About how to have it, you gotta be twice as skilled as the other guy. Even without your super-strength, I worry sometimes.”
“How do you do it?” Phantom asks. In a move only achievable to those without bones, or perhaps Dick Grayson, he twists himself over. Gloved hands cup his cheeks. His legs kick back and forth, like they’re gossiping at a slumber party. “I mean. You said you train, so obviously there’s the physical ‘how.’ But how do you keep your emotions nonlethal? How do you keep yourself in check, make sure you’re pulling back?”
“I mean,” says Red Robin. “Murder is illegal, so.”
Phantom sighs. “Yeah. Maybe it’s easier for you.”
… Hm. Maybe Red Robin should redo Phantom’s risk assessment.
Before he can raise too high an eyebrow (though even moving that muscle smarts, ow), Phantom elaborates.
“Ecto-based entities have trouble with their emotions,” he explains. “It’s easy to get lost in an Obsession, or a big feeling like grief. The rest of the world… it bleeds away. Helps to have another emotional anchor to keep it at bay. I use fear.”
“Fear?” Red Robin glanced over.
“Sometimes sheer stubbornness,” Phantom admits. “But a lot of it is fear.”
With a considering frown, he drops his head atop his arms. Exhaustion, regret, reluctance play out on his face. For someone the Bats know next to nothing about, Phantom’s body language is an open book.
“I saw, like, an alternate future version of myself once where I become evil and try to take over the world? So now I gotta be good to keep that from happening. The fear of that future keeps the pressure on me. Makes me focus up. Y’know?”
Tim sits up. “Seriously?”
Phantom nods. “Uh-huh. Kinda bizarre, I know—”
“What the hell,” says Tim. Three consecutive days together and a concussion must loosen his lips, because holy shit, no way. “Dude! Me too!”
“Huh? Seriously?” says Phantom.
“Yeah! I totally saw myself turn evil. Like, Batman but with guns. Guns Batman. I had to fight him and everything. He tried to kill my friends and erase my memory to make sure I couldn’t un-invent him by going back to change the past?”
“Oh my god.”
“Oh my god, me too!”
happy wips wednesday!
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spookberry · 4 months ago
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I like to headcanon that it was his job to take care of the bathroom fish tank
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hazelnootnut · 8 months ago
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ACT 2 "You're... me?" "That's right, stardust!"
You know I've been drawing Loop as their Siffrin form so much that it's got me thinking. I've read and seen so many fics and artworks of Loop eventually getting back to looking like their old self, but I don't think I've seen any so far of Loop already being a mirror copy of Siffrin. So uh, yoink?
ISAT AU where the game plays out the same way (plot-wise at least) but Loop looks like Siffrin the whole time and while Siffrin is extremely perplexed that there's another him, he's still gotta accept their help because how else are they supposed to escape the loops? Good ol' Loop is here to help, helpful friendly Loop!
Siffrin is going through it still but Differently.
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pinacoladamatata · 9 months ago
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blink and you'll miss it moments around skyhold....
#solavellan#solas#gotta put out some tender stuff to balance the chaos target team leader solas has caused.#look i just need to go feral in the tags for a moment#okay the fucking. what's he call himself? the great adversary of her people's mythology....falls in love w a woman being forced into a role#not unlike his own#i t makes me c r a z y#like at one point he's all ooooh we're elves need to make sure the humans trust us to ensure safety. gives them a castle......#then he's all ''ooh you cant change the way your legend is getting out of hand. might as well accept it''#but he disapproves if you lean into it/call yourself the herald.#he approves of you fighting against the status quo. encourages sera to sow chaos and has a VERY interesting convo w her about power#''what lop of the top?'' ''yes.'' ''well what's that do except make room for a new top to come and fuck it all up?''#at which point he fuckin STUTTERS and is like. oh fuck. you're right. my bad. and then he shuts up in quiet contemplation#he's clearly wrestling w himself. and Ohmygod the felassanstuff.#like the Guilt. the Regret.#haunting that fucking rotunda.#and yet he's so in love w lavellan if they go that route.#like clearly some stuff was missing/fumbled in game. but like#how he fuckin screams for the inquisitor at the well?????!?! OK BOI?!#im just. the dread wolf. great adversary of the dalish pantheon.#turns out to be some somber grim guy with a fatalistic sense of humor who hates tea and greatly values free will#pina art
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jkvjimin · 7 months ago
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"my happiness started when I met rapmon hyung" for @jung-koook ♡
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sastielsmanuscript-draft · 7 months ago
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maleficore · 8 months ago
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When I tell you I have been thinking about this for three days straight...
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royalarchivist · 4 months ago
Cellbit: If it's bugged, I'll even like, watch your clip to see what happened with [spoiler] so we can fix it too.
Baghera: Oh yeah, I can send you a clip! I am gonna send you a clip. I just like, kiss [spoiler] for 10 minutes.
Cellbit: Oh. 😐 Yeah. Um, that sounds a little weird. 🫤
Baghera: That's my problem of– when I see a big monster, I don't run, I just go to the monster, you know?
Cellbit: Oh... yeah... Yeah, that's like, kind of a you thing. Like, that's kind of like your psychology problems, right?
Baghera: Yeah. I just like huge monsters that kills me, yep. Yeah, I think you saw it in your RPG, you know?
Cellbit: Whatever floats your boat, I guess. 🫥
[ Full (Uncensored) Transcript ↓ ]
Baghera: [Whispers in an echoing voice] Cellbit? I think I bugged your game! I don't know what to do! I cannot leave! Cellbo!!!
Cellbit: Hi!
Baghera: I think I bugged your game, but I'm good! [Laughs]
Cellbit: Oh. Wait, oh wait– Go ahead, what happened, what happened, what happened?
Baghera: I was like "I'm gonna play for 2 hours, it's gonna be so cool game–" it's like 50 hours game! [Laughs]
Cellbit: Yeah it is. Like, the median- the median time for people to- to finish it has been 18 hours.
Baghera: What the fu– No it's- it's an amazing game. I send you a message, I was so emotive, I was like, "Cellbit, you're so good with the game! Oh, I can't wait."
Cellbit: Oh yeah, I have to reply, I haven't read it yet 'cuz–
Cellbit: It's been so fcking chaotic this- these last couple days–
Baghera: No, I know, I know–
Cellbit: It's nonstop work, 'cuz we're still fixing bugs, there's like feedback, uh...
Baghera: No no, I understand.
Cellbit: If it's bugged, I'll even like, watch your clip to see what happened with Goliath– [Struggling not to laugh] so we can fix it too.
Baghera: Oh yeah, I can send you a clip! I am gonna send you a clip. I just like, kiss Goliath for 10 minutes.
Cellbit: Oh. 😐
Baghera: Yeah.
Cellbit: Yeah. Um, that sounds a little weird. 🫤
Baghera: That's my problem of– when I see a big monster, I don't run, I just go to the monster, you know?
Cellbit: Oh... yeah... Yeah, that's like, kind of a you thing. Like, that's kind of like your psychology problems, right?
Baghera: Yeah. I just like huge monsters that kills me, yep. Yeah, I think you saw it in your RPG, you know?
Cellbit: Whatever floats your boat, I guess. 🫥
Baghera: Yeah, yeah.
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artuurle · 3 months ago
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ends of the earth
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 10
Danny groaned, blearily raising his head from the nest of blankets and pillows he had made in his apartment. He had smelled something strange.
Something strong enough to wake him from his sleep. Danny got up and stumbled to the front door, cursing his luck for getting a fever so soon into his interdimentional road trip.
Peering out of his open doorway he saw a little kid shivering in the cold, badly hidden behind two trash cans in the mouth of an alley. Danny didn't think twice. In fact he didn't think at all. It wasn't uncommon for an Omega to smell a child who didn't have the scent of another Omega on them and immediately claim that child as thier own, and seeing as his home dimension had exclusively Omegas...let's just say there's a lot of drama in family court and a lot of laws pertaining to this.
So of course the next thing Danny knows is that the kid was bundled up inside his very soft and comfy makeshift nest before Danny passed out.
For the next week Danny had this mysterious fever and he acted like a parent on autopilot, barely conscious as he instinctually cared for the little boy. He made them food and cut them up into tiny bits to feed his baby and if it was handfoods like pizza rolls or sandwich triangles, Danny would hold him in his arms and rock his back and forth, humming softly as his child ate.
Eventually his heat ended (note that omegas from his world don't have heats, they don't have alphas and so they don't even know what a heat is) and Danny was very surprised he has a child in his house. But he and the baby are very emotionally attached to one another. When Danny asked what the little kids name was (and man this kid was little) the kid stared at him in the way little kids do before muttering the world "Clone" followed by what sounded suspiciously like a serial number.
Danny decided, nah. His kid now. Sucks to be the bioparent cause Danny doesn't wanna share.
Somewhere in the city, the bats were freaking out. They had raided a lab and discovered not only had one of them been cloned, but the clone had escaped and no one knew where it was. Cue panicked parental frenzy.
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scarapanna · 2 months ago
I liked your art, you won🎉🎉🎉
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I'm still terrified of the redemption route for this clown though hdhghfg, I want his silly self to stay evil and wimsy and goofy and with redemption uhhh
We're like
I dunno I'm sooo scared devsis is gonna take away that aspect which is what makes him just so funnn. Please pretty please let him be god awful and rotten and rude and goofy if you take that route Devisis I want him to keep his funny wimsy qualities. Please please pleaseeee write him well y'all are doing sooo good with him don't fumble by taking the redemption route (And if they do it better be good and he better stay chaotic and goofy and sassy and condescending and all his "rotten rabid thing" qualities)
If they do him (And his fun aspects justice in this dreaded hypotetical) then I may be cool with it. Though the mean ass possum has grown on me so much I'd 100% miss that evil and unhinged part of him TONS, devsis have mercy pretty please/silly
[Longer more insane ramblings are in the tags hsfhfhhv]
#my view of these two is that these should still be some bitterness on both sides#Both on SM's rabid half and on PV's half#they should both hold some form of “fear” towards one another. just deep deep down considering everything#and SM being rotten AF shchshfn#just thoughts#speaking of...#I like to think of PV's “”friendship“” offer as leff of a “yeah let's be buddy buddies!!!” offer but more of a “I could show you a#better way. Fighting like this is pointless and things could be better if you let me show you the right path.“ kind of offer#I like the idea of PV not really being able to “forgive”/“forget” the horror of the spire of deceit. But compassion is his entire thing#(cough cough the guy's known for ending wars trough reconcilliation and civil conversation. With the occasional “we are cool now!!!” on bot#parties cough cough)#and so I believe he'd be the kind to understand what “explains the guy's sheer insanity” and all but withouth#seeing that as a justification.#TLDR the good old “I get where you're coming from but it isn't an excuse. I'm still condemning your actions.”#*LESS (i aint rewriting that y'all gotta stick with my embarassingly dumb grammatical oversights unfortunately)/silly#long story short I'm a fan of PV trying to do the whole civil convo approach but I want SM to be a stark contrast to that#he should be a HUUUGE challenge to get trough. And it'd be fun if he was simply too far gone#If he isn't though. I want them to have leftover tension#stuff's inevitable imo and it'd be fun to see some clashing#askbox stuff#beetle's ramblings#cookie run kingdom#pure vanilla cookie#shadow milk cookie#crk spoilers#beast yeast spoilers#awakened pure vanilla cookie
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fennelwasp · 10 months ago
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Been playing pathologic 2 with some friends and i can say that it is shockingly a very funny game when other people are doing all the voices
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