#i hate bullies
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theoddest1 · 2 months ago
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Yep...it's confirmed that Ashley was the one Viv was targeting with those awful rumors. Knew this for a while but wanted to wait for it to be made public. Viv accused the person who gave her free advertising and helped build the community and popularity of her wack as hell series....of being an abusive sexual predator who is abusing their BF.
Wow...why does that sound so familiar....
[The one who ran the Instagram accounts]
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Her lying and spreading rumors...noooo...it can't be....
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No way she would ever do such a thing ever. Nope. Not little ole Vivienne Medrano. She's a good girl with nothing but golden stars.☝️🙂���↕️
If it wasn't already made obvious, I think Viv is a joke of a person who is too insecure, weak, and irrelevant when by herself to even get this far. She hops off others to even get a semblance of attention, and many steal the show most times anyway. She clearly was jealous of Ashley and so did all sorts of crappy things to get back at them...because she is insecure. If you disagree, that's cool. I am saying it as it is because the writing was always in the wall. Look no further than her own franchise to get a glimpse of what type of person she is.
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cowgirlp1xie · 11 months ago
Bro I’m literally the sweetest girl in town so why the fuck are you being so mean for no fucking reason you crusty musty dusty unwashed hater
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softhenrycavill · 29 days ago
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This Person is rotten to the core. How can some people still not see it? Are you that mad about HC and his gf that you throw out all your morals by supporting this just because she feeds your "we must hate Henry and Natalie" agenda? Natalie is evil in some people's eyes but this Person is not? How can anyone like her posts or support her in any way? Please explain? How comes all you haters hate Natalie so much but celebrate evil people like her?
And on top of that she's pretending to be a gay man and regulary sends death threats to people. Everyone who supports this has no fucking right to judges Henry and Natalie in any way. I said what I said!
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ivs023 · 5 days ago
I understand if people dont like Tommy. That's ok, it's a free world.
But I hate when they talk badly about Lou. He's just doing his job, tha's all.
I dont know if Bucktommy is endgame. I enjoy every moment with Lou in screen, even if his sad eyes break my heart.
People complais about bullying but... 🙄
And it doesn't help that ABC never said anything about the horrible comments about Lou last year.
Anyway, spread love bucknation
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current-comix · 11 months ago
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eff-ston3mblogs · 18 days ago
my life rn
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writtenroses1813 · 9 months ago
Never rlly been one for vengeance but sometimes I rlly wish they had suffered the consequences of their actions
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yasmiralotta · 3 months ago
I think a lot of antis need to realize the reason why people are so aggressive towards them isn’t because they are in the Vivziepop cult it’s because they are having their tone matched. If someone says they think viv is a mediocre writer and her shows have a tone problem or mishandle sensitive topics I might disagree but it’s not that big of a deal we can discuss or agree to disagree. If someone comes at me in their dedicated hate blogs to tell me that Vivziepop is a narcissist abusive monster because her cartoon didn’t meet the vibe check and I’m somehow morally complicit in thought crimes I’m going to tell you to fuck off.
Exactly! It's not about not being able to criticize a show's creator or writing. It's about the exaggeration and downright lies that are spread about said creator. Like, for example, I love Stolitz. But I am not going to crucify someone who doesn't. I maybe try to say my peice in why I like it to them, if they are open to discussion. But, sometimes, it's just about people having different opinions, and that's fine. What I am not going to do is harass a creator until she litterly can't take it anymore and leaves the plattform! Like, it's hard to be nice to someone who calls you slurs and tells you to kill yourself for liking/creating something they don't. You have to draw the line somewhere. And that line for me, is when you start to go after and bully REAL people over a fictional show and characters.
Thank you for the ask! 💕
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phoebe-the-autism-fairy · 5 months ago
"You should stop being so sensitive!"
You should stop being so mean.
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aliasanew · 9 months ago
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Publicado el 20-V-2024
¿Alguien se acuerda de Giffany de Gravity Falls?
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theoddest1 · 7 months ago
could you get your commenters to chill a bit? ive been getting death threats in my dms cause i disagreed with a single post
like i get your points and all, but people like that is why most fans dont listen to you guys, anti viv people have a habit of telling us to kill ourselves because we consume the cartoon :/
Death threats are a no-go no matter which side any of you are on, I DO NOT want to see that shit in my presence, have some fucking self control guys.
But let's not get things twisted either. Some antis being this way is NOT why fans ignore proof. I have seen this fandom grow for 4 years and have researched into Viv's fanbase prior to HH. They've all been very protective of the content because that's what Viv has harbored for a while now. The only contribution they've added in is spreading misinformation here and there by a few people. I don't think you realize how long Viv has had a fanbase and has weaponized them for years. One of her old closest friend was called an *IT* and told to kill themselves which they nearly succeeded in doing thanks to her rabid fans back in 2014-2015, to which she responded with saying "Karma is awesome". So ion wanna see this "they tell us to kill ourselves" angle, I have seen this fanbase throw the same shit if not more + racism.
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Keep in mind, despite them having talked it out and resolving everything, Viv still refers to them as abusive/an abuser even though multiple people have said it was just them disagreeing and not meeting eye to eye. She not only ruined someone's reputation but also lied on someone due to a disagreement, having her fans be absolutely abysmal toward them till this day.
This fanbase, VIV'S FANBASE, is toxic as shit. Do not frame it as if they needed valid reasons to ignore the issues with the creator, that is not the main reason why they've acted shitty multiple times. I do NOT wanna hear that nonsense, you could have simply kept it at those idiots that were treating you like bullies. Don't spin nothing on anyone when her fanbase [stans] chooses to be fucking dense.
And to those sending death threats, unfollow me and gtfo off my page. I don't condone stupidity nor do I wish to have anyone who thinks telling people to kill themselves is at all a sane and sensible reaction to a fucking disagreement. You don't lower your morals and standards all cause someone either said something right or wrong, have some gat damn sense. Seek help. You can not be against Vivziepop but then do anything SIMILAR to her or the like, that's just insanity to me.
I may have disagreed with you remark on those against Viv, but I will still thank you for letting it be known that this happened to you. It shouldn't. And I am sorry you went through that.
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herlightavenue · 5 months ago
Something I've noticed about the Neuro community.We all have strengths and weaknesses. We all relate differently and some of us need serious trauma therapy 😞 Stay aware stay supportive.
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ice-man-goes-bwoah · 19 hours ago
My friend gave me permission to say speak about this so
trigger warning under the cut
Mentioned suicide
Bullying someone is not okay. Bullying someone until they feel the need to take their own life is not okay. Having the nerve to post about someone pretending to care about them after taking their own life because you bullied and harassed them is not okay.
And if you did that to someone just know you are terrible person and that persons blood is on your hands.
For context my friends brother took his life Wednesday night because he was being bullied and harassed for being gay and being different. And some of his classmates and people who went to school with him are posting on social media pretending to care about him.
If you don’t like someone for whatever reason you have you can just ignore them and not say anything about them.
It’s 2025 I think everyone is smart enough to understand that bullying is wrong.
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officialprincessasha · 11 months ago
Calling out the anon hate on tumblr for the wish fandom in particular. I've been harassed by anonymous people, and so have many others. If you want to talk to us, don't hide like a coward. Talk to us username and all. Thank you.
Also, we can turn off anon ask so we hold all of the power, and no matter what, we're going to keep posting and talking about what we love.
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eff-ston3mblogs · 5 months ago
hate bullies
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writtenroses1813 · 5 months ago
Someone pls normalize treating early childhood bullying as severely as other types. It’s like the most underrepresented because “they don’t know better” and “older kids pick on younger kids it’s just how it goes” like no???? This is how psychopaths are made actually???
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