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Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is having an amazing day today
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Keeping anon asks off
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Now I'm being accused of stealing? Seriously, first throwing fits because I was the first blog to say I was Princess Asha now this.
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It’s funny how u hate anon hate yet u can’t stop harassing someone. stealing their name, stalking them, it’s highly inappropriate.
What are you talking about? I have never done that to anyone I keep to myself
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Is this anything?
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officialprincessasha · 2 months
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It's so beautiful
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officialprincessasha · 2 months
More posts are coming soon!
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officialprincessasha · 3 months
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officialprincessasha · 3 months
The Weight of Wishes:
Daliah's stories fueled a fire within me – a fire that yearned for freedom and exploration. But the weight of Papa's love and fear settled heavy on my heart. He created me with a wish, a desperate longing for a child. How could I ever betray that wish by venturing outside the palace walls? The conflict tears at me, leaving me conflicted and uncertain.
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officialprincessasha · 3 months
(Verse 1)
Asha: Welcome to Rosas, come on in, this way!
Where magic and wonder light up every day.
No place on Earth can compare to this sight,
Where your dreams take flight and reality takes a bite!
You wanna dance with glee? Or grow hair down to your knee?
Touch the stars in the sky? Well, step right inside!
'Cause here in Rosas, anything you desire,
Becomes a wish set aflame, a heart's burning fire!
No questions or doubts, just wishes unbound,
The city of Rosas, where joy can be found!
(Verse 2)
My papa, King Magnifico, with a heart full of might,
Built this wondrous city, bathed in shimmering light.
He may not have lightning for hands, or eyes that ignite,
But his power and kindness, oh, they shine oh so bright!
(Fan Tourist interrupts)
Fan Tourist: And he's quite the looker, wouldn't you say, my dear?
(Asha laughs)
Asha: Oh, dear! Don't get me started, love is always near!
A flick of his wrist, a wish granted so fast,
Poof! There you have it, a dream come to pass!
(Verse 3)
And wait till you hear this, when you turn eighteen,
You'll grant a wish too, on a stage, if you've seen!
My mama, Queen Amaya, with wisdom untold,
Keeps wishes safe, worth more than purest gold.
Each month, one lucky soul sees their wish come true,
Could it be you someday? With dreams sparkling new?
(Tall Man Tourist interrupts)
Tall Man Tourist: Does it hurt giving your wish?
(Tourist Boy interrupts)
Tourist Boy: Do you cry when you say goodbye?
(Asha laughs)
Asha: Oh, no worries at all, it's a beautiful release,
A chance to see joy bloom, bringing everyone peace!
'Cause here in Rosas, anything you desire,
Becomes a wish set aflame, a heart's burning fire!
No questions or doubts, just wishes unbound,
The city of Rosas, where joy can be found!
(Asha & Ensemble)
The city of Rosas, a home for us all,
With wishes for everyone, big and small!
The city of Rosas, a magical place,
Where dreams take flight and leave, not a trace!
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officialprincessasha · 3 months
Exactly why I made this blog and everyone hated it because I said the first time that she was a princess and they Magnifico and Amaya were and are her parents
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I will never forgive Wish for scrapping the idea of Amaya and Mignifico being Asha's parents.
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officialprincessasha · 3 months
## Asha's Apprenticeship: Mastering Wishes and Mending the Multiverse (Post-Movie)
The movie ends with Asha becoming Rosas' new Fairy Godmother, wielding the Wishing Star's magic through a magical wand. Here's a look at what could happen after the film, weaving in the theory of a fractured multiverse:
**The Learning Curve: A Multiversal Challenge**
Asha's journey isn't over. Being a Fairy Godmother requires discipline and wisdom, especially with the potential for multiversal disruptions. Rosas, ever the supportive mentor, would guide Asha through the finer points of magic and wish-granting. However, the fractured Disney multiverse adds a new layer of complexity. Asha might encounter wishes with unexpected consequences, causing ripples across different Disney realities. Imagine a wish for more rain in Rosas accidentally triggering a drought in a world resembling Moana's island. Asha, with the Star's help, would need to learn to navigate these multiversal mishaps, becoming not just a Fairy Godmother but a guardian of the newly connected realities.
**Wishes with Responsibility: Teaching Rosas and Beyond**
One of Asha's biggest challenges would be teaching the townsfolk about responsible wishing, even more so with the potential for multiversal consequences. They witnessed the chaos unleashed by unrestricted wishes, so Asha would need to emphasize careful thought and clear intentions. This could involve establishing guidelines or rituals for wish-making, ensuring wishes align with personal growth and not just immediate desires. Asha might even create a magical educational program, perhaps featuring animated sequences depicting cautionary tales of wishes gone wrong across different Disney worlds. These lessons could be crucial in preventing further multiversal mayhem.
**The Inter-Reality Council: Seeking Knowledge and Alliance**
Asha's quest to mend the multiverse wouldn't be a solo act. Valentino's cryptic comment about founding Zootopia hinted at his awareness of other Disney realities. Asha, with the Star by her side, could seek out Valentino and any other beings who possess knowledge of the multiverse. Together, they might form an Inter-Reality Council, a group dedicated to understanding the fractures and finding ways to restore balance. This council could include familiar Disney characters from various realities, each offering unique perspectives and expertise. Imagine a wise old Merlin (The Sword in the Stone) sharing insights on ancient magic, or a resourceful Pocahontas (Pocahontas) teaching survival skills from a world teetering on environmental collapse. The council would become a valuable resource for Asha, providing not just knowledge but also potential allies in her quest.
**The Case of the Curious Creatures: Restoring Balance Across Realities**
The Wishing Star mentioned missing constellations. Asha might discover these constellations aren't just celestial patterns—they're magical creatures who maintain balance not just in Rosas, but across the fractured Disney multiverse. Perhaps a constellation representing courage is weakened, leading to a string of cowardly acts in a world resembling the Hundred Acre Wood (Winnie the Pooh). Asha, guided by the council and wielding the Star's magic, would embark on quests to different realities to restore these creatures. These journeys would not only teach Asha valuable lessons about the interconnectedness of magic and the natural world but also mend the tears in the multiverse, restoring balance and fostering a sense of unity across diverse Disney realities.
**Facing a Reformed Magnifico? A Potential Multiversal Ally**
King Magnifico, trapped in the Magic Mirror, could become an unlikely ally, especially if the multiverse is truly fractured. He might offer insights into forbidden magic in exchange for a chance at redemption, hinting at knowledge of powerful spells that could help mend the multiverse. Asha would face a moral dilemma – does she trust the former villain and risk further chaos, or is his knowledge the key to restoring balance? This could lead to a storyline where Asha helps Magnifico break free from the mirror, but only if he proves his commitment to good deeds and assists in mending the fractured realities. Magnifico's reformed persona could be a source of amusement, with his flamboyant personality clashing with Asha's more serious demeanor. However, his knowledge of magic and his potential understanding of the multiverse, gained from his time as a twisted sorcerer, could prove invaluable.
**The Star's Redemption: A Guide Through the Multiverse**
The Wishing Star, despite its mischievous nature, showed a desire to do good. Asha could work on strengthening its control over its powers, helping it understand the true purpose of wishes and the potential dangers of recklessness. Their bond could deepen as they learn from each other, the Star evolving from a trickster to a source of positive change and a valuable guide through the fractured Disney multiverse. The Star's chaotic energy might even prove an asset in navigating the unpredictable nature of these interconnected realities. Imagine the Star, with its boundless enthusiasm, leading Asha on whirlwind tours through different Disney worlds, encountering
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officialprincessasha · 3 months
Theory: Asha's Wish Fractured the Disney Multiverse and Unleashed Hidden Connections
The 2023 movie "Wish" was a whirlwind of Disney references and Easter eggs. But what if these weren't just playful winks to fans? Here's a theory that dives deeper: Asha's wish on the mischievous star didn't just change her life, it accidentally fractured the very fabric of the Disney multiverse.
**The Wishing Star's Malfunction:** We know the star, voiced by Alan Tudyk, wasn't supposed to be a chaotic trickster. Its unpredictable nature could be a sign of malfunction, causing the wish to have unintended consequences – like ripping open doorways between different Disney realities.
**Easter Eggs as Tears in the Multiverse:** The movie's abundance of references to other Disney films becomes more than fan service. They become glimpses into parallel universes bleeding through the cracks in the fractured multiverse. Imagine seeing a glimpse of Aladdin's magic lamp in a forgotten corner, or a melody from Moana echoing faintly on the wind. These could be echoes from other Disney worlds seeping into Asha's reality.
**King Magnifico's Multiversal Metamorphosis:** King Magnifico's transformation into the Magic Mirror isn't just a clever nod to Snow White. It hints at a deeper change. Perhaps he's not just a flamboyant showman in this reality. Maybe he's a character from another Disney world entirely, pulled into Asha's world by the fractured multiverse. His transformation into the iconic magic mirror could be a manifestation of his original form struggling to adapt to this new reality.
**Valentino the Multiverse Guardian?** Valentino the goat's seemingly random comment about founding Zootopia takes on new meaning in this theory. This off-hand remark could be a hint that Valentino is aware of the existence of other Disney worlds, perhaps even a guardian tasked with keeping them separate. The fractured multiverse might have thrown his role into disarray, forcing him to help Asha and the Star mend the damage.
**A Multiversal Sequel Adventure:** This theory opens the door for a unique sequel. Imagine Asha and the reformed Star traveling to different Disney worlds, encountering familiar characters in unfamiliar situations. They could find a grumpy, reclusive Ariel in a polluted ocean (The Little Mermaid), or a disillusioned Belle locked away in a crumbling Beast's castle (Beauty and the Beast). Each world would present new challenges, forcing characters to work together across realities, utilizing their strengths in unexpected ways.
This theory takes "Wish's" focus on connection and flips it on its head. Asha's wish, intended to bring her closer to her dream, accidentally fractured the Disney multiverse. The potential sequel becomes a vast exploration of this fractured reality, weaving established Disney stories into a grand, multiversal adventure.
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officialprincessasha · 4 months
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officialprincessasha · 4 months
(The Glimmering Truth About Magnifico)
Alright, Rosas fam, let's talk. We all know the official story: King Magnifico, our benevolent ruler, graciously shields us from the dangers of unfulfilled wishes. But hold on a glittering second. Have you ever stopped to question why our dreams always seem to remain just that - dreams? Because the truth, my friends, is far from dazzling. Magnifico isn't our protector; he's the villain lurking behind the sparkly curtain. Here's why:
The Wishing Hoarder: Remember all those wishes we made when we were young, the ones that never seemed to come true? They weren't simply gathering dust in some forgotten attic. Magnifico, the self-proclaimed "Wishkeeper," hoarded them like a mythical dragon guarding its treasure. He kept them locked away in his opulent chambers, terrified of what might happen if people actually achieved their deepest desires. Talk about a control freak! This wasn't about protecting Rosas; it was about protecting his own power. He thrives on a population dependent on him, a kingdom that can't even dream without his "permission."
The Master Manipulator: Magnifico spun this elaborate narrative, painting himself as the benevolent shepherd of Rosas. Protecting us from what, exactly? Our own potential? He became the gatekeeper of happiness, the judge and jury of who deserved a fulfilled wish and who didn't. Seriously, who elected this guy King of Wishes? He manipulated us into believing our aspirations were dangerous, that he was the only one capable of managing the chaos of unfulfilled desires.
The Power-Hungry Sorcerer: Let's not forget the whole "almost destroying Rosas with dark magic" incident. That wasn't some accident, folks. Magnifico, blinded by his thirst for power, was willing to risk the entire kingdom for the sake of clinging to his sparkly throne. A true leader empowers its people, not traps them in a wishing well of his own making. Newsflash, King Sparkle-pants: fear isn't a foundation for a happy, thriving society.
The Seeds of Doubt: Now, some of you might argue that Magnifico isn't inherently evil. Maybe he's just… deeply insecure? Maybe he genuinely believed his hoarding of wishes was for the greater good? But even with a sprinkle of doubt, his actions remain inexcusable. Rosas deserves better than a self-serving ruler who hoards dreams and dabbles in dangerous magic. We, the people, deserve to have our voices heard and our aspirations acknowledged. Let's rewrite the story, Rosas. Let's turn the glitter of deceit into the sparkling hope of a future where everyone's wishes have a chance to shine.
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officialprincessasha · 4 months
(Reflective Asha)
Headline: Learning to appreciate the little things ✨
After all the excitement (and maybe a few near misses!), I'm realizing that sometimes the most important things are right in front of us. Like the love of my family and friends, the beauty of Rosas, and the unwavering loyalty of a certain stubborn goat (you know who you are, Valentino)
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officialprincessasha · 4 months
(Determined Asha)
Headline: Anyone else ever feel like they wished for the wrong thing?
Okay, so maybe making a wish on a magical talking star wasn't the smoothest idea . Things got a little, well, chaotic around here in Rosas. But hey, at least I'm not giving up! There's gotta be a way to make things right, even if it means a little adventure (and maybe a talking goat sidekick ). Stay tuned, friends!
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