#i fear that stella isn't it (yet)
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fizzyrodeo · 2 months ago
the fact that there are people who are not only blaming octavia for her behavior towards stolas but also DEFENDING STELLA AS THE BETTER PARENT is ridiculous and shameful. enough said.
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spotlightlowlife · 1 year ago
manipulating the audience hazbin a helluva easy feat
I will stop these titles one day
Anyone notice how Lucifer behaved a chauvinistic dude bro when faced with Adam, made worse that he was in the presence of his daughter.
So did Lucifer cheat on Lilith?
Or was this yet another sugar sugardaddy x sugarbaby power x pov exchange only with the inclusion of the most liberal woman ever?
Adam didn't initiate the gotcha girl and gotcha girl again mockery and gave no impression of caring about this, why was this the only thing Lucifer had to rub in his face? Adam would actually go on to open up about his envy of the sinners not appreciating him for being their ancestor.
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Lucifer simply thinks sinners suck and agrees to the exterminations happening.
He is welcome to be smug.
This is just fine.
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This franchise has a pattern of this, it gives the impression that this is intentional knowing full well that along as the audience backs the right horse, they can do no wrong, insert anything anywhere and loyalty or silence prevails.
We witness Angeldust, after persistently S harrassing Husk opening up about how he isn't as comfortable or confident about the world he's in. We see for ourselves that as sex positive as he tries to portray, he's nowhere near in control.
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We then in a later episode witness Sir Pentious get SA as a gag, made worse that he was inebriated but still managed to do nothing but resist. This same episode Angeldust gets a serious scene standing up to his S predator.
Valentino is the prominent sexual predator of these stories, because Angledust is unhappy.
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Elsewhere his royal, prehistoric 'good twin', Ozzie the prince of lust isn't to blame for the sexdolls he puts out of his lover Fizzoroli, the prince of greedy who shows no interest in sex outside of adding it to a checklist of things that sell is to blame, we are abruptly told this and guided to accept it because 'cute ship', even though that ship has moved into not so fun sugardaddy x sugarbaby territory, edging towards that of the awkward transactionship of powerful, bored prince Stolas and reluctant, disadvantaged little imp Blitzø, a predatory setup that's ok because both characters get the positive spotlight and Blitzø benefits and doesn't behave like a textbook victim.
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Pentious didn't and did...
Stolas backstory is very significant, there is no sex positivity with his character, he was forced into a betrothal when he was a little child, forced into marriage as a teenager and made to have a child. His elders are to be honoured.
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Who else found themselves in this exact same situation? Stella. They have an identical backstory.
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Notice how, simply by switching some known characters around, Mammon and Fizz's interactions were a diluted spin on Blitzø and Moxxie? Fizz has a whole life away from Mammon, whose pageants chooses to compete in yearly, joint venture merchandise he promotes and phone calls he takes. He has a lover, a palace to roam around in and a day job. Blitzø works full time with Moxxie, breaks into his home, voyers on Moxxie and his wife, follows them on dates and has screwed their mutual ex for that reason.
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Both Mammon and Blitzø push Fizz and Moxxie into work when they don't want to, however we have no evidence of Fizz always being reluctant, on the contrary we once saw him look forward to going to pageant rehearsal. Unlike Fizz however, Moxxie has shown open resistance to doing things in the form of crippling fear, reason and angry argument, it all makes no difference. Mammon commented on Fizz appearing to have gained weight however fat jokes aimed at Moxxie have been plentiful, something Blitzø has partook in.
The tone is that Mammon is the villain because Fizz is sad, Fizz who had not been shown to be another Moxxie previously but when it come time for him to be a victim, he was places into a Blitzø Moxxie relationship which this time around wasn't funny.
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The tone alternatively is that Blitzø is eccentric, excusable and a fun lead to follow and Moxxie is the punching bag.
Notice how striker is a "supremisist" for wanting to bring down those at the top but it's perfectly ok for Blitzø to kill nobodies like himself.
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elsewhere it's ok for Alastor to do the same to those like him with the reluctan support of Charlie who's goal it is to save these people.
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Despite there existing an actual cannibal town, pimps and selling of souls being something she is acutely aware of, we are swayed to take Charlie's side as she sits in a position of power with her select besties at her hotel, that may have hard dr ugs on the premises, doing very little outreach even though we see community among extras, who does deals with literal lesser devils, in a world her dad created, her dad who allows exterminators to deal with who he sees as nuisances but she sees as 'family' and there's no conflict of interests, who do we see as the black and white baddies from day one? The angels.
Those who don't even sit at the top or know how things work to be specific.
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Not Vaggie though.
Your favs are allowed to be dbags too, it doesn't make you reprehensible to see this and still like them!
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Octavia Is Sidelined So Much In Favor Of Stolitz
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Despite being used as an example of how Stolas is really a good person and father, I do notice overtime her importance in the series has dwindled. Seriously, despite how the narrative wants us to think she is the treasured jewel of his life the execution would have you say that her father is more distracted by his boy toy due to how Vivziepoop has overemphasized the Stolitz ship.
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Take for example is "Seeing Stars" where he neglects his daughter and breaks his promise to see the event he promised years ago, because he's so wrapped up in his divorce and even goes to insult her mother in front of her (even though he's said in the past he's tried to shield his daughter from the ugly parts of his and Stella's relationship). However, now that he's divorcing he doesn't hesitate to be as ugly with Stella as possible which shows how really good of a father he is. Also when she goes missing despite saying that Blitzo's dick isn't enough to quell Stolas's anger when it's his daughter is involved... well it actually goes like that, because both Blitzo and Stolas can't help but flirt and be flustered around each other this whole episode. Instead of focusing on his daughter, he again is on Blitzo's dick and even worse his daughter has to forgive him for neglecting her.
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Most egregious one of the them is at the end of "Western Energy" where we have the emphasis on how this affects Stolas and Blitzo's relationships especially those texts talking about their fall about Ozzie's. However, we never get focus on how Octavia felt after her father fucking almost bit the dust, because in the next episode that Stolas is in he's okay and again you would think he would be injured a bit more to show how serious Striker is. But nope due to Vivziepoop remembering he's a powerful demon, he recovers in a day and we don't see Octavia at least be escorted to the hospital to see him because again Octavia is only there when she's a tool to make him look better and not her own character.
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And now we get to the music video of "Just Look My Way" where Octavia's mentions in it are scrubbed in favor of Blitzo which again shows how the narrative is favoring his boy toy over his own fucking daughter who is supposed to be the center of his world and not this person he's given up so much for. Seriously, it's why if Octavia appears again I will not take the narrative seriously because we know that despite all claims that her father will get distracted from being a parent and ogle over Blitzo because he's a selfish pos and yet Octavia will be the one who has to learn to tolerate his bs because he's got the author's favoritism.
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I really at the first thought that Stolas relationship with his daughter was sweet, but then I realize like so many else it really lost it's potential once you realize that Octavia is just a prop to artificially make it seem like Stolas is a good father when in actuality he's selfishly putting her needs above hers in a situation he caused. And it's a result of the fact that the writers are just using her as a writing tool and not a full character. She isn't needed until it affects Stolas and even then the Stolitz ship zaps everything around it so that any attention that Octavia is taken away. In a way, Octavia's fears were justified her father would run off and leave her because the writers are.
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pizza-soup · 1 month ago
Hey! Just wanted to do an update for the new year!
Sooo, what have I been up to? A lot actually!
First off, I'd like to introduce a new member to my household, her name is Lucky, and I found her on an urbex trip last year as a tiny thing, and looked how gorgeous she is as an adult!
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Those markings are pretty neat, huh? She's looks just like a Maneki Neko, all that's missing is a red ribbon and koban coin. She has such a sweet, affectionate personality, she is surprisingly very open to strangers giving her attention, and she loves water! Yeah, she plays in water! She has zero fear of it and likes playing with the sink faucet or laying on my shoulders when I soaking in the bath. I think it stems from me taking her out to the garden with me in the summer when I was watering the plants, the puddles cooled her off.
Speaking of gardening, I have two new trees. Ginkgos! My great aunt had one in her front yard, these are the babies. Since it's way too cold to plant them directly into the ground, they're currently in pots. I want them to grow just a bit larger before transplanting them.
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And yes, that's Sol posing by the new trees! Look how handsome he is now! I'm glad he and his sister took in Lucky as an honorable sibling, I think she'd be very lonely otherwise. Stella has also grown up to be beautiful, and likes sharing her bed with Lucky. Orion doesn't like her though. Lol but he tolerates her so long as she doesn't get too close.
My health is better, thankfully. While I think I'll always have hypotension now, my doctor and I found a setup that works to keep it at bay. I have to watch my activity level and learn to rest properly (exercise can cause BP to drop fast), and stay hydrated with electrolytes daily. I have to set reminders though, since Im so bad at remembering. So far I haven't had any relapses for 7 months. I've also oddly lost a lot of weight, I thought it was suspicious, but my doctor said I'm actually at my BMI and the weight loss was gradual. My records show it was within a normal time range. Idk it felt so sudden to ME, but maybe I didn't notice it until recently. Eh. My sense of time isn't the best. Whatever the case, I was told to keep doing whatever I'm doing.
Work is... just as weird as always! Lol to the point it's kind of not weird for me anymore, I've gotten used to the strangeness of it. My brother however never got used to it. He actually quit working for the labs, not because it scared him off but because he finally got his major finished and he is working in an observatory down south. I'm proud of him! Space has always been a big interest for him, and the space science here in NM is growing!
As for creating, I've been busy writing two fanfics on Ao3. One is a Pokemon story, Come What May, and another is an alternate take on the classic Disney film, The Little Mermaid, called Candle on the Water. They're pretty long, my Pokemon fic is currently topping 20 chapters! I'd really appreciate if more people read them. Give em a little love. It's not the best work ever, but I'm kinda proud of them. They were written when I was struggling with a lot of self doubt and mild Imposter Syndrome. I'm working on being more gentle to myself and not letting perfectionism sabotage me or stop me from creating, and I'm kinda seeing that effort pay off bit by bit.
I've also been doing some song covers. I'm not sure if I'm confident in sharing those yet, but I've gotten a lot of encouragement from my family and my brother's friend who has been letting me borrow his music studio for recording sessions. Maybe I'll post one song if it's requested. I have three covers so far and they're all Evanescence. XD
Its been a very peaceful time for me, I got a raise last November and it's been nice. I've been treating myself to stationery and home decor. I splurged a bit and got two gaming devices from Anbernic, and have been modding my 3DSXL. Because screw gaming companies and their paywalling/microtransactions. It's time we start actually owning our games again, including media like music and movies.
I think this year is going to focus on retro media for me. CDs, DVDs, cassettes and vinyls. I've been rediscovering my collection in the garage and learning to maintain/fix my devices. Because while I do enjoy my modern media, I like the thought of having offline backups should I not have access to it later.
And my old school stuff takes me back to my summer days in school when I couldn't wait to get home to play my Gameboy while listening to my CDs, reading comics, or doodle and write short stories in my notebooks, or make zines with my friends. That might be something to revisit this summer.
I hope everything has been going well for you all, and if not, I hope it will soon. I may just return to this year, but probably gradually. I missed you all, and I miss sharing bits of my life here with you.
Take care! 💕
Edit: I'm not coming back. I'm sorry.
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silyabeeodess · 7 days ago
So, these aren't really theories (I guess except the last one, but I don't feel like I'm adding much to what's already out there), just things that have kind of stuck in my head that I want to get down somewhere after Chapter Four's release. None of them are really worth their own post, so I'm just gonna note them each below. The subheadings are as follows: 'False Justification and Unrestrained Evil,' 'The Importance of Kevin Barnes,' and '"Love" with Limits.'
False Justification and Unrestrained Evil
Throughout the game, we've seen several of its villainous characters try to justify the experiments "in the name of science" or in "how it can one day help a lot of people," but nowhere near as much as in this chapter. This chapter showed us cases such as how Stella Greyber got involved with them despite her supposed love for kids, how security staff members who were both aware and unaware of the truth behind the experiments would abuse the toys, and how Warrenbach Construction was pushed into maintaining its contract despite Mr. Silver's concerns over what they were building. Each of these times, all of the adults try to come up with some reason for the evils they're involved with - and even though some of them were rightfully fearful of their own lives, I will go so far as to call out all of them for being wrong.
Starting off with Stella, yes, we can say she "loves kids," but that "love" never goes behind her own desires. Reflecting on her tape all the way back in Chapter One, when she first interviews to get into the company, we already see that she has an obsession with the idea of youth. Quote: "I don't think anyone ever really feels like an adult. Your body, just gets older and older... and then you die." It's important to note that no one prompted her on this issue: She was just asked why she wanted to join Playtime and volunteered these thoughts. Even the interviewer is put-off by her remarks, telling her that they were "getting off track."
This is important because it tells us why she gives in so easily when she finds out about the experiments. She's not doing it because "it'll help out a lot of kids someday." She's doing it because the end result is something she personally desires: Effective immortality. Note that, when speaking to Leith in her VHS found in Chapter Four, she doesn't ask about the failed experiments (as if anyone could avoid seeing the literal mountains of bodies at the Prison's front entrance) or the treatment of the kids involved, she asks "Do they know when it will be ready?" Her rationalizing that "it'll help a lot of kids too" is just a flimsy excuse to spare herself from feeling guilty. For an irl comparison, her behavior and that of the other scientists who follow this justification isn't really all that different from people who murder and steal organs to sell on the black market or doctors that let registered donors under their care die--all under the idea of "saving lives."
People have and continue to donate their bodies to science. Playtime Co. could've focused on that. Even in the events of the story itself, we see individuals like Thomas Clark from the Bron video on MOB's YouTube channel willingly let themselves be turned into toys--a fact that the other toys are very much aware of and understandably infuriated by. The orphanage just gave the scientists a means of hurrying their experiments along with an endless supply of bodies no one would know went missing.
You can say maybe Stella didn't know about just how bad the Prison was, but I don't give her a pass there either. Knowing about the experiments, going out of her way to even make recordings for the kids who undergo them in attempt to calm them down, yet somehow never paying attention to how they were treated is, in the very least, willful blindness. That, and since the toys were already being used around the factory as slave labor, she doesn't get to make excuses: She would've seen them all the time, particularly the ones in Playcare. She is just as guilty as the other executives, and the fact that she pretends to care despite this, acting as one of the many "gentle voices" that Kevin talks about, makes it even worse.
The matter of the prison guards is a little more to the point. Some of them didn't know anything about the toys being anything other than monsters, as seen in Cole's notes: They followed a "you hurt us, so we'll hurt you," mindset, which while understandable, is never justified. Some guards, however, like in one of the first VHS tapes found in the prison, did already know that the toys were kids--hearing them cry out for their parents or consulars and comparing them to their own children. These individuals are just plain vile. They ignored the horrors that the toys were going through because of their own "struggles" dealing with them. These workers were callous and completely lacked empathy, evidence we see in employees on other teams as well such as the ones on clean-up from the Theatre Incident.
Now to Warrenbach, we can give them some leeway since their lives were threatened. They themselves are also victims of Playtime... but we have to note that it wasn't like they didn't have options either. In Mr. Silver's case, his life was in immediate danger--so, yes, the logical thing to do to save himself was to play along with Eddie's wishes. Key words here: "Play along." Here's a little fun fact: There is no company on this planet that can make you commit a crime. For all of Eddie's talk about the contract, in the eyes of the law, it would be nothing more than a worthless scrap of a paper--and that's not even getting into the matter of morality clauses, something that has regularly been used--and, granted, abused--to break contracts. If I were Mr. Silver, or even just a standard construction hand capable of sneaking a camera in, I would've been keeping receipts. Were they too scared to take Playtime to court? Fair enough, but how about the press? In the very least, you don't think prison blueprints would've raised a few more eyebrows and get people asking questions that Playtime didn't need? One of the worst things a person can say to themselves in a situation is, "There's nothing I can do to fix it." There's almost always something you can do, no matter how small. Giving into fear or ignoring a problem because "you can't do anything" may not be a stance many people can blame you for taking, but it is the exact kind of mindset that allows villains to thrive.
All of the adults in this series failed the kids by trying to justify their sins with these excuses. Even still, all of that doesn't even scrape the surface of Dr. Sawyer's unrestrained evil. Don't get me wrong: He makes the same "for science" excuse that the rest of his team do. However, there's also a lot that he openly admits to doing "because it amuses him." The biggest example of this is Yarnaby, who he treats as a pet, among many of the other toys as well--specifically the Nightmare Critters. A post of MOB's explains that the Nightmare and Smiling Critters once got along well, but "not anymore." It seems odd to say that all of one type of toy simply defaulted to the Prototype's side. Another thing worth noting is that, unlike the Smiling Critters, all of the Nightmares are shown to be feral by the events of the game. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Sawyer's doing. For the experiments, he may have wanted the toys to have intelligence, but the same couldn't be said for his own, personal playthings.
He's done plenty of other acts that have nothing to do with the experiments as well. He had Boxy Boo's appetite "tailored to human flesh," and while yes, this was a way to get rid of witnesses... he could've just as easily have done that by sending their body to the labs. During the Theater Incident tape, one member of the clean-up team notes that he doesn't understand why Sawyer wouldn't cover up his involvement. It's not a matter of Sawyer thinking he's in the right or that he's acting on some greater purpose: He just doesn't care. The only things that Sawyer cares about are what piques his curiosity at any given moment--and the only thing that stops him is the fact that he overestimated his worth to Playtime. Up until then, Sawyer was the embodiment of actions without facing consequences.
The Importance of Kevin Barnes
There's been enough critiques going into how Kevin is labeled a "problem child" both in and out of the story, so I won't get into that here. All I'll say on the issue that I also don't agree with that label. Instead, I'd much rather focus on what makes Kevin's role so pivotal among the three boys used to create Doey. There's a quote from the 2000's Teen Titans cartoon that keeps coming back to me when I think about him: "Having that thing inside you doesn't make you an animal. Knowing when to let it out is what makes you a man."  We can say this for Doey "letting Kevin out," but we can also say this for Kevin himself when it comes to his aggression.
Before I really get into this topic, let me point out one thing I don't think a lot of people considered. For the most part when it comes to Doey's actions, people tend to place Kevin only in the steering wheel at Doey's most aggressive/untrusting moments. Despite this, there's one more time I think we see Kevin's true self shine though, and that's in Doey's final tape. When Doey talks about his decision not to leave the factory, he says the other toys, "mean a lot to him... a lot more than [he] thought they did." This line can't easily be applied to Jack or Matthew. Jack wasn't from the orphanage, but his personality is already plenty bubbly and loving. Matthew would've already cared: He already saw himself as responsible for the well-being of others and wouldn't shut down his emotions. But a kid like Kevin? A kid that was known for getting into fights with his friends and having rocky relationships? That backstory fits this line to a tee. While he was forced to become part of Doey, Kevin came to accept that he cared. Kevin's personality doesn't just come out when Doey's angry: As much credit as we give to Matthew for this, Kevin comes out when Doey needs to protect those around him.
We see two bits of evidence for this. First, is our own meeting with Doey. Pianosaurous tries to attack the Player and Doey destroyed Painosaurous in one of the most gruesome ways possible. The second example is in the murals in Safe Haven. I don't think it can be seen very easily, but in the mural with Doey's arms extended around the other toys, he's drawn with an angry face--the face we associate with Kevin.
One of the reasons Kevin was chosen to become part of Doey was because of his high scores in "mental fortitude." This means that, while Kevin is aggressive, he's also the one who can best handle high-stress situations. Jack was just a small kid with no clue what happened to himself and would've lacked the ability to regulate his emotions like someone older could. Matthew was a peacemaker, but was someone who had already been traumatized due to losing his parents in an accident, which made him fall back on his own sense of guilt and insecurities. Kevin was someone who can put all of that aside to act fast when he needed to. He was a fighter, and I strongly believe that that fighter's instinct is what allowed Doey to be as strong a leader and protector as he was.
Everyone has the capacity for violence. Kevin being aggressive wasn't a flaw: He just needed to learn how to temper that aggression into a tool that could defend others instead of hurt them. The tragedy of his character is that he had to learn that all on his own and in the worst kind of circumstances.
"Love" with Limits
While this theme is echoed with Stella and the security guards who have kids of their own, the character I'd really like to cover with this is Elliot Ludwig. What I'll go into here follows the theory that Elliot became the Prototype, and my reasoning for supporting this theory rests largely in how the Prototype acts toward Poppy. Even when under the guise of "Ollie," he talks to her like a parent would. When he wants Poppy to explain what "the bad men" did to her in one of the VHS tapes, he prods her with the typical lines like "Is there something you need to talk about?" and "There's more to this you're not telling me." He's not really even pretending to talk like a kid: This is how a mom or dad talks, sitting on the end of your bed and refusing to leave until you give them an answer. We also have his reminder of "what he and Poppy are" and his insistence that "she come home"--back to the case, in the room connected directly to Elliot's office.
If the Prototype is Elliot, I think it goes without saying that Elliot loved his daughter. Despite how much he stressed the need to care for others and the formation of the orphanage, however... I think Elliot's idea of love had its limits. For one thing, the experiments seem to have been going on a long while, including during the time that Elliot was in control of the company. We find a report for Experiment 814 on his desk, and while that one only alluded to the possibility of involving humans, there's one more bit of evidence we need to consider: The Poppy dolls themselves. By the time we get to the factory, while Poppy is shown in advertising, we don't see any more of her dolls having been in production by the time the place shutdown. Nevertheless, we know there were more besides our Poppy at one point due to their advertisement and maintenance video. The latter is what's most important, because it shows that organs/blood were used in the toy at a very early point in the company's history. I can't find where exactly I remember this from, but I believe there was also a notice from Playtime insisting that customers not repair the dolls on their own and instead send them back to the company--likely to avoid this discovery. (If someone remembers where, please feel free to link it. Every time I look it up, all I really get is shopping pages...)
There is a good chance that Elliot was framed with the kid in the duffle bag situation, but I think it's equally as likely he experimented on others before Poppy's success. He cares about his daughter, not necessarily kids as a whole. Playcare being built underground was already fishy, something that Rich brings up in one of his tapes when he points out that the kids deserve real sunlight. The Prototype may have saved Theo, but he's also the reason Theo nearly died. There were teenagers in Playcare he could've gone to. There were caretakers at the orphanage who genuinely loved the kids and would likely fight to protect them, not to mention other employees who wanted to expose the company. Instead of turning to them, people who were far more capable of using a grabpack and/or with more access around the factory, he picked an isolated seven-year-old, someone easy to manipulate. There were kids from the orphanage who grew out of the program and added on as factory employees, just like how some of the caretakers wanted Matthew as part of their staff: The Prototype thought nothing of slaughtering them too during the Hour of Joy. And we could go on and on about all the evils the Prototype committed against the toys themselves.
Elliot/the Prototype may have shown the other kids love... when they were useful and obeyed him. Even his love for Poppy is twisted in this way. While locking her in the case can be seen as putting her in "time out," it's also treating her as an object to be shelved--ironically, just like how the Prison itself is called, "The Shelf." Like the prison cubes, there's barely any room to move in the case, little to no comfort, and nothing to occupy your time but your own thoughts in the darkness. It's abuse. He also shows no remorse for murdering his daughter's friends, scolding her for "missing the point" when she's grieving directly because of his actions. Whether he sees it or not, despite his protests that Poppy isn't a "thing" to him, he's treating her as one: A thing that's thoughts and emotions are to be disregarded, a toy that's always meant to be a sweet, obedient child.
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nineshrike · 9 months ago
I am so sick of people calling Stolas a shit parent.
Like, excuse me, where? Sure, he messes up. He isn't perfect. But what parent is? People act like he's a bad parent if his entire world doesn't 100% revolve around Via, which is completely absurd and unrealistic, and the insistence that parents should never have lives outside their kids is wildly unhealthy.
And yet, for her entire life before he ran into Blitz again, it did. I think this is part of their conflict -- Via isn't used to having to share her dad with anyone. Until Blitz showed up, she was the only good thing in her dad's life, and she didn't need to compete with anyone for his attention. Now, she does, and she's scared that it means she might lose him. She's also 17 -- right on the verge of adulthood -- and that just adds to her fears. To her, Stolas being distracted at Loo Loo Land and not listening to her in Seeing Stars further justifies her view that he'll abandon her.
The thing is, though, she's wrong. We're clearly shown that she's wrong; that Stolas building a life away from Stella doesn't mean Via means any less to him, and when he does mess up, he tries his best to fix things and reassures Via that he does care. Neither of them are dealing very well with things changing, but that doesn't mean they need to stop changing.
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freedomfireflies · 2 years ago
July Fic Recs 🤍
Rabbit Rabbit!! I hope June was a beautiful month for you all! Filled with love, relaxation, and really good stories!!
I feel like this is one of the best places to be on the internet because I always meet so many kind, talented, and insanely creative people! The stories I've gotten to disappear into this month are some of my favs so, without further ado...
~ Not Another Time by @be-with-me-so-happily
Summary: Harry is used to things getting crazy on tour. What he wasn't ready for is how much he misses YN during the Latin American leg of his tour. But at the Rio de Janeiro show, he needs to expect the unexpected.
The sequel to Could We Not, and a beautiful depiction of Harry's love and fear for somebody he loves! It felt so realistic, and I could actually feel Harry's stress while I read 😭💞
~ One More by @harry-on-broadway
"It never failed to surprise you just how well you fit in his arms."
This was so cute, I'm actually still crying??? A sweet blurb about the show before the last show. I wished on every star to be able to crawl into this story and live in it. Sadly, it hasn't worked yet.
~ Been There All Along by @lonelycowgirls
Summary: Where Stella goes to Harry’s last night at Madison Square Garden and gets a call that could change everything.
If really Harry isn't somewhat like this...I'm suing. Honestly
~ Zipper by @1d1195
"Harry was a smart guy, but he truly hadn’t a clue as to why he was so mad at the prospect of liking her."
The cutest, the most beautifully written, the sweetest story IN. THE. WORLD. The title alone deserves every award ever, but the connection to the plot??????? I'm still thinking about it
~ Love Don't Cost A Thing by @justmystyles
Such a beautiful concept!! I like conversations and stories like this because they really do feel so real! It helps really immerse you in the every day life of a relationship with him. And the line, "It's an us thing," LIVES IN MY HEAD RENT FREE!!!
~ Mutually Beneficial by @cherryjuiceblues
Summary: Y/N finds life difficult and Harry just wants to make her feel good.
I mean...we all just want a man that wants to make us feel good as much as this one does...AM I WRONG???
~ Guilty by @jarofstyles
Best Friend's Dad!
Everything they write is perfection and this sexy ass age gap story is no different, I am actually still sweating and convulsing I AM A SIMP
~ I Want Forever by @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite
Summary- Harry and Y/N broke up early into Love On Tour. Harry struggled to truly move on, as did Y/N. With tour over, a lost soul shows up at Y/N’s door one night, ready for forever.
Straight perfection, let's be real! A ring, the final show, AND AN ANGSTY, FLUFFY HARRY?? *chefs kiss*
~ Eros (Cupid) Harry by @0nlythrowharrybeaux
Harry is Eros and he is absolutely smitten with a human.
Listen, he absolutely would be this cute and you BEST BELIEVE I'm so down bad for this man...I literally foam at the mouth when I think about it, AND HE'S FUNNY?? Dead on sight
~ Personal by @shawnxstyles
summary: you and harry are best friends who tell each other everything. or so you thought. when harry finds out you’ve barely done anything sexual, he offers to change that. and then things get a little… personal.
Best friend Harry helping you out. Need I say more?? I NEEDN'T
~ Scared by @adorebeaa
You and Harry have your first argument right before his final show in Italy, about his final show in Italy.
~ Y/N and Harry are expecting a baby, and they’re both very impatient by @tobesolonely
I mean...delicious honestly 😭 Just...wow
~ Sex Therapist by @tsumtsumrry
in which Harry helps you out a bit, and he’s not actually a sex therapist. (but he might as well be)
I am...scarily attracted to this man. And I am okay with that 😭💞
~ Brother's Best Friend by @helladirections
Summary: Harry is YN’s brother’s best friend and YN isn’t a little kid anymore. Featuring Italrry, teasing, and a sea view. 
He is....so hot. I genuinely have no other words to describe it honestly. It's...it's bad over here for me
~ Complicated Freak by @lukesaprince
Summary: Where you’ve been hooking up with your best friend’s dad and decide to tease him with a tiny bikini.
I think about this man once a week at least...okay fine, once a day. oKAY FINE I THINK ABOUT HIM ALL THE TIME and I'm okay with that
And a shout-out to @londonharry for providing us with all the gifs we've been needing to help us through our depression 🫶 You do the Lord's work, thank you!!
I hope you all find some amazing things to discover!! Cannot wait to see you again next month!! 💞
Previous Recs:
~ Fic Rec Number 1
~ Fic Rec Number 2
~ Fic Rec Number 3
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chaifootsteps · 9 months ago
[major spoilers for Netflix's Baby Reindeer]
so it's a show about a comedian Donny Dunn based autobiographically on the creator's experiences having been stalked and sexually harassed by a woman and in his past having been groomed and raped by a man
the show treats it with care and shows all the side effects of SA and rape - he questions the effect of his past assault on his sexuality, he ends up accepting the stalker's facebook invite and not reporting her for a while because despite how scared he is of her he feels validated by the attention, etc etc
my point here is if a show wants to talk about abuse, or about rape, it should actually do that. and if it wants to represent female on male abuse it should do that, too
but as it is, abuse or SA is just something that gets mentioned once in Helluva and then never again.
like, how have his experiences with Crimson shaped Moxxie? does he ever think about the murder of his mom? Crimson could come back in a future ep (probably) but is Moxxie at all concerned about that? idk, because the show doesn't bother giving characters a consistent emotional state except when it remembers to
same with Stolas and Stella. Fans leapt to claim Stella raped Stolas based on flimsy evidence, yet only cared if Stolas was slightly tipsy (and tied up) the first time he slept with Blitzo the moment they could use that information against Blitzo. and yet they're all for stol!tz despite how bad a person Blitzo supposedly is? We also see Blitzo and Stolas both have lousy dads but the effect of this on them is largely unknown. worse still, the show could have had a good lens on cycles of abuse by showing how Stolas was neglected and mistreated, but he still turned that treatment on someone with less power and made self-serving excuses for it, but nope. we can't have that
the closest the show has gotten to a realistic depiction of the effects of abuse is Blitzo himself. he's seemingly hypersexual in present day because of how his father made him feel like nothing by literally selling him off for an afternoon to a rich family and also because his trauma around the accident has left him with a deep seated fear of letting people in, in case he lets them down and them loses them. he behaves in contradictory ways that are frequently unheathly. he reads like someone who has compartmentalized the living daylights out of his poor treatment by Stolas because he maybe thinks he doesn't deserve better, and previously when he had someone better he self-sabotaged by stealing their car and maxxing out their credit cards so they would dump him
and how does the show treat him? victim blaming him for being sexually coerced by Stolas & being unable to give informed consent to Stolas' deal, then levelling every 'not a perfect victim!' excuse and 'not if he enjoyed it!' rationalizaion against him. it's honestly been morbid to watch the show do backbends to excuse Stolas and the fandom not only swallow it but say worse things about Blitzo on the regular
Morbid is an excellent word for it. I know that there's really no comparison, that Baby Reindeer is based on a true story (and basically one long therapy session for Gadd) and HB isn't, but if Baby Reindeer was about how how all of Donny's problems could be solved by marrying the man who abused him, you'd have HB.
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whomadewaffles · 1 year ago
So.. I know this is a new fandom for me to post about, but I've had bottoms (2023) brainrott for the past month. I just had to put an idea out there for an AU:
School election au!
-I want to preface this by saying I am from the uk and we don't really do the school election thing over here... At least my school didn't.. but most of this runs on like.. movie logic anyway so..hopefully it's understandable, oh and they're still like.the same age as the film since let's say election process probably only takes like 2 months then whoever wins is president for the rest of the year until graduation-
This got kinda long, so details below the read more.
Instead of starting a fight club to get laid, they hear that isabel is running for class president this year (Brittany as her campaign partner). And pj convinces josie to run against her (with pj as her campaign partner, of course), hoping that the rivalry will spark something between and like... how hard can it be!?. Turns out out very, which leads to Hazel helping out being the long-suffering friend and the unsung actual driving force behind their campaign. its actuly her idea to focus their whole campaign around improving equality and female empowerment at the school, which gets them the support of Annie, sylvie, Stella-Rebecca, etc.
It works well and Isabel and josie actuly do get to talk to each other betweeen all the debates and campaigning (isabel likes that they are standing for such good causes..thinking josie is completely genuine in her good intentions) leading to them sleeping together and their campaign also leads to gettin the 2 ugly untalented gay losers a boost in social standing.
But of course, things go wrong.
The increase in popularity (and the fear of losing it) and Brittany's rejection goes to pj's head and she lashes out at Hazel especially harshly causing her to leave and then egged on my the jocks (who are not as important here..just assholes) reveals the actual intentions behind their run for class president to the whole school (and by extention the fact that josie and isabel got together on the basis of a lie) Hazel also announces her run for class president. against them, a betrayed an hurt isabel pulls out of the race, but a stubborn and still mad pj wants to keep running so Hazel doesn't win (she does feel guilty because Hazel genraly had good intentions but will not admit it yet) but josie dosent agree and wants to back out so they fight and stop talking for a bit.
Until the big final debate were the 2 front runners for Rockbridge falls class president have to go up against the school president candidates of a the rival school huntington in a chance to shine in front of both schools (its not like a competative thing against the 2 schools but try telling huntington that..pretty much all of both schools come to watch, its a big deal).
Pj isn't even sure if she should show up without josie there and almost chickens out and goes home, but josie rushes to find pj because she heard a rumor that huntington plans foul play but isn't sure how. Josie does her speech pj to try and stop them and save Hazel, who has no idea.
(Turns out they plan on dropping a whole lot of pineapple juice onto the Rockbridge candidates.. no one is allergic in this au. it's just gross)
They find hazel and the other girls (who all switched candidates once hazel started her own campaign obviously even isabel and Britney support her now) and apologies are made (pj admiting that hazel did practically run their campaign and generally did change the school for the better). And josie goes off alone to snoop out huntungtons plan while the others try desperately to think of menthods of distraction delay the debate happening but the thing pj comes up with is to kiss (French style, because duh) hazel just as the event starts (if you asked pj later she would say only to distract people and sell the lie) and anouncing her and josie's withdrawal due to her and Hazel now being in love it doesn't feel right to keep running on the aposinng team (this gives josie enough time to find the pineapple juice and dump it)
So it ends up being hazel running unopposed (so she's going to win the school election any how cos let's be real she would make the best class president) and even though its 2 against 1 she realy shines during the debate with Huntington now that any foul play is delt with, she dosen't bullshit like most politicians do, which makes having counter arguments for her points difficult and she's just very likeable and even brings up the charity work she dose in the most humble way so like even if she wasn't running unopposed for her school she still probably would have won.
During everyone celebrating Hazel's great preformece and and upcoming victory, josie gets to apologise to and make up with (and make out with) isabel with josie saying she only did it because she was to nervous to talk to her otherwise.
And pj has to know deal with the fact that everyone who watched now believes that she and the future class president are dating and how she kinda doesn't hate the idea.. and how good at kissing Hazel is...
While Hazel is just so overwhelmed with everything that just happened (in a good way) to really process the distraction kiss, for now, she just feels happy.
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rhiandoesfandom · 6 months ago
Ficlet: No One's Coming
It's late but I'm craving more angst and whump so have this whatever it is.
Characters: Stolas, Blitz, and unknown attacker
Timeline: Who knows honestly, far enough that they're closer than normal. Possibly after Apology Tour? But they haven't like- said they care about each other out loud yet.
Blitz coughs, tasting metallic on his tongue. Fuck. He remembers...going to sleep on the couch after watching a shitty cowboy movie, where the fuck is he? His hands are tied up on a wall by his wrists. Tight. He struggles them but it's no use, his fingers are getting numb, actually. That's worrying.
"Hello?!" He calls out. "Hello?" He gets an answer. The voice sounds familiar and ..posh wait- "Stolas?!"
"Blitz?!" He replies and Blitz says 'Fuck' again under his breath.
"Do you know where we are?" Stolas asks him warily. Blitz gives a curt chuckle, "I uh-was hoping you knew Birdy. Any way you can get us out of here? I can't even see you".
He hears a sigh come from the area across from him in the small room.
"I wish. But my arms are bound in blessed rope. It burns", his voice falters a bit but bites his beak and regains his composure, "I'm powerless right now".
"Fuck well-who could want both of us dead? Any ideas?" Blitz asks as he sees if his boot knife is there but it isn't. Everything was taken off his person. He kicks his boots off in annoyance.
"Uhm- Striker, that crimson fellow, Stella, Andrealphus, my father-" Stolas starts,
Blitz rolls his eyes under his blindfold, adding "And Mammon. Or Satan".
"Wait why would two sins be out for your blood?!" Stolas asks. Blitz chuckles, "Cause one's a cunt and the other one well- the book. Kinda broke the law Birdy babe", Blitz answers.
"Oh...right", he replies nervously.
"Still wouldn't have traded the experience for the world, though", Blitz mentions. Stolas is quiet for a moment, "Really?"
"Of course", he says.
"Well isn't that sweet", says Agent One as he enters the room.
"oh it's the fuckin human FBI guys! I forgot about you-" quips Blitz but then he screams as a hot brand is pushed against his leg.
"We aren't here for idle chitchat, demons", he says, Blitz panting and wincing behind the blindfold.
"What do you want?!" Stolas yells, struggling in his bonds and wincing as the blessed rope digs through his feathers, burning them.
Silence, as Agent One paces around the room, picking up another instrument. He takes the prod and hits Stolas's legs, making him call out, "AH!"
Blitz yells, "Fucker! Just tell us what you want!"
But the Agent stays quiet. He just continues prodding and branding one demon then the other. Then takes out other blessed weapons.
Blitz lets out a whimper that he tries to suppress as Agent one slides the unsharpened side of a blade against his arm. Making him tremble and the agent laughs.
"I didn't think you demons would be so fun to play with. Especially easy, too", they can hear the smile in his voice. This wasnt the Agent One that Blitz first met. He was changed, molded. By other beings. Angels perhaps. Trauma. Who knows. But this human seemed ruthless.
Stolas breathes heavily, "Please I'll tell you whatever you need to know just stop hurting him".
"No Stolas don't give into this pri-AHHH!" He screams as the blade digs up through his upper arm, and he can feel the blood dripping down as a white hot heat spreads through his shoulder.
Stolas yells, "Blitz!!!", pulling even more at the bonds now, cursing himself for not being physically stronger.
"Who says we want anything from you two?" Agent One Smirks, wiping the blade on his apron and walking over, pulling down both their blindfolds now, and they can see one another across the room. Blood caking each other's bodies. Down both their wrists and face and now Blitz's arm. Red and blue blood.
Blitz spits more blood taste from his mouth, "Then why?!"
Agent One laughs heartily, shocking both demons who look at one another in fear. "For fun of course", he says.
Tears fall down Stolas's face as Agent One takes a break, leaving them for a moment.
"Stols it's gonna be okay", Blitz reassures, but his face says otherwise. Stolas laughs, albeit a little madly, "Blitz No one knows we're here. No one's coming".
"Hey don't...don't say that maybe we'll last till morning and the M"s and Loona will notice I'm missing", he insists. But more tears are still falling down Stolas's face, mixing with the blood smeared on his feathers.
"And how will they know where we are?" He asks. Blitz opens his mouth to speak then closes it again, looking down.
"I...I'm sorry Stolas I'm usually the guy with words of encouragement in times like these but I...don't have any good news for us here" he tells him earnestly and Stolas bites his beak, "I know".
"Fuck it hurts", Blitz winces as the wound in his arm gets stretched by still being strung up by the rope. Stolas attempts to grab any of the weapons with his talons but they're too far away, and he falls back forward.
He hesitantly looks back up at Blitz, "I love you, you know" he says with shakey breath. Blitz takes a deep breath and lifts his head up, looking Stolas in the eyes.
"I...know", he says.
"You...know?!" He questions and Blitz opens his palms, "Yeah but only cause I...I love you too", he looks away and Stolas blinks.
"Wait you what?!", he says and Blitz narrows his eyes, "Is that so hard to believe?!" Stolas pouts with his face, "Well...yes. You spent a lot of time insisting you weren't".
Blitz sighs and leans back against the wall, "I'm sorry for that".
"We really waited til we're about to die to say this huh", Stolas says and Blitz chuckles, "Yeah we might be fucked".
Agent One walks back in, "Oh you definitely are", he says, walking over to the weapon rack. Perusing the weapons. He picks up a blessed short sword and walks near Stolas, putting it to his throat.
"Any last words, demon?" He asks and Blitz's pupils shrink, all words seemingly gone. He was about to watch the man he loves die.
"Tie arms further apart next time", he says. "What?" Agent One says when Stolas takes the short sword by the blade with the hand that he can move near his throat, switching the handle into his other hand and with a swift motion, slicing Agent One's throat.
Blitz watches with awe and smiles wide as the Agent holds his throat as he bleeds out, collapsing and the light leaving his eyes.
At a loss for words, Blitz watches as Stolas uses the sword still in his hand to cut the blessed rope on one hand, freeing it. Then switches hands and frees the other, then runs over to Blitz. Slowly feeling his power returning.
"That was fucking sexy", Blitz said, smiling. Though he was starting to lose consciousness from the pain in his arm and his eyes are drooping. Stolas uses the sword to cut his ropes as well, then throws the sword to the side and picks Blitz up, holding him close.
"In just a moment I can conjure a portal to Sloth, darling. Just need a little more strength", he says and Blitz gives him a derpy smile and holds his cheeks, giving him a weak kiss, "I love you Stols".
Stolas blushes and kisses him back, "I love you too Blitz".
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onwesterlywinds · 6 months ago
PROMPT #5: Stamp
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Stella had not even set foot in Sharlayan proper yet, and already her stomach had tied itself in knots.
"Your name?" the Lalafellin clerk asked her.
The clerk did not move to record this information on the page in front of her. "Your full name?"
Stella hesitated, then saw at once from the woman's expression that hesitation was, somehow, the wrong answer.
But most people Stella knew had several names to choose from, even when setting aside nicknames or aliases. To some, she was Stella Salt, which was likely what any Garlean records of her birth would reflect if any had ever existed. No one had given her any instruction on whether or not the name "Stella Feare" would be safe for her outside of Ala Mhigo - and she had wondered, more than once, if invoking it would attract more or less hatred than if she went without a surname at all - but everything she knew about the Sharlayans told her that providing that particular surname would be a horrible idea. Belatedly she considered that perhaps it would not be wise to give any name close to her own at all, as she had no idea where records of this interaction would be kept, or whether they would be held against her; by that point, she had remained silent for too long not to say something.
"Riot. Stella Riot." Even as she gave her answer, she chided herself for not first considering the surname "Marbrand," as Edge was no less of a parent to her in his own right.
The clerk peered at her over her funny little glasses. "Riot? Like the revolutionary?"
"Yes. She's my…" Again she faltered over her own words and all their possible implications.
This time, the woman did not demand a more robust answer as her quill moved across the page. "Where do you hail from?"
"Ala Mhigo. First the Undercity, now the Keane House." And sometimes still the Undercity.
"And what, pray tell, is the purpose of your stay? Visiting?"
"I've got an invitation," she said, and held out the latest of Sihtric's letters. She had smoothed out its creases with care, but there was nothing to be done for the little nibble that Anastasia had taken out of one of the top corners. "I'll be staying with him in his dormitory. At the Studium. That's… allowed, isn't it?"
"It is," the woman said, "so long as you're only visiting." She studied the paper and the writing upon it. "Is this 'Sihtric' a Riot as well?"
"He's Sihtric Selsson." He had given her more information about his dormitory, the classes he was taking, the places he frequented; she had no idea if any of that would be sufficient to grant her entry.
"We'll need to bring him here to vouch for you," the clerk informed her. "You should have made an appointment, or had your guardian make one for you."
"I'm sorry," Stella said. Her face must have gone as red as a galbana. "I didn't know. This is my first time doing something like this."
"Know you've got a job to do, and all," came a familiar voice from the other side of the pavilion, "but you don't have to lay it on so thick."
The first thing Stella noticed about Sihtric was the grease-stained paper bag he was carrying. The second was that he already looked different, older. She had overheard Ashe remarking to Sairsel - or perhaps it was something Ashe had sought to keep from Sairsel - that Sihtric was growing faster than she had thought possible. It had been only two moons since Stella had seen him last, and even she could agree: he now had at least another ilm on her, and his voice, while still recognizable, had dropped about half a scale.
The woman stared Sihtric down with more intensity than Stella had ever seen from someone whose primary weapon was a feather quill. "You don't have customs in Ala Mhigo?"
"Uh, no," he replied, "on account of the whole 'building a home for all' thing. We've got a whole song about it."
Stella bit back a giggle.
The clerk stared between the two of them, then directed her next question to Sihtric. "And this is your sister?"
"What," he replied, tilting his head in a distinctly Vieran manner, "you don't see the resemblance?"
"Mmm." The clerk lifted a heavy-looking object from her desktop and stamped it upon the lower corner of the paper with a satisfying ka-thunk. With this at last complete, she tore the page in two and handed the bottom half to Stella. "This is your writ of passage. Keep it safe and on your person at all times."
She nodded. As soon as she wondered what would happen to her if someone stole it, she remembered that she was no longer in the Undercity.
"C'mon," Sihtric said, gesturing her away from the pavilion with one hand and holding up the bag of whatever he'd brought with him in the other. "Now that you're here, I have got to get you to try a cheeseburger."
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baobhanlore-art · 2 years ago
TW: Domestic Abuse
As someone who heavily critiques the writing of Stella, I don't have a problem with her being an abusive woman that does evil things. I feel like people try to pin the double standard excuse on us critics to dismiss our arguments. My problem is that she's comedically inconsistent and has bewildering motivations that make little sense.
To compare the two main abusive antagonists of the series, I'll compare her to Crimson Crim is a mafia boss who's clearly trying to uphold their family legacy. He abuses Moxxie to achieve that and would kill him to protect himself. Clear, understandable though clearly evil motivations.
Stella was first introduced as an aristocratic person who hated the humiliation that came with being publicly cheated on with an imp, resulting in violet domestic outbursts. So you'd think she'd aim for damage control and upholding a reputation, perhaps polite in public but a nightmare in the home (as domestic abusers often are) and maybe try to manipulate the Goeita to make herself seem like an honest victim with a degenerative husband who deserves his money, power and child.
But she doesn't, she just tried to make Stolas's life a living hell, she even admits it in "The Circus". Her motivations are to hurt him, which isn't an accurate representation of abuse or abusers yet it's upheld as a perfect example. This even happens BEFORE the cheating so it's not like she became unhinged from that.
If you personally relate to Stolas's struggles, then power to you. But from a writing standpoint, Stella feels stupid and pure evil in a situation that requires more nuance.
As someone who hasn't suffered domestic abuse but definitely abuse from friends, the ones that care about reputation tend to only show their ugly colours to you and when you call them out they turn all your mutual friends against you until you're left either forced to forgive them for the millionth time or abandoned.
"But it's Hell and all people there are awful"
I'd say it's probably more evil to be deceptive and manipulative about your abuse. Hell is literally built by the most powerful deceiver. Not to mention characters do show morals throughout the show, like Moxxie feeling bad about killing a family or his healthy relationship with Millie.
She reminds me a lot of the one note antagonists from Brandon Rogers sketches, except terribly misplaced in a story that tries to take itself seriously at times. Like if they tried to use Helen in a serious drama about being abused by school staff. It wouldn't work.
In short, Stella isn't badly written because she's evil. She's badly written because she's (unintentionally) stupid.
I feel like I'm becoming disillusioned with this franchise. So many other critics' have covered this better but I'm fearful for Hazbin Now. Especially with how Valentino is written in comparison to how fans interpret him in fanfiction (basically a terrible person but still somewhat human. Not in a sympathetic way but in a way that feels real).
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stellarideslover · 5 months ago
What are your theories about Stella’s childhood?
I'm not fully sure as I don't really think we have enough information about her background to fully piece it together but my theories with what we do know is
1. I think her aunt Laverne played a bigger part in her growing up then was let on in s8 or s9 I can't remember which she was mentioned in
2. I think Stella was younger than we realize when she got on drugs and that's how she met Grant was at a party
3. I think Stella and her mom had a very troubled relationship based off her comment in s11 episode 5. Maybe her mom was even abusive?
4. This isn't really about childhood but in general. I think that Stella was with Grant for way too long because she wanted to be the one to save him because she knew what it was like to have no one there to save you from her own experience not only in adulthood but likely even in childhood from what little we've heard.
5. I think we've heard that her parents are dead (did I imagine that or did that really happen) so maybe even if they died when she was younger then that could cause some fear from her about having children out of fear they'll leave their children and orphan young too especially with their jobs as firefighters.. not the best career to be in with that fear
6. I could see there being a fear about Kelly potentially switching up on her after she gets pregnant like briefly mentioned with the marriage thing in s9 by Kelly. She didn't want to get married because she always wanted a "quick escape way out" and I think parenthood could resurface some things. I think she even mentioned Grant switching up on her too so that could be a fear. Yes she probably knows that Kelly wouldn't do that to her but some part of her (the part of her that's very traumatized) might try to convince herself that now that she's pregnant he'll switch up on her too (that might even tie into her childhood not sure yet)
I think the one thing I'm really curious about most though is her dad. I know we've heard her mom mentioned a couple times in that "mom and daughters don't have it easy either " being one but I don't know that we've ever heard her say anything about her dad?
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annachum · 2 months ago
I like how some of the Hell and Heaven Royalty in Hellaverse are essentially also kinda examples of royalty/public figure archetypes in spades. Like
. Paimon : The widely feared and respected warrior ruler ( like Genghis Khan, Shahryar, King Odin and Julius Caesar, for starters )
. Amethyst : The widely beloved and respected ' high Queen ' type who is often a mess in private ( like Queen Guinevere, Padme Naberrie, Scheherazade, Queen Frigga, Diana Spencer, Grace Kelly, Glinda and Jacqueline Bouvier, for starters )
. Vassago - The widely adulated and often over idealized Rockstar ( like Michael Jackson and Prince, for starters )
. Stolas - the free spirited youngest heir who often ' goes against the grain ' ( like Prince Harry and Ariel )
. Andrealphus : the sleazy ' celeb ' who conned much of the public for years until the jig is up ( like Elon Musk and Oscar Diggs, for starters )
. Stella - the tyrannical and overly excessive brat whom nearly everyone hates ( even most royals - they tolerate said brat out of fear and/or pity until they simply couldn't do it anymore ) ( like Joffrey Baratheon, Marie Antoinette and Caligula, for starters )
. Polaris - the bigoted ' religious ' fanatic who uses his so called ' faith ' to do unscrupulous means ( like Holy Roman Emperor Francis I, Cesare Borgia, Otto I Hightower, Claude Frollo, and Twyin Lannister, for starters )
. Cassiopeia - the domineering ' Queen bee ' like public figure with a volatile temper ( like Iracebeth of Crims, Cersei Lannister, Empress Maria Theresa and Ekaterina II, for starters )
. Charlie - the ' rebel royal ' who isn't afraid to bend some rules to do what is right ( like Queen Jasmine, Queen Ozma and Princess Leia, for starters )
. Emily - the ' Princess Classic ' who is beloved by most everyone yet is often a mess in private ( like Snow White, Gisele from Enchanted and Aurora, for starters )
. Ashtoreth - the headstrong public figure who is both sometimes an upholder of a system one minute and isn't shy of bending some rules to get what she wants the next ( like Princess Anne Windsor, Elizabeth I Tudor, and Margaret Thatcher, for starters )
. Octavia : A kind of more ' tragic ' version of a Princess Classic where she suffers a great deal and turns into a wiser yet more reserved person ( like Sansa Stark and Helaena Targaryen, for starters )
. Sera - the ' religious upholder ' leader who is often a stickler in the ' royal rulebook ' ( like Empress Theodora, for starters )
. Gemory - the ' ritzy socialite ' type who seems sometimes flighty but actually more thoughtful and cunning than seems ( like CZ Guest and Lee Radziwill nee Bouvier, for starters )
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kumamoto-division · 1 year ago
The Stella Maris (part 1)
"the dark star" "constellation"...since three years ago this name is whispered all around the criminal underground of japan and the supernatural worl, all are names for the same organization. The Stella Maris
Despite they exist since more time than the criminal underground itself the stella maris just out from the shadows recently but in that time they filled all the underground and supernatural with chaos and fear but,how?
Steales,assasinate, arson are only a few of they crimes. in the three years where The Stella started to be know they striked without warning, this group who apparently come from nowhere make clear that his goal it's just pure and absolute chaos and anarchy but ¿That's true? The trained eye can say that they're not driving by that,they have a bigger and darker intention and what's that intention?...and not mentioned the supernatural yet
Both sides can say The Stella Maris is possibily one of the most dangerous group that existed until now and they power isn't just from weapons, intelligence and strong
Any people related to spiritual and supernatural has good reasons to be afraid because all the members of The Stella Maris has contracts and bonds with supernatural and in they power have spirits,devils, phantoms and other criatures and more recently, somehow a few of members found a way of fusinated with criatures getting abilities and traits that would be impossible for normal humans non related to the supernatural or spiritual worl
With those powers and impulsed by the pure wish of chaos, The Stella Maris is more than decided to cause all the chaos that they can and protect the supernatural madness of they city
But who are the members?.... let's starts with
1. the Undertaker
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Alias:La Mort
Full name:"Undertaker"
Real Name:???
Specie:??? (But he definitely is not human)
Supernatural abilities
shadow control
blood manipulation
The Stella Maris
Supernatural underground
Starless Theatre
Hypnosis microphone
Mechanic haunted dolls
Skills and abilities
Genius level intelligence
Combat skills
Bio:"appeared from nothing" it's probabily the best drescription about him,this strange being who is know as someone eccentric and joking is too much misterious but something obvious to all who knows about the supernatural is the fact Undertaker is not human...but what's him? A death spirit? A devil? Or perhaps....the reaper himself? No one in the supernatural worl. even in Stella Maris who (or what) is him
But something sure for all kumamoto is this Undertaker is the boss of all the Stella Maris and the leader of kumamoto city but even with the knowledge of his inmortal soul, Undertaker knew he could't do it alone then he recruited people with potential not only in his great passion,The show Business! but in the supernatural worl and the art of death he created a guild of vigilants,assasins and informants to made anything neccesary to cause chaos and protect the supernatural madness of kumamoto no matter what
-"chaos and anarchy, despite it's bad image those are neccesary to preserve the order of reality and madness"-Undertaker
Team I (nmate)
This team, is a team where just 1/3 is part of the Starless theater but they are dangerous by their own right not only for they infamous acts in the criminal underground but also due to they combat skills and a madness notorious even beetwen the rest of the group. called by Undertaker as "Stella Maris's attack dogs" is not strange for them that the "missions" they do are for "make clear a point" but they has a reason to be so dreaded in the supernatural worl. The same reason that gave they team name "inmate"
.... because the three was the first inmates in very much time that escaped from the most dreaded prison in the supernatural worl but they scape left them sequels
The time they were jailed there despite be just a few of weeks for mundane people was enough to made them more crazy they already was...and the dark energy from that place is slowly fragmenting their sanity
And without they knowledge a team in the DRB did a treat with the same prison to capture them
1. the executioner
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M (as assasin)
Corrupt romance (with Semiramis)
Full name: Kunio "Kurome" Chōten
Specie:human???/ [REDACTED]
Team:team I (leader)
Supernatural abilities:
Soul manipulation
Shadow control
"Shinigami's Eyes"
Blood manipulation
Supernatural contracts:
Jester spirits
Theater actor
Stage magician
Stella Maris
Starless Theatre
Strange Magic
Electric cane
Hypnosis microphone
Phantometal (feather ring)
Modified gun (calico M950)
"Hana" (bird bot)
Mechanic mask
Sharp cards
Truth serum
Skills and abilities
Combat skills
Bio: isn't funny how the second son of a family from aoyama is working on destriy that city?,since kid contrary to his older brother Kunio noticed the darkest side of aoyama...the abuses and corruption and since kid he prefered be with the "lower class". that "desobedience" bringed him to received abuses from his own parents,the jokes,the humillation, the mental and physical abuses that ended up in different scars all over his body (especially the whiped scars on his back) but he don't losed completely the faith in Aoyama until he discovered all the corrupt and illegal business on aoyama...drugs and people traffics,blackmail and explotation...that was enough for him,taking advantage of his bad reputation beetwen the upper class he decided to go with his "exile"
His path bringed him to Kumamoto city,where he started to work as theater actor and stage magician,exposing all the crimes of the upper class and give information in the underground with the name "Hollow"
...but he always had a bad feeling that made real with a reason:Reiji Enjouji....the oddballs incident that damaged him and his love not could minded him but...once he realized how extreme was Reiji's actions and the people who he demaged .. give information was not enough and that was the begins of his reputation not only as informant or actor when slowly but surely members of The upper class started to appear dead ,murdered in the worst but carefully ways and they crimes exposed. was The Stella Maris who answered to the ask in the criminal underground of "who's the assasin?" they just said "his name is M"
Dreaded not only for his abilities to obtain information or his combat skills, in the supernatural that fear is due to the jester devils and mischievous spirits that sometimes help him on his magic shows are not his only supernatural bonds
He has a contract and abilities related to a death being that gave him the power of controls blood and even the soul itself but that contract he made to save his spouse's life after a murder attempt from Enjouji heir had a price that got worse after his time with his team in ARCA prison inffected by the dark energy from that place...he becomes into someone (or something) completely different when the state he calls "mara" dominate him....but all in Stella Maris is sure of something, neither all the supernatural or mundane underground could stop on his goal:eliminate all the corrupt rich people and upper class
-"all those people who just think on money and power are not better than rats...eliminate all of them feels so good"-Kunio "Hollow" Kurome
2. The Witch
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Alias: Semiramis
Corrupt romance (with hollow)
Full name:Natsume Kurome
Specie:human (warlock)
Team:team I
Supernatural abilities:
Memories manipulation
Supernatural contracts:
Flowers spirits
Pagan spirits
Strange Magic
Stella Maris
Different types of poison
Kana knifes
Hypnosis microphone
Phantometal (charm bracelet)
Mechanical broom (anti-gravity)
Truth serum
Hallucigen gast
Poisonous nail polish
Poisonous lipstick
Skills and abilities:
Fashion expert
Combat skills
Poison knowledge
Bio: sometimes,people in stella maris wonder how Natsume joined in first place or,how he fell in his path of death and poison but he have the answer to himself "his mother"
after she attacked him and ingresed to a psychiatric he always wondered why she did that. After years he learned the truth:his mother was bullyed and torture mentally by a rich woman until her collapsed and when Natsume knew it he used his knowledge in different types of plants and toxicology and killed the same woman,knowing that bitch not was the only one who made things like his mother's situation he accepted the offert from his fiance (now his husband) and joined to Stella Maris using his poison and magic to help on the goal of causing chaos and help Kunio on his revenge
Considered as the corrupt romance of Stella Maris,but this red haired is not only a deadly poisoner known for the price of his services by people who contract him but for be a powerful warlock who know different types of magic that he learned traveling with his father but in the supernatural he's well know by his powers in the memorie manipulation watching people's memories throught a crystal ball and manipuling them with cards being able of manipuling them,erase them and some rumors say he has a deck of tarot cards with memories that catched his attention and now are part of his collection
his time on ARCA prison inffected him less than his teammates and now he's working on a way of undo what's left of the dark energy inffection
-"i was clear about the terms and price of my poison but my magic?, that has no price and is just for me so if you don't accepted it then rest...this poison is not painful"-Natsume "Semiramis" Kurome
3. the queen
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Alias: Bluefire
La signora (in Stella Maris)
"the lady on the lake" (codename)
Full name:Aoba Yamamura
Team:team I
Supernatural abilities:
Frost and cold manipulation
Supernatural mystique
terrorist bomber
Strange Magic
Stella Maris
Double Face
Aphrodisiac perfume
Poisonous nail polish
Knockout gas (in form of different jewels)
High-grade explosives
Ice bombs
Skills and abilities:
Genius level intelligence
Combat skills
chemical expertise
escape skills
Bio: contrary to his teammates, Aoba commited criminal acts so much before than them,his childhood was in a middle beetwen the white and black with a drunk mother who burned him in a whole leg and eye and tried to kill his sister,the faith he could had for that bitch losed when he met his younger half brother who was abandoned by Ukina,but he has lights in his siblings and father but all that days ended with his father's death, murdered by Aoyama's upper class that moment was the starts of the same hate towards all the corrupt upper class and his revenge when he bombed his father killer's houses. But that wasn't the only things that happened, after his father died he only saw sadness,a abusive "boyfriend", the "war", suicides and abuses provoked by the same person that affected him and his friends was destroyng his sanity
all those things seemed better a bit with his relationship and love for certain arsonist but with Himura's arrest the cycle started again, his lover's arrest,a miscarriage that broke him and his mind and made him try to suicide he begins his own reign of terror that started with the massive arsons and bombings know as "the blue hell" where at least a considerable part of japan was burned leaving around of 2000 hurts and deads incluiding civilians and Chuokhu workers, tthe event that gave him the name "Bluefire"
Initially his attacks just happened time a time and was only in places like drugs trafficcants basis but 1 one years ago his attacks are more often and in places completely random, especially zones with several buildings at the same time but the reason why he was never catched yet it's for his great intelect and escape abilities, researching the places where he will to attack and all the possible scapes routes,and also for his seductive attractive even with the mask and his great mystique and charm who use as distraction before kill all poeple who could catch him
He joined to Stella Maris due to his teammates. with all the mental breakdowns and things that happened him his mental state got worse and his behavior normally pyromaniac and crazy but calming was more erratic and unstable. then "Hollow" and "Semiramis" bringed him to Stella Maris and he joined just because "it's better than nothing"
Although Bluefire strangely do missions for the supernatural group (out of his normal attacks). he's more use by Undertaker for starts fire and causing his burning destruction to people and groups who made the dark star mad and let clear a point. something that make him feel happy because he can unleash his pyromaniac insanity with freedom
But the truth it's that under the surface he's the most unstable beetwen team I and strange magic. his time in ARCA prison inffected him the most and impulsed by things like his bipolar disorder it's neccesary be careful dealing with him because his great intelligence, knowledge about explosives and escape skills,and his unstable mind are reasons why he's considered so dangerous in the mundane underground
Although he not has the same supernatural abilities than Hollow and Semiramis. he is able of provoke frost around him but can't manipulate ice itself
-"i don't know what i did in a past life to deserve all that happened those last years...if the worl give me this then...then.... THEN I WILL TO BURN IT ALL, BURN EVERYTHING UNTIL IT BECOMES TO ASHES JAJAJAJAJAJA"-Aoba "Bluefire" Yamamura
Team K
1. The songbird
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Alias: "Doll"
Full name:Hanami Yamamura
Real name:[REDACTED)
Age: 2 (21 physically)
Specie:Cybernetic doll. Human (formely)
Team: team K
Supernatural abilities
Seductive charm
Siren voice
String magic
Theater actor/singer
Fashion designer
Theater Starless
Stella Maris
Strange Magic
Double Face
Extase (enchanted scissor)
Bird bot (second form)
Heels with guns
High-grade explosives
Poisonous nail polish
Phantometal (symbol beetwen his shoulder blades)
Skills and abilities
Diplomatic skills
Genius level intelligence
Combat skills
Bio:the four Stella Maris member who is a supernatural criature and the first one "artifitial". "Hanami Yamamura" borned as the "project bizarre doll". Originally a human-size porcelain doll his creator. Kururi Yamamura changed the most of his porcelain parts with synthetic flesh and metal turning him into a type of robot. but technology isn't the only thing that gave him life. He was also created by "Semiramis" who made rituals in the porcelain doll to give him "life", "Hollow" used his supernatural abilities and taked a human soul that he put into the doll. the result was Hanami's "rebirth"
Although initially shocked and confused for being alive again. this time as a cybernetic/magic being the doll with time accepted his situation with joy of have a second chance in life. The doll named himself "Hanami". The name of cherry blossom bloom and adopted his creator's lastname "Yamamura".
Hanami started to work in the theater initially as the costume designer with time his talent singing and dancing was more evident. Seeing it Undertaker and Kunio decided made him a singer and dancer affiliated to the Starless Theater. Usually giving him a good position in the "show restaurant" nights made by the Starless (to Hanami's joy).
Despite have a joy and warmth personality the truth is that Hanami is ruthless and sadic. Taking advantage of being able to connect to cyberspace he started to attack any hacker or A.I who try to fuck with him and Starless. That same ruthless and bloody nature bringed him to be another Starless's assasin. Usually going for hackers and possible cybernetic menaces to supernatural (actually that is how he met the android A.R.K and both becomes lovers)
Although he's happy with his new life. Hanami can't help but feel certain intrigue for his life as human, a life he cannot remember with a reason. When he looked at his soul by first time Kunio "Hollow" Kurome was shocked for all his grief and how he died. Knowing Hanami could't live "normally" with those type of memories after talked with Kururi and Natsume. Natsume used his magic and sealed Hanami's human life memories
Although he was angry with them. Hanami thought on the little things he remember from his human life (the blood,the grief, and the pain) understanding their good intention he forgive them...but even with it. Hanami sometimes wonder ¿How was his former human existence?
-"i'm so happy with this life but....what if I remember?"-Hanami "Songbird" Yamamura
2. the cat
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Full name:Nekonari Wataru
Specie:human (with nekomata blood)
Team:team K
Supernatural abilities:
Cat instints
Feline reflects
Spiritual comunication
Theater actor
Undertaker's secretary
Stella Maris
Starless Theater
Kunai knifes
War fans
Spider bots
Electric cane
Knockout gas
Truth serum
Skills and abilities
Stealth expert
Combat skills
Genius level intelligence
Bio: originally a child with a loving and normal family,except for the fact he was able to see and feel spirits but he never toll his parents about his power. to them Nekonari was just a sleepy but smart boy with affinity for cats. Until the day when desperate for q evil spirit who wanted attack his family he tell them that he can see phantoms and about the evil one that wanted hurt them. Although confused both of them listened his son but sadly they Wataru family was attacked by dark spirits. The parents just protected and tell their son to run away before died. Completely destroyed by his parents dead Nekonari wandered in the streets just to be kidnaped and almost sold as slave until certain being appeared
Noticing the presence of souls Undertaker appeared on the basis where Nekonari and too many children were locked up and he killed and eated the souls of all the trafficcants. Impressed by Undertaker's supernatural powers and how handsome he was. Nekonari introduced himself and told Undertaker about his instincs and ability of see phantoms
Intrigued by his soul and power Undertaker bringed the teenager to Stella Maris basis and examinated him noticing a presence of nekomata assendence
Surprised for the casuality of find him Undertaker asked him what he wants to do now and to his shock the boy answered "i want to stay by your side and be useful for you. Sir". Surprised and amussement Undertaker taked Nekonari under his wing as spy and informant. The boy learned and trained to take advantage of his feline features to be useful. Learning the art ancient ninja arts and weapons and especially how control his ability of see spiritis
Now Nekonari is the second leader (unnoffically) of Stella maris but he acts more as Undertaker's assitance and secretary being especially loyal to his savior and crush. He's respect by the other members due to his hardworking and confident nature
-"Undertaker sama. All my loyaltu is with you and our group nobody else"-Nekonari "Nekomata" Wataru
The Stella Maris is in neutral terms/allies with
Scorpion Den (having similar goals and a team affiliated to them)
The Kairikiru productions (having a alliance beetwen informants)
The Kito-Gumi of Shizuoka due to deals beetwen Undertaker and Sakura Kito
But Stella Maris are in bad terms/enemies with
The Aoyama's Upper Class
The Crossroads of Ginza
The Katen-Gumi of Yokohama
The ARCA prison
And recently Avici criminal syndycate once Undertaker found out Avici work with a group dedicate to human experimentation
If Undertaker is the leader he considers the Team I as Stella Maris's "attack dogs" and the team K as the "brain" of the group
Although the group has they basis in Kumamoto their has a team who operates in Hamamatsu and a alliance with Verne publishing-house's that sends them hidden information
Although is not confirmate yet, it is assumed Stella Maris has contacts and allies all over the supernatural worl
The reason why the Team I(nmate) is so dreaded is not just for their madness and skills. but also for be the first inmates who escaped from ARCA in centuries and caused a massive prison break
Stella Maris is the responsibles of the creation of the accesories called "Phantometals" with help of the scientist Nadya Kuromiya
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megane-ga-niau · 1 year ago
[Minor Spy x Family season 1 spoilers in the form of character descriptions and mentions of a season 2 episode title]
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I think Chikage would make a really funny Loid Forger.
Imagine him in charge of this small pink-haired telepath who lies about her age and reads his mind to finish a crossword puzzle.
Papa is a major liar indeed.
I'm convinced he would end up much like Twilight though. I mean, a different pink-haired person already captured his heart through grandsonly charm. As cold as he presents himself, Chikage is rather soft-hearted.
That won't stop him from being an absolute drill sergeant of a tutor towards his child though. After all, he can be very single-minded in regards to missions. At least, until the kid finds out that he is surprisingly easy to manipulate with a sad face. "One episode of 'Spy Wars'," he claims, not realizing that he has revealed his weakness.
At least he's also more than willing to break the rules, so while it would be nice if stellas could be earned naturally, a few adjusted tests and contrived situations to speed up the process are far from beneath him. Just as long as his new family isn't in danger.
However, the Forger-Utsuki's better have stomachs of steel. If he's still the only parent that cooks... *side eyes the spice cabinet*
I'm sure he's trained in non-spicy cooking, but whether he remembers the first time he cooks for someone besides himself is another question. He makes sure to keep milk stocked in the fridge now, after having to awkwardly comfort his new adoptee as they sobbed through the pain.
It's also funny to imagine Chikage shocked and fearing that he's losing his edge when an assass- office worker appears behind him without him noticing. And yet he somehow comes to the conclusion they are his best spousal candidate.
Let alone the concept of him living with a large, affectionate dog. Consider, the first part of episode 27 [BOND'S STRATEGY TO STAY ALIVE] with Chikage.
I just want him to suffer the same confusion that Loid does from applying normal person logic to his abnormal family.
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An alternative I considered was Tenma, but that's my 4th-wall-breaker side kicking in. Though he does fit the fluster!
Thanks to @ikebo-simp for reminding me that Chikage is, in fact, not immune to the wet puppy dog eyes.
Thanks for reading!
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