#how to use 1 acres of land
healthylifewithus · 11 months
The Only Book You Need to Become Self-Sufficient on a Quarter Acre.
With this book, you’ll probably never have to rely on anybody else in times of crisis. You’ll become truly independent from the government, grocery chains, pharmacies, water and energy companies, and even the entire grid as you’ll produce everything you need on your own land.And the truth is, you don’t need a big piece of land to do that, just a quarter of an acre or even less.The Only Book You Need to Become Self-Sufficient on a Quarter Acre .But to achieve this kind of self-sufficiency on a small plot, you need to make everything as efficient as possible and absolutely need the right kind of advice from the start. Ron Melchiore and his wife, Johanna, have been living completely off-grid for over 40 years.They are self-sufficient, and they’ve had decades to perfect the methods they will share with you inside their new book:
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dandelionsresilience · 3 months
Good News - June 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $Kaybarr1735! And if you tip me and give me a way to contact you, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week!
1. Victory for Same-Sex Marriage in Thailand
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“Thailand’s Senate voted 130-4 today to pass a same-sex marriage bill that the lower house had approved by an overwhelming majority in March. This makes Thailand the first country in Southeast Asia, and the second in Asia, to recognize same-sex relationships. […] The Thai Marriage Equality Act […] will come into force 120 days after publication in the Royal Gazette. It will stand as an example of LGBT rights progress across the Asia-Pacific region and the world.”
2. One of world’s rarest cats no longer endangered
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“[The Iberian lynx’s] population grew from 62 mature individuals in 2001 to 648 in 2022. While young and mature lynx combined now have an estimated population of more than 2,000, the IUCN reports. The increase is largely thanks to conservation efforts that have focused on increasing the abundance of its main food source - the also endangered wild rabbit, known as European rabbit. Programmes to free hundreds of captive lynxes and restoring scrublands and forests have also played an important role in ensuring the lynx is no longer endangered.”
3. Planning parenthood for incarcerated men
“[M]any incarcerated young men missed [sex-ed] classroom lessons due to truancy or incarceration. Their lack of knowledge about sexual health puts them at a lifelong disadvantage. De La Cruz [a health educator] will guide [incarcerated youths] in lessons about anatomy and pregnancy, birth control and sexually transmitted infections. He also explores healthy relationships and the pitfalls of toxic masculinity. […] Workshops cover healthy relationships, gender and sexuality, and sex trafficking.”
4. Peru puts endemic fog oasis under protection
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“Lomas are unique ecosystems relying on marine fog that host rare and endemic plants and animal species. […] The Peruvian government has formally granted conservation status to the 6,449-hectare (16,000-acre) desert oasis site[….] The site, the first of its kind to become protected after more than 15 years of scientific and advocacy efforts, will help scientists understand climatic and marine cycles in the area[, … and] will be protected for future research and exploration for at least three decades.”
5. Religious groups are protecting Pride events — upending the LGBTQ+ vs. faith narrative
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“In some cases, de-escalation teams stand as a physical barrier between protesters and event attendees. In other instances, they try to talk with protesters. The goal is generally to keep everyone safe. Leigh was learning that sometimes this didn’t mean acting as security, but doing actual outreach. That might mean making time and space to listen to hate speech. It might mean offering food or water. […] After undergoing Zoom trainings this spring, the members of some 120 faith organizations will fan out across more than 50 Pride events in 16 states to de-escalate the actions of extremist anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups.”
6. 25 years of research shows how to restore damaged rainforest
“For the first time, results from 25 years of work to rehabilitate fire-damaged and heavily logged rainforest are now being presented. The study fills a knowledge gap about the long-term effects of restoration and may become an important guide for future efforts to restore damaged ecosystems.”
7. Audubon and Grassroots Carbon Announce First-of-its-Kind Partnership to Reward Landowners for Improving Habitats for Birds while Building Healthy Soils
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“Participating landowners can profit from additional soil carbon storage created through their regenerative land management practices. These practices restore grasslands, improve bird habits, build soil health and drive nature-based soil organic carbon drawdown through the healthy soils of farms and ranches. […] Additionally, regenerative land management practices improve habitats for birds. […] This partnership exemplifies how sustainable practices can drive positive environmental change while providing tangible economic benefits for landowners.”
8. Circular food systems found to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, require much less agricultural land
“Redesigning the European food system will reduce agricultural land by 44% while dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture by 70%. This reduction is possible with the current consumption of animal protein. “Moreover, animals are recyclers in the system. They can recycle nutrients from human-inedible parts of the organic waste and by-products in the food system and convert them to valuable animal products," Simon says.”
9. Could Treating Injured Raptors Help Lift a Population? Researchers found the work of rehabbers can have long-lasting benefits
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“[“Wildlife professionals”] tend to have a dismissive attitude toward addressing individual animal welfare,” [… but f]or most raptor species, they found, birds released after rehabilitation were about as likely to survive as wild birds. Those released birds can have even broader impacts on the population. Back in the wild, the birds mate and breed, raising hatchlings that grow up to mate and breed, too. When the researchers modeled the effects, they found most species would see at least some population-level benefits from returning raptors to the wild.”
10. Indigenous people in the Amazon are helping to build bridges & save primates
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“Working together, the Reconecta Project and the Waimiri-Atroari Indigenous people build bridges that connect the forest canopy over the BR-174 road[….] In the first 10 months of monitoring, eight different species were documented — not only monkeys such as the golden-handed tamarin and the common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus), but also kinkajous (Potos flavus), mouse opossums (Marmosops sp.), and opossums (Didelphis sp.).”
Bonus: A rare maneless zebra was born in the UK
June 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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batboyblog · 15 days
Things the Biden-Harris Administration Did This Week #33
Sep 6-13 2024
President Biden marked the 30th anniversary of the passage of the Violence Against Women Act and highlighted efforts to stop gender based violence. the VAWA was written by then Senator Biden and he often talks about it as his proudest legislative victory. The act transformed how the federal government dealt with domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. In part because of the connection to Joe Biden, President Trump and the Republicans allowed the VAWA to expire in 2019. President Biden passed a new reauthorization, with new protections for women against cyber crime, in 2022. On the VAWA's 30th anniversary President Biden announced $690 million in grants to support survivors of gender-based violence.
President Biden and Vice-President Harris announced a new rule to force insurance companies to treat mental health care the same as medical care. The new rule takes on the use by insurance of restrictive practices like prior authorization, and out of network charges, it also closes a loophole in the law that allowed state and local government health insurance not to cover mental health.
The Biden-Harris administration announced that 50 million Americans, 1 in every 7, have gotten health insurance through Obamacare's marketplaces. Under Biden a record breaking 20.8 million enrolled this year. Since the ACA was passed by President Obama and then Vice-President Biden it has transformed American health care bring affordable coverage to millions and getting rid of "preexisting conditions". During the Presidential debate Vice-President Harris defended the ACA and the need to keep building on it. Trump after 9 years of calling for its repeal said he only had "concepts of a plan" on what to do about health care in America.
The IRS announced that it has recovered $1.3 billion in back taxes from wealthy tax dodgers. For years Republicans have tried to underfund the IRS hindering its ability to police high income tax payers. President Biden in his Inflation Reduction Act ensured that the IRS would have the money it needs to chase high income tax cheats. In February 2024 the IRS launched a program to go after over 100,000 people, making $400,000 or even over $1 million a year who have not filed taxes since 2017. The IRS also launched a program to collect from tax payers who make over $1 million a year who have uncontested debt of over $250,000. Between these two efforts the IRS has collected over a Billion Dollars in back taxes from the richest Americans, so far this year.
The Department of The Interior and White House Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi highlighted green energy efforts on public land. Highlighting two projects planned in Nevada officials talked about the 41 renewable energy projects approved on public land under the Biden-Harris Administration. These projects over 25 gigawatts of clean energy, a goal the Administration's climate plan set for the end of 2025 but met early this year. With the new projects in Nevada this is enough energy to power 12.5 million homes, and the Bureau of Land Management is another 55 utility-scale project proposals across the West.
The Department of The Interior announced $236 million to help fight forest fires and restore landscapes damaged by recent wildfires. Under President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Administration has spent nearly $1.1 billion dollars to combat deadly wildfires which have over the last 10 years grown in size and intensity thanks to climate change.
The Department of The Interior announced $157 million in wetland conservation. The money is focused on protecting bird habitats. It will protect and preserve thousands of acres of wetlands across 7 states.
The US Senate approved President Biden's nominations of Adam Abelson, Jeannette Vargas, Mary Kay Lanthier, and Laura Provinzino to federal judgeships in Maryland, New York, Vermont, and Minnesota respectively. This brings the total number of federal judges appointed by President Biden to 209. When Biden entered office 318 district judges were Republican appointees and 317 Democratic, today 368 are Democratic appointments and just 267 are Republican. President Biden is the first President in history to have the majority of his appointments not be white men and he has appointed more black women to the bench than any President ever.
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A UN report says 96 percent of Gaza’s population is food insecure and one in five Palestinians, or about 495,000 people, is facing starvation. Satellite images analysed by Al Jazeera's digital investigation team, Sanad show that more than half (60 percent) of Gaza's farmland, crucial for feeding the war-ravaged territory’s hungry population, has been damaged or destroyed by Israeli attacks. Israel has killed at least 37,900 people and injured 87,000 others in bombings, by destroying healthcare that could have saved them, and by starvation.
In February, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) assessed the agricultural and livestock damage across Gaza. They found significant damage to: - 626 wells - 307 home barns - 235 chicken farms - 203 sheep farms - 119 animal shelters In addition, they estimated that 27 percent - 339 out of 1,277 hectares (3,156 acres) - of Gaza’s greenhouses were damaged by Israel’s assault. Experts say military hardware and bombs have damaged Gaza's fertile soil for many years. “There will be years of destruction because of the material used in the explosives and phosphorus bombs used there, this will affect the land and water in the long term,” agricultural consultant Saad Dagher told Al Jazeera.
2 July 2024
Geneva Convention, Protocol I, Article 54 - Protection of objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population
1. Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited. 2. It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, agricultural areas for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies and irrigation works, for the specific purpose of denying them for their sustenance value to the civilian population or to the adverse Party, whatever the motive, whether in order to starve out civilians, to cause them to move away, or for any other motive.
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mionemymind · 6 months
Lost in the Universe (Part 1)
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Summary: Y/n is transported to a different universe and by chance, meets the Wanda that inhabits it.
Warnings: Fluff, Cursing, Slight Angst?
A/n: I know I haven't written in a while. But recently I've been on a surge to start writing again. I hope you all enjoy and please tell me honestly how you feel about it. Hopefully, I'm not too rusty.
Word Count: 1.6k
Part 2
Y/n dropped into a new universe, barely landing on her feet. She scrambled to find balance as the portal above her closed. “What the fuck?” Y/n wiped off her hands as she looked around the unfamiliar area. 
“Are you lost dekta?” Y/n spun around at the sound of her voice. A smile plastered on Y/n’s face when she saw Wanda. She took a couple of steps when she felt something was different with the girl in front of her. “Wanda?”
The brunette chuckled at the obvious confusion. “It’s me dekta.” Y/n still grew apprehensive. She looked around the location she was in. They were on a simple farm surrounded by acres of grape trees. There was a barn and home in the distance and sheep and cows grazed the plain. “I don’t think you’re my Wanda though,” Y/n said as kindly as possible. It was scary to be in a new world without a clue as to how they operate. Even though Y/n knew that the woman in front of her wasn’t exactly her Wanda, it still gave her some type of peace knowing there was a version of her here. 
“And you’re not my Y/n.” Y/n’s nerves eased with the comment as Wanda broke the distance between them. “So let’s get you back to my home and figure out how this happened.” 
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“Make yourself at home.” Wanda took off her dirty boots at the front and walked to the kitchen. She took the kettle out from the drawer and filled it with water. “I’ll make you some hot chocolate. Is that your favorite in your world?”
“It is!” Y/n yelled from the front of the house. She took off her shoes and jacket, hoping to not get the house dirty. The entrance of the house led them into a decent-sized living room filled with various decorations and plants. 
Y/n didn’t mean to snoop but she couldn’t help but look at all the photos framed on the wall and tables. The first photo that caught her eye was a picture of young Wanda and Pietro back in what Y/n could guess was their hometown. She picked it up and analyzed it in detail.
“I miss him,” Y/n whispered to herself. Wanda noticed this as she walked in with two cups of hot chocolate. “We were only five in that photo. I think we went to the zoo that day. Probably one of our better pictures when we were younger. Everything else is either him or me or the both of us crying.” 
“If you don’t mind me asking,” Wanda nodded for approval, “is your Pietro still alive?” Wanda could sense this was a sensitive subject and gave Y/n one of the cups while directing her to the couch. 
“Yes, my Pietro is still alive. Currently, he’s away on work.” Y/n gave a small smile, the feeling of missing Pietro grew inside. “I’m happy to hear that.” Y/n took a small sip of her hot chocolate, making sure not to spill the hot drink on herself. 
“So your Y/n likes hot chocolate?” Wanda smiled in agreement. “Yes, my Y/n does like hot chocolate. She’s the only reason I have some. I’m just glad that part of her is with you as well. I hope it finds you comfort though because it must be scary to be in a completely different universe.”
“Well,” Y/n thought maybe lying would help ease her anxiety, but the presence of Wanda, even though it wasn’t necessarily her Wanda, made her want to tell the truth, “it is scary. I’m just hoping they find me. But you have been pretty calm for this whole ‘I managed to drop on your farm out of all the locations in this universe’ thing.” 
“Your humor appears to be the same no matter the universe,” Wanda playfully said. “But the reason I’m not freaking out is because in this universe, I’m aware of my other counterparts. Luckily enough, you dropped into a universe where I have my powers.” Wanda proceeded to show off her magic, covering Y/n in red swirls momentarily. 
“Are you able to drop me back home?” Wanda politely smiled, setting her cup down on the table nearby. “I’m sorry dekta. I unfortunately don’t have that type of power as of yet.” 
Y/n sighed in defeat, her anxiety coming back with worried thoughts. Wanda reached out and grabbed Y/n’s hand in a comforting manner. Even in different universes, Wanda Maximoff cared for Y/n Y/l/n. This was a simple fact that would not change. “However, your Wanda is currently on the hunt for you.” 
“She is?” Y/n placed her cup down, her hand still interlaced with Wanda’s. “The rules of the universe don’t allow any conversation to happen between each other but we can still feel each other. So when you dropped into my world, I could feel the slight imbalance. But, you just happen to be dating one of the most powerful people in the universe.” Y/n blushed at the compliment, already knowing that she was lucky to even date Wanda in the first place. 
“And the perk of dating powerful people is that we can feel other things in different universes. Right now, I can feel her dropping into other universes, trying her best to find you.”
“What if she can’t find me?” Y/n pouted. Wanda smiled even more. It was refreshing to see that their love expanded beyond her world. Wanda cupped Y/n’s cheek with her free hand, “This is something I will share only with you.” Listening intently, “You and your Wanda have a special connection. Think of it as a tether. Right now, she’s tugging on that tether hoping that if she continues to pull on it, it will lead back to you. No amount of magic, power, or science can cause this tether to break. It might be a little tangled with how many universes you might’ve accidentally gone through, but she will reach you in time.” 
“So believe me when I say this dekta, Wanda will always find you.” Wanda kissed Y/n’s forehead and proceeded to get up. “In the meantime, my Y/n is away on a mission. You’re free to stay here with me until all of this gets sorted out.”
Wanda walked back to the front of the house, putting her shoes back on. “Is there anything I can do to help out while I wait?”
“Wanna help me with the goats?” 
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After a long day of work, Wanda and Y/n lay in the hammock near the campfire, admiring the stars that the night offered. “When I looked at your photos, I noticed none of them were of just you and I, how come?” 
Wanda blushed at the directness and was thankful that it was nighttime. “You see, my Y/n and I aren’t dating yet.” Y/n faced Wanda with a ridiculous look. “Are you serious? How come I haven’t confessed? If there’s a world where there’s a you and an I, then we must be together.”
“I’m not sure. We bought this farm together to get away from the city and have some peace time before they spring our next mission on us. Even then, she doesn’t seem to have the courage to confess.” Wanda sighed, her patience was running thin but she knew it was worth the wait. 
“Do you need me to get myself together?” Wanda laughed at the offer, clearly imagining two Y/n’s talking to each other. “I’ll probably be the one to have to confess first if she doesn’t do it soon.” 
“Just to be sure, does the Y/n here like you like that?” 
“Oh, I’m more than positive that my Y/n likes me back,” Wanda cockily states. 
“What makes you so certain? Back then, it took me forever to confirm that my Wanda even liked me.”
“Cause within our tethers, I can feel her. I’ve only ever felt her. The universe wouldn’t be so cruel to tie me to her if she didn’t feel the same way.” There was more to the truth than Wanda could let on, because in every universe, Y/n and Wanda always fall in love with each other, no matter the circumstances, no matter the era, and no matter the time. 
“I didn’t know the universe could be kind like that.” 
They continued to star watch when a red portal in the sky opened up and out came two figures. One landed roughly as the other descended slowly onto the ground. Y/n and Wanda got up from their hammock and walked towards them. 
“Wanda?” Y/n yelled out in the distance, hoping it was them and not an alien invasion. “Y/n?!” Wanda came rushing into Y/n’s arm, feeling her worries slip away as she finally was with her again. “I thought I lost you,” Wanda stated with worry. Today had been a long day for her and America Chavez. Hopping from universe to universe was hard, especially with a young teen that has no clue how to control her powers. 
“You could never lose me,” Y/n stated confidently. Wanda pulled back from the hug and sealed a kiss, one that made both of their knees weak and minds numb with love. Pulling away slowly, pressing their foreheads against each other, Wanda said, “Let's go home dekta.” 
Y/n nodded in agreement and intertwined their hands. They walked back to the portal but not before Y/n waved goodbye to this universe’s Wanda. “I hope she confesses soon!” 
Wanda smiled back in return and waved. Telepathically, Wanda said, “Thank you for taking care of my Y/n.” 
“Anytime, Wanda.” 
Part 2
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Taglist: @halobaby  @arelyitsherec8 @blackxwidowsxwife @cristin-rjd @madamevirgo @trikruismybitch @paradiselost916 @mmmmokdok @morbid-gaymer @dailyavengering @itsnottilly @helloalycia @randomshyperson @tomy5girls @daenerys713 @ensorcellme @lezzzbehonesthere @imagine-reblog @sighsam @olsensnpm @tquick99 @feolok @emilyprentisslittlewhore @mvddison99 @iamapotato @shadowybailiffdreamer-donkey @yuhloversxx @mjaudrey @upsidedowndanvers @somewhatgreatexpectations @wandavixen @second-try-stevie @magicallymaximoff @username23345 @coollemonsaresour @littlewinchester15 @aimezvousbrahms @afuckingshituniverse @am-just-a-cosmic-joke-to-me @ohmygooddamnbisexualmood @diaryoflife @s7uts @newyork1432 @the-anxious-stargazer @hello-mtf @marvelousbelladonna @ima-gi–na-tion @obsessed-with-wandamaximoff @the-camilucha @itsnottilly @171611 @kaitlynroseb @daisybri7 @drpepperobsessed @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @marvelousbelladonna @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xastrydx @chasethemoon @naixia00 @lostandsearching @stupidsapphicsstuff @haechanana @the-camilucha @severepeanutartisanhands @owloftheshadows @somewhatgreatexpectations @ywuen @mixed-fandom-mess @loomontoia @ilovemarvelwomen @isitallreallyworthit @coxmicbabygirl  @cyanide-mustard @mrs-avenger3000 @prentisshoe @andrea-stark @simpforwandanat @abimess @randomshyperson @yourtaletotell @magically-queer-stuff @imapotatao @iliketozoneout @maximoffbrossupremacy​ @olsensnpm​ @psychadelichues​ @whitelotus00
A/n: I just used the same tag list from Fake Memories. If you didn't want to be tagged, I'm sorry.
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I couldn't believe that I found such a huge home for only $349,900. How could the brick 1900 home in Huntington, PA with 10bds, 7ba be $350K? Then, I looked inside and I hope it's not only me, but I am creeped out.
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Maybe it's the way they opened the front doors, like "Come in," and then they slam shut.
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Not exactly a entrance glamorous hall.
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Did they use some sort of distorted lens? Why does the sitting room look so eerie?
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I see pocket doors on the right. The wainscoting and long shelving unit are nice. I also have to mention the ceilings.
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The dining room is dark even with the chandelier on.
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Oh, wow. I like original kitchens, but this is so claustrophobic. I don't even know if you could brighten it up and make it cute.
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Why is this home so dark? I almost miss the HGTV light gray wood.
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For such a large house, why is the kitchen and this bath so tight?
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Well, it's a huge room with a grand fireplace, but it's so depressing.
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This house is going to need a lot of brightening and freshening up. This room opens to the patio.
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Why are the baths so small and narrow? This one looks like it has an original sink and the medicine cabinet, too.
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This room looks brighter.
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it's a single family home, but it has a small kitchen up here.
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There's also a dining room. The table is set with just ghostly white dishes and a stack of bowls.
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Interesting murals. This has to be a separate apt.
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A 3rd kitchen is dark, with a single lamp on the counter. How is this a single family home?
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And, here's another living room.
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This must be another set of stairs in another part of the huge home. What a big window seat.
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This is weird. I guess the stairs only go down one floor. Interesting that the floor is different.
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Where are we?
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This is a larger bath, original except for the toilet, but what's up with the sink?
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There's a covered deck up here.
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This house goes on and on. It needs so much updating, though.
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Wow, now this is a library. It's gigantic.
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Reading nook looks eerie with an empty rocker.
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Patio is nice.
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There's another deck above the garage.
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The L-shaped house is on a 1.01 acre lot, but the building takes up most of the land. It looks like the roof is in need of replacement. I don't know, the price is right, but it needs so much work, plus the upkeep, there's no a/c, heat must cost a fortune, so would furnishing it, and there's no way only 1 person could possibly clean it, alone. And, that's not even counting the maintenance of the grounds.
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clonedchaos · 3 months
Ripple Effect
Orchids and Oranges: A Yasammy Week Special
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Yippee! It's Yasammy Week, brought to you by @yasammyweek! Pardon the late kickoff, had to attend my sister's bridal shower today as well as writing this 2,000 word one shot in one day. I know most ppl here are doing art, but I can't draw, so fanfic it is! Enjoy! <3
Day 1: Hurt/Comfort
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Yaz thought she had left the dinosaurs behind. She thought it was time for her to finally heal… until she came face to face with one on the mainland.
AO3 Version:
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Yaz wrapped her arms tighter around Sammy’s waist as she gradually got used to the fluid movement of the stallion below them. The saddle wasn’t the most comfortable or practical of inventions, but Sammy had insisted it was far better than riding bare back.
Yaz let her gaze wander as a smile crossed her lips and her heart gave a little flutter. The maple trees surrounding them were colored in vibrant shades of orange, red, and brown. Despite fall coming to a close, Texas was still as humid as ever. It was the polar opposite of her home upstate— the moment it hit October, the temperature would plummet. 
Yaz had gotten used to the frigid air over the years thanks to her daily morning runs. She would be quite out of her element down here if it weren’t for the months she spent stuck on a tropical island. She’d take the Texas heat over Nublar’s every single time.
And, of course, she loved Texas because of Sammy. Her parents had been the textbook definition of southern hospitality ever since Yaz came down to spend the week with them. Sammy had been a hurricane of energy and enthusiasm ever since her arrival. She talked a mile a minute at any possible opportunity and paraded Yaz around to see every nook and cranny of their land. It had been fun; she knew Sammy had been waiting a long time to introduce her officially to her family-- cattle included.
A pleasant breeze brushed past them, Sammy’s hair tickling Yaz’s nose. Yaz sneezed, the sheer power of the act nearly sending her reeling backwards.
”Bless you!” Sammy immediately chimed in, looking over her shoulder. Her hands held the reins in a loose grip as the stallion came to a stop. His ears and tail twitched. Yaz’s behavior had irked him.
“Sorry about that, bud,” She apologized, patting the horse on the flank. A whistle and nudge from Sammy ushered the stallion forward again. 
The cowgirl kept her eyes on her girlfriend. Yaz felt that wasn’t the appropriate course of action given she was the one guiding the horse down the path. It seemed almost as dangerous as taking your eyes off the road while driving.
”The trees are mighty beautiful, aren’t they?” Sammy cooed with a grin. She reached forward and plucked a leaf out of Yaz’s hair. How long had that been in there?
”It is beautiful, Sammy,” Yaz admitted. Truly, the scenery was gorgeous. The Gutierrez’s land was pure nature’s bliss, all 700 acres of it. She liked to call it “The Eight Wonder of the World.”
Sammy glanced up towards the sky, its colors glowing with muted hues of pink, blue, and purple. “It’s gettin’ late. Perhaps we should head back to the stable.” Her gaze darted to and fro before she leaned forward and whispered, “Ol Kota’s eyesight isn’t as great as it once was.”
Kota nickered in response. Yaz snorted. “I think he heard you.”
"Oh, that wasn't an insult, boy!" Sammy quickly corrected sheepishly, getting a chuckle out of Yaz. Sammy's baby talk toward her critters wasn't at all meant to be taken seriously, but Yaz couldn't help but think it was adorable. 
“I suppose you’re right. Hey, think I could beat Kota in a race?” Yaz asked with a clear undertone of a challenge. If he galloped at full speed, she knew he would be able to overtake her effortlessly. But at his old age, she might just have a chance if he were to trot.
Sammy’s eyes shone as she turned her attention back onto Yaz. “Oh, that’s a gre—“
Kota saw the Triceratops first. The elder stallion reared up onto his back legs. Yaz lost her grip on Sammy and hit the ground hard. The breath drew out of her lungs, leaving her momentarily stunned at the blunt impact. Surely that was going to leave a sizable bruise on her tailbone.
”Woah, boy! Easy… Easy!” Sammy yelped as she tightened the reins and fought for control. Yaz instinctively rolled to the side to avoid getting trampled on by hooves, just barely scraping by with nothing more than a dust cloud in her face.
With her chest heaving in gulps of air, Yaz finally lifted her gaze toward the instigator. A bulky Triceratops stood before them in the path, its head lowered and grazing on the sparse patches of grass that sprung up from the dirt trail. At the stallion’s cry of fear, the herbivore lifted its head. Its horns glinted off the dying sunlight’s rays, the tips sharpened points that could skewer her should the animal desire.
Yaz didn’t know why, but she screamed. She screamed a blood curdling cry that sent the nearby birds scattering. Her hands tore up clumps of dirt as she balled them into a fist. Her heart pounded, she could hear it in her ears and feel the blood coursing through her veins. It was getting hard to breathe. Why could she not breathe? Why couldn't she think? Why was her vision spinning? Was it a concussion, or was she losing it?
The Triceratops bellowed and raked its front leg on the ground. Despite being in fear’s clutches, Yaz subconsciously knew it was about to charge. Suddenly the aspect of getting trampled by a horse seemed far more appealing.
The Triceratops stomped forward, waving its horns threateningly. Yaz couldn’t move. She wanted to pull herself off the ground and bolt toward the nearest tree. She wanted to be safe, to be inside, to be far away from this prehistoric beast. But her body was rooted to the floor, tied down by unseen vines. Despite the adrenaline pulsing through her veins and the chilling numbness of her hands, she could only watch powerlessly as she sat directly in the line of fire.
“Yaz!” Sammy was suddenly right by her side on horseback. Quite literally her knight in shining armor. She extended a hand down to her. Yaz felt a sharp pierce plunge through her heart at the palpable fear she found lying behind Sammy's eyes. “Come on!”
Yaz still felt frozen by invisible roots. She wanted to reach for Sammy. She wanted them to huddle under the blanket fort Sammy had insisted they build in her room last night. Her and Sammy had been at checkers for nearly two hours before Sammy’s mother had called them down for dinner. She wanted to wake up in the morning and breathe in the aroma of fresh, fluffy cinnamon rolls and salted, crisp bacon. Would she ever partake in these memories again? Or would they be snuffed out, much like her life might very well be. If only she could just…
With one hand wrapped around the stirrup, Sammy leaned down and grabbed Yaz by the arm. Yaz knew her girlfriend was strong, like really really strong. Calling her "country strong" wasn't just a cute pet name, it was a fact.
Sammy's rapid maneuver was enough to nudge Yaz up and back into the saddle. With a quick snap of the reins and click of her heels, Sammy ushered Kota forward. The trike missed them by a hair, nearly getting clocked on the muzzle by the stallion's hooves.
Yaz had her arms wrapped around Sammy in a death grip, her face buried against her wool jacket. It felt like she was holding her breath for every second until they had made it safely to the barn. Her chest was tight and sweat rolled down the side of her head. She could barely feel her fingers besides the buzzing, staticky feeling she noticed there.
She looked up with rounded eyes. Sammy released the reins and kicked her leg up and over as she dismounted. Immediately, she turned and extended a hand toward Yaz in a gesture of assistance. "Are you okay?"
No. No she wasn't. With a shaky breath and trembling hand, she reached out. Sammy's hands were worn with numerous callouses; no doubt a result from her long days of working hard on the ranch. Her fingers intertwined with Yaz's. At the touch, the dam holding back her tears finally broke. Yaz sank to her knees and began to sob.
Sammy was right there, kneeling down and pulling her into an embrace. "It's okay, Yaz. I'm here," She cooed, gently rubbing her back in a circular motion. 
Yaz nestled closer to her, hoping Sammy's very presence would be enough to chase away her inner demons. "I... I thought... I thought we'd be done with dinosaurs," She admitted weakly. She hated feeling like this. Vulnerable. It was like she was a little kid all over again; someone who needed to be coddled and comforted by her mother.
"I know..." Sammy replied sympathetically as she rested her head against Yaz's. "I wasn't expecting to see a trike so close to home."
It was getting a little easier to breathe now. Just a little. "Why? Why is it here?" She choked out, closing her eyes.
Sammy grew silent. Yaz didn't expect her to answer that rhetorical question. After all, how in the world would she know what a dinosaur was doing hundreds of miles from Nublar?
Rather, Sammy began to hum. Her tone lilted in a melancholic sway. Yaz seemed momentarily taken aback as her heartbeat began to steady and her limbs slackened. With every rise and fall in tempo, Yaz begun to notice an unmistakable pattern in the rhythm.
Yaz leaned back and cupped Sammy's cheek in her hand. Her eyes still stung, and she knew she probably looked like a bedraggled mess. Right now, that didn't matter. "How do you know that song?"
Sammy leaned into Yaz's touch. "Your mother taught it to me. She knows you've been having a tough time since the island..." She trailed off and averted her gaze.
Yaz relaxed her features and silently urged Sammy to continue. "She told me it used to help you when you were little... and I thought it might help in this situation," She murmured sheepishly and rubbed her arm in embarrassment with flushed cheeks.
Yaz cracked a gentle smile at that and swiftly planted a kiss atop her forehead. "It did help. I'm sorry. For freezing like that..."
"Hey, none of that," Sammy lectured sternly with a good-natured smile. She held both of Yaz's hands in her own. "Just because we're off the island, it doesn't mean those feelings just up and disappeared. But I know you, Yaz. You're the bravest, most stubborn fighter I know. We just need to take baby steps again."
Baby steps. Right. It was like running a marathon; you don't go full sprint right off the bat. You pace yourself until you're further along with the finish line in sight.
"It just... surprised me is all," Yaz continued. The fireflies casted a gentle, infrequent glow across the purple and blue painted sky. "I thought I would be over this. But what if...? What if there are more dinosaurs?" Particularly the ones that would have them for a midnight snack.
"I don't know," Sammy admitted, returning the kiss on Yaz's forehead. "But what I do know is that I'm here if you ever need me. We conquered Nublar together. And if dinosaurs are on the mainland now, we'll conquer that together too. You're stronger than your fears."
Yaz smiled and pulled Sammy close. There was one constant in her life when it came to dinosaurs: Sammy. When her PTSD got the better of her on Manta Corp's island, she was there to help ease her nerves and shift her attention toward other matters. Even if they were states apart, she knew Sammy would just be a phone call away. And that was enough.
"I'll always be here for you, mi rosa. For now, and forever."
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capybaracorn · 6 months
Land Day: What happened in Palestine in 1976?
Every year on March 30, Palestinians hold protests and vigils and plant olive trees to reaffirm their connection to the land.
(30th of March 2024)
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Hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza joined the Land Day protests near the eastern Gaza borders, March 30, 2022 [Abdelhakim Abu Riash/Al Jazeera]
Every year on March 30, Palestinians observe Land Day, or Yom al-Ard, recalling the events of March 30, 1976, when six unarmed Palestinians were killed and more than 100 injured by Israeli forces during protests against Israel’s confiscation of Palestinian land.
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How much land did Israel confiscate?
Israel ordered the confiscation of 2,000 hectares (4,942 acres) of land belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel in the Galilee. These plans were part of Israeli state policy to Judaise Galilee following the creation of the state of Israel.
The confiscated land is roughly the size of 3,000 football pitches or the area from the tip of Manhattan to Central Park in New York, US.
What do Palestinians do on Land Day?
Palestinians, both inside Israel and across the occupied territory, mark this day by holding protests and vigils and planting olive trees to reaffirm their connection to the land. The protests are often met with brutal use of force by Israel.
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Um Ahmad al-Banna was wounded in the protests of March of Return and joined Land Day commemorations in Gaza in 2022 [Abdelhakim Abu Riash/Al Jazeera]
Is Israel still seizing land?
Yes, Israel has continued to seize large swaths of Palestinian land, designating them as military zones, state land and other labels.
Most recently, on March 22, 2024, Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich declared Israel was seizing 800 hectares (1,977 acres) in the occupied West Bank, in a move that would facilitate building more illegal settlements.
“While there are those in Israel and in the world who seek to undermine our right to Judea and Samaria and the country in general, we promote settlement through hard work and in a strategic manner all over the country,” Smotrich said, using Biblical names for the area that are commonly heard in Israel.
Settlements – illegal under international law – are Jewish-only communities built on Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.
On March 6, Israel’s settlement-planning authority announced it had approved the construction of some 3,500 new housing units in Maale Adumim, Kedar and Efrat within the occupied West Bank.
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From November 1, 2022 to October 31, 2023, Israel has approved at least 24,000 illegal housing units to be built on Palestinian land.
Earlier this month, the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said settlements had expanded by a record amount and risked eliminating any possibility of a Palestinian state.
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ellewritesalright · 1 year
Second Best - Part 2
Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Part 1 --- Masterlist --- Part 3
A/N: Started at school again so updates will probably be even more infrequent now. Once again, I hope this part is coherent enough :) also, I gave the mc reader a last name :)
Synopsis: When you were a child, the Lantsov king and queen arranged for their second son to marry you, a rich Ravkan noble family's only daughter. After many years, after all the destruction of the war, and after Nikolai was crowned king, Nikolai breaks off the engagement. But the complications of your past and your strict parents make it a nightmare to find a new fiance, so Nikolai promises to help you, yet he slowly realizes the mistake he's made.
Warnings: strict and mean parents, very slight self-image issues because of said parents, mentions of illness and death, me not knowing how to write sciencey things, kinda confusing and purposefully ambiguous details that will be important later in the story (bear with me please)
Word Count: 1840
The day after the king visited, a letter addressed to you arrived at the Antonov house in Os Alta. You never got letters.
You grew up in the isolated countryside, surrounded by acres and acres of land and a household of servants who were under strict orders not to speak with you. When you were five, the only friend you had died during a small outbreak of pox, which was around the same time your parents started to restrict who came near your estate. Because of this, no one back in the countryside would be writing to you. Perhaps an old school friend sent you a rare letter, though they wouldn’t have the address for the city house, only the country estate.
There was no reason for a letter to arrive addressed to you. So when the butler handed you the letter at the breakfast table, your mother gasped and plucked it out of your hand before you could even open it.
Her eyes narrowed on the wax seal. "It's the double eagles."
"What does the puppy prince want now?" Your father looked over his morning paper, vaguely interested in the contents of the letter as he sipped at his morning tea.
"He's the king, father," you quietly chided. He just waved you off.
Your mother cracked open the seal and started reading. You wanted to grab it back from her--seeing as it was your letter--but you merely stood from your seat and hurried to her side of the table so you could read over her shoulder. 
"He was serious about helping her find a new fiance," your mother said as she read. 
You glanced at the first few lines, confirming her information. Then she gasped and set down the letter. You craned over her shoulder to understand what had scandalized her.
I wish to discuss what exactly you are looking for and to get to know you better before I help you find a match. As such, I would like you to have tea and luncheon with me in the Grand Palace on Saturday at noon. But only you--I do not wish to hear your parents’ talking.
"He's invited her to the palace. Alone." 
Your father set down his cup. His eyes flitted up to you.
Your mother tsked, looking at him. "She can't go. She'll ruin us if she goes. She'll let it slip, I just know she will."
"I won't tell him." You swore, eyes pleading with your father. "You know I won't."
"Look at her, she'll crumble and tell him everything," your mother said, her face tensing up as she glared at you.
He paused in consideration, crossing his arms. You stepped closer to him.
"Father," you said calmly. "It's my reputation on the line as much as it is the family's. I won't tell him or anyone else for that matter."
He scrutinized your eyes a moment longer, then he returned his attention to his newspaper. "You can go. But be back by two o'clock. No later."
Your mother sat up in her seat, seeming like she wanted to say something, but a glance from your father made her think twice. You grabbed your letter and envelope from in front of her and waltzed back to your place at the table. You quickly hugged your father's shoulders on the way to your seat.
The last time you were at the Grand Palace, you were twelve and terrified. Your spine was as stiff as granite as Lord and Lady Antonov guided you into the throne room. You'd been lectured from this way to that as you got ready that day all those years back. 
"Keep your hands folded, and your mouth shut," your mother said as she fussed over your hair that morning. "Don't give yourself away by speaking commonly, girl. Be a proper lady."
You could still remember how her hands threateningly tightened in your hair as she started to braid it.
"The saints will pity you if you are not believed, daughter, but they will pity you more for what I will do to you if the royal family sees through you."
That was many years ago. But despite how the time had ticked, despite how you had grown and gone across the sea and back since then, you still felt like a nervous kid as you stood in the Grand Palace.
You stared at a painting in the palace's main drawing room. It was just a study of a vase packed with flowers, yet your eyes eagerly traced the purple petals and green leaves. You tried to imagine painting such a thing, although you’d never had an iota of artistic ability. You were only desperate to distract yourself from your impending meeting.
Suddenly the doors to the drawing room opened and Nikolai stepped inside.
"My apologies for being late. I was in the Fabrikator lab and there was a small crisis to be dealt with." He gave a suave smile. "Fire's out now, though."
"You started a fire?" You raised a brow.
His nose scrunched as he chuckled, "Well, not intentionally. Please, sit."
You smiled and sat down on one of the couches. Nikolai sat across from you, pouring two cups of tea.
"Sugar? Milk?" He asked as his hands hovered over the tea tray.
"Three sugars and a splash of milk, please," you replied.
"You like your tea sweet, then?" He glanced at you, making your eyes flit down to your lap.
"I didn't have many sweets growing up. Tea was always the one place I could get away with adding as much sugar as I wanted. And now my taste for tea is permanently skewed sweeter than everyone else I know."
"Nonsense," he smirked as he handed you your teacup and saucer, "everyone else's tastes are just too bitter and boring. Personally, I go for one sugar and as much milk as will fit before overflowing. But truth be told, I much prefer coffee to tea." 
"Me too," you smiled a bit. A thought came to you, and you spoke, "There was this coffee shop at the university of Ketterdam that served the best coffee. It was sweet and light all while keeping a rich flavor; I still don’t know how they accomplished that."
Nikolai sighed contently as if imagining the taste of what you've described. "Yes, Kerch coffee is leagues ahead of what we make here in Ravka, isn't it?"
"Must be the high demand of all their bankers and businesspeople," you remarked, making Nikolai chuckle softly.
"Must be."
The conversation lulled for a moment, and you noticed a bit of ash on Nikolai's otherwise pristine jacket cuff.
"So… that fire that you didn't start intentionally?" You inquired with a light tone.
He scrunched his nose again. "Yes?"
"Were you looking at some Fabrikator invention in their lab when you accidentally made it catch fire?"
"No, actually," he chuckled. "The Fabrikators were helping me work on an idea I had for a thermal converter, something that could be implemented throughout Ravkan homes to help heat houses in the winter.”
“That’s an admirable invention.” You furrowed your brow and paused for a moment. “Would it work independently of a fireplace?”
“No, it would work in tandem,” He explained. “There would be pipes connected to the fireplace that would then run along the house either on the walls or beneath the floorboards.”
“Tungsten pipes?”
“Yes. Tungsten or–”
He blinked at you. “Exactly. How did you know that?”
“I studied advanced physics at the University; we had engineering classes where we had to design and build different inventions. I designed a motorized plough but the machinations kept burning through the metals so I needed to find the best metals. In my research I found that Nickel and tungsten have high melting points. Ergo, nickel and tungsten can withstand the heat of your pipes.”
He watched you for a moment, smiling. You watched back. 
Men are frightened by smart women. Your mother’s words echoed in your mind.
But Nikolai wasn’t frightened. He wasn’t put off by your intellect. He sat there smiling at you for a second longer, then he set down his teacup and leaned forward in his seat.
“Two things,” he said with a bright glint in his eye. “One: did that machinated plough of yours work?”
You nodded. “Quite well, actually. I've tried to get my father to implement it on our estate and in our region’s farms, but he’s reluctant. He thinks it’s a fool’s tool.”
“Well Lord Antonov must be wrong. I can’t imagine anything you make would be worthy of such low-esteem. If you still have the designs, I would love to share them with the Fabrikators.”
You smiled. “I have the designs.”
Again, he watched you for a second, a light expression on his face.
“What was the second thing?” you asked.
“Oh, yes,” he grinned. “Two: would you like to come see the Fabrikator workshop?”
"Absolutely." You grinned back.
The workshop was its own slice of heaven. All the machinery and pending inventions called to you as Nikolai and the Fabrikators gave you a tour. You could have stayed in the workshop for hours on end, but it was nearing two o'clock, and your parents would be livid if you weren't home by then.
Nikolai walked you back through the Grand Palace to where your carriage would be waiting for you.
"We never discussed my offer of assistance, did we?" He spoke as the pair of you walked through the main entry hall.
"I suppose we got a bit distracted," you smiled guiltily.
"Shame on us," he said with a lopsided grin. You reached the front doors and two servants opened them. Nikolai stopped in the doorway and turned to you. "So, you will accept my offer?"
"To help me find a fiance?" You asked softly.
You glanced over at the waiting carriage. Then your eyes found his again. "Yes. I'm sure you will find a better match than my mother will. She's already written to every eligible suitor that I am back on the market."
He let out a soft laugh. "Saints, that woman works fast." 
"Tell me about it," you grumbled.
He stepped towards your carriage and held his arm out for you. You took his arm and his help into your carriage. 
"Thank you," you smiled gently at him from the open window. "For everything."
He shrugged. "Of course."
"Truly, I am grateful that you are doing this. Saints know what sort of person my mother would force a match with. I have faith that you will offer me options with real merit."
He gave a small laugh. "High praise."
"I'm just being honest." 
"I know," he nodded as he looked up at you.
His eyes were so intent on yours. A hazel colour was so perfectly spun in his irises, and his stare felt warmer than any you'd ever seen before.
"I'll send you a list soon enough," he smiled at you. His eyes lingered for another moment, then he backed away from the carriage. "Goodbye for now, my lady."
Your chauffeur rode off, and you watched the Grand Palace slowly shrink away.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Feel free to like, reblog, and comment if you want to read more, I really appreciate the feedback! If you want to be tagged in the other parts of this series or to be added to the Nikolai taglist please comment on this part or send me an ask. Otherwise, I hope you have a great day/night :)
Part 3
@xceafh @rhaenyrakryze @thecrowsgambit @nghtwngs @hauntedenthusiasttragedy @stuffyownswrld @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @iwantmyredvelvetcupcake @angie-likes-to-read @take-me-to-ny @historianthesecond
Nikolai Taglist:
@sweet0pia-uwu @notoakay @naushtheaspiringauthor @liter4ti @marchingicenotes7 @eyeofthestorm
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bonefall · 7 months
looking at the nutrition guide posts again, and you say that the clans' territories are bigger than one might think.... how big do you imagine they might be? the book maps always make them seem smaller than they probably actually are due to art scaling
There is no way to give a perfect number, because productivity of land depends a lot more on what's on it rather than raw size. An old-growth oak forest will have more squirrels in an acre than a sitka spruce plantation will in miles.
But this is an aerial photo of Peng Chau island, which is a landform notable for being almost EXACTLY 1 square kilometer.
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That's 10 million square feet, for those of us burdened by imperial, and 247 acres, for... farmers idk. Or, 100 hecatares for those who are aware that most UK nature reserves measure their land in hecs.
(does this seem big? it's not. this is merely two 18-hole golf courses. or maybe we should destroy all golf courses. who knows :P)
According to the John Muir Trust, which researches red deer density and conversation, 1 square kilometer can sustainably support 5 red deer; more deer than that and they will begin to damage the environment. Britain is so ecologically devastated that the deer density is more like 10 to 1, but this is what apex predators like boars, lynxes, and wolves are SUPPOSED to be for.
(Remember: the ratio of 5:1 is still an average. The TYPE of land is going to matter A LOT MORE than the raw size.)
So if you're asking me, who has ruled that the White Hart/Forest Territory has an entire herd of red deer which hunters come to shoot at, I'd say the area was at least 3 square kilometers. Enough for a sustainable herd of 15 deer.
(But I imagine the Windovers sometimes toss hay out at them, to sustain a pretty sizeable herd. The map names the WindClan territory the "Windover Moor" so I imagine they actually own the majority of the area. I also write the entire White Hart being MUCH larger than the minimum 3 sKM, more like 10 sKM counting all the territories put together. BUT I don't think about it too much-- I just know it's not a tiny little backyard area.)
(Also Sanctuary Lake is even larger.)
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yns-world · 1 year
'Till Death Do Us Part
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Pairing: Johnny Silverhand x Fem!Idol!Reader part 1 and part 2 A/N: V goes by she/her pronouns. Y/S/N = Your Stage Name Bold Italics is Johnny speaking. WC: 1.5k this was requested by the lovely @diabolusdevia, i hope you enjoy :)
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When V was first introduced to Johnny’s engram, she was overwhelmed with this indescribable rage; a rage so deep and sharp that she was afraid it would kill her right that second.
But like the waves of a summer storm, the pounding rage gave way to a duller, more prominent feeling in the background— a profound feeling of anguish that consumed her.
The anguish was followed with memory after memory of a woman— a woman that performed side-by-side Johnny, a woman that was curled into his side— those memories gave V the tiniest bit of hope, before those feelings were ultimately crushed by the images of the same woman crying and lashing out.
V’s eyes flicked back and forth as she processed the memories, and she felt and heard everything that Johnny was feeling in those moments. She could feel the nostalgia that Johnny experienced, she could feel the love and adoration he still felt for her even when the woman was pushing him away.
The memories of the woman faded out, and all that was left was an empty gray space of time. V expected Johnny’s last memories to be of the Arasaka bombing, but no. 
Johnny’s last memory was of a bird’s eye view of that same woman, walking out of the very tower he would destroy. 
In that memory, V’s heart was torn to shreds before they were spat in hate and resentment.
“Y/N L/N.” V whispered, and she immediately felt the aching of her heart.
“Y/N L/N, Y/S/N, Mother of Cyberpop, key to my heart. Architect of my death. That heartbreaker goes by many names.” Johnny reiterated, appearing next to V and lighting a cigarette.
“I think that bombing is what killed you but okay…” V thought to herself, but only earned a scoff from Johnny.
“I can see and everything that pops up in your mind, wise ass.” Despite the harsh tone, Johnny carried a longing in his own mind. 
Johnny would never admit it to himself, but V was witnessing every fleeting thought that Johnny experienced every waking second, and they were all immersed in Y/N.
Where V had thoughts of survival and how to get rid of the terrorist in her head, Johnny could do nothing but replay the last few years of his life. And among those few years, all he thought about was Y/N.
It was nonstop, V couldn’t even hear her own thoughts. 
“Enough!” V shouted, startling the both of them. “It’s been 40 fucking years! You still haven’t moved on?”
“It hasn’t been 40 years for me. The Arasaka bombing happened just yesterday. Just yesterday I saw her for the first time in a year.”
V rubbed her face in agony.
“Does Y/N still make music?” Johnny’s question took V by surprise, but what was even more shocking was the twinkle in his eyes at the thought of listening to Y/N’s velvet voice once again.
“Not that I know of.”
And just like that, Johnny’s hope shriveled up and was tossed to the side just like the rest of his emotions.
“How about we go find her and ask her yourself?” The words just slipped out of V’s mouth without a second thought and her heart jumped at the worst case scenario. The last thing she wanted to do was upset an already ticking terrorist.
Johnny lifted his head and looked at V with a stone-cold face and for a second, V thought he was plotting to kill her right then and there.
“Alright kid. Let’s do it.”
It didn’t take a visit to a fixer to find Y/N, a simple internet search was all that was needed to find out that she was residing at a nursing home out in the countryside by the sea.
It was a 10 hour drive to get there, but Johnny didn’t let V have a wink of sleep once they arrived. 
Sleep deprived and urgently being pushed through the entrance, V walked up to the front desk.
From the outside, the residence was a beautiful building that sat by itself on acres of open land. The sea was only a few hundred feet from the building, and there were miles of beautiful grass dotted with trees. The wind carried the smell of salt and tranquility, and eased both the minds of V and Johnny.
At the front desk of the lavish lobby, V introduced herself. “Hi, I’m here to see Y/N L/N.”
The secretary’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh? And what is your relation?”
V’s brain started scattering around for a response before she sheepishly responded. “Uh…I’m a family friend.”
The secretary sent a suspicious look but didn’t prod further.
“Right this way.” The secretary ushered V—and Johnny—to follow her outside to the backyard. 
Sitting on a bench under a tree, an elderly woman stared out at the gray sea.
“Ms. Y/N, you have a visitor.” The secretary calmly approached the woman, to which she glanced over at the visitor in question before turning her gaze back to the sea.
“She’s a quiet one, doesn’t speak much.” The secretary noted before leaving them alone.
V took a step forward, but Johnny stood back, frozen.
With a glance back at Johnny, V spoke.
“Hi, Ms. L/N. I’m V.” 
Seconds passed with silence. V thought she hadn’t heard her and was about to repeat herself when a soft voice spoke out.
“V…short for Valerie?”
Under normal circumstances, V would lash out at the mention of her real name, but this time she kept her mouth shut. 
“Yes, Valerie.”
A few more seconds, and then— “What a beautiful name.” The ends of Y/N’s lips curved just slightly into a hint of what could be called a smile, but was gone with the next wind.
“Sit, child.”
V did as she was told, and looked back to see Johnny but he was already gone. Weird.
Neither of them spoke for the next few minutes, and V relished in that peace. There was no expectation to fill the silence. The two women stared out at the sea, lost in their own thoughts. 
Except V’s thoughts were not her own, rather they were Johnny’s scatterbrained anxiety running a mile a minute. 
It was clear that Johnny wasn’t coming out anytime soon, and there was no point in waiting it out. Might as well rip the band aid off now.
“This might sound crazy…but just hear me out,” V took a deep breath before continuing, “Johnny…Johnny Silverhand is technically alive…” V didn’t know whether to stop or tell her the full truth, but there was no point in omitting anything now. “His soul resides in an engram that’s in my head.” V pointed to the microchip slot behind her ear.
V wasn’t expecting an immediate response, but minutes had passed without a reaction and worry began to brew in both V and Johnny.
“This was a stupid fucking idea. Why the fuck did we come here in the first place. I doubt she even remembers me. Why would she remember me? Why would she even want to remember me? After the hell I put her through-”
Johnny’s usual cold persona was beginning to crumble and it felt worse than the shitty attitude V had to put up with. 
But breaking through Johnny’s spiral was that same soft, steady voice.
“I believe you.”
V was gobsmacked and Johnny immediately materialized next to her. 
“What- how-” V stammered.
“You just have a feeling about these things.” That same, small smile graced Y/N’s lips, but this time, they were accompanied with the flow of tears. “Oh, Johnny.” She whispered.
“I’m right here, baby.” Johnny was kneeling in front of Y/N holding onto her knobby, fragile hands. His own face stained with parallel trails of tears— trails of the pain he’s endured, with and without her. 
“You want to tell her anything?” V thought to Johnny.
At the moment, Johnny made firm eye contact with Y/N but spoke through V’s mouth.
“I’ve never stopped loving you, my sweet little rockstar. Not once, not ever.”
V and Johnny sat on the bench, underneath the tree, closest to the sea.
Johnny’s fingers brushed over the newly-made plaque—
“Y/N L/N, Y/S/N, and key to our hearts.”
“Guess we gotta give her a drink at the Afterlife, now.” V stated with a sniffle.
“It’s the least she deserves.”
“One Y/S/N and One Johnny Silverhand, coming right up!” Claire shouted before heading back to get the ingredients.
“Pink lemonade, a dash of vodka, and a pretty green lime.” Both Claire and V recited at the same time.
“Enjoy.” Claire smiled and pushed her Y/S/N’s drink.
“To Y/S/N and Johnny, the coolest rock stars to have ever lived.” V clinked glasses with Claire and threw her head back. 
a/n: i hope you enjoyed! if you did, please consider reblogging since it helps my account! :) DON'T BE A GHOST READER!!!! i would love to hear your thoughts and opinions, and comments are what keep writers going <3 i'm open to cyberpunk requests so feel free to send me one &lt;3 as always, have a great day and i'll see y'all in the next one <3
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dandelionsresilience · 2 months
Good News - August 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Zoo hails birth of 'one of world's rarest animals'
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“[Jasper] the Persian onager was born to mum Azita after a year-long pregnancy. […] Conservationists at the zoo said there are less than 600 surviving wild onagers[, … which] only survive in two small, protected areas in Iran, a Chester Zoo spokesman said. […] Mike Jordan, animal and plant director at Chester Zoo, […] said Jasper is "doing very well" and added that "mum Azita is doing a fantastic job of nurturing and bonding with her new charge". "He’s full of energy and enjoys playfully kicking up sand as he races around his habitat", Mr Jordan added.”
2. Charity creates 50 community orchards in city
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“Community orchards are returning to Birmingham, with the aim of teaching people how to grow their own food and be part of the solution to climate change. […] Once established, the long-term aim is to distribute the produce to those most in need, but local people are also invited to pick the odd bit of fruit. […] By planting trees and plants and encouraging biodiversity back to these areas the charity is also doing its bit to help climate change. They even use locally sourced wood chip which helps to put carbon back into the soil. […T]he hope is that these edible landscapes can also be enjoyed by local people for years to come.”
3. Farmer-led badger vaccination could revolutionize mission to tackle bovine TB
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“[… T]he results of a four-year pilot badger vaccination program co-managed between farmers, scientists, and conservationists […] show the percentage of badgers testing positive for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in the study area dropped from 16% to 0%[….] While most bTB incidents in cattle are caused by transmission between herds, transmission from wild badgers plays a role in the persistence of the disease. […] Blood sampling showed that the proportion of badgers with bTB fell even though overall badger numbers remained high[….]”
4. Every Colorado Anti-Trans Ballot Initiative Fails To Collect Enough Signatures
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“Anti-transgender politics are becoming increasingly unpopular in polls. […] A recent LA Times/NORC poll found that 77% of voters believe elected officials use transgender debates to divert attention from more pressing issues. The poll also showed significant opposition to forced outing policies. […] A Gallup poll published in June revealed that while Americans have mixed views on the morality of transitioning, the majority oppose bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth. […] “The fact that they could not get enough signatures, barely half, to be placed on the ballot shows they lack support from everyday voters.”
5. In a fight to save a rare bird, Indigenous communities in Guyana are winning
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“The partnership [between Indigenous communities and Smithsonian researchers] sparked a decades-long community-led conservation movement that has protected the red siskin and helped locals reconnect with nature. [… T]he South Rupununi Conservation Society […] established one of the country’s first conservation zones to protect the species, covering 75,000 hectares (185,000 acres) of Indigenous land. […] To plant the seeds of conservation, they’ve implemented an after-school program in more than 16 communities, [introducing children] to ecological research and surveying, and also [teaching] about Indigenous culture and tradition, including fire management skills.”
6. North Adams hospital gets federal designation which pays for health care in rural areas
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“[The hospital] received a federal designation on Wednesday that is key to its long-term financial stability. […] The designation pays for staffing regardless of the number of patients[… and] “works to resolve stark inequities in rural and underserved communities as it relates to our nation’s health system."”
7. Andrea Vidaurre: Leading the clean transportation revolution
“Thanks to Vidaurre’s relentless advocacy and strong community support, these regulations introduced the first national standards for train emissions and set a groundbreaking goal for all freight trucks to be zero-emission by 2036. This initiative promises cleaner air for Californians and paves the way for a zero-emission vehicle future across the country. Studies predict these measures will prevent thousands of respiratory illnesses and save countless lives in the coming decades.”
8. Boston announces a new climate resilience office
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“Through its Climate Ready Boston initiative, the city has worked to […] design creative adaptation plans with community input[, …] includ[ing] everything from redesigning waterfront parks and planting more trees, to modernizing the city’s underground sewer system[….] The Office of Climate Resilience will be in charge of coordinating work across city departments and with community groups[….]”
9. Combining Green Thumbs and Sustainable Fashion in a Swap Event
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“This unique plant and clothing swap event in NSW is championing both environmental and fashion sustainability through native plants and preloved clothing. […] To participate in the plant swap, attendees brought their environmental weeds in a bag to the Council stall and exchanged them for free native plants. […] The event sparked valuable community conversations about the benefits of plant and clothes swaps, the impact of textile waste[, …] support a circular economy and combine a love for nature with practical, eco-friendly practices.”
10. Growing Green Spaces to Protect the Endangered Regent Parrot
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“On Schools Tree Day, celebrated on 26 July, students from a local NSW school planted trees and shrubs to create crucial forage habitat for the endangered Regent Parrot, enhancing local biodiversity. […] Approximately 50 [… plants of] native species were chosen for their ecological benefits, helping to attract native birds, bees and butterflies while providing essential habitat and food. […] They [also] raise awareness about the regent parrot, encourage conservation efforts and emphasise the importance of protecting local wildlife. Additionally, conserving [the regent parrot] supports the health of their ecosystem by helping with in [sic] seed dispersal and maintaining plant diversity.”
July 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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jazzythursday · 12 days
Omg what’s sun summoner Jesper!?! 😱
Hi! I’m so glad you asked!
Sun summoner Jesper is a wip I started on a whim a while back. It follows show canon for sab but with Jesper in Alina’s place and Wylan in Mal’s (but with a lot of mixing and matching, i.e., Wylan is a cartographer and Jesper is a soldier, etc.) what I have so far is mostly based on the first 15 minutes of s1e1. Kaz and Inej also make appearances as Jesper’s friends and fellow soldiers (though I have Kaz as more of a strategist and assistant to Per Haskell, who in this is the lieutenant)
I want to tackle at least one other au before I dive into this one (probably my Rapunzel au) because if never written a long plot-driven fic, but I do definitely want to return to it eventually. There’s a lot still up in the air story-wise—I don’t know how Nina and Matthias will play into it, who the Darkling is, or if I’m going to use other characters to swap roles with the crows. I do know that it will span, at the very least, the plot of season 1 and probably a lot of season 2… and also that Kuwei is going to be Zoya.
You didn’t ask for a snippet, but I can’t really help myself, so here’s a decent chunk that takes place towards the beginning of chapter 1:
“Bit quick on the draw there,” Kaz chastens, as Jesper finishes re-loading the barrel of his rifle and pointing it at the target once more. He fires off a quick shot, one that lands directly between the eyes of the target dummie’s head. He follows it up with a second hit to the same spot, just to prove a point. Jesper cocks his head to the side, raises an eyebrow to match Kaz’s own arch look.
“You were saying?”
Unimpressed as ever, Kaz returns to his tent. That he expects Jesper to follow is just a given, one that he doesn’t bother with the directive for. He sits at his desk—a makeshift bureau of used crates and an old door strapped to the top—he finishes counting off his share of their earnings and passes the rest to Jesper.
“Don’t get cocky,” he says, continuing their conversation from before, “and don’t”—he points a judgemental, solitary finger at Jesper—“get fancy. I don’t need the other soldiers getting jealous enough to want to take you down a peg or two because of flash. Someone will get the bright idea to tell Haskell.”
“Aw, you think they’re jealous?” Jesper bats his eyes and pretends to swoon. “Of little ol’ me? Re-ally? Who? Tell me. Tell-me-tell-me-tell-me—”
“Bolinger looked like he’d rather use you for target practice more than that dummy after today.”
“Aw Kaz, are you worried? I never knew you cared.”
Kaz looks at him. If looks could kill, Jesper thinks, knowing Kaz Brekker would have killed him a thousand times over by now.
“Not just Bolinger. Keeg looked about ready to stage a mutiny.”
“Keeg’s a sore loser, that’s nothing new. It isn’t my fault he bet on the poor shot.”
“Would you just stop for—Hello Inej.”
Jesper blinks. “What?”
“Kaz is right,” says Inej, standing right next to them, and Jesper jumps.
“Fucking Saints!” he pants, hand over his chest to feel his racing heartbeat. “Warn the guy with the gun, people!” He lifts up his rifle and shakes it a bit for effect. “Gun, weapon”—he gestures to the rifle, then points to himself—“me, Jesper. What is confusing here?”
Kaz rolls his eyes and Inej smiles fondly at them both.
“What news?” Kaz asks her, their standard greeting.
“Nothing you don’t already know. Bolliger is whinging about Jes thrashing him in the match.”
Jesper can just feel Kaz’s eyes on him. There goes another life. “What else?” he asks, instead of giving Kaz the satisfaction of looking back.
“That’s everything. Oh”—her eyes widen—“and they just brought in a new caravan. Cartographers, from what I’ve heard. They're combining them with our unit to go south.”
Jasper starts walking straight out of the tent. He slings his rifle over his shoulder, tucking the prize winnings away, deep into his pocket. He doesn’t give his friends an explanation—he doesn’t have time to—he’s already striding across camp. Moving purposefully towards where he knows any new caravans full of cartographers would have been parked.
Cartographers, Jesper thinks, trying and failing to tamp down on the fluttery hope rising within him. Cartographers could mean—
Jesper stops dead in his tracks. There's a swarm of butterflies made up of half hope and half fear flapping up his spine. He turns, and is met with familiar wild auburn curls and wide, crystalline blue eyes.
Jesper might not be special, but right now, he’s feeling pretty fucking lucky.
They run—literally run—to meet each other's outstretched arms, crashing and holding onto each other tightly.
“Wy,” Jesper whispers. He closes his eyes and rests his head on top of Wylan’s, soft curls pillowing his cheek. Wylan melts into him, head buried in Jesper’s large coat, hugging him even tighter.
Wylan looks up, but doesn’t try to put any further space between them in the slightest. He grins. “Jesper.”
It’s a good look on him, Jesper thinks. Smiling. It makes the freckles dotted all across the bridge of his nose to his cheeks crinkle up like clusters of stars. It makes his eyes look like precious gems. Like solid cut sapphire.
Thanks for playing!
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Note: part 3 of the Fighter fic! what can I say? I just can't help myself.
[part 1] [part 2]
Warnings: mention of selfharm (not suicidal!) brief smut (18+!), hints to panic attack, brain injury, but there is also fluff!!!!
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: Sihtric needed a lot of time to recover,
Word count: 5,7k
taglist: @clairacassidy  @finanmoghra  @uunotheangel  @hb8301 @bathedinheat  @neonhairspray  @anaeve  @bubblyabs  @travelingmypassion  @sylas-the-grim  @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us  @andakth @chompchompluke  @willowbrookesblog
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'There is a distance between us. And I… I can't… I don't know how to fix it.'
A smile appeared on your face and your cheeks flushed, which still happened naturally whenever you saw Sihtric. 
His shirtless, muscular, scarred back was turned to you as he was staring outside, leaning one arm against the large window that overlooked his massive garden. You've been finding him at that same spot often lately, ever since the horrible fight at the party a few weeks ago. You'd catch him gazing into the distance, not really being aware of his surroundings, just like today. 
Sihtric never had much time to just do nothing and look at his backyard before, but now that he was not allowed to do any form of training because of his concussion, he found himself sitting or standing in front of the window for hours on end every day. He noticed there's all kinds of animals living in the woods, which he had claimed as his land when he bought the place. Together you've been seeing rabbits, a few badgers and a lot of squirrels. And Sihtric had completely lost his mind one morning when he saw two foxes strolling around. 
He had woken you up by shouting through the whole house as he came running to you, 'Babe! Babe! There's foxes! I have foxes on my land! Does that mean they are mine? Have you seen them, sweetie? Baby? Babe! Have you seen the foxes? Come! You have to wake up! Here,' he had taken out his phone and showed you the blurriest photo you had ever seen, 'look! There!' Sihtric pointed at a green blurry photo, which was the lawn you understood later. Apparently, in his surprise and shock upon seeing the foxes, he had grabbed his phone to snap a picture, but he also wanted you to see them for yourself, so he already started running to you while he captured the shot. But regardless, he was still proud of the horrible photo, that could've been anything, and at the time you thought he was simply the cutest thing in the world for just that.
You took off your shoes and coat and walked up to Sihtric, circling your arms around his bare waist, to which he left out a soft hum.
'Hey, tiger,' you murmured and kissed his back.
'Hey, baby', Sihtric spoke softly and glanced back over his shoulder to meet your eyes.
'How was your appointment? What did the doctor say?'
Sihtric looked back up, gazing at the lawn which was surrounded by a couple acres of woods. 
'It was fine, doctor says the recovery is going as expected.'
'That's so good to hear. And do you feel that too?'
'How are the symptoms?' you moved around him and leaned back against the window, letting him tower over you as he looked down into your eyes. 
Your fiancé was stunning, as always, but lately his eyes were always tired and it often seemed as if his focus wasn't really there. You knew it was because of his concussion, which had been very severe, so you were happy to hear he seemed to recover as he should.
'Not too bad,' Sihtric smiled and kissed your forehead, then he looked up again and stared outside.
'You sure, babe? No memory problems or extreme dizziness? Balance issues?' you looked up at him, trying to see something in his eyes that would tell you he was being truthful.
'Babe?' you tried again when he didn't seem to hear you.
'Hm? Y-yeah, honey, I don't mind,' he murmured, nodding slowly with his eyes fixated on the backyard, 'I haven't seen those foxes in a few days, almost as if they were never there. Have you seen them, baby?'
'I have, my love,' you reassured him and kissed his cheek.
His eyes were empty, and you had never seen the foxes.
Because there never were any foxes in his backyard.
Sihtric had been home for weeks now. He had his regular cleaning lady and people who took care of the garden, so you never had to worry about that. But one thing you both enjoyed doing yourself was cooking, which you did together each night if his schedule allowed it.
Naturally, the past few weeks Sihtric hadn't been up for it. He also wasn't even allowed to move around much, because his balance was off and he'd suddenly become very dizzy. He did like to keep you company when you made dinner and would sit near you at the kitchen island. But more than once you had seen him, without warning, tipping over with the barstool while still being seated on it, as his vision became blurry and everything started to spin. It would knock him down to the ground with whatever he was holding onto or sitting on at that time. Which made him very frustrated.
But Sihtric was also frustrated because he desperately wanted to make love with you. He knows how to please you and knows exactly what you like, he wanted nothing more than to give you pleasure, because you had been taking care of him lately, which hadn't been easy. But even intimacy had been more or less impossible, which frustrated you too of course. Sex had been off the table since that party. You had given him a blowjob several times, which would normally finish him off within minutes, but he just couldn't finish ever since his brain trauma. He couldn't focus on you, no matter how well you treated him, which frustrated him even more and, even if you knew it had nothing to do with you, it made you close off a little because it felt like you couldn't please him.
However, his condition seemed to improve slightly a few days ago, when he started to be more active again. And because he felt bad you had been doing so much for him, while he couldn't do anything to thank you, he said he'd make dinner tonight while you were to take a shower.
As his house was stupidly large, you couldn't hear what was going on downstairs in the kitchen as you took a shower upstairs. So when you came back, you were shocked to see the mess in the kitchen. Sihtric was down on the floor, cleaning up a pool of tomato sauce that had splattered all over the black marble tiles, the huge pot it had been in was right next to him. It looked like a crime scene and would have scared the hell out of you if it weren't for the fact you knew he was making pasta with tomato sauce.
'Sihtric?' when he looked up at you he was greeted by your big eyes, 'what happened here?'
'The fucking pot… I- I picked it up to move it to the table but it fucking slipped out of my hands.' 
He threw the cleaning rag with force onto the floor, groaned, and sat back against the kitchen island. 'So much for making you dinner,' he sighed and buried his face in his hands.
'That's okay, babe,' you crouched down next to him, 'we'll order a pizza.'
'Fine,' he sighed, 'just not from that place you ordered last time.'
You thought about the poor kid Sihtric had nearly challenged to a fight, so you agreed. You told him to pick a place and make an order while you cleaned up the spilled food, not knowing that Sihtric had never picked up the pot. He had simply been taken by extreme dizziness, brought off balance and stumbled backwards as he had tried to hold onto whatever was closest, which happened to be the pot full of hot sauce. But Sihtric wouldn't tell you. He didn't want you to know how bad his condition really was, or that the doctor had been seriously concerned about his lack of improvement.
And when you went to throw the dirty towels in the laundry upstairs, Sihtric smacked the back of his head repeatedly against the kitchen island he sat back at. Just to feel something, and to punish himself for getting a concussion that messed his life up in the first place. Which was also something he did everytime after you had pecked his lips and left him to stare out of the window. He'd quietly listen, making sure you had left, and would then use the window as his form of punishment, being smart enough about it to not get any bruises on his head that his hair couldn't hide.
The fight was only two weeks away now, and Sihtric had been bulking up to match the weight class for the upcoming fight. It had been months since the tomato sauce incident, and numerous things had happened afterwards, which Sihtric had been able to hide from you. He was also back to regular training in the evening, and you noticed it improved his overall mood. Intimacy had still been nonexistent, but you figured that was also partly because of his crazy training schedule. You had been worried when he went back to the gym at first, but knowing Uhtred and Finan kept an eye on him eased you.
Except that Uhtred and Finan were not aware that Sihtric was training again, because they knew the doctor's advice, and Sihtric had given them some time off because of that. The doctor had said that any form of training was simply a hazard, even now, as his condition was not improving the way it should have, and any form of intense physical activity could trigger his symptoms.
'So is the fight still on? Have you been cleared?'
'Yeah, everything's good,' Sihtric lied as he held you in his arms. His eyes fixated on the tv in the bedroom as he sat back against the headboard. You were texting with some friends while he was watching yet another episode of some medieval kingdom show he got hooked on a few weeks ago.
'Will you be there with me? At the fight?'
'Of course I will,' you smiled at him. 
Sihtric paused the tv after a moment and said he wanted you in his lap, to which you gladly obeyed.
'Only a kiss?' you smiled.
'You want to try a little more?'
'I'd like that. You?'
'Of course, baby. You know how horny I've been,' Sihtric chuckled lightly, 'I just… worry, you know, it may not go as smoothly. It's been a little while and… you know.'
'We'll just try and see how it goes? If you don't feel well at some point, you just have to say it. It's okay.'
'Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to disappoint you again,' Sihtric mumbled.
'You have never disappointed me.'
And it didn't take long before things, finally, got hot and heavy again. And Sihtric felt just as good as you remembered when you were riding him. He looked relieved and satisfied while he watched you as he was still sitting back against the headboard, his hands on your hips, his eyes looking you up and down.
'Is this good for you?' you asked in between heavy breaths, your hands on his shoulders.
'Yeah, baby, keep it going like that,' he rasped, 'gods, I've missed this, I've missed your body so much,' he rested his head back with a smile.
'Fuck, I've missed you too, Sihtric,' you moaned, 'and your body is so muscular, ah, fuck.'
'You like my body now?' he grunted with a smile.
'I've always like your body, babe, but it's even more delicious now,' you giggled as your hands trailed over his insanely toned chest, 'you're so big now. So hot and strong,' you moaned, 'I need you to flip me over with those arms, babe, please.'
Sihtric hummed and was quick to flip you on your back, underneath him, making you both to chuckle when he flexed his biceps a little for you. And you moved your hands slowly up from his warm wrists, over his veiny biceps to his broad shoulders. Enjoying his body being extra muscular right now.
'You better fuck me good this whole week,' you breathed heavy as your nails ran up and down his back, 'because I can't have you next week before your fight.'
'Fuck, I know, I know. Ah, baby,' he hissed when he felt your hands move up into his hair, touching the slight bruises he had from smacking his own head constantly when something went wrong. His pace suddenly became sloppy and his breathing became panicked before he abruptly pulled out.
'Sihtric?' alarmed at his sudden movements, 'baby? Are you okay?'
Sihtric froze, half on top of you, puffing hard and fast as a look of panic and confusion set on his face.
'Sihtric? Sihtric, say something!'
He struggled to speak and closed his eyes, groaning as if in pain. You immediately sat up and took his face in your hands, 'Sihtric!'
'I- don't… I don't feel well, baby,' he wheezed with strangled breaths, 'I'm… I'm sorry.'
'No, no,' you hushed him and forced him to lay down on his back, 'it's okay, my love, just… just take it easy, okay? Everything's alright. Do you want some water? Should I get you some water?'
'M-maybe,' his voice trembled along with his body.
'Okay, just lay down, don't move, honey. I'll be right back.' You made haste downstairs to the kitchen to grab a cooled bottle of water. 
In the meantime, Sihtric covered his face with his hands, dragging his fingers over his skin as he broke down in tears, of both anger and sadness. And, like he had been doing since the party, he couldn't stop inflicting harm upon himself, starting with one hard punch against his own head. Then another. And one more because he wasn't hurting yet, which led to more and constant smashing of his fists against the sides of his own head, while breathing hard and growling with rage, through his tears, at each punch. And that's how you found him when you had made your way back to the bedroom. 
Sihtric, one of the best fighters in the world, was a crying and trembling mess in your arms as you had held him all through the night. And he still wouldn't admit a single thing about the state of his condition.
The next day Sihtric could barely look at you. He felt ashamed for what had happened, and he felt awful for not being honest with you. But he was so close to his last fight now, so close to being done with that life and leaving it all behind, only to spend the rest of his life with you. Which was all he wanted. He also felt like he couldn't possibly come clean to you anymore now, after he had been lying about his health for nearly half a year. He was terrified you would leave him once you'd find out.
You knew he felt embarrassed about last night, after you had held him in your arms all night until he fell asleep. And when you woke up, he had already left the bed. You found him downstairs, staring out the window again. You once again snuck your arms around his shirtless waist and placed a kiss between his scarred shoulder blades.
'My love,' you whispered as you moved around him, trying to meet his eyes. Sihtric put his arms around you but he simply couldn't look down into your eyes. He looked tired. His face was pale with dark circles around his eyes. His gaze was completely empty while his dark, messy hair fell in his face as he looked down, away from you.
'Do you still want to be with me?' he asked quietly.
'What do you mean?' you frowned, placing your hands on his broad shoulders as you looked up at him. Sihtric sighed softly before he spoke.
'These past months,' he said, looking up, as if his next words would come to him from the ceiling, 'they have been shit, have they not? There is a distance between us. And I… I can't… I don't know how to fix it.'
'There is only a distance between us because you simply need time to heal up. Because clearly you are not healed yet. And I do not understand how on earth you have been cleared to fight in a few days. And I… I am terrified, Sihtric,' your voice started to tremble as your eyes teared up. You took his face in your hands and he finally met your eyes. 'I am so scared, baby. Of what will happen to you in that cage. What will happen if you take one punch to the face. And that is the only reason why there is a distance, if that's even the right word. You just can't do things the way you always used to or want to. It takes time to recover. And I know you worry about the intimacy problem. But babe, I am not going anywhere. Things will be fine again, you just have a lot going on. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about us,' you said and nuzzled his nose softly, 'we will always be fine. We will always be together, no matter what.'
'No matter what?' Sihtric asked, contemplating to just spill the truth now.
'No matter what. I promise.' You pushed his hair out of his face and got up on your tiptoes to kiss his forehead, 'I love you.'
'I love you too.'
You were so close to telling him that you knew about his plan. About how this fight would be his last. But you had been keeping that a secret for almost half a year now, you thought he would lose his trust in you by being able to keep something hidden from him for so long. So you decided not to tell him.
Later that day Sihtric was determined to still go to his gym and train. You asked him if he was sure it was a good idea, but he insisted. You kissed him goodbye and he went on his way. The gym he trained at was his own, so he never had to tell anyone if he was going there or not. Therefore Uhtred and Finan still had no idea that he was working out on his own for months already. No sparring partner, no coach, no one around if he would hit the floor when he got dizzy again. Which had happened on numerous occasions and happened again that night. He managed to get back up on his feet and took a shower, after which he collapsed, smacking his head against the floor and passed out.
You became anxious when Sihtric wasn't home by 10. He always made sure to be home before 10 so he'd have a few hours with you before going to sleep. You called and texted him but he didn't pick up nor replied. Not wanting to stress right away, you gave him another half hour. But then you got a text.
Sihtric: baby please don't freak out okay. I passed out in the gym. hit my head and I'm bleeding a little but it's just a cut eyebrow, nothing more, but it's a bruise. I will be home soon, I promise, I just feel a little dizzy
You immediately called him and, naturally, did freak out. You told him to not drive home, Uhtred or Finan should bring him home. But Sihtric lied and said they had already left and didn't want to bother them this late. He also wanted to drive home himself because he didn't want to leave his car behind at the parking lot. 
'Who cares about that stupid car!'
'Baby, it's a Bugatti Veyron! Cost me nearly 2 million!'
'You can easily afford a new one if someone steals it! I can't get a new you if you crash with that thing. I'm picking you up! With my peasant car!'
He knew better than to argue with that. 
When you found him, he looked even worse than he had done that same morning. It was true that he, somehow, got lucky and only had a cut eyebrow, which had already stopped bleeding by now. 
'Baby, please? please, take the Bugatti back,' he begged as you walked out of the gym to your car.
'No! I can't drive that thing, are you insane?'
'I'll be next to you, I can guide you. Babe, please,' Sihtric got down on his knees, 'baby, I beg you. Do not leave her here.'
'And what if someone steals my car here at night?'
'Surely no one is going to steal that thing.'
'Oh, okay. No need to worry then. My old Volkswagen is not good enough to get stolen, according to Sihtric Kjartansson, the world champion,' you mocked him.
'Do not taunt me right now!'
'Fuck!' you groaned, 'I'll fucking crash that thing!'
'You won't, I promise,' he got up from his knees and cupped your cheeks, 'I promise, baby, I'll tell you what to do. Please, honey?'
You already saw your life flashing by, but you agreed, just to make him happy.
'Thank you! Thank you, babe!' Sihtric pecked your lips quickly and searched his pockets for the keys. 
You got in the car, well, nearly fell in the car because it was so low, you wondered if you could ever get out of it again. Sihtric gave you a quick instruction as you started the sports car.
'Okay, easy,' Sihtric said, 'do not hit the gas like you-'
You put your feet on the gas, automatically hitting it like you usually do in your own car, while Sihtric tried to say something about hitting the gas.
'Baby, no!' Sihtric shouted as you almost hit the street while abruptly going 100. 
Sihtric immediately pulled the handbrake and held you back with his other arm to avoid you getting a whiplash. It all happened within 3 seconds, and all while you shrieked. You looked at each other with big eyes after the abrupt halt and you both started to laugh nervously.
'Don't… Don't do that again, babe,' Sihtric voice was trembling, 'this car goes from zero to hundred in two seconds. Fuck, baby,' he grabbed his chest, seeing if his heartbeat was still there, and he exhaled slowly.
'I-I'm sorry,' you trembled.
'I know, I know. Just… take it easy, okay? This car works a little differently than yours.'
You nodded, clearly startled as your face was deprived of colour.
'Oh, baby,' Sihtric sighed, feeling bad he made you drive his car, but there was no way he would leave 'his other baby' behind at that parking lot, 'come here, give me a kiss.'
He reassured you again, and you said you'd be more careful. Sihtric said he trusted you, but kept his hand resting on the car's handbrake the whole drive back.
Once back home, you told him to go to bed and get some rest. When he was asleep you emailed his doctor, telling him you want Sihtric to be checked on in the morning because of what had happened, and you said he was in no state to fight in a day.
Early next morning, you woke up because your phone rang. Sihtric's doctor, Aldhelm, had read your email and he wanted to come over immediately. You got dressed and not much later you welcomed Aldhelm and made him some coffee. And while Sihtric was still asleep, you were told that he had never been cleared to fight and was not even allowed to train, as his recovery was concerningly slow. You wept when you heard it and suddenly his behaviour the past months made sense. You told Aldhelm about everything that had happened and he said these were all symptoms that come with such a traumatic brain injury, but he didn't quite understand why Sihtric's recovery went so slow.
After a few hours you heard Sihtric come down the stairs. You excused yourself and ran to the hallway, wanting to warn Sihtric so hopefully he would not get angry when he'd see Aldhelm.
You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around him. He looked a little better than last night as there was more colour in his face again. You thought he still looked so handsome. His long hair pulled back into a bun and once again shirtless, as usual, because he knows you love to see him like that around the house. He was wearing black Venum sweatpants and black socks, but no flip flops. He thinks he lost them in the garden somewhere a few days ago and claims a fox probably got a hold of them. Truth was Sihtric had kicked them under the bed by accident and just didn't remember. And those foxes? They had been a hallucination, caused by his concussion and repeatedly harming himself.
'Hey, handsome,' you smiled weakly, hoping to not raise concern yet.
'Hey yourself,' Sihtric smiled back and pecked your lips, 'you're up early, bunny.'
'Yeah,' you said as Sihtric tried to walk past you, but you blocked his way, 'no, babe, wait.'
Sihtric frowned, 'is everything okay?'
'Yeah, but… please don't get mad.'
'What?' Sihtric chuckled lightly, 'mad about what?'
'Promise me you won't get mad, honey?'
'Is… is there something with my car?'
'What? No!' you slapped his chest, 'Sihtric, I… I'm sorry…'
'Y-you're scaring me, baby,' he said softly, 'what is going on?'
'You've been scaring me a lot too lately,' you whispered, 'I had no other choice. I… I know about everything, Sihtric. And know that I'm not mad. I'm just concerned.'
'I… I don't understand.'
You took his hand and pulled him into the living room, where he saw Aldhelm. 
And then he understood it all.
Uhtred, Finan, and everyone else of his team had been called to meet up that same morning. The house was packed, and you finally understood why on earth he needed a living room this big. Aldhelm, you and Sihtric explained everything to everyone. His team was shocked but they couldn't deny they understood his motives, yet Finan still called him a stupid runt and Uhtred said he was a dumb as he looked, but they still loved him. And so did you. And luckily, Sihtric still loved you all the same when you told him you had known about his retirement plan all along.
It had been a long and rough day, and tomorrow was the day of the fight.
'No more secrets, baby,' Sihtric whispered as he held you in his arms the night before, 'I promise.'
'No more secrets, I promise too,' you kissed his lips and asked if he had taken his medication. 
Yeah, his goddamn medication. Turns out that the fool that is your fiancé was supposed to be on medication for several months already, which would help with his sudden dizziness, headaches and the trembling. All this time he had been flushing them down the drain, because they made him feel sleepy, but kept getting restocks so it wouldn't cause alarm.
'I took them, I swear, my love,' he spoke the truth.
'Are you ready?' you asked Sihtric as you both stared at the octagon.
'Yeah,' Sihtric smiled and squeezed your hand, 'walk with me?'
'Of course. But you have to step into the cage on your own.'
'I know.'
You walked with him. Uhtred, Finan and Aldhelm followed closely behind. The arena was silent. Dead silent. The octagon was lit up with a bright spotlight, and inside, Sigtryggr was already pacing around the canvas as he stared at Sihtric. Sigtryggr had recovered rather well from the incident at the party, except for his nose. Sihtric had broken it so badly, it would never be fully straight again. But you didn't feel bad for him. The UFC officials looked at your fiancé as he closed in on the cage.
'You got this, babe,' you said as you held Sihtric's hands.
'Stay close?' Sihtric asked, cupping your cheeks, 'will you stay close, baby?'
'I will, I'll be right here.'
He kissed you gently and then turned to Uhtred, Aldhelm and Finan, who encouraged him. Sihtric gave you another kiss before he got on the stairs and made his way into the octagon. You watched how the fence door was closed behind him. 
Two beasts. Locked in a cage.
'I didn't think you'd show,' Sigtryggr said while Sihtric walked up to him.
'I am here, am I not?' Sihtric held his hands up and Sigtryggr did the same. A threatening energy lingered in the air as both men stared at each other for a long moment, you all held your breath.
And then they embraced.
'I'm sorry, man,' Sigtryggr said, 'I had too much to drink that night.'
'I'm sorry too,' Sihtric said, 'although I do not regret breaking your nose for the way you spoke about my girl.'
'I can accept that,' he laughed and then looked at you, 'I'm sorry, lady. For everything. I had no idea how bad it was until I got the call this morning.'
You smiled and gave him a quick nod. You appreciated the gesture but could not forgive him yet.
'Are you ready for this?' Sigtryggr asked. Sihtric nodded and walked over to a table that was set in the middle of the octagon. They sat down and read a bunch of paperwork in silence. Sigtryggr was quick to sign whatever he had just read, and you anxiously awaited what the deal was they offered them.
'If you sign this,' the UFC official said to Sihtric, 'you agree to pull out of the fight, which was set for tonight, due to health reasons beyond your control. Do you understand and agree?'
'Yes,' Sihtric said and put his signature down.
'Thank you,' the official said and gave the paper to his assistant, 'if you sign this form, you will agree to follow your doctor's orders strictly, to make your recovery as smooth and fast as possible. And also, since the incident happened at one of our events, you will receive the money you were supposed to earn with this fight within the next few weeks. A compensation for your troubles. Do you understand and agree?'
'Yes,' Sihtric said again and signed the paper.
'And this form,' the official showed Sihtric the last piece of paperwork, 'is your new deal. One fight with a maximum of five rounds, five minutes each, one year from today. And as this fight is highly anticipated, your fight money is upped to fifteen million, win or lose. Sigtryggr has been offered the same and already agreed. It is up to you now. You can refuse, leave with six million and retire after today, like we heard you planned on doing. Or you can sign this, leave with six million, have a whole year to prepare for the fight and earn fifteen million that night. Do you understand and agree?'
Sihtric looked at the paper in front of him and clenched his jaw. Then he turned to look back at you.
'Baby?' It was all he said, but you knew he was asking your permission to take the deal.
'Tell me yes or no, do you know the truth about the foxes in the backyard?' you asked. Everyone frowned lightly and some people murmured, but Sihtric smiled at you.
You smirked slightly and Sihtric knew you had given your answer. Sihtric puckered his lips to you and blew a kiss, before turning back to sign the contract. Everyone in the octagon shook hands and Sihtric was quick to make his way back over to you. And as if he had won the fight, he picked you up again, kissed you and walked out of the empty arena with you in his arms.
'But what about your contract termination?' you suddenly remembered.
'That was a deal with a boxing company,' Sihtric said, 'and that contract will be terminated at midnight. I am not going back to boxing.'
'But… you still fight next year?' you frowned.
'Yes,' Sihtric smiled, 'because I signed a contract with UFC for this fight, a completely different company, my love.'
'So you have a year to get fixed up? Is that enough?'
'More than enough. With the medication and proper rest I should be good as normal within a month or two.'
'So will you finally be home for a few weeks and do nothing at all? Like you should have done in the first place?'
'I will, I promise,' Sihtric chuckled as he put you back on your feet when he reached his car, 'you'll get a little taste of what your life will be like with me after next year.' He winked and kissed your cheek.
'You mean I get to see domestic Sihtric?' you taunted, to which he rolled his eyes with a smile.
'Domestic… yes, my love,' he knew it was best to just agree and opened the car door for you.
'And what about husband Sihtric?' you asked as you got in the over expensive sports car again. Sihtric shrugged with a grin and closed your door. You watched him walk over to the driver side and kept staring at him as he sat down behind the wheel.
'What about him?' he asked and cupped your cheeks.
'When will I see him?' you chuckled and felt yourself blush.
'I was thinking within the next few weeks maybe?'
'You want to plan a whole wedding in only a few weeks? Your concussion is worse than I thought.'
'No,' Sihtric chuckled lightly and pecked your lips, 'I don't want a big wedding. Unless you do, baby. But I… I just want you. With me. Just us,' he looked into your eyes with his own mismatched pair and smiled softly, 'what if we just elope? And throw a small party sometime when I'm fully healed? Would you want that? Would you be okay with that?'
'But where would we go?'
'I don't know,' Sihtric shrugged, 'where would you want us to get married, bunny?'
'Well,' you chuckled and rolled your eyes, 'I always dreamt of getting married in Hawaii, but you know…'
'What do I know?' he smiled and bit down on his lip.
'It's insane,' you laughed, 'so expensive. Maybe for our honeymoon eventually?'
'Yeah, okay. I understand,' Sihtric clicked his tongue and started the car, revving the engine just to spook Finan as he walked past the car, which caused the Irish man to flip you both off when he saw you laughing.
Sihtric took you home where you celebrated his new deal. With pizza, not from that place, and some alcohol free cider while watching Toy Story. Sihtric cuddled you until you fell asleep in his arms in the middle of Toy Story 2, and then carried you to bed and tucked you in.
After that he booked a one way flight to Hawaii for the two of you, and he remembered he had to search for that ugly Hawaiian blouse he had that you hate so much, so he could wash it in time before your flight, which was in two days.
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draftsandrecs · 1 year
It's a bad idea, right?
Chapter 1: Soap and Suds
Pairing: Best-friends dad!Dark!Ari Levinson x College!Reader
Summary: Reader settles in at the lake house. And Ari is a panty stealer.
Word Count: 2,170
Warnings: 18+ (of course), age gap, non con voyeurism, masturbation, mention of dollplay and rape, eventual smut
Authors Note: I know it's been almost a month since I've updated. I apologize. I should be on schedule soon. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and series. Thank you to everyone who is reading!
The lake house reminds you of an Airbnb rather than a cozy quaint type that you’re used to. The house has a wrap around porch on both levels with multiple places to eat, tan, or relax. Tall and large windows create an open space complimenting the view. The two-story property sits on a few acres of land with beautiful trees surrounding it. Of course, a lake accompanies the house not too far from its front steps. Surprisingly the water isn’t as murky and green as you thought it would be. Instead, it’s clearer than most lakes and you can actually see what you’re stepping in.
Your bag hangs on your shoulder as you and Mia walk towards the house. You remind yourself to thank her with dinner or something for making this trip happen. You can’t remember the last time you gave yourself a break. Summers meant either working for any extra money or becoming a homebody until school started again.
“I told my dad to get us some mixers and wine so we wouldn’t have to go out much. I also gave him a list of food and snacks we like. But knowing him, he probably just grabbed whatever he thought we would like without looking at the list,” Mia looks at you as she rolls her eyes playfully. You tell her that you don’t care what’s in the kitchen as long as you have drinks on standby.
As you walk into the house with her, you’re greeted by her dad, Ari. You’ve always thought he was a handsome man, but it’s never been anything more than a passing thought. But now that you’re seeing him again, you begin to feel heat forming. Not just from your cheeks either. While you’ve had a few boyfriends and hook ups, Ari makes you feel different. His aura exudes a certain energy. You couldn’t figure out if was just because he’s an older man or if it was just his presence that made it seem that way. He seemed more rugged now but considering his past divorce and older age, it would make sense. His age and maturity, let alone experience, makes you wonder what it would be like with him.
“I’m glad that you guys made it safe. I know it’s a little out of the way,” said Ari said pulling you out of your thoughts. He was dressed in a casual manner, a grey cotton shirt paired with jeans.
“It was no problem, we made here in one piece, didn’t we Mi?” You look at Mia, both smiling at the small remark.
He gave you a small nod in appreciation as Mia spoke up.
“Yeah, it was okay. Though I wish you would’ve told me the driveway up here was hell. I was afraid of how steep it was.” You and Mia laugh at her comment. It was true though; the driveway is sort of steep since it sits on a hill. You had to remind her multiple times that her car wasn’t going to roll backwards as long as she kept driving forward.
Ari flashed a small smile replying, “I didn’t think to mention it, I apologize for that.” His eyes scanned over your figure. You felt somewhat out of place now that you’re in his presence with no bra. You’re sure that he could see the outline of your breasts even through the baggy t shirt. Depending on if he looked straight at your chest he might could even see your nipples.
And he could. Right as you walked through the door, he was able to see your breasts. It didn’t help that the house was cold and not too long into welcoming that your nipples became hard. Just like how his dick was about to be if he didn’t leave the conversation soon.
“Why don’t you show her to the guest room yeah? Take her to the one closest to my room, the ventilation system isn’t running properly in the other one, don’t know when I can get around to fixing it just yet.”  Ari’s comment made your heartbeat faster. Maybe you’d get a chance to play out your fantasy if you played your cards right. After all, no ones every turned you down before why would he be any different?
While it may seem like a coincidence or an innocent mishap that your rooms are beside one another, it was entirely fabricated for Ari’s plan. He patted himself on the back for the quick lie. There was no messed up air conditioning system. He just wanted to be closer to you so he could indulge on his desires and perversions without getting caught. The second he saw you he knew he had to have you. The kind innocent freshman now turned woman was creating a hunger inside him. He was already creating a mental list of things he was going to do to you. But for now, he would wait, even if it meant he had to endure an aching cock.
Mia shows you around the place, getting you used to the area. The first floor that you’re on is the main floor. Two bedrooms are closer to the kitchen while on the other side of the house, the other two bedrooms are adjacent to a large porch area. The second floor is used for a studio. It’s just a bedroom, bathroom, and washer and dryer. Mia mentions that Ari is planning to renovate it soon. Maybe into a work shop or something.
You and Mia arrive at the guest room after the tour is over. The bedroom is cozy with a dresser, large bed, nightstand, and of course an attached bathroom. You make a note that you’re glad to have brought your laptop since there was no tv in the bedroom.
“I hope you don’t mind being close to my dad. I didn’t know the air conditioner stopped working but I can sleep in the guest room, and you can take my room” Mia says happily.
“No, it’s all fine, I don’t mind anyway. I kind of look forward to being near a porch. You know me being a night owl, I will probably find myself out there more than in the actual bedroom.” You shoot her offer down as you put your bag onto the bed to unpack.
“Great then! I’ll let you unpack, and I’ll do the same. Let me know when you’re done so we can do something together then.” Says Mia as she happily walks out of the room.
A small sigh escapes your lips as you unzip your bag. You rummage through the duffel as you take out your laptop first. You place it on the nightstand to move it out of the way. You’re glad you brought the laptop even if it is a vacation. While you may not be on it a lot, considering there is not tv in the bedroom, it’ll do just fine when you need it.
 You gather your pajamas, toiletries, and hair products and sprawl them out on the bed. As you take your swimsuits out you thank yourself for picking out cute ones instead of just throwing your old ones in. You also thank yourself for the cute panties and (limited) bras you brought. You weren’t a huge bra wearer in the first place, especially in the summer, but a cute matching set never hurt anyone. Especially if it meant Ari could take if off you.
Throwing the pieces and other clothes in a drawer you move everything else to other compartments or in the bathroom. You debate if you should take a shower considering it is nighttime now and the drive made you feel tired. Maybe a shower will give you the energy you need.
Turning the faucet on and letting it run, you take off your clothes throwing them by your bag as a reminder to keep a dirty pile separate from clean clothes. You find a towel and hang it nearby as you get in with your body wash and other products in hand.
Ari was nearby. He kept his door open to make sure he knew when you came and went. He saw Mia go down for a nap not too long ago. Car drives always made her sleepy. This would give him time to check on you. But of course, nothing is ever an innocent gesture when it comes to Ari.
As if luck was on his side, he heard the shower begin to run. He waited a few minutes before he crept into your room. He looked around the area, analyzing the things you set up or put on the furniture. It wasn’t too long before his eyes landed on a pile of luck. More specifically your panties. Ari made sure to keep an ear out for you as he picked up the panties. Without hesitation he pressed the panties to his face. Breathing in your smell and a hint of laundry detergent you used made him harder than he already was. He began to rub himself from the outside of his jeans, imagining how pretty your pussy must look. Feel. Taste.
He found himself right outside the bathroom. Due to the layout, the shower was in the middle of the bathroom with the shower head facing away from the door. But even with the door cracked anyone could see in.  To Ari’s advantage it gave him a great view of your backside. The water cascaded down your shoulders and back creating soapy suds. It made him wonder how soft your ass would feel against his hardness. Combined with your wetness, the friction would make it easy to stick himself between your ass. Hands gripping your hips, back arching into him, his cock rubbing over both holes until it just slips in. He couldn’t wait any longer, he needed relief.
Ari began to unbutton his jeans. He didn’t waste time before he placed a hand into his underwear and tug at his hard cock. Precum had already stained his underwear and now made it easy to act as lube and pump himself. He started with slow strokes but with tight squeezes trying to replicate as close as possible what you might feel like. His breathing became a little harder as he watched you turn around and give him a full view of your body. Your breasts had a glistening look to them from the water that made him want to suck and pull at them as he pounded into you. Your nipples were just asking for attention that he would take care of when the time is right, he thought to himself.
He wrapped your panties around his cock continuing to pump into his hand. The feeling of your wetness was slick on his upper shaft and tip. Along with the soft material it began to drive him over the edge. He watched as your hands made their way down to your pussy. While he knew you were just washing yourself, he wanted to see you touch yourself. How you would play with your wet cunt, how many fingers you used. If you rubbed your little swollen clit or if you ignored the aching bud. With how wet your panties were already; he couldn’t imagine how wet you’d feel. How easy it would be to slip inside you. He was sure that your walls would grip him so perfectly unlike anyone before.
His strokes became more erratic as his thoughts became more perverse. You bent over to grab a product and your ass was in perfect line that he could see both holes. Your cunt looked inviting and just begging to be fucked. He wanted to stretch you out until you couldn’t take him anymore. He knew just from his size that he was bigger than most, but he’d make sure that you take all of him. He knew you could even if he had to force it to make it happen. He wouldn’t care if you wanted, needed him to stop. He wouldn’t anyways, not once he got a feel of you. Your pleads would fall on deaf ears. It would encourage him if anything. You would be his doll. His perfect doll that he would make a mold into being nothing more than his devoted cock slut. Your whimpers and moans would be hymns to him. Your body would be something he worshipped. You would be his to wreck beyond means.
That’s all he needed to cum. His semen painted the inside of the panties while some fell onto the floor. He couldn’t remember the last time he had cum so hard or fast. Without even catching his breath he rubbed the remaining cum into the floor, a small smile form as he imagined your bare feet walking over the sticky mess.
He was already in his room when he heard the shower turn off. He placed the panties in a random drawer as a trophy and for future use. He was just getting started.
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After an $80K price cut, the 1866 Philip Chapin house is under contract for $595K in New Hartford, Connecticut. 5bds, 3ba. This historic home is a bargain. And, look at that belvedere on top.
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This home has been meticulously maintained and preserved.
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Sitting room #1 is magnificent. It's simple, but the gold accent gives it all the glitz it needs. I'm sure that the light fixtures are all original.
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Sitting room #2 has a lovely built-in cabinet, plus a beautiful fireplace.
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Details of the fireplace.
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This room, also with an original fireplace, is used as a family/TV room.
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The dining room feels transported back in time. Not sure why the wallpaper is peeling off, though.
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This is the most incredible kitchen I've seen in a vintage home, b/c it's not a modern renovation. It's almost looks original.
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The primary bedroom has a beautiful bed alcove.
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And, look at this bath. Flawless combination of old and new. Love that sink.
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This secondary bedroom looks like a time capsule. Look at the cute little sink in the corner.
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This zinc tub must be original.
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The 3rd bedroom is also amazing and has a corner sink, as well.
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How great is this? We're up in the belvedere and it lights up via this original lamp.
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In the basement is an extensive wine cellar with a loose brick floor.
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You can see the lamp thru the window of the belvedere.
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The exterior architectural details on this home are exquisite.
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And, it also has the original carriage house on 2 acres of land.
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