#hot sauce roasted veggies
starb0n3 · 3 days
(inspired by @honeysugarfree)
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You wake up with one thing on your mind: going out for a walk in the woods. But you can’t. You’re a teenager who has school, and your parents would kill you if you skipped school.
It’s too early to eat anything. Pass the time playing with your cat or simply reading by the window as the sun rises.
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School is so boring when all you’re craving is a nice cup of warm soup or hot chocolate prepared by your mum. Whatever, you’ll suffer in silence and snack on whatever fruits you threw into your bag this morning.✧˖°.☾
For lunch, you’ll have leftovers from yesterday. roasted/baked/boiled veggies accompanied by rice or wheat. you don’t eat it all; it’s cold, and not that nice at all… Maybe your parents packed you a sandwich instead? make sure you don’t eat the crusts, though. they’re the worst part.
If you’re lucky, you might’ve even added one of your bakes as dessert (low cal pastry/cookie), or a small yoghurt. if you didn’t, don’t fret. your parent didn’t forget to include a fruit or veggie for health.
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(¬ ´ཀ` )¬
Back home at last — not before you went on a small walk, though. your parents were worried about where you’d gone off too again, and you’re greeted by a warm broth/soup, or some more baked veggies.
you don’t finish your plate unless your walk was very tiring. you’re too eager to finish that book you started!
Once in a while, you might be allowed a piece of cake or some hot chocolate. not everyday, though. that would be bad for your teeth!
End the day with a cup of tea, reading under a warm blanket with a piece of your favourite chocolate or sweet. 🍂☕️🐈‍⬛
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Chickpeas in tomato sauce with rice
Whole bread sandwich without the crust: tomato, cheese and cucumber (ham if you want, i’m vegetarian c:)
Ratatouille or Shakshuka with wheat/bulgur
Apple sauce cookies (i can share a good recipe if you want)
Pasta/zucchini gratin
Lasagna (spinach or veggies with tomato sauce - or mince, once again, i’m vegetarian)
potatoes (sweet is even better) with broccoli
Mushrooms with bread
Tomato salad (vinegar, herbs, olive oil)
Lentil/corn cakes with cream cheese
Pumpkin pie
Vegetable broth (or chicken) with vegetable dices
Potato soup
Tomato orzo soup
Mashed potatoes with lentils
Lentil soup
Beetroot (it’s so good even on it own)
You always prefer ‘halloween’ themed pastries — involving apples, pumpkin, carrots…
Eating isn’t a bother, you’re just a slow eater. don’t hesitate to share your love for sweets, while keeping consummation low.
You get tired of veggies so much! never finish a meal you don’t like.
Your favourite candy is liquorice, and most halloween themed ones like acorn or hard candy
Keep the chocolate low. it’s too heavy and nauseating!
If you must, have a piece of nutella/peanut butter and jelly toast, oats, or milk with fruits in the morning. i promise it’s much better than those ‘healthy’ alternatives (makes you satisfies and low calorie if you only have one)
No crisps — they’re too oily and dirty your books. Pop corn is so much better (and lower in cols) — caramel or pumpkin spice is a staple!
Cinnamon on apples… the best treat!
If you ever eat out with family, eat only a third of the meal and get the rest to pack. it’s so good you want to make it last!!
Bake and cook as much as you can! This will make your parents understand what you like, and not push to make you eat those gross overly fat foods.
Try to stay under 1,000 kcals, but don’t count calories obsessively. keep portions small and always leave a third of your plate.
Have fun!
(i’ll make a moodboard with meals etc, i hope you enjoy!)
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kcrossvine-art · 6 months
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Hi fellow adventurers!! Welcome to chapter 2! We're going to be attempting a nice lil fruit-focused quiche/frittata/pie thing. And yes, tomatoes are fruits.
Who says you cant eat totally normal things in a dungeon with definitely no monsters in them? 
You know what that means; Man-Eating Plant Tart!
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to a Man-Eating Plant Tart?” YOU MIGHT ASKThe way its prepared in the show is akin to a frittata, but the crust is borrowed from quiche world.
Whole milk
Bell peppers
Cherry tomatoes
Pitted green olives
Thinly sliced OR shredded sweet potatos
In the show they use leftover hotpot stock, slime, and mashed up fruit as the batter ingredients. Fruit mush is easy to work with but I couldn't find any stand-in for slime that would cook correctly into what they made in the show, and the hotpot stock is just not thick enough to carry the base. It is too many watery ingredients at once. Needing a thickening agent, both gelatin and agar agar were tried. It was edible but the texture was… gelatinous. Regular egg and milk will serve for our purposes.
The next complication was the crust- so in the show its made with the skins of fruit, straightforward yeah? Well. You see it also has to be 1. Thick enough to bake without burning 2. Harden through cooking to be sliced and held and 3. Inedible. Lotus leaves? Plantain leaves? Really thin gourds? I couldnt find any historical basis for a savory food cooked in this method, or similar method, with an intentionally inedible crust. I could find a few dishes which used leaves as their crust, but none that hardened during cooking and even less that used fruit skin. I chose sweet potato skin for its visual match and texture. It is edible, and it is not a fruit.
I hope youll forgive me for these 2 major deviations as i wanted to keep it looking how it does in the show while also ensuring it tastes good.
AND, “what does a Man-Eating Plant Tart taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKFluffy, airy, savory, salty.
The density of the eggs is offset by the crisp fruits
And the saltiness doesnt overpower the remnant fruit-sweetness
(If you eat the crust) the sweet potato brings this nice muted, smokey, flavor
Spongecake-esque in consistency
Would pair well with cranberry or strawberry juice
Would also pair well with a mellow hot sauce?
. You can use heavy cream instead of milk for a creamier batter . Roast the fruit longer to remove more liquid if too wet (and vice versa if too dry) . Smoked paprika, pepper flakes, cumin, garlic powder, and onion powder would taste good in the mixture
"A mixture of mashed up and cut up Man-Eating Plant fruit, slime and scorpion soup is poured into a pan lined with the flattened peel of the fruit and cooked before garnishing with some more fruit. Described as salty by the group."
From start to finish this recipe took 3-ish hours? Shredding the potatoes took the longest, so if you get them bagged itd be cut down. A very filling recipe and a good way to sneak veggies/fruits in if you have a hard time getting enough of those essential nutrients. The best advice i can give is to add salt/seasonings at every stage of the process, to build up layers. It makes a difference flavor-wise (even if its just salt). I advise against reheating if possible. The filling will make the crust soggy over time.
If you want to be closer to the cooking of the show, you could double the fruit amounts and mash them together while halving the amount of egg and milk. I hadnt tried due to budget reasons, but it should work with some finangling. I'll pass the final verdict off to you guys with how todays recipe turned out <333
What would you rate this recipe out of 10? (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) Did you love it, did you hate it? What're your thoughts on what I could do better, and what would you have done instead?
3 Eggs
13oz whole milk
2 bell peppers
2 small persimmons
140oz cherry tomatoes
12oz pitted green olives
34oz thinly sliced OR shredded sweet potatos
Heat oven to 420f and grease a 9-inch pie pan.
Thinly slice (or shred) your sweet potatoes and squeeze out any excess moisture. Coat in olive oil, salt and pepper.
Press sweet potato mixture evenly into and up the sides of the pie pan.
Blind bake for roughly 25 minutes or until lightly golden-brown. No worries if the edges get crisp.
Remove pie pan from oven and set aside.
Core and chop up your bell peppers and persimmons. Coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Line out on a baking sheet, evenly spaced, and roast for roughly 20 minutes or until softened. (you can do this at the same time on a separate rack from the pie crust if you have room)
Remove the stems from your cherry tomatoes, and drain/dry your green olives if canned.
Bring a frying pan to medium heat with olive oil. Add the green olives and sautee until their skin texture starts dimpling. Add the cherry tomatoes and continue sauteeing for about 5 minutes or until lightly browned.
Once the bell peppers, persimmons, cherry tomatoes, and green olives are all done, set aside to cool until just above room temp.
Lower the oven temperature to 350f.
In a mixing bowl combine your eggs and milk, add salt to taste. If you want other seasonings nows a good time!
Once uniform in color and texture, add your cooked fruit. Stir until evenly distributed.
Pour mixture into the potato pie crust.
Bake for roughly 40 minutes. The filling should be mostly firm, but wiggle *slightly* when you shake the pan.
Remove from oven and let rest for roughly 15 minutes before serving.
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miasmaghoul · 2 months
whos the best ghoul cook? do you think they have any weird eating quirks (like water ghouls eating raw fish, mountain chewin on his terra cotta plant pots, fire ghouls needing to eat more bc of higher body temp, anything like that)?
Did I ever tell you guys that I earned a scholarship to culinary school? I couldn't go, but cooking and baking remain passions of mine that I do NOT get to talk about enough.
But now you've given me an excuse >:)
So here, a BUNCH of my cooking (and favorite food) headcanons for the ghouls and Papas alike!
(There's some murder ghoul content here, mostly in Alpha's section - couldn't help myself 😌)
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Aeon isn't one for cooking. Loves eating food, certainly, but not making it. He's more of a snacker, partly because it's more convenient but mostly because he doesn't have the attention span to do much more than microwave instant noodles. He's not picky though, will eat whatever is put in front of him as long as someone else has prepared it. Also doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, more of a salty/savory guy. Favorite foods include hot cheetos, thick cut beef jerky (good to gnaw), and whatever appears on his plate at meal times.
Aether is a ghoul of simple tastes. He'll cook when he has the time, but it's going to be one of his four go-to recipes every time. Always some format of protein + starch + veg, with a complementary sauce. He meal preps every weekend after his retirement so he can have easy meals to microwave and eat in the infirmary. Isn't the biggest fan of cooking with company, unless they're willing to stay out of the kitchen and not interrupt his routine. Has a weak spot for bananas. Favorite meal is one-pan roasted chicken, potatoes and asparagus with rosemary and garlic from Mountain’s garden.
Alpha does not cook, wouldn't dream of it. He doesn't even deign to eat human food most of the time, turns his nose up at it when offered. He likes his meat raw, and wants to hunt it himself so he can feel the blood run down his chin. Any prey is fair game - if he finds you in the woods, you'd better hope you can outrun him. (You cannot.) Favorite foods include the flesh and organs of anything with a pulse.
Aurora likes the idea of cooking, but in practice...well, she tries. She's impatient, is the problem - what do you mean simmer for 20 minutes? She's hungry now! She inevitably rushes everything she makes, no matter how much input she gets from the others, and has yet to learn her lesson. She also has a MASSIVE sweet tooth, they can't keep enough sugary snacks in the pantry as far as she's concerned. Favorite foods include spaghetti with butter and cheese (one of the only things she can always get right), boxed brownies and any kind of fruity candy she can get her paws on.
Cirrus can cook pretty well, if she says so herself, but it's rare that she does it for anyone but herself. She has very particular tastes, and doesn't want to have to adapt them for others. She loves organ meat and bitter vegetables, enjoys the intensity of those flavors while the smell alone keeps most of the others away. Oh well, more for her! She'll eat anything thats made for her though, especially if its served on a silver platter by someone on their knees. Favorite foods (aside from the aforementioned organs) mostly include healthy things like fresh fruit and veggies, steamed shellfish and lean meat.
Cumulus is more of a baker than a cook, but enjoys any time spent in the kitchen either way. She's the type to make a day of it, in her comfiest clothes with music playing while she dances in front of the stove. Her food is never the prettiest, but it's made with love and tastes so much better for it. Her favorite things to bake are cookies and pies, but she doesn't eat many sweets herself. Prefers seeing the others enjoy them. Favorite foods include homemade bread (she has a sourdough starter named Breadly) with lots of butter and flaky salt, anything citrus-forward and wants her proteins heavily spiced (not spicy, she has a low tolerance, but loves the fragrant flavors of herbs and spices).
Dewdrop doesn't advertise it, but he's one of the best ghouls to have in the kitchen. His precision and attention to detail are second to none, and while it doesn't make him particularly fun to share a kitchen with it does make him an outstanding cook. He likes very intricate, involved recipes because he can use them to showcase his skills (and earn a whole bunch of praise at the dining table as a bonus). Loves spicy food, which everyone assumes is due to him now being a fire ghoul, but he's actually always enjoyed a good burn. Favorite foods include any meat served on the bone, fermented foods (kimchi and sour pickles especially) and anything smoked.
Ifrit does not know how the stove works. He survives on protein bars and any leftovers he can pilfer from the abbey kitchens. Food is not a thing he's super interested in, just takes what he needs to fuel himself, and would rather follow in Alpha's footsteps anyway. He likes to hang out at the lake every now and then with Mist, though - she'll pop up from the water every now and then with a nice plump trout to toss his way, which he will roast with his bare hands. Doesn't really have a favorite food, but does like crunchy things.
Mist, if she isn't sharing her spoils with Ifrit, will keep her catch for herself. She's small enough that one good-sized lake fish will tide her over for the day. She does prefer them raw and whole, always a bit on the feral side, but she can be convinced to join the others for sushi if the offer arises. Favorite foods include anything alive and not poisonous in the lake, and cookie dough ice cream (don't tell anyone).
Mountain is overall considered to be the best cook amongst the ghouls, and definitely has the goofy apron to prove it. Naturally skilled and adaptable, he enjoys preparing meals for his pack and will do so with anyone that wishes to lend a hand. Usually it's Cumulus or Sunshine, but they all keep him company at one point or another. He grows much of the produce used in their kitchen himself, all of it fresh and delicious, but Mountain does not eat a bite of it. He's a total carnivore - the closest he gets to eating his homegrown goodies is including them in a stew but avoiding them in his own bowl. Favorite foods include rabbit, venison and this one Vietnamese style grilled beef and rice noodle dish that Dew makes.
Omega learned to cook by osmosis, if you ask him. Time spent under three Papas will do thay to a ghoul. He doesn't cook much, but he's excellent at crafting simple, filling pasta dishes that are good for the soul (so to speak). Also treats it as an excuse to drink plenty of the good wine stashed away in the abbey's cellars - blame Terzo for that habit. Favorite meal is fresh pappardelle served with roasted tomatoes, basil and spicy sausage.
Rain doesn't cook if it involves more than the microwave, not because he can't but because he prefers to be waited on. Breakfast in bed, charcuterie plates in the afternoon, specially prepared dinners to make sure he's kept happy - none of it is necessary, but Rain can't help how much he loves being served. Good thing no one minds giving him the royal treatment. He will also indulge in the odd raw fish during a swim, but only does it beneath the surface, away from prying eyes. Favorite good is soup, any kind, but he prefers brothy ones over thick or creamy styles. If he had to pick a single favorite varitey, it would be miso.
Swiss is only allowed in the kitchen because he's good with a knife. He can burn through prep work like nobody's business, but that's where his skill set ends. He's caused one too many greasefires to he trusted at the stove, and every time he's put something in the oven he's forgotten about it until smoke filled the room and the ghoulettes had to magickally air it out. But he can chop like a food processor, so he gets the knife pass. He's another one that'll eat anything put in front of him, with one exception: eggs. Can't stand them. Favorite foods include red meat served rare, really dark, bitter chocolate and anything with hideous amounts of garlic.
Sunshine is chaos personified in the kitchen. She loves to experiment with flavors and techniques, but has yet to have anything close to a success. Pasta with pesto and pineapple (alliteration is fun), chocolate covered avocado balls (with bacon, because why not), a tuna sandwich made with coconut yogurt instead of mayo (it's healthy!) - these are but a few of the food crimes that have lost her solo access to the kitchens. This girl could burn cereal, and no one wants to see that. She does love to eat though, and will frequently hang out when someone else is cooking so she can sneak bites whatever they're making. Favorite foods include cheese (all kinds), sour candy and all the orchard fresh peaches she can get her hands on.
And for the Papas:
Primo had to learn his way around the kitchen from an early age, thanks to the responsibility of raising his younger brothers falling onto his shoulders. He learned by watching the kitchen staff - a pair of elderly Sisters with so much skill in their gnarled hands that Primo couldn't look away. He never got very good at it, mostly sticking to a handful of reliable dishes that could be made cheap and easily for the three of them. His favorite of the bunch was also the one thing he was best at making - a simple mushroom risotto.
Secondo took to the kitchen like it was second nature, once Primo could trust him to not chop a finger off. Would spend hours poring over cookbooks and learning by doing, eating his own failures so his brothers wouldn't have to. He really enjoyed making simple but hearty comfort foods, lots of rib-sticking braises and stews filled with herbs and veggies from Primo's modest garden. He even cooked the last meal they ever shared together, on that fateful Uno night. It was his favorite, a lasagna constructed from fresh sheets of pasta, homemade ricotta, spinach and a simple tomato sauce, served with roasted garlic focaccia.
Terzo did not get the cooking gene, aside from being able to boil water for his tea. It wasn't a big deal since his brothers picked up the slack, and he decided there were other things that took priority - like music, history and how to retain a full head of hair after age 30. He preferred drinking over eating anyway, mostly saw food as something to put in his stomach to cushion the wine. He was a man of simple tastes, and his favorite thing was a humble sandwich of mortadella, provolone and spicy pickled peppers.
Copia never had to learn to cook, raised by the Clergy and doted on thanks to a not-so-subtle suggestion from Sister Imperator. More than a little spoiled in that sense, he would also go on to be the most worldly Papa in terms of his tastes. So much time spent traveling the world helped to expand his palate, and he got into the habit of sending pictures and descriptions of his favorites back to the abbey so the kitchen staff could figure out how to replicate them. It's impossible for him to pick a favorite, but thanks to so much time spent in LA he does have a real soft spot for Mexican food. Tacos al pastor in particular, but without the cilantro (he has the soap gene).
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three--rings · 3 months
Threerings' Dinner Plan
Okay so you've got the average or more than the average amount of stress and limitations to your time and/or ability, but you like to eat good food. And you know you need to both eat healthier and more cheaply (i.e. home cooked food.) What do you do?
Well in the past few months I've kinda perfected a system for low effort cooking of very healthy meals that last for many days of leftovers. None of this is revolutionary or anything or original but IDK it's working really well for me so I'm sharing.
(Also this is for omnivores. Sorry non meat eaters.)
Basically the idea is sheet pan meals. Like I said, not revolutionary. But I've found a system to make it as easy and low-effort as possible.
Step One: Choose your meat and recipe.
So mostly I use chicken for this, because it's cheapest. But if your store is having a great sale on pork or beef, by all means. This last week I did pork tenderloin cause they were super cheap I just searched for a recipe for sheet pan pork tenderloin and adapted it.
But we're gonna assume you're going chicken. So I really only like chicken breasts, but if you like thighs you can use those because it's cheaper. I typically use about 1.75-2lbs of chicken at at time for these recipes.
So what I do is buy the thin sliced chicken breasts from the store. The benefit here is they are already pre-trimmed of all the nasty parts so you're not paying for bits of chicken you don't want and also you don't have to handle and cut the chicken yourself. All I do is open the package and I cut each piece of sliced chicken in half in the middle, horizontally. You don't have to do that, but it makes all the pieces about the same size and it fits better on the tray and then people can take exactly as much meat as they want more easily. (I'm only feeding two adults but it would work well for kids that way.)
Step Two: Veggies
So that's your meat, then you need veggies. I use frozen veggies because they are 1)cheaper and 2)pre-cut. You can pretty much use whatever veggies you like with whatever recipe, but I try to keep it in theme. Like with a Mediterranean dish I did onions and bell peppers and cauliflower. Recently I got a bag of "roasting vegetable blend" that was excellent with brussel sprouts, butternut squash, and onions. Get the higher quality veg like broccoli "florets" cause it's worth a few cents more. You will need/want more veggies than you think, like 20 oz total, you can mix a couple small bags of different ones per tray. And they will shrink a good deal in cooking.
Step Three: Sauce/seasoning.
And then we have seasoning/sauce. This is where I turn to internet recipes for "sheet pan whatever chicken." But I have a few I've used that I've adapted so I'll give them here. Whatever you do, basically you just mix the sauce and pour it over the chicken and/or vegetables and throw it all on a sheet tray and cook it in the oven. (Specifics below.)
Korean Chicken
4  tablespoons dark soy sauce (I've tried both dark works better)
4 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons neutral oil
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons Sriracha sauce
4 cloves garlic , minced (or ½ teaspoon garlic powder) (I use pre-minced jar garlic for ease)
1 tablespoon gochugaru red pepper flakes (if you don't have these just either use a smaller amount of regular red pepper flakes or just more sriracha. This shouldn't be really HOT, just tangy. )
Do Broccoli and Chicken with this, and mix it all in the sauce. It makes the absolute best broccoli EVER. Like I just want a plate of this broccoli it's so GOOD.
Greek Chicken
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
6 cloves garlic minced
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp dried parsley
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 cup feta cheese crumbled
(Sub pre-juiced lemon juice and jarred garlic for ease.) Marinate the chicken in the mixture for like 30 minutes first if you have time. Onions, bell peppers and zucchini is good for this. Don't add feta until the last 3 minutes of cooking, sprinkle feta over it and then put it back to get a little melty and browned.
Shawarma Chicken
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon ground coriander 
1½ teaspoons paprika (may substitute smoked paprika)
2 teaspoons ground cumin
½ teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon fine salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
3 tablespoons neutral or olive oil
Juice of ½ lemon
You can again marinate the chicken for a bit if you want. But you don't have to. I recommend cauliflower for this, with whatever else you like. Grape tomatoes are good too. For this one I sprinkled the veggies with curry powder to make sure they got seasoned because there wasn't that much of the marinade.
So for ALL of these the process is this:
Preheat over to 450
Spread the frozen veggies all over a sheet pan (wrap the pan in aluminum foil first for easy clean up.) You can drizzle them with oil, salt and pepper, or a little of the sauce/marinade and toss to cover. Toss the sheet in the oven while it's still preheating. This will get the veggies started and defrosted before you add the chicken so it will all cook together.
Meanwhile get the chicken ready/wait 10-15 minutes for the oven to heat and the veggies to start cooking. (If you're using smaller/more tender veggies you can cut this time. Skip this entirely if you're using fresh.)
Mix your thin sliced chicken pieces with the marinade/sauce. Remove veggies from the oven and push to the sides to make room for your chicken in the middle. You can also simply lay the chicken pieces over veggies if you don't care about the veggies getting carmelized. Arrange your chicken and dump all the sauce. Return to oven.
Cook for about 20-25 minutes. You can check the temp of the chicken with a thermometer, but it's so thin it should be fine. This is why we start the veggies first so they can get mostly cooked and have time to start browning without overcooking chicken.
Remove from oven.
Serve with rice. I have been going the ultra-lazy route of using frozen microwaveable rice, but some of you may have rice cookers.
Congratulations you have a super healthy meal. If you feel crazy you could make a second tray of veggies at the same time and just have less meat with each meal to stretch your $. You could also add beans to your veggies and same.
My husband and I can get dinners for 4-5 days out of one of these meals. But neither of us eats a lot at a sitting, so ymmv on that.
You can also probably see how to adapt this. Find a sauce/marinade recipe, choose veggies and meat, and go! You will have to figure out the cook time for different kinds of meat though.
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cosmerelists · 5 months
Calculate your Vorin Gender!
What's your gender, according to Vorins on Roshar? Well, just answer 10 easy questions to find out! Just keep track of how many "A" answers and how many "B" answers you get, and then see results below!
I can't really explain why, but this post was inspired by @isdalinarhot and a post about Dalinar and flamin' hot cheetos (here).
1. What are you having for breakfast?
A. Pancakes with maple syrup B. Bacon and scrambled eggs with hot sauce
2. What are you having for a snack?
A. Peaches in syrup B. Flamin' Hot Cheetos
3. What are you having for lunch?
A. Teriyaki stir fry with honey balsamic roasted veggies B. Spicy ramen
4. What are you having for dinner?
A. Just an entire pie. Yum! B. Meat. Spicy meat.
5. Do you like to read?
A. Heck yeah! B. No I prefer to be out doing things!
6. Do you like to draw?
A. Heck yeah! B. No I prefer to be out doing things!
7. Which class would you prefer to play in D&D?
A. Wizard B. Paladin
8. Have you ever gotten into a fight?
A. Not a physical one, but I've definitely written some shade B. Heck yeah!
9. What was your best subject in school?
A. English or science or math B. Government or PE
10. Can I shake your hand?
A. No and you should be ashamed of yourself for asking B. Yes but I'm gonna squeeze way harder than you
Mostly "A" answers: You're a Vorin woman!
9-10 "A" answers: You are the most ladylike of Vorin women!
7-8 "A" answers: You're a woman who likes to push the boundaries of womanhood. Have you been talking to Jasnah?
6: "A" answers: Have you considered becoming an Ardent?
Mostly "B" answers: You're a Vorin man!
9-10 "B" answers: You are the most manly of Vorin men!
7-8 "B" answers: You're a man who likes to push the boundaries of manhood. Have you been talking to Dalinar?
6 "B" answers: Have you considered becoming an Ardent?
Equally Split Between "A" & "B": You're an Ardent!
Ha ha you're an Ardent right? "sweats nervously in Vorin"
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kingshovelbug · 28 days
forrest!! SOS!! i have no good food to eat!! ik u can cook so can u tell us some yummy recipes?
oh god i feel like senshi because im so so very late to this ask because ive been in a slump with cooking myself and youve definitely eaten by now. BUT i have a few that i make either when i want comfort food that still checks some boxes of being kind of nutritious or that are just fast
i. spam musubi but its not actually
spam musubi are these awesome hand held things. sometimes they have egg sometimes they dont but i will eat a whole can worth in one go. so i do it as a bowl instead
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i start jasmine rice in our rice cooker and chop the spam into cubes vs slices like it would be for musubi. fry them on medium high until theyre crispy. then ill julienne an onion and add it to the spam. once the onion is starting to soften ill add the sauce. the recipe i saw was 2tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp mirin with like a spoon full of sugar (honestly it was probably just under a tbsp) but ive been cheating recently and using a japanese bbq sauce i found at our local asian grocery store. once everything is coated i cook it a few mins so the sauce thickens up. by then the rice should be done and then you just take a scoop of each and i add seaweed on top
i know its not proper but since will doesnt like the sweet savory combo and im the only one eating it this way is easier for me to handle. i can store the rice and spam separately so nothing gets mushy and even refry the spam when i want to heat it back up
ii. black bean, pepper and cheese quesadilla
this is actually how i got will to try beans. i just take a can of black beans and dump the whole thing into a pot and cook on medium until i can smash them. ill also fry peppers and onions on medium until they have a little char. spices are honestly up to you and how spicy you want it. i usually put salt, pepper, cumin, paprika, chili powder and garlic in with the beans. once the beans are mostly smashed and the peppers cooked ill throw them together and smash them more just so everything is easier to spread onto a tortilla. that plus you can add your cheese. ive shredded my own and used grocery store mixes so its up to you!
iii. spicy garlic tofu
almost no notes on this. i use less maple syrup than the recipe calls for so 1tbsp of everything in the sauce. and instead of gochujang i use a chinese chili paste, imo it ends up less ketchup flavored but if you like ketchup then just use gochujang
iv. https://thecookiewriter.com/roasted-mushroom-pot-pie/
i dont make this as often but this is a recipe i use as a base and then cheat. i swap in frozen veggies and it speeds everything up
v. hotpot
i love making hotpot at home. its super easy skill wise it just takes some time. you can buy premixed hot pot bases from the grocery store if you have an asian grocery store near you and you just dunk stuff in the soup until its cooked. you just need to watch out for the spice level of the broth
will and i will usually get thinly sliced beef, rice cakes, udon noodles, fish cakes, bok choy and mushrooms. all you do is bring the broth to a boil and cook your ingredients. sometimes i dunk with chopsticks other times i cook with a small strainer lol
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nevernonline · 10 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #6 quit!
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt, (g)-idle minnie&soyeon, oc’s
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual , reader talks about parental death, sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 2.8k
masterlist ▸ 5. 005. chronic memory keeper ▸ 007. snake in the grass
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Stepping into her kitchen was the most relaxing feeling ever, it had been a while since y/n had the chance to dine in with a recipe she carefully put together or found on pinterest and craft something nice. Spending hours on end not thinking about her own problems and just focusing on a hobby she enjoys. 
After her overly embarrassing text messages hinting to Minghao that she slightly hoped he was single had her desperately wishing they wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass. 
Cleaning out the insides of the chicken and placing them in a bowl saved for her next soup stock, she massages pads of butter or seasoning onto it’s skin and placed it in her hot oven, before moving onto the thinly silenced potatoes and root vegetables she had prepped that morning, boiling and simmering them. 
A chime from her doorbell stole her away from her stress free time in the kitchen. She was excited to see Minghao but it wasn’t him who was waiting at her threshold. opening it to reveal a small package, wrapped in brown paper and tied with a matching twine bow. 
No note was attached on the outer side revealing who may have left the wrapped item for her to find. So she decided to ignore it, just for now at least and get back to preparing her meal for a friend. 
An hour had passed since the last time someone was ringing the doorbell and left waiting for her to quickly wash her hands. 
“Sorry, one second I just need to wash my hands.” 
She yelled, leaving the water running and rushing herself to the guest bathroom next to the door, making sure she looked alright and didn’t miss an out of place hair or swipe of flour on her face. 
Opening her front door, she revealed Mingaho standing with a paper bag in his hand as well as a bouquet of her favorite flowers, Hydrangeas swinging to his side. 
She looked him up and down forgetting she invited him here and still not inviting him in. He was dressed in a perfectly ripped pair of jeans and matching long denim coat, underneath she caught a glimpse of a white button down top missing the clasps of the top three buttons revealing his chest. He looked incredible. 
“Can I come in?” 
“Oh, shit. Sorry. Yes, please.” 
“This is for you, some wine and snacks for after dinner. I picked them up from the chinese market near my gallery.” 
“That’s so thoughtful of you, thank you. The flowers are beautiful, how did you know I liked hydrangeas?” 
“I saw on Seokmin’s instagram that he took you to a flower farm last year, I just assumed.” 
“Ah. Well you assumed right, they’re really gorgeous.” 
“What are you making? It smells so good.” 
“Roast chicken and root veggies, with some wild rice and my mom’s very special, very secret recipe sauce. 
Minghao was amazed watching y/n move around the kitchen with ease, seemingly like she was dancing around the marble floor. 
“I have to admit, I really thought you were joking when you told me you could cook. I almost expected you to order food and make it look like you were the chef.” 
“Ouch. That hurts my pride a little bit. Actually, my dad was a chef. He used to own a restaurant. I spent a lot of time there as a kid helping him.” 
“Was? What happened if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“He passed away when I was a teenager. It’s a long story.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be. It’s okay, I miss him, but cooking helps me feel close to him.” 
“Now I’m very sorry I ever doubted your skill.” 
Your laugh made Minghao happy, he knew he probably struck a chord in you but it was nice that even when you were sad you could still find humor in anything. 
“Need my help with anything?” 
“Just for you to either open that bottle of wine or make me a cocktail, dealer's choice.” 
“Got it.” 
Y/n’s dining partner strode off to the chrome bar cart and twiddled his fingers around the various bottles of liquor, some full and some half empty, giving him an indication of the things she chose for herself. 
“Here you are, chef.” 
“Wow, thank you bartender. What is it?” 
“Try it and find out.” 
Y/n took a sip from the slightly pink cocktail glass, swishing it in her mouth for dramatic effect. 
“Okay, so.. Gin, Campari, a splash of grapefruit bitters, and lemon?” 
“Wow, are you like a weird super taster or something? What the fuck.” 
“No, just a girl who loves gin old fashioneds.” 
“You are one surprising specimen.” 
“Shut up. Come on, let's eat.” 
After basically finishing every edible thing on the plate, Minghao offered to clean up for you as a thank you for the efforts of you cooking him one of the best dinners he’s had the pleasure of eating. 
Y/n switched into her role as bartender and opened a beautiful bottle of red wine for the pair to sip on as their night continued on. 
“Thank you for cleaning. I’m sorry again about the whole weird ass texts I was sending you. I was way too drunk to be alone with my thoughts and access to the internet.” 
“I told you it’s alright. I actually found it sort of cute.” 
“Cute? Maybe you are crazier than I thought you were.” 
“No, come on. You know you’re cute. Everyone tells you all the time, I agree with them.” 
“Shut up, THE Xu Minghao thinks I’M cute? I’m so flattered.” 
Minghao playfully slapped y/n’s hand off of her chest, knocking the red liquid around in her cup, causing it to fall onto the white fabric of her pants. 
“Shit. I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s ok, I can just go throw them in the wash. One second.” 
Y/n departed into her room, changing into a pair of pink pajama bottoms, not removing her corseted tank top in the process, fleeing quickly into the laundry room at the end of the hall to wash the stain out. 
Minghao in the meantime caught a glimpse of the twine wrapped package on her coffee table and went over to see what it could possibly be. In the time he spent inspecting it he didn’t notice his female counterpart entering back into the room. 
“Someone left that for me at my door. Weird right?” 
“Yeah, sort of. Should we open it?” 
“I’m kind of scared to be honest.” 
“Okay, I have an idea.” 
“I’m not sure how I feel about that.” 
“Trust me?” 
Minghao stepped back to the now familiar bar cart and grabbed a bottle of whiskey that had been left unopened until this night, placing two shot glasses in front of them both. 
“What does taking shots have to do with us opening the package?” 
“What doesn’t it have to do with the package? It’s brown, similar to the wrapping. It’s sealed, maybe because you don’t like it or it’s not something you’re sure of. And it’s interesting. So we take two shots, then we open it, then regardless of what it is, we play a game. The game selfishly is for me to get to know you deeper. I feel like I’ve spent so much time with you and I don’t know that much about you, other than what was exposed. So, you in?” 
Y/n and Minghao cheered to their now growing connection and he placed the small package in her lap, holding onto her knee, getting the feeling that she needed moral support based on mutual gut feelings. 
“I’m sure it’s not bad.” 
As y/ns hands ripped apart the brown paper and untied the rope around the mysterious box, it revealed a soft purple journal, now torn apart, pages basically falling out from end to end all over the couch between them. 
“My journal.” 
Her voice shifted, she was no longer happy or full of anticipation, she was confused and slightly disappointed as her precious and private life fell out in front of her, photos, entries, and shards of her life. 
“Oh, y/n. I-” 
“No. Don’t say sorry, please.” 
“Why the fuck do people care? Just like why am I someone's target? Especially if it’s someone I know, what is so bad that you can’t just fucking talk to me about it? Sorry, I don’t know if that makes sense at all, but I just don’t get it.” 
“I think some people are just scared of genuine conflict, so instead of asking they make things about themselves and take the other person's feelings out of the equation to feed their own.” 
“Why give it back now? Am I expected to just ignore my privacy being invaded and be like well it’s over good? This makes me feel even more uneasy.” 
“Maybe they left you a clue or something by giving this back?” 
Minghao collected the various contents that were left as ashes for you, feeding you more alcohol and not talking while he did so. 
“y/n? Here.” 
A small envelope, matching the shade of purple of the cover of your journal was tapped inside the cover, inside a typed note. 
‘Just because it comes back to you, doesn’t mean it’ll always stay the same. See you soon. Xo.’
“What the fuck does that even mean?” 
“I guess they’re trying to tell you more will come out? And that they have no purpose for keeping the evidence anymore.” 
“Can we.. maybe, just for the rest of the night ignore this? I cannot focus on this anymore and it’s ruining my chance to have fun with you.” 
“Please. Let me distract you.” 
“Do you want to change? Or need clothes? I know Seokmin and Joshua left some stuff here in case they ever stayed over.” 
“They wouldn’t mind?” 
“No, of course not. I’ll be right back.” 
Y/n ran back into her room, gathering various styles of t-shirts and sweatpants to make Minghao more comfortable. 
“Here, there's some options. I know you care a lot about your style, so pick what you want.” 
Mingaho grabbed a black t-shirt with a logo from Joshua’s coffee shop on the front and an odd pair of Seokmin’s disney character pajama pants, just to make the air go back to it’s lighthearted space. 
“Oh my god, you look amazing.” 
“ I just wanted you to smile.” 
“Mission accomplished, Mickyhao.” 
“That is an awful nickname.” 
“Shut up, don’t be a dick.” 
“Got it. Okay, so let’s play a little game, y/n. I’ll ask you some questions, if you don’t want to answer you can drink and you can do the same for me. Got it?” 
“Got it. You go first.” 
“Okay, so what stops you from going after the things you want?” 
“Hmm, I’m shy, I guess? I don’t want to risk changing how things already are any more than they have changed on their own. I think confessions and love declarations are unnerving, I could ruin something good just for a single chance. Not knowing shit freaks me out.” 
“So you’re a control freak, got it.” 
“No. Not a control freak, just a loser.” 
“That’s accurate.” 
“You’re stupid. Okay, Minghao. What made you want to pursue art?” 
“I guess it was just always something I was good at? I loved being able to tell the truth about stuff without having to say it outloud, people can perceive anything they want, but I know how I truly feel and nobody can take it away from me. The truth, I mean.” 
“How are you so certain that its the truth?” 
“Well, it's my truth.” 
“Why didn’t you tell Minnie about Seungcheol? Were you ever going to?” 
“Yikes. I guess, I didn’t feel like it was important. We hooked up way before they ever dated, he was just helping me out with something that scared me, which I didn’t think was a big deal. I knew she liked him, but she told me she’d never confess. I guess I didn’t think it was as big of a problem until it was. Does that make sense?” 
“Yeah it does, how did it happen?” 
“No, no, no. One question at a time. How did it happen for you?” 
“My virginity? I was at a party, junior year before college and I met a girl. She was nice, really pretty, and she seemed to enjoy my company. I guess I just asked her if she wanted to fuck and she agreed, but after she told me she had a boyfriend and that was that.” 
“So she cheated on her boyfriend just to fuck you? Alright, good for you I guess. Bad for the boyfriend.” 
“Have you ever cheated on someone?” 
“Me? God no. I haven’t even had the chance to be with anyone that seriously considers sleeping around cheating. I don’t think I could do that. Why? Have you?” 
“Nope, but I guess I’ve been the person someone used to cheat, so it feels sort of like cheating.” 
“Since we seem to be two overly honest people for this game, want to drink just for fun as well?” 
“Please. Cheers.” 
“Okay y/n, I have a question.” 
“What was it about Joshua or Mingyu that attracted you to them?” 
“With Shua it was how kind he was, everyone knows it and can see that. It just sort of radiates around him. I mean he’s beautiful, they both are. In such different ways. I’ll probably always view him as that first boy I loved, he’s really special to me. As for Mingyu, I guess I never knew why at first. He was just my hot friend that I hooked up with sometimes, but the more and more we hung out the more I realized how smart he was and how intriguing his character is.” 
“Do you still have feelings for them?” 
“I’m not sure what my feelings are for anyone at this moment, no.” 
“What about me?” 
“What about you?” 
“Would you ever consider me the way you consider them?” 
“Can I take a shot?” 
“Sure, but you still have to answer the question. Come on.” 
“Yeah, I would. I like getting to know you, I appreciate how fiercely committed you are to riding for the people you love. I like that you’re artistic like me, that we can laugh about wild stuff, but also be honest and talk about anything and everything in between. You’ve really made me happy even in the short time of knowing you. And to say that I’d have to think about considering you is silly, because I definitely already have. Seokmin and Jun think I have a crush on you.” 
“You don’t?” 
“Nobody needs to know.” 
“I do.” 
“You do what? Need to know if I like you?” 
“No, like you.” 
“A lot actually. More than I ever considered I would. I think you’re actually a really spectacular person despite everything.” 
“Oh. Thank you.” 
“Can I kiss you?” 
“Yeah. You can.” 
The smell of whiskey on Minghao’s breath made the hair on Y/N’s arms stand up as she fell into his touch, the kiss exploded into more and more touching and exploration of the pair's bodies. And continued on through the night, more than once. 
The next morning y/n woke up with a headache, checking the clock on her phone revealing it was almost time for Joshua to come and whisk her away from her new found bliss in bed next to Minghao. 
“Going somewhere?” 
“You have a suitcase in the corner and you keep checking your phone, is everything alright? I wasn’t that bad was I?” 
“No, but I’m going to see my mom this weekend with Joshua, I almost forgot. He’s on his way.” 
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry.” 
“Stop apologizing. I’ll just shower quickly and sneak out. You can stay as long as you need, I have an extra key in the blue jar next to my door, just lock it up for me?” 
“Sure, but come here quickly.” 
Minghao pulled y/n in for a long sweet kiss, before she ran into the warm water of her shower. 
Minghao propped himself up in her bed, collecting himself before making an attempt at a small getaway. Coming face to face with the unlocking door of the same apartment he spent his night in before. 
“Y/n, hey can I- Oh, Minghao. Hey.” 
“Joshua, Hi. Sorry I was just leaving.” 
“Without saying goodbye?” 
“To y/n, she’s in the shower, you’re just leaving?” 
“I don’t need to explain myself to you, for your information we already said a very thorough goodbye. Have fun on your trip, take care of her.” 
“Hah. Alright.” 
“I’m serious. Make sure she knows I’ll miss her.” 
“I’ll be sure to do that.” 
Minghao grabbed his jacket and slid out of her front door, looking behind him before walking away from y/n already feeling jealous she’d be spending her weekend with Joshua and not him, but he had things he couldn't tell her. Not yet.
"Oh, Joshua. I didn't think you were coming yet. Sorry, let me just grab my stuff."
"No it's fine, I just wanted to grab some snacks, hope that's okay?"
"Of course, take whatever you want. Give my five?"
"I saw your overnight guest on his way out."
"Yeah, he stayed over. I made him dinner, we just got drunk I didn't want him to have to drive home like that. Unsafe, you know."
"Right, well I'll meet you in the car."
"No need, I'm ready. I cannot wait to have the Boston Creme Pie from Boi's, I'm literally salivating thinking about it."
"We should go when we get into town and order an entire one."
"I see why we're friends now. Come on."
Joshua grabbed y/ns luggage, waiting for her to lock up her apartment and the pair headed to his car waiting outside.
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note/s: y/n love triangle era starting fr. srry this took a second and is a lil chaotic, I've been a lil busy. but!! I already have the next part on hand and will be posting v soon, some shit will be going down at minghaos show, but I didn't tell u that. xoxoxo. ily.
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taglist:  @sun-daddy-yoriichi,@hipsdofangirl @kissesfrmwonwoo, @minhui896, @wonwooz1, porridgesblog,, jasssy051, @soonyoungblr, @saucegirlreads, @musingsofananxiouspotato, @young-adult-summer, @punkhazardlaw, @bibs-world @the-swageyama-tobiyolo @wonuulvr @woozixo
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tobyfoxmademeascaly · 3 months
Inspired by Ryoko Kui’s recently revealed picky eater tendencies, I, myself a bit of a picky eater, now bring you:
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Scorpion and Walking Mushroom Hot Pot: I’d absolutely try the scorpion and walking mushroom. But the algae and the slime seem very… slippery. Not a huge fan of jell-o so I’d sit those out.
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Man-eating Plant Tart: putting the slime and broth into a savory tart does sound good… however, the man-eating plant fruits look a lot like bell peppers, which I do Not like. Also my perennial enemy, pepper, is there too.
Verdict: carefully pick at the tart itself, then DUMP reluctantly
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Roast Basilisk: ohhh yeah baby now were getting somewhere. Im tearing off those drumsticks like a starving dog. I’m a bit wary of the stuffing, however… how bitter are anti-paralysis herbs do you think?
Verdict: MUNCH
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Mandrake and Basilisk Omelet: i just don’t like omelets.
Verdict: DUMP
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Mandrake Kakiage and Giant Bat Tempura: I am very unfamiliar with both these foods, but looking over the ingredients list, its deep fried, its got garlic, only thing I’m not a big fan of is mandrake and soy sauce.
Verdict: MUNCH, but experimentally
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Living Armor Stir-fry and Living Armor Soup: i dont like stir-fry
Verdict: DUMP
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Steamed Living Armor: even the characters aren’t huge fans of this.
Verdict: DUMP
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Grilled Living Armor: Genuinely unsure. On one hand, it’s just calamari, right? On the other, the soy sauce.
Verdict: DUMP
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Golem Field Fresh Veggie Lunch: lettuce. The most disappointing vegetable.
Verdict: DUMP
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Vegetable and Chicken Stew with Bread: ingredients list says the chicken is spicy. that’s all I need to know
Verdict: DUMP. Except for the bread I’ll have that-
… oh right only ten images are allowed. Well I’ll be forced to continue with another post then
… which can be found over here!
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vyncentevelyn · 2 years
I cannot for the life of me get this idea out of my head…so…
Like we all know Steve, the beautiful single mother of 7, can cook. Has learned to cook a variety of meals and treats. Knows everyone’s favorites.
Max loves roast with mashed potatoes and glazed carrots. Erica loves quiche. El loves French toast with fresh strawberries and lots of syrup. Mike loves tomato soup and grilled cheese made with soft buttered rolls. Dustin loves chicken nuggets with homemade honey mustard sauce, and Steve knows he prefers steamed broccoli even though he won’t admit it. Lucas loves eggplant Parmesan with diced olives in the marinara. And Will loves homemade chicken noodle soup, for which Steve makes fat egg noodles and his own broth.
Steve even knows the older members of The Party’s favorites. Nancy loves vegetarian curry, the spicer the better. Argyle loves chicken pot pie. Jonathan loves meatloaf with buttery peas and roasted sweet potatoes. And Robin, love of his life, loves soft scrambled egg over rice.
He knows all their favorite snacks too. Learns to make potato chips, mini pizzas, pigs-in-a-blanket, popcorn. Always has fresh fruit and veggies with a variety of homemade dips. And when Hellfires starts playing at his house, he learns all of the members favorite snacks too.
He even makes an actual 7 course meal for the end of a Hellfire campaign for Will’s birthday. It impresses everyone.
And none of them complain about the desserts. He learns to bake cookies, brownies, cinnamon rolls, cakes. Anything they ask for, he delivers.
And Eddie, he loves all of it. Will eat anything without fail. Tells Steve after every meal it was his favorite. And when pushed about what is *actually* his favorite food Eddie will say something like, “Babe you could serve me a phone book covered in gravy and I think it would be delicious if you made it.”
So Steve figures Eddie just loves food or there’s something only Wayne knows how to cook a certain way and that’s Eddie’s favorite.
But one night Steve is exhausted. It’s just Eddie and Steve alone for dinner. And Steve just doesn’t have it in him to actually cook. So he makes a box of Kraft mac and cheese. Does the bare minimum. Boils the noodles adds salt. Mixes in the butter, milk, cheese powder. Sprinkles in a tiny bit of nutmeg. Adds cracked pepper. Globs some hot sauce in it. Then serves it.
And Eddie loses his goddamn shit over it.
And Steve can’t comprehend it at first. All of the extravagant meals and this…THIS is what Eddie flips out about.
Steve ends up making a lot of Kraft mac and cheese.
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angelmush · 1 year
i have the week off from work and just reorganized some of the things in my fridge and pantry and am planning my meals 4 the week in no particular order:
homemade fried chicken sandwiches w pickles and a hot sauce mayo on butter buns w some potato chips and crisp cold veggies
a summery creamy lemon pasta w linguine and parm
homemade teriyaki chicken w sesame farmer's market bok choy
grilled white fish tacos w lime slaw and pickled onions
seared pork meatballs w a bright, spicy, herbaceous mojo sauce and jammy charred roasted red onion served w hot sticky rice and plantain chips (literally one of my favorite easy meals everrrrr it's so good)
other easy meals lol:
chickpea or smoked fish salad sammy
4 cheese ravioli in some very vibrant pesto i got at a fancy grocery store
grilled pb+j on a baguette
leftovers lmao
cheese n meats n fruits
goat cheese turkey pesto sammy i’ve been eating 5 times a week lately lolll
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officialbabayaga · 1 year
Easy Meal
(also easy to make vegan)
Make rice using a rice maker, stove top, or microwave depending on what works for you (to fancy it up use chicken stock (but watch the salt content in the dish), a squeeze of tomato paste, some lime zest, or anything else that sounds good)
In a small pot set to medium-high put some oil or butter. when that starts to sizzle a little add some chopped onions and sauté until translucent. if you have garlic handy (i love the tubes of squeeze garlic you can get in the refrigerated section of the produce aisle of US grocery stores) throw that in as well
while the onions & garlic are still cooking in the pot throw in as much or as little smoked paprika, cayenne pepper, salt, pepper, garlic or onion powder as you would like. the cumin is non-negotiable, put that in there
when the onions & garlic look nice and cooked add a can of black beans, drained of liquid
keep cooking until the beans start to break down and all the liquid that the beans release starts to evaporate and the beans thicken
easy and really flavorful rice and beans! depending on what you have in your fridge/whether you’re willing to do a little more work, great additions can be shredded cheese, a fried egg, some avocado, cilantro, salsa, hot sauce, black olives, leftover cooked chicken, leftover roasted veggies, it’s literally all good
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Grogu watching the roasting of the Krayt dragon meat at Peli Motto's garage. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 2, The Passenger. Calendar by DateWorks.
It wasn’t a secret. Everyone knew. Even the Mandalorian had figured it out after a relatively short period of time. Grogu loved food. All food. Any food. Hot. Cold. Fresh. Aged. Raw. Cooked to perfection. He loved it all. Except vegetables. He hated them. All of them. No matter where they were from, how they were prepared and what they cost. They were off the list. 
He’d taken a lot of flack over that given how people in the galaxy viewed the Jedi. Just because you were trained as a diplomat and used your fighting prowess to protect people who couldn’t protect themselves, it didn’t mean you just ate vegetables because they weren’t the same as meat. They were both food. They were both alive at some point. They both were made up of fats and sugars and proteins. They were essentially the same as meat, with one critical difference. Meat tasted delicious. Veggies did not. 
And before you get your beskar all in a bunch, it wasn’t for lack of trying the stuff, that he felt the way he did about it. Grogu had eaten every veggie in every conceivable preparation, and he still didn’t like them. He’d made it a personal quest of sorts to see if there might ever be a veggie that he would gladly eat. He was a practical person. There was no good reason to turn away such a popular and abundant source of nutrition and calories. He wasn’t a Sith.
Unfortunately for him it seemed that he had some sort of rare, probably genetic, anomaly that made veggies, all veggies, taste bad. Not sour. Not sharp. Not sweet. Not hot. Not spicy. Nope. He liked all of those flavors, although he had to admit that he didn’t like hot nearly as much as the Mandalorian did. 
And, before you ask, it’s not a texture thing either. Grogu had yet to find a texture he didn’t like. Gummy. Chewy. Splintery. Slippery. Slimy. Hard. Brittle. Spikey. They all worked for him. Solid. Thick. Viscous. You name it and he could think of something he routinely ate that had that characteristic. 
He had even hoped that finding the right combination of texture, preparation method, accompaniment (sauces, think sauces) and veggie would finally end his misery. But he was wrong. 
He and Ian had spent a good three weeks sneaking into the kitchens of the Jedi Temple and testing different recipes. They had snuck out of the Temple numerous times to collect samples of vegetable matter from all over Coruscant at no little risk to their own well being, just to be thorough. They had spent what little free time they actually had talking to Jedi and Masters from all over the known galaxy about vegetable recipes that represented their planet’s or families culture. 
And all for nought. Each and everyone one of them was awful. It was heart breaking. Grogu remembered crying. Master Yoda had consoled him. Master Beq had agreed that no one needed to try and force him to eat any other veggies. Even Master Windu, who was not known for being a particularly comforting master, had said it was a pity, because he had really enjoyed many of the recipes Grogu had worked on. 
He could remember sitting with Ian in the arboretum and just being quiet. He took a deep breath and smelled all the glorious smells of all the flowers and planets and wondered why of all the things in the realm of food, it was the veggies that just didn’t work for him.
“You know what kid, I wonder if this here is the heart of your problem. See, all these plants. They love you. I can sense that. They really love you. And you love them right back. I know you do. You spend almost all your time here when you could be with me improving your people skills.”
Grogu thought about that. He did love all these plants. He took care of them. Watered them. Nurtured them. Gave them the nutrients they needed to grow big and strong. They were like family to him, and not just because they were mostly green like he was. He very keenly felt how alive they were and how they wanted to grow and how overlooked they felt. But not by him. Not by him.
“Come on. Let’s go get some chow. I heard that the chef got some sort of roast something that used to moo, or low, or roar. I forget which. But it’s not a veggie. It probably tastes so good because it grew up knowing that you would eat it one day.” 
Ian laughed at what he said and Grogu remembered smiling at him. Ian really did like to exaggerate to to make a point. 
They’d had a great meal and then they planned a visit to another part of Coruscant so Grogu could improve his ‘people skills’. He was glad that he had a best friend who always had his back. Always. 
All during the veggie recipe prepar-a-thon, which they had nick named ‘Veggie-gedon’ since it had turned out to be doomed to failure, Ian had insisted the Grogu use his lucky spoon. It was too bad he’d left it in their room that night. Grogu was sure the roast whatever would be even better.
You knew someone was your best friend when they let you borrow their silver spoon to test things, although Grogu sometimes wondered where that spoon came from. Probably some antique shop filled with curiosities and wonders from around the Galaxy. Ian always had an affinity for places like that, much like Grogu loved the arboretum. It was just the way he was.
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fallensnowfan · 1 year
In the mood to share some Marine headcanons. Which kind and how they each enjoy sandwiches:
Garp - Roast beef sandwiches are his favorite. Eats them in one-two bites.
Drake - Chicken salad on a baguette.
Prince Grus - Wanting to imitate Garp, occasionally tries to eat sandwiches in one-two bites as well, though fails and chokes. He enjoys expensive BLTs.
Kujaku - Doesn't have a particular favorite, though prefers hot sandwiches over cold. Puts extra salt and pepper on her sandwiches.
Koby - Grilled cheese on potato bread. Shares the crusts with Helmeppo and Hibari.
Hibari - Ham and cheese on a croissant.
Helmeppo - Steak sandwich w/veggies and sauce on a bread roll.
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 6 months
How do Aenar respond to normal human food? (Spicy wings, bubbly soda, etc etc etc)
Yes!! I love this question!!! Thank you!
None of this is canon at all btw- more under the cut!
Ok, so it's canon that salt tastes spicy to Andorians. (Or, at least I think it is?) I thought it'd be funny for it to be the opposite for Aenar aka hot sauce tastes like salt, and salt tastes like nothing.
So Hemmer/Aenar can chow down on ghost pepper sauce and handle it just fine. Ghost peppers would just be really salty- and kinda gross.
As for sugar and soda, they love both. However, they're hard to find in the Northern Wastes. I headcanon that there's no commercial imports into the Aenar capitol (I have an economy set up that relies on exports (Specifically of minerals) to fund any international ventures, (Aka separation of internal and external economy) so the Aenar don't use money really, neither Federation credits or otherwise) So, soda is totally contraband, as are cigarettes and coffee. (Which is like gold there)
side note: bubbly soda is crazy to them. Hemmer spat it out the first time he had it at the academy he was so surprised. Sugary drinks are common, but drinks with bubbles are still a little out there.
Hemmer is the plug for his family when it comes to sour belts and melon soda! He really likes human food (esp. candy). (although getting him to admit that is nigh impossible)
Mint though, they hate it. Mint tastes like soap to them, the same as how cilantro tastes like soap to some humans.
Oh, and Andorian soda uses a botanical the Aenar hate as it tastes like bleach- it's a headcanon that the Speaker spit it out the first time she had it at a political dinner and almost had to fight an Ushaan.
However, as for meat (Wings), the Aenar have a religious thing around men touching meat. Blood is considered unclean (religiously and morally) so anyone touching blood is a big no-no... save for fish. Somehow, fish blood is just fine- for both men and others. Killing animals also has to be done in a humane way (Or I guess 'Aenaran way' haha) So, technically Hemmer would be a pescatarian off-world.
Not that he follows that all the time lol- I mean, KFC has to exist in 2240-50's right?
The Aenar usually grill/roast their food, so anything fried wouldn't really catch their fancy. They'd get sick of it pretty quick. They stick with the classics- (meat, fish, veggies, fruit, rice,) pretty consistently. Most dishes are pretty simple. The only thing they really splurge on is sugar.
I mean, cotton candy, right?
As for spicy stuff, it tastes like salt to them...which means if you're ever invited to an Aenar's house...bring tissues and a gallon of milk. Godspeed if you have a low spice tolerance.
Thankfully, most Aenar desserts and drinks don't have capsaicin/ spices in it.
Most. RIP.
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nbula-rising · 5 months
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Birria Tacos (Quesabirria) prep time: 15 MINUTES cook time: 4 HOURS 15 MINUTES total time: 4 HOURS 30 MINUTES
Birria Sauce 5 dried ancho chiles 5 dried guajillo chiles 2-3 Chiles de árbol (see note 1) 1 Tbsp oil 1 large onion, peeled and diced 4 large tomatoes, roughly chopped 8 garlic cloves, roughly chopped 2 Tbsp tomato paste 1 inch ginger, peeled and roughly chopped ¼ cup apple cider vinegar 1 cup beef stock 1.5 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 Tbsp dried oregano 1 tsp thyme 2 tsp coriander powder 2 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 2 cloves, ground into powder
For Stew 3-3.5 lbs chuck roast, cut into large chunks Salt to taste Pepper to taste 2 Tbsp oil 4 cups beef stock
For Tacos 15-20 white or yellow corn tortillas 2 cups shredded Oaxaca or mozzarella cheese ½ white or red onion, diced Bunch of cilantro, chopped Lime wedges, to serve
For Birria and Consommé Dry toast and rehydrate the chilis: Cut the stems off and make a slit along the side to open them and discard the seeds. Dry toast them in hot pan for 1-2 minutes, until fragrant (don’t burn them, as they can turn bitter). Put them in a bowl, pour in a cup of hot water, and let it sit for 20 minutes. Sauté the veggies: Heat oil and Sauté the onion, garlic and tomato until softened. Then transfer the veggies to the blender.
Make Birria Sauce: In the blender, blend above veggie mixture along with rehydrated chilis, spices and herbs (oregano, cumin, cinnamon, coriander powder, ground clove, thyme, salt and pepper), apple cider vinegar, ginger, tomato paste, and 1 cup of beef stock. Blend it till the mixture in completely smooth. Prepare and sear the meat: Cut the chuck roast into large chunks and generously season it with salt and pepper. We always like to sear the meat before putting it in the stew, as it adds tons of flavors. Heat the oil in the stew pot (or instant pot on saute mode) and brown the meat on all sides.
Cook the stew:
Stovetop: In a big stew pot, combine the meat with the Birria sauce. Add in 4 cups of beef stock. Cover and cook over low heat on the stovetop for 3 to 4 hours, or until the meat is completely tender. Keep an eye on the stew and stir it every 20 minutes or so, as not to burn the meat at the bottom.
Crock Pot Birria Tacos: Combine meat and sauce in a large crockpot, along with 4 cups of beef stock. Cover and slow cook on low for 9 hours, or until the meat is completely tender.
Instant Pot Birria Tacos: Add in Birria sauce along with remaining 4 cups of beef stock, and give the mixture a quick toss. Cover and seal the lid. Pressure cook on “Manual” for 45 minutes, followed by a quick release.
For Birria Tacos Reserve the fat on top of the stew to fry the tacos. (very important, DO NOT discard it, you would need this fat to make the Birria tacos crispy)
Shred the meat: Taste and adjust the seasonings like salt and pepper. Remove the beef from the consommé and shred with two forks.
Dip Tortillas: Heat a large griddle or skillet over medium heat. Add a small amount of oil to the griddle and swirl it around. Dip a corn tortilla into the reserved fat from Birria and lay it on the hot pan.
Assemble the taco: Quickly top it with shredded cheese along with a spoonful of shredded meat, and a little chopped onion and cilantro. Don’t overfill the tacos. Especially with the cheese, which will ooze out of the tacos while they are frying if you add in too much. You will get the hang of it after frying few.
Fry Tacos: Fold tortilla over, in half. Fry for several minutes, until crispy and browned on both sides, flipping once. Remove to a plate for serving.
Serve: Sprinkle remaining chopped white onion and cilantro on top. Serve with a cup of consommé broth, for dipping.
Chiles de árbol can be pretty spicy and hot. Use according to your spice tolerance. Start with just 1 if you prefer a milder stew. Alternately, if you prefer spicy, add 3 or more árbol chilis.
You can follow the same recipe with other cuts of beef like shank, short ribs or oxtail. Or, try different meats like goat or lamb. If you have a Blackstone griddle, this is a perfect recipe to cook on it. After a griddle, a good cast iron skillet is a good choice.
To Make Ahead: The Birria meat and stew can be cooked a few days in advance. Refrigerate in an airtight container for 3-4 days. To Freeze: Birria meat and consommé may be frozen in a freezer-safe container for up to 3 months. Thaw completely in the fridge before rewarming, to make tacos next time in the future.
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azrielgreen · 2 years
I am dying to know Eddie’s soup recipe from YD 😩
Of course!! I make this for myself at least once a month and it's so lovely.
Eight good sized tomatoes
One red pepper
One head of garlic
One red pepper
(Bonus: 6 cubes of sliced peeled pumpkin)
Olive oil, salt, paprika, honey, brown sugar, sour cream, chives, parsley, 2 large spoons of butter, pepper, Worcestershire sauce (optional) thick balsamic vinegar (optional) vegetable stock, pinch of chili powder if you like a kick.
Method: slice tomatoes and red peppers into quarters, removing seeds (optional for tomatoes, I like the crunchy fuckers) then place them on a tray lined with parchment paper and drizzle with oil, sprinkle salt, pepper, paprika then give a good shake. (Optional pumpkin chunks go on here too)
Wrap the head of garlic in foil, slice the tops off and drizzle with oil then wrap full to go in the oven with the veggies.
Roast for 25 -30 mins at the standard heat everyone uses to cook, i don't know the numbers i just swivel my dial.
Chop the red onion and add to a small pan with the butter, 1 x spoonful of brown sugar and stir in a medium heat until golden brown and caramelised (maybe 20 mins). Once thick and brown, drain the excess and set aside.
Veggies are roasted, drain the excess oil and add with the onions to a bowl. Now add cup vegetable stock and blend until smooth. Once ready, heat on stove for as long as desired. Add (optional) drizzle of honey, Worcestershire sauce, parsley and chilli powder.
Once hot, bowl up with a swirl of sour cream and a fine drizzle of balsamic vinegar with sprinkled chives.
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