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fitnessmantram · 8 months ago
Sculpt Your Legs Inner and Outer Thigh Fat Burning Exercises #shorts #th...
Lean Legs Challenge: Target Inner and Outer Thighs
Target stubborn inner and outer thigh fat with our effective workout! Tone muscles, reduce cellulite, and improve overall leg shape. Ideal for both men and women seeking to sculpt a leaner, more defined physique. Strengthen your hip flexors for enhanced results and better posture.
Ready to transform your thighs? Try our inner and outer thigh fat burning workout! Complement your routine with hip flexor strengthening exercises for optimal results.
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america-oreosandkitkats · 5 days ago
must be making some kind of progress bc i am feeling muscles fire in exercises ive done for years (running mostly) that ive never felt before
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theyogahousetoronto · 2 years ago
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Hip Flexor Stretch: Warrior 1
Virabhadrasana with knee bent
Stretch deeply the front thigh to open the hip flexor. Keep the chest lifted up as if your head is filled with helium. Lift the heart area up towards the ceiling and expand the thoracic spine with a deep breath. If the back knee is uncomfortable, put a towel or extra mat under the knee cap
Warrior 1 stretches and strengthens the:
🔰back, arms, shoulders, thighs, ankle, calves, thorax, neck, inguinal region--groin, lungs, lower abdomen 🔰enhances balance
❗Cautions: Those who have had knee surgery or have weak knees may need to avoid this pose until they gain strength. Those who tire easily or have any heart issues may need to build up to this pose as it requires greater stamina.
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fitness-trending-content · 2 years ago
The Tri-Flexor Get Started Guide (Bulletproof your legs AT HOME!) 💡 👨‍👨‍👦 https://newsinfitness.com/the-tri-flexor-get-started-guide-bulletproof-your-legs-at-home/
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tokyorry · 1 month ago
i think my right side hipflexor has minor inflammation
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freeformboard · 2 months ago
From the Wunda Chair to the freeFORM Board in the rear supported postion with the hip and knee extension.
What do people do all day? Sit and flex so we need to spend more time strengthening the back and opening the chest, abdomen and front of the hips.
This is one of many ways you create extension through the spine and hips using thr freeFORM Board.
Special thanks to Brad Leeon, the owner and founder of Leeon Studio Pilates who was the first to see the potential of integrating the freeFORM Board into Pilates repertoire.
#freeformboard #freeformboards #pilates #pilatesmoves #pilatesexercises #stretching #dynamic #mobility #backextension #backstrength #hipextension #hipflexor #wundachair #pilateschair #pilatesinstructor #pilatesstudio #pilatesneutralbay #neutralbay #fyp
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legotoys-blog1 · 4 months ago
"Đang tập luyện gì? 6Pack sắt thép với bài tập cơ bụng" #sức khỏe #tập luyện #cơ bụng #cơ trung #cơ mông #tập abs
Bạn đang tìm hiểu về cách tập cơ bụng và cơ phần căng lên với thanh nhúng? Hãy cùng tìm hiểu cách tập core strength và six-pack abs hiệu quả để có một vóc dáng săn chắc và đẹp. #abs #core Strength #sixpackabs #coreworkout #hipflexor Strength #absworkout Với chỉ vài động tác đơn giản và hiệu quả, bạn có thể tập luyện cơ bụng một cách toàn diện và hiệu quả. Hãy thực hiện các bài tập đẩy, kéo và…
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cutesophie · 5 years ago
Here's the truth: Most people don’t realize the cause of their problems is tight hip flexors. https://rebrand.ly/HipsFlexors
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thegaitguys · 4 years ago
What do the hip flexors have to do with the knee extensors ?
What do the hip flexors have to do with the knee extensors ?
"It is not about your test, it is what your client displays in your test that matters. They will try to find a way. The load has to go somewhere, and they will find a place to put it, they always do. Finding out how your client cheats, compensates, recruits and fails is the value of the assessment."
This is just a small example of how I approach a client through small assessment window.
As best as I am able, knowing the absolute limitations of a supine examinations translation to vertical loading, I will approach a client's ability to stabilize in all 3 planes of movement. Today, i will micro-dissect a thought process.
The straight leg resistance test (SLR):
just a few incomplete thoughts on a SAGITTAL perspective (so as to avoid writing a book).
I will do it looking at **pelvis posture (anterior, posterior, oblique), lumbar spine posture (incr/decr lordosis), if they can keep their knee locked in a position, does the pelvis rotate, do they want to deviate into internal or external rotation at the hip, do they plantar or dorsiflex their ankle or toes. Lots to see here in how a client will recruit, and this is just a small snapshot of things they might do. Yes, head position, arm position were left out , again, to avoid a longer post today.
I will add consistent (as best as possible) resistance in the SLR test , with full locked knee, at hip 30, 45 and then full straight leg SLR (at the client's hamstring tension limit), then again at 45 degree knee lock with partial hip flexion, 90 degree hip and knee. I am changing loading vectors frequently to see if their is a directional loading failure. I am looking for their ability to provide ample resistance, and how they might cheat (see above).
But here is how my mind works through the test on the most basic level, which will give me insight on the above cheats** the client may employ.
* In the MOST SIMPLEST thought of the assessment, can they EFFECTIVELY stabilize the pelvis to the lumbar spine, can they stabilize the femur into the pelvis, can they stabilize the tibia onto the femur? It is how they choose to engage the system that matters, and that might be partly why their "Screen" shows up shoddy and may be a window into their pain.
The question is, if they fail, where are they failing and what tissues are overburdened or over protecting ? Where is the load, and where NOT is the load, going ?
"It is not about your test, it is what your client displays in your test that matters. They will try to find a way. The load has to go somewhere, and they will find a place to put it, they always do. Finding out how your client cheats, compensates, recruits and fails is the value of the assessment. This is how you need to be thinking when you perform many of the mostly useless orthopedic tests in the textbooks.
This is key,
a SLR screen will not show you any of this, it will just show you their range of motion, nothing more, not how they did it, what parts worked harder than other parts, and which parts are weak, injured or inhibited, for example. It is not what a client does, it is how they go about it that has the most value to you in helping them.
Today's article below is what spurred my rant today. It gives light that most already know, that everything is connected. And perhaps we can translate it into deeper thoughts for our clients, namely, what part is not doing its job, and where are they not connecting the parts, and where are they putting the loads ?
From the Ema study:
"Our findings indicate that hip flexion training results in substantial neuromuscular adaptations during knee extensions similar to those induced by knee extension training."-Ema et al.
We need a stable and strong core-spine-pelvis connection to display powerful knee extension, and, we need a stable and strong femur-pelvis connection as well. So, where is your client doing more or less of the work, and is it related to their hip, low back or knee pain? Or are they tossing it into the ankle perhaps? This is the beauty of the game we all play every day, if we are actually paying attention.
Now, remember my discussion last week about "adding strength to dysfunction" ? Where is your client going to put the load?, the answer, where they can/able. And that doesn't exactly mean where they should be putting it. Mindless prescription of corrective exercises is a real problem in my opinion.
Shawn Allen, the other gait guy.
#gait, #gaitproblems, #gaitanalysis, #correctiveexercises, #running, #hipflexors, #kneeextension, #SLR, #corestrength, #thegaitguys
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018 Mar;28(3):947-960. doi: 10.1111/sms.13008. Epub 2017 Nov 22.
Neuromuscular adaptations induced by adjacent joint training.
Ema R1,2, Saito I3, Akagi R1,3.
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Maintain a good posture is important for our young kids, wearing the posture corrector for 15 minutes a day makes parenting quick and automatic. Get KIDS POSTURE CORRECTOR!™ for a quick parenting hack. ✅ Pain Relief & support for back/shoulders ✅ Improves posture of kids ✅ Encourage correct posture watching TV & devices ✅ Comfortable & adjustable ✅ Invisible under clothes Get Yours Today For 25% Off + FREE Shipping 🛒Get yours 👉 https://bit.ly/K-P-C #posturecorrector #lowbackpain #goodposture #backpainrelief #spinehealth #posturecorrection #neckpain #neckpainrelief #painrelief #lowerbackpain #posture #lowbackpainrelief #movebetter #hipflexors #backstrength #shoulderstability #upperback #betterposture #poorposture #posturematters #lowerbackworkout #mobilityflow #badposture #sciaticapain #neckpaintreatment #headacherelief #jointpainrelief #backcare #posturematters #chiropracticworks #postures (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCb1e6sjNkG/?igshid=6l737sxl6z6c
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thetavernknight · 5 years ago
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I call this a Single-Leg Elevated Cobra Stretch. It’s like a cross between a regular cobra stretch and a runner’s lunge stretch. — This gets a goooood stretch in the Psoas/hip flexors that I’m unable@to feel in a normal cobra. Keep your chest up for a deeper stretch. — I hold for at least :30 but usually go for closer to 1:30. Be slow getting out of the stretch. This is better done on something less squishy than an ottoman but I work with what I got. . . #bostonfitness #cosplayfitness #psoas #hipflexors #homefitness #homeyoga #selfcare #bodybuidling #mensphysique #stretching #fitnerd #superherotraining #mobility #flexibility (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7GwHtqju9i/?igshid=1kkoz7oos0in2
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lllypp1979 · 5 years ago
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🤔What is she doing now??🤷‍♀️ ▫️ 👀 Got any hip flexors mate?! I do not after this little finisher!!🤣 ▫️ 🤸‍♀️ Im no gymnast and this is VERY gymnastic-y, but with great cross-over benefits for anything requiring lower abdominal strength and hip-snap. So leg lifts, hollow body, toes-to-bar, Olympic lifting handstand control, skin the cat, back lever....etc.. If you're looking for those action man hips (definition in your lower abs/obliques, or inguinal crease if we're being fancy🤷‍♀️) this will switch all the right things on! 🙌💪 ▫️ 💪 The further away the hands are from the body, the harder the movement.....I know, I'm working on it!! The hardest part for me is concentrating on only using the correct muscles (mind/muscle connection) and not recruiting my back or upper abdomen to do the work (or my traps!!🙄🤣) causing a pike motion each rep, drawing my head down and using my bodyweight.🤦‍♀️ ▫️ Give it a go and tag me in your videos👀 🙏Thanks @rhymen for the inspiration 🙌 ▫️ #gymnasticsdrills #calisthenics #stalderleglifts #legseleven #leglifts #stalder #straddle #hipflexors #hipflexorstrength #mindsetforfunctionalathletes #mindsetrxd #mindsetforfunctionalathletes #girlswithabs #gainstrain #stayathome #covid19 #lockdown #lockdowntraining #Lsit #yogablocks #iamnotagymnast (at Lytham St Annes, Lancashire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_602gVHB1q/?igshid=smjaho3bdc0z
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gardenofyoga · 5 years ago
When I first started #aerialyoga the fabric placement in flying downwards facing dog felt super intense! Hello hip flexors!! I love playing around with variations of this pose now - it feels so great for my hips and back, but I remember that it took me a while to get comfortable here. I made special cushions for our studio to add a bit of extra padding around your hips, it makes a big difference especially the first few times you try as your body gets used to the sensation. How was your first flying downdog? Love at first flight? Or did it take a while... . . . #gardenofyoga #aerialyogalove #yogalove #yogalife #aerialyogaflow #hipflexors #inversion #northcote #yogamelbourne #melbourneyoga #aerialyogateacher #aerialyogaplay (at Garden of Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7k_tkPA-WB/?igshid=87xd6id030wk
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freeformboard · 4 months ago
Like a mini and portable reformer that is ALSO…
and has an
Unlimited range of motion…with
3 modes of operation….
Supporting linear, angular and circular motion and seamless transitions from any movement to any other….
Strengthen, stretch, stabilize and coordinate while integrating upper body, lower body and core…just like you can see here expertly demonstrated by @dovemountainpilates 👏 👏 👏
#freeformboard #freeformboardpilates #freeformpilates #pilates #pilatesreformer #pilatesexercises #pilatesinstructor #pilatesstudio #core #coreworkout #corestrength #coretraining #abs #absworkout #hipflexors #hipflexorstrength #triceps #tricepsworkout #tricepsdips #pilatesarizona #fyp
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sportyogalady · 5 years ago
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⛷Anyone else getting their #skilegs ready? Sit at a desk all day and need to stretch and strengthen under active and weak #hipflexors? An athlete trying to prevent overuse injuries? . Slide 1: This series addresses both extension and flexion while strengthening and stretching the Psoas and hip and Glute muscles. Intention is given to pull on flexion and push on extension, building stability and challenging your balance while protecting your knees and ankles. . Slide 2: Stretches and strengthens all your hamstring and hip muscles in multiple angulation a, emphasizing injury prevention. . These can be done anywhere, anytime with any body! We hold each phase for 2 seconds and repeat up to 10 reps. Keep weight equally distributed on your feet, do not squeeze with your toes! . . . . . . . . . #sportyoga #yogaforathletes #balancetraining #stabilitytraining #playability #performbetter #injuryprevention #kneeprotector #mobility #poweryogaforsports #skiing #fitmom #workouttips #10minutesaday #stretcheveryday #yogaflow #hamstringworkout https://www.instagram.com/p/B4I6TcPjqli/?igshid=cbcxoemnzsqf
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” It is imperative to have a strong but flexible hip flexor when it comes to movement. What better way of training the hip flexors for movement then training it with a physioball. Leg raises are a great way of training the hip flexors and the lower abdomen by teaching the abdomen to tighten as you lower the legs towards the ground. Want to learn more about your body come train with us. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #exercise #movementislife #movementtraining #movementismedicine #personaltrainer #personaltraining #hipflexors #core #coretraining #fitnessregiments #trainwithbluefit https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mW3S-ASP5/?igshid=btqw75docvao
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