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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” It’s been a while since I’ve done a power clean so i decided to see if i still got it. One thing that’s important about performing this exercise is making sure you have a great flow of movement from the ground up. The high pull has to be performed simultaneously with dripping your heals back and performing a squat. How’s my form? Comment below. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #training #exercise #teachingmoment #gains #powercleans #powerexercise #movementislife #speedtraining #explosiveness #personaltraining #personaltrainer #goals #trainwithbluefit https://www.instagram.com/p/B37Tgiela16/?igshid=1j45xzove3f4r
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” Balance is key when it comes to movement, and this exercise is a great way to get all of the muscles that incorporate balance into play. Check out my client performing some single leg RDL. I love this movement because it focuses on the posterior kinetic chain and teaches the glutes and hamstrings to fire appropriately. To aid with the movement i have my client @symmieautomatic @symmiegetsfit do this exercise by a wall. This helps keep her hip aligned with her spine. Perform 3 sets of 10 either in a coupled exercise or perform by itself. Use whatever weight desired for your own personal gains. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #exercise #workout #rdls #gains #training #personaltrainer #personaltraining #movement #balance #balancetraining #balanceexercise #movementislife #core #coretraining #resistancetraining https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FfzhlgxcS/?igshid=l7xl5uvcbaux
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life, and so shall you move” Balance training is necessary for proper movement. My client has a hard time balancing which affects her swimming. Here’s an exercise that greatly improves one balance overtime. These overhead single leg RDL are an amazing way to implement lever control to an exercise which helps makes a simple exercise become a lot harder. By doing this, you provide the appropriate stimulus for the legs to trigger a better balance exercise. This is an intermediate exercise so don’t try this if you haven’t tried this exercise without the bar or in the overhead position. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps for adequate results. For more information on personal training, performance training, exercise programs, and more. Contact us via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or simply call/email/or text us. All of the information is in our bio. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #training #exercise #rdl #fitnesstraining #performancetraining #sportsperformance #sportsperformancetraining #athlete #athletetraining #sportstraining #movement #balance #movementtraining #movementislife #strength #power https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BU9tmgfzz/?igshid=155yr8c5a522s
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life, and so shall you move” Movement is a perfect representation of balance. When one is balanced, each side of your body becomes synergistic with the other side. For this exercise,the client is performing 2 exercises in one. We are focusing on shoulder stabilization and balance from the hip down. The lunges are to teach deceleration and acceleration while the shoulders are in a overhead position. This helps keep the body upright. For more information on personal training sessions, exercise programs, performance training, or fitness advice, contact us via Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, or simply call/email/text us. The information is in the bio. Book your sessions now for those in the NYC area. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #training #exercise #performance #performancetraning #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #workouts #workoutroutine #personaltraining #personaltrainer #trainwithbluefit #stabilization #stabilitytraining #movement #movementtraining #movementislife https://www.instagram.com/p/B5A6RbLA3Rk/?igshid=1v9jc1hucx54g
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operationbluefitness · 6 years ago
“Movement is life, and so shall you move” Exercise doesn’t always have to be fast paced and explosive. Movement takes all facets and forms. When it comes to the body, somedays you must give the body rest and a form of relaxation. As much as we focus on loading weight and having a load day, we neglect our off load days. Today me and my client focused on relaxing the body and the muscles before her swim meet tomorrow. This exercise is Called the world’s greatest stretch. It’s funny they call it this because it opens up a plethora of muscles surrounding the hip and shoulder joint while focusing on stabilization and core. It’s a great way of isolating the LPHC (Lumbo-pelvic Hip complex) to open up whole rotating from the trunk. I definitely recommend this to put in your warm up regiment before your exercise. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #warmup #exercise #training #personaltraining #personaltrainer #strengthandconditioning #stretching #lightday #offload #strength #power #endurance #performance #performancetraining #rotation https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EpkX9gyBQ/?igshid=1tdlk0w93ype8
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” Today’s workout Wednesday exercise is courtesy lunges to stork hold. This exercise is an amazing exercise that focuses on adduction and abduction of the hips. It is a great exercise for teaching balance and explosive power for lateral movement. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps each leg for optimal performance. For more information on exercise and personal training contact us. We train all over the NYC area and Jersey. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #training #exercise #workoutwednesday #movementtraining #movementislife #trainwithbluefit #gains #exerciseroutine #growth #balance #power #stability #stabilitytrainjng #goals #nyc #nyctrainer #cometrainwithme https://www.instagram.com/p/B3-eQLogAJd/?igshid=18kkcf5tuywdu
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
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“Movement is life, and so shall you move” Progression is the name of the game when it comes to overall health. My client has been training with me for a year and some change and there has been a lot of improvement. One of her improvements is her squat form. Take a look at a video of my client before training with Operation B.L.U.E. Fitness. The first video you can see that she has knee problems that affects her Range of motion when it comes to her squat. Her heels raise and also her positioning of her foot is not where it should be. She wasn’t able to perform barbell squats to to the tension on her knees from an injury that had happen in her foot from falling. After our long journey, she is able to perform barbell squats, but reach a projected Range of motion of approximately 80-90 degrees in the knee and also perform front squats without lifting her heels off the ground. I’m so proud of her!! @symmieautomatic @symmiegetsfit For more information on personal training, exercise programs, performance training, stretching programs, senior citizen training, nutrition and other things fitness, contact us via Instagram or Facebook, or simply call/text/or email us. Our information is in our bio. #operationbluefitness #bosylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #training #exercise #beforeandafter #progression #performancetraining #betterform #personaltraining #personaltrainer #trainwithbluefit #soproud #proudmoment #fit #trainhard #strengthandconditioning #goals #progressivegoals #squats #glutes #gains #progress #progressionnotperfection https://www.instagram.com/p/B5OIh_uA1nB/?igshid=f8bjagskrdb0
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” Train to move fast, not slow. Training with resistance bands provide beneficial results. Here’s one of my swim clients working on her stroke for swimming. By utilizing the band it simulates the resistance of the water. This helps aid in the speed of the arm movement and increase torque. For more information on personal training, performance training, and classes contact us via Instagram, Facebook, or simply email/call/text us. The info is in the the bio #operationbluefitness #bodylifrstyleultimatrenergy #fitness #personaltraining #sportstraining #sportsperformance #strengthandconditioning #workouts #resistancebandsworkout #resistancebands #training #championstrain #goals #trainhard #power #strength #endurance https://www.instagram.com/p/B48RAVZAGUj/?igshid=18y5qkalhffzo
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
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“Movement is life and so shall you move” The best thing you can event do is challenge yourself. My client just hit her PR today on deadlift by doing 95% intensity for 3 rep max of 225! This is an amazing feat because she always psyches herself out when she lifts so i tricked her into telling her she’s doing a lower weight to ease the tension. I’m proud of her @symmiegetsfit @symmieautomatic #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #exercise #training #personaltraining #results #goals #maxout #deadlifts #rdl #soproud #liftinggoals #goalsetting #performance #performancetraining #exercisegoals https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XYDSQgE5W/?igshid=kn7hyq2tskm9
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” It is imperative to have a strong but flexible hip flexor when it comes to movement. What better way of training the hip flexors for movement then training it with a physioball. Leg raises are a great way of training the hip flexors and the lower abdomen by teaching the abdomen to tighten as you lower the legs towards the ground. Want to learn more about your body come train with us. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #exercise #movementislife #movementtraining #movementismedicine #personaltrainer #personaltraining #hipflexors #core #coretraining #fitnessregiments #trainwithbluefit https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mW3S-ASP5/?igshid=btqw75docvao
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” Building your hip flexors is the best way to improve speed! What better way to build them than using a resistance band and performing triple flexion of the hip, knee, and foot. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #exercise #training #speed #speedtraining #movement #movementislife #speedexercise #strengthandconditioning #personaltrainer #personaltraining #hipflexors #legday https://www.instagram.com/p/B3hffu6gfUb/?igshid=1xa21epy0bcor
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” It’s always good getting up early with my clients and training them the best way i know how. Early exercises are good for the body. It helps keep the body alert and awake, speeds the metabolism, and gives ample amount of time for recovery. We grind it out 5 am in the morning. For our exercise today, we forcused on supersetting and compound setting. Super setting is putting 2 or more exercises together that target different muscle groups and compound setting is performing 2 exercises that target the same@muscle but in different areas to achieve total exhaustion. Which do you think is performed in this exercise video? Comment below. For more information on our Early bird Training, DM us or contact us via our other social platforms. (Link in the bio). #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #training #personaltrainer #personaltraining #fitness #goals #lifting #deadlifts #medballslams #earlybird #gettheworm #fattofit #movementislife #performance #strength #endurance #power #explosiveness https://www.instagram.com/p/B1gXw1kgqCM/?igshid=1l1n4slv07ywe
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” It’s been a month and one of my clients was on vacation. It’s good to take a mental and physical vacation to ease the mind and body of stress. But now it’s fine to get back into action. Here’s how determined my client is. She’s training at 5 am. Most people would t train at those times but she’s so focused on reaching her goal she’s in the zone. Check out some of our workouts for today @symmieautomatic @symmiegetsfit #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #exercise #training #personaltrainer #personaltraining #earlybird #strength #endurance #core #coretraining #supermans #goals #workoutmotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/B1YhTS6gwMq/?igshid=19ig8hykpmboc
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life and so shall you move” Today’s Workout Wednesday so I’m posting up an intermediate abdominal exercise performed by my client @symmieautomatic @symmiegetsfit This is a modified version of the Dead Bug with an added movement in the shoulders. This movement will help with the lower abdomen and the shoulder girdle. Perform this exercise as a warm up or a cool down. I recommend 3 sets of 25 each leg to get a great workout in. #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #exercise #training #personaltrainer #personaltraining #strengthandconditioning #core #coretraining #workoutwednesday #gains #corecontrol #fattofit #strength #power #endurance https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jMa0qgQSG/?igshid=advvwvgqify7
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
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“Movement is life, and so shall you move” Today was a different day for me as it was a day to relax and have family time. Today i went on a run with one of my family members as we bonded on exercise and life. I ran the Brooklyn Bridge with my cousin as It was one of his bucket list things to do. It was all fun and therapeutic. Looking forward to doing it more often. @thevoitel #operationbluefitness #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #exercise #training #running #run #brooklynbridge #family #familyaffair #familyworkouts #dopetimes #needtodothismore #exercise #familyexercise #love #strength #power #endurance #strengthandconditioning #personaltrainer #personaltraining #amazingsaturday #labordayrun https://www.instagram.com/p/B11gEeEg4qF/?igshid=16imzzo91uhlr
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operationbluefitness · 5 years ago
“Movement is life, and so shall you move” Today’s workout Wednesday so today’s exercise is called Bulgarian Split squats. This exercise targets the lower body. It’s a great exercise to build the glutes and strengthen the quads. I recommend this exercise because it’s great for core control, great for stability, and single leg strength. I recommend performing this exercise for 3 sets of 8-10 reps. This exercise can be done on a Trx, a bench, or a chair. If you want to make the exercise easier use a lower bench. Or perform the exercise with no bench as a regular lunge. Use whatever weight you are comfortable with and Add this exercise to your arsenal. For more information on exercise and training regiments contact us via Facebook, Instagram, Email, or simply call and/or text us. (Link is in the bio) #operationbluefitness #workoutwednesday #bodylifestyleultimateenergy #fitness #exercise #exerciseprograms #training #personaltrainer #personaltraining #performance #core #coretraining #stability #legday #legworkout #strength #endurance #power #speed https://www.instagram.com/p/B1cRKbZAWtv/?igshid=jldauwkri1vb
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